Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 20

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PACE TWENTY ALLANDALE RURAL HYDRO USERS MAY ALSO EXPECT CURTAILMENT fillt no lllllllllt institu Mls Jat 110m llt yet been issued VJvI fig lIciin liricnian manager oi Mix lh the Rural llytirollertrir Hi mirv lice at llarric said he expert munh rd there nould be curtaib Iii3 It Intn1 oi illkt pomrhl iiii socmi ll stirtlzstrlt iv neck It IIb If TA Ll BIN prtillll1ll LINN rou sunrrrs Hill 30 miles of liar xM If me are served with rural in IUI UL tiro potter Most of these ton my 11 LT Ii Hl sumcrs are farmers lint than aier writes an Iris were longed for aii1rsIrclil Ittiitli Ljdthu mu in NIH ALHTIHHI It is the intention to Iiolil Next Sunday alivirzeorr Meth rl held at the United Church com niencing at 13 pm All lrurch trltliilllilliltlligt rise expected to trt ttlitl the sertret tlttlit with large consumers regarding the bums of interruption Sc tee be ilui ton orial Iiunibei of th church congirtilh trons ttllil litrlllti oi the women of the lltiet tlitlitllt was litltl at Burton Ave IIirtetl liuieh last Friday afternoon at which Mrs Bell Mrs John Steele and Mrs Nttitli511lilll piesrticti Mrs Sritetiiurst sang Tia Lords lriry er tiller Iiitl Mrs Shear gave the address that followed the theme of tire trierting large number attchticd yllitl is rttrsrlrriile mini Lady Bowlers Izntcrtain atom Ch1 lire Ladies Lava iolrh blur my HII haul il of Allantiale entertained at toni Hm 175 mm Ii ntumty llotlsr leo ll Iit Melts ml dnwlwn gt II Bowling iuo 3le and CNIIA oil is devIeIoprirgg riitii ii tllil 5m ficials to banquet and social LMHMnnl cvetiing lilitlilt was played and MW Hm mp prizes awarded to ladies lst Alis IISHSMHH mum Hmwm Walker lo Mrs Magee inch Mm Autumn Ist rli Alaalltttts lt Alli Ste lit AHMED II J1 mm bugle iiitrtetroh Nttlltlil lilIlltI lt pays to read the Adicts Why 11 Leading Staran lead drururrrvr of the tlllliii emps The Email Ira thili err three more haulers oize hies irrirrzuter nd taro SiiiilJ tILIltiitltls vn lad rvisiiraj to IlUtll the corps and of ltI outhrtir the band may if gt11 by reporting to the Sea iitlll Building adjacent to the armour ies any lhursdayvnrglrt SLt lioI lodges is recruiting officer New recruits must be years ot age Iii smile eases BEANS for boiling Blown it to LTD Phone 2435 his etlrrcational tfttaittieatrohs are above average andhe is over In height his application will be considered Barrie February Specm Piece Chesterfield Suites rewcbbed fin $1495 Three Day Service FURNITURE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Finishing anti Enamelling Free Estimates imitfnrnitureepairr 74 Henry St IEARRIE Piiune 5048 WATCH FOR OUR MARCH SPECIAL For des BOYS TWOTONWLANKET CLOTH WINDBREAKERS SALE PRICE des WINDBREAKERS and PER rRASRgng $850 SALE PRICE Roys WOOL BREECRES 777Ijeg0450to $550 IRE5 Boys Leather SKI MITTS Reg to $2001 ifiipggr ENs Blkt Cloth WINDBREAKI ERS In Wine and Yellow Green InnaYeiipwReq$995 SALE PRICE Meat HEAVY WOOL WORK WINDBREAKERS Rg695 $895 $575 to $495 Iii if l2yearmid boy applies if Men tSALE PR1 I$IILEPRICE COOKSTOWN lili illiil II and alltl Ml li lr Joann 31 and ielrctitl It torne Rise ttl oi ltll ollrt ilit runs Iriltui tIitzrelr rrrrri rim gttltlt are IIHIIL ienrrrrri llali Queen lier thevrh Splitter The rector Iror at ltlrris is welcome Itt llclicl larcel Sent Iiipound parcel of clothing lillIttl iizr ttli to Lana ll irarrcri oi huichts ior re rrrroad Iirrs gathered by rir stowri triitctl Iirrrelr lgt Ilttgtr Itiiltllil rs Airs lltli oirAtchison Klarired tvrmn thurelt Ii liltii Helen Doreire Toronto on Feb llev ll Manning Ateirisoh daughter ir and lrs Atchtson ttrmlrsiorti to William loir Iyourrizest sun or Mrs Morr and the Illite lorr tirolistortn Death of Walter lrlcan Walter Alcflean passed away on Friday February ti at his home at ltookstorvn after all illness of liittirtf lilttllli And several months lie was born on tUl 10nClll incrnbcishi lll Septenttaer III hear ltrrlli iations there are health inspCC thb Oxhrio Schozl Trmtccglmdl illtilitliSllle the so ht Ill tors most operators do adhere to Himnrs Assochtionl md 11ch Immi ml Plancks lov Dunnlhls Mr 1I0 Ub1llilu005 Asmmuon Thel without autirority from the Board Winston Emmi Mr will lms 11 weakness of the whole setup as 1li1man br Sinchh wag lp iin this connection it was pollith the farm hrs grantiat ier oJLaInett Ullmn MUmNS md the rhyme Iliiiir tire rowir in ltllO llc lrveti In pointed delegate to the OEA conIm that km the farm on l3 Tecumsth the forruer their to iied lot 2i ton in 1929 he rrlarried lrnhie lC lludson In politics School for Food Handlers Barrie February 1819 vtnere until Illll when he moved to lhorntoh for short time arid which he All AltIean was Conservative He was liltliibtll the United Church Newton Robin lllE UAltllllZ ILXAMINIIR UAltltlE UNIAIIIOWCANADA truth lZil ili upon it you ki11 ti it gllll tiil tr eup lp lit live lrrr bit iltllltlt erIn=drv ttlitii in tairv liltiili equipment you to tell It at rl hirti trit rating rational insti endoil after ti revise rohsumc fwtmrttttoai restaur lilr in upper on behind re are at all vlltll practiCe tin can only IEivi Singers and it however will see tliriilll service III Lill kXIllS ICIIL lirlttll mild nor am lltiiiitltit depehd hunt rrrte they are ire not the MlblthC type it traritl tune being been Finger urarily on llit Intruders and truir rtrrr ui stici rliltls mother chai rmi liltt us as detec it the unior you may be tell whether the lady had hair If vou own laboratory would also be able had throat lllt lllli Mir Hil seires oi itl tuberculosis or any one of num Ier oi infections course the arhairctrl detec ie vrII l5 till such inspectors and that most operators to their best to observe the regu Iatrohs the salt health is still far from satisfactory the elliciavlsi trained viii Atk lipstick scorn anything as obvious lie lll lliillgt as whether ow tha guarding it is implied It ti I10 heres in tie BOr ted iti reasoh lliere are restaurant rcgu 11 mu admitted bywoperators and health inadequately lies with stalls concentrate the cartrtss itlrititl pat of butter on public To meet this challenge the liarY 33 Board of Health is sponmring Lil II 1131 lrt einltloylLZsim ilmis ullllglllbllllllt GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIrTs TOYS THURSDAY FlillIlUAltY lit 194B fd that the just sititreSS attitude ipted by SO many people be vied and that the employers llit ies be encouraged to IE Land thctr jobs as important in llt held of public service Classes of instruction will improve their service liestaurant sanitation and work practices must be improved But to effect worthwhile improve OIL REATERS $335 and 3500 WHITE ENAMELLED ROASTERS $l25 very special buyindeed SAl FAILS AND SPILES SYRUP THERMOMFZTERS SPRED WORKS WONDERS ltlll is cooperative task It in The superior washable wall patnts One it5 PIWCCv 011ml Coat covers most surfaces Dries in 30 LWNUS 50 IOSCS minutes Covers Wallpaper Cleans easily sponsrbiiity rrpon the public lo discriminating customers word of advice Dont meekly acI eept sloppyx obviously unliygicnrcl tltlft Tell the manager about it You will usually find hint llslliiliSlblt type of business man who is alert to public criticism rrSlANlillY SllAlll CSlthI Leaves no after odour Qtiarts Gallons $47 Dont waste time on substitutes If man sets out to irate all the miserable greatest of case CHAIR CUSHIONS 09c Gully covered and lieavilypadtiigwm FLASTIC EGG HOLDERS for 69c Red Cream Grccanellow ENGLISH TEAPOTS plain decorated 98c $135 $200 $225 $250 $295 to $350 Sizes and Clip PYREX OVEN and FLAME WARE CUP PERCOLATORS litv It Sinclair ll prei ltltd over the monthly mcctrng oi the llarrie public school board the plate with tork or whether at Victoria School lirursdayi site had run playing butter fing tzigirt COLOURED BOWL SET $370 11gtsm TRANSPARENT BOWL SET 4$140 mwnw MW miglllt deputation of teachers headed ROUND LAYER CAKE DISH 520 him IWMII1IHIII 31 ll 1C by Mrs Vera Wildrnaii prcscnted OBLONG LOAF DISHES nunwmc 960 PM DbI IM me brrci in which thev put forward 96 term min the lilttitr Hum rm mqucsilng salary 110 thtl WU Itioicst this is ridicll schedule increase The present CASSEROLES 670 74C 810 5110 $1315 Ious llltt we are told that there pmrm schedule is from $1200 to Knob and Pie Plate COVCIS are restaurant regulations licaltl 53pr The Olmuriolqcachomv 10 deratron has recommended sclrcI tale with minimum of $t00 and maxrtnum of $2100 for public school teachers 98 104 DUNLOP ST Hosntal vcntron winch is to meet Tor Dlsmd Memoull campaign been committtc ha Ililgllioi ligcgggrl Chmmn Iscnt to all public school teachersl Secretary ll lteltI was appointed delegate 10 began Apploval haul Olivigy 10 for anything 0150 Whereas he cart despise them our and all with tile HARRY ARMSTRONG Law King Edward School attended the ntceting and recalled that permis sion had been granted last year for school safety He said permission had been ob tained from the parents QDRREC COOK STOVES Special $3750 ALDMINUMROUND ROASTERS sr2 ROTART RICERS foi cacti $109 WASH BOILERS Copper Tin and Galvanized VI CONNOR is the Washer Supreme Make comparisons with any other all other washers and youll arrive at this conclusion Theres More Value per Doi iar in the Connor young woman cairie into our store the other day and sard My mother has had Connor for years and Want Connor No other will do creatures he meets he will not have much UTILITY TABLES $350 white with red green and blackttint GLASS MUSIARDS Plastic Cover Completc with Plastic Spoon title SWIRL CLASSWARE CREAMS AND SUGARS pcr set 300 COVERED BUTTER DISHES 25C LARGE FRUIT BOWLS 206 FRUIT NAPPIES for 305 TEA PLATES are for 45 BREAD BUTTER PLATESE for test DISH DRAINING RACKS 50c and $169 The better ones are Rubber Covered FLOOR COVERING rllz wide Lineal Yd $139 $169 v9 PHONE 2801 Victoria School lie stated that the little kindergarten children could not be seen behind these snowbanks and there was danger of their being injured if they dart ed out in the path of car this danger would be lessened if the snowbanks immediately to treat principal of atrols to operate Of the lirzrron of Bond lead taking been asked for and given for boys and girls who provided this VML The the SrlVitt 215951131 ROV 310 luflgar Iromumonl plan whereby all pupils in thclscrvrce brrt he wished to have of the schoolswuhitslownwdcd 15 Igt10 Th mm isclmols be given the opportunitylclcar understanding regarding re Board of Works or II Tm oppcr ot sharing in the erection of the Sponsibility in the event that one in this regard pallbearers tliantler Iienry John Robin sTin and was also Past Master of son Fflloughlon and Jackson Alashiile Lodge No 230 AF rll interment was ruadc in St Johns motion was passed advisingI school principals that no school equipment could be removed or new Barrie and District Memorial Hospital It then went on tel Suggest that each pupil be given onto and one brother John Bradford Reg$525r to 685 SALE PRICE Mens DOESKIN Navy Brown WORK nWINDBRE ERS Reg $450 SALE231 Mens Matching Airiorce Cioih RRECHES and WINDBREAK ERSReg$euand $995 SALE PRICE $795 Mens HEAVY WOOL SHI AK 359 $495 from the Masonic Lodge NoI 236 the United Church Newton Robin The funeral took place from his son II and from friends and rela late residence on Feb with Rev lives on all Merchan ISmo sale T0 4AND ALL 3T5 Iebl9I teleb28fiiiclusivc Reg $175 WWW Reg $125$150 SALE PRICE Menls Bldc Reg Mens IIIWINDBBEAKER SMO Rel itsMoCKS siSRian HiIIvTINCCAPS 98cv ts $325 SALE PRICE OTHER MM Reg $275 Reg $650 to UNLINED WINDBREAKERS in pop lins andITwills Reg to$650 SALERRICES $395 mzzsugd $113 tIoIiIPANrssizesbq 81 SALE PR ismneids Red Label SHIRTS ANDIDRAWERS Reg $295 $219 ThursFeb19f and runs fridayaturday APERY iCHiNTZ Reg Price yd$295 PLAIIED Reg$l39 Sale sate Reg$475 Sale Establish 1905 of these pupils was injured Trus tee Charles Newton felt this wasl In job for the police and the cliaitu Itswrung to charge of gratuity Held hour he hit his wife The trustees were not in favor of ai for funds which might of the pupils on their work in the schools but no other appeal that might include an PDQ financial campaign could be held embarrass some and Cured FORjSpCCiaISaIe List Few SuggestiOIiS eri our Large Assorted Stock Starts DAY Ladies PLASTICRAINCOATSI LadiesivINYLIIE RAINCOATS RegS595 ISALEPRICE NEXT WEEK LadiesSMOCKS Green Pink Reg toiaiSRLEVfPRICET Germ BRAS Beg$100and$l2510r19c MisssilU PERSI ALE GirlglUMPERSr 6581014 Reg $250SALE $1I9a Grits CREPE DRESS Reg $2295 SALE Childrens CoRDUROiI SK Reg$225SALEL$Lz iShortCORDURIOY PANTS Reg $1195 Sale$149 II pl Pi 256 Ritz00 SREDUCED roita on Wm nlun ll RegSI25SALE Bunions iiifi nigh osnowbanks near the schools be particularly SHAG CLOTH Reg yd $2 SALE PRICELMLW yd $1 SALE1 SEERSUCRERIReg 856 Or 696 FACECLOIRS LadiesWOOLSLACKS 5435 BRIDGE COVERS Reg$195 Regj69 SCOTCHDQWN iReg39SIILE 29c SATINPILLOWS SALE PRICE i$149 Reg$100ior uitam Shari PANTS ALPINE CLOTH BEGI79CSALE ilMoreau killed Tiltiiil 085233 historianasshas la italics Zita MinUM Im 191 10 mild1TESIIOREmil23rhgiin thatIIo such permission had been authority and responsibility for ju 11 101mm is survived by his wife one ton Permission1 named for 17w LgmntedlwJ lieBoau on traffic patrol Qlllllt lskecglifsm Isister Mrs Frank Wilcox lor Floral tributes Vcre received Junior Red Cross Corps to carry principals Were to be so adwsedw Trustee Newmn SDORC of the $301312 MIereThiehthe mum and packs the sludge IhChIioned squares for disposal 90 Flowered VOILES 45cm for 25 for 918cI for59c and 49C in odorless m0 Codains Reg $500 Rg$395 Stale $259 Reg$35o Sale$249 Reg$219 Saief $179 1sa1et3395rg 69ciSALE ChildsIKNEE SOCKS fIReg 35gIsAgE BabiesIENGLISH SWEATERS Reg $125 SALE 98c Ladies LEATHERMIITS Regssigoos$1953 at $13915

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