Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1948, p. 15

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IHQlDAYiiiRCH 19413 THE BARR EXAMINER geygihuma CAhADAV PAGE mm lJaCk Walker Of Stayner CHESTERFIELDS REUPHOLSTERED VELUIH RIIPP TAPESTKY BROCADE Wisconsin Visitors Among tiiliv ltaiigeof oloiirsaiid Patterns iio Advertising0n BBC Programs Are Financed ANGus 11 11 11 due in if lltrll as We know it today Conwrll 11i1iress llilllttlltltllllllf the ioiilleil1 Cotiirane iV Norceii mi 11 the p111e 111 littltlllllll by board of iztiteiiioisiliritiin Business Mens Committee Uniting ivy Jeorize MeCague Al Ittlinl1 il Ar ind 45 BAYFHHD ST 111 13m itbntiiiniiiiiki JWF Mk Shhdim muvhmd 251 mnmw Juimir iirmtinvAii rIfuAlimlfhiG mmJl llllt is 1111 year celebrat fwxfmm KmVim hm 1i1 L33xix iinmllhz liMliiPUili lilllbltuumfi MAO DWMLlifiiiiiiiilciJifd MI gt15 mmll PKG he mu xin4 1111 To Ltd was organized in mp mm miilg if mp mumy mint Um mu in Npmr lud Nahum and Lihnlligv 1vil mammlmuih adj fl Hm Jim Hymn me that 13 Rum lumwvhum furnnun Of kinds iv Hltlll 15 Mll V11 lllhllitl itll itt let mm whim Hf 32 It Uh HWM WMHMJ limp Tilt and 5115 VInit vii ill J5 itd JKltHitlIl Ml MWL 1i1l iiis tiny iiel 1111111 nut 71 VV VVVVV Vlgthtilllll1ltl in three years it hau Vllttii ltlltili as secretaryitem their ttLtiilitti 1o lomiito 11 tVoier 10000110 listeners The tlrhl pun3 itll VWillHltil U5 Billllt llhl l1 ldfttifln illlti MW Slitll liltihlilhl lm klttlstll Sllltt letlltlmtllltl it sr iiaei lis l1l iiiaiiagrir John iteltli now elected iiilthtiiiizal member of the galso tVeilV Zilll ligt VVii Vein My Nth Mquill 512 95V l5 11tl1it 19111 Lord Ruth who throughout this iXtlllilVl 3er high VifV iVVin gtlV Ali Vlhlwiall he it llh VlHVlmth1lVlVthllhlllili VV Uilttiitla elicileiieiiiiietl tlieVot Vchidifihhgmh WWW 1111 lului liili Int1111 lttllUlt1 of in lilit 1ppioat tit 11 pix hhriec 11111 hank hell thi 11 lilrmll 115 i1iiimilWmHL lttmlllmmllttl llilli lhtiieliili John leniicll Newton Henry BARR Phone r043 t11iillill illi lrttiiltm iiltliiillllt5 ltltlll expttlltllltli organia VRVVVVVVVDVVVVV KVVVVVVVVHV WVLVVVVVVV ham riiciVehtrhirVolechVV1VVirljVVinViVoip VV oi 1h moi 111 11111 11 1111141 be made totitlilZilltili 5111A 51 sAixnpnsV hivhu pm WV Km walker l2111l11 11 11 Vttl 191 0111 the iiiIllell Broadcasting oiiiora oi loroiitos itaitiini iiltieiiiieii who smynm tarbiiru Suithilt Blad lli 11111113 111V1V1 to 12111113 filters that not under llilllttl3nt eonleon thine 111 Trinity laiish lluli on 13mm 51 Nailier tiltiorti DaltottV llie stories 1V11 riintrolt rattle Hilo helni ithltblllly March it 11 till 111Vllr l1itht ivy llitl lirtc iiillaurilllll his 1111 ill21 i11lgtlli Mi lliilwziiih described variouslbziuiiileis is an otiistaiitluil speak ngqui united to broa111 Viiiiiiioious inctilznts in thy purllttVltlllltll and musician of note as VVVanV mt 0mth uh hum US has mm Al in Iil bluntmm Anny Md mumw Milntlnlll 19mm Tm illSMHK itltltlslltllV lliHillll ftllll irliltltravelled aiound to the small rff WHO lid illllllll Wm Vymmg fowl iidulci5 lieurii Floyd lttllllilllll ilfll ll broadcasting stations in each city raging agricultural rcpresciital LASHUIY llV Vlv ml mm HJTllttl 91000 1010 itlklllhtlh UPS mm lllillllvl HmV llt Allel Sllfitli Will NIL 211 llm lllttlllilllls1tt usrtl to relay the programxfmitlltl NWT llltill0415lllltl KW iwtiut can Iiiiiior thinners Do To Sm mlilmu NW Fittilimll lfioni London to the1 liitcrent sta lt llltlllth Ulllldl lll91lgtllil Help senior Oiyniiixatioiisftiidthc ll lfliFlllwlw mi lr li rih contributor to lititlS later lame regional stir1105 mm lltiillls5 illC llllls gums and obiects of the Ontario IW lll OHm Voperas and from lettlVlllil i1isJmlm Farmers Asshmnmh were iepivVioiii of trunnion511111115 Whit mid mm Li limits ipliumd by lrmmmi body 39 kiwimy mil Om IHihmil ml mud VimV lmlmlm liltFltltlll welt DOWN 1mm mi Md Philfhmnnm Hum llritain NHimmimiund jimmy CONWM ltilkll ltllmur lllVWl The BBC has its own symphony The Wu pluhhch and 50 llltltllf llllllttl imd other Ultlitlllls iltltl them ch11 HQin Miw thinned in me Gm 111mm Dunn is If mimVVVVVVVVVVVVS VVIVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVSV FVVVVVVVVVVV VVdV At the banquet which follocheth liiiosl popular program uiliiitaiii iiVi trieV lVit111llVi ot the VlVlliVVCtl VVVVV lWVAV lVlV VlfllVthlVVllVlVVlIVVVVVVVVV tonnes do for avatar and new are hmhhpm of 1m Alum chm iwi VCV VfVVVV VV 7Vf VV VVVVVVVV blamed mmV ledmlq won distinction Graham Wilson 19 HIH NH as ilhnltltllt number often being used at the m0 Achievmmm Day mp while you arcscatcd in your own CVouVVn Sproule asked Conn Todd living imomv Difficumes to Arfhur Vvtinccs hail been made lll call swine 5mm HMl do rm C05 grain and potato clubs anti two 5mm 1h hmme VVth Voffech VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV me RVVVVVVVVI Winter Fun SlVlVlVlVVtVlVthVtVIVVSVV LVlEQ ViVlVlgthVVVlillVlngVlVClFWORC You can leiinitl upon ClC Accessories Parts and StlDtilics lie VlWLllV lillqylll mmmhnedal to horse judging llis club Vv llvmVoV DVVITMH MIV muthvurmhqmand mmth Tmledin laboratories mom lilo illilltllifl lilit bytViphony Vlltis 1th pm OMVVV the Sheep VVVVV VVVtVV vVVVJVVWVAV VVVVVVVVV 8V VVVOVl VV VV ltlll players Other BBC UICHS udging medal hi he Jiniei FuirV fi lll SHECC mu SA FVSAPHYV VNole the tras are the Review and Theatre VV leV titutlerViVii otiiVityV blinVl l1hl UHOWH he lust re Manpl me 1001 Over 501 symphonies are hiozid lVlC 90 ClVUVQ VlllVOlh lilo bmHVl RV VllfllV jin 111111111 stocked that show similar surmils cast in year so am may no iziilsV 1Vcliicvemeiit days mitilxcd pio lcultural icpieseiitatneV 1111 111 hear more good concerts in zinew VerlVlLVlVlV Vuglillnlfldfm llVVthllllVVVVVIEVSV ml New SAVE 03 00ng than you forum would 11 titiitains 01 0113 ii Luaiinus iicu 11 1V HOUSE 111 lifotimo lhc itiiiand forl VVV VVV AXLE IANIPS ltiood music also or flood tttOldii thallillbgzg or JACK VinhsV hVS gum ammmhlh VVC I1 VVVVVVVVVVV 1V WVVVVTE $514929 10 WW0 Mm WHOLE WHEAT RED BLUEBRAND BEEF Estth SVVVSVVIVVVeVVlVlVV VAII time CBC general mhmlhmn 10m At the Vcnnciusmn of th hd or mg 0131311 U1 1mm man with 13ch playthcss Mr PolwaiVth answered 11V 77 wWwr CRACKEDWHEAT 219 led 11 lmllQllmt PiI row number or quesnons from Innigiii mmcii mm at ChmChm Valid Vim1mmvniV lrloV startedVaudincc V0110 wtisVDOcs the VVVVVMVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV wVVVV VVnVhVV 24 loaf RadioIi111es now 500ml OKllhiw tnV Foilpmcmlsi 31ml not ineiiners present 0R 7000000 copies week 121 VlltthU 15 It illtllIiCCfCl Vile 2111 FJVVOVVVVr Listener teplint ofVVVoViVitstandingVSWOF VNU COIHHWIVVLKUA PmVHdIKVfS S301 LE AUNT JEMIMA pANCAKE radio talks London CuilingVICttlllC rom $4 letp8l Pk lc BBC shortwave programs 1000000 ViVcheiisc $010015 and fight 83hwhtdgiikEgghgndngxirgii EXTRA LEAVE The BBC now broadcass thiOCi We DlO liamil BEEHIVE VVV VV VV hwiodicalsV ThuC finance the Ema Essai school section which arose gilThvaiigiilqrig llSll broadcasts and television gall VWOV lanVVfVV is VV Linc Program 1tiVV in evcniiigzsVVllKhV 15 VVVUDV VCVMWVHVNVVI VVAVVbiVV am 13523333 mind Shaicshon FANCY PINK FRESH le HIGVIFST FAIREST unlhhhmw 13mgth whth hastiiVVhVii rVitVVV1Viiii iVstiVintV 1111 11 0V VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVTS SVVVVVcVV VVVVV VVS VVVVVI is SHANKLESS VV UVVVTY Pmch made converts of marin who tolnlt0V0ttLds ioadtasts coVVVVcVVVbVVV Tin crly said radio has little to Offer Miss Young tendered vote Of THROUGH ROADg NESTLES lb F01 televisth SUV fur inoadmsithzmhs to the Speaker for his do VV Vi Ta onlv from London Mr lolwarthilightfui and interesting iddrSs llm b1310110 DHVltltzhl 111 Tin lb VV VV VVVVVQ WATER riurs AND PARTS PISTONS AND PISTON Pins predicted great futum Sets can The next meeting oh the Club subiictol signs at VuossVioViV VAN CAMPS IMIWUIIS 111111120111311211 11+ for 7110111111 $250 ill on 16 vhe Di ham the Hghml 2002 MUFFLERS AND CLAMPS THVV ROD ENDS now V0111 VvV 9V are 13th feel 1hat thosC roads Smoked itiaVs 13an METAL 1mm have an image ziboutidxlo VinVchVesV Bird ml give an illustrated lee eVVanVV to the Lake shouldVVbe FVVNE CANADVAN Tm Shad 3R and ieiUitC 11 lllielle 100m Or lure on birds Camera Trails Wr th0 PIN SLIS etitcd lliL iaf ilkiiiXiitfilyiiigghhggnrs COKNllCtlNG Ron and CRANK the reception It is perfectly faslAlong Nature Trails largo filliigltlhigygmgq 1th mo Slum lb SLlCED 01 LtTCll lACINGS AND PLATES SHAFT INSERT BEARINGS ciViViating said the speaker to majority voted in favor 01 din mm is Yen hmw andbghnw hm Ne Aritrain mm of Scam and watch cricket mulch Wm rhodium be held in Mi tectioii Snead bcprovided ifcm filEEEERSEP CKED HAM 7915 19 to second his motion Colin TOdd ISLlCED lb Spring Motorists lovlmmeie Ilocm mg 15 saidhc would have to Consider the RtASPZBilERRY MOTOR CONDITIONER miy 30 miles must have straighliRehreS from setwce matteh An you VWHhihh th ec in 02 Grade AV V0 4V VbV VbVV ilinc wont go around or over hills was at Barrie someone else to licV killed asked AYLMER TOM it RESTORES land mountains Conn Sproulc Conn ConVail telt or VEG VV The Overseas SEWICCV which has Vh VV Vf Vd CNR that as the matter pertained to 7V 10VozV POW the large Shorlwavc transmittal at Crrcliiloxeaigtltlse 35 12 liaSt liond5 he Should IQlltlmiili Tins endeavors to put out programs dc Di lodd setond the motion iouh Smooihnest hides 135 5131112 years with the railroad Mr Fal tioncd theV school bus usinp the lowlicld was night operator at Bar road Coun Sproule thought pivescntatives as to 011111 CW VVVCVSVVVVVOVVVfVVOm 1934 VDV 1936 when SHOP VVVVVVdV VVVVVOVVld VVVCVVVVVVSVV VV VV casts are broadcast direct fromhn dV CVV OVVCV SVVlchV VV England b1gls of good CMVVOVEVVVVVngm WVVV born Aman whose car was ptislietl oil mUSlC gull SDLmImOmCS and Oflw tbd ill the road by plow again present lhe dlamav are broudcaSt 110ml 31131chanlggidl liftsu ed his claim 10133510 for towingr frOmBBC ICCOIdinlsS 10 Gamer it as its 31 his car back on the road After mney The European Scrvice started hagglgmgaghkgngfgStyliha 10 some discussion the Clerk was ill Stillson pattern WRENCHES eter back just before the war was used Vtotisoi he met with aECVGCVVV structed to settle the claim llieyre all on display and your most keep people on the continent lnl BELLE EWART CONDlllONS completeinspection places you under were th incapacuated him for mju Wm RttllOlt $de COUUCi1 no obligation to buy formed or hat Blltnshelped line of work Following his IC Economy If you appreciate finequallty tools Performance 11 visit to this must complete depart merit will prove real pleasure to you Many new arrivals including forged vanadium smith SETS forged openend olVltENCHES slot Phillips and Robertson drivers in wood plas tlc hill steel through the handle SCIHIHDRWERS visegrip cutting fence and other types or ILIERS consider cngagirfhclp to clean up thinking and doing VV md code waxa CVOerhO attended the SC100 01 streetsV of Belle EwVait no as iitiwgmgaiiigssggcl to someone on Telegrath Town and became Ulhomed 0mm hell li 100s doi anmre about crankShaft Grmdmg for ChrySler Ford thecoritincnt could he slipped in 111 operator andsmt19n agent an SUDCIViSC the menu dwmng 01 FRESH Jun and Motors pmiucts 00mph servicevwith pm 1018 PlOglaYi One 199 we de Sillgig apprentices at Various some discussion 11 btllhmf atlt 111 itdqu pcr bearings supplied scribed was about bi adcastch 785 appointedhgcm at wym frontage for park the Vmaucr VmVVem SPVVV Domestic 11 Em the Czech Childrens Hour bridge iiTllJTB and six years later left tOMr Rum and cum 0m St Vleadeiwof the underground who he went to Wyevale whre he muee to endeavor mg pmpcm VVVVV VVVVV VVC Grade imskei was permitted to travelaboui sia ed9until191ioi Hcthcn out FLOWER SHOW GRANTi into Mulntosli itomesr Germany so he might better de hthVVteVV at Sevem Bria epmd Innisl Horticulturak SocwtyV scribe thiscountry to his people was allowed the usual gram or 11 During the war three or four 1hmntonV 3th JROVW He is avmemberOf the order of Road Supervisor Stewiirl was Railroad VTelegraphers MaSoti instructed to requestthe Telephone and an enthusiastic curler andlgoV to move certain posts on Con during his 12 years inCreemore part of cost for moving same retired Feb 26 on pension alter 47 he favored it Clerk Allan incri transmitters were linked together in sucha way as to prevent their location being known by enemy 1111111111111 an Vegetables Vcello hm 15 ll peck VV phlgifigdcastmg studios had to by heand ms iStmlble wfe have ac be HOWQd Klimdded moved ofVVLondon VVbut never quired Wide circle of friendSV Discuss TOWNSHIP BOOTH 1mm Mr and Mrs Fallowcld Will Fred WebSter appeared rc conr during the war years did the BBC continue toreside in Cremore cession for Township booth He NEW RLLNsmeVV issucc5mALCrcemor wll tiered thegbuildmttctleuwn 7V not be announced for anOther ship at $1200 lvVlrWebstcr ad VV gt mOVVthV In the rheamime My mined the building cost Vabout Va Ecunsome is the temporary agent $500 lZyearsagoxTcnders tor the concessionv will be sought T119 Clerk was instructed to pre pare bylaw regulating placing of goofftheair Oncethisjalm05t HappenedFbe fellivery do to the announcer but with cough or two to cOver upVjhe interrup tion he continued with his broad cast The purpose of this giat corporation which broadcastsin SerialsFort enren lillLIBlil smxs 82 Dunlap st VviiAttItgtEs Phone 3270 VV when past services was CUSTOM GROUND scored At half time they led 16 can ahlmoushh t5 Duringthe second half they oiVy1ackVformerly assistant outscored Barrie 2813 to leave the was appointed to Succeed Mn court witha 3913Vlctory Dnnncliy at the same salary postson Township roads N0 DOW er or other bugs may be1 VplacVchV oth VV mi ivoads beforet Vowns 1p 10 or lLVEVRBRIGHT izcs their locations NO trees V7 may be cut without permission pORK SHOULDER MEAT Orillia junior basketballers de ASSESSORS REPORT gt VV fated VVBaxVTie Collegias in MidV Assessorng StewartVSaid that he lb land 3913 last Friday for th nadlcovered most of the TOWUShID JUMBO rightlto meet Owen Sound fothhe from the lth to theVSth lineV Vb 11 Georgian Bar COSSA charting 30 $3222 detailed 35 12 oz tin 35c LSMOKEDHIILLETS1 32 VV ship ThVe gameV viias played on Gum territolyr 35 93m team TtxCouecl gitevhmci midwiiielr COHOE if lib as SALMON MPHLETS 451 VV Vi VV tV IV er If resent the eastern haltotthqn nce Over 50m Of our Many them COSSA The playoffs W111 of tiesgfwteilie $215221 aRgadsr Samplesm Sunworthy lt39 be two game pointstocount andePtggigznt iomhitteig weie SAVOY IM FANCY VSKEYE Suntested etc affair with one gaine in Owen fead and adopted VV Soundvandthe other in Orillia gt ROAD SUPERVISO sHABITANT 11 Barries luniOI CIEW summed Abylaw aPPOlnggghfgd Sup SOAP FLAKEs in ii onl mnedefeahalbsasonancHhatfrvlserwasFequh Wm PE lt the neWV FIOLGiaze wagl Vat the hands of Orillia Highways wasV pasVsed VRobert KELLOGGVS It me Throughout the season Bruce Tar Stewart to comm 91511 SOAP EV er an 00 51 Bush proved to be the highest twn This bylaW Passe W1 PM 29 pk Charming tints scorer on the BCI mime How angoiiliien giftiriismiicfrained from QUICK or REGULAR ever whenvthe playoffs against ii CLEANSER We have also Orillia OCCurred Bruce 35 Ot ii339150isntgniljgiiiigvggaiggept CW 1sz KEMTONE and feellng well and got onlyV two of Highways APLE LEAF PLAINVRCHVFNUTTY ALATINT Casein Paint mm OFFICIAL RESIGNATION VIh The Wilde offerspaged Ofmla Thomas Donnelly officially re Pg as Jim hooped tee goas signed as park superintehdenV Wu LXI Framed Pictures we rst mg with brewer Deer Richer W3 30 an imLViL Bob counte two goas in up orunac Vonne if Ctnd011 Paintings each half Graham Crosbie was retiring but Mr Donnelly said he teas hi swore with four didnot care to carry on partly be CLARKS arr causehe did not approve of c912 1b Wm min in re ulations mo Fri Orillia took the ball away from mm agigsssmg appreciation of VARIOUS BRAND an amlng Barrierandskeptxit until someone Mr menumm F1

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