21 II THIS WEEKS ISSUEV cop Aumomuo coin Lu IAIL to 01 onan YeahNo ec ion ages to iron PERFORMANCE II lire BCI Concert Band was scir Intmi as the highligiii membi ltcil in Massev Hall at Toronto lasll Monday night by Pearl Mchirlh iinusje critic of the Iomniorubc fimd Mull The Band had won two Dit 5W MBb MD DPH mm Uf=rst prizes in the Kiwanis Music 1115 risen appointed Chief Medical four daughters and one son 171 gposiiinr and mus won me 0p Officer of liIOillllLI for thIe SIrmcoItI Socrrfills bdlfrlludeIC1lIltf hgiditalIiimiiiniii i0 iiciimm in me aiiI County lleaii nit iicr wt iccr ca or ililLQ siiir iiiOgiiimI be oiiiiiisiivd on Jiiii 1948 iCUiiim will be 553500 II lie was selected will among DIMICTOH 01 NUllSING Yuri iiiiilliffcjiii seven applicants for the position Miss Margaret MRCILiiChliin P1151 wiioic II cu iii ii iiicciiiig iii Barrie iasi Fiinwas mi only uppimm in the Tiic iii of mg wucms lirch FOUR BARR TEAMS file tax rate 15 going to be tip this year and may be about iiiiiIrI iIIiLiIiloitIrIllts OIlIlzcl1gigIgIlliIiilI iIJIfIIIII IIIrlrsIrIrIiILtienimgIstai ofIilicIKuIIyIanrs MIliercIt lbO mills This would be an increase of 13 nulls over the rate 95 iv 00 ice in assey ii SillkillcllWIIll on from Manitoba osrtlolr Miss lilaclarclllzln has lyor said we Tale WOUld b0 03 mlllb If every pi Siimfmimidmii if COiinnIlibt InIghL StdllfldlIds had been 10119 go What was asked um um lhmbas ll Missoun biun 15 fr Hf l0d nouuh 15 Cr 13L mr DI ii 49 teas 193111 ta since it was rrsl orl wr ll llCC Of 531101 101111 if idid glllUCd Under the Conniv Health 19 0f legdlfim pkdbuir Barrie has no less than four the regumx meeting Mb Monday mgm ghe iiIiIIIIIIIiIi 11 IIsIIII IIoiIIc Iii Cealner IIIIII IIII IIIIIIsIIIII SIIIII III III III iMini iiioItoiicixriI huh grvIo dsi hock tIIIInIIIsiiii in pig irilembcrs of council met in committee with Reeve George Ll chVA Iltx Ei rI Scholarship in 1917 He studied creased to about 20 nurses whoIiiiiiiih Oiiic 1fiiiisjizlai LiisiI offs for ilrovmml honorsan uakv 13111113 0f 031100 in the chair The entire evening IIdmm IUQIUiIenIIbI Iglwifgli IIIILISIII lElriIlgImiviliil 122131 139331 IItIasI rIcwardch by tile plcasurci Ernaiggiriiespasm iiIQZEIbIIISi Ipm mm mldmghtv 15 spenL dbcussmg the all was grat ac iis Ii serving his intcrncshii at Hamil parts of the county mire eds in Lth Of my the HM Junior finals Comm ti tori General Hospital he went to Five persons qualified as sani tBiime Collegiate Come Bind The other three teams are all ml flnauual plcwrei AidAyres Observed Philadelphia for postgraduate tary inspectors applied for posiIiiiidm iii0 direction of WI AI Fisii ll WV Mmfr Mimi fthlt BUHC was growmg and everylhmg was bemg expanded work at IiciiCiSimI Coiieiic Iiiospi mm IiIiiIIiiIiiS inpatiiy IIiiiiIiIi eight IMIS II wmarkabic thing to heat AiniitiiIIriiroiiIIII JbeIIIIIlIIIfIIIIIlNIII ibut the assessment had not kept pace with the other develoi luiiiillliic1111 lilildiiiilingrYihllfiinioliggiiogif bfiihimnii 5L Mmrillc lmcntb of Torontos School of llvgicnc assistant medical officers sanilziiv immiy bangs ii is Tim liiiogci came of the scniiflnal round row Clerk Smnh bated Mtlvhe 35595511191 had bee on 192 to 1931 DE Swimmpecimb and um our he iiimmiS bands that ii must be com name Arena on armour mt leased $300000 but this vrould increase the amount on one conducted ti rural practice at Par made at later date possrbly afiiximd and judgch Rightdown i0 Mk Bdrm 1mm by only 3300 Limit year one mm raised $6081 This year barn The next six years he Was for Dr Scott takes over his dirlicsiiis big masses it produces beau Mde ye are kely Oiie 111111 will raise $6 386 wellinmoni and from 1934 to as Chief medical pmccr lfuul ltfintd 10le Clear Mid limpid meet Toronto BenLC in the SURPI US 1910 he was in picion as Mgdical George Patterson Reeve of Port iiiiosI and iiic Casciui phrasing semifinals Barrie Bantam III II 01 $5400 to 12 men and other ckpcndrturcs Officer of Health for the iCounty Mchcoll is chairman of theiwhich amateurs geidom sci Thcy Ill have me draw 51mm pomud out thiCd f0 10131 or $251500 with UiiiiI This vcai hc was Cminiy Board of iiiibiic chiiihimo II numiooking ioi Oi young against St atharincs travel if 31 190 SUIPIUS 015234Wi 1110 001100 bUthl IjIrIiiiocied iimidwi oiiiie Hasiiiiiis iio0i0iI iii his absence iiiiiiiighipwpia Roy mick COIIIII ring time tonight for the first itfiIIIdiItItiIllt in 1947 while this $15000 FOR TOWN riALi mid Prer Edward Counties Medi illness litrin Johnston Reeve ofiiiieiiiaior announced VVVVV mi ihcy II II 5BIIIL1IIIIQZI dII CletII OfI $83IlIi Another factor responsible for rrie irc 111105 81 51m irci 1t tli cl tron Olllllil lllL Vice chairman has WNW 10 Fl is yCd whawieoilt has all irllplCSSiVCIPCCn in Charge Oflhe 10085 10 fgsiibglrlitn mum FHLYLWO graduates 01 NO Technical Training School at series play the third and Im 5110111 WV 100 51 Will Do the alterations to the Town IIHIIIUI IIII rccordI He served brief Oiher iiiembcis of me imam II Camp Borden RCAF station received graduauon diplomas on fourth games of the finals mills last CriItll1 it would haw is csiimaied that the bal voriih in 1918 in 1940hc arc Fred Hunter Recvc of Te March 41lere Group Captain Rutledge OBE is Dfe Mum Windsor name bvmi had 16323400 be used nee or the work wm cost abom 11 the RCAMC as lieutenant liumseth George Shepherd Reeve Policeman Rescues Am Friday night and next 9hc Aid Charles 330000 Ald Lougheed suggested mid was promoted to captain ll Crccmorc Evans 50D mg certificate to LAC Bonrn Monday night If there is mmn Ald V01 ambit that $13000 be included in the no iI iiuwiiiii summon He went mic of Biiidniiiir imd Klllen After 11 mulch it Will be at Willd Iiltd It MC Wing We Ipli estimates lliis year for this work di tv it tr er stir next Wednesday irgier as your an le rnrrcallt and niilJorilv of ilicmbcrsvotcd High 111194and WitCd dbAd COM Evin iii fax Tree beams 10 ad 01 approval The balance would iIlllj lrl SrcrlV and Italy Whllciwlro has bccr rppo rlcd scc eta ibIIIIn IIICIIIIISM II id scrvr in Italy he was awarded tlcasurei of Itllc County Health ImI Good ResponSe to Adlef II IJmpIIf Presumably be lnCllidetl In the mi MBE Oi iiiS 0iiisiiinding Unit There so be one mem tiny black kitten owned by iiiiiilai out of proportion thisyciri 1049 budget Deputy Reeve Hart MIIIkI III IIIIIIIICIILII Returning to her appoinicd in ii board rc tIhe IfIamIrly oIfd ariId MrsIJIamcsi ame xominer IIIiIrrimIeiIiIirrIri IIoIn lrchrcascI lnsuggcsted it might be better to recnt tlr Ontaio Dc rrlmcnt GC ona as ac mp 1111150 1110 Wiley by debentures lliitlliilgiiiicquiliiiiiiifi 3f bllcalih The rlrcxl merging of cu her friends Cline world riiu Tff 17 llhllsm Hr dVCNSmM Wk 52ml Ow 801 Md 10 but 1110 majorin fell otherwise II possibiy chased by dog the llbltuk led cross knocks dIl your door and risks for your sup Wiiiniiiiced iii iiir classified c0i cd by It mills to 67 of Il1lll at Camp Borden With the board lull be MorldayMarcll in or ii We Violin of Vivi Tilt thrcation Council had ask iim iii nkioi Licuiemnbcoionei in 29I Ikrttcn scrambled up an elm lrec Tim IIIII1IIIIIIIIIIOi IIIVICC begins IIIIIIII II BI II Ii II unriis of the Barrie Examiner lo Ald llamny said the taxes welccd an increase of $1000 to $3500 IIiIII inIiI year iaIeII he Ob AIIpIIIIXIIIIIIiCiIII 50 IICII CCIII mm the comer of Donaiu and Boys Red Cims CIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Redgcmgk iIIIIIIIIISIO IIiIVCdIIlIlLIfiIMIEIichLIIIlsvllf sell water pressure pump Less bound to go up because the cosiiThiS was discussed and afici con new streets last Saturday night Suri iiincdr his lciease from active scr the cosi if Operating iiic than one hour after the paper was of living was up all over the corlrllsideration thc increased amount day morning the kitten was scenirecord two full sunmwrs mem 5111111 83 Child being on the siands the pump was sold trv and one dollar would Lciliiiiiieiigii liniltncwn wnh 131111dial11111111111b0C by the in one of the uppermost branchesdmwifiwd III II II During the next three days there as liltuliils it used to dowAlilihizllgilbsginc thought was given shrouded in white from the snowIyeaII I1III1C1allEItifIIIIVJE IisIchiiIII lIIrIiIIiiprinnosiudgyIiiIIiiie INCH iii giver ihiiii 30 ieiapiwiie Come added iiiiii iiicmasmii iiix i0 paririg the budgctI AidII Pouchcr mcd Banting Has Hen FOMPRESSIED lfngnofsttdmvevous gltib iiims and hospital supplies remain rm Rid Cms iiospiiiiis iii Ciiiij IIIiilflilfs iiaflIIdIIngB 102g fismnice 95Ii1550d 605 if presented motion urging post Working people in the habit oIfIb II IIl big IIStIinzc liIclgi 01110II IIdiIIII frontier IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISI UII the RIId Cross IIIIIIII OII IIIIICII which IS thIlmiIi Idbgbdc ICIdCIiI lIYW Hik poncmcnt ofItth hiring of full 1Iha EOduced Huge usmg COiiiiiilIcssed rim cooling oyIs ICIllll Ilc ice in an Ior IIIIIIiy on the scene III CIICIIV IIIIIIOII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IISIIsICII fovII IIIIIIIII II 00 soon an llll00 AIinoIill the factors making the time fire chief for another year Oi for dusting Chiming they iim tOIICCUC tIhc little pctI But kitty pinched IIIId Shivering child in WI IIUIIIUIICd IIId uumcimnp If increase nctcssai was the public There was sevenseven tic vote inolil IBanting of Ivy brought wearmi are waiiimd by me DC IlggllICIlIIuandIIsiifghtrI irrIiIlrl Great BIIIiIIIIII Ll sthIoIrIil Ibourd Illihip of $13001lon IAld Pouchcrs motion and IgiiintwsIlZICl egg to the office of partmcnl of Nallonal Health and IIICV Rf CC Thai progmiii 0i gcwicc plOvidcs ii biomi piiismii in iim hos 1132 jIIILIIIUHIlIhI IOIII IabolIriI two Chairman Clark declarchl the trio Tho Carrie Examiner on Saturday Welfare that 11115 is dangerous piuiis of two Canadian provinces and iwa i0 ix doing iiiis in Uiii Pubcmtd lion was lost Councrl wrll adver requisition for $7350 for 1948 tisc for and proceed to hire full Dilllct at Baxter Mar IR 1948 illljll levy Iof $40920 was time chief Music by paxtims orchestra ill by $4008 While the county IAld Griffin their presented March The specimen measured practich It liasbccn known to The Slmdfly TCSCUC attempts eight inches around the centre and Cause lossiofieyeslght and hearing failed Iand kitty spelltIller Isocond nine and onehalf inches around Death can occur if the air stream mm the UDDOI regions There own Royal Victoria Hospital before this year is out II Welcome the Red Cross canvasscr Through her you can changc Iwas another heavy snowstorm your money into the most varied arid widespread service Through mil was iiciiiiii the long my enter the 130 wall the healthrsiiiiday Mn but km mmained her you can become score of Good Samaritans on the Jericho Road DmFm Im 950100 m1 Vii i1 muligdnthih mono that 9me tQthc tux ratg The iron that laid the egg had depllmemv of human need lrrsh entertainment and dance Lb Mb Chm the grant or $1200 for the Citi ion iiCi perch in the crotch of the local assessment had not kept zeris Bind be discontinued This Gi nrr Pl 17 iigfiiifilnnwk mm The roads were vb siipperyibmnch and was again covered with ERNEST LEWIS IleldLllL Barrie Branch gaziimoIciIlcsiraImszng Mar iii pacmwith the equalized assess money has been used i0 pay$iiii last wcckcnd and one accident snow Tucsdav March 16 dance Oi mem monlh to the bandmasler but ciinrted to bllb7b0ut920 IMdndal morning Prov Cans iI Irj in The Police Commission were the Sunda 033 driven bYICharles Bemanfwho lives in the 6113i 1110313 Wmc asking $500 more this yeah The reciob dothcciunmgors 7w 00 0y 510 ma me Alexander Wllllam Brown Skld dlStlCt Cd asaw to be and Paxtons orchestra llp 101w 35 bemg Increased by 0m Turn to page six Please ded on Blake St and slid into P1900991 Climb 00 Notice Oddreirows and Rebek gIaiIkch car owned by Hilton SWIElxniIteertdiattohsaw igcnliImb iiIl abs Box social that was to bci Annual Report damage to the two vehic cs 00 r0301 held on March 15 will 110 can About Lmlc and heha was about $75 1km HOWQVCV the branCheS ccllcd till further notice 11p Of hot Mixed 3511113 WI be iheldand he was able to reach thel game Com iii Concert Fri laid down in Barrie this kitien and he brought her down div MaiCi 131 3010 Si Linnea b1an TOWH Counts 306 DUIPIUS In safely lnsrdc his Jacket Three miics of Isiiiiiiaiy sewers Church 830 pm Guest artist In addition to the awards won by the Barrie Collegiate Ily passed bylaw authonzmg will be laid down in Barrie this Eileen Farm Soplano 11121 Dr Ross Turnbu SpeaksSpling at cost of $38000 ThisI Crokinole and social evening Concert IBand at the annual the issue of debentures to the extent of 29000 to for this Barri will provrdc immediate connccI Wednesday MaICh 17 5L PaUES Kiwanis Music Festival in To Vans Itrons for 42 dwellings now crcctcd Church basemenl auspices bl ronto six individual members Ion Health Services landIrthcre will be sanitary faciliI ilauls VWA Admission 25c lIlp 77 77777 work of the band entered ecial ties available foran additional 250 rDr Kenneth Rogers richrld pisya II This surface will be similar to that laid down on four miles IiI II assesrandcaebwoiiher iveteiJnsv night was Obscwcd iii houses that could be built along chologlst at East End Home and first second iniaigciasses Kiwanis at Mondayrs meeting with these streets School Club King George School iarge number of exseiviceII pei The contract was let to the Cook sonnei resentI men and Construction Co last Fall and Afterpbeing introducedfvoixiienR work 85 Staw Bmzy St Lalifllrlzrildlseedcbigf C3121 Sirlciiitegi ii Neitleton on behalf of the Club The WOrkWibe rCCOTimWC Dunlop Street in Barrie last Eri exlcnded to them warm welcome early the Spung day prior to the official opening and assured them that their mm At recent se$swn Of Town on Saturday Mar tribution to the crime of freedom Cotinml the bylaw was passed 1910 On hand 10 wagging the cm was appreciated minute silence Vidmg mney be rased Zens of Barrie wcrc Vauihler was observed in memory of D0n byAdebenlulleisi iiiti ii and four members of the staff Felt who made the supreme sac ppmxmd one 1L Miss Alicc overs manager Miss of the main streets last year The cost of the pavement will be shared by theIproper tyholdcrs with the taxpayers on each side of thcstreet pay ing about onethird Thestreets to be paved are as followsr on Poyntz from Diinlop to Collier on Welling ton from Bayeld to Clapper ton on Clapperton from Well ington to Grove on Cotter from Brook to the gully on Ted Hutchings won schol arship of $150 for his outstand ing performance in the wood winds Illis oboe 9010 of movement from Mozarts Son ata was one of the highlights in this section of the festival Ted studies with Perry Bau man of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra Cameron Stcwart won first Thursday March 11 at pm Pub II he welcome 1011b St Patricks afternoon tea and sale of homemade baking Wednes day March 17 auspices Evening Auxiliary Essa Road Presbyterian Church pm 11p Sunnidalc Corners Choral Club c0nccrtTownship Hall Wednes day March 24 at 815 pm Ad mission 350 and 20c Choral sing from to Reid on rmceI cost will be borne by the municiI II flighmlrom Brafdford to Park The speaker of the evening was PalitbrWhile the propertyhomers seize iagthngss glam Ann Meyer mg and Short Sims 11421 MISS HELENISHANAHAN Dilace am Open Clarth IstII on Park from Tommi to Dr Ross TumbuiiI whoIspoke on on each side of the sewer will beari The store 353 zfnwhiic mnp MarchI lZIBridge Euchre and Who presented her annuai re 01 Sgsnm any 1101133 Minoanva on Sophia Health Care in Relation to Soci thIeI remainder II med with biack looked bright and Dance in Grlford Hall I8 pm as Superintendent of the nga second IIIISSpgxI I135 I538 from Hayeld 10 Clappeon gty The average person today sewers 1111de 3315113137 cheerful and baskets of lovely gumhdprgivmigimxljighag Victoria Hospital at the annual clarinet class for mtisicians=16 amcmmcmmlawnmwoasucmmsmuhmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmrmsrp mammwmoMMMwsmm ppe 93 an name table cand madeari attractive berof patient da in 1947 was Don Ma ll Royal VictoriaHospital presented Wish but the greatmiddle class Baldwm om E558 Road to Adel appearance St Patricks 0E5 euchre and x0 was 580011 111 cmkinoieIIpaiin Basie ii Sim HaiiI 29286 anincreasc of 1239 over the flute class one pointIbe lli anual report last Monday cahnot afford it The cost 0fadei Marcus fmmvcamlme to One of the clerks demonstrated SiioudI MondayI March i5I 830 the previous peakyear which was bind the winner and Ronald sronrvrwmnbw EYELIDS 165 feet north on Jane from Perry shakesIhacesi proteclme stormlghlgsmesliep0l1 lcaicda su wimderumcdl hegemony someone maximum or Blacksiock laced window over their eyes trans plusof $2095 before depreciation IHCFCESEd lately as as hospital 2030 91 fmglrigtxingrggiregdrig given to is visftors eggs Goodpnzes Mmlssmngi large class pin ihgsfffgliiirgfil in ization Man in the low ncome parent membrane Wthh saves compare With 1055 Of $6676 orl The Laura Sccord Candy Shop Good Friday iMarch 26gt Ch01 ReadI Examiner Classifieds divrsron eyes from scratches and injury the previous year of 1946 bracket wont go to doctor be We Puget frmSteEIe in Barrie is one in chain of more causeithey are afraid they cant Davis on Codrington from 200 feet of St Andrews and EssaAliIoad so wall in some com licafron iaSti Wkworlh Pgel 51 than mp throughput an sbyferimi EFWTW OP 171 get in What theaverag person dJavisffrom Puget to lot 10 Pene Quebec Stainers CmcifixionI SiI Am inwentstoday issecurity tang Road On Puget from Davis dleWS Church 315011 Craig 4i owarewetomeet this prob to Kempenfeldt on Berczy from rdonaldv onrDonald from existing Hamilton organist choirmasterx +71 7t lcmf his being met in this cmin comer to 30 feet north 0f Amelia sewer to Boys GUCSt SOlOiStS Arthur Bartlett ltryihvarious ways We have the Theresa from 391le DunT Vtenori and Howardbcorreu bass III Workmens Compehsaiiom but it IooIin FOR MESSENGERSI both of Toronto Collection iieI Establlshed In onr covers certain 60 1e and 98 165 early dayS of the Roman fray expensesr meg only when the Ere hurt In iiosingIDr Turnlliulilsald that Republic gold rings Were worn Barrie Branch of CKS annua if while at work Thereare also 5m for 9991 523111PrsenatesethstedriwithizLmeetingitiibrary Halli Thurs Since Simcoe C0 in be The first week in March WaS cleaning seed treating and Weed number of Health Insurance poli was collmgr and 0115 though specal missmh 017319 State lawnlamb 18 at 39 Film come so interested inulohal ilisistory nrnglssgoescgcffndfgfifiiergbgclggfgr ICrop Week in North Simcoc SeIed control Mr Hickling emphasized cies bi none of them give c0m should be given to the problem socia1 work and committee Ire duringthe past few Raw In 1854 Ihre waerformed dbIIII Displays and Crap meetings rbIelng the need forvincreased feed grain plete coverage Some industrial The Speaker was Introduced by Dontask Questions readlets ad DONS PUbliC Walcome 12bthoughtit might be of interestrrto lag society in Barrie and from this held at Minesipg Vasey erllia production in Ontario and sug rms protect their employees R03 Klgheyiand 301 Momsm dlssed 108 bOX number Sender on Mar 17 le YOIUDE PEODIGS note the fact that we have just grew the localMechanics71min FElmVile and Mldland There W35 gsted Severalways by which this against sickness Yetithererare expressedthanks 1eMe your name and address Unionucwkstowni W1 limet completed 85Years as public intoand finally the Barrie Public 33$Qdbaitfnggncffme bemIgI Right 1106 acfcomiglishegl Stressindg manyfwho have no protection gt leay IIISIhIe wads GalyIIaI Facrmckrs librarian wmie Miss LiiIMcPheQ Librawa ii Ia ou armersI eac va ueI mm eiter Icee whateyeiII an they can do is go II aug er aii conccr oo sI inI her 24th annual report of the rThe Tori nal re meetingI Turn to page IISIX please on relief when not Working In St Pierrelenner Of Five Hats town Town Hall at 841m 1011p Barrie Public Library Debating gdociet Stilfspt KeenI interest was shown1n ihe some countriesItheyIhave GovernI Bridge and cochrc donation Bouiton arirLLWllliam iBbysvwas Sged dISIleiinQMO busilng jbIede merit Health Insuranceilbut few of party Churchill Community Hall vicepresideti promo samp Ies lsp ayeII them aresatiIsfacItory England Tliursday evening March 1lAd it ThIe Ital Isefgwwa Ised Health is now being sociaiized and ssion to Be food packages gu lErIm thsImodIestbeIglnmgii ill i08 us es IUSI 65 medical men will be the servants able for overseas bites Ladies 0f barleyt 50 511815101 mlxed of the statenbut this canriotlworh pitovrde lunch 11b sisgt192$111glaiiiemieriiergginf seIed and 30 IbushelsI OF 390 satisfactorily In the Province at March 22 Constovvn Beeton one theta isoaanpopu IIllmoihyery little ofthlsseIed Saskatchewan the Government is and Newton Roblnson Young wt 19 omen IIwas QfIIIregisiered gdeI most of taking charged an HospitalSIand peopIeIS UnIOIISIIWuI present three per can over 45 it being commercial good Health This win haveI tender plays and conceEiI iiiewion Robin The book stock at the end oIf numberotiarmers niadepur ctho lowerthestandariof one so Han 330 Ad 19473m9kmeiio13345 b99151 0L chases professioii mission andZOC LifiiciiI up which 4835 were ctionII5091weIie Cropwcek was organlzcdby the Practically every Government Cl biLb Qudmnv 871d 3419 were invert NihSim lmPVemt and every Party in Canada today HalliiltedayiiliiVIziclh 1611 830 Asspcmtlon COQDerallOIl will is pledged to somekind of Health Speaker Mr Dick Bird Subject During the year 1964I b90195 mmmmmm mmwcww mWWMm IIiI of the ve meetings were held in not satisfactoy Prepaid medical prrfiiilseged biiehogilchu counts from 25 30 99 goniIuifItgiOIYL will 1018 Viteekly iIIifgra care is sure to start trouble So asaguestoiihe club 115 The were 1029 W39 90 rcu 13 189 185 ialized medicine ma work if jr SeyfOiillia EIimvare and Midland Sonrmned by qualing regional FIVE TIMES IN REGULAR LEAGUE GAMES Gilly St Pierre SNOW LESS and the meetings were COHdPCEd boards 0f Barrie Flyers scored three goals forthe hat trick Gil is Snorilr soforten accentle as illi under the jOlnt chairmanshlp at PhySiCianS Incorporated is eVitaible receive medical aw iii WC seen here withilve hats fora total of $3750 worth of headgear we 109 marovgment scheme recently started by the detention declares one Department 28338 ASSPeiauon and 16 10081 group Ontario Medical Association Two donated bySlmcoe District comp servmeIS Azsmr Performer of Naonal Health and Welfare Ichairman health policies are issued One on home iIceIGll completed his five hat tricks at Barrie Arena 32va In bulletin the health CIICIInIyDwI1I2eiiIikIaIsIspeIiiinh lings covers Isurgisatlh aiig obIsItetriIcIal In 36 league gamesst Pierre averaged exactly two points an ramming mngiittf snor II cases any an er me =1 II Ichklrng past president of iiie cal and surgery cases The costs game With 39 goals and 33 assists he was only one point be IomIn oItII agoggia of these are very reasonable and hind George Armsuong 0f StraqrdWho won theEddie POW Association Were the chief speak HUNTER RUSSELL they have many commendable eIIS Memorial Trophy in the JutOtA Scoring race this season ejsw Mr Baikes stressed seed ithIeir ifamlly doctor for corrective measures