the THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies AJINOKILEO A5 SECOND cuss MAIL to DEPl OTIAIA 85th YearsNO ROXY Houst or HITS Attention Theatre Patrons Owing to the power cut off our ma tinee time will be ROXY STARTING TIME 110 PM next starting time 445 pm continuous GRANADA BIG MORNING SHOW At 10 AM NO Matinee Regular Prices Next Starting Time 445 PM FIRSTWITH THE BEST IN BARBIE Another Thrilling OutDoor Story In Gorgeous Technicolor THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDA ovasnows 6558 9PM an More More Enduring 11 it IIIIIsIsL PtttIIIIII Llj IV DX IIIIIIIIII McIltlSlR twattitan with REGINALD OWEN Charles irwm Bosed on the Nevei Bob Sonof Bottle by Alfred Ollivanl PLUS CARTOON NEWS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DIANA PROIIUCIIOIIr Ptoducefand Directed by FRllZLllNG TAUNIVERSILRELEASE iEvI1 snowsmwaa ALSO 0mm ADDED scRiENTREATSI THE VARRIELE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Electric P0wer0f tTwo Periods Dain ThroughOut Barrie Yesterday afternoon all electric power in Barrie was shut off from 330 to 415 pm Commencing today all power will be Off daily from to 945 am and from 330 to 415 pm Every house every industry every service is included in the power curtailment However the Royal Victoria Hospital the plants that can carry them through such periods When instructions were received from the llEPCfor Barrie Ito curtail electric power by 7000 kw hours daily PUC manager Salter called an emergency meeting for Tuesday even ing Chairman of the PUC Robertson Stewart and tlig Mayor met from to p111 Tuesday and discussed the matter thoroughly All members Of the commission realized that the curtail Inciit would cause great inconvenience and would mean pay reductions for industrial workers However it was absolutely imperatch that reduction of approximately 10 per cent be tirade in the daily consumption The orders from HEPC had bceri toreduce in Barrie by 7000 kw iioursydaily In order to advise all electricity consumers handbills were rinth Tuesday night and the following Wednesday morn lig seven PUC employeesset out toicavc one at every home and place of business before the first interruption at 330 that afternoon The hydroelectric power shortage has been caust by the dry season last Fall in QlleCQNIlOlll where this section of 011 tario derives its electric power To avoid disturbance to industrial processes as much as possible it has been arranged to dispense withthe morning interruption from the Brock St power station and Bradford St and make one onearidalialfhour interruption at 330 pm for the present Mr Salter stated that an effort had been made to have electric consumption curtaifed voluntarily This had had some effect in industry and in stores but not with householders year ago household consumption in Barrie Was 693000 kw hours month This year it hasbeen attire rate Of 745000 kw hours monthly On the other hand industrial users Were able to rcduccl from 395000 to 339000 kwhours monthly and stores curtailed their power from 480000 to 472000 kw hours monthly The manager of die PUC said if liousehOIders Would volun tarily reduce their electricity use by about 15 per cent it would be possible to eliminate the shutoffsrw few weeksago in Orillia it was found necessary to shut off power foronehour periods three times day HoweVer when houseliOlders recognized the seriortsriessof the situation they began to cooperate frilly aridthey are now having only twg intelrruptions of 15 minutes each day vo untary reduction in the use of electricity it will be possrble to reduce the time of the interruptions in Barrie week Rain last Friday causcd dan gerously icy conditions on the roads and highways but continuing warm weather eliminated this For the first limo in many years MHXimumu andminimum temper tiicrc was no January thaw but alums during the 13851 Seven days tiicrc has been thaw this past were Electric Service INTERRUPTIONS Orders having been received from the Hydro Electric Power Commission that consumption of power must be reduced 7000 Kilowatt Hours perday in Barrie alone until further notice all Electric service will be discon tinued IIittrtsiirit rrriiitiiriiris and Following Days From to 945 Om and From 330 to 415 pm To effect the necessary reduction the full cooperatiOIi of allcorrsumers isnecessary SUBSTANTIAL VOLUNTARY RpDOCTrON ALSO IS IMPERAIIVE if we are to avoid additional periods of interruption BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ruory Thaw Reduces Tons of Show and Ice srcOND ANNUAL THURSDAY FRIDAY SATLIY TWO SWELL FEATURES YOU ACTIQNPACKED IIIIIILLSj III cINrioror not it llriii InaJ hum Evesshovtseas 595m EXTRAi WARNERW NEWS er BIG FEATURES MONDAY rrrTUEDAY WEDNESDAY llltEEtE MW anti Plus Musicalltrco1ti5WiIh HO cvssmwsg new BEENWAIIINGrORI Sprl jj 1a Clirb79 Wednesday March j23II PMoind 800 PM Ensemblcsby Simmons CO Jacobi Graham The Betti Dress Shoppe Harry Tvvissi Evelyn Tuck Stransmans The Kiddies Shhppe frown Talk Shop Zellerls Ltd Shoes by Walkwel Shoe Store Jewallery by Reeves Jewellers Hair styles by TheBeauty Box Salon Palmers Hairdressing Cosmetibsby Cusdens Pharmacy Flowers by Harris Flower ShOp Boulderfel Greenhouse REFRESIIMENTS WILL BE SERVED TICKETS$100 Available from membersof Soroptlnrist Club only HURSDAY FEBRUXNY 19 W8 73 iv AM1NE1R Sectiori 3Poges l5 to 20 Who Hall and the Bell Telephone Co have emergency powerm waumymW piuurcs of them pictures Ive ever seen Floribcl MW Halwad 01 Uni of the Icri BOIch Cm tlKl lino Reilly one of the Nut NOW at POPULAR PRICES man is 500001 US ROADsnow ENGAGEMENIS er RANK presents payamid THE FIRST PICTURE to BE GIVEN ROYAL OMMAND PERFORMANIET RAILWAY JIGGIIR BORROWICD nu arm with ith HUNTERanI MARIUS IitIItIIIiI gt WuIIen PlodUCd and Directed by MICHAEL POWELL and EMERIC PRESSBURGER Starts Monday FebQ23 For aleull Week Engagement danger pSOROPTIMIST 77 jigger was stolen from shed at lilinvzile and was recovered the following morning near Pcnetang Mohday night Ir gasoline railwayl CAR ROLLS OVER Approximately $250 damage was caused Monday when an autol driven by LorncArcher 17 Elml valc left Highway 11 near Guth2 inc and rolled over him pQLLUIHI was seriously injured The acct dent was investigated by lrov COllS Gatehouse COMING EVENTS Dance NcwtoII Itobigison hall Saturday Feb auspices Tec WeGwil Don Giikcs orches tra 81w Stroud Eastern Star euclire and crokinolc party Strortd Hall Wed Feb 25 830 sharp Good prizch Admission 25c tlht Bazaar and sale OllelllC cook ing Orange Hall Elizabeth St lBarric Wednesday April 21 Bin go at night Auspiccs Biuc Haven LOBA 1129 8b Wednesday March 17 St clat ricks Day afternoon bridgolaudt evening dance Masonic Temple Building Owen SL Barrie Aus pices Bayview Chapter Order of the Eastern Star 8b Attention Oddfellowsl Midland Lodge IOQLwiliiconfCr Second Degree On class of candidates in the Oddfellows Temple Collier St Barrie Tuesday Feb24 All Oddfcliows are urged to at tend 8b Motorcycle riders and enthusi asts There willec meeting at Earl Bains Motorcycle shop 53 Collier St on Marchlst at pm to organize the Simcoc District MotOrcyclc Club Anyone inter ested please attend Girls in cluded 18b Valentine skating carnival and broomball tournamcnt Saturday ROTARY CARNIVAL INTERMISSION Barrie hockey fairs will have an opportunity to see their favorite players in action dur ing the intermission of the Skating arriivai to be held on Friday Feb 27 Present plans call for rcsprcsciitativcs from the Barrie llycrsBarric Colts and the Barrie Lions to run off three heals and final race to see who is the fastest skater without the benefit OTII hockey stick Plans are only tcnta live as the teams arctrrow on tcring the playotls and sclicd ules may be altered but it is hoped that all three teams may be able to compete and add local touch to the program OF DINNER visitor25 llio Barrio Chamber of oin Inerce have been fortunate in scv curing one of the best speakers int Ontario William McCulloughof Hamilton for their annual dinner meeting at Club 79 next Wednes day evening Feb 25 Dinner will start at 630 shaer Tickets are $125 and may be Ob lialllCd at the Chamber Office or from executive members The din ner is open to all business and pror lessionai mtll of Barrie and any guests they may wish to bring rlhc newlychosen Iiiariaging di rector Bert Ilill of Toronto will bcvintroduccd that night and the results of the election for the board of directors wili he an nounced Reportsfofvthrltilil work will be presented by committee chairmen IVWiJMcCulloirgh has been ac tive in Chamber OI Commerce lgeb 21 Midburst Community Rink Good music new lightirig system good prizes lunch cOuntgr receipts for purphaww lights Admissiom 25c andIci ANNUAL kj Iiidustrial As much as possible work for some time Ile wasvscc IIMPERIALI NOW SHOWING rand Ncvai WWQIIQ fealofing JANE FRAZEEANDY DEVINE STEPHANIE BACHELOR murhgmnumor Ilill llllllll IIIII llli 800 II III PINES 2nd Hit Feature Web arrange Adele Moria Bill Kennedy WDcrmidn OFlynn OWING lO POWER SHUTOFFS up 230 MATINEE ON SAT CONTINUOUSSHOWFROIILIJS PM rctary of the Hamilton Chamber AuSpiCes rink committee Totaltl for several years and he is present lybconncctcd with both the Ori 8liiwCzinadian bodies He was lforincrly managing editorbf The AT ONlAlth BONSPIEL Hamilton Daily Spectator and is Three local rinks are attending at present director of sales for the Ontario Annual honspicl in Tor large IIaIiIiIIOn firm onto this week They are Huh it Barrie Chamber of Commerce MEETING LArcmh 79 e3b OUTSTANDING SPEAKER gfflUBKEYPINNEB er Avoidllislurhancelo Procsses it has been arranged to dispensdwitbdhetrimming interruption on our Brock ShSIIIIOIINBHIIIOIIISI and make one 9112 hr power cut at 030 Apmyfor the PUBLIC mirroring commission vicvcrarliBa rrichOpicLlrieard jwill11+ bdg TELLOSJCeHZIVIermi iMcCullougiirspeakinTownto dur Meredith sk Mel Ayerst Os mg the war years when be ad born Gibbins Garrett dressdiVictory Loan rallies He is sk Tony Saso Harris fOrccful speaker onewhose rc Johnson Kennedy sk marks are not forgotten All members of the Chamber of Com Fine commercla printing at The merce should make it point to BarrieExaminer Please order iii hear him farrahead as possible ip OPENDAILY LuNcIIEoNsssc unsung 7DINNERSJ5CvGNCLupf9 DANCING41 Due to previous commitments for WeanSdaycvenings Variety Night with Riiissgrelghtonardllibe discontinued until after March 17th WATCH YOURBARRIE EXAMINERFOE NEXTDANCE FRIDAYANDSMUBDH ADMISSION$135 or The 91115 be open afterF