BlllllEJllERS MEET Wiitll Adams stall THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies AJIHORIZED A5 SECOND CLASS HAIL IO DIPL OTTAA vV RUSTY AIKIN DON ASIIBEE Extensive Improvements In Barrie Meat Market Alterations and imptoventents tending to greater efficiency and conveniench have been going steadily on at the Barrie Meat Market and Groccteria since it was taken over by Adams ofITor onto who also operates two stores there Manager here is Robert Logan who has been in the grocery busi IleSillCC boyhood and hastyorde in or managed over 80 stores He liails from Belfast where he owned two stores Leaving the Old Landsome SIGHTS ago he came over to Boston Massmand was in business there for 10 years He decided to return toIrclaiid but paying visit to Canada he on Itercd the employ of Dominion Stores in Toronto am later joined Manager 01 the meat department is Lloyd Miller who was for years with Brennans Meat Market and is well qualified for the position There are 12 on the pay roll Much attention has been given to rclrigeiitionlrztnrlled by Mon arch Refrigeration The location of the twrrlargc cold storage units has been changed All meat com ing in from Tiffin St abattoir is received at the vBoyeld St en trance and goes direct to the storage unit From there it goes to the cuttingroom equipped with modern equipment Much of the choice qualitymeat trict cattle growers bywqualted buyers new netwater heating system has been installed by Lafrent ierc hot watc 85th YearNo ll BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH BILI BARRETT uutu ROBERT BINGLEY GEORG FORD JIMMY SlRACIIAN STAN Lone interior has just been completed giving pleasing cllcct in pure with small black trim harmony with theenamel ofthc Lighting throughout metal canopy will be placed over the fruit stands and also on the display refrigerator PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL After Confederation 1867 to 1872 dual representation was possible in Onttlario Le member could thold is purchased directdromfthdimmimlbdmirijon Gov ernment alt OttaWa and in the On tario Legislative Assmtbly at T0 ronto There were ttihree such members holding this double rep Isupplymg plenty of resentation John Sandtfield Mac 61 both heating and Donald Edward Blake and Alex cleaningfl Carpentry is by John under MacKenzie HmmwfmmmT Complete redccotjation of the TOWN ASKED FOR $350000 intranet The recreation council is asking the Town of Barrie for $3500 this year as the municipal share in budget ofI$7810 Other suggested income includes the following board of education $1000 Kiwanlis club $500Lions club $500 Ontario subsidy $1750 rebate from beach committee $125 rebate from Red Cross $400 bal ance fran 1947 $40 Suggested cxpendll follows administration and oper rcnt $180 salaries WWW If thescboys werestoppcd the white fixtures modern Egg Em wig withwmdianr Don 43011 It pays to read the Adlets ating $1930 $5700 Mutualexpenditures year totalled $575641 made up of $147541 for adminis tration and $4281 for salaries The letter outlining the recrea jtionabudgetiforililcfs was forwarded to thetowncouncil by William Craig chairman of the ZRecreatipn Ayres is theI towns representative The suggested budget for 1948 includes the following items which make up the total of $7810Rent $189 fees and dues $5 postage $60 telephone and telegram $100 ad vertising $40 travelling$2002 books and stationery $100 IIentertainment and special events $700 sports $225 playgrounds $100 social rec reation $100 samurai recreation $50 unlisted $250 salary of direc last This was whei Alimdnd Balancing International Motor Trucks Harroaxage tooeitrriromrsrsatin rooms Barrie CouncilI Ald Reg Personal Propertp IFloavteriis the Only Way tow Protect vAll your iPeIrsOnal Belg II seasonal rIsalariesday camp sup ervisor $150 senior sWimming in structIor $150 jdnior swimming instructor $100 six playground supervisors $1250 10 $750 bormes250 maxi Jags can us now and get rates LmMsons 41 Duntop so INSURANCE AGEN incentive E50 the middle Dial 3735 INFECTION RATE HIGH This months letter to industrial executives calls attentiontto the in fection rate in compensation cases on whiehI the Industrial Accident Prevention Associations has receiv edI reports in 1947 Ten per cent Anomer VOte We 19 re and treatedMarys back The show infection in the initial report indicating the need for prompt Chance presented Iitsclf to Red Cross workers But they treatment for all injuries including Gait in the first minute 0f Play didnt want to meetbpeople from minor cuts and scratches One of when Stan Long was sent offfor the outside right them Even this monthssafety postersforplant charging St Pierre lined up ks that workers with Ray Garlepy on defence and make first aid eir first thought JerryIReidhad Paul Meger to aid Red Cross Services include Blood Transaxiom Oulpoatllospi II him in forchecking on LtIheIpen IrulIs Aid to Sid and DisabIEd VeteransTreatmentbrCrippleJI eration of the use of antitetanus alty Gait never reached first Children Disaster Relief Nutrition Services HomeNursing gvtiiiiiiittii institute COVERIHEBQST oriiaitiitiimti gvsusoae co General Insurance Fire Auto Casually bulletin boards after any break in theskln Considt RossBlek RAY GARIEIY Captain who is playing his third and final year With Barrie lilycrs is team captain Ray is rugged dc HARRY IARIRIDGE Trainer fence man and one of the fastest who is the traincrjor Barrie lilyw players lti Junior hockey In eis this year is the man who does addition to his heavy duties onthu work behind the scenes Harry the bluclinc Ray is often seen looks after the equipment and leading spirited rush into the makes sure that trerything ls cncmy zone team before cltil game Fryersoust can In Decisive 124 Win saturdqy One year ago add day or less lay Saturday Mart3IBarl rte Flyers sat grimly on the bench of the Galt Arena watching the Gait Red Wings waltz through to 93 win That loss oust ed the Flyers out of the semifinals attdjplaced the mighty wings in the king size series with St Michaels Majors In winning the Red 7Wings showedlittle mercy in handing the heartbroken Barrie lads such decisive loss Little did Gait realize that revenge was going to be sweetcri ito taste for thesame Flyers excluding five and themercyt displayed could have left loads of room in keyhole for key to fit into 11 was that small For the boys flew tosa conspicuous 124 triumph in the fifth gameof the OHA Junior semifinal series with Gait Rockets anchdid it before 21 ca pacity crowd at the Barrie Arena last Saturday night The win moved them into the final round with Windsor Spitfires ror the OHA Junior crown The climb up the ladder has beenl FIVE FORWARDS hard one but short Thicc The HOPDCI 01 10 Lillie 00 years EDI the embryo Ban1L my slashing andI Emms wasted little crs wandch about the OHA time in taking advantage of it Junior cincuitlas freshman iced forwards in 0rd searches his clasgoom at get the allimportant jump on universitynot knowing which Gim Ami rhC did for RCdljil way mm but acting as ch vero took passlfrom behind thct cum StudcnL The misscdoul of net from Megcr and slipped it un the playoffs by inChCSI der the sprawling Dougall Last yeah they hauled may Another penalty to Gualazzt for way by the first round and stop iiislgg 21 IIICIISI ped in the semifinals butthey didnt leave without showing insom mbtiloI MFgm gm Ila pIUd hockey fans that next time it at ulec faked duvc md passed it aCIOSS to St Pierre mum be dIffCCInt Gilly wound up and fired hard Forthe first time in the series shot that went wide but bounced Barrie scored the opening counter mm on thebther Side Of thg net undilus tlmcrthc boyswmdcim Bill Barrettriwasklohnny on the lam that it was not going to be an Spot mad backhandcd it in to Uphill jUUInCM At the end 01 continue the avalanche the first period the score stood at Barrie went three up on Stan 50 and their power continued in Longs tamI Red Fave Start the second when 3101margin 35 ed it wheri he passed back to visualized Gait outscorecLJhc Meg fIWthecomerMeggr FlyCIIS 32 in lhOIlhild frame blll sent rinkwide relay to Long at Barrie Won out Penalties Turn to page eleven please 1948 bection 2Poges 7m 0R ails IIIGlZR JERRY RIZII IAll muxo ivitto RAY Il Hill iHits HOSpital Fee iTo Train Nurses sin iiixtiizxiav WIIII MOUSSIIAI hatlianh Feb Mi lr phell admtmsiratotppl tE lie General Hospital tiot Irhc Royal Victoria ilvgspti tiei said today there is why private patients in the tal should be rmuircti through the rates they pay to subsidize nurs ing educational training The administrator immediate pas presidcio of le Ontario Hospital Asst led out that never in of hospitals has it bdct separate llUltt actual said that an attempt is bein to do this and vitit Cam also who 1min itiso nursing litilttiliitti determine how much if hospital Tish 11 hit near future directly educational gram IIII GUARDA GIL MAYER pinI ST LOUIS SIURI The St Louis ltlycsiniihe Atticrican been playing line brand of hock cy the lastfcw weeks under the expertrhandofcoach Ebth Good Thcy boast recent victorw Providence and New Haven Ithteams in the cir TTAIIORED T0 MEASURle Suits or Topcoals $4150 Extra pants with your suit if you wish All Styles Suits or Topcoats in stock Ready while you wait YoungiMens or Mens lVIodelslo Choose from Ilioys Suits Two longsor shorts and Breeches from $11375 WILFI TODD Hockey League fellow ies over Bullalo curt IDont leave your printing order till thelast minute and expect immediate delivery MENS AND BOYS 55 DUNLOP ST WEAR BARRIIi Reserves was the difference be tween the two teams Oncglancc at the score sheet shows thatBarl rics punch wasWwcllscattered whereas Galts depended on single line Fivcplayers carried the Rockets to the final contestT Those wereITkachuk Robertson Wylie Pidhirny and Marchand gallT contributing the od game Gait Rockets werer stopped Hap Emms dict justthat One threel some were destined to shadow Wylie and his wingrnates to folxi low them to every nook andycornrii er 0f lhe arena and thethree some did g1anIdIjob Seldomir 0f courseI quite few air force when the No Visitors Sign went did they have the names Placed personnel got their faces smashed dovvn and Air Force boys and on thewseore sheet or were they inmaekups Brits girl well heroes in the EYESfthe CrOWd girls have very special feeling ing their job toIthe best of their brought the tall slenderrWD cor ability would bring Victory fort poral Iinto hospitalone of the the team then all Ithe better eight of twentyseven left alive Tegmworikjisihat makes fora out of ight thatcrashed between winnlng team not individualism iIancouveII and IPrince tRupert sIe was out he mos unrecogg Th HELD GALT STIARS ntzable Airwoman still breat11ing unsung champions were this countryI Whit Moose Mousseau SidMci Nabney and Ray Mayer rThesc They ew Helenand MarYian If other WD With badly burned Iine theIFleithaImed 111 5115 Ivoropmvschritje Street long icount whilc their fellowi sweater bearers provedtoo strong Pi andkburn treatment fOIrIIGaltS other from uneSI or er told me she never forget To illustrate the pressure Barrie it The Red Cross room is in the applied on Gait win the first two rt of the words next door to periods they outshot the visitors eroorn those girls had 1Linlthrupmgstmufm jn Airecks workersjust tiptoeIdTin session but were IIIIIId out oatheir roundseritiIng edged by GaltIIinIthe third 1411 ters supplymsmmps ma Absent from the Barrie lineup and chocolate bars to the Ch putlents was ic Guarda who was if nursing sprained left ankle Bob if N0 Visitors Bingley took his place ondefence One operatmn ouowed gnome and turned in an excellent chere doctors built 11 new face for Helen serves girls become great friends with the serum is also advised in the monthly base As atmatterof fact Barrie letter but it is recommended that carried the play It made one Ws bwmmwg and Walerbafetyeu his be IonlyIunder the direction of 1a medicalv doctor lwonder which teamiwas playing wath man short otnier vetI patienItisVvheeITchatred II an crutc tetappe in they were but they didnt mind If complet about their faces And when they still shy aboutIseeing just people The Red Cross was different Those women in the deep blue part of their own submerged world of pain and ill nessryetattaelied to the country outside The did the little things the girls nee edIfemIinine bits of shopping lettersvand messages plannedsmallcelebrations smocks were AINew Trades AIRed 08s As the girls progressed goingfrom one hospital to another for treat ment the Red Cross was always there Supplying ambulances at escorts to hockey games concerts plays Offering Quiet practicalrassistancewhenever it was needed Today Helen and Mary are learn new trades longer teach physical education or model Mary cannot continue her typing because of permanently througlrthe weary months in which stiffened ngers But while DVA prepares them for their newltiives the RedCross still stands by as they do withall our Canadian Veterans in hospitals ever where In proof that we the peop have not forgotten rstelater Helen can no ITIteJbrfi of mo as Katee genera gird COUTTS Chairman RED Goosecommunist Rooms