42BRONCHllDA COUGH SYRUP lltllliilJAY FEBRUARY ll ltlill 4v4 MW as to and so 000 THORNTON Newton Robinson 8m 50 Roodsp andsBrid es 095 TENDER0mm MORE UNIFORM PAsTnv is itiir iii ll Nolan PU SlklleV hi folii miLo ll liitu slitlll the Lune West of To iin1 lltl flirltfl li Luca II Lil with his parent mother on Sunday Ml KIUlll TNUHIU 5pm ir tlis Al Mr and Mn ll tanker and 1H dgis m1 muuwri lll gtRlll Suntan filiidied l2itlultll to Brainmite at Clcc Li liiiiliil the aeeraiid byllllmuly 15 xulimd tlcraddeii in the death of thy Il opus mI Innmzn tlotiizt IMAItIeral imIlztiv nittntleti the broth In EdIIIIImIIIIII lab Wit livasant lll their lll nan itiu llay ltaei gttllt lll IIIIIIIIII riy Iljl Valiiitiiie llonri Head Film We HM ll RID Slill itiwil run oi 01 ii mliihlhl town tll last week II Til tillllI llilllltll Ill llt skin MD Hint ll 13 IIHIIIIYIH ailiillliit ltllliial It lite lzillil IN MI on it II IoI II xHHl M1 llI MilliWm View rngLI mid ikgllpil 1111RI Mr and Mrs Burke spent St Hm ILJIIL ll til Filllll slh jIIUlllfttll writ IVFCRHNI II FI INK tin131mde IIl JUIIH iaas her lillliljivtlLlrlll cai Quip Miss Doris Banting iroiitu II II Andrews gavr Iriiiity MIN pp Luce mmL Espent the weekend with Mrs Mis gI l3lillIAlHS VD lid lv Slilll book was IIIIIII Wills IIllI Lil Ill Ililsulp and WI Huh IIHM and egunpbrll Ail l3 Illlll ll Illvllllll 13 lulu lull RIIS iii en Weilneniiu aittinoon Roll mm mm Ix WI ml and from Stony lllliliri lot 24 ll II III Janina social tall iepone ii ttl of Scripture mph mm II II up Itltlllolu isited on Sunday at in motion of Llessn Tract iiiri 31 il HI IlIl ItllilliI or oier tlic tiiiillillilll llie Ultl liici MI Wm Akers Mac the price per llillll pilti to IrIUT Id illl AllA iiplil of the Pitabyttrial lixecu Tm mum 1m 1m sImImm Monday evening the pupils of Inm cilillluytd by the lime Supt IlnHii mini IliieI ArIllinllilI mm dun IllLl night was postponed owing to N0 IllUMll ikllllntl Pill as lillii Eiadei Emmi fillilll illilulxlnlldu SUPPW filli uml lillill it Ull llnk or tile 11 other laborers Title aiii liagwi Mrs Wist took ilieIlizgmuggixgulmitml 111i it Byard Donnelly and Miss Edna II to iIliiIiI tiliII IiIIiiHlS loiililll study chapter Mrs rose In mm Dixon Toronto spent the weekend III Clerk was IIIIIIIIIIIIILIIII III IIIIII loroam ans tt longiirzl quilt top aiIitl Iilltlld lll Mr and Mrs Wesley Hallieit AdDOmCIIl tltt fioiii llt Fice lidl an ml Hm LHH Lonn lll quilting llltl on an Mrs ie orgziii LSi II iJoan illltl Petey HIliilll World Day of Prayer itldili in Spout the Weekend with Mr Idhillktllui gfIIM illinuliufl Mr and Bi Hindu on lllltlllt will WW bottle llitil lziuiihter illx ll ml lls MB 51311 HIFL Will 15 Sum3 iiivizlimv liiiilili WATT was held in St Judes lmseiiieiit wuwx Criiigratiiluiions II Tuvsday morning the tcmptlil flm mill ElllllI11I part in 2mm or Air Home Ill II Him llllllllll Mill Visitors nt ris Lcnnoxs lUl the llll llll IOWL l0l 01 llllsIldlllllilml rll lll England and Liz airla EllLqu lUU WAVIVI FROSIVFD 8L harm 55l0ll by IWtlllilltl xltltdllli Lennox and Wlmlv lll llll thllllomeler ll5iil Mllllltllxlllllv ll llitVt 011 whose birthday Lotti naiipriiwi tunninctiuiii Mis Bob my Misc registered 32 below tilred ill the Library of all gtclinul$ on Hi 13 um liliitl Doggett and Miss lrene Barlow MI Lmnox and I101 IRWIN Mrs Frank Robinson has rc gnuiutvmhlpIbumper 1131011 Mushroom rieniine 5t Hayfield at HUfsh 3874 Ilgtroiitoaiil Mr and Mrs Bruti mde purlV Sound an HI tilt Clcrks ellict will 11 131 Ralph who are spending weer Eek 50 Ml her Mrs toiincil was waited onby the lo tllI atteznIoon when the cliiriiiiii With her mother llmk Rubnrlsoll lice lrustccs of Elinvnll ml in MN Siiiillili Tm tioiir ltlll gurur and lllie Scripture lesson was read by vL iMrs Geo Holt and Mrs John II Qz thimpson gave short address on Wtiy to liayf Mrs IS iIJoggett sane The Lords Prayer Iaiid several women of the three Icliurches took the prayiis WelcomeRaiii in no ters started to drop and it was BEAN5III u4wl IV 10 mm mm lllllllllm lllN ll Chll inc Patersons Seven answered up and able to be out again utter Campbell Wilma llaiisiordI sliding around Some whoI were in SICCVS width 9DE the ltoll Call by naming Indiani being in bed for while with llii Iiiitcd W315 Sent ISOV lOIIIltlIlll And DGIIVGTY 4Illziiiili had llllltlllll in getting mill llii mm high neckline is and Eskimo residential schools iInt llolly WA met at the church lastl The United IWM niIct IrhurstIiaN hman IIIm huvmlmI iliioiird from leiiiiie prctesed Canada The Bible Study Davtd Wednesday with Mrs Dyer its alternoon at rs IaIzi iiies witi oulckly Relleves Distress of IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III SIIIIIII IIIId SIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIn LI MIMI lllchI1IhI1m Outlaw was drmmmwd by MII 05st th 01 in members goon leltlltlillltl lht IstiipttlloI morning the ice was well covered my load want of white chaii Sloan Margaret Smith and Sliirlcyaiid Visuors present One new was IltiIldI by Mrs BiirtIiIn iglrsi Ki lZlwil it or wuhsnom Itsth dnnmg man 11131 HHHImLI MRI Brooks Mlb Christian Iwas in llltlliltl was ieceivcd Also ill Iiniti it til II charge of handicraft tooling 1011 Mint was one of the older liltfliilitlsltCltlZilNS lilhiil showed that 11 Phone 4130 To ESIlmJtcs urday morning and by the after noon real blizzardohad develop ed Meeting For the Young Peoples meet ing on Feb the program was little Vaironoi up each nostril promptly relieves sniflly stuffy in charge of llielina Pearson Mrs John Simpson gave paper Why go to be lleathcn Thelma told DroP distressof head colds mlmbtl 0i lnlClellllg NC llnrrv Wiliis and lriyin Elliott makeSbrealhmgelmr about South America Wilbert 5mm mpgimp their homes lCElISfm WW WOW Fillll IRW Mr and Mrs Walter Iiessman Also Ilele preventmany Mr Doggctt told of the origin oi of 001m VIIHMZ tisiicd at CIbi colds from developing if used in time Try ltl Youll like it Follow directions in package Viciis Viimo story of Two Missionary Pigs Edna McCutchcon will be charge of the meeting Feb 213 social half hour closed an enjoy able evening Competitive Prices and Personal Service Y1331ll1MeflgtillltlHills in muoblrd Group ley lt low Ronnie laxtoii looz Sing ml FHHI but tin IIIImlAll Illillllil 1HI1III The Bluebird Group of the 1A February lli Mrs PiTxtoIii Mrs Ilill MadiIll m1 mm 72 KLS met on Saturday at Miss Cathzir Glad to hear that Mr iteiiiein Margaret Mallill Mrs task lad For Free the Bible and Marion licrricr read 11ynslws III II and Mrs Ronald Trew Trenton spoke to books few games 31nd lunch Iiwerc enjoyed and their annual vestiy meeting fol lowed by lunch IilE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO UANADE The WI Euchre and Bridge on Wednesday was unite successful lOver $2 was realized towards sending boxes to Britain Iwo rinks ol curlers attended the IIliiivale bonspiel at Midland ledncsday One rink Ilairi son It Reive ll Sturgeon and Browning brought home third prizeblankets reputation fioiiiItiic liedeiatiozi ul lilfltlLtl in ycdemzp 31 ll Moi iI hllllI litlttl lll company to oranges Iiuclirc Winners The sitoiid ttltllh if lin irmtI was llill on lXl ll With 111 tubas playing liit winiiii were lardI ies Mrs Paxton llis li Reynolds loss Wilma llaiidoztI men ll Humor rxliiio litiii iiculiure STE Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered requested grant of oneI iiiili of mill on llleitlltll l5gtt ineiit of the Township of Flos box Ill groceries had been sent to England to family that has lieciiI delicious supper lilrs lliinter Thornton and her laughter Mrs McQuay Mrs 101 articles was served by the hostess February 16 Mr and Mrs laiiies Darby spent low days in Ioroiito 43 Mrs Ilciiiian Iiow is visiting or son and laughteriiilaw Mr of Barrie on reading Miss Audrey the Gray YPU St Johns mild quiltch on Wed on lhursday evening had damn GlililllN 07 reg 20c KLEENEQIR Sodium lciboiatc reg 20c tcrcsting games and delicious in LAXAIHL YIcgctablo Iabs 10g 17Ic lunch Closed Inwst emolblct MINERAL 011I1cg the DEC aringI ROCHELLE SALT reg 15C 25c 19c Mrs Boycs was hostess at the Spts Sweet Nitre reg 15c 25c 12c WSpts Caniplior rcg 15 2I5C Spts Ammonia Aromatic reg 15c 25c While Einbiucatioii reg 29C 49c $10000 iiiCASHGiiILeiLAilay Weekly Specials and Reminders 6r 2T Thursday Friday and Saturday February 16 Donald Kneeshaw spent the BRAND SPECIALS iMiss Jeaii Robinson Toronto lwas ACETONE oxicg ltle wcek II ASIRIGENI Mouthwash 16 oz mm 491 The Giltmrl toting People silent very eiiioyablc evening CALMINI LOIHON 10 Zac with hmkstnwn and Bradford ICIIERRY COUGH SYRUP 01 reg 250 IYPU last week The program was Valentine party with an im CQMID IICORICL Wilde mg 20C promptu debate on The New Look is more mceting ol liltord WMS on Feb TheWoiirlliiyof Prayer service Iand Mrs Frank Kcll gavean in visitorasnrImuNeixtlys this lo beiDcsircd thanl the Old being the highlight In 12 Mrs Lorne Ncilly presided was conducted by Mrs Hughes vol All You ultimo lcrestipg talk on the fHaibits and lit JUNKET powiiriis 11C iiiiiiiiiiai 39c 19c Lbuaw Quality BEEF swarms or nonsrs iioiirriiiiousr smioiiiwmulb Boriiuss iiiiiiiiii BISCUIT SDECIALS EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19 25 MEAT pRiCEsEEEECTivE FEBRUARY 1910 21 SPECIAL initiator 236 sum 5mm STROUD lOILAWS IONYIIGG on ciiiiiis TOILVEGJ CELIIY GIEEN PIA VIG cut IG lLllS Monthly JACKPOIT IPRIZEOII Lurisz II 9MIDGET QUIZ Full details on entry form at yourvIDA storcr 5B1XYEHTASQEiRiNT dbli11lll29c79c w50c February 16 m1 noxrwssrmsr runs Mrs ltIiiiiIiox Black and Blythe 201 NS gIvcrIiItIIII Sunday Iwar Toronto III lg pimps gouging 5mm 33 23EII PRIME Riflb49I amid91W2t1$ lm Wm us STEW gm 19 iriiiioiiiiainrn till swriirwun PICKIE at 23 CLHRKS PM BERNSINTWSmut 31 gm msr mt Ms direiiiwliieliiiecsndiuan of they CLERKS SOUPS IOFLOZuTINs 156 llPafIlS vth lied 1811 ItIiIn EHEESEIWIIIOLL IciisAqur iouAiovIEGiAiiE cum oxiAiLcousouMEscoicn nommusunoou II irIi ay nig it sppnsore GE rtitos IIIIIIII III lb COLD NEEDS bacilliifgilhigfivl Mill marsTEL in 52 illIMEllllEll PLUM iiiiii mm mm diam BEEP LIVER Slices 29 igigsiiintlniiedflvgdbsifiin7 urn sirm lsci iioriii litlllrSEHIlLli noun0mm 375 NW HAM Shawl 1b 79 13133 Us 25 iiuiiiiiiiio riiiiii EiSii 45s SKINIESS WIENEBS ib 37c Reoiiiiiindcii ermine gildiringugwezis lgnc HANG CHOICE llIlLlIY Jill 96 PINExIcoiJoEIIsYBuP 49c SPilHlllSIIBEMEDYV VVITAVAX CAPSULES Medicated IWool II Soothes pain niirayIIQuicllt II flief from chest coldsllumbaI gov neuritis rheumatic aches and pains iiiSoisiibV 3250 $700 ti CUSDEh DIAL 3710 If14 ELIZABETH ST BARBIE rs hBSled 23nfrlawaslb dew our 77 gloat FL TEXAS SEEDL itiiislatsicosahedral lle ggglglgslup 23 GWERWE 25cj an wri $235 hig aggwi rimcotnfrwww III Sumcx APRICQTSInmm IIAIVES magiII 315I mast3iiillyfaiei lullll iiiiiiuuiis iiii iiiiiiii has to orII aonI rayerser II 2rdFranciscansiii llll99xriiiin ciiiziisr 44 SEEIIIESS iiiiiSiiis comm 37c EmileZPw 15 um Arms itgsrfsiisiaziisrili viciucm axing ideas IIillslllSK 4121 IlLIKiiiiiiiimiI ii1 355 Ivrugiggigmggggn gIlican and United Societies pre It cwuur HPETER Ni 33ij acted and theibeautiful program 33 WSELISCTED ONT now wasitcverntly followed through Hummus Flt 19 WAKE 31 to gt BUTEBHYmW 21b ieiadaring JIIIiBAiutan SANDWICH SPREAD imnpmnms wm is 43 f7 Zik to mehatI may 111331735 spent dancing to Imusic by the lVIulholland Orchestra 9517 77 MEMO MANZANIMIBWI39 WUWAT Tunirizakiorrnniiccrrox CATELIIS SPllGHETTI INTWTQSHUFF aims th LGEIPKGMZ ei cnnc al in exas on NElAerEXASSohd Crisp Green Heads QciiiiiiciiiiivPiciiirsj szii Exrna FANCY no nunSIZE 163 iiiiicioiis ruins 239 113 BULK IillLLEll HITS furitii irritation us 20 2cnirru4urrsrrmm ii85tc Lordand Mrs Wm Campbell gave veryIne address on the words of Frances Havergal Lord um IiliEPl friitigiiiir 29 41PillMtllIlvJiiii Iciile Silv Wedding Anniversary II if atelier VB =iiai2i as 29c P09TS BEAN HERBS 19 71$ if LE my gig ggdmggiagsgggs SUPER SUBS uttiiir 31c DEVILLED llllM Summons 15 am lbs27 Andme We offer congiilatulations gt Slilgn $355533 wruggegoodm llllVlS EElllTlNlI 17c AMMONIA POWBEB snowiim SHEEN no anniversary last Saturday IDur ms lm GRADE Basal iligghriuriilingilioilil rfiirsniimi SP SPIcuuiaii at nfighboIrsI calleIdIIIang IIsteIrIit BillI I106 STEEL Will tcI 5c REMxlclggILIERAKgLQEg 165352 taming exieediggiy fill CIISIIIVIEIII TOILET PAPER Fiat 19 weatherconditions that afternoon LOBLAWS sacral Ifriends IfromITorontto and VI II III IIOII WHITE II aca33273mraertzra IBJDLQLABHBIA Jllililz 57 SAUCE 215= mom with in as far as Churchill Many beauti CRACKED WHEAT ful gifts were received tokens of the good wishes of large circle of friends wishing Mr and Mrs Booth many more happy anniver saries lllililZ BABY LOBLAW GROCETERIAS co LIMITTED IltltlllS mm 393st