runaway MARCH 1918 Match Mrs Ktllll Cons ole islttli With Toronto friends over Sunday The EasterlrStar Euchre and Crokinole party was great 1L= cess Mr and Mrs Howard White of Goderich were Sunday lSllOlS at Edgar Webbs Congratulations to Fred lulhol land who had birthday innivcr Ullnl ll lIUlJll UN tXiitCltd cl dismissed and llililltlllltr lLlii sary on Feb 29 Mr and Mrs Harold Let and Barry spent the weekend with relatives iii Huntsville and Ctillan= dcr The regular metting of Womens Institute will be held in the Hall on Friday afternoon ilar 12 with Mrs Roy Goodiellow as program convcncr 40th Wedding Anniversary VOnFcb 26 1903 at the Metho dist Parsonage Spruccdalc Edwin Boadway was performed by Rev Chas Elliott fissislttl by Rev McKinnon Baptist nums ter Reuben Bolidway groomsman and Miss Clara liiliott as bridesmaid Owing to the snow blockcd roads the wedding planii tied for 2Vochock iii the afternoon had to want till pin Their many Stroud friends join in congratulat ing Mr and Mrs Boatiway on their 40th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Roadway and Ernest Mr and Mrs Edson Wice and Marshall enjoyed dinner togethcr that even mg at Club 79 after which num her of friends called on the Bond 52 High Stj ways at their home Barrie GUTHRIE Oro Federated Farmers The Oro Federated Farmers met at Walker Caldwells on Feb 25 Hunter Russell spoke at the meeting anti his subject was the work being done at Bass Lake The Soctal Meeting will be jicld at Nor BUILDING DIRECTORY Ltd Printers and Publishers Barrie Examiner The Corner Cupboard Roastatcria Tile Beauty Box Beauty Salon Lil Velma Beauty Salon Edwin Wilson Osteopathic Physician Cook Construction Co Industrial Acceptance Corporation Ltd Niagara Finance CoLtd Dr FPerkins Dentist Barrie Chamber of Commerce Mitchell Art Studio VBCtrriVes Leading Business Block MhhlplkIIIhIIO the the marriage of Miss Mabel Ross and lclcd as viatcli Klcp March opcl lords big Bridge Euchre Dance See Col ng Events Miss Kn spent senrat Ill with 31 and Mrs Grenvdie Hughes this welk The Young People blue and gKelvic of Allistor as leader Great jitoin this group of line young pct pic BETHEVSDA February 2b lllliiidue attended the Good ROIltlS convention in Toronto Feb 24 and Mr and hits Norman outts and children visited on Sunday with friends at Mldhursl Mrs Edith Grahznn Toronto is for ili of TUZIUlllU illitllcgt nld at Lamp Bold orgap gildd Glee Club with Paul cllllrll piestuent 1s PAGE Tfm mm Starch to at Mrs Slew TourSuaiul lcilazm mwbf 5115 Looti non call Ways IJllLl Ell ii hailing our Life IIIIIII IIII III lzograianinB week with iiieids an cocci puipV tgu lvlui Jllts lifriyr Here Kin4 Lad 11 am Ii iii Inloiito on in lcpoz rii liulublt lullt rIli ILAle Tull Clio JlkILlJI Jacobs Mr and Lil illlIof Barrie vii Brown Bil Protestant Ladies Guild vt vlciiiueis of the lhotr Wm trwwmu lclmt IM fruits of Reforestation LII gum II full II Imogene lilllili leIil 11 years ago the first lich lvb 24 under tiit letiticsiip my Tulmm EV up Mama Hemp wrung Examiner Classzficds bring re ll Mrs Joins has returned lot and how gang of men LifILIEulls Church anti welfare was made of the purchase and jsllllltltloli of all cilvltlt sltnc ltn jlhc ciilllch Social littil ltcirshnents vclo crvcll at tlietonllisioli of the bustiiess fmeeting and social ptlltiil was Vtiljuyttl lioimneizt among those ill attendance was Caliip Bordens new first lady Mrs ii Todd lwlfe of the new Ualrisoli Coin lllalidcr Catholic Womens League The monthly iiitctlng of Illt Cinnp Borden subdivision of the Catholic iomcus Lelicucof Cali Tlle Most Treasured Name in Perfume PERFUME CHANEL N0 CHANEL No 22 CARDENIA spending couple of days this week at the home of her son lil nicr and Mrs Graham Gordon Collins Stayncr at II Parkers on Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dill spent the past weekend at flicil parental home Congratulations to Mg and Mrs Fred Storey of Calcddn tfornierly of this communityl on the birth of lldauglitcr ili Alliston Hospital on Saturday Feb 21 illiii Mr and Mrs llayniond Mcfilas tcr entertained number of their friends to five tltblck of cuclilc on Saturday evening it being the oc casion of Mr flitMasters birthday Miss Irene McMasicr arid lid llcll were high lady and gentle man 11 the cuchre visited hostess assisted by Mrs Ada Mc llastcr and Mrs Scott Sharpe served most delicious lupch man Canipchlijs on March 10 and the hostesses arc Mrs Newton Hesse Mrs George Campbell Mrs lccil Cameron and Mrs Edward liastlngs Institute Meeting The liebruary meeting of Guill ilc VtillltllIS Institute was held at Mrs Walker Caldwells with Mrs Mel lamieson presiding Ten Dol Ilars was voted to the Canadian Appeal for Children lind was donated to the luthric hockey team The new program committee will be composed of the converters of the Standing Committees Twelve boxes were sent over iseas in llcbruary and three letters of appreciation from those who rc cIeivcd boxes sent before Christ mas Wardrobe is Quality Wardrobe many excellent ideas for and displaying the new fashions froiii recent Fashion magazine Ilclcn also modelled an apron she had designed contest called Sewing Romance con cluded the program The March meeting placewill be announced later with Mrs Victor Ross of Oro Station spcakcl giving sewing Cold Vaccine and Vitamins CI and DIln capsule Build Immunity lo told with Vitqvoxl Calching cold VilavaxspeedsrecoverylJurlhadacold Vilavax pr motes vitality For scientific precautiongqinsl future colds protect lhewhglgfdmilywlthVllavuxOnly$250 for PM month Immunity Treatment Robert Biological Laboratory Toronto Coldchlno won or new VIIEVIR Inns ra IReIncleHheibeds ji 1ITFORrWHENrYOtirGtVf you ARETH Wlij it toting actually takl artin its personally sharing mthe maintenance on Outpoth Hos pitala helping ermine children walk again After this liic Miss llelcn Caldwell gave an interesting talk on An ldcalV Helen CUlR De RUSSIE VSIOO 10007 COLOGNES CHANEL No3 CHANEL No22 GARDENIA CUlR De RUSSIE 300 550 araf=7r FJ ada was held March in the Car rison Club rooms Materials for baby lliyettes and for patchwork ljtlllt were distri billed to the mcnibns Iprcsent The finished articles are to be turned in at the April meeting After the meeting was adjourn cd tea was served by Mrs 11 Klt Inulv CHANEL wgzvgazhs LENTHERIC 3135 we 0V0 r0 psi Youll Be Prdud of COLOGN ES 09438 891 LET us ENLARGE aBlENTOT Your Favorite Snapshots SHANGHAI The Original Canadian BUBBLE 30TH Itllieral of Mrs An 00 BORNAt the Womens College II SOFTENS THE WATER Hospital Toronto Feb 22 to Mr 75 LEAVES No nmc and Mrsi Geo Bridger tncc Viola AROUND THE TUB lSlVlshi son 25 50 Loo LOTION Heals Rough Skin Chapped Hands or March if Mr and Mrs Elliottb Illlsh of Bar rlc spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gordon 13 Bush Mr and Mrs Thos Duckworth were ill Vasty on Sunday lcll 22 March Mrs ll McCuaig had the mis fortune to fall and fracture bolic in her right thumb At the time of writing it is doing nicely The Central Church Auxiliary of the WMS will meet at ilk home of Mrs Grant Ansdcll on Wednes day March 10 at 230 pm The roll call is to be answered by vcrsc containing the word Eas tcr Vc arcpleascd to report Itwo births of interest to this commuti ity on lcdncsday Feb 18 son to Mr and Mrs Aldcrdice on Friday Feb 21 son to Mr and Mrs Bcrnell McKay tncc Baskervillci Hearty coli gratulations to both IIIo Siz in Beautiful PREMIER MOD NT of avrragc looks but 113an lot of If lliin hairs above the lip thatlook vety out of place How can get rid of them No one need have little mous tache these days Eitlicr wax or paste depilaiorics will remove the unwanted fun Just onccauiion tullow the directions explicitly Hydrogen peroxide applied faithv fully will bleach and weaken the hair There is also the elcc trolysis method but if were your ago should try one of the other methods Iirst TRAVEL TECHNIQUE Our family two adults and two chil dren are driving to Vancouver by way of the States We know we mould have our birth certi cates lwas born in Alberta thch do send 0r mine and what is the charge How about the children Where will we gel maps Whal about our dog Will certificate of health let him into the States Lucky family tohavc such in in front of you For your oi birth certificate send to the Registrar General Department of Vital Statistics Edmonton A1 berta The cost is $1 The chil drens certificates may be obtain cd from the Registrar of Birth Parliament Buildings Toronto Cost is $150 Maps of Canada can be got from the Canadian Tourist Bureau Ottawa Your dog will be admitted with Certificate of Inoculation covering six month period from your Veterinarian DESIGNS Where in Toronto can learn to mini those attrac live dcsigns one sees an canisters trays etc What would the lessons cost There are night classas in Art it both the Technical schools and the Ontario College of Art Cost per term at the Technical schools 13 So at the Collegeof Art is $15 or $25 The courses are ire mcndously interesting You would learn aVVlot more than design MUSHROOMS What is the food value ofmushrooms Mushrdoms are more than an agreeable flavor Good mush rooms are source of protein Ex perts count their food value high FOUNDATION LOTlON liquid protecting foundation 150 SPECIAL ISKIN CREAM An emollient to keep I0 skin smooth and soft 185 IAIIGHURST February 29 Sorry to report that Mrs Wcir iinll TI Large Ilb Tin ANTACID Sim rndmm mm 20 mm mull LAXATIVE mm OWHI Milk NI bouillon Full Lot for Valuable foriAcicL 39 Stomach Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Sick Headache Gout Iiind Other Complaints WAVtiended with Hyper Acidity and Constipation Milk oIMagnesia is Useful Also as Local Application for Burns and scalds Special Illlllunlmhll For La Gripp Colds and Headaches 29c 49c MASTER DOG rooos K9 30 035 20 For HcallhyIEconomical Feeding wood spent WednesdayV with friends here Hclen Hounsome spent few days with her Aunt and Uncle in Collingwood 7Mr and Mrs John Eaklcy Port IMcNicoll visited for few days with MrLVandVllIVVerJBaymond Eak ley Mr and Mrs Blair and daughter and JohnSmith Toron to spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Wm Charles Sofry to lcarndhai Rev Geo Taylor Munro pastor of Wyc bridge PleSbyllian Church is IN IUST SECOND seriouslyillattitaniumin Penc VV LLNi tang Aid met at Mrs fault more Send your questions to kart AITKEN 225 Jarvrs Street Tanning0an 1W was 0353er 15 Cake Large 20ozIlI30ttle Day and Night Bottle CV ROUGE CAKE OR CREAM 100 25 QUle muuuVuunmkzs ANXIOUSI III am IIIII III mesa MAKEUP BASE LASH BEAUTY 100 HEALTH SALTS COLOGNE 300 side at the weekend Russell Mowforth of Camp BOVr WMV ToneSVUP the SystemI Vhomc for couple of days IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII Mr Wilson ofToroiito was home Mr and Mrs Wm Slack and end son and VIcrnIctI Boll of ITildcn Iu Bl33IiAIIBBU 39 109 March Tuesday BIEARBUNAIE at 8011A Hi 19 lilillannllsnlittls 39 39 eg Dry Complexion PROTECTION Large 802 FACE POWDER 100200 33 LIPSTICK III CLEANSING CREAM 125250 VV II VV SKIN FRESHENER 125200 Headaches RheVuVmallC Pains SKIN CREAM VV 135325 Neurts RUSFMASK 150 mo Tablets BEAUTY CAKE L1so rh VEYEBROW PENCILV 50 SpecialCLEANSlNG PREPARATION 125 BODY POWDER 175 Th nn Ws home from Lca Btins IlIVatsorI of Barrie sagas Ive BVATH SALTS 137 150 home for the weekend Momma speck 33 265 his familyofor couple of 49021419 BEEF will and may wanna 69 M13 and Misliarvcy Bell and ABS and lliltis at 23 WYEBRIDGIE SEIDIIIZ Plllllllslsg 25V Mgheanmisoihhgakhcg IIIb Lonard and Wife Colling BRAXVtliV 16 CASEARA IABIEIS 100 SEraint 29 ll VV 19 Th Goes to Work to Relieve lainIT lCS FOE Hausatortilla EV RED ciibssi anadian Red Cross you are nationwidcservice You are bringingcomfortsito veteranosin Iispitals lpromotVVV ing aICanadawidefree Blood Trans ion Service Your RedIICross donations stand over ready Vtoiveiwift aid in national disasters and to help maintain that grea est Idlesereiulu 7m his spaceIcVoniribulIed by JACOB GRAHAM of allyouth organizations the unior Red Grubs PleaseI 194aigNArloujAL mm Week in Toronto toxin trail Mrs Elliottspcnt the past Iul comfort Thor oughly dependable Enily plat331 to IMrs Garner is spending 0de fcwIweeks with friends in Tor ontos IMrsJas McKnight spent few days last weekwilh her sister in loronto numbersfrom hero attended the hockey match in BarrieSal urday eveningl Vance vIMcEddriifoffTOirito spentaicw days last weekwith his father McFadden Beyer and friend Miss Ida Lowe of Toronto spent the week end with the formers parents Although Friday night was very VI 4Voz 55 VIZoz KOTEXV llltuomim IPuVrIMedicinal Paraffin Oil Clung lunch was served bthhe VIModours up to fouk the house by Rev Holde nV ILLETTEVJLADESVV 25$ to quickly bring church R035 UpholsteryCIolhing VSTOCVKING VV in RugsIIClolhing etc III0 mes WI Clement We FREE STORE HOURSMoan Tues Thurs Fiji from 830 to were shocked on Sunday morning Aidsconspam Shaving Cream JFEMINlNE HYGIENE hostess imes more father thebtlrialmwas in the Anglican iVV 175 gt SQVUIBB coo Liven KLEENER Lhatcncounzel rent IIalionTiiI II DYE Contain 25IVReIlunIIdIabfo TABLETS Protects Woollens Furs etg ms Ii stormy very large crowd at atibn in Stevenson Memorial Hos DELIVERY 030 Wednesday 830 or to 1230 pmSalu1day 830 mm to hear of the sudden death of Frank Rawns Thorsday afternoon with fine turnout paper on VVVV For Youngpr Old Sillkelilolmf The funeral of MIIIS7G Miller 64 BM Ilargc took place from the home of he 4091 rfathereonarWWednesdaraflwt 53 305 986 Eifsfflfggegwg ccmefery 3st my TINTEX VAHaanly EconomicalCIoaner IIIIIIIIIII 15 Indispensable in the Home lolly mastitis 1155 MOTHKIL fitlARADICHLORBENZENElA Fr Mm Infesmw HELPS PREVENT IIIlIlIIIII IIIIIII2IIIII5IIlIIII tended the dance in the Orange hall They report good time llbTm Vspecm CIle DEVELOPING WV pital last Monday is improving and will soon be home again VPhone 2650 f5 Vle 1000 pm Open every Sunday 1210 5pm7lo 9pm AlexV Twaddle of Allistom The gt sympathy of this community goes Pace was givenaby Mrs Mc VVV comfortableshaves teinoon Service was conducted oumoney Give Babyl Own lelell ICleans floors Venetian Blinds TINTEX For ExterminalingMolh in italics We are pleased to know that The people of this commuiiity out to the bereaved brothers VV VV