Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT HISTORIEI lOvenden Girls EXAMINATION rns alumna EXAMINER amour ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 198 ingested Memorial Hospital Fund iWith Iolanthe Production tContimied from page one Indian lillitl1 it Uciiali oi the Bll tish Government which treatyIv bargained for tie purchase from the Indium of tziict land IlIllL Hi iiltei $130 mil Illtl pztw UXLMltIi Ihlll iigt to liiilc for IliiliII that ma Stillnnti opei of around lcnctangioften lllltdtiietnng Road lllii Oro II Illii iigliltlld IlllltllillI Ii pc5iltti It II El Trinity IILIIDI llnll UI Liv Iiiiiici the It tiiiiiii iii lliittliife 11t11 Sl lili Ieiititiii was doin Vespra tonitluiw lltttl and ne more land zlliILllinLll fzoni the In dians 1814Tnc Notify 1t tenscl owned by the NtllllIItl feiiipany and being med in the Warm 162214 sunk by iifltiill of lip Sinclazrg Honing Fcbiziniy Eli tiii Ideiil All cuts llitI Itctllvll iv iw llititl the direction of lliS stun to the Mix ii i1iiie The girls thciiiscliwlt denioiinl Iicspitl lIJlltl are 111 In the rent of their coloiiul Jtltlllilllllllll $31 to fund ii i1 iiiilp from Mailaliar in Ultltl li litc more money tor thc chari it Iltl SAVINGS FOR THE IIIRIITY WEDNESDAY iootls purchased at ZIZLUIRS jcctcd largely means of Jan Aineiicaii litItlllt mouth of the Notttianotign lliwr I8Ilillllllitlc surrender by the Indians to the British of all the tcrrilory from Lakc Ontario to Georgian 1313 JltL19Iirst white settlements in the County YScotch Settlement near Bradford Irish at Iloliand Landing and others in Oro Ves pra and ncar 1eIiitangiiishcnc 1fl2tlwcnty Negro slave families came to 0m and Sunnidalc ItHJHDIstric oi Simeon led and the first Grammar School establisliedJ Private tutors par nts and ministers carried on cle nientary education until public schools ycie established years later 1847Stnge coach service cstab Iished llllll llaiiic and Icnc tanguishcne 1049County of Simcoc formed lliiiIIltl railway built from To ionto to Allandzili after years of negotiations and iii spite of severe opposition from parts of the County in fact this seemed to be the main reason for the western lownships breaking away Simcoc and being included with Grey and Diiffcrin EVERYBODYIS To get along with other peopleespecially in job that brings you into frequent contact with others you need to develop the ability to project your ideas and per And since ideas are pro Epeech tth more effectively you canppeak the more ef fective theiimpression you willmake on oihers One of the best wayIIstojIn prove your powers of selfi expression is to learn the art of public speaking You can get help from good book on the subject Church activities political meetingslodge and town council all offer fine opportunities to practice givJ ing speeches eonstitu from IMEDONTE the word used by thc name was later changed to MOON JSTONE in honor of the first post Illencral of Ciiiizirlzim ltlltlIEIZB 3NottawaContraeted form of Not tawasaga quoisl l835lit Eltliii tiilt ion AL landalcuto Iylllllltlrvltii llHliIllcllliifluli tl Siiiroe Coin Jl Centenary ORIGIN OF III1II IAllandaIcNiunctl alter IG Allan nleii MillsNamed zittcr Antici ron and Tenant IIIIIIgtIIIII yilptoNiiiiied utter iSpain by Denins Jveteran ot the 1enins lllarrieNaiiied utter iIiiiuoiiei illlllllt IIIU urns In command ei ccrtain war vessels at KIIIL en FLASHTS Seiinlo town in other lcetonThn Ililfllt tlt lilVIll ii the post office on account of the bee trade of ltitltgt who was then postmaster liiis nziiim am adopch in 1878 Bond HeadNamed iIIIillltIS Bond Illltl lBradfordNiiinctl after it town In Yorkshire by Robinson 511 nth ial Lord Tolliiigiiood ookstownNamed fook an Irishman settlcr iIiIcncairnNunicd alth the liarl Jof Glcncnirn by Angus Morrisonzl IIillsdalcNametl sitter tavern chcpcr Alexander Ilill LalontaincNamed iitcr Hon Louis Hypolitc 1aiontaiiic ii coll litaguc of llobi laldwin LefroyNamcd allcr General Sir Jiffn lctroy hincsinglndian iitimc siciiilying lislnnd The rising land in the cinity of Mintsing is surrounded by marl flats Mitchell SquareNanch ttlIIlI thci lirst postmaster Wm Mitchell Stpiarc was iiddchto the name to distinguish it from the town of Mitchell in Perth County MoonstoneThe curly name was and pionccr Indians to mean evil spirit The master Edward Moon The word stoiiclias reference to the very stony nature of lllt1tttltlfl MedonteTho Indian name evil spirit Iay Tinyand IilosNamcd after three pct dogs of Lady Sarah Maitland wife of the Governor ior from the Algonguin w0rd NAIIDOWA meaning I1ro quois NottawasagaNAIIDOWA the Algonquin word meaning Iro SAGA the AJlgonquin word for outlet ofa river OreNamed from Ilioncl Oroin Africa Negro settlement forl Atrican negroes was planned for Oro Ilwp The word Oro in Spain ish means gold PenetanguishcneetThe place of the rolling sands an Indian name StaynereNameJd after Sutherland StaynerasonoftheDcputy Post master General Sutherland Stay ner owned land nearJStayncr TottenhamNamed after an Irish man named Alexander Tottcn Wui oIgunNanicd illltl John to film it Will llUll llli IlIllWmillll lcr Marion Illitie as lrivzilc Wil illKlJAlllilltt district ills of thc Grenadier Guards llar zollingwoodNamcd utter dnir mm wright as zitch Ihos sucecss of interpreting the catchy tunes and clever phrases of this of drivers tnle Ilisiigilixitis IlIllt stiikiiig protiuctnin cvii liltllllfl the clrycr skit on tlitJ sn llonse of Lordr 1lti1iiittie plriycd by Judy Gianl tlll Ill the fairy who coiiiiniltid sin by iiinrrying mortal the 1oid Eizincclltin played by Char otte McNuity Throughout the optpitta tun was made of the Lords lltklltht their superiority llytl on birth =tli no con tlyldlliilflgtt1t1L given to mental Added ltlliltgtl was Introduced in illl plot when Sticphoii 1t son IyliillllllUI and the hanccloiz played by Dale llIolil fell in love with Jar Arcadian Shepherdiss iiid Caid In linnccry played by IIiiy Soiiiiiyillc The chorus lllClIltltIl dukes marI IlllSir earls lSLOlltlls barons and iziiries Lending parts were tzikciil by Jean Ileaycii as Ilarl of Moun llllitl Jenn Good as IIarl Tolloll Ill Queen of the Fairl and Anti Williamson Illaiyl Maguiic and llcvcrlcy Graham list fairies The first act was in an Arcadian landscape and the second took place ill the palace yard at West minster betwecn 1700 and 18821 Addcti effects to highlight the lovely costumes and scenery were 1illtltlll ligliting from the llarrie Drama IIIlll by Noel Ste phcnson Utitlct the direction of Miss Bitt clitlc the girls made asplcndid popular opcrcttii During the intermission Cainon Iltltlstlll thanked the young lad ids and read several tclJegraIps Iroin fond fathers He expressed sincere appreciation for the effort in aid of charitable cause Plows Snowblowers On District Roods Continued from page one with snow and ice can be driven inside and within few hours they Til completely dried out The spac ious building is as warm at the floor asit is at the ceiling HieGtmk now has 30 trucks of all types three power shovels seven bulldozers large units of earth removing equip ment compressors welders and if large stone crushing plant An additional shed is now being built 50 by 100 feet to provide shelt cr for more of the trucks and power units Associated in the business with his father is Cecil Cook The busi ness has grown steadily in recent years and few persons in Barrie have Jrcalized that the Cook Con struction Company now has staff mechanics etc of 35 employeeL gt74 Ice Storm Stalls satisfactory or your money refunded PLASTIC AIRUNS liizitid JLoiioiiI Iic Ilib Style licori llindini It ll tli Sanitary oniicd IAIII SLIIIIIRS loIincns Boudoir split leather sole and rubber liccls Siz lILll lining cs to Rayon Panties Wonderfully Durable 79 Nonrun rayon brief band ed straight waist double gusset Tea leg Elastic rose and white Sizes Subs but appearance and durability unimpaired Siz es to 1012 wenMadge Under garments IlA YON 7IIEIIII HOSE Full Sizes ID Gauge Fashioned to 1012 Ladies Twinswish Taffeta Slips $288 Nonrun Rayon Briefs Sizes 55c Girdles oneWay stretch Lastex Purity Girdle Metal Floor Stand Ash Tray BroWnwith nickel tray arid Handle Height 23 Sturdily constructed pledsing prac tical gift PLAYINGCARDS Boys Brushed WOOL IUIiLOVER and 1390 Hosiery THURSDAY FRIDAY find SATURDAY Iurc Wool WOVEN HEADSQUARLS Iii Beautiful IaS lcls 27 inch 511 $179 Tubfast cottons Size 14 to 40 Mezzanine liloor Womens Lisle Hose 42 Gauge IJ99c Womens Plain Cotton IIose sJiJzJJes to 10 29a Mens all white WoolenIyvorIk socks 49c 1J mmWWWWM Of Gleaming Stainless Steel to enhance your table ser vice with plastic handles ivory that Will not peel or dis color MENSI BOYS PULLOVER Boys All Wool Sizes 26Io 34 $198 MENS ATHLETIC jruiuamsit sai it only decorated tumblers coni plete with wire iack 79c GLOHILLJ ICU $100 sei Knives and orks 29c lv THRIFTY BUYS Pink Birthday Candles for 050 Ash Trays Glass pc set 390 Leftover Bowls for 90 Potato Masher15c ea II Pails II 39c Childrens Metal Lunch TLERYKnives and Forks 39c ea Banded Bread Butter Plates Heavy Porcelain Ware for25c vh Mffgwmw ansm Traffic Helpless Timid Everyone is at first But after few attempts you will gain poise And after each endeavour you will nd your thoughts better organized your ex pression clearer and more forceful Thinking on year feet no longer becomes major problem Above all you will gain immensely greater selfcondence 71th win new respect from others gmNamed in 1866 after town on the Gulf of Vigo in Spain by Peninsular War veteran WashagoIndian name WASHA GOMIN meaningfsparkling wa ters WaubausheneIndian name mea ning the meeting place of the rocks JWaverleyNamed by postal auth orities after Scotts novel SimcoeINamCHT by Sir John Graves Simcoe in horror of his fa ther Capt Simcoe RN Plain Ribbed appies Designed foi usefulness to the housewife Special Continued from range one themselves comfortable waiting for the provincial ing truck Dozens of motorists reported that ill required two or three hours to make trips that could ordinaLily be completed in half an hour Tow trucks were busy all night Taxis and busses stopped operat ing early in Jtheevening Trains were hoursbchind schedule iiJJIriJJtheJJtown of Barrie there was traffic tieup for mercthan one our on Bradford St and Essa II 77 =51OPSCRAICHING Road included in this traffic II 73hvalt9llw quuxglghhalix iaraaabiisload 9hKoc ey play soundinucstments would NW Omm pimp ers from Toronto They were JJenJiphasize the facilitative signaturesblacklists Oily about one mile from 19 Insurace is tHeigreatest EldlwysmnmSmZliTlflli alena but the howp on the mt JJ JJ in llap meant the game could not get source of family security started until about 10 pm was gyfgfglm abilities Many hIockeyfans who started putjwith the intention of going to HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT BY READING DDDPrucri the game turned back after few In mummy Ali worlds daily newspaper moments of ftryjng to manoeuver IHE HRISIIIII SCIEIIIE MOIIIOR in Wm nd yourself It their autos Jon the icy surface ngiwas almost impossible the bestInformed personsin our community on world affairs when youread thIJJs worldwide daiy newspaper regularly You will gain fresh new Viewpoints fuller richer understanding of todaxszital roads Were quiteEa for travelling the following Satur nJewsPLJUS help from its exclusive features on homemoking educa hon busmess theater music radio sports day morning the icecoated trees and bushes were evidence of the Subscribe now 1M1 special on winteIrs rain acquaintcdfon while sand Crystal Tumblers Highly polishes Eonporous Wnish insures sanitation Colonial tumblersB ozLJJBeJll Shap WhedtumblersQoz covaaan JCANDYJJJJ DISH iIAttractive Ribbed JJiJJ and Pant Hangers for 25 all an colicLag MetalWaste Baskets Simple design suitable for any room inas Convcmem isorted pastelJthctdsHeight 1012 Diameter ICUSTARIIDICUPS ijresistant JJedgesJ gt Special WOODEN cm Peg styJe 24 Single Loaf Bread Box imam Matching WildLRoseDesign in Black and Red on Creamy White Background the afternoon Vislbilit Id in snow wise bIovItIingIEso Inwildli I3 fort09c SATURDAY STORM ii Friday night the weather turn ed decidedlyicold and on iSaturI day howling storm blew upriIn JJZELLERIJ PIECE GOODSJndmely marquisettescur msmksClothisreibrineapiasses dtIf Y0 3FaclprvsbttgnasiIwide9 TheAChrishan Science Publishing Society P35 OneN01woy Street Boston 15 MasslLSAW mmwswwmpiwuemtmejhachasiun ISctente M0nl0 for one month NomeI Ji igattraffic washalted on the main highway between Toronto and Greenon Whlte Background ghee 1J3arrie for two hours Provincial WW5WWW police at Bradford warned motor SJJJJJJ JJJJSJJJJJJJJJJJJJJWJMJ to buck heJ JJ JBeautJJfJ1 Tableclothsaai Ju caiyw Zones II Chllds and Misses JJFeIt Cosy Slipp ers with collar PomPom Felt II sok split sole Sizes to 10 and one quaiiiy storm Several other roads were block CothUWfotprJefF ty table Eiesta ed entirely for some hours though of short duration colored patterns Size 51 52 p035 storm was one ofthe worst IthisI winfer Snow plows of all types were out in full force Sunday and most of the roads were openedlup for traffic before Monday morning HEALTHY WEIG Declaring that there is direct re latronship between health and weight the Department of Nation at Health and Welfare advises everyone to fluid outhow they COTTON BRIEFS Sizes and GetlprShinglcsGtseuliousefllm if 1J TobaccoiaiiandImnPipes CREAM H00 OLAI II FIIYIImealate DeIIVery also pending upon ones stand on the scales or life De of body structureAhelght but etc SANDWICH SPECIAL MIX CANDIES and nannnonns JJ insuliBIth AND acinpiigngsurrmasI 1II JJ JJ AJ PEPPERMINT PAWS BISEPITS GOODS $362 it titties only 100 Whhe Swan Tot let Tissue II3I rolls Jittersareidcalwweightis The tie7 ipartment statics further that it is better for young person to be 9c if lilillfliinxiiiiiwf isamome serious matter for older people au Barrie Examiner subscrip for250 Juonssreptiyablo iandvanccanJ bath

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