GFEF Wwwmw m3 mum mumm mm ONTARIO 051W munsmv MARCH 1948 TA+h IMMI sir lirrc Ier stated well iilti riI THREE LEAP YEAR inning our our chi complete in dominion whimlid liW half lr all liairl flying alas 5m Slit led his fare in run ltlltcl Mr iron llzl Hull We 1N1 fIlr bIlbiis were ltirltii it hum at the on lctorla Miss 13 105nm is when ill ll11iil Hooplul on Sunday Feb 29 the Royal Victoria 11rJpllll llar kNiw lhe finl son was born to tic Km iiiiu IIlr ind Mrs George Dang II Beautiful f1rgttl or the Essa Ii iiiI iield 2i ellington St Road Piis1ciluii Church iar iiaiii iiiiiiii iiIII LI liarrlr The other were so Delalri Maciuren Kc Mi MIIWIIHWN sumo Ms or it lmilv in hill if 11 11 lllliaili languish RR lltard the annual 120m NUiiiiaiiltiiCiiiiciIL Urlwd fibrosis and the other sun Milirda night mumh glasgci Aladdln Converters Success Tu and Sale gt Ti 01 01 an 500 and 60C ini lie RM Iid Amid ni II or in rs inrrua itpoit was picseni II Kmmgii iiim 02 IiiIIiIiII lift IItitlisI LlIiilIII iii Jr lulh lilmralc ti 5115s Lila Mcllicc and TWO Gay Patterns 04 WldC yd Sl00 is ii liviiiiiiii Giiii priori1 f31irii1pw 2hr llwsr three he will not bidgci was drawn up 10 pm IROIvIIIG Changes 01 011 1211111 10 01901110 AZ 3W mm lure blrthdav until Feb 99 tutun lo the tow BOARDS WITH STANDS III II UJlillLl vhf II IfixIUIIi lI IEIPIIII IIII rtiilrcrIlirItlt linking lie or rune IPJRII trfIhTIrIlIIt IIII 1333 Muiibwb of me 1mm Mini $395 4I50s4 65 VEE BELTS and PULLEYSA11512S iiiiillikmmi fifiiiir $3233 dd hi in 01mg IMF fiiktiiui Jipiilfifiii griffin ihis ciii lire Mrs Montagn Leodg WM In iiiIiiIIiIiI Wi iiijifin 1II it IV1 Winn iiiivi Imliii ii Eldona Croft Mark itillli llilicr sinlih Choirs Low CLOTHES HORSES SUPER HEALTH ALUMINUM WARE 11 iii Ll rrvnn Mrs Williirli s1 90 so or 98 Buy asyou need it one piece at time IIWUKIIlImaI INI Bowl tr ruzruzzri ruin his III itUIEW ILII Lea Year unbound viiiii Ii iiiiciIIiII 90 3435 iI gt lira ii Iii ii in ti WW7 IiInIIIrgII lIEIIhIIIIIIII III It IIIIIflIluIiiiIIMI liI illtIli1 Il II II IiIIIIIIIfLII III IIIIIII and Victor Knox THE CONNOR WASHER FLOOR COVERINGS Oak grained 1m MW i=1 4mm ears $169 dow side of roach scat 1111C ins imp Siiiiiiiii VIC Mi ind lll1l aprllllrlll 11 Its TOPS in ever ies ectI Val lrznn was rIrzmm rnrrhrrI on pilgrim Air is ruin 321 1m II1 II III IIIIIIIII You Deserve 110313853611010 it is This is yards Wide mm Spccml at the dmiblc iii admit in wig i1 nupkm Mi Tim Gilli if Vliiiilu Tit IVVO NIODELS 859 soand $188 50 price i= agt1Illll1111IIqrlrIIkllI rIIi IrIIIii in 11Lll 1r AIIIiiolIipti cuIIiLIti tIInIiIIiIrIiirIlrI ILIIligtII113KII1IIiIIIiI IIIiI IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIrIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III II II II II 00 lll f1 Inc 21 IIrIIOIIIIII IIIII iIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III lrlllIIllnFVlItTIJ I1IIIlIllfII IlIlIlII iI IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII iIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIiI IIII iICII ieIIII FLOOR Mops IIIIIIII490I51I00I$L39 to $225 QUEBEC COOK STOVES Hi 113 ii ii II 00 lnliiiihl mtttiliq 1L1llLlfllIV 32 11 1m 11 llld mud PFb REAL buy at this salt puco 530 119 suffered ii Ixk concussion iiiui mi ninii iiiiigiijciip Mic till 11 Force 11 31$de mm 1minI 11 I4dWillll ILWdU LilSJC Of 1110 COHLLC 89C 51Sl35 to rriril iir old 15 obsery Lil 1l 10d discuxciun 11 the jbr Aerr T110 gCIllllne Sunbeam gtI iris hir llilru biiillda ilI Burr bummi ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY $5350 WMIMAIWH IiiiiiiiUUii Iiiid evening TONICS Hm NDUCML IMI unnamed by DR BELLS WONDER MEDICINE AND RANGETTE Tabl Mme 5299 rtlilitiii iiimdhicifi bills TONICS ELECTRIC RANGE Apartment Size $7900 gt MXIfm Ilcsldcmt the 51 FIIIIlI IltflItIiiliQH illiokiriin of IA 311th 81111111 girl has explained that pins are 11 great means 01 savmo 1119 Uby II Twwh an 10mm one dire not swallowingthem III IiiIoIInIIiIiiiIiiinIniiiiIlI iItIIIBIiIiIiOrIiIi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII YCIIIIIIIIIII MIII lay irrigiit 1llt1l sali seven new 1mm 1mm out mi ie Conn SHOPPING BASKETS 69c and 950 NURSERY SCALES 13900 and $1035 llW qmm miidlmimAllmumimimuc Rea and Gwen Tum some have woven Lrays Others metal riirr VI gtiSli sage sca sr IIIlImII Irii trIII In IIiIIiiII rIiIshtIi II IIIIII IIIIIII dCIIIIIIIICd IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIvnIzI PLASTIC BOWL COVERS SeII II iIiHvILil It hill NH 03 minimum II Is all CHILDS HIGH CHAIRS S775 and $900 13 liquid ml whiuwlcm The viiCi ii 40c J90 $150 With 01 without metal trays 111119 mm 11f Lommercv ililllrllillftlifllll1cidlldslfingio rhoII tainttr Ioir lIlllJllS of Busl IIIIIII IIICIIIIIIII iic IIIidIId III II Ii 1LASTIC EGG CUPS for 690 KITCHEN STOOLS Metai whit Red W75 30 01 only Ciwiibq Hi v1 it Gilin Colored Item ltlls prevalent in most business farl IIiIIIIgIIlIIIILI III IIIIiIIIIdIIItISIbifr3IIIii $233 $300 $43 $695 into mi iIgtliiirlctlIUIill iidccssiiryslcps izII IiIIIIOIISIIIIIIO IIII IIIIIogifiirItIII CHAIR CUSHIONS PLASTIC COVERED IIiIIIlliIIIiIWLd 01 SUCCCSS Yviimi gum mch oi the per 696 METAL UTILITY TABLES 335031195 11 ixiklwwu MI sh DiliiiitinAllClhflSzVOllddigiliiiiEiI CLOTHES HAMPERS 95 95 md $9 00 my Refl Gran 01 Blink tum Isirrich 11211 bccausc man IwasI III II moment iI mowed how tI HOUSEHOLD SCALES 25 II him lldlf Silmmn am the results of each indicated crci WI Lle and Pmk With Blue 11ml1155 ivc lbilitV llc ClllpllisiYCd thin rlr 111itIi also said it was not IIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIiII III the Ii WIIS IIiII gt11411I111Il 10 ImimI ha iiigiiiid iiiLIIiiI Ciiiiiiii iiiwsmeii iii CI II II ittlll that he should also lifvc suf 1732 3181 mm litltlil trliir 1lll1 until Clrll md 10 mmmd gt ii ii ihtil 011133 001 SUDDPIZTNCIC VCiC ril o1 insincs uric sir icieIni represeniutives from IIii mus of the LiIiilrtlIilIiILTIIi iIlicIIlrlIiIrIginIiacilccpeIIoIwimii from Bradford in iIiiC mum to Port McNicoll in the rrorthThos Wm Competent mdVld who helped make ariafigcmcnl SIX Chlmney Flres 115 gt01 ilhe lillicddfl iMli Conhmi 01 the mo months 515152174 iiiii iiI km iii0 rounds regardless MII II MI III Mb uscI re me my iavc no one was Issued III IiIIIIIIIIIII to UL rss ora anha Ls Dunn Februar ii standby in case one truck Io1IilrrIsiIrirplitrtIyIof booksI tIIls betI iIIiiiiSi CoiieyI Mix Vera Hawking breaks dowh or iiicrc are two Simii lxIanght for alterations worth 340io iv to 1ll tlatillLlluor lS and MiSS Rose DouceiieI ii of BarI IIIIIIeous ICSI his house Another was is ed sllcCcss or failure immediately than iiCI mid Mm Beryl Huffman mid During the morlth of Febiuaryi Avoid timewasting overhauls by February to the Laura Sec and install new engine which bears to continue the business in the dark Miss Maude ROWCI boih 0i Oiiiiiii there were only six Ifirc calls regi for alterations to the blinding Smiling ChlySlCIBllllt engine the same guarantee as new vehicle Ifhid WWI eventually lead to hi the evening Mr Yczirslcb memd the Baillie fire Hm AlllTwo Bulldlng Permits whim they 1m Open Cu your ChiyslmIIbiiiiiI vehicch In my Om mechanics are trained in approv trrrIaiiIgIalIIIEiiliiiIcMII FIIIICII IIIISWCIII spoke of ihe basic cmiisI Swim clellISIIwcrc IiIo chimney fires nonciln January and February The permit was at $2500 wc can pull out your worn engine ed Chrysler Service mm iiihsiions iroim in midi Od mm 102195 lany ibiwlls belliomj II Building is belihining to incr Gnu iiicii Liiiiiiiiiciied iiieii vic CCIIIWL I1 CdUI db dlibbi Oiiiy No building permits were little in IMarcli and coupl IIOIIIII RI NI BIbeI IIICSIde IIIIIIIOI WI Macphierson Suffers on rlDDClIlOn I81 and on Feb Ike out during ihc month of Jam large permiis have heady bee Write P110110 01 13 Ls 104m humid MI Fighcrwnld he msiimni illaIry BI another chimney fire was wiry and February Totai amount sued dinmg iiiis first week for fIIiiIinformation and priCCSI II IIII bCIIIIII of he Legion by we ure lp In IlitIrrrquIlshchoglIAlfrchSi OilOFch llarris The meeting finished with Wiith Ii MIICPi IIIQOII WWI St 512333263Igtwijs QIIOVICIR ALLOWANCE FOR OLD MOTOR WWII ilisii$l1piiiitgiingvim wanv Perkins lold father of Dr Macilrcrson chimney fire on Parksidc Drivel II TIIII BIIIIIILIIIIIII OIIICIIIIIIII the slipped and broke one hip while on Eblunlm l0Cd5wQLQ walking down the lane beside his answered 0110 about 820 pm to ii inors cut to an sh ic hole drip BHllc LIOJKIChlb IIfl Mind isons home He was immcdiatcly St Andrews Church and another at reSIlIer ym 511 lulgc 1tICIiLICn tIe 981 takcn to the Wcllcsley Hospital in 1230 to the lower cndrbf James St led where required replace mdow glassv Of b9 Olgillllmllolls poem Toronto where Dr Frank Mills op The new truck lis expected some IIIIIhL IIliIViolilnmmh 11 11L ended on the leg time around Iihc end of the month OHM ii famllirepgri that he fjo hm ddmte dumhas been 56L FvM mg very we an was CXpec COLLIER ST GENUINE CHRYCO PARTS PHONE 2481 to come home on March suffered Isrmrlur llljllly She Is 74 Hemy St BARRIE Phone50487 Last year il about this same time over her injury now and is rcttiilr 23 Dr MacPhersons mother fell and along well 77 SLEPT IN CHURCll Two young French Canadians from Montreal appcared in the magistrates court her on Wed March chargcdwlth vagrancy They had been heading north to find work in the lumber camps 77 when someone advised trying Pllclp Pb ision forlhc same workThey valk one cd and hiked there but because of 2439 extreme cold took shelter on the fVV 777W night of Feb 27 in back room of the Presbyterian Church on Con F105 near Fergusonvalc There they were found the next day at noon by Prov Cons lfrccman of Elmvale who had been called The officer did everything pos sible to find work for the young men and took them to two lumbcrv iiig concerns butwith no success so had been forced to lay the charge to giiciilimucirclterssBotth te and Crown attorney agreed PHONE 2439 BOYSWEAR that no crime had been committed and no damage done so the charge gt llrcrcs compIIChelsVc Esortmem of boys wcdmlg dD was dismissed Adjt Strachan ofthe Worm chlcrs Here are two of the many ThriftValues Salvotion Army agreed to do what being realmch Be sure to see the many he hc COUIJCIOI me 30qu mon FT1 WT er ls ac cm AftFFbTuary Thaw PULLOVERS ms 26 TO II kFCblUI It Win er came ac again all has bI iiI dining this past Right for school wear and sports are week Tuesday afternoon heavy stiYiUCs W0911j COMO BHUILVQLS snowstormblemuiklamkbleeked bruseliinisiiIyiedmlggd neck rmads MI iimCI Ibui the wind and Zipper Available in royal 1died down in the latth par of blue maroon Zeil rThriftPriced the evening High aaHOWRQE 17 lt IIIiI ipcmuires for the past week wcreiI HIGH LOW II IFCIII 26 IIIIII IIII 20 II Pd 27 36 24 Slzes26 to FobI 28 25 II Ireh 29 26 wwm Wellmade Longs of goodlookingsiurdy woolICdtton fabric cuffed iMrI 26 e4 boiiomsibcli loops pockets Zeiieiuvriiiiibpricm MarI I2 24 15 Mar 20 IiBelow Zero II Temperafure Range II nII from Elgl Up to 45 II II Hig Low MI Febl2 26s VI ti II AI Fcbl4 30 r2 74 SSTURDY SHI Heb15 24 Smart Spring nes own IIIiknoublesmed Scams IFebI ii 40 16 II II II II III II IIFGiiI 17 33 30 II Ic midctShutsI of DucskiiliiIDiIrlls or Covert Cloth with doubleII IiicbIiii 34 zii II II IIIstitched scams for extra durability pocket Blucij brownmaroon Feb 19 45 ig ngeeMelleuThftPeed Wm iiIrciI2iii I20 444 gi 5ciswemum gt iyeb 21 iii Smooth llastic Calls DaintyRayoh Bengalines wide array bf II IpebI 23 13 I8 eS COTTON PANTS irtgb 23 20 IMPORTAN TEAMIMATES wlth your new Suing Skirts and AprPROFILE 8mm of rsmooih Isms 42 iFebI24 36 trimslim suits Youll love these and many others featured 5wisS StrawmaidI beaiiiifuiiy trim mmMrmmwTWW ramewmcc WWWWWMMWWWWWW WWWWWWW wmmmmwmv new 00 Idesignedio give plenty 0158131 pckigbevigfpslvifgom II ShoulderStrap oukide pocket1Z1pDered inner DOCK Chang ziifgh$5zlgnnd Spring brighl 3had5 151 GETTING RUNDOWN purse mirror At Right Smooth Rallon Bengaline number thats iWhe moon is 51 ll uspgnbmsxapii Si ende meiimiri jaggedI 53mg vigg beauty With metalrgllt frame and clasp IIriner pockctrchange Ip Myst patted IIIng rs 5113 SIIIOP cars of striped blueEzwhlte Denim Open iii inigectmiiy Winning iwm purse and mmon Black Brown Navy Zenerv31ue BiQFFFMJE FELTI HAT wrth triple gt IaI 85y IMth VlSOII Pleated top Washable leeS Desistaimce mo disease more 11h tuckEd bum and pert bow all bad to just 63 to 712 5m II ziiiie trgue Fartirgiuc may result from gt FASHI NE ii 69 490 lack of sleep overeXertlon excess ws of iany kind including too much 325313hE50rgEpTgIsggLfga itIIIlIlIiIeSSitliIrIiIiI Fashion Show we andofmwigd ianIEIIIe mar oi II VIII The MIIZIIIIIIIIII IIgIIIIIIII 4mm Tim wor 013 warm Doni we women down to 0111111111113 Duchamp the 0th atwvvhich the germs can IZELLERS ILIMITEDI FashionIduThrift Centre as