PAGE TWELVE NW ems Permanent Commissions To Handle Assessments In Rural Areas Urged County COIIIIIIIE tin permanent assessintitt comniissionsl ti to thlaltKe libezrllAIIi throughout the and super local standnid set stainlaidsl itics actouting to poiiee Ichti by the gotctiantiii Gardiner of Ftiiest llill Village advocated the annual ctiftett GA tion of the Ontaizo Association of unmzm WORM in such stciri il Ciiift btzic HEHII Rina Muiatip Iltlu in lo pcmbugui my Wampum 10 Edi Itll 1oeriiiieit iiiiits fol Id Such commas shoqu Ut UH Mscwmm MUM fin mu composed of five persons foul Hm qualified in lgtltletlllil agriculture commercial and industrial pro perty values and the fifth finali fled to correlate the Ull of the pliers Mi Gardiner said ItoIlelli of based on asstsiiiJHs so mar drffeient systems of sessineiit in operation in the pol and some LL government grants ai lrtb Willi vince Ulmlmblmlws 1ll 5lclaiin they are not being tieartl pointed by county councils and fairly Mr Gardiner suggested that all the province should also set up assessment cbm Wyiiiiissioiis with properly qualified linen 15 COSICI At its closing sessions the coli Ivention passed resolution asking Who lill MTV Illxithe provincial government rc iniburse nninici alities the izaso well House Coffee 50 third mm hfva pm WU line used by their trucks in road construction maintenance and snow plowing approved fun their qualifications by the hIllllSltflIUl Municipal ifImus and mwmm fairs andrach should have tcriiit of four years in offici ciofrs it satisfies completely Expert mending assures lhe lttlltltlll was also asked to increase the bounty on volves to Sit pelt Sillof Which to be paid by the govtiiiziieiit and $20 by th utilities you coffee thats famous for smooth mellow flavor CHARGED WITH FRAII An almost fantastic story of hour man looking for work kept his Twite and family and paid travel ifiiig expenses by picking tip arti cles in stores and returning them for refunds nas unfolded at the Orillia court the other day when Leonard James Alcock of Washago pleaded guilty to twelve charges of theft and fraud The art of clling merchandiseto the store that owned it was not confined to iUliIllil alone as the accused man ftftlll on to explain that in Barrie illt had successfully obtained re funds by the same manner he fllt ployed in Iillia stores Iii whole town knows that GENERAL ELECTRIC AMPS my trigirerlonger Use The Examiner Classifieds Heres Speedy Relief for Tender Aching Burning Ieet Your feet may be so swollen go another step Your shoes may feel as if they are cutting llglll into the flesh You feel sick alli over with the pain and torturcl youd give anything to get relief Two or three applicatiOns ofl Moones Emerald Oil and in few minuth the pain disappears No matter how discouraged you have been if you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have some thing to learn Get bottle today at any Tamblyn Drug Store and all druggists CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRI CO LID Let Sealrite Insulation blOw comfort into your home this winter Save up to one third on your fuel bill WARMER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER Our representative will gladly give you Free Estimates TChasickeisBarricBlIone 4532 Hugh GrahamrShantye Bay Phones Oro 1515 Frank Armstrong Stroud Phone 21R51 AllWork Fully Guaranteed Ask about ourllomc Im provcment Plan 12 Months to Pay SEALRITE INSULATION co IIUTCIIINSON ARNOLD FORMERLYOF 0R0 15BWGHTACOKE msv lNl94 and soreness Full of unstoried flowers in tiie 1n thunder speak and whisper in To know and feel His care for all fruitful eld cach grove para be told at the Barrie Public Li THE BAR CENTRE VESIRA INSTITUTE HEARS OF RED CROSS as renews pic ACTIVITIES Cupboards 200 Places tls MOI ObIeCNVe of Adjala Gallauahcr Jnu WIT0 Th Mu IIVUUFH ie ztaierts Hamilton Jos OLcaIy Essa mm ug Ccntie espra WI met at Mrs lover Patients CHOg Praducers Assoc Geo VIIRINJII Eugene Slilli itmv 5W 5101 01 WHIP Thurde 11 In DWI3 hu vv Browns March with Mrs all wuth Davis Teams 01 113le which no human being tun NLSDAA AblhIINOUN wwmmg and mum EMU5134 llgclshi Ittfv townsfin in South Simcoe pen G00 ka Ed winning 1MP elit WUllmiO ill1011 well represented at the annual hits lllook Red Cross Coir Tossmontio Ernest ilniore Bci sllwlh 00 we ig ot the Swine Producers Aim thither CHESTERFIELDS RE UPROLSTERED Vlllllfsi 50 Ugllnrmml If boards tetra optratingl in Inuit TH hmmm George Broivnn 11331 FariLmmw VELOUR REPP TAPESTHI HHOLAIH lato llillt llIIIIUU is gtv oImtnv skeIinr vflltllillltlli of GU Jig Linsun assoctate presidcnt briefly Ea Geo Evans Gordon hitArthur Wide Range Gown and Huffs Ur are ti it rhrh tn Is llf somethui Wd hog million and iJCk walkt FIISI allltd 101 Cath LCUU mm $170 Hm Attila lUnt WWII IJLllld work of the Ontario Hog commilttce is chairman laUnkvH Mg on my Tth st Iplllitf PalllCU Producers Association IELD ST nl ImV mm mam 39 fntey Agricultural Rebresenta An Barrie Examiner subscripl LL 4314 3475 flf itll otter beyond the means of tht1 rice ponited out that Simeoe Lions 3m payable in advance slImil PM HAN average taiiiily should be pooleiiivkwuuy 15 one of me heavy pm srv AM hu ii tillilblllltl 35 DNQuiiters of comnierciahhogs but the M1 ldu DOde 101 Ws Ilid C1955 blmliluuainv was not as high as it piano and amusement program Ram in 1947 allowing the CXlshotlltI be 121376 hugs were pro llLl was much Univ lample of seveial branches vhiclilduced in 1947 and 428l were 1er next meeting will be at Mrs llioiiipsons on April with election of officers bitant was Iield Wllltlli Drought good results Museum Exhibits Supplied by Simeon County Womenl Inultutec lwwwwi NU 2610RNAMENIS Almost as early as our earliest Tums Illmlllw ml partinents of Health and womens maxi5 listed above with Bent ivtdence of the use of extraneous omumzzmnns h5 mmmscd 50015 Bradford George Evans ornament One of the most dis gem mp suppiyrcupbomd Smm Wm New Stroud and mumhmg lwqmimimm 1h and ltllttl llltll 59 Illlalt ii Gallziugher Alliston Township human me 15 king or UT lll5ltl4 hmm ml elfm LIifltlllllltts for the association IP soiial adornment and eventually Awning mm nursing services as bululill my well as private individuals alll rooCCooooooooe Ill make calls on them The love of ornamentation isI ieadily seen in the things we ad mire use and wcaiz The history of civilization may he said to present largely theliist ray of the human family written in stone brick or other durable material in its progress in orna mentation 1A DlttliCll of the fine arts which takes its rank with sculpture and paintingt Dress and its ornamentation is apparent in civilized and savage races An absorbing subject both of the past and present We need scarcely comment on the modern beauty and utility of the latest modelthe car that travels our highways with its shining orna ineiitatioii in style and speed Much could be Said of the beauty of many of the thingsrwe use Dainty hand made ornaments that once decorated gray wool dclaine jackct threequarter length with wide bell sleeves As trimming five or six of these each side of garment made mottier recent exhibit for the IIILISLUIII land ornamentation for our enjoy ment To read the antique history of Earth stamped uponthosc medals in the rocks Which design both rescued from decay to tell of the green infancy of Time To gather from the unconsidcred shingle the mottled star like agatest budding bloomchalcedony gt Or gay and curious shells fretted or To think that He who rolls yon solar sphere Uplifts the varbling songstcr in the sky T0 aFIFHIS PETS 4iWfmdingncweways ofimakingetheseemoterelations toithtender mighty bow That spans the clouds as in taints minute 0f tiniest flower to hear his awful votcc the the gate that lives VjIis this that makes the barren wastc appear disc gt It IF==v==t BOYS and GIRLS Once upon time there was man called Dennis OShca and he had noiond ncss for Work so When fairy appeared andpromised towgirgnthis next wish Dennis saidShur1 wish it was week of Sundays with no days in between oh how he regretted his wish week of Sundays is one of three Irish tales especiallyichosen for St Patricks day which will brary next Saturday morning at ready and The two little Irish So come along boys and girls and bring your friends 1hc library will be open from 930 for the story hour and those books then ToughTime Bucking the card or leaflet on establishment of RedCross Supply lltltl had This month vincuil IIIIIU have Expansion of this necessary ser vice will be financed through part of the the Red Cross National Appeal forin resultof the 2ccnt hog levy be 330001190 in March Cross SOCIIU Ilild the past come gttitlillitilt chairman Oliver Pcttit to the leases it was not until wartimedqmcgi needs had bftll met that this scr vice could he put on permanent rooting Otiinlilllull between local De RIB EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA LEGAL EXPLANATION pointed at the Alliston meeting are lMore Grade Hogst begun the service each Red Cross pin trimV grade compared to 396 thel average for Ontario One county produces around 464 grade As Eli Lashley stressed that encour aging the use of better sires would be worthwhile protect and sug gested that portion of the funds being received from head office as tllfffill icportcd that int it expvcts every branch wiill ts own depot voluntary contributions to ispint on this work Although the Canadian Redi MI vnkmmn was reelected as rescue In many individual and SCCIC chairman Everett lottcnliani vice Gilmore tarytreasurcr Delegates appoint ed to the annual meeting of the Ontario Itog Producers Assocn in loronto March 10 and 11 were the rest of your life xbefdf Agencies and physicians withinl area receive notification by depot All requests for loans which are made absolutely free of charge are checked with the fam ily physician for the protection of the patient the doctor and the Red Cross Willi hospital accommfidation becoming increasingly difficult to obtain more and more cases chronic or incurable diseases such as heart diseases cancer etc arel being cared for in the home said Miss Helen McArthur national Smittagmtlb Roiiromoni income unwed Continuour employment and pay Technical trodes twining Full opponuniiy for ad vonumoni Progressive pay inrrcuru Spin and recreational facilities 30 day vacation or you with full pay Modiroi dental and cloth ing service provided But as Sunday followed Sunday professional women mothers must learn to treat sick ness at home and any facilitate their duties are fully ap preciated largest inland body of fresh water director of Red ross Nursing SCI vices As it is quite difficult to obtain such things as hospital beds back rests bed pans of mauve silk and beads sweet Chairs linen blankets air rings and refinement in dress of the earlylat and others is tangible evidence toi influnwd mar you punk you canutitis and worn by Miss Orchards the citizens they Cross branches are providing fort Nature is ever diffusing charms themselves and their neighbors al useful and welcome service EEKilchen Scieiice Sheds litthl 7101rThc dream of Owen OMullt pigs will completethe jrdgram boys and girls who come ionic Story hour will be able to borrow with miscroscopic carving Coraliincs and fresh seaweeds spreading forth their delicate b1angims By Ruth Parsons St Patricks Day We have splendid selection of St Patricks Day GREETING care in the homes every where housewives ENTRAl AIR COMMAND RAF SIAIION TRENTON ONTARIO Please mail me without obligation lull particulars repaid Ing enlistment requirements and opening now available Inihc RCAF 40 NAME irtmr rrmn ADDRESS ylPROV means to To be able to obtain on loan crutches vhecl WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE 30 Elizabeth St Barrie Ont PHONE4055 al of community thatii throuin their local Rbdl in Canadian ciiiron or olim liiIiIh Ivbiul won Antiiiclrirro WWW APP IF you ARE lutwun l7und30ynu Superior is If Lake the worlds lt dwvvTI fl oii NewEtoiiomy Meals How to stretch that food dOilar so that despite rising costs your family can still have meat with their meals Thats the mansize problem facing most women today And so Heinz experts have been busy working with inexpensive meats Even economy chOiccr cutssing with flavourdelight all their own Now they advise that ljlcinz 57 Sauce Heinz Worcestershire Sauce and Heinz Mustard can work wonders with these cheaper meats add Savoury goodness that will put them high on the list of family favourites Heres combina tionfof beans and meat that for very little costlwill make are Wholesome nourishing and will appcal to the whole family meals should have appetiteappeal Thats why WEE housewives rely on three flavouraidsHeinz 57 Sauce IIcinz Worcestershire Sauce and Heinz Mustardto pepup plain dishes Try the recipes below they help youto serve economical meals that graphic pride young man wants Youll learn about the operation of modem aircraft and technical equipment Youll make friends master valuable trade under the guidance of exports And while youre still young enough to enioy it youll be able to retire on pension for the suricys to people very happy WESIERN BAKED anus if lb minced round steak or leftover mcataf 141 cup chopped onion tablespoon fat teaspoon salt Dash pepper cup Heinz Tomato Ketchup tablespdtiiiIleInz Cider Vincgar teaspoon Heinz Worcestershire Sauce Hablcspoon Heinz Prepared Yellow Mustard 1502 tin Heinz OvenBaked Beans in Tomato Sauce remaining ingredients Mix well Pour into casserole Bake in armderate oven 350 30 to 40 minutesoruuntii heatlied through Serves to lt dash or two will rworkivonders for you Try Heinz Worcestershire Sauce as cook ing aid Heipzo of Canada ltd iti Eamon AND unguaddmsiiouces is nmI Orders date further attempt Saturday with the sameequlpment succeed WartimeInn Drifts Penetang Linea Midlarid Free Press Penetang was wiihout railway service Friday and Saturday Jan 3031 when drifting snow driven by strong westerly winds blocked between Elmvale and Wyevale Friday three engines and plow became stuck in thecut finaliy abandoning the attempt to clear the line and returned to Allan ediubueklng through the frozen snow ported that clam was still ow from the rails ed Penetang but the next train was not untilSunday afternoon FIRST UNION PAPER It working in the cut clearing back theicutatmiieaget1265halfway CNR otticiaissinil Penetangrc Thursday atternbons train reacP gt The firsttrade unlon paper pub Iished lnCauada appeared in 1872 ujrnjlor nto er nbutteror neavuuili dfippiill g1 ls 79 lgmngklgm Cream of Musmlm mime Sauce SAUSAGES ETC 1SimpgggogzgzmdCucumpcrhcm Plentyof plain dishes ou$iinsaimon car tteror dripping in uppe End cogk overdue heaHintIlA nlk he Mushroom Soup Int er dlled pckii ciiitaiiiiiivnm thoroughly stag ngggdeaiillndzgragpht and lightlybuttered rich baking povi biscuits Yield4 servmgs Jurightintltmttspeciat classiviien iniuse Heinz Prepared Yellow Mus tardaSallavouratterer Used in cooking or at the tablee theres nothing like Heinzgehuiiie stoneground mustard to THURSDAY MARCH 11 1948 LC lfdultalrlfi expected In felines You need noprevious experience or special aiding And you draw lull pay from the stun Youll have chance to see Canada perhaps take part in thrilling and important such as northern transport ights or summer photo exercises Its job in which you can iakcupieusure and RddrICh Dettlllliied to countless fOods in soon musiciansfuruniinnr Few ii fi iAsxroiiRailcommentsAriiirstiiuiimrs 3135599 QQRIFAVQ