Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1948, p. 9

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THURSDAY MARCH 1948 HMnmxwmra wwwqrv World Membershl of GRENFEL Red Cross has About WUr 73 Hundred Million People lad it itlitlll that Norman Scott was able to it iolle on VVV Sunday flout the Dot wiluuidltt 53 nricalo prmi iumm 7n pitiellerai of 210 Le of Red LPNant 21nlItuxdlrLV Cyrus Swic lizdtxl it 31 Mr and Mrs Charlie Delaer andille mtloh W3 61 rKitl tannlv spent Send wilwvr ll iie Rid lgtk1 net tV tdn Mrs 7thm Burn lltrtmmnd they are known 111 rieLwof the The WA are holding Eoclai ijvav Red Cm Meddling 1331 and Fillium in Toronto n5 VdhdV Miil pt ill 1l ytlichthtty iilt going to entertain Railicrfilil is 53 The Community Club held box S411d tb bulllemlng 15119 19 3W 50cm last TUVMM cll1g m9 mum pmplc 1le 14mg home of Rev and Mrs Hunt govertml by board of ieiires Angus The men had to decorate Wm from mm in mm blxs 11 19 1414 had 10 which meets twice year Cllc m1 buymg WU enjoyable Him me mde Basil 0Cm time was suciil Yuan Aer RN Loop Purpm 1111 leilgue to facial tatethe derelopuiem in lled Cross societies The League is part of me Ilcmmumul Rod Cm Hd The llivmmmoml Rod CW5 coliiposcd of Swiss citizens and came into being because lieytiie Swiss7 were neutral and could therefore deal ililpartiallv with pnfwnu 011 XY 111d Omm hinmm lallall pro cllts llrlltly it little ma lour chief Works the League Red C17 SMth i110 10 the new ldismm NEHSing with liminlRtdgmisl Nil1x Red Chi5 50 10 hilc milled 11 Impummt relief Cewny the Uunmcs inch suemd St PatricksD through the war and here the CY Canadian Red Cross has played an outstanding role Count 40 Rouge told ofltlle thanks and grail WC have splendid tide willLR ltllflllfla tile Lmddlm ital selection of CHUHWW VQlk 10 HRfllllmllml St Patricks Day had Played the 110mm Sllmmg qu Wfh the km war the CillllldlullStiClCly has al ViVStICSKWdJd 1W SEllgmer 51 ppca W1 eumm Red C1015 SOCJCHCS ll mnhlcx Of lope iv Rnwnnm mmd 1an 130 Elizabeth St and mi much Fumlm Cm THE PICK OF PIPE TOBAC 95 Iolldllcd PoolCaro to ManltoblSaakutchn Barrie 0mi Mme Brmh blumba and billomllertmwlreor honetorreduced PHONE 4055 hetnhlrates pEGIlbllllcd1885 610 YongeStToronto Ktngsdalc 5125 luwl BOVINE PACKING SHIPPING Ill Slll cemetery Miss Orchard vos asked father had been one of the iirth MISS HARRIET ORCHARD llw Stroud Miss llarlict Orchard cele brated hcl 02nd liillilday tillHncvilcd 1pm third oldest resident Thursday lebrualjr 20 where she was born 11 years ago The frame nu11mg just south of continued to act as librarian ever the main intersection at Stroud was built by an uncle of Miss Orchard in 11154 Two years later it was bought by her father who had come to the cr teaching there for about 12 years Mr Orchard died lll fact he passed away beloieilarrict was born Growing up with the community Miss Orchard has become an an7 7titorityonthohistoiylocdistrict When cairn was erected in the to prepare history of the com munity Ill 1932 she completed Librarian and Historian of found necessary to have it removed The members of the library board 511 lsltake over the library in 1921 She observing her birthday in the housewas Tlcmry of UW tufnncns istittlte Since 25 history of the Methodist IUliitcdt Church for the 80th anniversary cel ebrations The following year she prepared family history for the centenary celebrations The young raries ilillld is proud of the fact that her library has one lllllL highest est of failiin of live daughters died 10 years ago Comiectcd with this because herl teachers stitute decided to prepare local Twcedsmuir History of the com munity iliiss Orchardwas invited to gather and edit tile material She ithis history available to Sheriff 1C Drury who is now preparing all new history of Simcoe County connected the Stroud Womens IlistittileV Miss Ori To Toronto To North BGY 655 am 700 pm 1040am 750pm 105 pm 940 pm x125 pm y1005 pm 330pm 425 am xiiil9 91111 145773m 55+wiaStandardTimel7 of Education in framing the legis in 1912Wilh about 100 books it pcrated by Chanller and his Sister By 1921 the library had grown to more than 1000 books and it was Creemore and Sroyner Making Strong Bid For HSArea School Crecmorc Star we see by press reports tllata meeting was held atBarric last Vweek to further discuss the estab lishing of High School Area to include this section of Simcoe County and according to reports Stayncr is making strong bid to have the proposed ncw school built at Stayner We have no brief vith Slayncr but as wesec it the proposalto make Stayner the centre of High School Area is one without one Jotao inerit 011117 argumentlds basedjent 1y on the impossibility of such aschoolcyer drawing on ough pupils to make the school what the promoters are endeav ouring to attain The Department iation tpmhave large high sch jTo Owen Sound VTo Penelang toGravnhurst Sio orllllnonlysn Sun Hol areas were particular to usethe word large Every high sciiooli inspector we have listened to when spcakingop the subjectltas 10 40 81040 amt 750pm VV stated that the ideal high school 15 410 pm 125 pm $1010 put one with at leasttloo and up to b1010 p111 410 600 pupilsfhe reasons are obvi cept sun Hol yb Sun Hal 13 gyffhggf rm ex tsateSun 85V cV except Sat sender or say ZOOVpupils them H01 Sat Sun Ho wouldnt be enough children regisV 01 FortMontifeoll 1T FARESVARELOW Round Trip ran Included dnd DelroilV 7801WINNlPEG $31820 teiing fol certain courses to make to teach them Iit feasible to engagearspecialist As wefsVeeVV it and ye viiritethis alter carefully looking into the situation past present and future high school at Stayner could more than two hundred students fandthatwould not be enough to When the Siroud Womens Ill never muster tip an attendance OE dwarrinotsdie big expenditure which reader M155 Halli 15 10 litt 10 $1YleEyears ago when the average nunic Site has lived alone since Sister of anuks road by members of iiarge Toronto library was 10 Miss In 1938 Miss Orchard wrote liisi01liald noted that the average for tory of thelocal school for the 2011 itcnniai celebrations and wasclosely 05 Production Goals T948 United States agricultural pro duction goals for 1948 were an iiounccd 13 VBARRIE Shelves were built iii the hall of A1155 Orchards hotne alid the lib iary board had telephone instal Coininuiiily as school teacher Aft110d fUI 1101 Couiily Library as 50 but at the present time it is While the membership and book iciillcction do not compare witlrlib Wccarrhave them taken out it isliust as well to wait aiid see the members at Stroud was 33 Miss Orciiardgregrels that her lib rary is not eligible for provincial Womens Institute the Stroud Lib is pleased to have becnabic to makernly received agrmt of $10 from the County Council for few years This grant was discontinued but In nisfil Township Council support and an annual grant of $25 lis received from this source In ad iiiggu waging0f4h9HLheheped74lliOLHHGmembCISybay fees of 50 to establish tlieconimunity libralyicems 391 In moderately goodllealtli Miss led VV1wbmosmpccmmhardrsays sheitnmv5orilylw ICSldelltS of Stroulewho are her seniors Samuel Manear marked his 86th birthday last June and Miss Mary Wice was 89 last August EXAMINER BAilRIE ONTARIO CANADA Marks 82nd Birthday gm ti on steels ETA liirnl 231513 cyca tLe 121 1173gvs and wixe tlLl nun yuln only BM mil ilit 1cl2 ti lining ilize docloi tliL lit lt 1mm lime Ll boos Dr col Runner Pale 85in contains it til flli =il flj 31th in liln li luglrtiithls iiir isllm forming drugs it has been pupal to liviiht not inastel of ntotctv chum IMAM for Leitriy at ciils llc lll llil ins adi plc lug Miss Orchard t0 lllt so at that time and she has Til the Membership in the Stroud Lib in ialy fluctuates It has been as high fee me in the urban centres Miss ratings in Ontario Afew to in grants We would have to have 45 mama Robinson Cm Von atrailtiller JUnemplormenl Irsrrdnce helps the we would have Dim can of our which recommended the changeI employer by prOVIdlng unemployed books idle said that Constable Gerald John th th Organized undsupponcd by the start who is in charge of me W1 IC ClSlllg power an ps look up 01 the Agricultural 8111 recently The overail acreage to be planted to farm crops 15 356 million are for cultivated crops and the remainder for hay cro total exceeds indicated act 11 acre million acres of which 296 This ages for 1947 by about nine million acres and continues the hi sought bylast years goal 0f foremostimportancc because of the worldwide demand are thet7 total recommendediacreages for feed grains corn sorghums for grain These goals lprovivaevfor some wheat 751 million acres and othergrains should unpredictable factors such as weather prevent the full wheat acreage being reached The world shortage of vfwnd oils is such that high ptoduqtiorosoybpanrantfilax seed is recommended Goals dor dairy products are set as high as practicable in face of further decreases in the number of QUEBEC 2775 Barrie Bus Terminal Phone 3162 73 Collier Street REGINA15945 VITICKETSVL AND INFORMATION AT excessive taxatiorbwjthout getting thQVdesired results 77 m9PARKING METERS ARE BANNED FROM WESTON Weston Council has decided to merchants objected to the type being used as motorists must de posit either one cent or five cents at time with no range in be tween ed and repaved We will again parking control Daugherty Would be Entailed It wtmld mean cut parking meters out after many When our main street is wident have to consider some system of said Mayor fgif caucus OlDS 30nrinvoir oats barley vttwn it in mi JSIMPlE Should Regard Parking Meters as Service Miss Orchard of Stroud 5ipmelalj recently when motorists have litli dtl that the led llgg ill the liltiti ME up that the motorist palked bvsldi llll meter that therefore he 11 Mi Bf parking illegally it didn Jxllrd ml ma cl that the motorist had tried to deposit his coin in the meter but found the slot blocked or the ARDWOO PREPLRRIJ invttlaiilsln not working ii the sllozrl has to park liallil the centre ol the road is he parked hazel Ulhltlt the meter Should he illnc H1 1111 IlillitlW lfll nt illL really IHH fixmil31m 133130 mini Mi Ume my Wm WVV lol lllloriiiatloil as to uttlng Haulage be liabln for dealing footpath will Tuxiliixtxlmm HMV Either wrlte 01 Phone or Hill the ptllkLdeill to the meter mks pawn Tiliortat Miss Walker ill lvllll home for the ltllll herimri Elli jalsnli All lilllnlt Iliulllti lllAW TO TRY METERS Mp my 31 Hanna new and llillliAi lil on Mr lalsizcs New Restaurant IStandardObserver lcmbiokel has real parking pibblem in its downtown section and it is prob that the council felt that me mm Ammy rum lmVUhtILi WON 10 or rpcitl lllt weekend with llll pai JV cuts So far as we know palnltitl MN IMle ml AWN xrm lets have not heretofore been YPU NPMUH llnhl WM tailed in Canadian city of Many size to Ottosz ool Mrs nlelnnn ul toinnnwimu has Ulllpillilblt many smaller centres which llth and has yet to learn what COHdI tions Wlli be like in the busy stilli whether Itinil that parking conditions in proved and it has been easier and safer to lllC through Pembroke streets than ever before On the now dealing with bu years trial and if at the end of lthat time TWO HOURS 0N SIDE STREETS ltvothlll parking meters are be installed on side streets on Inun cases had payments not which onehour meters are now be Ii available the unemployed would use it was dctdcd by the ve suffered want Town Council Monday night This action was taken in response to demand for longerparlting parking meters had reported that short period to park when they had lot of shopping to do There are 120 meters on the side streets and the niechanism will be changed so that they may be used minutes to two hours The Vchangc it was said will be made by the rising meter company without cost tothe town It was decided to purchase com coufiter from the proceedyof cows during the past year and the smaller quantity of iced grains available for 1948 VV Examiner Classifieds bring re True reports on the works of the Red Cross and he would be dead injured in actash He received 177desperatehead injuries and They Were Canadian men The Red Cross Blood Transfusion gt7wereyouonc7of4hcm2 Today he is healthy happy lookt at sometimes comes into his rippled Children Disaster Relief Nutrition Satirical Home Chairman EDGAR Coughs And Colds Require Attention The romttiiiite use of in Woods sway il8 Yup IrinlS spawn of angling trips to vat vitae Lo ungii lLilelMlzi 11tlt lflilin lilc parking in $4 and lilt police and the nag that lllcllkii ill tullll should heal 111 3an at $th outt elcrynliero Bel lillll Sitv lnoilti Iriil lgi Hui Ii outofhand Tile police hale lite lot 1mm iillllcl intx zr have been Lilc colilt The 315111 Co Inach Tiuhl 09L ptlll Vciilwrlti at at BEETON gt PETER THOMSON sous axon the toll ll on do near The 1l ol llll tUl lliililli to till iii lllt lltllll nl ti 1min liaipii lloam has sold lot west the iiotll to Mr K0le of lor onto ltl ltllllli building an up ll anti ltltiiill lestllurailt ill the Spring tnc lilltlgt bl Min llelziiid Bell Ferguson l7 on tin iilh list All tisil into speedy rwoxcr Aurora vuiiil lciii lllmlgl ill ttawa is going to girc parking tcrs years trial The Capital llillit liliii of Sunday Willi 11 leturlicd homo alter auntck Willi well her sister iptcd them appear to be 50 pemmokc has had park Mr and Mzs llonaltl lalnlil Kth for only few mumm look in the carillal at llallle on llldil Mrs iliiipkenicr of Midalc Saslc is the guest ill her daughter Mrs lon lalmcr months when tratiic is heavy we are not in posttion to 5311 The Lawn llmtllllg lub intend they are timid 01 bad holding two lzilltlllts in tile Oranlzt is much can be said in titeili HallV Manh and in WUrm collie ill and Mrs Kelly of liillilllo spent the weekend Willi the form crs iiiolher Mrs 11 McCul lough The Legion held another illtllll been int Mofe ooo UNEMPLOYMENlNSURANCE The Strolid W1 Library now has other hand we have heard lot on 1ng mm Tm WWV V1 collection of 1100 books and these ol stories not illCllllLl1Sllbsllll NS Wavy Male Bum arc lujnieiitcd by books from the tiatcd as yet to the cicct tia Mrs Verbamm Mm Mm Own loliiity5Llliliy Every four months nicrcliants have lost business since WCIS paid from the Un Ea shipment of 100 books is sent to the meters were installed and employment Insrance fund to uneln Missl0rcllaid oii loaii from the thatDlt0llCll9m4119 YOUGANIEPEND ON Canadingfrom Seplember DllSllltSS Ill have nearby villages The general ling appears to be that as the ters have been put in on 1945 to Oclo er 31 1947 $3100000 was contributed to this Governmentxol Canada individual unemployed and thgir dependants behe lled gom these payments WISCONSIN MR 200110 ENGINES From to 22 ilp We do not liki them cmbrokc StandardObsewert Whats the good of Unemployment InsmanceCon there be any doubt on the farm tin contract in coal yards etc KVSTEEL FOR SALE worker by providing maintenance allowances during unemployment Employer and Employeeand the Gov ernment all have an interestUnem ployment Insurance is large factor Angles Plates Sheets healthy National Economy Flats Cold Rolled rt willlalibrfull use ofyour7 local office of ENGINEERING c9 the National Employment Service 17 Mulcaster St Phone 3744 Barrie WELDING ARCH and ACET ny motorists found one hour too any parking period from 12 meters Department oi Labouw HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of LODOUI MacNAMARA Deputy Minister 13 by leading Canadian writers by ClaiboWallnce There is man in Canada who has the blood of seven total strangers in Fla veins Maybe you wmce at that idea He doesnt Withoutlt who they pro As he looks into strangers face he silently asksz Were you one of them If s0 think you from my hearii Simllly the mother who gave birthmtotwins and Would have died except for blood transfusions the babyLso7anaernic7 at7birtihecv could be kept alive only by donated bldod triiie mlzlainiedu tihe sick fe0 78 lllOSC W10 owe delicateo ration was 1m orative But shoclgfmdloss of b10021 hadso thciluiitlfsn Engafgggps weakenedhim that he couldnt Say re have survived one If seven strangers had nOt stepped in IWo years ago he wasseriously Free b13011 folifCmiudjnn hospitals wdmen who had each given blood jervicevplana as soon as iblc donation to the Canadian Red 319 extend whole biog and wplasvrna Cross Blood Transfusion Service free tompints neegdingif in When thodoctors called for blood hospitals across anada Already to save the life of the accident two provinccSBritish Columbia victim it was the blood of those 21nd Albertaeproyide this life seven which pplled him through savingserVice Last yearyAlberta gt and British Columbia distributed 21044 bottles of whole blood and 2364 bottles of plasma resulting in the saving of many lives useful citizen of Victoria British Columbia The only thing that marks him as different from the oven man is rather searching But it takesmoney as well noblood to save these lives Remember this as the Canadian Red Cross appeals to you now for funds Give generously life may depend upon your donation eyes as he walks along the streel For he often thinks of the seven Who saved his life and wonders LVgtV it i731 The work of Red Cross Scruiccsiudude Blood Transfusion Outpost Has pitah Aid to Sick and Disabled Veterans Treatment for curlsjgioe generous fang Courses Swimming and Water jinn 1Cruiss COMMITTEERQOMS us lineman itli 777

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