Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1948, p. 2

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hang The majority favoredtaxatiOn of Crown the studying for them and condense it into 20 mW4MMMW Esmmsnsu um mullIBEX IE BARBIE EXAMINER me Canadian Weexy Newpapen AesuLlallui ll MINIARE SUBSCRIIIKMb won GN 50 Lance or Great Britain 32w year WALLS United States $2Vjo year ncerntsminl mo buSINESS Inn Sngie Copies 3c each EDITORIAL NOTES Ontarios total 390 industrial fatalith dur THE RUSS 0F Mun inn 10H alone represented 03 centuries of lost Nearly cemmy 1ng Red CFO will mmdnpower according to the report of the IIIf idea in one mans mind mm Unhtiilstrial Accident Assoeizitions There is great Switzerland he stOOd on it buttiegrmuld in llleed yet to work for the old motto Safetny Italy and saw the wounded the dying and thel Flsl dead left untended like refuse on playing eld group of twelve singers who are all blllllli is me 33 MewV7 0le mm mldlexcept three were placed second in the small know no enemies no national barriers nuimml 151an competition at Kmmny racial or religious differences mercy whicthuslc Festival ms week Such mm would work Oil behalf of suffering men reimve been very gramymg me Sighmw lawless lllmml WY singers and also to those who lend aid to the TOOJS Helm DlmdlllS liliil KIliblmis 65 work carried on for the Institute for the Blind nations of the world bringing comfort andi help to the suffering in war and peace alike The weekly tsunami159V primplum mwV and uniting lllfll II 21 tflllllllf ground Olipaper published in YorktonV one of he RIglier bIOIhPlhOOd Symllmlll 11 killdllih itowns in Saskatchewan in recent issue was In Canada it would be dilicilll to iindgdeploring theiact that the municipal auth many persons today who do not know the Orities had failed tonrovine suitable city Red Cross symbol and what it means The hall with an auditorium In kifflng With the Societys work for the improvement of health Importance 01 the Community WNW theprevention of disease and the relief of sur Vsideis itself the capital of that section of the Former Barrie Reside fering reaches out to citizens old and Iiewpi0vuicc VMmon HV Gray Receives into the largest cities and furthest frontier Award of 28 VVVV UVSV settlements from Halifax to Victoria from All youngsters lore life thchildrcn havoaV the 49th parallel to Illp North West Ter vicious ruthless enemy and that is the traffic service has advanced long way siilce Henri Uh they are strong it is strong And here at time when uncertainty discord in interna tional affairs is mounting to perilous propor tions thinking men of every party and belief can meet in agreement share in constructive good in this great humane and urgent mis sion Today we are asked to support the Red Cross Make it strong Canadauthe world has need of it Vones enjoy long life Communist aggression continues to be thei amti Czechoslovakian Minister to Canada and the Czechoslovakian Ambassador to the United mm litiilic REGARDING PROCEDURE IN PUBLIC BUSINESS who lived attend committee meetings of the Town be complemd by 1950 and be the largest olV Council and of the Board of Education HOW its kind in thveorld All trains within four Hume general Dllblic have not been Per miles to the south and one mile to the northk mitted toattend such sessions of thisimportant junction will be controlled It is not altogether happy situation for from central point New features will be reporter From his standpoint it is the powerOperated pOlnts and coloredlight strongest debate that makes the most inter esting newspaper report But when such remarks are reported there is always the possibility that some ratepayer will seek out the public representativa and express vigor ouVsV opposition It is then convenient for the elected representative to complain that the reporter should nothave quoted remarks made during committe discussion This has happened on three or four occasions Under such conditions thereporter is in the position of one standing on atiny balcony Ollt in the street are the citizens anxious to know what is going on inside But if too much information is passed out the reporter hr ened with bein ushed off the bali 23 ggtmme in the cfgmmee mom the recent announcement of the represent The matter is now being consideredbe the Town Council It will be happy day for the reporter if some method canbe found of pro viding for ample discussion in open sessions Possibly if the councillors reach satisfactory solution the school boards will follow suit The taxpayers would like to know more of what goes on at these public meetings For at $560000 Minister Douglas Abbottwhite admittinglwlh Canadians generally can view with onsidl erable satisfaction Judging from the com Ci payers of income taxes burst from each electoral district assures interest mam advertised mens overcoats at thoratepayers to depend on the notes of vcaUEd by Rt Hon Sir Wilfrid Laurier Ovemhoes single repOrter who attends the meetings in USA $350 Frayley and Dev only on sufferance is hardly enough If QPINIONS OFVOTHERS lin town council and schoolboard meetings are closed to the public then they should also be Fmanmrpost cIOSed to newspaper reporters On the other Life insurdpiays an Vimportant Vrole in Canadas Vnand If reporter is permitted to attend national economyfb prOVIdlng security 3an by help ing tchVurbinflation is waithe keynotsounded the thefmeetmg Shoum also be Open to any at recent annual meetin taxpayer Firmer Vinterest rates achi chenfs of free entcr ShOt OYVIhe Wing an edagle High Nvems priseimprovement in mortalitNates were other mg 11 025w anV mealmng 4v mv llhemesiscusse 4feet2V lncherfrrmFtrptottrrinr TOO MUCH TAX EXEMPTION MissVVEdith Washington who left Exemptions from assessment are depriving NATIONAL wmxnnss MVmesmgV 135 AVUgUSl WOW Gw me The Calgary Herald aiy wolk In Japan wrote rnfrom onadmnmunicipalitiesofneededrwe in as momma iVnsViVIsnn Baltilli ONTARIO rnssoa FIRST Ainto IHE NAHON about 23 money accident All parents and others Interesttd lliV pm VVV mun my no rotectino the children can do these things an llklllCle 111 all ls asiect of national VVVV The Rm Cm to prevent child aCCIdents They can traml WVW Fle Dario VV bV VV VI VVV ll ray recently ICCGIVCII Dunant As each of the 65 Societies advances Chlldre 0m early gl 1f award at $2128 for suggestion 30 whee Rod CHM 0f the world As scious They can set good examples of Silllli1ilitlili bomb release interval driving and walking and thus help the littleWtllliUl lie tiivtl S300 III gtl21ltgtlltill llilo tflctl 1llltlll Barrie engineer the previoust 1946 for the same been put 11 was estimated the United subject much mscussmn Ottawa 43 WV tlnmint mort than half mil lion dollars In one year and on Il ich had saved States this basis extra award was States have resigned recently It noted The presentation we made to that the British Socialist goveri out has Vir Grle bVV admitted that the communist capture of that MIN WWI Pancrsf Feld country would not have been possible without Mm qdems Ol Milton the cooperatmn OI many SOCWIlSLS son of Mr and Mrs Milton Gray General Mr recail that was Mary street near new Signalling system is being installcd EVIVVlVVh mg VVlr3 g0 I1 ililV CH OS For the past few years It hasbecn thelat YorkV England that be able to deal lies CUSIOm t0 DHmiL newspaper reporter to with over 800 different train routes It willy 50 Years Ago From the Files of BARRIE March ADVANCE 189R signals The cost of construction is estimated IIIIC Barrie Local Notes lhompsoll of MPP 1743 votes Davidson many defects In our income tax law Stat9dl5g7 for that it is not badstatute but is that Barrie Tanning C0 paid The Florida Car which was at Barrie depot Ifor two days attracted big crowds ments frequently heard this legislationI It had uplands of orangegV lemons would stand great deal of amending to winlagd VotheVi smitheranruits pressu III tielr nature state an the favor of the great body of Canadianhag VVHVVVVVVVOVVSVV Ibody of Mrs Tiffin wife of GTE Supt was taken by special The Raden VVV VV VVViiLVLV Barwick Burton Htlmft0bgliifT theTNatlonal Liberal shepherd Samue1 Lount and Convention called by the Prime Minister John Devihe basic representation of three voting delegates SgnlVVLVVVoVKal were Lynch To TheVVEidVitVor ofA The Barrie Examiner Dear SlIITllls writer apparently misjudged conditions when he figIVIownllall was then used is still ured he was returning to Barriemvailablc in the 1921 fyie of The merely as it JohnnieComeLntelrlExaminer it is for lengthy for one issue of this newspaperV but some parts VVof it may be reproduced when Penetangi Centre Simcoe 1714 for DavidI Penetang Liberal and Amos Train Independent Addressing large gathering of charteredi accountants in Toronto lasth week Financeectcd nd Of live The Considerable interest has been shown in WW London for burial pallbearers were Tile inn lnCcheige Jos Quinlan Baincs from everprart of Canada This will be the Archie Wilkinson third National Convention in the history of 501 priceerVV Frawley was the Liberal Party It is notable thatthe two gfllgfmfgfsne Dgla bu previous conVentions in g1893 and 1919 were button boots $150 mens buckle mens brakc driver and fireman ladies vici genuine French calf Baimoral shoes made n55 mens wool Tweed suits at $5 INSURANCE AIDS ECONOMY 50inchwide dress goods at 25c heavysergedrcss goods at I212c SimcoeVCounty Briefs of insurance companieg Near Anten Mills young man other worthy institutions as well as WE often thought that there are too many mg and placing an undue Vtax load on private2310thn CanadaVVthat they hold woman VmeetVnESV business and property owners This was theand that they hear too many speeches People might virtually unanimous opinion of infermed Can beubetter off if they listened less and thought more They might be better off if they studied things for adians answenng Fmanmal POSI queStxon themselves instead of expecting somebody else to do corporations and revenueproducing public nnut oration utilities some would also include privateV VQVVQE OEVNEES PAYSw schools and church property If not used enl 130 Arthur Newscnmnimcle tirer for religious purposes One writer sug The latiVeVVSenatorEdwardg set out real pine plan tafion at ockland 0ntin3 1914 few years later gested that municxpal taxes shOuld be allowed became VV eVV VVVV VVV asa deduction when cimputingfederal inI pm lhmmng out come tax Freedom from taxation one an nual Vwood cropvof more thana cord per acre per ernments or public intit9tions to compele moreat themill Could there be much better farm unfairly withtaxpaymg lndiv1duals This Vngop tendsto increase activitiesjof the state at the expense of the individual Atthoencl Vof the sumo ls BECOMING bombs LETTE to flu EDITOR THE INI BANDS SUCCESS The Editor Barrie Examiner Dear Sir It is always pleasure for those connected with the liar lit Collegian Concert Band to know that your paper is so solidly behind the ivork the build under takes Personally wish to com pliment you and the staff of The Examiner on the many fine or Iicles published ill your paper which publicize the band and re cord its activities Just recently the band has ndtiltl ed to its crescendo of achieve ments by taking two firsts at tho Kiwanis Festival and by earning an invitation to the MENU in De llllll Years Ago than lhv usual Spring level llleelon lilcpliolie os total it illil 1111 year was 31431730 to lial expenditures $100 25 lrpni lllr files of Illdlll NAMINHII Minh V1 m3 liarrie Luca Notes Ilikllllll XVIbird LleJIl llillll at unawouuzil UlliV Siultiiil ul luv saim litti tapilal hall lit vll iliifiiiiiliiilv slit $44470 llillwl tittlvilw ill lt let llauzlhoil of Winnipeg miliiivlak o1 Mls Dunn1V Sply appointed gtIlelal manna oi Illi Union Bank llei if Ilcliis calledl to ilallalo finalII Illilllr Iubllc lil1iiiV llV set at cents per clipita rillancis of Congrega tional hulcil iepoltui to be 111 11mm gtIliillt Slimot ounty Briefs Alliston schools Itmtl several days lor lack of fuel Allistons only poolloom given six months iioth to quit town by council Midland Sliipliiuidiiij Lo had 200 Iucll Illlploycti Level of Lakes oiichlcllinlz and Sluicoe 7175 licl above the rezl lliill foot ioweI lftlll leaving net profit of Sit7l33 dividend of declared Collingwood iolf Iuli IlliUiIHllHlitl ll 340000 sixteen hundred shares at $23 each rown llill School written up as study 111 rural education An estimate of $2300 was Included III the lloiiiiulon estimates for harbors and wharves Engineers estimate for drain age of Nollziwaszlgn livel ex tending over 17 townships was 8300000 John Ililnic lie potted on charge of having set fire to his own residence in Cold the United States as well as in many of the liveliest Western Inullilg towns lI to 30 years ago He was for numbtr of years on the stuff of the Victoria Daily To me this Seems wry Illliiitt Times llom this position he re lime to recognize the work and Vthe efforts of the man who has made this all possible It is my suggestion and it is only sug gcstion that The Examiner pub lish picture and ti story of Mr Fishers work with the band in tired to come back to his old home town lie is most enthusiastic Barrie Old BoyV antlhc has knowledge of the history ofll1iriie more cxteu sive than any other person we know And he has remarkably kccn rqcoguition of his contribution tolnwmV the musical and cultura life of our town Respectfully yours March 1948 Bllili BLAIN lliIIIII GRANT WRITES OF THE OLD TOWN HALL after 00 years absence As have already been asked my opinion on many local subjects the latest ex ample being what think of the suggestion Of changing the mime of The Town IlallL formncw title The Municipal Building am afraid if expressed an uncensored Iopinidn regarding Such change in name the old building as it is at present wouldhave an even much more blistered appearance than it nowwlisplays But it seems to me thatanyone who proposes such change in its name has indeed verVyiimitcd tknowledge of the history of Barrie Town Hairand believe Inc every oldtimer here knows it has his tory too Barrie like every other Own or city has various municipal buildings Firehall Police Court and where streetcleaning apparatus and other town accessoriesVare stored but it has only one Town Hall Even in New York City one of itsmost pop ular places for meetings is The Town Hall and certainly in Barrie the intention was that it should be used as the Town Hall But surely no matter whirl name maybe attached to it no time should be lost in changing its present most unsightly appearance into the at tractiishapwhichgitultimately will be in keeping with the many atural attractions of VVBeautiful aVrrle both past and preSent lllfl Old Town Ilzill is no new subject for his pen As far back as December 1921 be contributed 11 very lengthy article to The Examin 21 on The Old Town all Ill which he treated in an interesting manner various phases of the activities of what was then very popular com munity centre Mr Grants description of how the space permits Several thlSl01lS on features of life in Barrie iii early days are to be found in back copies of this newspaper DEFENDS COMMON SKUNIC To the EdllOFVBFIIIlL Examiner Dear Sir Kindly allow me splice in ybor very good paper for feivwOids in defenCIeOf the common skunk If it were more generally known that he is the farmers and gardeners best friend fcwer of them would be needlessly killed His food is mainly rats mice and harmful grubs such as army worm corn borer white grub and such With his long snout he muzzles in the earth for them where they Varehidden from the birds So it were better for farm and garden if more skunks were allowedto live He is disliked on account ofinlchVmalodorous fluid ho ejects when attacked but this is his only means of defence Thousands are trapped every year for their lovely fur coats lf fur wearers realized the agony in tflicted by the steel trap am sure less for would be worn unless theyIIIsIndrsurfWERE manely obtainedV Then too the skunk is often blamed for killing fowl when in fact rat mink or weasel has outfits THURSDAY MARCH II 1048 STAIHSNID lllllollllltmfllllnItlvAll it Double Protection At Low Cost Dm Qilitillenial Life Double Protection Iullcyls tlic desiralili plan for the VIlllll lalin Inn annual pretltluin lmlir It gives your family double tlir pronMinn ilVor 111 the wars when Vullf incomi is lower and protection lllftllfll most If can mature as an tlllltmlllclil to add to your financial nullprudence Iooo married man or the llrollglmut tllr lllr of he ill Slaltlimli til lmSlls itlied nil King llallIes Kllo iii Iillitl IiLl ll years Int leu =tililill llhli ll italx fir Lil lili lullil All till II oi gtllll iiiiltii Supt lllll 111 112 Nll IllsJl Il Willey in llmpztii Toronto llirilc 1losptiil llilli allow to capacity iilllliiilpl Ilit tousidclulile So in addition to lie llln Vvelirs of lowrust plotee lion allonlml there is the cIIIIobIIItnt featuresub slalltlul profitsand increasing cash clues slt your eircaenliilivc about tlir IIoIIlIe Ry IIIE CVIIIIIININIAI IIIE INSURANCE CUMPANY HEAD OFFICE Continental Lllc II Protection Policy It IORONIO EllkaM MANAGUI GRANT MAYOR I50 Dvoiop Sllccf Danie so Punly Canadian Company lingwoori George Brooks and some men from Shanty Bay with ills gasoline outfit cut 88 cords of 10 hours 400 spectators saw East Oro hockey team bent bfshld 40 Dr Fred Banting worldfamous disl nsulin was honored by and reception Repeated heavy storms made roads bad for drawing wood Nearly all of Thorn ltons sick people reported to have Grippes Milroy DOIIT let Constipation keep you feeling allin Millions find relief thi way Feel bad Headache from faulty elimi mlion weary 1nd dull tonight an allevcgetahlc laxative with through pleasing action comes in two SHCIIKIIH Regular Nil and NR Juniors dose just made for you if sensitive to laxatives Chocolate cmleil or plain tONIGHI Wow short wood Over covcrer of big banquct Alllsltili lule NR and hay terrific Lefroys cordially rcmem her Qflth birthday Fire caused by cow kicking over destroyed barn and implements on farm of Adam Ililtz Con Plus at $3000 climbed peak Mrs resident OVBI oldest bercd xi IOMOIIOW Allldl IO lantern crops Loss estimated liandown Be Often Caused By Nervous frouble Strained fenso nerves lire often the cause of restless nights Improper rest night after night is quickly followed by loss of appetite irritability and tired rundown condition FOI disorders such as these Milbnrns Health and Nerve Pills are highly beneficial The iron and other ingredients they contain help to improve the blood content stimulate the nervous system and the appetite aid digestion thus helping to promote aloepp Milburns Health and Nerve Pills are sold at drug counters evorywlicrc Tho Millurn Co Limited Toronto Out WHO KNOWS WHAT CHICKENS THINK Poultry and eggs earned Cdnu lrogl Villahlrarlnhsfnver 200 million tlollars during the last recorded year but most pouVIlIylnen feel that birds never coeopcratc 100 Ills which besefa llocli are so many that poultrymen often suspect conspiracy to cut IOWIT profits Visnl always the chickens fault Many dollar is lost in brood Ing pens hey arent properly cleaned There is overcrowdt ing extremes oftcmpcrature Iraugllts dampnesm insuffi vc furthers are dis covcrlngithal it pays them to keep in closo touch with their nearest experimental farm or agricultural collcge This may they solve farm prolilemseasily isaving limo Work Ulfl IIIOINV However ll Perhaps you hesitate tomalte desirable Improvements because you havent the money available This is wliatiltarni ImprovementVLoans are for and any responsible farmer can ianJcederoor drinkingwesgglil0nrf0mihelemt Vi couIIEsIIs zcATOHlba branch of this llank in VandVV talk the matter over sols In shOrt chickens are babies and must have their thinking lone forthem Drop with our manager 1vJLbSgumhm charge Of appointments in towns brgillages to ID miles away and am very happy tthake up work so Concert given by lQEVVVaL pronounced great oceeds of $1150 Barrie Ont Mulch 1943 Soon Oro Stat successwitli Morgan wa number of yohn ergoatJamenPues only Ban to say farewell He left nxt day for NWT along with Alf Brdo Albert May appointed as sistant postmaster at Painswick ml became 09333 It is now producing an anlsome prices Banle market Wheat 7V587c oats 3133c our year cord sawninto lumber produces about500 $45010 550 Ile hindquarters 0f SwerSaid Offers strong temptanon to ggv Iboardfeetwhich of red pine would be Worth $40 or beef 3575525 Miller 15130 BgES the program folk gath ofVthe larger citiesV of Canadaand 15c doz applesper barrel $175 $201 Vhay per ton $550$650 wood4 ftperVcord I$2L75$3an thracitecoai per ton$50 sheep Sm While Brlsa tragic figure in Communist lcusl MARKET ACCOMMODATION Two weeksago there appeared in The Ex aminerVJan editorial calling attention to the races on the bay AtVa carnival ladyJrcgntIysignodCzechoslovakias surrender Jo on rink of Bruntbn Bros in so Stalinl was sendinganotei to Finlandvdemanding professional race one of the con aV pact Describedcas Sovietprogram declara testants furnished great deal of firm the world need not doubt What this note means ainusement by taking header into Finland is to go the Wayof thebothers When Hitler asnow bank tacit ofVcourtcsyshown by the Town council indealinngith thetarmers and others Who hadbeen turned out of the market where territorial claim in Europe41 lie tolull Europe to VVVVVV cry out against Czechoslovakia Stalins contemptu they had longdone business bus answer is tomovcagainst Finland Those Who WVeie prising the Wall CONVALESCENTHOMVEs lilo BENEFIT ACC rebuttal real zed it was essen at or Toronto Te egranii they should have the Vspace External Affairs Minister St Laurent speakingto Maine occupied in the marRea which inked for speeding up of the adoption of VV VV wmd be ptovided for the full because Tthe patients remain foovlong in them in Mffiitidmliidl madamltletrrrat2rzz at Ire swwxem an we ilalaurottirdel utilitariana lubkmtmlr ak 19 aptlvoVsaVlvlce seized thrStrdctenlandheisaldithat this WashIsTasf banalno and OUNIING sleepV Stalingis bolder London Washington Paris RSV minimum colstV special reliefbringing action delegation from the Trades and Labor Congressl to retail and Wham businesses completed Weekly mum Audito momma 01 189 an St FRED GRANT EDITORS NOTE Minorant was arrieebom butthe greater part of his life has been spent in the UniiedAStatesnnd in the Canzlian West In his earlier travels as touring offices lV practically every one alright do what ian mommdoto relieve mis simply rub warming Vicks VapoRub an throat chest and back at bedtime Results are so good because VapoRubs starts right away and keeps on working for hours during the night while the child slecpsfoen bymoming most misery of the cold is relieved Remember Mother Vwhen your children catch cold be sure you get timetested Vick me rinterrhe worked inrnewspamzr done the bad deed and the skunk having erneiled blood hascome on the Scene and stayed long enough to ger the blame How ever since hecannmclimb all poultry up Off the ground is safe from him afleasl Lets give him because of his usefulness the enefitmf the doubtrv FRIEND IN NEED 2140 lBlilIlIrIOROII Incorporated 1855 Iranhe rNGtVBCOIIVTMfm Mun illlANDALEIF 8t women FirstAid gacneaneew is are ColrrfulrWallPaper Eor the first time in long whilwith recent shipmentsWe how have all patterns instin WOI thy and Suntcsted papers What gorgeous gassortlnanttLlook oversandaelectyourflrst choicesVnow while atterns are intact so DONT DELAY Also good Se Tile Papers SeeVVTIlese lectilm of washable varllishoa for use in Kitchens and Bathrooms FloGlaze Phillis Enamels AliInna BilBRIE etc aming Pictures II VI Phone3270 9291111199 15 WW

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