Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 11

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19 1948 lfhorJugll repairing There Will be meeting called 111 1tl11duy even mg winch the public are asked to takicua iand d1scu5s the advisability to noun kitchen and ial1 lhr Late Wm Buchanan iruorn Slice the ladies of this all dicep lSli thc Viimcmiunuiuty Kare mainly alertsled 41A of the 112111 of 11 the heatmg and kitchen fuClil Xlllilatt lAlct 111 Meal0rd gtLes it is hoped it goodly number was to or Lefruy and 1111 be present to Voice their wish gigvzcnuii 111 1t1itti with 111 of esIR hlt phi41ers in THORNTON llluli an His tesii in Canada Eltlt 11 tile iit Srver Tehoi Repairs to Hull 111tte for lllLl li1ii are al Clllfliiiii itspd the extclmte lf iorkl per 11 done to le unilth Somei roars tile gt the property if the old lilllliit and er lt mm Mug sage OllLClllllla Simon lttCL Mrs iv1 the tiustees itrltlfi the hall to 111m 9090010 an Liking Jew ciimriiunz tn the hope it would Addie appmumon lo Mrs 11 Horton for 20 years service as fl1 el and liloleiiicl ills WM Mn tlcasuicr of WA was 1cd by hits Carr and silver plate was pre itt 1llllt1 llLCLJti commune my mw Hm WM rented to he by Mrs MLCulcheon Plans for quilting at Mrs llal llL tul lml lta of tls14cdeplcs herts were made for lucsdav it 0111 and 1111 niaigcs it has been mmwd icltl in the msl was decided to buy gowns for the week is mw undergo choir and have them In preparation for the 50111 anniversary 111 the Fall $80 was voted itowards help ing with the work being completed at the Parsonage Mrs Spcers HSSISlCd by Mrs Simpson served adcllcmus lunch Everyone voted this good meet ing with splendid feeling of cnthu 51215111 and cooperation indicating good year for Trinity WA Thornton Ice Carnival large number from the sur n1rr Trinity WA Report drs Jas Speers entertained 13 members of the Trinity WA and visitors at her home on Wed New thoughts for 1948 centred around important Men of the Bible The itson wzs faken from these words Create in me clean iicar Mrs Simpson read pas by the following Ladics comic costume Barnic Cartier Mens comic Dave Luccsco Ladys fan cydrcss Louise Spccrs and Lp cillc Done Jean McQuayic11s fancy Art Black Jerry Castle Ila LMtCutcheon Oldest couple Mrs McQuay and Art Black Boys comic Bill Peacock Girls eomic Charlie Reid Boys Fancy Kenneth Black Bill Peacock Girls fancy Evelyn Black Olcnc McQuay Youngest couple Wanda Gethons Gary Simpson Clown George Fry RACESObstacle Earl Cunning ham Donald Gelhons Boys 14 and under Bill Gethons Bill Peacock Girls 14 and under Marjorie Fry Vina Frederick Mens open race Harry Adams Bill Adams Ladics opcnracc Jcan McQuay Lillian Dulmn Carmen Downcy brought the largest carload from the great est distance James Henry won the Lucky spot Thornton Mincsing and Cooks town played broomball ending in tic lll bctwccn Mincsing and Cookstown The prizes were donated by local citizens After the broomball land the Judging which was done by Grant ILMayor Barric Mrs Simpson Thornton and Miss Jones LThornton the rest of the evening was Spent in skating for everyone aJ nousn PLANS AVAILABLE Mcicmii f1flflflCanadian housing unitswcrc financed under NIIA in 1946 This gure surpassed in 1947 Housing Act approved designs are how available to any person iXho in contemplating building Infor mation may be obtained by writ King to information Division Ccn fral Mortgage and Housing Corn lporationNo TQM pipes and chimney at Dow ing Ottawa Thursday Club Organized ngpgy Half Sick tCQnstipgtion tinny be the offender liminlfm NR lablcts relieve headaches sick feeling duero irregularity Thorough icasin action Work ovcrmg DR Ta lets are allvegetable Two strengths NR and NR Junior 05 late coated or plain 3d 2250 $115515 LOMQBJOWJJEI OSTLESS TODAY Tjiirltlss Hereis householdriecessity thatihasnt gone up in price During the war andpostwar years of rising priceSrhe cgst of popular types of 613 Lainps has been Original couple Helen Fry and Ed was The National 3346 dose for extra mild action Choco MR AND MRS HENRY HUSSlZY tthcformcr Adinc Seagram of Barrie returned Sunday from their wedding trip to New York City rounding arca attended the ihorn and Bermuda They are taking up residence in Leasidc Mr Husscy ton Hockey Club Carnival in the is on the staff of the imperial Bank Arena on Jan 29 Prizes were VOIIllusscy whowere married in Barrie on January 24 are seen starting carriage drive from the Belmont Manor llutel in Warwick off for Bermuda THE iiARillE EXAMINER BARN thiAlllf CANADA rwnu inn Frederick Edilz Henry l1ltll Vllr Givasna Mycxs and Couch Rev 5111 Dr Gordon Gallic Dr LatMc Limited Little Canadian Breweries Satan ii 1lt1re Miss Sriglcy Jones Grand 2i loy Limited Standard Brands Ltd Parsons Zellcrs Smith Nephew Ltd Roy llicklin Perry Bali Miss Lillian ii lclguson Miss lcdlingliam Laura Lucas Mary loncr Lucdle Gibbons Betty Lorna McKnight Jean Campbell babel Campbell James Willis United Cigar Stores Minnie In the above photo Mr and Mrs 1111111111 laughter in loronto Miss lsabcl Campbell Toronto 1153 home for the weekend Russell Canning spent the week cnd at his home in Washago John Andrew of Toronto visited his mother over lch weekend Frank Dixon spent the weekend lli his home in Richmond Hill Mrs ii Simpson few weeks with her ncphow in Bairic llev and Mrs Murdock left on lhursday for Montreal after year with their daughter Mrs McFarlanc Albert Handy Flos had an opera is spending mmncr NMrs lnhli Kitton itin in HUM Federaliml 0f AgliCUi gt t3 F1 ldcred to Mr Chappcll the group Ben llandy son of Mr and lrs hon for appendicitis in If Hos pital Barrie Saturday night Among lioscfili hospital Dawson Clutc is patient in St Andrews Hospital IlVlidland Bobby Beard sall son of Mr and Mrs Vcrnc Beardsali ill RV Herpitai Barrie Mrs Blain taken to RV Hospital Sunday lhos Allen in RV Hospi tal Barrie Oliver Qucsncllc was takch inSfAlldt0iitLSUiilfitlt Moo suffering from moiioxidc poi soning contracted whiicdrivmg new plow lircmcnsflallctl Out Thursday OnThursduy fire alarm sound cci between and 10 p111 the pipes and lllilllleJlttlllf home of Lawson Robinson being on fire it was put out without turning onlhe hose Friday about lll llll fhc Talk on Farm Business The monthly community meeting held in the school on Gordon Bcswotbcrick was present to show the films and these were enjoyed by all After the business was concluded Cecil Chappcll was introduced and spoke on Farm Business He stressed the need for farmch to kecp accur ate upAtodafc accounts and to con iuct their farmsin businesslike lure was After vote of thanks was ten enjoyed tasty lunch prepared by the ladies February hold social evening Friday Fob will at the home of Rev and Mrs Bunt Angus their boxes ifiitLAGrcn fol ContmLutity Mrs Croydon Mrs 01 Campbell Rose Harry Norlo Lamberts Bakery William Jacobs Gibson Marian McCorkindalc iNcrome vhlycrs No Mrs ll Sloa 1c Vance N1 Cameron W111 Crossland tMrs W111 Crossl ll 11 Wood Ltd Patterson Mrs Calder Noble Mr and Mrs Bcll Walicr Pearce Dr and Mrs Fleming Mrs Lloyd Mrs Archer Wm Craig J1Tulcl1inock Mr and Mrs Ted Barker Miss Noriiic Baker Ncsbit No The Community Club dccidcd to McCaw Mrs Quinlan It being lcap WantMiss Elsie Cloughlcy ilit men are to decorate and fake ilook Mr and Mrs JJLAudJUIch held skating party at Thornton Nonthgravcs rink Wednesday evening Feb Afterwards thcy journeyed back to Goldic VirillilelihTU the pubishcdi BAltllllI llltlt 130 37 00 IU 00 i3 Oi ll 800 300 000 20 Elli 30 300 iiUJ it liiJUO Hats Brataic Bred larkhouse Giorgiannr Richards Singleton Hall 20342 3300 2500 15000 iliti 300 i000 271450 2300 75100 30000 25000 Limited Tambl yn c8 lyQIUILYQlLIPI 8888888 llray 41 88388 43 Roach Curtllt 12000 3000 0000 1000 300 10000 20000 2300 500 2500 203 27100 2300 500 5000 3000 100 50000 2500 100 200 300 2500 1000 500 500 300 300 8701 Sloane 8702 Rainford 3305 Mrs Bates lurnbull the home of Mr and Mrs 1P Ford Mr and Mrs Chantlcr when about sixty roast The February meeting of Gren lcl WA was held in Mrs Percy Fords Wednesday Feb with 714 enjoyed weiner Partridge Mr and Mrs Beaver Scott Mrs iGlurencePrriuce Lcnnox present Mrs Walton in charge Audrey Sarjcant of the devotional part Roll Calli was answcmd with LSuggcstions IAt ihc first meetingr of the Lad ics Agricultural Course 111 the Parish Hall on Jan 29 Mrs Hayes presided for the election of oiljccrs as follows Pres Mrs Rog Ber was appointed an tram 77 ViocxpixerusVCcciLEmnch Secyllcas Mrs George Dickinson Publicily Mrs Jos Dycr Hayes2511 add rcss on citizenship and organiza lion lcn members enrolled for the courses which meet each iursday until March 74 Death of Mrs Livingston Mrs Alexander Livingston tnec Margaret Elizabeth Locke passed away in St Andrews Hospital Midland on Feb 1048 She had been in poor health for year Both in Flos she spent her en tire life in the community She wasrrdaughtcrnPrhe talc Mr and Mrs George Locke and was mcmber of the Presbyterian Church Left to mourn are her husband one daughter Kathleen and three brothers Hugh Locke ot Forgan Saisk Joseph and Silas of Elim vale Thetmcul scrvicc hold in St Andrew byterian Church on Feb was cothEdWyRevi Burgess Interment was inadc in Elmvale cemetery and the pall LWWMM oiwAlexi Guich 99011 Woods Lloyd Murday and IrWin Locke The beautiful floral tributes were expressive of the esteem in which the deceased was held and the sym Lpafhy for sorrowing relatives and Present at the obsoquics were relatives and friends from Oro Barrie LAngus Holstein Coiling wood Midland and other places The Late John Thompson litfailing health for year John Thompson suffered stroke on Jan nary 23 1948 as result of which Lings entertainment consisted of itllrs WScott HerbSparrow Wil he passedauzayat hishoine in Elm Vale on February ler Thompson wasboin in 1879 in hastings County son of Mrand Mas blin Thompson ln71911 he Not only have priCesiVbeengrearlyI reacted but quality has been imliroved The light output per wittf is now greater Youcanbe confident that when you buyGE Lamps to IyreducedbyZOtofgs Went 11101100 togIilosvwherc he farm until 1929 when hemoved to the village 1He1w01ked on the high way 17 years He was an Anglican and 3aConservafivc member of AFA1M Elmvalci Past Master Vof Waverley District LOT On Jan at Avllenwoodghe waspresented with an honorary certificate for his continuous room rship the L0 fdnyrdouiborwigb for jlgss inane 20401131 1939 152540660WATTINSIDE Fnosro LAMPS 1111110111 GENERAL ElttTRl CO onepj50yearsrv Left to mourn the loss of at husband and loving father are his wife Ethel Venomone son Mal coln1vE1mvaie and one daughter Gerald Groves Bernice Stayner one brother Marlin Thompson of Thoroldj also sur vives The iftuicral service held in Wy cliffe Church on Feb was largely attended and was conducted by Rev Stubbs Interment was in Elmvalc cemetery The nail bearers were Amos Bell Russell MrcElwain George Smith Wesley Laniglman Albert Bell and Harold IMadill There were many beauti tutoral messagesbfsynlpathydand respect 1RelatiVes aiitl1frie11ds attended from Belleville Bloomfield TWeed Allandalo and Stayner All Barrie Examiner subscrip tions are payable in advance stored by throwingbags over beans on how to make our WA meetings more interesting Mrs Clifford Harris favorcd with piano solo Mrs Percy Ford read poem The Ladies Aid ers Donnelly islanf toi Flowcrcgnvcncr The March meet ing will be in the forinof sacral 87V Huddlcston Jean Marshall evening at the home of Mr and if votcn cntcrtainiirg their husbands The Groirfcl Federation School Friday evening The even Heartliunfv Jerry Donnelly win ning dance in which Mrs Everard Har ris and Donnelly were the winners short mceting was held The new entertainment committee are Mrs Donnelly bur Walton There will be meeting in NOEl7 School Friday1 Feb 20 Speakers Stewart Page and IlVllereahyp also moving pic lures er Lcahy will beat 55 No Friday at 230 with moving pictures for the children nun at the Skating Party Norine Barrett happened with serious accident anWedacvening Feb at the skating party at Thornton While she and girl IriehdaNornia Brigg were skirt ing they fell Norine cut her right leg almve hrknecfShe WzlSr 1L1sherrtomhewarHospitalB rjcp where it was found small VEilfeTy had been out and sherrwrasivvery week from the loss of blood It requiredseveral stitches to close the wound Sne wasable tryreturn home to her apartment in Barrie onLFriday Her mother is spending whilewith her All hope she will soonbe able to be out again SEED STORAGE 0N FARM vitis desirable to leave cleanedi seed in the bags until seeding time says JD MaoLeod as this reduces handling and lessens the risk of contamination from other seed Damageby 1nrce can be reduced piling the bags in single rowswith no crossing send separating the roWs with jlath or strips of not more than half inch lumber to prevent tipping Piles shouldibe accessible to cats on allfour sides As precaution sprinkle area around nd on topof bags with sulphur Qunziqunautities1fsr=ia1niay be lathebarn or in availelble mouse iproof containers such as old milk cans Do you spend your nights tossingiand turning 11amcs Smith hold Trask box social and dance in Pine Grovc Graham Mr and Mrs Robt Hodges Miss Joycc Allen There was lucky SpotMr and Mrs iMaitland Enid Coleridge aluminum11 1111 A1111 011mm Mildred Surjcant Laurinc Sarjcanit Porter Elsie Stephens Robert Blancy Willliam Bownc Roy Newson George Sturman Aim Lennox 00 Hospital Dorrations NWmiu mu Fird Grant Join Dalt ilalold vLittbC Congo Mrs Join Mr and Mrs F31u111bcrson Jr Nick Wakarw Harold Bell No John Hunter RUDOH Steve Chomolok Steve liganich Mike luranika Gertrude Koscy Wm Lucas Loclthar Family Knud Peterson John Faris ll Grccrson Airs Leonard Ross Steve llnydczak Gcoiircy Diiwney Leslie Dimitry Vakara llcrbert Baldwick Mrs 11 Andrew Cumming Tlciford Emery Mrs Hodgson Wm Wm Mrs Jane Pratt Ernest Caston Wm Bert Ctston David Maw Wallace Brown Gordon Young Ltd Vern Walt lcrry Adams David Miller Burton Robert Lcadlcy Eldon Beard Orval Dash George Hubbcrt Kenneth Miller Harold Gratrix Walter Cook Percy Frankconi Luck Ernest Hankin Geo Davis Geo Davis Elwood Jennett Banting Rev LISimmon Gordon Cochrane Claude Banting Harry Smith StanlcApplcgrtU amcs LNchermott Alvin MiiCS uC lJohi Kuryk Cccd jlbsori ikac Spears Gaines LultiCL litgrtdlli CeCLi Spe Robe ii Bert 31CQ11y ll l1rlsh lNNlSFll 10 12 00 3001 1001 300 1000 LUCuS Banting McLeod Kemeny Kcll 1000 100 1000 171 200 930 RLld LllliSuilt Herman iluntcr 1000 1000 1300 23 01 100 00 1300 2301 2300 7100 00 1000 HST GW LLI MB 00 200 300 idi 3000 10001 Jchnck llubbcr so Flcgcl Reynolds Cill lillliiUCii vrssrm 300 300 10000 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 200 100 100 200 100 200 1000 200 200 2300 1000 10000 10000 3011 1000 300 500 300 000 3300 3100 1300 3000 1000 300 1000 13110 2300 Thomas Wilson Fcrris Wright Bell Bell Pearson Sheffield Coward Iatfon Grcavcs Graham Gi lmorc Illlaw ESSA 1000 5001 2301 60001 2500 3000 1500i 1500 300 00 itltliklirilt 300 John ii Bishop Wm ii K111 vlchlasic diebrook Jan ha All ll Loi he Lvlnirxliclng the 023 88888388 furnace mum are ltiwtltrllsltitlilil damage to 1lnty llit the 1111 iiishinrs were llllllttl 1n the SHEARD Dressmaking Designing Phone 5145 Barrie 82 MARY STREET Upper Apartment Unzted Church Hunts lhe pipe oSgan and much of basement 103011 1000 Need hotel frontu 1000 2300 30 4000 100 500 7300 300 1000 2000 Carroll inton All Burrie Examiner subscrip rxons are payable in advance WORLDS FlliESi 300FFEES It in bedunable to sleep Doyou get up mornings tired irritable and without an appetitl If you suffer from such condition you will nd Milburns Heath and Nelle r111 than helpful This is why morcffliadsix huntilcTCaiutdfianf Aluminum makcsiigood hair curlers and hotel frontsp it is light it is istiOllgei cainnot ruin companies are makinguseful and beziutiful things ohthis versatile lactal Aluminum products range all the Wayfromi ior iobtcrs claws to bridges fromtoys to aircraft Aluminum is versatlilezbccause it is soliight so durable and so economical They stimulate the appetite the nervous system aiddigeitiaodtliuselpA thee mark the RedHem Thelvhlilbnrn00 to promote refreshing sleep and genergiy improve rundown condition Get the genuine Milburna Heaitli and Nerve P3115 Lock for 111 011111 drug countern articial limbs to railway corsfrom niuzzlcs VERSATllEJaiulUNIVERSAL Every country in the world is to ddy buying Canadian Alumihunii produced at Arvida Canadu jhoine of the largest Aleutinum smelter in the woq The Alum ingot has become moior factor in World trade and valuable About of theVTOLeiiiiexchungo which Canada needs to cover her own buying obroad

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