CANADIAN Pl OWMEN ABROAD by CIARK Presidonl ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION lri II will Zlt lltiti Luck rill iu ilit tttI mg In lil iltl lil KIA llti f37l It tIl ilillil although iri lHu lEii Ilk illi Igtl llilllitlil flilfll zi lliitiii iIlrllitli GYPT EX TEXTURE PAINT To transform drab old walls and ceilings into bright neyygyills with Ollie charm of an inviting texture decorate with onecoot GYPTEX Just twosimple steps Brush it on like pointr2 Put it with sponge or crumpled newspaper wrapped in cotton cloth no Gyptex does complete iob no tinting required as it comes in beautiful tints of Ivory Buff Blue Green Pink and White lOIb Package $150 2545 to ixas le nilltltls would li totalitiol ll Illtl Liiitull my in iIll1ille It tzimg lLe laiiiitis Li iiui illtlAlllr liltiilrlalvn Mm itheir farms they still favor the AfillNER BARBIE ONTARIO CEiXADxi lnr litti pituil iii in artnun in are ilrtu tit tliltl Match Stimuli and Dianne Iliii Ir istvkr in Tur ttl Irtili tl In ililtl tin lhtil oi giv til lritl 1th lltrtram and My lflr Wrtktnd in about tltllrtll tl thorns Ielt last Wetk for Ilii 82113 In liilti hlitlttltl liltIIJII Elctt Ihfl 7i iLIltl Mrs Uiyttl Edwards Llioll rlli the weekend with 15 11iti patents 3izoii liitilitxli Muzlhim be iiii 111 1Iiitl St Johns Church on keep shiin Mason at ll urn babel tainpbcll and Miss liiiyii of loiomo were at Innis for the weekend ii ltozunson liii McFad tuiu tui Hell tillage trustees It all Itvlolllo last week attendr the llxillo convention Ikl Mrs lcadlay Cooks ud Mrs IraCc Elm itllilltlttl the 10th annual tutu1 old Boys llttllllun in Illltl Saturday tvfi titi acii ixl laziti tan extiti rp ot 1i tltl lSSlgtliltt llrii lillillttl l1l tile in In tunii Jlltl ill it ltgtllllililll Stirlinlitt 151 SOL lllli lttl ll1l Ul tiitli the li not as lltil and they tlarieltue littkI iriutc lii neip than ti tit2 lil iltilll Ititioi ulllltl 11in lllllllllllllll ltt lot it tIfiY Wttli gt liti llltl lll tlli hllhhhnuw zlrlninhdny AW llgtllll oiithilay celebration was iiIil at the home of Mr and Mrs shoiii Latigmaii on Feb2ath imam M1 In Mis lltiniiali Langinan cele Iiiigs Ilttl lltl 93ml birthday and her Although 1iiid luiioi ls iill tit gltllltltllillgllltl Kay Parnell ltHlltlll in lliitaiii ti tieriii istimhiaietl her lllli birthday 1oirds ziiitliaiiiatioii iid llltli leiitytie tiicnihcrs of the lln is big demand tor llllttlll 12 writ present lull kinds The country siiziu 1r llmml SDWWN NI Elmvalt meg wtii Slippllttl uiui iiiioif 0n Mondaymurmurs and utter VtUIIt tractor Ioi ttl loui antb II Hull Slimmer senile of land under cultivptzoiil liie IT mm 3h PBIITI 31 Elm pressure 01 wartiviie tlllliiilltl was Hm it fun 0i gt monio in tiaigt tpiesenta ll1t INN 11 lllllllr MIN tives lliilll raighurst Allenwood mm Sitllllll and Eluiyalc Wls were very Ii1tle iiterlitiiiiioii Ill III present handling of crops en lc sou Ionly one izitiiiure sltliailrl 11 iiild If just iii slanth now lawn and Win Rey il Inuit property of the till occupied by tlii lill ii The aieiuce tappioxuiiatel and 3115 Erin pounds soizietiints vii the Stlbjttl and proved mosr lllklkSllllgu ltheir method ol handling Villillll is Kiwanis Festivall still antiquated and slow oiigratulations are due to the We toiiiitl the British liirizieisIUIiHIt Ix illltl LJYIS 0f Ellnvalt cheerful and optimistic illltllil the lllkll SkllIfIlIAVIIO l00k pill at my future This is not hard to tihtt duwam lestzval held in Toronto crstaiid since tieriiulitzru is iioirjlhS Im humble dlCPd and M1 llilltilltlll the number of girls was lm lsiiiill oiily 23 they competed The farm landsiroiiiidluiis loll1mm mm sewmymve and ian near the llllll oi llillll were mm worthy mention 1mm me ad wc thought the best lll the main Jmhumn their tone rhythm land clearness of eniinciation He Agricultural prices are good ll expressed the hopes that they thouin controlled Slll1llt iritwould continue in progress still in ellcct on number of lltlllS they had good foundation Mrs and for this reason li is illllltlgtgtlllltilllilll1tllo was the capable pian to compare llrpish and taiizidiaii 51 Ilfl ROWIUPUDICII 10ml put Mustc blipCIVISOI at Fciitival Miss lava Rumble was congrattiv BRIle PLO MIA WXIOUR lzited for her standing in the three T0 COMPETII IN NADA coiitralto Classes of 25 competitors At the iiititchcs several of the British plowiiien expressed IvItlvul in Toronto sue tocoiiipite iii tiiiadian Although not plowing match them that it they did ttllllt thcjIwlh adjudlcmor who Com would have to plow according tollmjniofl he pQfCCIPIICII 3mg our rules Just as we had to abide 1LI31ft Ange Ylmcldws me 33 iby tlieiFstandards iii BlllllldR $19115 5191 $93M While the British ploiiicn use HML be 05 Na the practical style of plowing oii iilltl winning top Delilah Williams Lord Samson and Noon Vaughan Pardon Us Gracious Bach Curling Trophies Won The final game in the curling contest for the Boys Cup was playerb on Feb 28 between rinks skipped by Christie and Balesand resulted in victory for the latter team composed of George Graham John Robinson Bunistead and Bate skip and hiin cut work and narrow furrow by lot matches dont think it will be long untilthey arc copying our style One thing that seemed strange to us about British plowing was ithe general use of the wheel ilerle of course oiin the young boysuse wheels The Salada horse plowiiieii John Lapton and Alt Bruntoii had icuiious experience the first tinietney Melvin Ritchie Cope they PIOWCd in Britain Orcrjland and Christie The Mc tiiere the farmers say Wtia in Carthy Ctip was won by score of stead of Whoa Wstop then 33 by Dyer Alphel horses The difference in expres HaFFY ROWICY and MCAUIEY sion was at first almost as confus SIIPI WEI DOVneyvM ing to the bars as it was to tlicl rmCC Smpson and noises iBurton Sklpl Saurin there were number of other factors about the British farms saurm met at M15 Bum trtds th es that caught our eye Glen McFad on Ch pr din was particularly interested in the construction of their barns and their method of feeding cattle Dean to speak in May An even while tissHarc was imprc ed mg meeting will be held on April With the neatncss of thebuildih iultizifmllTESTCT FrrTchTlie and the care of the 13nd Branch will enter the contest Bet Barns in Britain are quite dif IfgalnhggrgisgIYSTEOBailing mlem mom oms Tm me notlalls on Mar 17 Mrs Earl Parnell the meeting It was decided to in vite the DistrictPresidcnt Mrs Sash after Win titalitini has purchased the east 01 the llchy Personality and DressI for in each class at the Kiwanis Fes piiinlud out in awardsshereceivcd high standing Hcart at Thy Sweet Voice from SilentI who won by 94 over Dow ent Two quilts were quilted at as largeforone thing being just one storey and are rather squatty in design They are inaderof stone Iand Mrs Ritchie were appoint ed nominating committee Mrs Strath gaVe an interesting pap tniIIl in 59a ii ti iltiLtlilzf iii iii lit Iiiil itl 1111113 rngtigett in the it til ii it til tlltllitlll rn Liv 3nd flt l1itl lieitlctl lil Wt land He has iiitiiitier tl tin IUUI Lottgc TH Midland unit is ti ldal ilstfltl thiiuMiI ta Elltllllhill Ul SI Alitlltts lltiiltll Ytliulltl The funeral was held in Welland tori Match with burial in Wood Ilaivii triiictery Mi inti tira llarvey Itowley and Norman both to Eliiivaltn attended the liiiieial lie is survived by his Widow Mis Matiltld Miller Ritchie and ti emu llatid Iiitehan and daughter Mrs liiirles Oates nlso boil of Welland also one liiotlier Noiintin Ritchie and ii ilhltl Mt Wm iretulaw tlriiilicli both o1 ILIIIHali David Scott Viho Iiad attack of has tetottieti toiii plilely llugli McLean who was reported seriously ill at the SltVrllrtIll ileiii oiail Hospital Alliston has re lturiied to his home and pio lgressmg favorably The Late Mrs lhos Murphy Sincere sympathy is felt Io tonil gitltirphy and family in the loss of In loving wife and mother The ilatc Mrs Murphy puswssetl il gen ial personality and she enjoyed the friendship of ti very wide circle who appreciated llet jovial manner and her Irish wit For those who knew her Wtll her iiieiiioiy will Ihc keepsake Hospitalization Insurance The llllllll5 group llltl at ltlr and Mrs Wes Scotts 32 pre sent and Wes Scott ii the chair Louise Culley Mrs ieo Cadu ggtiii and Gordon Beswethcrick of lthc Barrie Branch Simcoe otiiity Federation oft Agriculture attend lfl After the usual business the subject in which all were most interested in Hospitalization Iii siirtiiicc was clearly outlined by Mrs George Catlogan llie Sim eoc Cooperative Services offer to Farmers groups for nominal considcration trivial iii compari son with the real value Smoke one box of cigarettes less in one wcek and investigate what that fsmall amount can do loi you in this Hospitalization scheme When your doctor says you must lgo to hospital where you hate all facilities to work with you more fluids than can be had by iiiouthopcralion and close ob servation by trained personnel is absolutely necessary tlicrc looms iii front big hospital account We may not just at the time be its always necessity of advanced payments in hospital No worry for patients nor hospital stall white card is laid on the desk No cmbarrassmg moments for anyone EVlSGd by your doctor may be life or death Under Siincoe Coop cost of hospitalization is yester days dream Louise Collcy Recreation Direc tor loi Siincoc County led in live lv games cnioyed by young and old alike All work andiio play makes Jack dull boy and has the same eect on Jill Gordon Bcswetherick spoke briefly onthe Bass Lake project but there was little time left for Gordon We will welcome back and wish success to this new undertaking rRefreshments were served and profitable and jolly evening brought to close TWO FINED FOR FEASTING ON Game warden Ellington was oc cupying hotel room at Huntsville need in position to haticlle it and yetl when upon admittance the littch Admittance to hospital when adv erative Medical Service the high him MOOSEMEAT IN HALIBURION carom 5It Pllll It has in In Willis vltl tli spout titifr IIZ sttn Ill lirtiiix The tlitluitl Yll ll Lili Huntt KiLl in Itlutii is liit Ellic Iii tilltun ts KrIl lluli tail of llht limit tell lriiousiup cotltelzvr look tlliilt ot lIie lliltllll Readings titiv gtfl in Hill Neilly ticurge Kcll Hlilllt Todd and Illlltl Tilda klttllhl iiill gate an interesting tiiIK iliilits ill close of the metlint eouipiited an interesting iiiiitiiiti CHURCHILL was iispiizititil Ilit Illiile itll March Mr and Mrs Edgar Sturgeon nurtured In Toronto on Friday Mansfield Itariisiin had vtiy successful sale of Farm stock tint iiiipleiiient on Wednesday Sniii Neville and family lith moved to the Ramsey ltiriii neai tiioksltiwii SI Ptltl Illtrl till llltllntlll lat the home of Mrs ll lhomti Mrs Sloan presided Mission Iiiry papers were giveiihy scverai of the ladies and llStIISMLI Sew ing was hale material Pot Luck supper was then served The of St Peters met or Saturday at Joan Souibbs witl eight members present The wor ship period was in charge of Ray laylor with Joan Squibb reading the scripture and Shirley ltcivi mid Shirley Brooks giving lllt lptirablc ol the Magnet in two parts ltttcrs were read from the Uiueesian Secretary icwdutcs for LA examinations and festival work Arrangciiicnu were made for visit from Mrs Kenny Regional Supervisor The Leader gave talk on the Biblc Study King David Handicraft consisted of napkin were woven of wool iIlII plastic An hours fun was enjoyed on the hills tobogganing then all atl Jotiriied to the house where the hostess served hot supper Sam and Billy Neilly of Giiford spent Sunday with Faris and Keith Sinclairf Mrls Reive spent Sunday in Sutton with her parents The February meeting of tht Churchill WMS was held it Mrs Robert Sinclairs with splendid attendance Mrs Wm lattcisrm presiding The Bible for the Women of the World was the theme for the day Mrs Gordon Mair read passages for scripture study Chapter The Price of Splendour taken from theStudy book Great is the Company by Violet Wood wasgiven by Mrs Constable St Patricks supper iii the school room of the church was decided upon The members were glad to been away for some time The WA held their meeting also with Mrs Russell Stewart presid ing The usual amount of business was completed and lunch was whenlreoverheardlarcncelaggl boasting of feedingohioosc meat As the result of investigation it was found that Daggwvasright Margaret Davidson of Hollow Lake Haliburton County paid ne of $20 for having moose meat rings which welcome back Mrs Wilson who has WARMth IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER Our representative will gladly give you Free Estimates has ickcrs Barrie Phone 4532 Illiin Graham Shanty Bay Ihoui ro 1515 Frank Armstrong btroud Phone 2lR5I All Work Fully Guaranteed Ask about our Home Ini provement Plan 12 Months to Pay SEALRITE INSULATION CO iirrciiiNsoN ARNOLD FORMER 0R0 iillni Ilil lliillltS vrvcd by Mi Suicltiii and lot assisting hostesses An important part of my dict cvrr since my rst bottle has lircn Crown llrund Zorn Syrup Now that 1111y he lll right for littlccliariictcr like mysclf but Irt inc tell you these growntips SlerVllfL lutky what with Mom serving them Crown llranil Zorn Syrup with so many of their dishes And she uses it in her lmkllll too as it sivcctcncr can hardly wait until Im old enough to have some hot lellts or pancakes smothered with delicious Crown Brand If its as good as it is in my Cereal5 iiiiiimniiii For years doctors have recom mended the use of Crown llrand Zorn Syrup as satisfactory Cirrho hydrate acting as milk modifier for lgpttlefed infants CROWN BRAND CORR SYRUP THE cANinA STARCH COMPANY trii MONTREAL TORONTO Also Manufacturers Canada Corn Sincl cae Double Your Money lock it you dont ogieo that Thomas Ritchie 57 Myrtle Ate had helped 081W the moose inm Welland passed away inWelland the b0 iheLodge ships made the goodwrll bunt up Dont ask questions re adlets ad am therwnaaesmblwthh ressed to box number Send or results may be 1939 fal PIEBChmE leave your name and address than we can imagine The youngest member of our party John capton is the idol of all Britain Winner of the Salada Silver medal for horse plowing John had such wonderful time gt the tractor rize so thathe can gt visituBritain and northern Ireland again gt Our sponsors are to be co pacied for their enterprisein promoting this trip They did everything possible to make our visit protable and entertaining as did the officials of Ontariaand Canada House in London AS pleasnnt conclusmn to our trip wew had comfortable return voyage ylFVE INSURED ATNO EXTRA theme Elizabeth We have had grand tripFatl of ust hope our goodvfortune will Sour pal RA FinanceCompaiiy libhys Dedpiovgned loans are the most dolicioui beans youve and have slate roofs Inside they are divided into compartments Cattle are fed the year round in open pens These pens have and Dagg was assessed similar Sleieelregacduukiarg amount for being an accessory he read poem Down on the Farm having enjoyed feast of moose Death of Thomas Ritchie meat Evidence showed that Daggl 599 5350 DEM486 roof and one or two open sides ever tasted SEE THE GYPIEX Their method of threshing DEMONSTRAIION istruck us as unusual They tliiesh only when the grain is needed which is about once weekand MON TUESU VWEDI MARCH 222324 thn bring the stacks the 17 WALLPAPER barn where the machines are kept PAINT STORE 82 Dunlop St abroadfl would say that we have had the opportunity of seeing how other people live and work as well as acquiring knowledge which we can put to good use on ourfarms On trip such as the one we have had there are some things which are hard to evaluatethe friend 1osum up our experiences Phone No 3270 hotlunch at noon is as simple ml Trrrirz as When you reach for tin of Libbys DeepBrowncd Beans InlCSS thadlt minutes theyre piping hot ready to Servc And deliciousis the WW wordionjthgseitibby beangfriieyw farmers and will swell the entries in next years International Plow ingMatch TV cooked tricifxciiisivtLiisbytvaywhic digtbrovrn them to succulent tenderness then drenched in Tabby owntangy tomato NWLAMarch George Brown is home frpm Trenton Herb Preece was home from Torontofontheweekend The Mission Band of the United Church met on Saturday at Mrs Bert Brodericks with good at1 tendance Despite the blizzard on Tuesday enough women gathered at Mrs McLeans to complete two large quilts These quilts will later be sauce Sechowithe youngsters gofor theirWholesome goodness rind trillbedledrflayour Just heatrandscrve beshared by many more Canadian Without Endowed Rates under $563 lunar than Governnitnt ceiling above $500 errii IOIIti ID hank type SECUIIII in so by IeadI8JWellrs Evrywhere gt uixl you sent toEurope At the last euchre held March there were 20 tables played Thel Winners Were Ladies ilst Mrs Wm Culbert2nd Mrs Wm Rey holds Men lst Jim Bateman 2nd Mrs Depew as man Dom Mrs Dixon onBcntley the Lin Elwolll Mc ay Wllliams Mrs Farm gwiltson limo no Square more 3335 tl+5Mtr WWW MA Co film 71de 07