Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1948, p. 10

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CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by CLARK Pruidcni ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATION iilllil INSIALIJHCNI tltilltilt Tine tiza lf1t111e Plowing ilaftl illti 1o oll the contest any as that John relalla linl 11 ialas illtl an the genezal pulpe plow 111g match We are all Very proud ti lie is the idol of the people llill ulltithti We iti unfri of itlllitluil 75 4A if l11til was held Hall ialni iLo1i lulluietl hill The officials offered it dead but John said no him Afterwards 11 tied with om autograph lites oiiit Mn tin 33c PK 25 ell lllllll have had twt tut the llritish him plotting This tXtllst ftl ls uri ti 11pnd 11111111 11 itlslil ant 1ht tittil ho ell ttlzlliillltill flu ftzt trt il Eittieol it on their tried to adle techniques The inn atlel11t the 11 etlzmls Hiltt would lstiitii1it such and 311 cull that 1111 lll 111 limpire Match mulch dawned unproinising Light 11 intervals but torturi talel enough to cause any 11nn snconvenience Last year Md who 2111 lillltillilll plownn mpalpm mom llitlt lnland and behind maremhmda tad to ho ealleti oil due to the un usually weather Son ill contestants took part in la torlunuton match and in spite lt11 lin ltllllbl large crowd of Ivclatniiw lizilllereti The scene as motl1 the same as one or our but lnaneh malthes The trac tor 1llil outnumbered the hor The land was of graVeily jimturt lull in turnti shape to plow I111 11 moisture was concerned All the events were well con iiouing In of the nnl 11 ulouItnfusn with warm itll lull gt1tl1 Your Executor is as important as Your Will YOUR executor should have voice in planning your will By naming TheSter ling Trusts Corporation your executor you are assuredof expert cooperation with your lawyer in the preparation of this im portant document and prompt business like administration Theeost is no greater thim for personal executor and through ellieicnt management the estate may well show larger net value THE coriPDRArLoN Sterling ToWerTorontoi 37 Years in Business LEAVEBARBIE StdndeirdIlime To TorOnto 155 am 1100 pm 1040mm 105 pm 940 pn1 31 125 p111 y1005 pm V330 pm 425am 410 pm 145 am inhurst to Orillio only swim H01 To Owen Sound ToPenetang 1040 am 211040 aiil=d 750 pm c3125 pm g1010pm g410 p111 visa not exceptsat sat Sun 8301 410 pm bro10pm 1311 eXcept sun or H01 exept Sat Sun 82 11012 BUs CONNECTICSNS AT Toronto MontrealOltawq and Detroit fiffmnssmtowif RoundvTiipkiaxflncludecl AHALIFAXrWBO WINNIPEG $4820 QUEBEC 2735 REGINA 5945 STIle 454485 CALGARY 7950 marinara and unini also plowed excep lf Ltidged by tana methods that not We deal alum that lhltiedr stami alit titlllflllltlli ATiliiti be till rlll1illt considered They took 111 furor the High ltu pm for llllitlltlli although llie WMS llltl 11 hits Nouns it 111 did liritish have short Lhute TU ithcCmadianp emaili To NorthiiBay Newton Robinson pcr1 Nina ll iii iiauu ii itill family and lietdnl 11 aint iiar ell and Mn hli liams mt fleeion muted theedmi We lics 11 painv ll 1114 31110111 11121141 l1i sWulltr 1ctlean who lzti has the week ioth oer hr ttclti cililezis of 1311s conz 11 it all tuen l1e lne YlU incl iethieslay evan mg with twentyfour prt all Copeland iiiwshin contelzer 11 ch and introduced Smers spoke on the Maliest vnch is he Yi e1tle1 1sul social hour fol111mm Meeting Wedneula afternoon with sent Mrs Wilcox in the titll Ms lloughlon pryed l1s lllown read he scllpture lis it Howe sang The Lords lixyer and Mrs Stanley lialbcl look the study 11111 social hour 1ilou edi1e members are asked to bring in pill patches to the next lllttill which is at Mrs Vipe testcd and in most of them tile Winners were from the northern counties in England John camel second in his class to chap from tariislc After the match We were guests of the Workington tllitllllllli Society at dinner held in our honor We heard number of in terestlng speeches including an ad dress by Canon Croft on the his tory of the Workington Agricul tural Societyilrefacing his lt marks With an anecdote the tan on who is vicepresident of the Society told us that his expori melts in tilting the soil had not bee too successfullittle more sol in fact than the man who when asked how his potatoes grew said Well there are some as bit as marbles and some as big as peas and of course lot of little uns Canon Croft then compared the present period in England with the year 1808 when the Vorkington Agricultural Society came into be iing Then as today there was shortage of food The population had increased from 7000000 to 14000000 and England had to iln prove her agriculture or starve British farmers met the chal icngc in 1808 they can do it again lsaid the Canon He concluded his talk With tri ltouching briefly on the part they tplaycdi in the Boer War World iWar and World War 11 and eml phasizing the contributions they ate makinglinragrictutureqnthcv postwar period Russell Hare moved vote all thanks to the Agricultural Society the expressed the sentiments of all of us when he spoke of the pride felt by himself and the Other piowmen at being the first reprcl sentatives of Canada to compete 1n plowing matches in Britain and our appreciition of the warm wei gcome received on every hand Musical entertainmentiwaswpro vided during the evening and our own Alf Brunton sang amidst great applause To quote from the Cumberland Evening Star Alf created furore with Apple Blossom Weddingrmi You will probablyrbe interested to knowlhat the plowing match in addition to being filmed by newsreel cameras and made the subject of broadcast commen tary was also televised The boys were featured in broadcast for the North American Radio and will be feafierd agifin ten minuterprogram which will be transmitted during Farmers Half Hour in the North of England and North of Ireland Home Service on Sunday Feb 15th Exhibition of Sheep Herding Relaxing after the strain of yesterdays contest we were taken today ononeof themost enjoyable excursions of our entire tour so fara motor bus trip through the Lake District On Helvellyn MountainL we watched awsplendid exhibition of sheep herding by border collies The dogs are di rected by their wmasterswhistle each by note Knits own The intelligence and skill of this dogs inrounding up the sheep is truly remarkable Tomorrow we leave for Scot land alwhere our rst Astopvwill be Edinburgh Thejtinerary plan ned for us includes St Cuther berts Cooperative Association Farmgat Bonnington the Perth Aberdeen Angus Cattleb LSale Glasgow30nd Loch Lomond February Shanahans grocery has been pur chased 1in Prelude Hamill who in tends to take over soon Catherine QlNeill Dan Sex ton of Toronto MisSes Maryand mfohehd MarLDNeiil and Freak murky ol Barrie spent the weekend at their respective homes Congratulations to Bernard Stone and Marguerite Robilllard who vvere married ln0ur Lady of Church Elmvale zlast fire unknoWn origin ides troyedhedlwelling of Mur on the Fifth Line rs Mur hywas alone with the three child Et tightlit you neig Vors an cannotmeta chemo man who first saw the smoke ugh the root end be new vethe furniture and tied certicates 01f hiszzherd lands lilies THE assure 3mm BARR pie lroia tile lillliiteti lgt itliltit of loud anti clothing boys and gurls on the neuleeletl for tlnlttren ti nnullrmeoulv commenced Feb iii February ll Flanlev Applegate had vow successful sale on Friday Jan Mr and Mrs TJCP Banting en teramczi their ihreshinq Gang to dinner on Wednesday night The World Day of Prayer Service will he held in lnirf Church on Friday Feb 13 he women of the community are all invited ilev Simmonds plans to hold several Bible Class meetings the first to be at the Rectory Wed Feb 11 Those interested are cor dially invited to attend Mr and Mrs Simmonds enter tained few of the nearby child Len on Jan 251 to birthday puffy for Teddy Sinnnonds it being his second birthday All spent very enjoyable afternoon hrist hurch Annual Vestry Mcctin Christ Church held their annual Vcsfry meeting the Rectory on February with 20 present Rev Simmonds rrcsidcd Pcop les Warden Jack Banting gave fine report of the yearsworkad much praise was incn Jack forI his faithful duties as warden The booksehnwed good balance to start the new year Several items business were discussed and Seek Help for World Rec pockets tififhmadiansglll million is being sought by the anattlan Appeal for Children to assist children whose liws have been War Ill Europe and Asia along with medical supplies road 10 health considerable amount will spent on books and school Supplies uhlle libraries too will he assrsteti ilti olliel countries oflicers were returned for another plans were made to fix the win oows in the church Beverlydcn nett Clifford Davis Harry Smith Elwood Jennctt and Claude Bant 1ng were appointed committee to make arrangements to have base 1ncnf made under the church Mrs Elwoodjleal gave Null 1erort of the years work in the lWomcns Auxiliary he treasurer Mrs Harry Bunting reported nice balance on hand Mrs Lee 13an11ng gave the Sunday School report which also showed bal ance Lee Banting tendered his resignation as sunday School Su vpCrintcndent and all were very sorry to have to accept it Mr several years Mr Simmonds moved vote of thanks to all oipcrs in Christ Church and especially to the or ganist Mrs Esten Davis All were very pleasedto have member of ths church in lhc 1161 son of Mrs Joseph McClenon nee Amy Banting from Wainwright Alta She had with her gold watch formerly ownedybyAM Lennox tnec Lizz daughter of the late George whosewmemorialieplaquerr still mains jn Christ Church Plus watch was presented to Miss Davis Banting has been very faithful for lend in 1872 as tokenpfappreciation for yeais of servicg as organist 1n the church It IS wound won key audiisindeed great keep sake gt heoliowingDfficerswcrrel fed for 1948lEenlthaltigu Banting Rectors Warden Harry Smith Delegates to Synod Esten Davis with Beverly Jennettas termite Jr Sidesmen Arnold Bant ing and John Davis Vestry Clerk Watson Downer Sr Sidesmen Ken Smith Claude Banting Henry Davis Geonge DavisWi1fredDavis and Eli Leei EnvelOpe Secretary Mrs Simmonds Auditor Beverl Jennett SelectVestry Mrs sf timer QFAEIP CANAPA very Plan ii DINESING JtliJ illt tftl vi1 hi Illrn las on ebly follown reli All li1t ill fauily able to 111111 an ptration 111 mute Wtstelzi ilo1t1 il azid Mrs tlill llcll lixlitllli cw 521 l1gttiiill heme 1141131 Bells parezzs 11 Johnston pcl iiailLe movery leminded 54 patient 111 he Rt Hospital All 1l1 her slti and Mr lit loronto 11 were the frilller Plevnnens Association Mrs anlpbellpwho has been ill for the Lgtl iev cii onltned in her home slip will in be much improved 11 health The ladies of the community are tilthe World Day of lrayer 111 the len Friday in lel Feb 13 service at put in the United Church The Appeal seeks to purchase to assist Nor is education being The Canadian Appeal Similar appeals will be tlllltlllti GUTHRIE February Mrs Norman Campbell is visi tine in Toronto Douglas Gilchrist and Norman Graham of Toronto spent the weekend at their homes The United Sunday School will hold its annual skating party at Guthrie Arena Friday Feb 13 Miss Frances Wiltshirc of Oril 11a and Miss Ruth Campbell of Harrie were weekend visitors at Ernest Campbells The annual meeting of Guthrie Presbyterian Church was held on January 19 with all dcpartliienis showing substantial balances Ail year Presbyterian Guthrie Presbyterian WMS met on Wednesday Feb at Mrs Caldwells with the president charge Mrs Gmbam read the scripture Mrs Campbelll the Bible lesson Mrs Camp bcll gave the misSionary lesson from the new study book Our Commission Mrs Caldwell gave the prayer After hymn the president closed the meeting with prayer Mrs Caldwell served choice refreshments United WA and WMS Tire WA and WMS of the United Church met aers Hawkins Wed Feb with an excellent at fcndance The new president Mrs Newton Besse conducted the mis sionary meting Mrs Walker Caldwell led the worship service onthetheme11he BibleLfoLillg1 1csidcn lligllobi bidders Mrs Pal ktzr has been with her daughter Mrs lcrris at Cun Lllcs where Miss Parker has been quite ill ller mny friends hope for speedy recovery Dealh has tiLlll1i two foimer Mrs lillltt Barnhardt lnce Annie lchnileyw of Toronto and Wm Clark of Vlll1lltl whose wife was Amy Johnston of Mincsmu Prior to home at fill the leaving their 111w llll friends of 1lr and irs vril White and fam ily mc at he hall for social evening when they presented them with Leauulul walnut eollee table aid lltl cream nd sugar set The best wishes of the community go with 1111111 to their new home Garnet is remaining to finish his term MICE Veekcnd visitors Mr and Mrs 811711131111 of loionto at Campbells ilrucc and Cmiiic Armitrong of Toronto at Armstrongs llrs Tarter of ilarric at Dustos Mrs Ja cobs anti Mr and Mrs Chas Ja cobs of Barrie at Mrs Itoyslons Minand Mrs McKee of Alliston at Ronalds Ilrs Reynolds and her son Siltillli lfanders Reaches tlvith Birthday Congraliilaiions to Mrs John Mc Leod who celebrated her 94th birthday on Friday Her son Bill 1011 McLeod ofCaliiorniu was here for the occasion Holds Box Social OnThursday evening members of the Womens institute had their animal gettogether the Hall After an evening games Joe Maw veryiably auctioned oil the beautiful array of boxes to the has been sever al years sicc box social has been held in Minesing and it brought very enjoyable evening to close Prize winners for the eu clire were Heron Towneyr Mrs Harry Mayes John Sinclair and LLWlOltCC Wood FIRST TEA TAXES Ihegovernment of Charles im posed tca taxes to make up for the declining revenue from beer and Wine 1110 to the popularityof tea Women of the World showingi clearly whatthe Bible has meant can meanin our The chapter The Bible for China wasvgivcn in an interesting way by Mrs Hall Her study includ ed the work of Robert Morrison in China and Schcreschewsky and Gutzla whose work reached Japan Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer to be held in the United Church this year at pan Friday Feb 13 All the women of the community are urged to at Mrs Hall presided over the WA meeting and conducted brief with them at this meeting former opening worship service At the conclusion of themeeting Mrs Hawkins served refreshments manna ACCIDENT PREVENTION The0ntario Department of High ways warns ibike ridersthot the rules for safe winter dri ngof automobiles apply to bicycle riding too Avoid sudden Stops and Short turns on slippery pavement Dont crowd up on other vehicles Allow extra space for stopping EBe es pecially watchful for pedestriansr Teq Vnernbel ll rSYr when its freezy Davis Mrs Bv Jennetl Claude Banting Jim LMcDermott Elwood lennettGeo Davis LeeBantj ing mrry Smith Jack Bantln Thompson Jennett and Clifford Davis Organist Mrs Esten Davis Assistant Mrs Beverley Jennett Sunday School Supt Rev Simmonds Assistant Arnold Bant inngemetery Committee Geo Davis PresidentpandElwood Jcn heft Secretary FollOWing ether meeting all sat rdownJongehciouspotlttok sup AperkMrs Simmonds topping it off with huge helping of ice cream and hot caramel saiuce Everybody enjoyed the afternoon andeven lug feeling that it have been there was good to BOOKKEEPING it 13ml SERVICES for retail unit wholesale 73 mmbuslneseesj4if Income tax tom gymnast town 011 my momma mvmnxx l0mi18tmdf unlth liveJ 151 in Stoullttliu ls 3111 llftili lit to report lllui Marv Chat Wie1 Qihiwncy at itilflill the Lneeiings of the Ontario Alfred FEBRUARY 19 1948 RADIO REEAIRS PROMPT COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE Teds Radio Appliance TED OAKS 44 Essa Rd Allondole Repairs on all Electrical Household Appliances commit That Coughw Dr Woinls Norway Pine Syrup is prompt pleasant and effectual remedy for coughscohis hoarselieu sore throat bronchitis spasmodic eronp Phone 8609 asthma and bromhial troubles Safe Effective inexpensive and dependable Dr Wood Norway line Syrup helps to loosen phlegm and nineiis luu1tlio Iir passages and bring quick relief for coughs nail cohiS Get supply of Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup today The Millinrn Limited Toronto Ont Covers WALLPAPER AN Mill In mucus 11111 11110113 75 All THESE ADVANTAGES Coven nil rurluru 35 wallpaper painted wells plywood brick lnluiars etc Om not really my Drier in one hour PER IMP GAL CONCENTRATED PASTE Nikki One Imp gal do large room No pointy odour durable walkable um fan plenum to put on KEMTONE TRIMS AS LOW As 20 ROLL nonrNsoN HARDWARE SIDUnlop St ONE GAllON DOES LARGE ROOM KEM TO NE ROLLERKOATER Phon2431 call at Nirennrrivrvcr conts 3201910 lEEJIfEEEEBAINQ 511111219er Other Features Rates traitor 35001011 Government celllng above 55100111an N0 baritone sepurlty Terms to still 1110 your Finance Company Ltd Silent 1117 rxmlrua 111331an mind 10 $9M cHONE 2325

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