PAGE rouurrgrtt mum Mutual Life President TOR ROADS IN THE EARRIE EXAMINER BARRLE ONTARIO CANADA New Appointment EINNIertIWP Ill isiil Cullit rezIiuon Feb with all the Ineizibers We tlrllttl to iive an Le of $110 0110 tor township jLai When the bylaw lilo batter is passml gt lIl of let Dept Ill entitle the Town cent subsidy from of per rpmId levy inuld be con airuni tov plowrn so that Lords for general road work rnt be depleted as wirsthc pear IION SEEKS GRANT Ray lioituliced Robt Sinclair loiiti llltl It SIaipkin were li 0115 IIesiiieiil of Mutual late oiling ada who lifltlitgtgtitl lllr 7tli auntml GARNET 1031 ewly appointed representative for Central Ontario for the Intel nationai Varnish Cornpany Limit ed Mr Joby well known to the paint dealers in this territory for the excellent job iie did of allocating theavailable paint sup plies to them during the difficult war and postwar years He has been in charge of the Ontario Supplies Ipartrnent of the com pany for the past 11 years IS tth til lillll be given We illLltl our field stall in oIIIy lilltl need more equip hc HAY AND It lllilllllu ICiLgt tillttl report III laue ro iAaricultIital toIIIet it Is not likely that tarreage cedcd to in Ilrlrttlll II 1o Cour1 gilllin tir LUVEII ee 1013 JIIII men to Inee all the calls riltl IIl ltlaii lleytty Reeve Eldridge asked if tir til let ilHIY of the funds were used to chase Bass Lake Park Mr if Iotliecd replied in the nega lwttive saying that small deposit Ilill individuals came loan Now Bass oopeiatic has been formed finance and handle the Eltjrtl The Federation loan will returned ir Lougliced ex plained that the policy of the Fed eration nonpartisan and and Il Ivi ittilt in the township was voted exterz of tlzc Llt FEDEILYIION GRANT $700 was voted to the Federation although Coun Covati flavored having it include the oIicfifthrriill which would amount to $870 Ollilellitlf of the liiiiisfil assessor tiie membership fee for the Assess ment Association was paid $25 pllfl it loaned depenii ItooII tau outwi warm ffarineis in litsicrti Chad Ilecule Ho return to silfstitlILIeIicy II the ttlmltltllogl of feed jlililt IN votiio be an influence between taprtai and Labor III lodd spoke briefly and Ioted that the small amount of IIIZlLIliiliui mill in an assessment could hardly be resented by either iltl1tl o1 other ratepayers llic gaugntage of having Mr IIarinanis two in Ottawa was worth Coti tliatr it had ever tvi stderabiy more tort he thought ltubi Campbell asked the lrsual train of $23 for the South Sinicoe Crop liliplIWtllleltl Assn ClUNlT WEED INSPECTOR Herb Dunn wccd inspector gave talk on weeds and suggested nore determined CITort to keep the weeds under control Dalton Len III was plCoCllLv to ask if the lowiiship would consider coil DO women tired to suffer somothcrs urc often asked One mother writes The company nurse recommended IIrradol was granted to the Crop Assocn Upon the suggestion of the Clerk II was decided to ask the Dept of Lands and Forcsls to prohibit the erection of boatiiouses 011 break Iizitcis beyond the Waterline PARK RATES DOUBLED The admission rates to the park for nonresidents arc to be doubled for this your cars 50cj passengers ontrucks and busscs 100 for adults and Sc for children Rates for camping were lcftfor further con1 sidcration ihOmas Donnelly superintendent for years am Iiounccd his intention to retire Reeve Lockhart askcd him to re considcr but he assured Council he did not intend to carry on further request from the Royal Vic who has been IIIUICIK RELIEF IFR0M when iniwdau litcr fcarcd she Wonk lose her job because of time lost each month Now she loses no timeand does not sullcr phiri or discomfort needlessly Paradoi is the answer for vorrien who suffer each month Quick relief also from head toria Hospital asked payment Iforl medical supplies to indigent pa ticnts iii that Hospital ainoyiintingl to about $87 This was agreedto COMPLAINT RE SHORE PATROL Jas Leonard complained that he had kept watch on street on his tract for spraying lIille would buy sprayer Capable of handling roads as well as custom work for reimatan le ounczl to ask for the at ran for the Il of the in ri Iiieetrriit or tl1itllltltlgt mid at Elm mlud outlined the Work Ilriloo OIL Iltttistia Im itiitgttitkt and suggested that the could he made with council to insure sonic revenue so lllllll it Iwould be advisable to purchase Ithe larger unit subdivision and found there was RAISE LABOR RATE 110 CV1dCllCC of SIX CUltElgCS on 116 Love Note to Girl Said to Have Given Details of Robbery Wanted by Ilcrictang police on 11 charges of housebreaking and shop breaking five youths of that town were rounded up in lOrontc lhursday night by Constables eri rth Harris and Robert Keycs of No Division and search of one of the suspects uncovered love let ter that boasted police say of robbery in whichsllii was taken from safety vault while one of ii the gang acted as Iiightwatchniarr The letter written to girl friend in Grimsby told how one of the group had made friends with the Iiiglrtwatcltniari of lenetang lunir her firm and had volunteered to make the rounds of the premises without remuneration because he had time on his hand While he was touring the plant it is charged the other members of the gang broke open vault and stole $277 With this money tiicy went to Toronto and blew it on shows bird enterloiiiment police claim Constable Kenneth llorris young war veteran was patrolling Queen west on riiotorcycle at 1113 pm when he observed two youths who answered ttic descrip tion Of pair wanted in Penetang for licuscbrcaking and shopbreak Iiig Ilarris and Constable Keyes grab bcd the suspects and took them to lliriidas Street Station They gave their names as Leonard Lacroix and Francis Valadc both 19 After ques tioning them the officers proceeded to aUGranby St rooming house and arrested Emerson Maraclc 17 They kept the premises under surveill ance for an hour and were reward ed with theappcarancc of Raymdnd Lacroix 17 and Gerrard Le Gault 18 They also were arrested Evcning lcicgram Icbruary til titliss Dorothea Lecs and friend from lorontosncnt Saturday at her hoiiichcrc Mr and Mrs Cockburn are both under the doctors care atl time of writing Dal Slcssor spent few days last week with his sister Mrs Keith Sanderson Lindsay The pupils of 55 No were en tertained Wed afternoon to Skat ing Partywby their teacher Mrsl Ness All had good time The WA will meet at Mrs lIar vie IBOImcys Wednesday Feb 10 Mrs Bidwcll will have charge of the devotional period Roll call proverb reading by Mrs Slessor lunch Mrs Lees and Mrs Harvie Bouncy All ladies of the church are cordially invited INDIAS EXPORTS UP farmers provided an arrangemcnil The labor rare fOI1948 was setvll9FQhRVIHngceniatilcddup mg the winter The matter was ichtIwitli the patrol man for inves ltigation IUSE OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE Representative Knight poin aches and neuralgio pains The name Ilr Chase is your assur ance Carry Paradol in your purse titrcnnsrs at 30 cents an hour for man and Tire an hour for team Members of Council were named as delegates to the Good Roads con vent with it allowed for exvl WES A150 30 ASSOC of Rural led out that the piacrng Of caicrutii Mummmmies chloride on Ithc broads should be the requgLof the Strand carefully studied so that it cati be brantli the usual grant to libraries placed lo best adViIlige he terial should be in stock and up Iplicd when roads were being grad giravci and do Consid0rably better service The costs of storage will be well repaid over the system of spreading direct from car on arri simply to hold moisture on roads and Deputy Reeve Eldridge asked if it would not be advantageous to put calcium on earlier in the sea pm outlaw Home CLEANING sverMs No Increase in son He was advised was best but some should be rclt served for secondtrcatment Clem urecn or 9th line tasked Council to have apiece of street ice house Iih question was con sideredand tthc ratepayer advised that it was matter for his own expense Reports of committees were read Indias exports to the States now are almost 100 per cent greater than they were between 1035 and 1938 ed 50 tihat it would merge with the val lhc purposeofrrthckcalcium that this opened to enable him to get to his and approved As there waswom sidcraible unfiirished rrvbusincss Council adjourned to riieLat the call oftheiRcch 77 BUILDING INSPECTORSHIP motion by Deputyfteeve Eid ridge at the January meetingthat Wirfred Stewart be appointed building inspector came up again of discussion arose that Stewa termed aSsistantto the building inspector and that the clerk remain inspec for the assistant Terms as Low As 5600 Per Monlb Buy Now and Save the 599 Excise To neareliversWilson February 13 Win Knight spent few days mtii his Itilltlil ill loronto ongratulations to Mr and Mrs lIarolIi Wanlcss on the arrival of brother for Allan The friends of Mrs Iinr Chris tzan are glad to hear she is show ing signs of irriprovcrricrit Mr and Mrs Ernest znd Bobby were Sunday iSItOrs at Mr and Mrs itobt Arnolds We are giad to welcome Mrs liestcr Flemming and Donald Mathews hlr and Mrs Flemming have erec ted Servrcc Station and Grocery Store We wish them every suel ccss In their new venture The Farmers Group gathered at Edgcbrook Farm the home of Mr and Mrs Waiter lloward good attendance Wesley Scott pre sided Monty Leigh outlined briefly the Coopcratitc Bass Lake project This project is in its iri tancy and appears to have bright prospects Moving pictures were enjoyed and refreshments served by the hostess Next Feb 23 is at the liorric of Mr and Mrs iIarry McWattcrs Alli PROBLEMS BETTER KNOWN The great improvement that has taken place during the last 310 yearsm relationships between the public and the railways was noted recent address at Montrcahby Gardiner general passenger Irallic Irianager Canadian National liailways before the Kiwanis Club of St George Where 40 years ago the railways were regarded asl opcn game with free gunning alll the year round the public is nowl much Iiiore sympathetic and has better appreciation of tlic railways and their problems he said COLD WEATHER WILL NOT STOP YOUR HENS LAYING Ir You FEED 51310 10rd Tiff1 rtlre Basket 99 Itibuildn up health and supplies the nourilh ment from which eggs are made Va ofururlas fr021 Fur Sale by Jones Allcnwood Brown 10 Ltd Dennis Fidler Sutherland Cookstown Cockhurri Store Fred Webster lilmvulc Allan McCandlish Harrison Bros Ilgchil Eatstion to cover the ground work vhiic Mr AllanI re mains IIISDeCIUIfW Deputy Reeve Eldridge amend eelh Vivimotioniaftcrgtheccmcm bcrs felt that this procedure mightbe bestfor thc first year am changing this although am not in agreement with it he concluded OFFICIALS APPOINTED bylaw appointing the various officials for the year Was read and passed Some changes were made in minor officials The clerk will notify thesc oftheir ap pOintment The salary of Miss ary Sloan was raised to $1000= Theplanof property at Lot 10 and bay now owned byR Stewart twas placed with VCOunciL for approval The Clerk was instructed to make certain suggestionsas Out lined by Council previously so thutheitOWnshipToadTmayha access to the water direct from the 13th Line Upon receipt his report Council will further consider the matter motion Was passed to ask for tenders for the collectionyand dis posal of garbage on the Lalreshore areas ocIAIrYbiereanihg Buy new Eureka Home Cleaning System Choose the model that best suits ybur needs Ilic upright or tank model Theyre both worksaving modern miracles and what they mean is new kind of action fur you Wait till you see how easy and well yOu can filojalt Your earring with at new Eureka Heme Cleaning system Waittlll you bee how they get every speck of dirt out of your rugs dustiind cleanevcry nook and corner lean Venetianblinds in jlys cleanfurniture dcmoth your clothes etc pray paintjand insecticides tmirror polish floors and do 101 other jobrubout firehouse all Better Factor icrgtbaijr you ever Ithought possible ml Better allerthun any other cleaner Barre Time Save Warle Saveloursei Clean tho tuck Burrito Cleaning System way TO SELL BONDS Victory Bonds tothe the amount of$25000 heldlby the township on Which some borrowing has been done were ordered sold After sell part now for penses balance to be sold it and Burn rvesI uri Spiotile thought opinion they should not hold any of the tiixpayers funds otheft that set acide for new equipment of some discussionit was decided tQ current ex when the new road machinery ar the bonds sho Id be hEIdand borrowed on while Reeve Lockhart wasof the audjltarrrateadjusted accordingly 7sffrqmmbmmllmll Brad Plymouthbriugs you stillgreiitcr safety With PlyniOuth SafetyBimthels itis allo for tire totwiat or pull off the rim in the event of liloivout ISuper Cushion tires with 26 more air volume at only 24 pOuudoimuxiniuniipressurepiovidtraiiaofter air and cooler running which lessens the chances of aiblowout Thecomliina tion of these new tires withPIymOuth safetyARim Wheels will raise thcprcsent stand Remember all Plymouth models are equipped with Safety1 with meeting THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 1940 SUN 13 YOUR HAIR Sunshine Is benecial to hair although the actual reason for this undecided it may be the warmth the seicntitic effect of the various rays or the added vitamin which the sun actually gives gronth and healtht But what ever the cause It is fact that sunshine gives added Vitality and encourages the short young hairs to grow quickly catching up to the luilgroitn hair and so making Your whole erop thicker Sun also slightly bleachcs Ilittl So if you want to emphasize your light iyou Ian excellent vitamin for hair ltoncs et as much sun on your ossrble FAR51IIRS ADVOCATE hair as 1947 Record Your EMPIRE LIFE Sound growth in nancial strength and security to policyholders is reected in the Companys oper ations as shoWn by this summary from the Annual Report Insarance IiiForce $77869577 Total Income 2767566 Ncw Insurance paid for and revived $13264578 TOtal Assets $115757426 51N6E1941 Plrnibut ovilisvihiiei Grieves 314999699 Fitter VgproviedbyPIymouth SafetyItimWheels NOIvwihtlrndw Sripei Cushion tires as STANDARD equipment ongall mOdels st impossible 77 Policy Reserves $13414835 Payments to Living Policyholdcrs and Beneciaries 972920 Surplus for Protection of Policyholders $71529089 Copy II Annual Report toil6 mailed on request INSURANCE COMPANY KINGSTON ONTARIO Bradford MANAGER RIDDELL 60Tarksiilc Drive Barrie Ontario DISTRICT kartvi 43 zit1 warmers barsm fPlYMOtiIWS LAND isurrirycusutou IIIIES ards of safety in niotOring Rim Wheels andSuperCushiop tires at no cxlracast Look Of these Features New Safely Hydraulic Blakes Falontod FlooringPoint Engine Mounting 01th vibration oNow Storipthb button on durh SafelyRim Wheat for blowout protgcllon New Frontow Sway Eliminator Allstool Safety Body Naviilody Guard Bumper oHotchirlu Drivo to curlilon rtortingv and NaomiLightweith Aluminum Halon Wearrublan SupIrflnbiiod Pam Now Guiollno filter BUILT AlsovvSOIdftil1d430ticeBy IN CANADA Chrysler Engrucis have done wonders to cushion their cars against upond down shocks left Lateral or crosswise shocks tight had never been satisfactorily absorbed untilGood your produced Snub Cushion tires Pil lowlike Super Cosh ions soak up intern about and give surprisingly smoother iouahioui odjride IhfNO rxuiA gcfosr