Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1948, p. 2

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BARBIE EintMlNER ESHILiSnEc tau Publlabrd Drum Morning by THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED slatmam SSHPol 1N1 MANAGINJ 50 WALLS vlcJRESiiJENt no besihtis duct STEAllY PROGRESS Many citizens even several members of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce have the notion that the main purpose of this organiz ation is to attract industry to Barrie lhere er those who would measure the success of the Chamber by the number of ntiustries established here over period of years However the speaker at tile fourth annual liieeting William McCullough spoke from experience of Chamber of Commerce with history of more than 100 years Mr McCul lough warned there would be lips and downs and he also pointed out how iinpos sible it would be to havelprge industries coni ing into Barrie annually lic suggesteda long term program of concentrating for two or three years on one particular industrial firm with the object in mind of persuading the directors to establish branch here But there vasIIanIotIIher suggestion pill for ward by Mr McCullough that was keenly ap preciated by several members of the Barrie Chamber The speaker referred to the money sixent by American tourists in Canada and he emphasized that Americans were much more conscious of and interested in historical places than were Canadians With in mind Mr McCullough urged more atten tion to develoiiing historical sites in the litlr onia District He commended the llulonia Committee for their aVCcomplishinents as in dicated in their report Certainly there is no community better sit uated than Barrie with regard to tourist bus iness Barrie ILI muway WIND Don and to keep them there anti because those four or morci every passenger train stops here for 20 min utes All highway traffic proceeding north from Toronto heads for Barrie whether en routeto the Muskoka holiday land or to the Georgian Bay resorts such as Wasaga Beach Barrie is favorably located as base for water sports and activities such as boating and fishing The new highway will make Barrie important as the first main stopping place north of Toronto With an airport and an air harbor adequate facilities are available forl thOSe who travel by aircraft By fostering dis tinctive restaurants and hostclrics and by mng greater effort to develop and pro fIwith good business gficient to meet thneeds othisIIIhonie and the Huronia historical sites the Barrie Chani of Commerce may makeIIits greatest the success and prosperity contributi of this commu It is significant that sev end of the 1948 direc 01s and officers of the pen instrumental To argueihalithese tenants of rooms flats leased Barrie Chamber have fostering the Huronia Comrmtsee 7A EDITORIAL NOTES The RedCrosIs National Appeal opens on March and the objective of the Societys campaignVVis $3000000 ThoseIwhossaw the Board of Works crews in action on Dunlop Street this week saw another fine exhibition of how tough job these employees have in the Spring cleanup after such winter as we have had igt One of the main Objectives of the high school area system is to make university education available for every boy and girl in the province This being the case itwould be wise for 331 who are supporting this new plan to read closelthhe article on theannual report of Sidney Smith President of the University of Toronto Which appears on this page under the heading Wastein Our Uni= versitics town council has not much cause to worry over the present Hydro situation At his pro perty on the Pine River in Vtthentttryold village of Hornings Mills he has generating plant supplying powerup to 2300 volts suf feedmill He is remembered here as always being ready for emergencierf At this Weeks towncoVuncil meeting the chairman of the property committee present lVd accounts on the the building Operations goihgOtth marketsqiiarewhich amount ed to 2289488 Apparently the council had no 0pr unity to inspect the bills until there was warssaccumulation This hardlyseems fair totheWcouncilor in accordance methods this HuxtableaIfiorImerV member of Barrie IEMBER OF Class Weeklies at Clam Audit Bureau of Clittllblluii Canadian Wetka Newspaper AtStoclslzoi SUBStTRliYltiNs Luanda or Great BTIZRln $200 year tinted Slates $230 year It Single Copzes ic CIJCIJ in lending their aid in wrestling with the malty problems of post war days Every Red Cross campaign has worthy objective and those who work and support what the home folks are doing for this great cause should their iiso remember the beneficial effect efforts are likely to have among peoples around the world Never turn down the Red Cross OPINIONS OF OTHERS IASIIIII IN IIllIRIIIIIPIAIVERSITIES lPlllllULlJl losti rm Banal smallish at ERIE ONTARIU exam The University of Toronto itesiticiitsptike Itl ktilllitlltlgtl recentlylli his annual leplilt to llit Governors and Senate Sidney Smith uly bluntly said aloud what nearly everybody is Avhispcring ieit many attending universdics are lgtilil their own and everybody elscs time Said President Smith Ilfllsi tllIQJIltt retililreinciils Limit the annual ftEIFIlfiIlUll to 10000 lit is now an elephanlinc 17000 While we arscrt that there should be on equality of oppliltlillii for youths who have the talent and capacity to pursue vltn distinction lllLllOiIffltltlllltill REHABILITATE 490 MILLIONI HILDREN WAR Romeo we must take the stand that liliivcrsity course is not ill inalienable right of every boy and eirl Nonuniversity men and women are as truly es sential for the common weal as the holders of degrees lIlthflSlllCS however cannot achieve standards of esccllence anti fulfil their obligations to the societyl to be frittered away and money wasted in the effort to educate the indolent nld incompetent Moreover the years that are lost for those students and their sense of frustration are not to be overlooked lhinus like that very much need saying larllc ullirly in recent decades thousands have been crowd in universities because of the misplaced belief that universrty education guarantees their holders extra happiness or riches Other thousands go to university mainly because their parents have or LL fol money ycars permit pleasant postponement of the tune when the realities of makind living must be faced President Smith is to be commended for his declai alion It should strengthen officials and politicians elsewhere in withstanding the drive to weaken fur ther the value of the universities lligher standards for getting into and for staying iii university are esscniial iii the national interest Armor MUNICIPAL TAXES tloiin Eric IinresRevicwi For great many yIcIdrs it has been our conviction that the present system of municipal taxation in Ontiirio is an anachronism By its operlition almost the entire cost of operating an incorporated town or cily is levied against that segment of its cilixens IlllIl includes the owners of real property and its business concerns Yet great maiin of the expen dilures made from the public treasury result in benefits to all citizens taxpayers and nontaxpayers Valikc And by nontaxpayers we mean all those who do not contribute directly to the municipal coffers lhouses and so forth pay their proper share of the municipalitys upkeep in the fortn of rent is unteri lble Rental values are not adjusted upward or down avard in accordance with rising or falling tax rate instcad they are based under normal conditions it what landlordcan get for his housing accomo da from tenant who is Volherwise satisfactory to him videncc of this is that during the great le largely to thecost of relief but rental vlllticsIIIIde jclined just as steadil It is true that the rei landlord receives con jstitutes at least part of hi ncome out if which faxes maintenance fire insuranc and other ex penses milst be met But the tenant is responsible for any of these liabilities 1V Signsare not lacking that the limit of ta ion jwhich real estate can bear is rapidly being approac ed and the only solution seems to lie in broadening ether base of municipal taxation One way of accomp llshing this isthe isimen po taxfto be levied on all adult residents who make no other direct contribution to municipal expenses If there is anything inequitable about such proposal we have lyet to hear of its being presented for consideration Further we submitthat instead of being flat sum the poll tax should be calculated on fixed assessment of the individual The amount payable each each year would then fluctuate according to the tax rate Those who paid poll tax would then be less likely to vote for candidates to public office who have record of extravagance concerning the towns finances ipression ijea estate taxation steadily increased due crgemOds Al rut WI HIS Are We Evolving or Dcvolving 400ummm0DQuqn1g which supports them ii the energies of the staffs are lly LEWIS MILLIGAN Whether we believe in the Dar superficial enquiry into the natural jroceltltolt of Nature is stlfiicieni to reveal the working of universal lirftlliiltlitt nd llli overruling Will lll tins wot 1d The term evos like the llllltilllllL of motionpic lure fllni or the unfolding of Vrose lllilh of these picvlolls existence of the thing llnrolled or unfolded seed for instance is plain folded into minute package which given the right cnvininincnlfsoil and season rwvofves into duplicate of its jlllil The same reproductive up to man and it went on for mil iions of years IUOlIllltIIlllflil appeared upon the carthi Ever since man arrived he has been more or less dissatisfied With the world in which he found him sclf He first of all moved about Vlltilll place to place as nomad as though he were looking for some thing he had lost When he got tired of wandering and settled down he was still dissatisfiedand set to work to improve his envir onment He has certainly improved since the cave days having pro grossed throtlgh the stone rho bronze and the iron ages to the present age of numerous metals coal gas oil electricity radio ra dium and the atomic bomb In all of these things heshast till his struggle for existence and his Ctlriosityhc has created for himself new environment and acquired lllVlllllnellSC amount of knowledge andxpcrience Man has accomplished allghis not only in spite ifbut because of unfavor able circumstances Indeed he has made the greatest progress in those partsoilitiheyworld where he had to struggle forhis existence against If elements He would never have iscovered the deeplaid beds of co he had not been in desperate need fuel to keep him self from freezing is discoveiy of coal led to the di overy of steampower and all the 50 VUnfortunaViely the most conscientious members of town COullCll are restricted in their efforts to keep taxes down to reasonable levelmllhe council has no trustes andcounty council respectively All town Council can do is devise ways and means drawing Imbfieyfii IV Too MUCH snnvica IiEarmersAdvocatei are service mad consumers inust have goodsdc ruralrpeoplei arevdemandingsemdos thativbfilave appeared outrageous to mvious generation 25 years iago Thicraze reached its peak before the war when Warriomal for drug store to get telephone call asking for delivery of package of cigarettes or postage stamp The middlemen tor middlewomen ifyou wish are not parasttes They are performing legitimate though not always usefTu service No matter what machinery when it arranged to have tthVprotectVionof tsempioyeesmofthe Board of Worksplaced with Vatlonand at as fair 21 rate Vas anypersonln the me claSSinicatiOnin theiprovincejsentitled by Municipal Building The Old Town Hall AIWise step Was taken the town council th workmens Compensation Board This or ganization has been in successful operation 101 many years and is ma position to seethat the workmans case gets every possible atten some members bfthe town cIouncil seem to teetthat theycanngt be happy untithhe word Town Hall is heardno more butfbe replaced 1th all changes does not house single control overhe school taxrate or the county levy The amount needed is appropriated by the school Th people ofanadaof this continent in factII livered to their doors justLwhen they want them Even Years IAIgo from tileI files of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE FEBRUARY 24 1898 narrieVVV Local otesVII Mrs Tiffin wife of from GTR Supt died suddenly as she vasabout toretirez death from heart failure beinginstantaneous Nearly 400 attended carnival at Crystal Rink Winners were Ed Hines Miss Cummings BinghamGLMincliellEMain prize Interesting debate at the BClVlnterary Society on the subject Resolved thatiawmale teacher is preferable to female The affirmative McKee and Thompson defeated the negative team tEli1etcher and Stew art Evangelistic services con ducted by the Misses Hall of lfllll1 lncory of evolution or not llllion means to lillroll lil InfOldhi process uocs on in ll forms of life merited lliititigll Hit If Moore iqllcnt mechanical and scientific iii cntlons which we enjof titlth Bill has man with lll these artat achievenients attained to higher intellectual spiritual and moral stature Undoubtedly lie Ils better educated iii the mass and know Ilcdceds more widespread but are really producing greater inlcl ects poets musicians llitisis jllll ithose of hundred or even two thousaud years ago Julian llux ley ill lecture delivered in the early twenties claimed that there was no evidence of any upward change during the whole historic period 111 the higher level of ill ltellcctllals artistic er ethical possi bilitics Einstein said Mr Huxley has no bettezVor mirscwmaihcnis alical brain than had Newton Darwin was not boner biologist Beethoven finer musician than Bath Rodin at better sculptor than liaxnelcs Fox or Wesley grater or less great ethical teachers than the Hebrew prophets Kant pos sessed of gicatcr philomphical ab llltics than Plato0r even Bernard Show greater writer than Shake rpClllCl The general run of human capacity has reniained the same for Iihollsands of years Poets artists and musicians of the modern schools might not agreeI Vwith that verdict Bernprd Shaw af leash regards himself as gren nter dramatist thaii Shakespeare their cryptic effusions superior to the poetry of Wordsworth The surmalists have apparently con vinced themselves that their chaov tic daubs are finer art than that of the old masters while there Seem to be hosts of people who have no sense of harmony and who prefer the discordant noises of Warsaw Concerto in Moon light Sonata So far from showing an evolution to loftier forms of ar tistic eXpression there are definite signs of devolution backithgart of the cave dwellers the tomloin heaters and the Wildwarwhoopers in these products of the modern schools MacLarcn Dr Smith and rs Eustace Bird Frank Ewan eggait Mocking Fred Norman WSmithr Simcoe Countmef The Tottcnham Sentinel lnour schols of today the rudiments of solid useful education are neglected and the maximum of time given up to cramming the pupils with ephem eral nonsensegso that when boy osophers and spiritual leaders that ideas imply Ithan llarvey any more than was 25 Years Ago from the Mrs of BARBIE lZXillll Mb 22 1933 IlIl Notes agreed with tinl last to citcecd little an hour in thc lfllltt til Illcs Stfltlul than 311 lniles itlllLIlIlilllf pail of The Battle lllel Harri Loul llllt tillIncis Iutvli ItilJltll sticctf of lcillil of illfll lllil lliulc IIlt Illtli lolllc input on tapii my noughtVtililttlt Help to iesiole their lli are near starvation tellccllial life by pning NtiW to it tLdr and Airs leo LlilS Liopia Ull Amidid Hospitals $100 soil of inf lolllchroltl was brought to Illt If limvmg sllltttl brass top lly lll of the XHay the top Was located and in lilt course was le jniovld lhelc were tilti tctions ciitcred li llariic lllVlSlUI Court Vin 1022 ll Garrett lieuan Itill on the colistluctloli of Moores sililc linportantl incw Xltav ctttillltill alilltgd to Hospital Diniy jiilooro son of Mr and Mrs ll llarric received much praise for his brilliant work as lnetiniiider of the iiiilwaukcc liotkcy tcznn Imvn ollncil voted $3000 to the public schnol board on the 1023 levy the amount all be used for maintenance and1 salaries lint Meckinu contin ines to shine in the Senior Il1I Simroc ounly llIrlefs lo Council voted grant Sin to OH School Iaii iovnship spent 8105130 on Essa Hiilds in 1022 Midland seekingI iio Vgct more CNII elevator CfVljlllj city Collingwootl started oflV this year with deficit of 814223 For stealing fence rails ll Collilitnvood John Douglas was given four months iii the lteioima tory The loin disputed location of the SoldiersMemorial in ol lingwood was decided by pltltlm it near Nll station Quite irontrovcrsy arose in Alliston vlieii prcmium of $183000 on $40000 school debentures was sought both 1iy thc town council and school trusiecs Owingio bad storm last week the mail carrier from Midlillist had tough time getting iaroilnd lie walked to Barrie oncI lday for the mail It was impossiI ble to get over the drifts to reach Ellie boxholders for it few days Strolld cllrlers held their annual ihonspiel with the following vinl Enois1ltlatimer Suth ierland Consolation 10 lth Guest Christ Church Ivy called OllI its annual social owing to the prevalenccof sickness During all last week the mercury hovered around zero at Rhelpston and the worst blinard in years tied up railways and road traffic Neil Craighurst sold his lstorc to WV Addison of Edgar for the last three months he noted ithat Wellington County had set jasidc 5000 trees for natural snow bsVlrrieis Under the plan the 10 counties ptovcd himself master mechanic and the freeverse writerQ thininin thcl districtGrey Brant Hal iton Huron Oxford Perth Wateri 100 Wellington chtworth andl Bruceare purchasing strips oil joliriglit llueliominlonlltoit land bordering county roads athl planting them in trees and hcdgcs He said thercfwere 5010 acres of ltrccs in tracts in the 10 coun ttics Grey County led the way with Iva total acreage of 1862 Thursdav it goes to press WIIVI NESDAY AFTERNOON lavesschoolrforrgood he does so minustheability to solve most questionsthat are likely Vto face him in everyday life Use of TVrees to Curb Snow Driftian Along RaidsPiigiguaass Ilke Marritt Ior Gait Supt at Midhurst Station Ifrom 1922 till Fallof 1927 reportsigood progress being made in London forestry district to curb snow drifting with belts trees and hedges along country roads in the ve counties Though the Examiner is dated also this or Youll be so pleased the way little Vatronol in null nostril quickly soothes irritation helps ledlitc wrigcstlou and ltlicH stuffy head mid tinsel Relief is gldiid bemuw Vallonolworks right HkIIcIIlIlltllit 15 it disilcss Used by VICKS limits so try Vicks Votlonol yourself VATRONOL 4600000th children in the world live tliclli food for life by supporting llfc Aptiiiil to Children Canadian Appeal for Children rilliope was the cradle of our Rush And StrainII Hard On Nerves Often klyPtlllp nerves causo restlessness irritaI bility and even nervousness if you suffer front keyedup nerves tlleii Milliiirlis Health and Nerve Pills may be of help Milliums lleallh and Nerve Pills are well balanced medicine for those who am rundown and may need general coil tllllfllifl to help build uprlic system They stimulate thenervous syslelii improve the appetite aid digestion and thus help promote refresliingiest let Millnirns Health and Xena lills at your nearest drug store today Accept no Bulislitutcs Look for 10 trade mark the lied llcart The Miltonn 00 Llinltod Toronto Out FARMJULLETIN TREATMENT IIccenl sect drill stilvtVvs have Pathological Laboratories of shown that much scclI llllllg the NItlltt Hcrilcc Ottawa Bonn is not clean ll tlol only VIIWI lift3 is impure but also coiilllilis all Vr Vll illlilll is hrs for the alartllin nllnilieroII weed seeds ll ll per Nllllltlg Registered hill ccrllIlicItI setll willpay for ltselliilam llnlcs Il llill lhl lllticc will help increase your earnings WI rpmmlng Na and In it assisting unknown lat owls hmV failing trogiswlwwl llltrs llllllltVrt ll of llltiiltVy seed oll will lN momVt ill WM3 llm NUTl 11 pocketliylrcalingyonrsolllso mm tawny it VlVVVV fVVVVVVV mm VIVSVVVVMF lVflllll Illlploictncnl Loans to eyiolsI Iz producingr organisms II IIIII IIIIII IIII IlIIII II Ioan lily he just What Will Seed treatment should not lie lltttl to make your lllilll more undertaken casually llo the productive IonicI in and lflllv tlie Vlllfllltl cr uranium BARBIEn Netlieton Mgr Stowmun Mar 1043 mu consumers door the distribution will cost something Farmerscan expect only percentage on the consum ers doiiarbecause of this distribution cast but they can alwaysexpectmore when the distribution is shorn of 11 VVanpecessaiy service frills Vese frills are not always on theoiI of the distribution in good many cases tlIiItessIlamuIIIirllebg found all the way along theroad fromtbetimegoods pgngoaded at the farm until they reach the urban An rillout programme of srviceIatcost would he to banish some ofthe evilsWhh in extra service are req oseIzIWIho demand uiredito payitheektra rice theI mightVbe satisfied to do some things for therIrIiselves III otnoivianosmz Simcoe Reformer One of the bittereiit Eubjects of debate both in the depart Wnrunicipaiaffamiifltastere oreentitledtobe called the muni fthtih is the onvehich houses CanadianHouSELaLEarliamentwandginforumsiright across the Dominion is the proposal to lift the ban against importation of oleomargarineinto Canada Recently the Canadian Chamber of Commerce took strawvote of its member branches thrOughout Canada on the sale and manufacture of oleomargarine in this country The results were so indecisive that the body is not able to recommend policy according to statement by its onicers total of n9 boards voted forlmnrgarin while 102 wereagalnst now 14 did not register decision It is clear that distinct cleavage of opinion prevails on the important topic withia majority of urban residents being in favor of million peopiegaI fed trod croisssocfettestbat legitimise in relief of thfbuththe an or Victim lifting the restrictionand moat rural citizens opposed to it Sharp increases in the price of butter have lent wVelzan to the stiff thveside and it may bexthat fhcgovernmpnt wil iiave in peptide price or butter or restore the subsidy they are to amid snow on this commutation weal lake farm produon thalmttrtlie Guelph drew large crowds every night GeorgerReedy advertlsl ed very large shipment of new goods just arrived fromI England over 1000 sterling guaranteed no duplication Young HebneIr figured prominently in diamin quarrethiveija coat Watson Jones Jones was dismiss at house of included in this schemes Mr Marritt wisthe district forestcr fillere in report covering the activi ties of the Department ofLands and Forests in the Hurng district ed with costs and HebnegVVVVgot bit of good advice IMssrs Adams King Lowe VVand Murray butchers protested against liense and asked that the butch ersIlicense be reduced to $10 RO Dept at OttaWa wrote that onecent rate of postage between Barrie and Allandale offices could not be permitted as this rate could s25 not be secured xcepf whemttio ttepsAvere from Vthe some binge On reI commendatiOn of Chairman Sonics the tender of John Fergusriii for 10 cords of cedar at $275 cord forthe tovm was accepted Bach elors ball in Town Hall quite success 75 couples danced to the music of Delesandros orchestra of Toronto An excellentsupper was served in dining hallby patron esscs and other ladies Patroness es were Mrs Atkinson Mrs Dickinson Mrs Lount MrsrRI Barwick Mrs Holmes Mrs Redditt Mrs Wells Mrsx Martin Burton and Mrs Vansittart Stewards were Dr Arnall DrILangr Mrs Lennon rpvmchREAL TORonro fad Halal unnprwhml centrally located mono ll 50 room in each halal IIIVIVO privalobcm and radio mmmmonswiinorwln lltd MIMIC wall In ad vim undpull arrival rimsoatv Manon 1918 still SHAREHOLDERS All it no allinV run IMILILVIOINS odeollaijs nccdcdto install extend and constantlyti improve your telephone system come fijorn Vthesavings of 341439 VI sharclioldersI Vs ITltey own this company live in CIaiiIadapov half are II II TlWOmenT Il VTlierVrI sustained faith in the policy olproviding thcbest tele phone servippVth the lowest cost has enabled its todoulilc the scope and increase the value of your telephone This hasVlJeen accomplished in the facoof risingcosm IthVupVVto now tlierclias been no increase in basic telcpl ii If lone rates for 21 years IV mil ml Linton comm or cannon Owned indopuqredliycanatliamrCadmium

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