THIS WEEKS 7850 Copies lJTROlllEDI As sccouoI FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Continuous Show Scd Starts 230 Thur Fri In ISSUE TH CLASS RAM DEPT OTTAA 85th YeoriNO I2 noon HOUSE OF HITS Mayor Mayor emphasized lthc importance of Clillailing finuch as possible every expendi tture that was Inot ubsolutelyl Ineccssary when hcnpened the budget discussed at the Town lCoulicil last Tuesday night Reech IGeorge Clark chairman of finI ance presided for the committecl discussion and the budget was Iparcd by several thousand dol jlars The biggest cut was in the esti Imatcs of the board of works This llizid been reduced from figure of 1397000 to $60135 Ald Griffin lsaid it meant great deal of the Iplznlncd work vOuId not be car ried out because the money would 15 Ills sword flashed 73 vengeance his arms held file ve Shows Si pm Town Budget Slashed $37000 ReductiOn rom Board asked will ELLEN DREW GEORGE mom MACREADY BUCHANAN RAY MARC COLLINS PLATT JK ANDYICLIYDE FOX NEWS We 122 oi DENNIS F0 nOt be available However he and Engineer Brisco and Town Clerk ISmith had been advised to pure the estimates so the reduction Iwas made It had been planned to spend ISLSO for three miles of surface Itreatmcnl on Collier Mulcastcr IOwen Charlotte Wellington To Ironto Sophia Worsley Ioyntz iBrock and William streets This runs one of the items struck out When Ald Tlalnbly suggested paying for this work by deben tures it was pointed out that this was maintenance and only capital expenditure could be paidfor by debentures The Mayor spoke of the school board grants Ho said he had TAftcr further consideration on Tuesday night Town Council rc affirmed their previous decision to discontinue the grant of $1200 for the CitizcuSffBand Bandmzister Austin ap peared before Council and made an appeal for the grant to be con tinlicd IIe saidothc main diffi culty had been that the band had not had satisfactory place to practice First we were in the Legion but they required the hall for meetings Then we were in the Town Hall and we practiced there with our overcoats on in Winter Later we got the Odd fcllows Temple which was avai able imtil September Finally with the cooperation of the May or got spade iii the Armoury but that room was evenfdallyi3 quireId and was locked to us Mr Austin related that theband had been playing for the hockey games for two years First 16 tickets were provided and then that was reduced to 10 tickets and this caused ill feeling among the men Therehad been no pay ment made for these engagements not even letter of thanks of Works the public gtllthl board to reconsider their estimates and they held tptLltll meetingund icdliccd Illtll budget by $2000 In connection with the high school lttldilic Mayor said there had been It surplus of $25000 last ear The BCI board had set asidei 311000 for scholarship fund and the remaining $14000 was turned over to the holy high school areal board The iltiuiil probably could reclaim the $117000 but it would benefit only by about 55500 be cause the money would go intol the high school Illtil budget for 1940 Sumlmiy mu lllt $li000I This did not go back to the town but Barrie would benefit to the extent of 57000 this your becauscl Barrie Wuttld be paying about halfI the C051UTllitlliilcililllto this year Turn to page llllltlu pleasc COMING EVENTS TeenAge Youth First Baptist Church St Tuesday March 30 12b Rummage Sale Trinity Parish Hall Saturday April 10 Auspices WA Doors open am 12b IVIotorcycIe riderst dont forget the club meeting Monday March 22 Int Earl BRITTSI Motorcycle Shop 33 Collier St ll pm 121 for Christ Clappcrton mm Grant to CitizensBand COMEDY nun was present at the Arena The liglltsvcitt out the flag was fly ing in the breeze and there was an awful silence for several mini Lites The band did not play He thought it was disgrace for Citizens Band Mr Hurt asked who ran the Arena to permit this situation and till reply was that the Junior hockey team ran the Arena on their nights Mnyor MIayor introduced motion suggesting curtailment of $1000 from the recreation grant if the band grant was go ing to be made This suggestion opened lip discussion on the re creation committee Finally Ald Pouchcr presented motion that the band grant be discontinued and this was carried SPECIAL BOY SAIiVAGE WILD IRISH ROSE unit an or unvnl rm EVENING STAR mortal mourn usz nos or IKILIARNEY MV NELIIES BLUE EYES with ARLENE DAIILI ANDREI KlNIr ALAN HALE GEORGE TOBIAS GEORGE TORIEN BEN BLUE SARA ALLGOOD Matinee Wed 230 Eve Shovlrs 655 and pm EXTRA titling ATTRACTION PLAYING ENTIRE WEEK BARBARA ANN SCOTT in TIIUR rRI SAT five Snows THUR rm JOHNNYMACK MONDAY Chanipions in the Making FEATURES Mnrsnr 230piii At and 815 pmg 2ndit 7339WN if TUESDAY WEDNESDAY IMATINEEWED230 pm EVE shows and 845 pm In Darryl Emma Production at VICTOR 0060s MISEIIOBKS IOIIIO NlIIIIII ENTRIES lllIOIIlOI 20th cmwtvroxm Triumph ALLSTARPEATUnEsz orchestra in Barrie had met with Another source of difficulty was the Luniforms The bandmaster said most were motheaten and there were only 16 members of the band who could turn out in uniform As far aSengagements are con cerned we have accepted all We did not ask donations but we were glad to ireceive them We got some of $25 and one of $50 We could not complete our Sum ter concerts because We could not get placeto rehearse Not being able to get place to storet instruments have been paying $5 month out of my oWn packet Mr Austin spoke of various bands he had Idireetcdineluding one he had taken to play for We weekssatIIIItheICITE in 1941 The 391 Band was also men tioned Bandmaster Austin said he had been blocked when he put an ad in the paper to teach music IBCI band members he said had been advised notlto Iake lessonsi from him They wer told to gel to the Toronto study The plansto form symphony oppositionfjront certain quarters In reply toa question Mr Aus tin saidthere were 28 active mem bers in the band and therewere 12 instruments that belonged to the Town The Bandinaster said he had aband of 60 musicians at Alliston and this bandjhad earnI ed $350 in six months matter of the band grant was idiscussed at some length inIcom rnitteeI Ald Lougheed said youIcant expect Iaband for $1200 p1us$500 ifor instrumental Ha th0ught the Council representative onthexband committee liad begnj at fault for Inot making It known to Council llhere was no pIace t01practice he felt Mr Austin had done good job and he also believed Barrierneeded town band woAOLthreMembersireferred to the statementregarding the BCI Band and asked how it would be possible for the BCI band leaderito influence the pupilsaIfter they had graduated from the band Ald Griffin said this was in case andIAld Mary Laurie said If this Iwas so it was an influence not good in the town Deputy Beeve Hart asked about the statement that pupils should go to Toronto to take lessons Ald Corbett said it would not be possible for pupilsIto take les Isons from two handmapters at the same time because all music teachers had different styles and methods Ald Ayres re1erred to one oc feasionj when the CltlZeIlS Band Conservatory to After Mr Austin had lengthel inection EASTER HOLIDAYS Watch fordates next week 435 MARYS PAIlIslI INGO ROBERT GUTHRIE ALIVE ALTHOUGH STRUCK 3v TRAIN Robert Guthrie age 30 of RR Mindy Bay sitting in thc cab of his truck last Men day night when itavas struck lltJtl on by passenger train and he is alive today He was rcllJsed from the hospital at tirillia yesterdayj The young man was driving the truck home about 830 last Monday night and was proceed iii north on concession line from the Shanty Bay Road lowards Highway II is truck apparently stalled on the NR crossing at the time the north bound train was approaching about 35 miles an hour The engine struck the cab door head on and hurled the truck aside and tossed it about 10 feet into il ditch The truck engine and cab were wrecked The driver was removed from has placed on stretcher and taken to rillia in the baggage car of the train There he was met by the NR physician Dr It If Ilipwrll and removed to the Soldiers Memorial Hos pital After 18 hours in the hospital lr Guthries condition was such that he was released to return to his home Xrays hall reveal ed no broken bones Engineer of the train was WiI iinn lute and the conductor was James Sinclair Trains were delayed along the main line and it required three hours to niove the wreckage The night was foggy and rain ing and the roads ill the vicin ity were slippery with ice lrov Cons Walter illic hollsc and NR ofcials inves ligated Spring Days are Here IBuf Nights Still Cold lhursdav Friday and Saturday Inights last week tliehtcmperauirc idropped below zero but goiter ally speaking Spring weather has jprevailed during the days Snow is melting everywhereand some of the concession roads are dan gerously icy High and low temperatures dur ing the past seven days Were IIIGII LOW 11 16 ll 30 13 20 37 Ihlar is 30 Mar 10 WI IMar 17 32 Mar Mar Mar Mar Ill 22 22 ATTENTION Legionaires All lLegion Members going to the gene Meeting in Midland on Sunday March 21 Bus will leave Legion hail 1230 noon at Wednesday March 24 85 pm NewParish Hall MulcasterSI PRIZES CHICKENs HAMS FRIUITS GROCERIES Admissipnv 35c community Concgrl Associatiiin We halve been wired IIIOIIereWYOIk that Miss Eileen Farrell Door Prize Members of the Barrie is ill with inuenza but will fill hefhgageifsdater Prob leYyouimis eelfrom the air hlsu Miss Farrells concert in Barrie March 19th willvbe postponed until later We regrettanotifLyouof this change and wOuld ask you to watch The Barrie Ekamin IerIIfor the newdate of her concert EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE if TliPubllici IS Iviteidli torAtlehd IA Handicraft nanny SEWING EVENING VOCATIONAL EATEERCRAFT ICKLASSES SHOWCARD WRITING Itlt haw lcliliiliiaiioil izccond straight shutout er the wreckage unconscious and iltStlMtLIll cchtic Larry 7b Sbl BARBIE BEAT WINDSOR ZO Ila It built SIMIIEIL Ju lII Windsuz night and ill Dullj Just one gililsi aim ion Illt UiiA JIZIJIII ciiaiiptongtiipi The pint tofrfth game to Bar rte on Sarii night Fliers woi lliltv games of the III Last ulgl the lust IllllL Bat Windsor this Nily 011 If Wilidsoi should Vlll onI SalUttlt To to thc Mtler llll ic cldiiig game would be back in Windsor next Monday Facing Spits Will be desi pttutcbalid on Saturday Tiill Straclian was in tln llltsl for Burrit again alid recorded his Gil IIaygt with the quI Borne ZWmdsor OILT JR FINALS51h GAME At Windsor March 17 BARth IIYI1RSAioaI sumii an ItItli Iaricpy Long ecnv tre call wings Maycr AltNab alternates Guarda Reid Irciru Barrett AIRID IItr Iaveio WINDSOR SPITFIIIIuS Gould Walnislcy defence Oucllctte Bert Wilson Wings Ilaidy John Wilson alter Inates Uliiac Church Ilusch IIay Qlinckcnbush ost OFFICIALS Il alik icillriliid Iioiiic McKay IionoI Elliott Stl tithtliiilcs Charlie iood IUltllllllu FIRST PERIOD IiilltltHAIRlIl lSt Iicrrcl IcnaItieswGuarda Wilson IroiioVOst Barrett 000 Favoro IJ Quacluinbnsh SECOND PERIOD Barrie iaricpy Mayer 12 III No penalties lIlIRI IIIRIOD No score tr major CAL IBARRTE TEAMS SEMIFINALS TONIGHTj There is doubleheader OMHA semifinal attraction at Barrie Arenatonight Thurs dayt Two local teams are still after titles ill the class Barrie llyers Bantams meet St Jutliarines The locals have fourgoal decit which they hope to make up tonight In the second match Barrie IIlycrs Midgets plily Hamilton first game of the seminals Barrie Juveniles Eliminated 95 By St Catharines from the OMHA Juvenile semi finals when they lost 95 here last night toISt Catharines Lions 1947 allOntario champions St Kitts took the round by 11 goals having won the first game at home on Monday 125 They meet Kitchener in the nals The visitors were speedy cic vcr team They led 30 in the rst session and increased to 62 in the second Only in the last period did Barrie comc back to Show on even terms Each team tallied three titties Tomorrow Friday March 19 will be the official opening of the Barrie branch of Hunts Limited one of the largest stores of their 36 branch es throughout Ontario In tthspacious premises on the north side of Dunlop street the main floor and basement have been en tirely remodelled In addition to the large store there is ample accom modation for the modem units of baking equipment at the north end ofzthe building will be done hereHunts specialize in bread pastries and cakes and they cater particularly for anniver sary occasions where decorative Fakes are required Ice cream is also Ia specialty TITO bakeI shop includes alargc walkint refrigerator gt dough mixer convenient work tabl es and huge automaticallycon trolled baking Ovefi Attractiver decorated throughout angbrlghtiy lightedhe new store presents an inviting appearance Huuts Barrie store will have staff vilhMrsAntiiavcincharge of the store and JameszMilne as chief baker Nearly all employees arcIresidents of Barrie Allan Tribble proprietor OLCot tys Cleaners slipped while going down the steps at the Arena after last Friday nights hockey match and sustained fractured bone in his right wrist JETPLANEIAZOOM It OVER THE TOWN AT 590 MILES All noun gt jet plane zoomed over Barrie for few moments last Saturday and again during the neon hour yesterday Eew per sons actually saw the plane but hundredsI saw the trail foffi vapor Darling through the upper regions at speed of probably 500 or 600 miles an hour the plane left trail of vapor that To be held in Pirincei of Wallis School jtlllalihilalmis Tues March TEA WILL BEsSERVED 23 8930 pan gAuspicesoI Iqrrie Board Chairman 301 Education REV DR SINCLAIR WM BELL Principal During the noon hour yes telday the jetpropelled ma chine roared comparatively low over the town and then proceeded to the east end where it was headed straight Iup into the air The plane went directly up like rocket to an altitude of posslbly two miles and then headed south It was thought the plane might have comnI from Trenton or Toronto All baking for the Barrie store automatic IIlillllillilltlil Ilaidjc filliiA IN Barrie Lions were clinllulcdi 0010130001113 OPENING HERE IFRIDAY 19TH XAMINEzn BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH 18 1948 Section 3Poges TS to 22 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BRAND NEW PICTURES OHWIIAIA OAT WAS BERRY EverybodyI love affairs were her businessl POWER JANE WITHERSIAMES lYIlON RAYMOND WKIBURNDONALDMEEK CHAIRS WIGHT GRAN wnum IIPUOUC PICTURE ION THE SAME PROGRAM ora loneers with WILLIAM ELLIOTT BOBBY BLAKE ALICE FLEMING Revenge manhunt Tor guiltloss pair with STEVE Blunt Aunllllll 42nd New Gil Illlllliitlllillllli onus EOWlEl Starring mum OlllllEE iisnll ROBlllllS Anne Lee James Ellison Stephanie Bachlor umimmmmmmm maze NOTICE SIMICOE MEDICAL GROUP wcllirrLE SMITHI AD GRAY RG TAYLOR Request their patients to make appointments for office consultiiOTTerllreh lst Emergencies and acutely ill patients will be lockedIaIter withoutappointment NOTICE IDLE RuneIIst their patients to make appointments for office consllltationS III COMMENCING EMERGENCIESWILL BE TAKEN CARE IOFIWITHOUTI APPOIIIITMENE ltlt NIERRUPTIWS fI are barely keeping withinIOpIthTOi PlOlSe continue as Cit present to divoid lineedless use of electricity hindinterru lions will 7th Ibe hceSsIctIiyiA uouuoo wuUlMnnudlmMW SeymourInIDrQWA Dbidg