Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 9

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies Aviuouizro As uconn cuss IAIL to out 0min 85th YearfNo aim tcaclim were making in Simcoe Holstein Get in DOG SHOW ONTARIO ARENAS ASSN MEETS IN ecovering the years work SCHOOL During the discussion on exam AllAmerican Awards BOARD iiaticn results Mr Ilezxth pointed lnree AllAmerican awards came iout that new iegulation required to Simcoe County llolsleins in the all pupils to be graduated to grade annual competition Montvic flag 1X at the age of 16 even though Apple Marksman jointly owned by they might not have successfullyll McCague Alllsltill and completed their elementary school JCeisve11 Been recently named IJBARRIE CLUB 79 Menibeis of the Ontario Arenas Associalitui representing most of lllle artificial ice rinks of the pro vince field their quarterly meet IS PLANNED an MIJIXJ 15 Morrison presided over work He did not think this was iIIC trciisurer ing in Barrie on Sun Feb Bin lIAItItY iiiottiuaiv will be the president of the Barrie Kennel Club for 1948 He was re elected to the position at the an nual meeting held at the Commun ity House on February dioynton was rcappointcd to the pusition ofI vicepresident Secretary for the coming year will be Mrs Boynion and will be RoyJ Black Three olithe four directors were rezippointed while one re tired ers Frank Beatty is the new director while George Frickc Williain McCord and Richard Hep Iplcston are the three who weingcJ appointed lilxtcnsive plans for dog show to be held on Saturday May 15 vacrc drawn tip The committee plan to make this one bigger and better Big Buck Stopped Train Jumped Over Snowbank And Then Disappeared Its an old newspaper saying that when man bites dog thats news But what about the door which emerged triumphant from an encounteo with train Guelphbound train from Toronto struck large buck hallway Ibe lWoodsLock McVittie Hes ner was served at Club 19 after which there was general meeting for discussion and business trip was made to Barrie Arena for an inspectiOn of the general layout artificial ice plant and other lear tures Those present were George Paterson president of the associao tlon owner of the Arctic Arena iBrantford Ross Workinaiil manager Varsity Arena Torontoi Desjardine Varsity Arena Gies assistant manager Wa terloo Arena McCullo Owen Sound Arena Conunissi ml Clark manager CornwalJIJi Arena Wibb Stewart GeorgeCan and Errol BayIcroft Lakeshore ix Arena New Toronto Jack Soueh manager Hespeler Arena Stewart Collingwood Arena Philpott recreational counsellor Back ROW left to rightlGeorgc peter Grover Sargent of the Sargent Ice Co of Canada Mon treal Byrnc Brantford Lloyd and Claude Iice Belle ville Memorial Arena Jack DQIIIII1IlallilgCl Windsor Arena Harold Barnett manager Welland Arena Frank IipeiI Bani manager Owen Sound Ar ena James IMcCorniick mana ger Waterloo Arena All members of the BarrieArena CommissionuVIayorGrunt Mayor Sinclair Dr Maxwelll Clarence Corbett and ch Ayrcs were also present along with ex nicmbers Walls and 11 Milne manager Wes Allsopp and engineer Albert Cheesman The visitors were welcomed by IIisIWorship After general dis cusslon the party was split into two groups for round table con ference One group headed by George Paterson of Brantford dis cussed problems pertaining to re frigeration plants and ice making The other group headed by Jack Dent of Windsor discussed general administration of arenassuch matters as rentals business etc Many good ideas were inter changed McCabe Doug Peacock rid On July the Colitin of Simcoc will introduce health unit Sim coe County Council at the January session budgeted $46000 for the iii troduction and operation of this program for six months The pro vince of Ontario will subsidize the program to the extent of 50 per cent In the past 10 ycars20 of such county health units have been tablished in Ontario It is expect ed that the entire province will the organized on this basis in the next ilew years The program will be entirely preventive The doctors and nurses to be engaged will not do niiywork that is now being done by private practitioners The operation of the Sinicoc SCHOLARSHIPS FOR BRITAINS YOUNG BUILDERS Young building apprentices arc Ircing given an opportunity to take university courses in building gamma The Ministry of Works Coutily health unit is expected to mem and Rolewood locomotive caught the deer what Seemed to be glancing blow and the animal promptly jumped over snowbank and disappeared The tiaincarnc to stopTheantlers thie animal had punctured steam line and the train was de layed an hour and seven minutes While repairs were made Over seers of the Department of Lands and Forests are searching for the animal fearing it may have been injured in the crash Phill Shedd of Orillla flew over the northern portion of Oro and droppeddoodto farmers WIIO were storm stayed canada announced that specral scholaerGbt about $100410 The ships are being arranged by the members of the Couiity c0unc11 ap andminted to scl lip and administer Guglimit CCSI thc programihis year are George Jllatterson Reeve of Port McNi collHttgliJoliiistoii Recvecf Oril lia Fred Hunter Reeve of Tecum EXERCISE SNOWSHOVEL Biockville Recorder and Times Exercise Moccasin is the latesIJ Canadian military undertaking ml the Noitthland Meantime Exer cise Snowshovd is occuping 1th attention of civilians in southern Creemore There will also be one person appointed to reporcsent the Ontario Department of Health At the January session of county coun cil George Patterson wasill and Reeve Evans of Bradford vaSappointed deputy member of the board The rhealth unit will include all theyrural anmuibaunntmicipaliliQ of Simcoe County and it will planned to promote more effici Support and cIIooperation in forming Home and School Clubs jnr Orillia is offered by Orillia Board JJ coach Rob Gibbons goal Len Robson lw John Joe Emms Iw Fred Arsenanlt Ld and mgr Lloyd Gohccn Iw Itoy Hutchinson president selli George Shepherd Reeve of Gunner Gill Ross Emms County Health Unit Will Be Preventative Cost $100000JYear phasis on the picschool age group MAIEIINAI HYGIENE Death from childbirth is still cx cessive and Iiiuch of it is prevent able In SimcoeCounty mater nal hygiene program will be organ ized to assist in preventing unne cessary maternal deaths and the complications of pregnacyl All expectant mothers will be urged to place themselves under the care of doctor early in preg nancy Provision hasbecn made Sn that the Ontario Department of Health will reimburse the physi cian for one complete examination during this period Infant and child health confer ences will be organized so that physical development may be cheJckedJ periodically This first year of life is particularly criti cal period Immunization will be recommended at the time it wriqu bc most effective SANITATION Sanitation will be designed to eliminate the dangers of connnunal living and to prevent disease The health unit will be actively concerned with all phases of sania Itation lllblllditthltliCIlllon to water supplies sewage and garbage dis posal milk and food control inca sures etc Much of the work of the sanitary mspectorsJwill be in connection with the cleanliness of restaurants hotels and other eating places J1egulaiyisits 1v made to farms where Inill abattoirs and f0 Jbutchcr shops Front flowCliff McArthur Dalt Emms rw Ken Emms rd Allan Arsenault trainer liver cit Emms Id Not Present for PhotoJunk Balle rw Bill Hird Gord Coulter rw Andy Iringle subgoal Gard Perry Carl Emms rw Smith Studio Barrie Don King Recalls Visit Sir John MacDonald About 70 Years Ago Daniel King who was born on Iltttilop street in Barrie in 1860 was visitor totlie office of The Ilktlltc Examiner one day last week Mr King had 1ch Barrie when he was only 13 years old and all his recollections cf the town are of the time nearly 70 years ago He remembers the Cundles Fain ily who ust to live on Bayfiele street and drive into town with 11 team of Shetland ponies In Stiltl Incr the ponies were harnessed to handsome little carts and in the winter months they sped over the snow with sleigh bells ringing pulling an attractive little red cut ing Moiday night Feb 51 Illlill was passed naming the board lpulatioi of teachers for Mr King recalls living oppositc Iliorrias Taylor coachinan for the late DAltou McCaiitliy As boy Mr King saw Sir John Mac Donald travel tp the McCarthy home onva carnagedradii by pair of prancing horses Few of the Barrie residents were attending school IIQIC whcn Mr King was boy bullic has incite some of his contemporaries He is Visiting with Major andMrSrBrimJ stin who live leivmi1cs south of Barric on Highway 27 IOider extra capics earlyfrom the Examiner ii the Secondary school board nitel mOJ good idea particularly when gradi IX teachers had as many as 45 pupils In class and each per 1hi Billll nd District Collc lllC II tod was limited to 30 minutes Institute Bozizd II No action was taken regarding 7ry AlIle dillid lilidd suggestion to lower prices at the who 5km BCI cafeteria consideration for conipcusatioir against the llzclliiSUfl cost of livl iiig Their requests were referred to the IIIliillC committee of which John Woods is chairman The matter of an appeal to stu d3nts for such funds as the Red iCrOss Fodd for European hil W1 was discussed llcv l7 IIUHIDIHIIS Ml Illrd about taking collection at ham Blain on behalf of the Youth leonccn Tuesday afternoon Feb for Christ asked permission to 10 use the BCI auditorium for meetl ings lliisunattn was later disiSome membch cussed Jlli Committee and motion moupm mg pimps was passedJ refusing the use of 50m sacrifice the school hall for this HOVCIIILIILJChn 3n and motion was passed aiilhorizing contributions for Ictiiitth for grant which purpose came from the Barrie recreation council was referred to the fin ance committee the should make of Board members voted in favor of subscribing for membership in the OEA and the Urban School ll 35 JJld ml wmlUhmy Trustees Association The OEA Cad Inning the whom Md convention will be held in Toronto 30 dlMUIlillluod erdmg and the Urban Trustees will meet Ill prowl wulllfmons therelin Oshawa Delegates will be sent must be no school time for such to each commmlon training Ittiicipzil ii IIealhlJ IIu in said their li SOltit igittitu iJI Mam ch made for wmmmw dar way to have the regulations et 21 modified He added that llictzc Md would not be much of iJ cadet orJId 14 ind I0 Ill meetm IO ganilzition if the drill was to be out of school hours Chairman MI Morrison Iei porch thcre was some IllfCllIlUOd the BLI Ioncclt Band would be going to play at festival in De troit in the Spring The expenscl to the school board would be about Slllttl and the band organizal tioii was raising money for the rcJ mainder of the expenses Mrs 11 Rodgers was appointed as re picscntativc of the board to iici company the band on the trip Single and Double Breasted IVIr Morrison referred to thcl tabled reports of the students anle their examinatibn results and sug gesth the trustees study them as basis of finding which teachers were obtaining the best results Principal Ileatliexplained that it was not possible to obtain coni plcte picture from the Christmas exam results He said some teachv ersIlLiLd purposely made thdse ex Iminationrdifficultnd there fore there would be big or per centage of failures that vould be likely next June ere was also some discussion aiding the pro are and 4lJ Dunlop St gddien and the Hospital Campaign Mr Heath mount in aid of the Barrie and 015 trict Memorial Hospital CampaignJ 0f calmdil 01 the hire of ana boardi the European this Your Individual Figure from YOU CAN ORDER EXTRA TROUSERS IF YOU WISH IN STOCK SUITS READYWIIILE YOU WAIT STETSON HATS 53850 $1000 others WILF TODDllESilNrll AllCanadian Aged Bull went on to take the AllhAlllellCaii Aged Bull Jircnd He also combined with his rooted brother Sovereign to take award The AllCanadian yenrold bull Rowsdalc Rag Apple Soverign owned by Cerswell kiiS made AllAmerican threeyear old bull and Gleiizzfton flag Apple Alert the Alltiadian twanyear old bull juitill shown by McCaguc and If Mcllquham launark took the Allaunerican liillItll award IW COST OF RAIL SERVICE The low cost paid by the people dian railways was streSsed by Fairweather Vicepresident of re gtearch and development Canadian iNJiiliotile Railwast lt tn address given at the annual dinner of the iCaniidian Industrial Traffic League Iiii Niagara Falls Mr Fairweatner Istated that the w21gcs paid the railways was only sevemandonc half cents out of every dollar of the wealth created in communities served by Canadian railways strike the budget will be March The meeting was adjourned at 1115 pm arkw In the Nevis section of Oro the water supply hasbcen threatened by unfavorable weather TAILOREDTOMEASUREI Have Your SIuit Tailored to $4750 models priced from 7J50 25 $550 oysn wean BARRIE Now issued for Jewellery and Furs Personal Belongings Real Property Automobiles Liability many other classes The Eventful the IYear Sanctioned by the Canadian Amateur Figure Skating Association Sponsored by The Toronto Skating Club The Granite Club assisted by Skaters srom lthe AllAmerican lmduce of Dam threw ALL RISK POLICIES mam INSURANCE tame Dial 3135 Jenlcom1nunity health program The my health unit omarl It is believed that many of those Ihafi its incep Im in 1933 and Com now crowding the mental institu rmed gm 0f Eager quin lions could have had their condif lIOS there was reorganization Mons adjusted in earlier years by Monday March 830 JPM ROOM BARBIE COMMUNITY HOUSE in 1940 when the StormontDundas the guidance of psymiaumJ for the purpose of receiving the various reports the election of Glengarry health unit was placed working in cooperatibn with men Junder speCtal government regula mpheauh clinich directorsamendment ot bylaws and such other business that might come before the Board HonsI1 Public health nurses are being The Increasmg pressure for 131 given short period of instruction Barrie Feb 10 1948 Annual membership MENTAL TH II II III II IITII II I1 katln 27 830 1111 Igor Junits of public health adminis so that they may be able to 1am tration and the need for health to clinic those who would berm aria mJJ HEW ions All New Program surveysro eweei scion JJJ MORE NUMBERS iuii childrenha emphasized the need Dishing us it at on lime personnel JWJ for Tnore ltentionto Jdetital pio ol CurlingyiMo COSTUMESi II phylaxis eind treatment IA majority 0f the units inSoulfi em Ontario were organized on The health unit personnel will provi oral hygiene education for Comeandsee some of NEW LIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS county basis Most of the cities within such county boundaries eval schoo home and community School boards will be advised how Barriels famousi curlers fper orrrI WILSONIARDINE untarily become part of the health unit they can secure gOVEIIlllIenlgall ts for having dental defects of studJ lt and HisGrcrnite Clulf Skaltirig Orchestra Will The SimcoeiiCounty healthiunit personnel will include doctors cnts corrected HEALTH EDUCATION Be In Attendance nurses sanitary inspectors and clericalstaff Localmedical prac illealtvh education zwillhe the key note of the eiitirerprograin People SEE LOCAL Proust SKATERS rmroRM thinners will be invited to 31 cannot be legislated into good Jhealth Only an informed 53nd Cameron Secy fees of 5100 are nngguJe andpays with certain phases of the Work The followmtg activities will be willing individualean ke advan tage of the ever increasing know the responsibility of theJ health Iedgeol ways to achieveipositive limit 77 CONTROL liealthJ TIThe control 6i communicae dis cases will be accomplished by regu NU AM GE HES lation education community sani tation and sucthneaJsures as may the necessary to increase resrstance EXPERT FINISHING JJ JJNUIrfJuTLoiJih IIISPEED SKATING Leen ow less oilsemnomlc stiiItusdsoirriIIegdde gree of malnutrition exists in most communities The unitpersonnell to disease in the population JasJJaJ whole JJJ ThisWill include the institution 0f quarantine and JisolationJ It will also include immunizationagainst diphtheria smallpox whooping ugh etc PRIIPi SERILE FAIR PRICE Inuit FABRIDWEAR IHE no if NEWNESS DOUBLE ASSURANCE will tendeaVOr to have this situation MISSIONJ corrected throughout the entirei community ECOSII VJJWIthldteCLJSI0f the rograni beJ thiwlalllfhl Tlllllilllli 1gab9i$19annuals halt 9f the control of tuberculosis and of ghwl Wm paflby the Ontario venereal disease In bbfh inslan Wermnenl ll Willmean that le Ices stress will be laid on early di flCtufn 90 15 me Iiitepayeis will IJ agnosis case nding adequate be Approxmlllg AWEem Pm treatment and followup person Tean SCIIIOOIISUPERVISION SchoolI ballot supervision wiiIDISIIllJt Of990ffef$ Wis objectivesrrontrolrof reilected fa 1948 communicablevdiseases detection JJ and correction of physical defects INSIQIJIOIION 0f Mmesmg health instructionspeaial care ofJ handicapped Jchildren supervision ofschool sanitation and finally to make the school and home en vironment both physicalmnd menw tal contribute to the present and futureweIJIJbeing of the children The effort to achieve these abjec tivesrwill the by physical examina II st II rm II II II IA At the annual meeting of the District Orange Association held at Minesing the following officers were elected and afterwards in stalled Iby County Master Lloyd Spence DiSt 11 Arnold New Lowell DD1M Fred Johnston Thornton Chap Jennetl IJJ ixies moJJe oJJprJg VJ JJ TlllW tour tion by school physicia or fainin doctor periodic inspectionby pub llic health nurse rtecords of every Thornton RS NeyIBarrie ES JMervyn Frallick Treasl II Mayes Minesing Marsha 300 50 Bunions We Deliver toJCamp Borden on child immunization fonnation of Lang lMidhurst Lects Thus Kirk CCLEANINGANDDYEING Baxriecwu Arnold law PRESUHOOILAGE ell I4i The schoolhealth program has Phbneszs demonstrated itsvalue Those en HALIFAX srucran TRAINS gauged in it have however been Durmgltm the hind1m Na impressed with 1the need for pre tional Ballwdys operated 98 special ventative measures long before the trains out of Halifax Ito Mommies child is of school ageJ Recently date rthe 36669 persons tivhotllserrr there has been an insteadrigour barked Ithepepurtnig that period ii iii It Austices Barrie Betaerlub

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