Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1948, p. 13

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies AUIHOnlIED A5 SECOND CLASS IAIL lo 01 OHAA iuniiz Iii IMO AYERS ruu tMELCHIlI MONDAY TH 85th YearNo HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THBVBEST IN BARBIE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT230 pm EVE SHOWS THUR FRI 655 RM IJIMMY RDURIINTEltiHNSTUNCUGAI Quilt All IOMNIIC SING AQUA SPECTACII JOHNNIE XAVIER PLUS CARTOON AND NEWS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE WED 230 pm iiiiiitiiiiiiiissa iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinis ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ioiiii Vii iii Eve Shows 650 and 1me RONALD iii iii LashLarue Pioneer Justice Eve Shows Thur Fri Eves and 840 pm $25162 include gure of $5244 for de flTries 2ND ADDED IIIT IO Returns 519le Hus4991111 In addition the sewin and MONDAYTUESDAXaWEDNESDAY AZHRShowYouWillNotqutioMis RETURNEDBYPQPULAB REQUEST BARRiE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCHii 1948 Saturday The Royal Victoria Hospital fin ished out the year 1947 with sur plus of $2095 before depreciation The financial statement was pre sented at the annual meeting in the Conununity House at Barrie on Monday night March by McCarroll acting chairman of fin ancc IIICHIIIRIIIUIS report presented by Cameron manager of the hospital indicated that reven tie in 1947 was up 30 over the prcvmusycar and 135 over 1940 The expenditures were up only 19 over 1946 but 1604 over 1910 Wages had been increased by 19 over the previous year and food was up 28 The surplus of $2095 compared with loss of $6676 for the year 19415 Revenue in 1947 totalled 3137083 iThis was made up as follows pay ing 379640 municipal provincial patients grants $8931 grant $5395 WCB aitd DVA $2781 Ray $16334 special services $22 607 other revenue $1395 Expenditures in 1947 were as follows administration $3129 salaries and wages $64291 dietary drugs and medical and surgical $14721 housekeeping $7 178 water and fuel and power $5456 XRay $10980 sundry 83 l111bad debts $960 This left lsurplus of $2095 While there was an operating surplus of $2095 the auditors statcment showed net loss of $3149 because it Was necessary to preciation The Royal Victoria Hospital has $16525 in an endOWment and trust fund During 1947 the Town of Barrie issued debentures of $16000 for the hospital but this amount was not included in the above receipts be cause it went to pay off previousl debt ofthc hospital ROBERTSON Robertson president of the IRVH was chairman for the annual meeting He said one accomplish ment in 1947 had been the estab lishment of an organization for the hospitals in Simcoe County This organization had presented brief to the County Council which resulted in legislation providing for grant for indigent patients who iarecaredifor Vininursingr homes Mr Robertson added that the es tablishment of such home connection with the RVH would be an important item in 1948 The presidentspoke of the Bar rie and District Memorial Hospital campaign and said he wished to express thanks to the public for their support and cooperation He indicated itwould soon be time Committee and the board of the RVH to get to progress Mr Robertson said he had been president for three years fresponsibIlIty but he hoped to con tinue to serve on the board He thanked the members of the medi cal staff and the hospital staff forcmgheixmcqpperation and he hoped this would be continued was presented by Mr McCarroIl and indicated extensive improve mentsin1947 The annual report of the Wom ens Hospital Aid was submitted by the President Mrs Gable shiphad grovim from 13 to 50 plus 15 associate members There had done by church groups and others and jQtIIQLr vdlunteer $8333 5d 00 hadbecncar ried flirward from the previious year The amount spent in the Winter Weather Snow mending The winter weather is gohtinu ing steadily Temperatures went well belowzero two nights last of snow last weekerid High and low temperatures in the past week were as follOws HIGH Low Mar 16 MAYOR GRANT MAYOR is seen here making the first purchase of at lbtix of candy at the Laura Secord Shop on this opening day Behind betle Hm hl counter is Miss Alice Overs daughter of Mr and Mrs Overs larrie who came here for the opening open to receive Visitors on liiuay and was opened for busmess on president of in gr person gether and work outa program of Hall Allanda and he wished to retire from this St Patricks dance This report indicated the member also been great deal of work week and there wasa heavy fall OF oftho Barrie shop Royal Iictoria HORSE 1947 Surplus of $2095 Total Revenue 37083 311titiffilfi REV IAS FERGUSON 1948 PRESIDENT OF HOSPITAL Rev James Ferguson was elect ed to succeed ll Robertson as the Roy Victoria Hospital for 1948 Ho elected at meeting of the board of direc tors following the annual inceting in the Community House last Mon day night Elected vicepresident was War ren Wilgar Dr lurnbull was named chief of theqncdical stall Appointed as directors on the management committee to saw with the executive officers vce Dr EJG Turnbull and Dr Little Appointed to serve with the ex ecutive on the property and ance committee were Robcrt= son McCarroll and George rricke Parsons was appointed treasurer and Cameron was appointed secretary All membersnf the board had been reelected at the animal meet ing with the exception of Cameron who had left Barrie Charles Knight was elected to fill this vacancy In addition to those mentioned above the other members of the itVH Beard for 1948 are Goodall William Craig MC Millin Andrew Carson Mrs Gable and Mrs Montagu Leeds There are alSo three appointees Mayor Mayor Warden Wal ter Middleton and Dr Gray the president Of the Medical Asso ciationthis year TF hospital and nurses residence etc was $147913 and this left bal ance of $29940 carried over into 1948 The annual meeting was attend ed by all members of the board With the exception of Par sons who was holidaying in the south and Andrew Carson who was ill There were ve other citizens present for the annual meeting two of these were nurses two were mem12rsqfthe Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Campaign committee and one oth COMING EVENTS II Rummage Sale St Georges Hall Allgndale Saturday April 17 Aust am 11b Old time modern dance Orange Friday Mar 19 auspices L003 670 AEL Lunch c6unter Admission 35c pices Glad Club Doors open on Wednesday March 17 sion$2 per couple Door Admis prize value $21 Slarious other prizes Dress optional 11b St PatricksEifternoon bridge and dance Wed March 17 Masonic The property committee reportfremple Bldg Owen Auspicesir Bayview Chapter OES Bridge 230 pm 50c dance pm Admission llbl 50c on page one ofthis issue butcould awedb Examiner ORANGE 6r TIME SKATING PARTY SteadiiyaContinuing 753SQQIIILANDGUIDESr gt Due to the fact that the Barrie Lions Juvenile Ahockey team will be playing against St Catharines in the Ontario Semi Skating parity for th Boy Scouts GirLGuldes Br wnies and Cubs of Barrie Scheduled Dii lit to on lhe store wast 1112bi at Club 79 LECTURE POSTPONEDzThe East End Home and School Club wish to announce that the lecture by Dr Kenneth Rogers has been postponed This meetingis adverl tised in the Coming Events column lnotbe altered because this saction hadgdnet to Finals in Barrie Arenapn Wed nesday March 17 the annual FLYERS LOSE 65 IN SECOND GAME WINDSOR ARENA Wificisor Spitfires tool law iead in their best of swi tier for the OHA Junior cliaziipionslip last night when they defeated Barrie Flycrs inl AI Vllfil Windsor led 21 in the first pei tool tilllliel ahead 133 but vcici held scoreless in the third while llairie notched two goals in the last Lit seconds lord Ilaidy ptit the Spits in fioit at the 1013 mark of thef mural frame but Don Ashbcef tied it up ll seconds Iiitcr on al pass fioii Jerry Reid Marvell lionovOst tallied for Windsor twol girllm imitates later to give Wiiidsor oi lead they never relinquished coige Otltllle opened the at 441 but McNabney pullld flit5 goal on passes fromI Mayer and Ray lariepyn Ioais by Ed Busch and iarfep unassisted put the count at 431 bi fore Ilaldy scored two puckI iiiiarkers to give Windsor sub staiitial lead going into the llilitll Barrie came back strong in the glintl stanza and drew to vsithinl lone goal of Windsor when Rusty Aikiii and iaiiepy blinked the Ita Missing from the Barrie lineup laul Meger who was out iv Charleyhorse was wit Ii Windsor 6Bame ll JUNIOR FINALS Windsor Arena Mar 10 IIARIIIE FLYERS Goal Straciiv an defence Gariepy Long centre St Pierre wings Barrett Aikiii alternates Reid Favero Ashbce itiousseau McNabney Mayer Unarda WINDSOR SIIIIIIIIIS Goal Walnisley defence Quacketibush lroiiovost centre McKay vings Taylor Busch alternates Wil son Wilson Baldy Bert Iicse brcclit flay Briice Giesebrcchtv nelleftc OFFICIALS Honey Kuntz Wa terloo and Charlie Good Torontoi FIRST PERIOD Windsor Haidy 1013 21 Barrie ASIIDLL Reid 1024 Windsor Pronovost IBiuce Giescbrcchtl 122 Penalties Pronovost Gariepy Uruec Giescbrecht SECOND PERIOD Windsor Oucllcttc tHfilEIy Wilsoni 441 Barrie McNabney Mayer Gaiicpyi 733 Windsor Busch 936 Barrie Garicpy 1144l BWindsor Haidy Wilson 1151 ti Windsor Haidy Taylor Wilson 13271 irlcnaltics Busch lronovostl Garicpy Hay Long Haidy trlilaxer Quackenbush er THIRD PERIOD 10 Barrie Aikin Mayeri 1930 ill Barrie Garicpy llVIZlyOlIIQ59t Penalties Favcro Pronovost Garipr 121 Reid Bert Gicse brecht t2 Oucllctte Mayer Ralph SchimdleDs Wcrllet Is Returned week ago Ralph Scliandlcn ofl IMidhurst lostyhis walletcontaiiiing $10 somewhcrcin Allandalc Tuesday morning this week the wallet was foundin the letter box of The Barrie Examiner and the owner was called He was pleased to have his wallet returned with his drivers license and other papers but the $10 was gone ONE 3er ron THEFT Two young Toronto men Ken neth and Fred Morrow in the ma gistrates court here on Wed Mar Sfpleadedguilty rtorbreaking and entering with theft at the home of Albert Moulds Wyevaleon Feb 22 An electric razor and ablan LITTLE GRAY Emergencies and acuter Without appointment presrbefore the no SIMCOEMEDICAL GROUP Requestjheir patients to make appriintments for office wnwnaonsafmgMamh lst ill patients will be looked after Electrical interruptions Perver71s8till Ilationerl Quotaais Not Increased ADDED iiiitiiii HUSBAND COMEDY Walt Disneys WIDE OPEN SPACES CARTOON DEBORAH 892 uuiiIu MON TUE WED BRAND NEW FEATURES trickInn Meets Gruesome Starring Boris Karloff Ralph Byrd with Anne GwynneEdward Ash3 ley June Clayworth ket were taken Prov Cons Freeman of Elin valc produced statement which they had made before himself and two sTorontordetectives at the police headquarters here Magistrate Foster after hear ing remanded them fpr sentence NSMITH Mill THUR FRI SAT RAYMOND HUNTLEY MICHAEL HOWARD NORMA SHELLEY 5L1 Section 3Pogs l3 to 20 DEBORAH me the subject of YOUR PAGES and cover of TIME Feb 10 Irel on IJEI rm Omani11g lie brigMes marc sim ARTHUR INKqrescnts KERR TREVOR HOWARD Dare bircmger THE ADVENIURESS with REDMQND =uu for dimeji until March 10 then taking into circumstances be imposed term consideration certain mitigating of one month each ST MARYS PARISH JBI NCO THURSDAYMARCH 11 at 815 pm NEW PARISH HALL MULOASTER STREET PRIZES CHICKENS BASKETS 0F GROCERIES ETc ADMISSION 35c DOOR PRIZE TAYLOR mom000 Wu0900 SLEATRICKS coscm III SISJOSBIJIIS HighjchoolAuditorium 90 Muicaster SI THE IABSENTMINDED BRIDEGROOM Arrangement with Denison 85 30 Minneapolis ACTIRIsH COMEDY AND MUSIC TU ESMar16Wed Mar1Z GI8PMVEOCII Night in $1 ACCOMMODATIONLIMITED15 Tickets mustan obtained in advance at Crossliiiidfshirug Store or fromlupils of St Marys School AduiisOniy Admission 50 icy mos monomers these days Brew copy In appreciated Mar 14 24 for 530 to 830 pm that evening Mar 28 18 will haveto be changed to 530 Mar lt7 32 22 to 730 15111 to give theAena Mar 28 23 Commission timeth ood and Mar 34 20 prepare the ice for the hockey Mar 10 20 gare Belowzero The committee in charge of the party ivlsh tenant Copmo Newsprint ista problem with for 16011441113 the winters and Westons Bread tor dons buns for this pprtv Vj Your SupportYOurCooperaticn have enqbledus to keeplwithin Ourquota fond nurse possible for usto Discontinue Interruptions DBUT Interruptions Can Only Be Avoided Dooou LUNcHEONS 35c and up DINNERS 75cand up if youcohtinue to do yOur part If we use more than our quota Interruptions Will have to be imposed imm ediately atthe same timesjas at pres out and for such lengthof time as necessity demands PLEASE CONTINUE TOHELP EariiePuinc Utilitiesgomrnissmn OPENDAILYETYV FRIDAY 7391 Poweuhritlris 359141559 25

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