Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 6

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PAGE SIX HealthyCovvs NeAVcessary To Produce Quality Milk The milk for lllt four Barrie dairies and pssteuriution plants comes from 151 farms within radius of about I3 miles It is hr responsibility of the sanitary inspector of Barrie to test the milk from these farms to ensure that the citilcns of the town havr pure milk The following nutcriul has Ilttll prepared In the sanitary inspector lty slslll stunt ltarrie Sanitary llnptttor Notningll1tpolaisofll quality in ty pottl porlant lll ml Iy practice the vi in lltttlttllii Zhult au 1ltvtltlli Itk il lititlll lzllcs weaiu ll ll itl prowlit illlli upplj tn IlttlttlJ ll lili llt Ilttittittl is inolc lzcillil tlllltttttl than are lilttl Yl vesslllu pl Pl tune the he and are lIltil ftltlllf iv ilil lll lit lltilttl in llILlll illtitr We are tlttlilllilIlittltl Hi good elem llUlv tillt and pure llillh supp tor the tllltl lltlllllt lht titlliltlttl tlll only be mind tin Il milk rirelvcd from lu fallirs dillolr exist the tllllll lllllit Ifllllllltltl illtldc clean by pltltltlil or Itlll llu iln not pzlzlillIlalon The three key tactots tnat lead to good milk Iltltllltiltll are clean healthy vows ellall sterile utensils llld prompt coollnf of the milk 1Iood farmer lllII ltllltlt all unhealthy cutth from herd Most tlalrylncn lltillloils that their herds be free tlonl llllnrclllosis but few insist that the attlc be inspected fol contagious abortion This is tl dangerous disease not only to tile danylllan who may Iot his cattle but also his laurin who may drink lllt raw milk fronl an infected cow Ill llo lnan beings the disease known as undulant fever wise farmer will have his cattle bloodtested good dairyman will check each cow beforelnilking for any signs of abnormal megk If any eow is suf fering from an udder infection it slloultLbe separated Item llltllf9 and treated by veterinarian It is important that the udder and flanks of the cattle be kept clean and clipped to prevent any foreign sub stance from entering the nlilk and just before milking the udders should be wiped with clean cloth rinsed Ill chlorine solution strong feed should no begiven to the cattle within two hours of milk ing Often this will cause bad odor or taste ill the milk All milking utensils should have wid be free front milk stolieand rust The utensils should be thoroughly rinsed im lilediately after the milking period This is followed by scrubbing the pails with hot soapy solution alld then rinsing Just prior to the mill ing period all utensils including milk cans should be Irinst with chlorine solution Ul other good sterilizing agent If this procedure is followed the dairynlan can be as sured that his utensils are clean Milk should be strained through clean filter disc It is most important that the milk be cooled to temperature of 50 degrees or lower immediately after milking The milk should be stirred thoroughly during the first half hour of cooling Not only will the stirring of milk hasten the cool ing bill it will assist ill driving od who will make donation tothe Hospitah Fund AddressrRi ors out oftlle milk Even where extended v5 Montreal Smde mm mm of The Examim electric coolers are used the milk must be stirred Many farmers re ly on the tllcair temperature to cool the milk during the winter illontlls1l takes four tofch times ill to lllllgttl It lllllllr conv ln ltlilllf THE Native Orillia oil to life this iic ca there are after In poll it be lir lilk tilttc lief le considered first cllntltllnitoil initllttiK anslttl lit5 ix IIth contanllllal lti lion Sources iircezcd TIl thin atlzl ctltil tf httIE ll tt ll volts tit tl tzlc lllr unlit will lie IEItlltlttl rap till gtlal ll ltlllltltl productl ulti lilt lvttl as lc KIllgtittfgt rather tflal lllllfl tli barn lli ItllIIttillilllilklll 56550 GROCOUNCHI llolols IRVING GRANT ilLIl lltplllllwtl an ass llu tho touncll unvt xivelm of the Canadian IIown Ilall on FidoJar llll head the members pixsent and Wooiiidw pitaiding nillzllicl ei tttlllillllllltltilttll irtlt IItgttlllttl and Eco tallltvev litll llpl illtillut Itlitlli ttlt IIIIIIII III Illlllltll HI lttllltl loi plant to the Ivitiitar lion of lltlllltilt $l1r tllttl Itild and Victor Ito timli the ltlIllllttllllllill Society rll ltpulid about some piilx tries tl lllv lllun Iltxll grounds tltll It dulled to bevut llailcmenl ltll tlttlllllI with them welo made ll Shelswcll ro leprlsclltaA Ellt III the llillta llltth School lllstlnt Iloard appeared Itlililtlr llllt matters lll connection with the Illolud and the lollslnp Alex illlltttllltllll tarnp llltll and It Hastings presented lpvllIIon from the ratepayers or irichiltll sections Nos and re titltsllllti the otlncll to pass neces lraly bylaw to establish conlnlnlr fly ball at Ittllllic bylaw was passed to establish the hall at Guthrie for these two school sections alld appoint the Ltlllllllllllll hall board Alex Graham assessor and col lector reported on various pllasis ot Ills work and was instructed to ttlllllllllt collecting Illt7 taxes liist IIotIIIlecIelpts by Ireasurer ast meeting its faccepted satisfactory Bonds of treasurer and collector were accepted as satlsfactory liill lltllcli but wax born at OlllllaI lav tilpal llllllll of 1tlll uiolt from 9t ill Ulliitl lll its httlltllill Illflt Ilt Anderws ttlifvlt lulqltlu Itlltllllt llltl Le Iltltlttl the l7nllsn of To lllltlrlftt Ilt became idea in life law trim of John Plant Ilods lo ttt Itll and graduated from llllltll Law Sellout ll years itltl Illa lath was the late llnn All qutluc David Inglis lilufii lilstllll of Appeal of llltl Kamairi totut of Ontario Annual mrdsliilll hitltlilly ap poumil with ll Grant was llcloel Yollllt Born at lklllfllllfltltll Scotland he startekl bu lttlllti earnr at Mdntrezll In lillil ltIl Mt lrllosh tulc SQ Rubell cllllrttld accountants The itllhltllt year he moved to olnlt wall litturnout to Montreal in prll lllZIt lll entered the service of tile Canadian National Railways as ltcnoiuapllcl til the passengtir ti partincnt Ilc became secretary to the assistant general passenger traffic manager ill May 1926 andl four years later was made clerk in the plesitlznts office In Iunu lll 1934 he transferred to the of flor of trustees and ill October ltlitti lo the office of secretary lwo ears latcr he was promoted in general clerk ill the office of the chairman and presidentand Hydro contracts of William In 31m HIIWqu PEI 50m Mathews arid Esson Presbyterian LICH the scucmus dppaw mellt churchlwere accepted Road Superintendent Besse ple sented his report on work done luring January pay sheets etc Itltllxtl to lt lliolll llzltli linnllxun omitted Air liilu ltll which were accepted and passed By RG3 for payment Various other road requests were considered and the ltoad Superintendent was givenI lospul Donation From Old Boy instructions In onrrmril last week weh bylawto conrm appointment pleasant surprise in the of Township officials for 1948 and ShiiDCI It letlgli with it $50 Cllcqlle provide for their renlutleration 1W Wilson llmQHCk 0f Mont1l former rcsrdent of Nanlyr cus ds passed trict who wrote as follows Being llzigIIIIVaIpz5i pmvigt constant reader of the Barrie 101 9pm Examiner and always interested WI more 50 with DOW wile district especially Nantyr mom of IllgllIways with request and Uan pioasmC in 101 RDPIOVGI sendingI cheque for the Hospital Various accounts eforc tie Building Fund Please mention Council were passed for payment me to old friends and acquaintan and the Council adjourned to meet res especially Bill Lamb Frank Iagam on March Rich and others Wish your fund every success Wilson is now chief engineer on the Upper Lakes He was an lnnistil farm boy and went to schorltm Nantllz We would be pleased to hear FCIIIIIEIIIV from more of the Innistil old boys MR and Mrsv calm 0f FOIWUIR and gals who have made good and are guests of John Carlton Boileau has returned after an Mr Burns of Saskatchewan is MI visiting hisold friend Glcorge Fer guson MissIsabeIla Stewart of Hamil Iton spent tile weekend with her Historic Records Needed lllordcr to make records of historic events ill the early life of Innisfll anyonehaving docu rtw tli deptsill lmli IIHl the lit Itlualda in BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Barbara Ann Scott In Movie Shorts Throughout World Insurance in Force Doubled In Decade For Empire Life Co Batbaza Ann hrl Sttlil movlp no lxlcaftd II lltl National Fllzr MI mum WHLL LIch mums II to gin iIJIliblt lid the worm If II i1 Ire of tenorlbla Pictures these twolt Lurm rlltlll are non showing ll mova to 11mm Himlfz trolls lllltlttgillotll lilatta and the ii imm IF WH tlt Urlzlwd SiatesI vcnilc inhrcst IM CURL II is tl Bartram Ann Scott is at its height ii 1i tltrltttltlll totalling 51A not giltNJ tallathan ploduced movie II II inst lance earn tlllllll bruit lrillco dol=rs lax and more than tilda and Will inelclore help mm in it It lll Lanadus tlllltlll adverse dol in Sflwll ltLlg l1 marks the voupiw Chinola tutorng Board and la the countries of ii tinr It of lla ago lll wsltltlil ant will llsl gt lltll bill MIL hu Iva cvtly foiltan country shown ltt ltt totalled mo and payments to polity SIITBIIBU The itloltillity ill it ltlli was faorallle sitar lttl11illlYllltIIl lil 1933 the Itlllrpauv has paid 11 benefits toi rlulxSlmllirls and llcneticlllrlls ll oi scrum stoolloootl February 14 llilltl at new record Mrs McLeod has gone to Iol lento to Visit her daughter Miss Ilourn of Orillia was weekend visitor with friends lltlt Heads Ontario IIownlen Walter lowncy was nanledi Ircsulent of the tlntario Plowi mens Association at meeting tll lolonto on Incsdziv lhe hitch national Plowing Match will again1 llt held lll Sinrcoc ounty ill lltStl World Day of Prayer World Day of Prayer was ob MlVttl with service ill the Unii ted llnlch on Friday afternoon wzth Mrs lice Sriiglii as special speaker lIcr tlnIln was that Lllrisllans should be Iods ever greens Like an cvrrgrccll tree they are always steadfast even when all else looks bari alld for lorn the evergreen is still beauti tnl Mrs lilnler Pratt sang The Lords Prayer The leaders were Mrs Walter ook Miss Ii Iracy Mrs Young and Mrsfllaliy loyston The service was well at tended and very inspirational warlt the are int lili Cement Laundry Traysi Range Boilers 30s 40s John Inglis Glass Lined Water Heaters Sterling Washing Machines One of the finest Machines ever Offered myweViiVWVVVWBEASUREANDvSEE THIS WASHER ingestion February Ill Joan and Gilbert Ilall spent the weekend with their Marley cou sins Lenten devotions are hech at St Patricks church Friday and Sun day evenings Ray Sexton fell on the icy road and hurt an arm He went to To ionfolzlsl VwkTT WWW George lerick who has been ill in the hospital at Camp Ilorden is recuperating nicely oregano February 16 Harold Bates of Hamilton visi ted his mother and sister Satur day Mr and Mrs Cliff Plaxton and Anaus spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed Paddison The Womens Institute met at Mrs Oscar Rowes Wednesdays Mrs Day read paper on Citi zenship lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Rowe and Miss Jessie Stainton Next meet ing willbe at Mrs Lloyd Pattons 97 DUNLOP ST itlte glare of lllf in to finish Killed Big Wolf With Shovel Russel Cooper erltiu lllLill had Ll unusual ljltmlltt on ltcerlt night when nolt Ititlttl or lizv zt=ld running ahead or the car Apparently tilled by will kept going at top speed down the well beaten road Ml ooper stepped on the ElCCtltlilltll and ran volt down It was hurt by the car but as able to Ego short tilfalltt btforc he could givt out of the car and catch up with it fair toopcrr only atailabh weap was shovel which he used ll off He put at in the back of the car and plottrdvd on his way home The pelt measured lvc from tip to llll lllllft Packet and Times total of 55737926 well llltlllltl en ti RUMOR and prr til comprise rllvtstA has itweare selling out EMPIIALTICALLY Nor WE ARE lUST EXPANDING At Present We Have In Stock Sinks Toilets Wall Basins Pedestal Basins Recess Bath Tubs RepairWork Spatially Men and Trucks At Your Service Harold Forster Plumber and Steam Fitter IPHoNE 4495 ap tile head lzithts the smcol cosrssmsrs won ALLANAIIAN lcllolso Lillncoc contestants stood Well up 5r hath optn and junior sections for the Judging Competition con lull in connection with the All anadinn selections of Holstein tillllt recently In the open sec ltion with about 1300 entries four xilliston entries were well to the itlolltwNorlnan Payne 9th place with score of I40 Dawn lionhers tied for ISlh with 138 Ipolnts Mrs Mortimer Butchers tlad 136 points and Margaret Swill Illl In the Iunior section Allen Illorner Bradford and Bre tbet Tottlnllam were tied for 12th place with Illt each while Donald lltrcthet Totttnhanl was tied for l71il with 132 followed by George Alcfague Alliston with 131 points rtlfi boys and girls from all parts ot tangltla took part in the Jtlnior Judging 10 INCH BLACK SEAL POPULAR ll2602 lhull You Want llill Like Elle Blue and Sentimental By otlnt Basic 2075566Lonc Star Moon Oklahoma in By lex Ilenelse 202545 77 Never Loved Anyone Ilvtl Loves Have 75c 750 no You Love Me Just AH Much As Ever Smoke Ilrealns By Helen arroll 202399Dcep lllrplc My Heart Belongs to Daddy By Larry Clinton 75c 202344As Years Io In Secrets By Russ Case 202551Mlckey ijieggrtrNcir By Dennis Il 202588 Aint Gonna Worry About Soul Little Small Town Girl By The Delta Rhythm Boys 2024l9lcep Volley Trombonology By Tommy Dorsey 202516 Lets Pick Up Wllcrenge Left Off Like Leaf Ill The Wiild By Tommy Dorsey 75c z023l2lf Its True Just IIalilLove By Johnny Desillond 3750 202397Bloop Bleep Left Myself Wide Open By The Deep River Boys 2021791 Wanna Soprano Boogie By Herbie Fields 750 202560Song of New Orleans Gonna Get Girl By Larry Green 750 202575 Loaded Pistols Loaded nice Now Youve Gone and Hurt My Southern Pride By Phil Harris 202498Cllicksaw Limitel Youre The Dream of Lifetime By Bill Johnson 75o 202494Dcdication Traumeri By Wa ne Kint 202474 7ic Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fender Love Will Kc 750 750 750 75c BARBIE Young 75c 10 INCH RED SEAL CLASSIC 101219lntermczzo Brazil Bylhe Boston Pops Orchestr 44983 The Bartered Bride Overu lure Part By Bostoll Pops THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 1948 parents Miss Melba Sherman spent Sun Iday with her parents Mr and Mrs Bert Sherman Mrs Wiggins and brother at tended the funeral of the late Mr Tn Clubine of Stoullville George Gugin who has been ill poor health for considerable Forget youringe Ihousands are peppy lit To Try time is in Alllsltl Hospltal mpgghnilglleglliivgtilueiilglyii ItllleylgliItkuzinlin Mm Adle WIllmmS WIS ll or documents for verication It guest NC laneqwlbllllllyl women mil Inna rIrIy lVlrI and MlS BILCdtm cannot be hearsay or from mem girlltlyiuglewafgeti giiiilladiiggizewbriiiid NLWlO Rmeson Sunlith oly Old trunks and attics may mndm wrescvmvmm More than 1100 people from lo contain some recordsI that would ironto Schomberg Alliston Cooks be priceless Homes WhlCh have townj and Bradford turned out to been occupged by the one family the carnival on Wednesday night for generations should have sonic The Welcomcrome Committee lthSL WCUITIS WI Please held mceting onWednesttay rlStl1 Slum llrlItteellyowcan otter night arrvurmd the mm anythlIngtIo this research Spectal they had mmhand over to attentionls de3lredrIifromLthleest Legion side of the Township Mlsstrel MPI and Mm Roy Sparks ML alcl anti Mrs Robt Boyes hggri and Mrs Jack Sparks and Mr and C9n5ldeT3P10 dent 0f the 935 Mrs Touscr of Torontowere therllllt s30V9QlH+benthanything ments deeds and letters that will date such events as the building of the first schools churches pla ces ofibusincss and the arrival of settlers is asked to loan these to the Committee cndeavoring to gather this data for the County History In orderth be accepted infor mation must have some material as longr to cool the milkwith air temperature than with water Orchestra $115 4387 Iva Voices of Spring Part ll SOUTHERN ONTARIO SYSTEM The Gontinemal w7 fairBy BostotrPopsQleh$lT5 MSWFor Your Alone By Richard Cranks 1500 Bring LIIYLQIIK You Will Remember Vienna Ww By Richard Crooks $15 1825 Beautiful Dreamer My Old Kentucky Home By Richard Crooks $t15 101150j Cossacks Ime IPrarcr filthrin jI fgle IAImIeriganl Come 10 al loolrs$1l5 I182740ld Black Joe lslathngilgogiimxv115 One Alone It has becomewiecessary diie to reduction inthe amounrof $f purchased poweccvailable to issue the following notice to municipalitiesiand direct customers of the CommiisiOri in the ISoutherii OntariolSystem avaut 7liilivelifi1871948Ijclndpounding until further notice the daily consumptiozof INChours shall be restricted mama mum Wriiitailnriimgimhamc Woilld of the average consum tears obsessional kilowairhours in theQImonrh of ouch 1947 lltllTltiitiligiefiltfmtllftimt lstitatlilgtf tilt till it This reduction shall not apply to usromers iMrs Devall and Mrs Baycroft lact thatthere has bee number WhOSe P9Wr SUPply was Interrupted by rrhe cammissionIin Ocrobergl947 to the exrenr of 10or more ofnormaldenurxg R60FlN7 Pmmpt Delivery ir9mI9urmStock swift Per lilo Sq FEEITII ite Sat Co LIMITED BARBIE our TPHonicl Men Mr McCauSland Elwood oIbreakiiis absummerplacesa all Gould and Jack Aitken sum up to the fact that the people who are paying for this shot are not getting value There may be other parts olthe beaches where St Clans Bakery rcmssw 11822 Rhapsody InBhlemet lAnttII TIilslsIqien1porcry emergellcyiarisingfrom subnormqlfIrciin commentator mm53mmpfmfggegggwggl all laserurumn whichhas creed two of themQuebec power patrol would be failamount for Minpr afullstime man livhowould not Sruzo the wIIorltr in slitCillghis ottIIterI busi Iklouy IT nesIse swivvou on em Lj anzo as iterate use aircrew ITllIlsrestriIctlon will he lifted just as soon Iuslcircumstoncestcir TomlinI milundln themecntlmo all consumers must play theirfull ByBSPPSrh$l5o not beseen Him the nearest point of passing as no systemof check ing these services is adopted 12 INCH RED SEAL By Richard Crooks 3135 ivrr osonPo or lzleo ps mhsilm Ritual Dance of Fire the cottages aire not called on regularly by the patrol and can Bread ICakcs it nailRollsfalsosold at VansPastry Shop Essa Road Phone 4881 ForIDelivery ServiCePhonv4l70I violations in Summer aswell as police the heavily populated dls 12448+llien1l oven Tannhauser Fe Mung tricts II saving By Boston Pops Orch $15m Roads Mostly Open After 8me Following the storm Saturday dashwhen No 11 highway was is 1190 La Belle Helene Overture Pm and halted tBradford and adv ed to onsider returning Innisl own ship roads were mostly open for If fherIIspecicd reduction inIcorlSumprioriol electricity is not 32IIowgagsINIgaglggggI obtained willbe necessary rocur off the supplyol electricity $225tl was parity lled butwas entirely for denite intervals of time cchddy wherever the ARE HighwaysDept and traffic II pushedf open witIlIlIIa Illnulldozer and open utilises onaymotning Over ten thousanddollars haS SP belng 377777 ill malarialme rowan commotion or oilillllto considered unsafe for traffic by Bylaw Demetri156 well opened but there is still time toqddelenty of costs yet Mashw been spent on Snow plowin1 so can 132mm gapqu cotrm BETH at far However the roads had IRONS other

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