corded tile three women contest lhanked them for their cooperation Holland comer L00 lZtd that it represents less than 300 uneven In Seed Nmwww confedemnon Life i103 supphes Hod Record Year ACGS Pwmrhmmmann tile ariiitla tree any 24 on than int Auin H1111 rm mm 75 VX gi it ti lil lot by PIISIdOM if ii Klili llu tr mo ONTARIO Hlmtl VltulHuliil nat oe pup mm Id VHELWH $32 bow iii you dill in PlOWM lV EN ASSOCIAHQN According it the Ill wanilt mini iitl snnu mi 13 We 51040103 lirozl the line ll Lanna lltil 35 NHHT in My liltltlmtil Hwy ioitn If ilk lilllnl Firth iilthl 01 Soitilrtii to total oi ocl llllll lNSIlllENl LM whiin 3r iuui it MK oo Ellto and assets anti policy rc inmt iv LA 1ili llllxlesuln 500 mptlcfi tilhi l7ixt illtitlhitl salience NM iiyUAM UK utit Lt till gray Tiyw XL5 pm pmduus 25m Itllllkclull nini llu$llibtiolou lespeetiylly 80 and 1l tillt lull ilk Jiiithll 1000 oiliuleiatlon Lil ilned 36 in ill iUi CUWK illSH Block VGJag lattcisin llii mwlm av 11 Av My WW mm at ll 11m tutti 119 acres bkjix7lll ti url pl 41 luvmwg 2300 ltll liiozn aln pi Tub in WNW mm lingualM nut gt viv tillllJllluih round oil Rmi UWK Dewy Lei tixiihti 50a Villl iv 11 minty It Mummu 0le leh MM iirlnlgtVI5j Mom 33 CW Law 51mm 500 lwllington liolison Loot it Ilritlll ill ins Hume up it in lliv it all lhtsp rpm acres and other tallcic ti tics it 1n lllllellou loud 1W in who fff ff lil if mi NH Hm Furm1 15W lillll llllWllt mm lit gtllt llllrv tieiltl may now hiivtm v1 lllt lttltt lilillltl T3 glue MSW MM BUM mo Um new halted but the low lilies still to nook we nail lttll tllltl VI ll lieu iv rumoi irty mg SNHWH 200 ium illui Asxtitllllio Loon Elise serious problem in insur and lilttl tllli Luann stones in tLtt Uh Mm ML mnnmmwx am 1217 liowdery gnu mcc companies and prospectivei 11ilig lillrlcy 500 ll llrowil fllltll ilolltuhouieis because then tendl lmiltls ol llltlldz tnl prmluciinn of seed 1mm 10mm 3300 lied iirippel guilty mummy mm mm tlil tictwccng Lililolinied to 3000 imp 2500 icacock Elitlil Mm muummu uni Elilllitlll 31331 lolm fit if iiutnlitoiid 500 Wr Kmll 31 lizt ltui cause of intlation antlt ill ailllgntitl bushels of tttZiltt liurdui lac1lay Lid 50000 if ih lm illLilll prices is the trend Sheet JUNIuHmUrM stump 1mm lmpn Ung Sunk 100M liay Lllllll my WM Umd in course Provinces another of or 1loatt lilllllltd 30000 113 31 node 1000 Elmcnml upmummn fang lloulng Match7 Emuii causes ol xjeclariiimvm ilims 351 mi SimH lrit the only war to white il at Saints Field were bactcl Till rot e2ieF 5mm 11 mm 5000 in yhtiuil 121 n1 put in High lllll illitl wonm ruc liAzrr tulnus 2000 him 1i in land was tliivp ot int ic in 11m BMW Autumn 1000 James Mtillllllgti 25m litlter standard of llllls is through ank ii rich ti rigour mica Hc hm Hwnhdlgh 2000 0111111 iii linintn alumni and illrll lllZllttil lLtilllNG Ti 10le nihilism were Jam lm 150 ldailison thlioil tinln ot the national economy WynH not wit emailis tor tcltillnl TH cm 50 pm dufk imam Us 1311 HI Hum 11c tloitulu litluze Eilc Match We been cry My lllllll lelnstock 1000 ESSA ill lll direction of expanding pro AMIH ti lin en to iarnis tlilloai Nielsen 151111 liar Shaw In tittctlon oi Efiltill and services and Icipcidth uhiii ull izi had been dc If 11 TNTmu liiuiilmiiil lllgt Msniuii Hi 3000 HLm intkmiwhwvnilmrlwlmg Tmhnkphan AW Tm MU WOVMMI Vnh iclnoinzni but at Utitti lam lin il leais Luo mm mam ppmw Druchiming whimu km mm mm hun Jud 11 15 Lillhmm 11 1an MM 9000 Mrs Anderson ill powvr it seems that rst ici illirlomlxof pm Gum mum lield was sea oi mud and some lt1llgt flow gill Kenneth Smith liltlliliturcnlcnt is tor lloyclntnents tol iigklgjgsnh Mm MM mm 10 VW linttors lnnl great lillicully intilltfflk Illwilly volumi Bates ltllltlrnlumdun mm HM mun pun Sum whim rm HMX mw male Mummy 5mm Wk liltin Vl 00 Mun mm MW mummy LXIMIdI in 711 obitHHHLW Him was done nevertheless lll 33 ll llcown llllll Hm rvhrnww Vsnmrn WWW Hm Um SW Tm no wait in on IK 900 55Enlgmm industry llllinl amt pawln rlliltm Mm 10km lurk which lhusiiism oi the 30001 people no Amrgmwm Rm 200 Davis Hm merits ale laced with the most pg is mm mm NU mum had collie to see the contest Some thalies ilead 10000 Anmm 31HHscntlal task ot increasing pltlllll pm Harhwi buck or oi the spectators had travelled by it Melioiiald 3900 Hvw limit and the etliclincy of labor nnultl inll The blade 1111thDispelMl WM ill 11 500 lAtis Kirowal AND the nnnn and is supposed to the had mm to cherish 4m 1111 llm ltllvain OIle rr ullliu5t 01 will mini lean ii iii ltllltlllillll to sow the Mil imi finmi 10 ttlllla Packet and irnnni ZIHW gldm llowmen irom Scotland lIng Ii1lrftiifi 1510983 Th Tmonm ml mm Until sullicient supplies Uillt Ark0r ritlcr tray liari lt one lltie disaiioiiitcd iii land Hire and Canada had come ithlllillllk 11 umllt1 illlliimiy tiii utter on illt day iii the con 10 County Down to colilpctelil lilo 11 Liihm jingligtlmrl MSW mm U1 lUllitl 5111111111111 111 loin nadlrmwk mm tum lung uw is loa tours Hg Ih 1h 17 Al 00le wan the HUIW md p1 Mini ll1 mlml JitS rind ll lllllOllICd bottler 0f1ll Ola under contract llh ui Ltd triesin men an llltt women Increasing tic iiioticy su The WW 14 4000 oeiitly announced that the ll uinni ot tiattois anti ilUlM tlUUIlKCl lo ldllurt am about mum mm was 77 111cctric ommlssmn was going to new INNISFH leieel power plant with cauuci DWH lily 55 011 3h mid Mr PENETANGUISHENI PHONE 440 Adnnratlon wls Uenerouslv lt Robert Millstone 5001 200000 Th 10 1t pill SicWWW Lloe Crosser 300 bi figuresuntil it is rcai 01 tm md omcu hum and CM lSalada silver llltllilll is lulllNU 51543 ii the hydrwilccmc plums ml bloodcd Cayuga Indm Ho mm Mp and Mm War 2500 Canada What he meant was that Ieasily found for lie plowed in the Mi K311019011 A1121 0mm locum WWI Onmm lnmsi colorful 1mm of Vibwularle McCuaig 500 hot amounted to if million kiloi wd and blue jerkin my douuum ghchillan 500 watt liotlrs last year wait is ills Vlaruarel Nillv 500 th 1s t1 led wmylmpm remdcm Down ip ilc lliilt in intasuiinh ich iyne the admiring throngs around lumiw1rs weks 500 trlc energy There are 746 watts 200 in horsepower kilowatt hour John plowed one of the best lands um Uncle 500 icncsenls ioi Heel 001 mo MRC MOW 54001 tlliiusand vitts liilmiiiiriik 911 ill either end ot the lleid to lnake Wilircd Stewart 2500 wise f7 115 way for his horses leter Letts 200 Km 500 horsepower of energy used llir an The lands for plowing were Ml $1559 quite small in comparison to what Will Reid mu ave were used to but think the 01 509 Imago rm this was mm the dim Mr and Mrs Wm Baxter 200 Complete sports coverage in the r2 Waltnam 200 Examiner tors wanted to have all the plow men iii one field It was quite ilfgznorbfl remarkable teat to have so many MISS Hiya 1000 plowmen in singlelieido Ipmnk Comm 400 PROFESSIONAL DIRYCTORY mm at sad to report the Canadian teams Scott 200 Yo Tha when man any down Afellow had no success The 0m comp Innism Chapter 035 1000 risksmsveurything else before he parts With his mors from outside Colglarine pm glitch Senokg 1500 The kidneys are very delicate organs 51 15 305$ laSt He 311105 00 mUCh ACCOUN ANTS vmce secure mile were me an rs ei uson 3000 easily leclederpecialiy hyacold Thth The expression lose your TINIf is used for good reasons good CHIROPRACTORS acamey brothers who won the Constable 500 dulyisto lter impurities and exceuacidx cotton shirt 15 something to cherish The same amount of money lGilford Womens Ill ARMSTRONG AND MacLAREN hors 01k team prize for Skene 5000 from the blood When you have cold could buy norhihg of similar quality ants who plowed exceplionaHV mu to 11 my Vj lvranl Bent horseiowcr Then scctal Ts1 it mo ull1 lne woman ICllittllplUlll Mmiuuuh DUNS ponddtll ol the 911mlylllllllmbhlll inmmlmg Ntal 0f the 76 year5 VASE FOR LIIQLETTI mind in healthy body link Do JO mum although my has 9267 1600 mm mum lelliwiilnJ Ml hmm whim mnulmmlon Li Declaring that etiquette isa part partinent of National Hozlllh and had more than llt years plowing gaunt 500 In WW mmiun fem has Unin its WWW thwlmb of mental health practice and Welfare Ottawa says good word imperiomw By 000 gt rounds out the picture of iieaililv for good manner 111 otllel extienic and told readers ot Cfmdmh ll 11 Pillli 3000l1hm pnlntl ml rilliu had an WWW 319mm htLnudlllJlmn 35 till Bred Sanders 77 55005 17 Imdwof 4577mmmn111ml7u777 77 77 7777 lot the main attractions As usual Edgar ihompson 0000 whmh 60 ii lercryone was particularly armousolmeila Donneliy 500 an1 if Q9lftl1l lto see John Canton John the Walter Allan 1000 um mm mm Dth GEO EL IE BUR Wilson Emerick $00 Thalia re race will linen also to bed Shem landmines ed wa8 Street Barrie Electric Radio Hydro and peloye 0m gmca 531901 Mm Dy Peacock 500 may your kldHEyJ scores of otherltems of daily use that are made of cotton otton With 21 King Street Tormto IV Mechano meta mg 15 not mvom cm 101 match John Cook 1000 or your system of excess acids and its freshness its washnbilliy its resistance to sun and heat and ill 115 Dunlop St1 Phone 3194 ork in another ytl$l1000li Burton War 5000 Dalton caused by colds and give you durabilitygiYes mp value for yam mOEney 777 ACCOUEIngIIsS ngpngm IL JICORBETI DC ance to shake infection sooner4 Y0 can he younhm my believe class will be inc titled in their plizelist for our typ wwwovgspg+ buf toklojjtgetmdun CHIROPRACTOR AND plowing since most farms now are Edd xKidney Pllll 139 Owen St Barrie DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED l9 Melinda St Toronto DRUGLESS THERAPIST 200 Herbert Harris CPA Jim 3070 26 McDonald beg318nvrmsiii$iiivns 00 Frank Spry Barrie IML and 200 Manufacturer Texmade product BY APPOINTMENT Wind up our Mislt to to an BADGLEY the day iollowmg the Match we tiyCCOUNTANT AND AUDHOR were taken to the Belfast ship 35 Dlmlop Street Barrie MEDICAL vyards which are said to be the 34llTolcpholicp4735 lNCOME TAX SERVlCE VICTORIAN ORDKROF NURSE Barrie Branch WeilBaby Clinii WELCH ANDERSON COMPAVN Tom 230 to 430 oclock every Wed Chartered Accountants Trustees etc lgsday Application at nurses Brock Builgmg t200 Bay St vices war be made direct or throl oron ioctol Telephone WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors MUSIC LEszS Ward Mayor CPA 19 Toronto Street Toronto JESSIE It BRYSON RMl TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING Telephone Elgin 6116 and THEORX pupils prepared for largest in the British Isles This is something tew arwprivilegedto see During the war of course no one was allowed in and no pic tures could be taken The Germ7 ans bombed the shipyards and while they did considerable dam age they were not able to slow up the output to any extent In the limiMmewehodie was not possible to see many desl partmnts so we conned our timeV Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY mo LOAN mice 13 Owen mmWw Ehnvale to the main machin shop where xa our email Riordan shafts Vb mug BOYS grades inc1ung ARC mddern othsrifnginhe goomhequlpaent are ethods ma or lgs ips were arku swmus Studio 27 Bradford St particularly impressed with the dimensions of the machinery Forgm DORQTHY JOHNSON Associati 01 Toronto Conservatory of Music anrhondon tEngftollg 7r instance one lathe takes propel Lahaftdolkzlongand 24 inches diarrietr While crank shaft jontarlo aovs Kc 130 SEAGM Wibliriiioiiieiihli for 000 hp djesel motor weighs amnsmiwmn MISTER and SOLICIT CouECN1MENGY wevvEetaken to the onl katlng 97Dilnlop St Barrie Thom 3175 rink in BEIfaSl It is vii large building and of course the ice is articial We were provided with hated and spent an enjoyb hour on the ice When we came menu To LOAN FINANCIAL SURETY TCQWAH cams rr3urnte titers Conwyenma oi shknbiic elem an oyherinka5amemento05mm 9a Vomit glgggsugm tram Vlsxt to the Emerald Isle Vwewere GJ Ii Zacgifesxigiigiiiigialigiielgizitf 71in Patent Attorney trauma thorns ll firmfwd uranium inc lawman 35 gefre Sorryito leavetlrelandlv BARRISTER SOLICTTOR ET have mfbd Weve to wonderful aim reason now for ile Bldg Barrie Easonic ROBERT SW 110 thegkmdgpfeopie who ihave givenl serving your children Vtheir fay MON TO LOAN US 511611 warm welcome te 13113ng17131113 it Belore sailing forVCanada7we if And maltyrich honemold WALD MuLA on in $5 shall have nearly week inEngi ostsGrapeNursrlakesgivemetallic Hours 96 da ly mom STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMETRIST Dunlap Sta Barrie Phenom mm VETERINARIAN inserted in Les Chat me saint BARRISXRB SOLICI OR oneytoloan IVple Building really grand unurtshment for schbol and play carbohydrats for energy proteins for muscle phosphorus fofteeth and ribonesgv iron for the blood and otheL essentialrwil elements Ready toreat SoVeasy todigest30 to tellyou about our activtlles duringwthat week ilandv In my next letter in try Advance notice of events byi which mm we raised are not SOLICI ETC Barrie Onti 1L0 WPSSVS AMAN and summer ydeliciOuLaqd ourishingreu Poses if 5831119 Phone grster 055 cc MOTH Youngsters 30 grooms ornament ii Gama hood PM luy several of these free of now while they lost and islet on assonmenlvof comic booksl Foil llMtilsliyllMEorlr