Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1948, p. 1

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Die From Cancer Daily 56 Tarsmxs ISSUE 7850 Copies fJtOIlZED AS IICOID CLASS IML 0111 OTTAIA 85th YearNo IO ThirtyNine Canadians in me years of the Secondgrnost World War 41000 Canadians lostlc ricer can be cured in the 111s cxpensrve Most ca their lrves serving in the armed or second stages forces but right at home cancer took toll of double that nurnbe Addressing the Lions Club meet toll mg last Friday Dixon of the Society declared that 80000 Cana dians died of cancer between 1940 and 1945 evening Ipublic an Canadian Cancer prevention and detection The Canadian Cancer Sociitv ittempting to reduce the to at cancer by doc building program In 1946 the Ontario Govcrnn made grant of $500000 to lish the Ontario Cancer Trczitii The final stages of cancer are and Reseamh founda incurable and usually bringabout organization has be horrible death and drugs arelpy Wm mud med Mrs Gerald Rattle Elected President Oro Horticultural The twentyfourth annual meet ing of the Oro Horticultural Society was held at the home of Mrs Robt Hall with fair attendence The so ciety will carry on under the new officers Prcs Mrs Gerald Rattle lst vice Pres Mrs Victor Ross 2nd Vice Pres Mrs Ciirl Drur Secretary llelcn Caldwell Asst Secretary Mrs Robt Campbell Directors Mrs Itobt Hall Robt Bezzant Mrs Iudhopc Bessc Mrs Dan McCuaig Mrs Rice Miss limit or Mrs McAlllstcr Mrs Roy Pil kcy Mrs Shannon Auditors Alex Graham and Wes Caldwell The president told the membch she would do her best It was de cided to approach the Oro Federated Farmers to see if they would agree to hold few meetings with them and providing speaker for each occasion They are also planning on holding an anti tll flower show as well as many hool flower shows as possible SAVE ELECTRICITY HERE IS WHAT YOU AN DO Turn off all unnecessary lights Dont forget about burning lights in empty rooms halls basement attic porch and garage all colored bulbs Keep lamps reflectors and shades clcan Dusty fixtures waste as much as 2551 oLyour light When kcttlc sings turn off Eliminate taincd ccccd tng campaigns The next llnaiici campaign will be opened in Apii Airy person may become mem her by paying 51 Contributing memberships are $5 ustaining are $25 and lifeinvmbcis lips are $100 CH Executl he Members of Barrie Flyers Team Battling Gait In SemieFinals Cancer does not respect persons and it affects men and women alikc Eighty per cent of all cases of cancer of the mouth are amongI nicn Cancer of the stomach isi twice as frequent among males 15 in females Among possrblc symptoms are the following any change in tlrcI shape or 5170 or color of moch or wart any sorc that does not heal particular about the mouth any unusual hurgc or bleed1 ing from any body opening anyi ltirnp or thickening particularly the breast or lip or tonguc pcI sistent indigestion IIOZIISCllt which lasts longer than two Evcry day 39 Canadians die of cancer but nearly half of these deaths could be prevented by early diagnosrs and treatment The speaker was introduced by Dr John GOUIIEI and that by Bell It was suggested that consideration be given by the club to the promotion of the an nual campaign for members to be held in April THREE OMHA GAMES IN BARRIE ARENA PLAYOFFS TONIGHT Barrie has threctcams still in the running for titles of the Ontario Minor Hockey Associa tion Tonight Thursday local fans will be able to see them all in action at Barrie Arena as they meet Oshawa teams in triple licadcr starting at six oclock imam CHRISTIEPresident of nay lllSCOltch of Bar OWN NORRIS mists of Barrie Ilycrs Hockey Club who Iric Flycrs gives the boys the benefit BJIYIC Fliers has been it INEQU when he served on the town council of the experience he gained while lizsl Supporter 0f the team MONK was one of those primarily respon playing in the National Hockey Wars tint OI inized tblCC 100 21140 do for getting artificial ice in Lcaguc few years ago Hap gives Mr Norr takes as much interest the Barrie Arena the boys their team spirit Iin the boys as the coach 1948 Section lPoges vv Arena to be Lillllilltltil by katr Iulll the Granite Club and To oiilo Skt Club All added the pe malice of of flat is of Toronto under of the Rotary Club of Net proct ds vili IJc do inar to thc Barrie and District Meiriorial Hospital fund The show featured knoer radian IItitoy Grafton such skaters as Patty Scully tht Lis Mrs Margaret Bruce Hyland Miss ranite Clubs senior champion and Will liobcrts rpr esu figure sit ARCHIE MARSHALLv Sccietzir Treasurer of Barrie llycrs is or ing competitions to he of the most important members of held in March at Calgary Rubiits the executive lle look ftcr illllilllll Ilyland did sparkling duct ticket sales cotrcsporidt iLt id zirj that showed why they are the FilniitUJClllS Hide Will ll Burntinrradtztu dance champions ArexligtI Almost every heart in the arena captured by WILL AD lthough only 10 and 11 swooptd and swirled until or club at the Canadian the ratton SISImcnt on the play HVcl the public TOWN COUNCIL BRIEF At the trout night Ald il meeting Monday ift Chairman of the board of Wu again introduced voluminous It get for this departs merit and again the majority de cided this matter should be held over until there would be more time Finally it was decided that the meeting of Mo ry March would he devoted exclusively to drawing up it budget for 1048 Aid Ilirmbly asked why Prov Cons Byles had been transferred from the town detachment and ask cdehen the traffic officer was to be replaced Ald Griffin spoke on the same matter and said that last Saturday there was double parking up and down the main street with constables standing on the corner doing nothing about it He thought Cons Byles had done good job Barrie Flyers LoseWin First Gialt Playoffs 32 After their first two games oftheOHA Junior semifinals Barrie Flybrs were all cyan with Galt Rockets Gait won in Barrie by 342 in the firstgame last Saturday night but the Flyers came up with terrificdisplay Monday at Gait and won 32 to even the round The third game will be at Gait on Friday If fifth game is needed to settle the series it will be in Barrie Arena on Saturday This section of The Examiner went to press prior to Wednesday nights gait report will be found on the first page of the third section of this issue That is for all rehders except our early edition for certain rural mails which must be printed Wednesday evening early so that those subscribers can get their Examiner on Thursday Winner of the BarrieGall series moves into the finals best four of seven games against the winner cf the OshawaWind sor series Windsor led three games to two after the fifth game in Windsor on Monday They played again last night at Oshawa and win for the Generals would tie that series AT BARRIE ARENA AT GALT ARENA FOR FULL TIME FIRE CHIEF HEREI Thc town council Inst Monthin night voted in favor of advcrtrsI irrg for fulltime fire chief zitI salary of $2400 Ald liambly cliuirnuin of thci fire and light committee intro duccd report witlrscvcral rev ame was played in Barrie last night and fourth umnwndmions regarding the fut1de Wm he was WWW department staff Iloivcv lll view of the fact that the above motion was passed the other rc commendations were set astdc There was good dealof discusi sion regarding the fire dcpartmcntl and the abch motion was passed by bare majoritv in cornrnittcc During the disc ssion Ald Grif fin said he understood there only one than who could opcratcl the inhalator lie asked howl much instruction was given Ald Mary Laurie said she knew of one young man who had bccnI turned down when he volunteered to jointhe fire department and she thought there should be an explanation of the procedure rc lhc thltlltlllt cllcctcd for more They even had sortie of the local stars inurrnuring The kids it re Ily handle tho blades Mlt MRS BOB RAMSAY ric oftlic highlights of tlicl inlval was thc performance of and Mrs Bobflgrr say of IliirI Mrs Ramsay was memborI of the Durham Skatitigltxlul oil England when she incl licr futurcI with the ltCAF 2111sllzirriszty did Ma solo frcc skating numbcr llldt then was joined by Bob for acroI batic skating and fly spins COUNCIL VOTE $500 ASSIST BCI BAND MAKE DETROlT TRIP The Council should be hap py to hear of the success of our Barrie Collegiate Baird at the Kiwanis Music Festival ill Toronto declared Mayor If Mayor at the council mcet ing Monday night Later iii the session letter t06 IRotary Skating Carnival Lite Love pairs of the an exhibition frilly demon oi figure and it liilmer Arthur Ivan Mit Ash gting it ill st too it Gwrgc litid Jiliilit il Mrs iolds lice Meek Margaret Grim andddcta Jollilfc Later the tilfutill tiplltiifctl in the thmiczil lcllslcp CURLING lllHlllON Hottvcen ti and ti members of the Barrie Curling Lib put on an xhibition of curling This was the first tirm Ill of the local curlers had chilid on artificial icv or rinks competed one skipped Ilziriy Armstrong and the illicl skipped by Al MiI son No scori Wit kcpt hut Blake Undcrlirll kept tip running com 21Itltt55 system sisted of The rinks con riy Armstrong skipi Fred Sljtlfllllilll linrpkc ller man sliorn Al Milson skipi liick Kennedy Ioriy Saso and Lorne Whiting coon LocAr skArEiis lhc fine lXIiIlllilOll put on by four young lliiric girls was of special Illtt hat the IS pcoplc my were surpri when it was announced that Bar rie did not have skating club The figurc skaters were Barbara Reid Franc gt and Madlyn Saso lrior thqu overture by the Turn to pagcjorir plcnse Buy Easter Sealsand Help Crippled Childrn About 3000 homes and business places in Barrie and district this to Iwock received letter containing 100 Easter souls have been mailed by the Barrie Kiwanis Club ipcrating with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children The object is to arouse interest in crippch children and These letters All three Barrie clubs will move into the OMHA semifinals of the Class if they win their games tonight First games were played at shawailast Thursday These are the return games tonight with goals to count on the round switch Stored heat will bring it to full boil Keep kcttlc free from lime thn cooking use high heatI for as little time as possible Thcnl turn to low and use stored heatI Use Oven for cooking corn plctc meals Only one element is of controlling traffic The Mayor said it was felt there should be younger man on the force and there W708 other police work than traffic cbntrol Harry Pidhirnys goal in the late lcrry Reid scored stages ofthc third period proved goal at Galt Arena Monday to be enough to give Gait Rockets night March to give Barrie 32 win over Barrio Flycrs Sat Flycrs 32 victory over Gait urday night Feb 28 in the rst Rockets and tie the fivcgamc scr game of the OHA Junior semi lies up at one apieCc in the OHA llnal series ior sentiefinal round the winning Ald Mary Laurie spokcof the Ito raise funds to help those handi icappcd boys andgirls Just place in the return rddt ed envelope whatever your conscitncc prompts Iyou to do seal it and drop in thc gurgling membershrp was read from Luther Ald Corbett spoke of the sleepI Richman president of the jug accommodation provided for llllSiC Educators National Con night men at the fire hall and he INCCC Wilmg the BCIBand understood the onl man on duty to play at festival in Detroit at nights was R01 1mm 011 April 22 Ald Griffin ex 105 0mm Other matters in connection Dlnlnl it would be necessary At KlViIlls MOlldaY Highly with the fire department 01QlIl for 60 members of the band to MUlllSm SIPOKC bllclly without schooling Give to Canadian Appeal for Children and ward required for the oven process while three or four elements are needed for the cooking surface Defrost refrigerator regularly whenJi inch of frost has accumu latcd on the evaporator Where water is electrically treated please 050 it sparingly drop second from leaking hot water tap can waste asrnuch as 175 gallons month Fill washing machine to wa for line only and keep lidon tub when washing Do not overload Pleasedo not use portable electric heaters as they place heavy strain on your Hydro System 10 Your toaster vacuum clean er electric iron or other electrical appliances should not be used any longer than required Please do your part to keep pay envelopes full From CGE News The cure for cancer may lie in Barrie Bantams won 52 at Oshawa and have threegoal lead Barrie Juveniles won at Oshawa 64 and have twogoal lead But the Barrie Midgets lost 76 at Oshawa and have one goal deficit to overcome but they should be able to do that on home ice Tire Bantam and Midget As are sponsored by Barrie Flyers Hockey Club with Hap Emms and some of his Junior Flyers as coaches Tiie Juvenile is sponsored by the LionswClub with Cec Cook as coach The Lions have twice won Juvenile titles 1943 and 1946 nowjhcy are gunning for that chainpw ionship UPS Anti DOWNS During the discussion of the elev ator contracts and other matters connected with the work now in progress Ald Ayres good natured ly interjected Well have our ups and downs with that building As the mind of boy or girl who is the laughter was subsiding Ald growing up in one ofthe destitute countries of Europe hungry cold keep these potential leaders alive and healthy Tgviss 1948 Presiden OfChamberOf Commeme Clarke lst VicePres solicitor indicatingthat legislation passed permitting the Twisls Was installed to succeed of the Barrie Chamber of Com merce at the fourth annual meet ing held in Club 79 on Wednesday February 25 The Mayor wissr andrralso trthrlshvicpresrdent Norman ad inisterd the rirroathiof offiCetoriM Poacher set the councillors off with another round of chuckles when he the observed The alderman from is putting on Ayres Read Examiner Classifieds the taxpayers had approved set ingaside $10000 that could be used for the purchase of industrial property if necessary 77 We welcomew suchisfirms as Hunts Limited Laura Secord the Provincial Police HQ Silks Limi tedhand HEPC district offieeisaid Fisher CNR cutting trees and leaving them over the ice and said this would be dangerous when the ice melts letter will be written to the rail way company asking them to have the trees removed before the ice goes report from the planning corn mittec as introduccdby Ald Hines was adopted It recommended con trol of buildingsalong the water front 20 feet from the railway right pf way Ald Mary Laurie chairman of welfarereported that the sanitary inspector had Warned the operators of eight restaurants these would be closed on March if improvements were not made However in six of these the necessary changes had been made Of the remaining two one is to be closed and the other has been given seven days notice Mrs Laurie added that several restaur ants had passed their tests but had no licenses report favoring the installation of an air raid shed on the fireball tower Was introduced by Ald Ham bly This would be used in placeof the bell to Warn of fires aand sum men the firemen Ald Corbett said he thought some citizens might have unhappy associations with the wi7erd sound of the siren and he did not think it wasa good idea Ald Grif fin and Ald Fraliek suggested giv ing the siren trial and Ald Ham blysaidthecitizens would becad vised before it is put into use letterwasread from the town had been council to exempt the Legion build IRed but DougallheldpffzthcFly and ers The lead changed hands three Reid could have had the town times Gait took 10 lead in the pf Barrie on platter studded with first period but the count stood at jewels when he climaxcd last ll at the end of the second Bar Veriod drive with an almost solo rie went aheadearly in the final before 3300 bewildered frame with Galt tiefng it up at Gait fans 22 three minutes later With less en boy All season long Jerry than five minutes remaining has been on the payoff end of Reckets scored and won the game many victories for theF1ycrs but on threeway passing play tliis one meant more than any in The game was close checking the lengthy SChedUlC For if Cltl affair but Barrie did have ma had won ll would have EIVOHI jority of the scoring chances es them twogame edge III the SCP pccially in the first stanza when 105 and placlng Baffle dIFCClly b0 Don Dougau vasdbihg=eyeihihg bind the eight ballwrth the altern to save Salt Flych carried an IVE Wlnnmg all three remain edge and would have come out on mg games Ollmck the duds f01i top had it not been for the stellar 3110318 3850 netmindmg of Dougau For two long drawnout per Jimmy Strachan was just as rods those aggressive and determ Eiiiant in the Barrie nets and ined Rdckets outplayed Flyers cannot be blamed for three skated them toa standstill ChCCkr tallies that beat him Many times ed them with every turn of the throughout the contest fastbreak StiCk 811d outscored them It ing Rocket forwards went in alone 10kd mighty big at the tlme In with only Jimmy to beat but found comparing the way Barrie was it hard to penetrate his superb Skating and the Way Gall were exmmtron travelling on the blades the final Barrie started the first period oil CUllaln W39 SIOWIY ebbing down like house on fire Reid Meger 0n Junior hOCkey in this town and Favero kept the Galt defence for anotherseason going in circles tryingto relieve Butthen tidal wave swept the pressure and often they were through the Galt doors seeped 111 forced to ice the puck in order to to the veins of our beloved Flyers breathe and reel was presented that FIRST BIG CHANCE contained more thrills than Holly What looked like big advan wood or Rodgers and Hammerstein tage from Barrie standpoint in could produce iri barrel of the rsttperiod was penalty to years Within the space of 13 sec burly BobRobertson for boarding onds the game was all tied up wasqa new ballgame rThc thickening Barriepass es were clickingand with the gift Turn toypagc six please thrusts Jerry Rid and Paul Meger had many chances Turn topage six pleaseh ing on Owen street from taXation for period of 10 years Therexempa tions do notiinclude taxes for local improvements and school purposes The Legion had asked for the pro perty exemption on motion of Ald Griffin Councilvvoted in favor of He was Barries gold Music so discussed and Ald Hartiblyl thought the fire brigadc wouldl benefit by havinga ftillLtimcfircl chief He added that Bar the only town of mo than have fulltime staff of three toI five men 12 COMING EVENTS TIr This is It Progressive Euchre at Utopia School Thursday March 11 Prizes Lunch 10p Dance at Baxter Mar 12 1948 by Fax ns orchestral Dancing from 930100 ltbe Regular euchre party Thursday March Orange HallElizabeth 830 pm auspices LOL No 3166 910bi Dance Ivy Orange Hall FridayI March Music by Stroud Moun taineers Admission 50c Lunch counter 10b Benefit Euchre Bridge and Dance Lefroy HallFriday March Ladies bring lunchAdinis on minimum 35 cents 1013 Cooking School Roxy Theatre April 89 aid of New Hospital campaign Auspiccs Painswick WI Everybody welcome 910b Old time modern dance Orange Hall Allandale Friday March auspices Local 670 AFL Lunch counter Admission 35c 910p March l2Bridge Euchre and Dance in Gilford Hall pm Lunch provided Admission Proceeds forimprovement of halls 104111 Too Many Relatives by Play Edenvale YPU Central United SSI room March at8 pm Admis sion 25c Auspices Central Unit ed WA 910b 016 Lcl speaker Business Mens Committceidinner meeting Trinity Parish Hall 630 pm Tuesday Marchhtil 10b with prlation 8000 that did not make the trip and it would cost about $3000 About half this amount had been raised and he thou ht the Town might cdlltribu 33500 towards the expenses The Mayor endorsed the sug gestion of Aid Griffin and on motion of Aid llambly the council voted in favor ofa grant of $500 to the 1301 Band Returns from Motor Trip ToVCalifornia and Mexico Alfred Sliepherd of The Barrie Examinerstaff has returned home after motor trip of seven weeks inthe United States He travelled with his sister andbrotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Griffithswofrr Toronto The party travelled across the United states throuhithc Grand Canyon End to California where they sp two weeks at San Diego ilc therer they took side trip into Mexico Returning by way of Texas they stopped off for four days at Aran sas Pass and they also visited New Orleans before heading north for home Mr and Mrs Griffiths andMr crippled child alw useful work enlists our sympathy but we should also visualize that child in the future Will he or she as an adult be an object of pity possible public chargcor happy useful and self supporting citizen The Ontario Society for Crippled Children works through and with service clubs in locatingand helping crip pled chitdren regardless of race color or creed Barrie Kiwanis Club made stirw veys of Simcoe Countyin 1945 and 1946 followed by clinics and at Lhof these clinics over 100 crippled children were examined by doctors from the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto In 1947 no survey was made but clinic wasrheldvat which 45 children werekgxamined There are scores in SimcoeCounty who might to day be objects of pity and de pendent on others butare happy and selfsupporting be use of the assistance given by Barrie Kiwanis Club over the past 20 years Cripplcd Childrens Shepherd had an enjoyableholi clay travelling nine thousand miles through 19 states William McCullough SpeakerFourth Annual William McCullough of Ham ilton in addressing the annual meeting of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce at Club 79 on February I425 urged trheorganization to take on not more than two projects in year He said the effort would be spent byattempting to do too eeting Barrie Chamber her in its 103 years In 1920it was practically nonentity and they brought in the American City Bureau organizers who signed up 1000 mnbeiisat 325 CT weeks It was almost like Aladdin and his lamp but it began to diminish and wasriTready to foldi Mmrgatmzedwilg Clarke Mr Twiss expressed his plesure atrbeing elected presi dent and hoped the members wou coninue theironai port More than 100 mbcrs attended the annual mee ing and avery ne roast turkey dinner was Miserved Fisher retiring president was in the chairs Th speaker waswniim Me Cullough of Hamilton anda re port of his address appears else LWIIGIP in this issue Those at the head tablccwerc Ross Cowan Norris 1D0n81dltF MacLaren Neil Mac Donald LeishmanPeterAi He pointed out that per capita sales in Barrie were eighth among allthe cities and towns in the nminionandwerrconsjderably higherthan Toronto The retiring president told of 1he efforts by the Chamber Of Commerce in the past year He stated that some local industries had expanded and other progress had been made Mr Fisher Spaid tribuk to the work of Norman Clarke who had takenover the responsibilities Sinclair John Mitchinson Morrison Mayor Mayor Fisher ATwiss NettletonBert Hurw wiaiis Edwin Wilson Jacobi of secretarymanager for the three months between the time John Stiver had left for Port Arthur andthe datewhenr Bert Hill was appointed On behalf of the Chami ber Mrs Fisher presented Mr Clarkewith sctof ne imported English smoking pipes committee reports were having bylaw prepared Town employees will be covered Lkamsniuism enaman annual cost of $720 This is on HE basis of $150 for each $100 of wages AldGriffin explained that in the past thetown had carriedits own Iresponsibility In any accident the Workmens CompensationBoard as sessed thecosts to beborne by the municipality Griffin said the tbwn has been fortunate but he feltI it would beibetter business to pay $720 annually and thusithe =town would be protected against any ex traordinary Outlay gas result of two or three serious accidents Dey puty Reeve Hart presentedthe mo tioh iii favor of Workmens Coni Union Cdokstown will present ed that ploleCIS Shoum eXtnd may She was only Farmers over period of years rather than hilarious plays pensation which was passed For an additidnal $54 the volunteer fire menArvin be similarly protected fires Daughter and concert in Cooks townTownfallatASjimflll Thornton High School program of songs dances twoact Com munity TrTsfFeE Tarige Hll merce organi aion Thornton Thursday March 11 815 pm Admission 35c and 20c short term plans that could be tadeLandmompletedJithinJhe term of one president Referringgto Chamber of Com lough said it seemed to many like form of ebullient Americanism lObIHoweVer he realled takingover Sduth Simcoc SccdFairHunters HalLAlliston Thursday Mar 11 1948 $400 in prizes Entries re ceived up to 930 aan Everyone invitedi Write Dept Of Agricut ture Alliston for prize list 910b March 830 pm plays and dance Yottr last chance to see the Pot Luck and Ghost la Mode presented by the ChillyWilly Club at Stroud Dance at 10 Lunch Admission 50 cetits 910p the position as manager of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce some five years ago and added As went in neophyte it was surprise tawme to learn this chamber movement dates back to the middle centuries He then went on to explain how the guilds swere orgapizd andthe eventual outgrowth Was the chamber of commerce The speaker explaiped that al thoughthe Hamilton Chamber was bring in desirable type of me bership He spoke of the previous secre taesaWMudle Mr Stiver and he asked that all members give their full support iothenewmsecretaryrcrtmillfm Barrie has done wonders in short time said the speaker and now you can go on to build stead ilyr Dont plantoo many pr jctslj Ive heard lot about Barrios industrial growthespeciauy with regard to your CGE plant with payroll $400000 alyear ibut dont be discernaged that they dont roll in year after year Mrs Mcculloughi related how Los Angelescarried on program or concentrating on one particular company atla time They twoul send delegation to meet the rm hi fi ht Ae in GfiffinrFIJfKellYandiTD presentedrbyclhe various chairf isggggmgv organizedillm wears agothet=e exeeuuvekimtheeaskirwitht era4 i4 Members of the Clarke town council present were introducedby Depu tyv Clerk Ernest Burton Fisher said it had been Very greathonor for him to be president in51947 He spoke Of the accomplishments of the Junior Chamber of iCommerce and also men and each referred tothe close cooperation with and nancial support from the town council Appreciation was expressed for the publicity given The Barrie Examiner Mr if her referred to the Town Planning Board and related that member reewed 1etterwas read from Charles printed feport Harris presentinga claim for dam Mayor KiMalor on behalf ages caused to his caron astreet the 39W Sam was P165 being repaired AldGriffin refer sure t9 be present Th Mayo red to the contract with the Cook emphasized the decentralization of Construction which indicated that nriqummunity7CorreerF$r indusuy and added that it was the townrwas free from responsibil 9995510 This he f9 was the ity while the work was in progress Only 1199 for Canada Ihsa informat will be passed on hn Mitchinson chairman of to LHaiwr tho arrie and District Memorial Hospital campaign read latter James Thomsoni architect fdithe from lady Who W35 30lng renovations tdthe building on the superintendenkin 1903 She Sld Market SquarepreSented four ten th hospital was fully OCCUPIEd ders for elevators Thehighest was Turn to page six pleasegt Turn to page rivetmeasei MRS MARGARET ROBERTS AND BRUCE HYLAND who delighted the audience at Barrie Arena last Friday night with two fine figure Skiiting pairs as part of the Grani Club carnival sponsored by the Barrie Rotary Club Members of Toronto Skating Club Mrs ogerts and Mr Hylandwere senior dance champions of Canada in sociation members Community Concert in Qrillia Opera House Friday March 8pm Artists Graudan Duo piano and cello Accommodation for Barrie mem bers but membership not trans ferable for but of town concerts 10b Thousands of childreh in Europe are homeless hungry anti cold From their numbers may ring new Einstein or new Hitler The choice is yours Give gener ouslyto the Canadian Appeal for Children were four previous organizations in Canada at Halifax Quebec Montreal and Toronto In 1845 Hamilton was town it was incorporated the next year it had about 10 or 15000 popula tion Isaac Buchanan and Hugh Baker were the rst officers Baker was the manwho in 1845 yvhenrhe had to travelvla canal and trailto New York to pay his insurance premium decided to or ganize the rst life insurance com pany inanada Mr MpCullough told bf the ups and downs attire Hamilton Cham idea of persuading them to estab lish plant at Los Airgeles They might workon one firm for two or three years but the plan had brought results Barrie is outlie face of thamap Barrie is in sun he declared in commend the idea TIYQu have mentioned Huroni and totiristr dollars here he stated Wc found futile of Hamilton we had an in of me and onehalf millioncd inthree months in burrow when wexstartedutt tTurutitg pagestx

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