ITHILR MARCH Elma do tn III 331519323 EKATtilXICR 1131119 ed 11 1a igure Skaters lfr11 EVERETT 1M Mrs Hair Mrle Milltifliu Iii fl 11 11 For The skating tie it Kitinlltl hospital Mt Joan Wood inn tltt tIJUSlllUflmljl liariie 1111 1111 l1 1elephiine The Ciilltl of St loinr 111id their March 1111 Harold Johnsons Baffle anisLions 411 11 VI lintrI sziperu exhibition of slyhltllg vyir presented lo co11netited ltie Sinicoe Re utter in leelahdia skatezs 11 1V 11 1131 ot back It i11 111114 T111 ivirvit tltti till 2111 ftV ilJtl mn in one ltli in Battle porn 111 tnttli ll vltl Hitllit tl i1 IIIIIIIW1UN 1H bimcoc Norfolk 1r and Mrs 011 11 1111 tin IIIIIII IIItIiIur tIlIy for birncoe Kins mlm Spun RIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III tI gt n11 1111 Nd lor Britain Mrs Orton Broun tl Me or 111 Imshitean MS 11 MI 11Jr rv it Il 9115 111 Zip Iphzmviclvgmw in llt111111IiJrn illlllfltittll Mi Ir PM turn HI tLIIIIIIIIIIIIIEII lliv ivvyls lcilzindia skater5 111 ll 11 Haron it lt 111e IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 15 its ilar IIIIIILIIifIII hIItIlIlra 11111 itcynmosi Assixtaut 14mm N0 slaitri Juhn IIIII urlinto IIIIIIII III II IIiuttI new 1111111111 111s iitllll it 11 in on stone tii5iih Widths lllr Uiltitteti thn 1va tie sinicw Mum ldli 1r tctflt 11 their t1vrI II 5313 er was taken by Mn AW lkt 11 11 nun 111 55 MI Hump Jenn enned tliptt UNI II 11 III lIliIt 11111111 bkdllllg was present Ti Lmlw IIIIIII in 111 11 111 Imam II romp IIIIhIIIInII IInII sIIII dIiitIt bI Mrs WM my IIIIIIII IIIIII II LI o3 mammm the Icelandm IIIIIIIIIII on VIIIsltIIIIkILI lItllI Illtllfltl liill1t 1111 no yistte l1 alpIIlIII her my itll Arnolth num gml WI III IIIII IIIIIIII filling Hub of Toronto who Atiltl ot lint 11 litthorn has At ltlitIIIilled almost faultlrsslv de minister Am mi ill Stood mr litltilyillltl lltli My Huim Will the bliite em hn 1le 11 51 5Itl 71 dicapptd by natir Mm ltdtmk Ul 1311141111111 atrocitimt 111 1111 41 llIltl1llfilllli 111 Ba 11 111111411111 tonoirts ti on gt Sunday at lllt home or lltlilllt hittiam 111 laughter Mrs Altrcd lrtiis 11 W1 ol ill ll II tii iltiss iiilzihwfln war bride whm i1111cli 111111 ii1i ililitt vhf HM IN Mr lit lnoulilc ol Feat ago iitlad that in 11 11111111141511 WM Bannister returnedIsoiiw tl1 arriil Ml ionic on Thursday after being Al MW llrath of Mrs Ecovercd ice However in the Iconic1y numbers the preserico of lnutter on the ice added mitch to lilie hilarity Flint Iiss on 1ltiisiy littltl ill 111 11121111 r011 WASHING MACHINES STOKE POWER TOOLS FRACTIONAL MOTofiiSs HIR PRICES ARICTHII LOWEST 3f BAYFIEIJ PHONE IlXM llie liiocraiu II III IIIIIIndIJ III lllIlt litli 314111 3111 11 this 11111111111121 tlus tweet Murphy 11 IIIIIII III Enjoyed by motetomilies than any other brand inkllltf 15 it Ult tVtlll patient in lllll ittlltl Edlllillll tliltlttl till HFIJHHI 11 lttl fil ill testclient solo lititnhmSI Him yml or lIhI lally those of Fred Rijwmnd ihrznahv It kf n0 llllitli lath I1l vtlc 111111 111111 amt llltll g9 totiitdiaii and Anne Minm mHI II Mu 111l 111 aim l1111t tualiaia of it IN ni1I happen year Hughes and her graceful mm card puny WIIS IIIIIII III III itions The 11 in Hill numbers also whool on ihursday tiighl we five years yummy Wttl of unusual excellence iar Vtre For 301 ifsoyot own if 15 JUlm Miil Exptrtcmc 111113 the swim5 hurnpipt ler and Allan Drinkill Mm gt Ii Slum you thattnany of 1IdII Otlfllfy Dance the iat ill MtMurray ot Lraigliurst until tilt 1111325 Mk Millim dance 20 Durlul 11 noon PPenfat or perfect routine Th0 Marc Well 01 United pen wont they will ti lircutly lli youre worrI A1111 this 11 of your Clli for living tli Ii ouItIIqmm dif I0f particular interest on the ixcisihhzliiH him enchant are tIIas the Youngest lionor rolt oall itihs2QiitfggildIilffI lIlie 11 Iron it Ar mg lCSSly oolt ujtplv Jlld Ann wmd Luv llh mmk aging III II MI 15 taiod laughter ol was taken by Mrs ltan French and MIrs 1Inn11dIf001II who assisted by Mrs Archie lloskin and grand est ated the first single numbcr and MrsI Wallace Wood donnifl hdI mo Club ye which Olinwcd wasItnadc to the lied Cross Appeal mm march whmmg mo and boxes of food and clotliitzi are porlmnmncun being packed for Europe iiolac 1111111111111 iiiL lIllI11I 1100 persons number of farmers 1111 1111111 to dugmunds Arena mm dmgs WM ill tllltlcl It lt llttt one X93 MP in which the skaters performed in if you 11111 ona daily youer only happen tumor 11 IIIIIIgIIlIiIiItItIIiIiIih lllt IInumthis pair Peggy Brown and Ann Marie IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IiIItIIIiII $33k egaIire Hughes Caiioca Edward Set II 01 uin Countrv IIII mu Go Igioup double spin Frou Fruit lfarvcy sirw my Stepg in III Judy Ann Clink and Harvey pass Mexican at lllllill ll allCt Annette Lox Single Barbara Brennan rch Judy Am Clink am You proliali her of pcoplr seem to he hat truly have no ally like every NIuiscinaid and Child 111th Anti Clmk and Sidney lobbyFrilk Dance Mary lou Travers Whirligig group pair Mary 011 Altman and Mcrilyn Munn Sailors Ahoy group velocity lcster Fred Rowland single Ann Marie Hughes lifts Dolores Taylor and Harvey Passlicld llie Sophisticate Peggy Browu Grand March and Club Yell en tire troupe led by Mary 11111 lra licld Oriental Fantasic JackIStcphamc and Dolores lavlor II II ha hut Shut II W1 and Judy CDIIkI met town worryinginks II IIAAIHIIIIIIII IIIIN mlt 0f limit WN Imitmc Ihcse Ainmmhm 7I0I 011 will lit lt Lo um Ma intl urcit 1r ingfriendh Mrs RI Iiiti stitc III IDQIII III Ian Maigauit out In WUkend in Iiront II morealways 10 M15 1m Amman spent III tlred Nerveshe WCLkCnd with her daughter Miss There is one thing thongpr it Leona Atkinson North Ba fIIIIIrC IOII CIIII II kidneIIIhelI Ch Dunn InCthIII IIIII MIIII it mgr 1th blood Serb Bonney and Mrs Boil IIII that needed menom She usedI mnggtw Ythg has IstIent the last fowl always provrdc for Kidney Pillnt once Theimpmyed um home Sinmonznafmsms left for his Loguws ilysnancmlsccur otherIlItidneys helped dummy blood The WomcngdAsgglerIII II ahead by mums of FUN and excess acids hug Mrs Robt Bcrlzanig 3n 111nL backache Ileadche up of we ah was decided to Im 11 ItnCCI tittLipIattng ppmedI Dodd Kidney Pi MIMI MrsI JI Chappdm IIIIIIqullIllllIlg MIMI in this way 15 not essentil oils and medicinal ingredieni The quilt is to 20 to the oligriscisi that act directlyInpon theikidnCYPM r0110 INSIDK 05150 itl1rii1g5rll Pea Khyi hel restore eir rionm ac ion D1 111 Mlxnsattsum Iii 29 25 15 10 11s KidnevPills WTON 120131115015 monsoon Mix 11441 37 11111113 CEREAL 1122 51 111 izifiiraTranslate wnnmmms Bali imam $30 armour soapvz 17 week II IIMiss lIhelma Dixon IoronmI IiIIoz 01111 it Chesterfields and ihjnfvdeelsifadls Mm mam WEEtiwoma iiiriiiiiltitez 31 ran rs Lloyd Council and 1113 10T or MINUTE OATS 9c 2c moron cunts 25c INGERSOLL PIG Occasional Chairs similx Weston spent snow th Mrs Council nun 11137c 21 ms 1111111 III 0T Io 59I ZI Inttome for the weekend were Housing Miss In gt II r00 and Jimmie and COTTAGE II IIIIE WHOLE WHEAT CIIIACIIEII WHEAT gmgogpw CHICKEIzrn Jimmie Breedon of Toronto For Erggrmkup attendantvi martinis Britain ratios 3vgtl5 borns were Mr and MlSyLOII1 com can SYRUPWNM 27 ggtytgfaons 7V le OLleS And VIligstnzingnderiI TMOIrghtohoine SI In pnas Imps ZSC DRJACKSONS Ipu mm 24 Roman MEAL 37 WOODMANS Mrs ElmerKnecshaw Bradford is visiting her sister Mrs Stone MrS Stone and Mrs Kneeshaw HABITANT PEA SOUP 12c 01 Ml Ph entwl Ones 365 FICe EstimatesU as ThulSdaY and Fr1day 1n $MHIJI MEATY Palfan Onto SEED 11 27c 968 had very successful 14258 RAISINS CALIFORNIA 37 Ga and concertWednesday night lggingigthers deserve credit for IM supper and thy9iing KwM PI nouih pmplecemmlyp0d con LOBLAW QUALITY Siazdardouziiiv CCIIIIL he WMS met at Mrs Co ei glands last Wednesday with his Wilcox in charge Mrs Burton led in prayer and Mrs Houghtou had the study book Mrs Copeland served tea SIMOINMWING at Room 491 if Vc 28 Ft 01 iv snonriiiiisiitiiisr $33 52$ gt ijElilillES Slim1 or Halves The Late John Wesley Stone JhV31y Stone passed away me New on early Wednesday Febriigginsgg WIHunter for General Motors The lminimrfhrlivediimNewtote EHDfCUTh Statements2212213122 jammiiiim Wt 1456 II IMr Stone is Suhvived byhis 11011153 LB 35c is Wife Anmel his brother Joe and MAST OR 111 SIlstersII erg Sutherland Cirops LB 45 391 an ISJjWilfred Barton IiQueenie His only daughter LB III 1JIiIIrI1IthI3If predeceasecIlIlquimJnitiati gt unera was from his Amumrw IMLn LR bomeI onfrebruary 27 service 1n Newton Robinson United after Ian extendedillness He was bOrn July 1884 and with his par ents and family resided III 29C IIIIIII 1111911 hefmzrnziect Annie 13113 MI intricacies113121321 Hill Writ us no bitsinessmLater he moved to 1A1 Bond Headcommunity minibus 51C iiston where he was Salesman with H171 cure urchwithRev MJBurtIonl IEIGEINIINUTRIIIIIONALFVALnljg iS aster andithe Rev Jewt of Bram ton $3018 Farfsp ggomccriitiggwii Po HEREme ere SO on pallbeare rs gt HamEarle RoweCharles Watt Erank Houghton and William SWEET JUICY SEEDLESS if 35 mtemem wk place GM IT Every110111111211 nowhav Soft running BondHead cemeteryI stiff Now at the peanut perfection ally wtthaSOET nowwiteusgncuc if LEMON disheswash ne fabrics and enjoy ting rGoodsiszlsDOZr29c coffeeantl tewmorevaEasantlyhyv115m er softasF WN HEADS4mm cannon ID15 llpS easrly Im re razy ourIue added to mfgggglgtg Igliigtfutigh1hld0nh QFOWN WASHED wnxno 5095 10 dya luck of iroti are ex which many an and women mm or BUT BAGAS LB ain minaan PW ONT nnouot NORTHERN msgtttain615 Irainflowingfrom your taps fSOFT FLO over your lap and it last indefinitely Nothin thexwater only the water hardening mine trarited Softening action is renewedlagaiu by simply flushing withicomnriOn tablesalt 1101130 WW my USEFRESH DAILY II Ti Quanta STOVE POLISH snln Ivlgafmsl hit II II