PAOE FOUR 111E mam maxim nnRRIE ONTARIO 31111011 THURSDAY MARCH 1918 VAld Mary Laurie Speaker Leap Year Birthday Beta 51 mo Phi Meetin eVV ms lo Cl CARNIVAL ii VVV 1V 11326 one VV VV VV VVVV VVVVV UVVVtV 1V lf Hrs 11 VV Vl gV WW ans and wars 1111211111 rom uric flu Women ViewPOInt on Thls and That 111 111s 111 the 1111111 111 11111 111 111 tum lot the 111 11 1111 111111th 1V1115 bingo 111 11 15411111 1115 11111 11111111111111 311 UN rhuitiig 11111111 in View 11 11 Norman lIi 111111 1111 orchestra 11 33 1111 ttilli1V tireetini 111 11 V1 1v 11 11 11111 111111 11 gt 1111 11 kt 1111llt1l 111 the 111m 11112111 11 pin 111 VV Barrie reaiiierv 11 ll ilnm 1M IWHVWW Huh ll Hm lli 1gt ilu 11 11111111 1t HUM UL wwgmm 1me MW IMMLHM mil VVV VVV VVVV VV th V11 111 111 1111s lhe ltlllitllttlz1ll the 112111 1Ei1V 511111 111 V1VV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV 1111 11 VV 1111r11 1t li wi of spins tl1l have 1111 11111 111111 the 111V VV VVVVV VV VVVVVV VV VV VV VV Vi hVV 1113 311111 19111 lilt1gt 111111 11 ll guts in 1111111 1111sz 1111 111 13111 gt111 Vh11 VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VV VVV VVVV 1111gt111 11111 perm11 111 skating Lainls liieii 11111111111111 llt 111111 hm 11 111 v11 Al lllll tmlllllll ill ll bitck 111 11111111 11 11 1111 111111 111el e11ts 1111 111111111 1111 MilHt Ll VV VV VV VVV VV V1VhVVVVV VVV Vm W1 VV VVVVVV huh VVVVV VV s1 1111111 1tt1i 111 11111 1s 1111 11 the 111111 11l111astu ineu ll Vte1111 211111 1111 1111111 inert VV VV VV VV VV VV tlilalt 1111 111 the 111 1ei 11 1lll 111111111 11 11 111111111 111 V1 MD iela llll1ll will an 1111 1111111 ii1311 1L1ttiles El 1111 111111sdV 1111 111111111111 VV VV VV VHV MV 11111 UV AH 11131 hghV 1113 mm 1V VV 11 1111 1111 11111111 1V 5V1 VMV VVhd V0111 511111111 to 1111 iiist 11 1111 gt H17 v11 VV VVVVV Vh 11111 11111 s111111111111 ll Am Jh5h51llll1 gt11t1s 1111 points to 11it1ll1 latter hwlh 1V11u MuniHNLR 11111111 111111113111 911 3111111111114 11111191 VV VVN VVVl Mr and 3118 litlllttgtltgtI1 WM 11 WIN VV Vhd hV wVhV Vh 11 11 111111111 11 lhm 111105ou WU Sunday Willi Mt 11 1V 11 11 11 Th1 second liirtliiliv 11111 11 1V gt 111 1m lm 1m HMV and Norval Laldwell 1V 11 1= gt VV VV huh VV VVV anrVklV Vlmml Elvis 1111111111 liitillliv 111 the 111 211 VV Uh 1V hh hm 131 11h 11h11h 11 hm thvrl VlVVmVV WTVEV VitV rush VVV the community was shocked to 111111v 11111 11 11 11m 1s 11 11 It 1115 coincident1 11Vt i1i VVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVHVVVVV hVVhi was 111ht 11 1111 l11111 111 VV1VVV VVV gummy 111 311 Ahhhh 1mm 11 11 1mm Shah VVVVV VVV VVVVV UVVVVVV SVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVthai VthiVllVlVlt ltdlll VI VinVhiitiai hli VV VV VV IZVVVVVVV 1313 HAW1 311 lit 11 1111 111 11111111111 iilll 11111 11111 11 l11lti an instr111i111 Il ll in lm VV 1111111111111 nil l111ii1li 1111 VV VVVVV VVV VV new shootiinV 11111111a 11 11 1m 11111111 11111 11h 11th VVIV RVNC 11 11 VVVVVVV VVV VVVVV IVVHVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV 1V1 111 11 1111 111 1111 out 111 to Va 111111 thV VVVMVVVVV hN 11 111 m1 lhhhhhm hhhh and AV 3VIVNV titllwl lit li 111t111l1 1111 1111 111111 1111 and elderly 11111111 from the1 11 11 llll VV VVV l11h 11 l1i11 111111 l1l VVV 1111 and so two 11111111 in wt miV Hut 111 111 111111 111 ii Vl FAN FRVHT V1l1t1 V11V1 11V VVVVVVVVVV hV VVVVVhVVVVlV MVVV VVh mmVhmm 11V11LV11V wnner speaks 41111111111 T1111 1115111111 hhhh VVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV MVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVV UVVV VNVVVhVIV V1 V111V VV VV1V VVV 11 vv MU 1H 11i11 siiist Man11 ll 111111145 ll lV HVX mm 1111 111111Htll this 1111 11 111 the lltl 1111111111 111 11 1111 xla lltilli L111I iulluws 111s1111111 For Red CIOSS 111111 llllltt out to be 111111 Murray 11111 1111 tin 1111111111111 111 VV VV finals at loionto 1111111 lt to 1111 11 111t11 VVl MVVlV llV lllVlleVVl 11 liuth Owen soiiinl teams the gt gt 11 11 1111l rs Itlliillel 111I 111 the titlt 11t 111 11111111 to 11 llfll tilie tall 11 1111 atitl 1111 1111111 i1 11 ll thei li11i1 11 title 311 Mll ll tiw ll11i who saw the Cutter llt 11111 lliiire llyland consisted 1111 111 1111 to tIts1i1t ln 11 l1itilHI 1111 Mr 31111 11111 11111 1111 H111 tel 1111111 11111l 1111111 11t 1lt lo ll1ll1lll 111111111111 111iiis 1111111 11 1111 VVVVl VVV uh VVVV Spams hVVrV 11111 11 hwh 11mm mmV 1311 1111 11111111 si1p 3115 RUM115 VVVVVVV VV VVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV 11 111111 111111111 lllUUi im dim 1h ll Hum MI umnll kmm hlml lml tli1 i11l tanie should lie 1111 ill 111 1111111 1311 nit1111 111 111 hm hhmhhh guardians in llllltu llylaiitl tuxedo as they VVV 1li iln ll 11111111 tt 11111 RMWZlw statement subhoititig the home 1ll1lilttl the tin form that 1ill 1111 itlt 11111 ltlltls 1111 spoill 151 11 1111 lllill 41 5lll 1111111111111 111 Match lUl 213tltlthUlitl 11111111 the senioi dance cliainpioih VVVVh IhVV VVVVVVVVhl hV thr 1111111111 11 11 VV VV VVVVV whim 51mm 311 V11 11l lVV 1VHl lVl 1111 I1111111t says As 1ttluli lllVl VVVVl 11111111 The 1111111111111 eonsrsled 1111 1111 Male 11 1t111111 la 11 lmW ll 111 11 ill WIN lml lull ll an HI VHVMHH Hum HWVa recitation anti mush11 111ltiill V1 11h 1111111 111111111 111 1111 ViTT VV llitlll 111 1111ei1 Christian V1Vlli ll llVll lhe 111111 to 111111 talent in 1111 111M111 11111111 111st wil 111111 r1 Mild Ill Rm oi liltV 1111 rimsum 11113111 11 111 HH WlUV VllV 18V llllV llUiliV V111 1111 Mhhhl Whhh dhl hm hm hm 11111111111 11 113 Mm 1211 111V ce 11 1111111111 11 tiat 1e wil ie 1111 11111 loss 1l tilhti NIH titltlllilV t1 1Iltlllii mtt piegteiit hi Miiiiuiulu 11 11 11111lt 111 1lh1dlVrlllllliiHHWI 1h hih 111 11 ghhm 1111 11 111111111 iiiens champion of anada 1111 VV 11 =11en11l 11111111 oi 111111 11 thristv ll HM Mlmlho J11 111111 hummus ml HUT hulwi ISL MISS EARL llie llariie Ulllltialc llaiul tool 111111 11111111 111111111 11111111 11 hVVVV VVVVVVVhVVhV VVVV1h1hl1 111 u1gt 1111111111 Mum and Son huh In hmth 1111111 11 111s lllttVt lle answers 1111 of it 1f1oin 21 I1 71 pin and from to ill put Plicnner 1iieS1iited doubles lllnc 1111 illllHltHllH KVllli Toronto and aeain returned home oriner 1111 Btlll VV VVV VV VV lis V1l1iii 111 VV V1 VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVV WW thV huh 11V11111111V Vlolloued by Miss lit mm VVVVVVVV HVVS VVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVV lnhlm WIN Jim 11111111111 111 111 12111 liss lnail pure demon VV 1111111 l1itl siiipiisi to ainone lIaiis 1111 1111 1111111 11111 VV V1 tl1 1111111111 11111111 V1 hlis h1111s 111mm oi limit 111 VVVV SVVVVVNVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV RVVVV t11t1111 that showul ll sin is VVVV VVVVVV hVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVhV hVV IhVV hVVVVVl lUl UmUV itt ill lllt iiiairietl 1111111111 Watson in 1h h1 as VVVVN VVVVVVVS VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV not 5111111 1111 tliaiiipiun of VVV VVhVVVV VVV thVVVVVlV ll iillilllril lltl 11 fllllll th1lethntlisi hnieli at 11111111 111111 ilT ir nit int 11 iwife while playing hockey for an rV1VVVVh1VV uttering trnin physical disabihiVVVVV VVV VVVVVVfVVVmSVVVVVVVVhVVVIfl lu1le1ii llllt Vllrl 1111 in EmilIM SlH 15 ll SSHNHW in dwcmmm Mary li1nent and Barbara Ileitl illlimlltl 1111 lltllllum 51111111151 irsi lilel Stevenson 11111 hits the physical intellectual and spiri presented the next number lhtir 1111 and as 11111 says she not lllk Fwd Hth 11111111 V11eie 1Vinill1121141111391st 1Vt1plltttiiill the performance lllmll 11 1111w 1111ng ovation from the faunaW vimw and Dress EURoOCK to 111w away lll reiuilar skates Nthhhmm hh 1VV1VVVV Murch VV VV VVVVV VVVVV lt 1V SV 1111 111 ine pair f11111 l11111s 101111111111111111111111111 ot hlis $111 1111 llttt lot tit 1il VVVVVVVhV hm UVVVV hf uh hmhmm Vl1sV laiiiszV1V1Vhehl both liioanhhSVVVm musV hhaV hmhhrhhh1 VLVtlllllllVllltlllVV 111 VVlthVtVLV NViVlViVoltVVlVl VH5 hVVVUVVhV VV Vhm hh March IVV figures ant unruly 11iti icutes 11111 ram ttsiun 11 Mohhunih hhrch hrhm the National Figure Sltzitttn Assoch The umg Auxiliurv to the lions 111 anada 1mm gkxillrllffglub In On Sunday morning 19111 2111 1111 14 11111 111 11111 1111111 n11 medals 1111 11 1111111 111111 111111111111111111 hthVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVUVVV SVVVVCVV VVVVVVVVV 1111 111 111 111111111 Umua 111111111 Vtveek The former Emily llyle of hhd thou WV VI hwd thhhhhhCV inlllllill Ml Rlmmy ms resulm Following the business nieetinil lin Barrie for the past three years the 011 SmHh huhhhlmhm during which time she hasnot been rmdihw hv MN Rhoda YOU lllt ltitlentallv Mrs Ramsay just receiv 0h MM hhmh ThC proshhmh VV VV of special interestV to the hockey mm by mll Bmw Mrs Arthur More was 111 eliulti tans 111 the might settle several IiirljmiiiUihel illllllltlllS 1911111113 10 11 WOW was lit earlr in preparation for 11111 the fastest skaters on the Flyers 10 oclock service and short time VV olts and Juveniles afterwards nearby residents iio thRNING SESSION from 10 to 12 AVMV Barrie CU 01111103 1111 50 ticed 5111 111 cominit front the roof AFTERNOON SESSION 130113311 Pll Til BCI GIRLS TEAMS 64 Elizabeth St Barrie able to do much skating one reason 11 mm huhh VV VV VV muting was 11111111111 hall teams sutlcred thtii inst 111 11th Rm Mum le Sh hone 11111111 50011 b11151 mu 1111111s 1Vt boothso VbVeing the Vin1111 if it being served and pleasant sotial VLVVVVS VVV VVVVV SCVVSVVVV VVV the hands V11 BVVVVVVVV FVVVVCVVOV Bani Cons HVVVV Nothing could hLl dung 10 haw the All those interested are Cordlally Invlted so owever 0110 r1 VVV VV VVVVVVV thVVVVVVVVVV VVV BVVVVVjVVV AVVVlVVVVV VVVVV gatheiint igt LitiLd the Vowen Sound Lollthldte Pla 1111 hthle La Loughcch VtitVictVuin hVich bl1VllellVVV ViVVLVV Please bung own cesmetlcs and towelV VV VVVV gtVVV VVVV VVQVV VVVVV VVVV wrVf VV 11111 in the OSCVI gymnasurm Von Ham Myers Juventh Bm BVVhV VucVu VoV its VV 11 Withers Ilmm Glam Wednesday Feb 25 the Junior Cliff chithur lhe Flurs 101 mfw Imp mlle Ut NHL lhis church was erected about 111mmth 111111s11 11 111111111 1111 Shhhhh th 011111111111111115 VVVVVVVVVV 105V hVVVVhV VVthV th0 seth The llllSl P1300 in 03011 110011 he Jll id years ago as permanent meet Sponsored wOmenS VV BVVVVV VVVVVV 1so gt and tltahLVlUlVlVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV CVVVVVVVVVVVVV 11111 110 altMl 11 13 VtllllS came second in two of the mgV place 11 the newly organide 1n VUL 11 151 Mm 33m heats and the Colts loom one scc Mennonite Brethren in Christ conl 111 by 11113 Rotary Club of VBIHTlC hhhm Chum 1111111011 series for VV 11 and two thirds gitgation siipcrscdin 1111 101111101 VleVVlVm ll CVlllpV SVLVESVIVCEVEKESOQTSt the Georgian Bay COSSA cliamg the final heat RayMaym Vled my place ofwvorship log quild pmhio 11511hch1VVSCd VVSVVhshVVh ionsiiii 311 St Pierre untii the lasgi mg WWW 35 ll VHOlVlVOClV Fun ll 10nd JUNIOR GAME Stiettli Ray had the inside llilelplo mum Smelm 01111315 tril sum of monevv 1111 1111 BMW About v01 110 hh bluldlnu VI DRUM Mmmh 11031111111 Until halt time the scoring was and Stlieiiewas unable to take VVOVVV VVVsVVVVVVvCVf VVVVVSDVVVOVVVVVV VV VVVOVfil Find Aha thC carnivth wV 13111119 1411111 close with Viieither team hew it away from thin St Pierre cut quVVVVVCVVV VVVVVVVOdChed VVtheVi Vm 11 Ron nit able to establish commanding down Mayers early lead and was 1v Underhill pies1dcnt 10 peimantnt iountation anc C1 nd 11 member 0141111 Granite lead Owen Sound 11th in Vt11 11st 110s1ngVfast when Mayer tripped with brick thO how huh 11 me Same quarter but Barrio iVnade the score and VGil won on Shhdav afternoon the con dim tieir own tarot SECOND PART thvd 119d VVV V9 fm hhhh de dd bond 10111 bVmgzitmn 15Vz1 wthU 9050 fIOUPAI ummhm of 1311111111 and by half time The Swan Lake Ballet started Church through their Official 1111 V1 th th 1B 41h to Orillia people were also present 101 15111 111mm Seemed 10 b1 111111110 Ve sewn Vpai piogiam oai Vcomqe 1L1 SymVpa Vlieii women are 11111113113111 inf11 Dillly Playing their Wu 010x lllulnsmvos me rst ha V1158 Patsy Earl was fellmel as 10V EhullCh Hind noises zit night 11113111111 so lltl P631150 10 1110 Rmmy Ch curllwll though the SmdeFS mllwd d1m SlYanQilien mde MISS Betty 31511029101Llll0cli3ilh 111 serviceSi tllllcvpttspiitttlitnllltiltg to was involved Mr Underhillexpres mg 1119 second half lhe OSCVI COM 35 mdlCldnw TllO VVVOVjVVVVV lrtnVJlS iichlooczisilVtliese sed the thanks of the Rotary CllllVgirls outshot Barrie during the lin WU 85515131 by 18 gihls 85 SWRIISV hVVVVVhVVhSVomi homhlu 1m to the Granite Club executive imdal half and racked up 17 points to and four Hungaria dancers whentlityncetlSIeciulbuildingup skaters tothich Hilmer Merov Barries 125111 l0 1ch the Court ML and M15 Ramsay gave lime performance of acrobatic Skating ing this the Limchouse BluesV fantasy was staged The Bluest But actuallv theres little to eonvener 111 the skating $00110 fl with 2511 victory are Chinese fantasy which fea Miss Patty Sciilly reappeared lll dreailortear Iorpleniyot sleep tingly 10011011 A5 rum WWW md the lured tiny Miss Aiine Johnston trvslnnir whulvsmm lnmlund Dr Sounders grew 111019 condent 1h 35m31V1V1L 01111110 ml lt1 11 came to 11 01051 1111111 theV Chases Nerve 15111111 will help to The Granite llll Skaters 1011 play SPCCdCd 11 Th0 Vlcmls seem so numl 411019 group skating in circle at mu buildup 1111111 and 111111 up the severe lllIlll 111 piogitss whu 5111111111 some V111 51100111 11111 ThC Chath Sum 1111 com me under hhmhwlet en by Mrs 1R Dunbar The study book was takn by Mrs VJV VMc C1wIVea was served 01 SFHLEJBTSLYQU C1111 le Irfne they vere ready to VitVUlH 101311 handling and passing If BariViCI their fine exhibition to the music 1111111SV 01111 1110 msmmcs were tVliroughtlicinosttryingptriodsol onto shortly after midnight 011 S111 th 01 have Vsuch Vpowertttl 01 swag Rosie OGmdyV TheyVVVVsihm whihh Created breath VV 1111 1IgVV LlrlV1is1 Vs Nerw 111on urduy b111V1he Chartered busVaide guard lilieV the stiunttclSVimproved theht muhh permch which VVthVVV effect for hm grand hVValeVi VV llllld llmmml llme SCVCVHl C1115 501 110 1h mm plill 11ng lmVO llll 11 0117717111 resulted 111 big hand from the The 111134110161 11111115 were 101131 tacethelutiire iith confidence and all reached the Citysafely be instead 01 the 25V audience in 10013110 of 111011 VVVV PP 111 by the local plant of the Can ls 5011youre111111gm1y0u1 111eon four and five The ihe bu1 gun on the 0leSlml Splendid performance l1 El Ltl 53 gety or runlownl you dont 111111 provincial Rolite with their 1111 111113 Shirley Reid who per 1A 1ththth VCVV Step VVVVVV Vml no 0919 VV VV 310311in radiosysrfmVheVlVViggsheVtyiV31223 sonVain tectiiinteVdVVtthVVVig 1181th sentch by $0ch COVVpleSV The gVVVVS giesso 1011 V1 vicors poms l3195MFVV9V 10me aVVFlHlC Highway 11 and relayed th mVlVolV 7100191310113 is an older brothers moss 1d 1m ngadg z9a22nksgagggrf 13 V1 eep worse in gomVVcoth tioiiV Vt the Granite Club so in thhinSOhV Joyce Mar VveV 02 SHES 115 lnlclrlmlclllqlpc ludl iiiiitiiuis families would Snot worry Shhlif VihanmVGm on 111817139113 VBVVfg1gtngVVVVy bgstV VV 7V7 PURITVYVFLVOURVVIS be 701 AN EDDYSdUAh ahCT 11 9153 ify 11 151 Gram with his two meme Inst 11110 6011111111111 most of Bairics ngedMy 0011110 PSFfVOIYTVgchEW Bud fyoiit bakiagZfoEEifcookis iVV VU V11Vs1 10IJFJSSEIVl41HlLC 21111131111 dihVitilVingVSVVVVVVglVhihhgh pointsV Jean C1111111Vhf1s VqunVVciahtz eIVVVVVVVdotVVVeVVCCo as abned pzsiy or Liint Neg 15me you VVVV ar 1112113 VV 1mm haircut Cour 10 VV ew ae a3MmmmahuiwnwUmumauahanaouna Jill9d 1le imd 51mm mm at court and hooped one 1101111411111 Cam JThe Old ST990hlPS TheV tFPURlTYFL UR VV the how 011111 11111 M115 101111 The guard 4111 was weaken WelVeV ohunV1M0mmn and Bud Woods friends 01 the ffmlly Ml 1he 11bsonco of LouisTWllWaTnel Halllagam Pdevelirlfksml Radlo Wave Ml Blleb Udll1 393113 Ethel 315111253213152159 5mm of1 VWVVV 7V the Granite on all OWEN SOUND Reid 1151 11111 Cindi thVembeViVVsjand Young 151V $11011 41V1MdMoelcin Frances Scaletta and Madlyn arrangmhumcd This newV rofessionalV recision per nxpresVSC 101 em W391 rrBoddyVAmCapcl Dickenson Gilles Saso put on very fine doubles 17 fortheS11tidircrrtmrtheseIi pie McVey number The masterof ceremon 300K PlenwndmifwwohheMWCWRBWHW manent features automatieV control party 11311113121211 given in BarFIEuV BARRIEV thgshah V51VVVMhCthV Lesa snagged math whh Bah book wichhi encioai 5100 so on Gil zulu 101s is 38 sue in HM 6y 11 yo kitchen875 71A anlsphlecong tun111g engsw royel SHQRT PAPER alrick Kerr MosssDtinn Iinci should haveisligltingcltib1 sledliecipgslogtyogg Nw3Iu ummV VV rs and under processingand leaves hair GYLNiT 5T AND veit Hams MISSV Betty KINDSKled series eomdim V19 209th mean at mg A0 of Spms Jud gyms um aweret Of C6390 ISL quires 1i+nrrrmrmm CE Ti and lustrous mens Missionary Society of SLV 11 SENIOR GAME lroundlyr cnepred by the crowd $100 gt dlfWS Chumeld at the the The senior game was tough Mrs Margaret Roberts and Bruce Published by Ibo Mill Mail tonenrest lm53 IohnBv Moml OFMfsJHVIGLJW 463 one oser11esmmers 11111711117 Hylantireiiriipeureddurum Omw WinnW WW1 60 59SV19nFVVVV mama Vim gogg strong last minute drive that clever doubles number and follow mpmgmmwww IV gIl We am evlna De ended intheir one point Vietoryf gt was conducted by Mrs VSVtVevensVoVn At half time Barrie led meh hosts 3110 paper Tthmg was 84 Owen Sound did not score singlefeld goal VVluiVVlng the first hair it gt 7Janice VMcCuaig and Helen Smith Carried the play to Owen Sound 1111 tbrOugh the rst 111111 NEW LOWELL and had it not been for Vthe March Sounders powerful guard line Miss Jessie Stairiton has taken LUCKYSJBEAUTVSALON 33VElizaBeVth2 5137 431111111 112110119 233s nm1uoo ado1 Vodho vjouw1uuwm surrui Barriew6uld VhVaVehad an even bigger lead Janice McCuaig was clicking when in close to the bars 1aVp051tioan Barr1e ket butshe did not get inrrclose Mrs VlnoV Barker Vspenththj very often WeekendWith friends Emm The OSCVI girls perkedup in Joe Mumberson anVVd lFrances usmanmLBauiuspentma thesecond half and displayed some VV II HASIIESth 7m with Mrs Bates WWWbanwlandgngiatumd by the junior team enoreVLittle suns posts ERVAN FLAKES HE Likes thgatakxhm amiefgerdaii could nthbe stopped and by the VVVVVV and 135951 Newton Robinson time the nal whistle sounded she lt9 Heres Good News Quite number from here at had hooped 11 pomts She is very tall girland Red Storey was the only Barrie girl who could guard her It was not Reds fault that she gotrsomany points as Red hadplenty of work to do tended the commencement in Creemore Thursday and Friday nlghts Are you between the agesof 38 and 52911311 going through thattryjn auctional middlenge Vperio awake to wOmen Does th yam2mm Bran tlie niitgurul hulk VlOod thntilielps you kVeeleCgulur and on rst fromghot ashes fuel VV glam Vsofzervoiilgrzi blmehh watchian tricky Loris Smith Smith Yul 100 gt V1 Then $141413 was held FCOTEleSS Vut Shell35 ill Illuvor 44119111190115 you coming back for more PE QWQDEIPWMVWNQWSmw 214 3V UOUID pr PASTE drive behind the Owen Sound vm toms Itquanous for this OWEN SOUND Little 111V Mc ant POLISH Faul 111 51111111 McWhirter 12 tun 111511 lurinwwhatwo wtsVeV dlmta women It 114511713 VOIIior Parts Wheat for good wlioleome wheat nourishment1 nil ggaiggcue magrctgzawa smazgg gVVrrVchens HarrisV Beanie VV angrgoeoumniom LYDIA ii BARBIE Storey McCuaig 51 VV mmmhmwmud1mm Clarke 31 Johnson Smith 131 3133 page nonhuman VV Laws Longhurst TyreVr Fine VV dluhl md