Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1948, p. 12

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non TWELVE MW Born Jar is Celt oft Toronto OBllllARY MR JlSTHlI MIDDLETON Is Still Til DIES Mr luster yt served Supieiiie to it Ill ill ll 06th SIIIC Altliir Justir to the high llld ltjv iflc lzlxlll 1iuy lars King St In 119 Stipzeiia unl tl Hi Bum PH itll bet gtttil sons in ton richerc otvan if liniilt illill 17 ter Mrs ll ireuaeian Judge illlt livi til his youthful ap lilzng goon tit ziltl pearaziee hurr licsLi yli iiii CENTRAL INIIIZI intial tntwt tutti li siding and dcolionii pei itll llspressnig gialituair to hie and all he lltes it HIILAII llUllt the Bible ar expeiunrd which women yCAlS hell lied Ll Liking liie At this medal ieeii Woliczo tllgt Mission tlt nyited of the Hand illllg lrs and llltttilllltiili and tilii Smuoe gtlllltlll lilltt should iylrs lenover sang vim Saviour Allen thanked tin speakxi tine lieuvrll lt liesirw add lull uh Llu belong illa1 lie message Refreshments eie solved the viable centrepiece daffodils tapers litilll yellow yeliov and green lelinoxiiiii1iis lartridce poured 1il1 metal hoizr Alis was gtltlll IZYI ACCIDENTS Vprkers danger being hit by flying particles and hazards Department of Welfare The Department tllllilts pclttlli laceidcnts in factories were due flying particles percent exposed ulliCl urged rial lie safely till statistics show that Frames also industii eye accidents were preventable that an 19739PRICE7 ONtY GENERAL CTIRIC Loblow Appointment IIIOIHIII HEITALI Ll tul liesldeizt lien ia announces that George nen appullilcd Verv tm st titn ml lui THORNTON Feliitmry Mi ti Svytins lllllit1iltl lliilllll lll Wtalon lll lhlh lll incet li Iyt ll Iiinpialls on Llnieh it at itlt lttli WA tvll neeet in the Lent the lilllltll on Tiles il 330i piii 11 and li ltirnie Sr Nomi and ls hillt lliiiiielo 111 visited last week at th mlaiinesoiis lliiilll liliil iiclnded Ilr and jlllr lltsse of lltiinliani at Dr iilviii lr learson of Toronto luriiell arrs Womens Institutes of illioinion ivy and Cookstown are sponsoring short course on ler tinnlity in Dress in the basement of Judes Church on Wednes day March 10 All ladies of the romnmnity are invited Trinity YlU met Monday een inc belt 23 with IIdna lleutch eon presiding Included ill yprogram was an address on the lzte of Mahatma Gliandi also itinper on llaeial Discrimination len tomniandments of Brother hood Youth Conference and prayer Next meeting will be on March ard of Thanks Mrrl TorinnclieBlaHCandbio tner Barney Cartier wish to ex press tiieir sincere thanksto their many friends and neighbors here for nets of kindness floral tri butes sympathy cxpscssions and cards extended tothcm in their loss of dear Father Mr Ed artier on Friday Feb 20 at the Queens llotel here after brief illness tadvt Junior larmcrs Banquet llil2i night the Womens institute catered for the banquet pm on by the Jr Farmers ofSouth Simeoe After all had done justice to the good things provided by the ladies short singsong was con meted by Ross Beattie and Mr Lindsay There were short speech es by the Prestcnt elect Visitors from West Simcoc and Dllfftllll ounty attended RevJ Dorrian Alliston lvas the chiefspeaker It lit at was intended to have askatingi party after the program butfor the first time since last December the ice was too soft forskating So lance in the Orange Hall was enjoyed instead of the skating There were about one hiindrcd and lifty present Sudden Death of Joshua Terry The community wasl shocked llast Wednesdayshortly after din ner when it was learned that Joshua Terry had died suddenly while removing snow and ice rromrtlrcnoorrr his home Mr Icrrywas born in Ifi seventylive years ago son of David and Delia Travis Terry He had resided in Thornton the last twenty years carpenter by trade he took great interest in in the affairs of the commun ity He was amembcr of the Orange order also of the Black Knights He was Conservative in politics and member of the Anglican Church Fortynine years ago he married Jennie Elliott of Essa who sur uives him along With one son El onc daughter Mrs Rainey Aud rcyi of Seattle Wash both of whom were present for the fun cral Mrs Rainey having own over He is also survived by one grandson one granddaughter and one siWCameron of Bar rie The funeral which took place on Saturday from his late resi IRE HARRIS EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADI lllUItSDAx MARCH wwwa 1013 eri Allti our MVAMM POLICE COURT NOTES Young Canada Radio Hour Evening Service First Baptist Church lCadct Corps has its own Camp on Minnicog and Sea in Georgian may ctel taught ing and summer sp Islands Bax Cadets aped that assaulting Other Hysiop on at lxdil Camila llhdn Suzi l7 Edward Cadeau was given In of 3m with costs $18 by irate Foster on Feb alternative of if days Min will be ailitle Lu children did evening sei Lliurcn oi The service Wu lines of with Paul Rea Lr singing the open Uircle Elli stei of ceremon lloffiiiaii do functioning vf llit till at Ulze period each IIiarsda lilklll gis Set ziszoe tor sports Ltch Ls tol handball ll With Dont ask questions he adlets ad tdrcssed to box number Send or Parents can lest assured that all leave your Home and address ybail and boxing wrestling Uzi conviction for forgery Elt was given one year in the llcforniatury liizlL Foster on Feb iaeniiis concurrent for fraud tzizlltllg to evidence he had forged the signature to the cheque of tfsil employee and cashed it llllllT 0F KEYS charged with their on Feb bunch of keys the property of the tdympia Restaurant Francis Thorn iui of Midland pleaded not guilty ll ihc magistrates court leb lie had been in Barrie with taxi load of young hockey players that mght He claimed that after he had luieli at the Olympia as he was go on out the keys fell from the key iiuie into his hand Another party behind him said Give them to me mad he did The next day the keys ere brought back to him in Mid lml With the request that he turn lliein in handed lit ell iitaiiu Magis Ill and two AC Let Sealrite Insulation blow comfort into your home this winter Save up to one third on your fuel bill WARNER IN WINTER COOLER IN SLiIMER Our representative will gladly give you Free Estimates Chas fickers Barrie Phone 4532 Hugh Graham Shanty Bay Phone Oro 1515 Frank Armstrong Stroud Phone 21R51 All Work Fully Guaranteed Ask about our Home Im provemcnt Plan 12 Months to Pay SEALRITE INSULATION CO IIUTCIIINSON ARNOLD FORMERLY 0R0 Limit will internal second month month March 11 will be the next evening Sydney Hodges recruiting oil new recruits on lhiiisday There will be one night recruiting the each air and tin tolldtltlti tll Uillllit districts lIrnie Tatliam bring nglit singj of popular choruses was let llltil ieiiidltl aside adets must be in height and 13 years uniforms are issued to Cadets six Weeks afteri enrolment if they can pass their qualifying test or as soon after the 01ll parade as tlltCIli qualify Cadets recruits least age it of Sea Cadet Elli which flilltivittl Forwai dau site if young iiii who provider the program talented icconipanicu also flHitl with sev was lll1 selectioi qtiaiv lowland LiiltttlciiJ numbers on Iatltum in se erai and Lois ladres attractions will include drum and bugle band shooting rowing during the spring and suin Kernpenfeldt llunslinledl Try Natures Remedy AllVegelable laxative I7ch dulldcprc53cd because ofirregu lariiy NR In allvegetable laxative with thorough pleasing action will help make you feel hcucr ict NR regular strength or NR Juniors doseorcxtra mild action Plain or chocolate coated TAX Special lililn it lliztrliii of tile Ltiltiv turget and boating and nier months Sea who tiglitytiiiitl tillitl soprano gold medallist iii the Kiwanis lusie Festival in To1 Endowed with confidence born good training Rena held her audience Ipelllwllnd with htli rendition of hillllll izospcl hymn and songs illllii latliain competed against David rlou and ill tie with Forward Metlillivray Gordon The young lady stole the 2hour Rena IS to the them over to one of the team sponsors who called for them and gave them to the police Thornton was allowed weeks idyournmenl in order to secure the which other man as witness Bastei police We ionto his clear year voice sumsqu 1399 high and How to create at once an Estate of $715300 Of course if you saved $10000 year for 73 years youll reach your objectivelint 73 years is lifetime piogiam and Wed liaee Mary Appearing here again on nesday lcb 213 hebrought with him an otlicial of the hockey club who stated that he had forgotten to see that thelkeys were returned morning hilly laul lleui live aires Lorne ended points each ivd The and thl McMillan Home again favored with Since Found Me llncl Ernie lalhani brought the speaking on The Sim While Rena Glover sang Come to the Saviour speaker peal to the boys and girls presenti to give their lives to the Lord ilev ilumphrcys closed the service with the Benediction llicsimple sure profitable way to create thist slate and through the Continental Lilo $l00 lrenuum lliin after game exonerated Thornton The case was dismissed and Saviour and IOMOIIOW Amour 25 SIZES 19 Ilerqlitcrally with rilstro eof vunrpcn you create at once an estate ofSllS300an estate llltll protects your family your home from the moment you pay your first premium arid in addition guarauleeytou pension hen you retire Ask your Continental Life message Fine commercla printing at The pliein Please order as hrisl Barrie Examiner far ahead as possible RADIO REPAIRS URTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS Allandale vvrRepqirs on all at Household Appliances Nov made an ap llcprcsentutivc about this Plan today age THE BONllNlNlAl lIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE PROMPT CO Dann of Toronto pallbearers were Geo Mc Cari lired Johnston Stewart and lamieson many beautiful floral tributes eluding Church Donald lry Neville There were BRANLH MANAGLR in Judes GRANT MAYOR l50 Dunlop Street Barrie those from and St Judes WA iriends were present from Lon non Ioronto Stratfordav Kingston Barrie Midland Midliursl Utopia Interment took place 44 EssaRd Phone 3609 lurcly Conodlon Company and Siroud in Thornton cemetery Electric nisfil his garden and flowers as well as be new eeit At the first opportunity come and liot of Harbor Springs Mich and slili Dinosaur out 10 WWW atmonies design Chevrolet for 19182liiingsyou new SiiiartnesSU gt YR UALITY AT luxury anmcmvcn greater measure of BleCA or ST And with all its greater new intcri LOW EST CO lowestprice lino resaS value Chevrolets tli with such BigCar featu conducted by Rev Mr Simmonds deuce toStifjudes Church vyTas largely attended The serviCe was r13 car inyits PIKE 913 in its eld thc ivcrActio11 fAction Ride and Posit JONQItEGAIIONAL SUPPER Aboiit 300 persons enjoyed the held in the lecture moom ifSt ings tlhcjgricoof 613 401 From the lms Kidnoy Pills icscnt Lamps necessityin withousainds or industrial and com niercial premises has been steadily decreased during the past nine years to Low today of $1359 With the light outputiioiwgaitlyimptoved you gt not onlybuy more fishnbutyOu buy GE Fluores cent Lamps for only oneithird the 1939 price nonunion GENERL ELECRIC TORONTO till JFFEIJ Tdtigfjhokidnem Consequently If you sufferfrom backache Deans Kidney Pills may be helpful to you Because of their Rimming tidii on the kidneys and urinary passages Doans Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body Safe dependable and quickacting Dunns Kidney Pills can be used by both young and old Bockoche as well as minor urinary and blltd dei ailments may be quickly relived bytliia timeprover treatment Bold otall drug stored Handling Unied 13 assistcdby Rev Dew risiii Viilvcm Levrolets We No wonder more We ice excellent congregational supper make pcoplcaieithhcvrolctsthan any other Andrews Church Feb24 After thc supper there was aliver sing song leadbyecraiguamiltonandr Rev JamesFerguson Miss Rhoda Young gave two humorous read Two interesting lmovxe reels were given one of the Belllele ho System and the other Lina Colo bfthci=GieatiLakesEx gt planatoryremaQKS were made by LRcvJames Ferguson andA Smith and Bert Johnston of the Camera Shop assisted infshowing rllelp Bjalelt1 Ililmenlf Backacho may b6 ciiused by dis 8839FLIZABETH ST ugr mm 091 in

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