Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 7

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Jiadbccii failhf i111 yallendedto iilLuo$l000 ninJielilby tho THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7875 Copies JIHOIIIED AS SECORD CLASS IAIL lo DIP OHAII 85m YearNo Simcoe County CAS Worker at Conference Linking the pol wilh the prC if Uni 11 sent Kenneth lZ Kidd provincial limonn has filled half ii lilChix0gtliigisi ciozcn crises on the mum floor of the Royal Ongniio Mikelnu at Tot roiiio Kltll mementos of vaiiishcd= race he Ilurons The pCCdliCllS last summer from the site of Ossos sane the shore of Noiiaivasiiga Bay The exhibits include burial pit which is believed to eon ruin 1500 bodies gspecimens in many instances was iiiinn tin rill of Ossossanc ibased on their application to other piofessiOns than that of archacoli libiawvtliel along bones of the legsvwliich indilt Miss Doris Perkin of iheSimcoe County Childrens Aid Society is seen here with Greenaway llcftl and Beaumontprovincial director of child welfare are seen here at regional conference in Guelph last week Miss Perkin is welfare worker at the Midland Branch of the CAS Twentyone branches of the Childrens Aid Society had representatives present and the matter of financial support was dis cussed Good YearlReported St Andrews Kirk COST or GARBAGE COLLECTION UP ANOTHER $3000 At the Town Council meeting Monday night letter was relid from Donald lomlinson asking for an additiomil $3000 on the contract for giirbagc collection in Barrie On motion of Aid Grif fin the increase was passed by majoritythus bringing the amount to $15000 for thenyeah There was considerable diScus sion before the iiiolion was finally passed Deputy Reeve Hart said he did not like to see the continued re quests for increases coming before the Council Garbage collections Although somewhat ncurlailcd byI as follows Church officers salary the extreme cold there was fair $190 fuel $86 light and water attendance at the annual emigre33 mansc $1171 insurance $2011 national meeting of St Andrewsla total of $946 The insurance Church held in the lecture room premiums in the future will be Wednesday niglilJan 28 prorated over threeyear per Arm mo devotional period com iod and will amount to about $100 ducted by the minister RevJamesi imnuauy Thur 15W $69000 Ferguson Currie wusp surance on the building and con poinlcd chairman with Ml ems Maclennan as secretary The church improvement fund There was small increase inlliad total receipts of $219026 Out membership and the reports on of this flood was paid $1200 the various phases of the years for repairs to church ioverihl activities showed that flu Work inent bonds fully paidmfor to the The toliif amount raised for all church purpoSes was $1075812 including Allison secreltiry of the $200795 for missionary needs Building and Improvement Coin Thc statistics showed 275 fam mine Iicpomng aetlvmlsv ilics and 515 communicants 25 rc 531d mum invesugauonnthc 3in during the yen and committee felt that anyplan for smovcd by certificate 01 death alterations should include new healthy commm was mp0 heating and lighting ncWsezitingi and cost the municipality only $5000 anycar and the merchants paid foil extra calls Ald Corbett said llhe garbage collection service was good in Bar rie Reeve Clark said at the rate it was going it might reach three ihe there was slight deeihlhiswes echnWie opening jof ciiroimemMij Cameron chairman Whilelmk3 Flam Implovemgnts to on trance stairs and chorr loft re decoration and improved kitchen accommodation Owing to the uncertain condi lions with rspect to labormad materials much of the proposed renovation had to be deferred but number of improvements most ly iiileriori were carried out at cost of $2500 Just as soon as building conditions improvd stifli ciently however it is hoped to proceed with any plans already approved The Womens Missionary Society with membcrshipof 21 and an average attendance of 14 had good years program with number of excellent addresses at the 10 meetings held Under the convenership of Mrs Edmund Hardy 264 visits to sick and new comers were made by theWel come and Welfare Committee The allocation of $430 was met $20 sent to bale fund and parcel sent haematiteasume the responsi more than accounted for by extra bility Aid James Was items of expenditure Improve ments at the maximums made onerof which all mightbe proud Miss Magarct Milne finding it necessary to give up her duties as envelope secretary induced her sislcr Miss Beth to lakevover her duties The reportof the Session pre scntcd Clerk lhePlJC Mayor GKlliayor Aid Hines and Ald Jamesspoke of the ser vice the garbage collector was giving Certain stores had collee tionssix times week andihere was no limit to the amount of garbage In addition the collec tors were climbing stairs to apart ments andgoing own cellars to get the garbage pailsT The garbage collection contract was referred to and it was out that garbage this were to be placed on the street line While authorizing the increase to $15000 yearthc majority of colmeil said the contractor should be advised to observe thcterms of the contract and not pick up garbage unlessrit was on the street line 11 was felt duce the time necessary to collect garbage and would thus save money for the contractor by George Brown expressed gratitude for suppert given the cliurch throughout the year by all mem bers and adherents There Was markcd improvement in attend anco at the Sabbath services Youth Fellowship Services were well supported Communion was held in the evening as well as at thequarterly morningL service Seventeen new members were re ceived byjmtificate and eight by profession of faith FifteeiT in fants and one adult were baptized and the minister conducted 731 to the1Girls Training Camp at Le mafllage ceremonies lfroy Mrs Me StevensOn The Sessiohs report contained honorary president this society an In Memoriam list with 15 is the only remaining charter names of members and adherents member of Barrie Presbyterial gwho had entered into rest WMS formed in 1887 period of silcnee was observed in Interesting and informative ad their memory and sympathy waSdresses on missionary topics were expressed for those bereivedf ieard at the meetfngs or the In submitting the treasurcrSI Evening Auxiliary of theWMS statement SLeishman statedlhe $200 amcadonwasexeeeded that while envelope and platecol andihat of $18 for the baleiicT factions of $5870 showed dc cepted crease of $303 as compared with Good work 1946rdonations fromthc Womens Kings workers Mission Band Association and an anonymous which had an average of 12 at its fvs28 The follOWing expenses showl increases above the 1946 figures LG Jarmun President Veterans Club of Barrlie crans Club of Barrie was held at Community House on Jan 20 with 40 members present The immedi ate pastvpresident George Rod gers ipresided and aethe conclusion of supper conducted thebusiness of the evening The financial re was done by the The Youth Services and Fireside sullfofle iplimm33i1dtgiven Meetmgslwerc so well attended as showed the following officers erec to encourage the Young Peoples ted to office for i948 PiesAlf Society Jarmanzu vicenpmn on Craig With an aycrage attendance of Directors EE11ickGeorge UlP but 16 the Womens Association man RoyKightleyrMetliAdam had avery successfuljyethe 5911 Ross Turnibull Maurice Es ceipls showed $136157 of which 1911 was again lillDOillled Secretai the three largest items were treasurer Rummage sales $30945 bazaar $3232474Eveningm Circle $27488 The maisgdrswerrpaid $250 for improvements 31th manse Mrs FrankPerkins wasreelee president gt The Evening Circle ofjWA re piirled 50fmembers With airaveis age attendancepf 30 $27488 was given to the senior group this be Turii to pagexight please BEST WISHES To EGooderhcrm at Barrie Post Office who gave rhisxnew very interesting talk 0111 The Canav REALESTATEf0FF1w realize the tremendous obstacles is that facedthe Postal Corps in the rly days0f firewall and theun believable quantities of first class mail and paieels1liey were obligedr to handle Petty ifhiiring by dock hands numerous sinkings by boats variations in regulations of the arious countries they had to deal with undiranSportation prob lems in the battle areasxwere but ii of theevils that beset the Co By the time hostilities had OFTHEONIARIO ASSOCIATION OF ceased ifirstclass mail was being iiowuiroin the basedepotin Moli rREAL fresh to itsdestinatioiiiii the Medi ASSOCIATE thiaminebu THE erronouro naahvnsriire BOARD days and billionsof cigarettes were being handled aswcllas parcels forthe troops Mr Kilghtley was lzhanlkedron behalf of the club by George Rodgers Man HARLEY ACREAGE The DominionaRrovincial Agri cultural Conference held in Ottawa iecentiy was advised that the wet Springpf 1047 prevented farmers in Eastern Canada from carrying out their plansfor greater acreage of barley but with normal condi tions in the coming season it is awed if ongoiugsfeman iiiiiinsrLEASURE INANNOUNCING The inhumaneHis QFFICE ltOWENfSITltEET BARBIE0NT hm LSTAlEMORTGAGESGENERALnINSURANGEE ado plan Mamie to office Telephone 5201 Residence Telephone 2137 heiave d3ientlem hammer Classifiedsbrtug re weremade once awcclcin0ril lllli intire tax rate and he Eganii suggested that the Public Utilities not in favor of trying to turn it over to pointed this would rel llhcamlualmngOILh Aisha0 asperJMartinrandrrrhismpartneis port was presented byl the score The speaker dor lihe evening was Roysliighilleyr assistankpostmaster terraiieah area in meitterof four timber to Selection of the Kidd ogy ClliL caied the height of rho vanished illlllmls to be between feet in gtLlit5 and iveragc Medical IKflilllSiS would find rvey in Canada for ecliaeologicnl ihc exhibits interesting There is nu pow liis pictures confirmed an LilkleSCd spine in which the lilliliys vertebrae have been fused and cor if and cossiiie rodcd by more disease possibly ar thritis There are jaws full of not 1particularly good teeth which would provide earncst study for dentist Them was evidence of ii iiiin child mortality among the firm ons Many of the skeletal remains were those of children Once past Childhood the mortality rule de creased though there was litil cvi dence that the primitive lndiaus lived to be garrulous octogenur ians rize item of the collection how lcvcr is not of Indian origin Its liicoppcr kettle fallen to bits With the passage of time The discover er of Ossossanc Frank Ridley lslinglon contractor and enlhusiasl about Huron history is particularly proud of the kettle It proves partially at any rate the authen ticity of his claims Ridley became determined to lis cover the remains of the Indian village after reading about it lll the Jesuit Relations the history initialize mill to Craigliursl when the CPR Sudbury rail line was built Mr Wisc operated the mill until his death about1918 at which time ii Ms told to Jos Lea llillsdalc Supt of the Orr Lake Forest by Martin former llillsdaler who for years has been sscriber ofofBame Examiner IIis address is 1435 Portola Drive San Francisco California Lumbering in the liillsdaleOrr Lakearea began in the late eiglv teensixties when Messrs Dyinent and May of Barrie built sawmill and angristmill at Hillsdale where the present grist mill stands dam was built on the creek forming pond to furnish water power for the mill The sawmill was built close to the pond $0 the logs could be taken directly from the water 1872 this mill was sold to Jas iper Marlin of Milton Out The grandfather of this Jasper Martin was also named Jasper Born in lNewcastleEng in 1791he and lhis wife emigrated to Canada in 1818 They lived in Muddy York ifor three years and then moved on to land in the District of Gore now known as Halton County nlhere he built sawmill and grist mill in 18212 and 1825 respectively They were called Martins Mills now known as the municipality of Milton This property is still own ed by the Martinfamily the new grist mill built in 1854 being op erated by Dr Carl Martin DRAiWN T0 BARBIE operated the Hillsdale mill manu facturing lumber 10th shingles and dressed lumiber llVIost ofthis material was drawn to Barrie for shipment byrail to other points This mill was operated until 1880 when it wassold to Gideon and William Shortreed Jasper Martin however retima consrdcrable timber land and all the West half of dot 55 Concession filledonte as 41115 home and farm Wiliimn Shortreed whsr drdwiied in the mill lpOnd but his brother Gideon carried on the mill until 1886 when it was sold to the Tihur low Brothers of Feiigusoiivale Sev tral years later it was dismantled ORRIRIAlLWAY lies branch line of railroad was larLPostaLCrps neww peoplehuih ifer Elmyahato agrrmlgakei Several mills were constnuctcd around the lake which was then in the centreof pine forests Among the oWneis of these Orr Lake mills were Jehn DHay of New Lowell George Cooke and soulof Stewart ToWn Halton iCounty the Zimmerj mains and John Shawn who had mill Oirr Lake at Midway Thisspur line railroad was later coritiniued to Hillsdale Which had lbecoin centre Of the lumber ing opei lions Gideon and John Sghortreednt the time had mill iiiiltlos Townsh and large stand oLtiinfbei in Plus and Medonte LIINE FROM COLDWATER After operating there for slew years theShortreed Brosipurchas ed from John Knight of on Tillie 7th concession flV1eo dorite where branch rail line had been built from Coldviraler to Knights mill and John Houglhs mill on Concewion Medonte After the timber was cut the rail way tracks were taken up lShortreedi LBros moved the form skullsl lboncs artifacts ind cloth from the mf llwill suggestions he got from feet inches on metal Viliuiririg the latereightecnchCin er Knight mill to Hillsdale and ire built it on siding off the main lineiorseveral years cutting large qirantities of lumber and other neworoduclse About 1000 John Shorlaeed died and Gideon Shem enry Wi of St Cath anes Who carried on Operationsin he moved the 1009 to 1012 the Martins ransomW were all takenS llreoocuf vanished lndian village on 1111 talliolicisni in liil Brubocuf one of figt iiiilicd itlll viizil liliid inscribed Inuit ciiiuoriy finch 12 years im of rho Dead was held tree Cyjifyet kettle figured in the beheld liidley is lzeflle dog from the lllgt of Nortsivxiiraga Bay is one liec itstllbttl by llrebocuf lint lamp the Relations cf lliiltil igii llriiictli Kidd Ridley fucked 1n ii Kidd dug if test ficrii Ilicy uncovered prom he filLtllUli of spccuncns lo doiiol sure they llllSiCtl iii llifl of Fred laylor Taylor 111 ill iiul ill ll Inylol Brian Bay made what is be 1m cd to have lrccnllie first aerial 101 tflllVlCllJll that he had So in 1916 Ilidley bought the Mic with money provuied by Sir lillillill lilavclle liiisi unnner he and Kidd with niluhlttl llltlgt and one lone lllilfl mind dug up about third Hie great burial ipit lncy uorchd fir six weeks and look out llllililfllifltl of DUllliflipglib beads native cloth and otlicrliiiie ll This coming summer they Will go back agin and dig up the re liililllllof the pit FEBRUARY ller Taylor of Shanty Bay lMakes One of First Aerial Surveys for Archaeology 1948 THE BARRIE+EZXAM1 BARRlE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY Section 2Poges7 to 12 Huron Skulls from Simcoe County Keiinelli Kidd provmcizil archaeologist is seen here Willi alcollcc 1943 Cf 1110556540 brought Registered Nurses For District Hold Meeting at Orillia media of Chapter District of the BRAD was held in On if Hospital Sciwiil Oriliiarfun Iiy January 26 with iippiuxun iicly thirtyfive present After the business vus conclud led the chairman Mr ilachchlen Barrie lMik this ogporluiziiy unk Miss Brown of Orillia form chairman and her cxeculiie tor the examElem work completed ill their tenure Alis Wade of Qi Illli gave much enjoyment Willi fun of IlilllFofl has placed on display in the Royal Ontario Museum llilM relics of vanished riice vere iccoveized from burial pit iitiithl Ulidltluns With which slit ssmsaiic beside Nollainsaga Bay iiidian settlements of more than century ago Ferguson Kidd of Cooksiown and and are ii link Willi the Ilurou Mr Kidd is son of the late Mrs Kidd lie attended Schools at Cooksiowii and Barrie before going on to lllllt1ll srvrniifrARMifhs FROM SIMCOE AT lArticle foerrheCourier CROP CONVENTIONl Several farmers from Simcoc Couiiiy arcattending the annual meeting of the lllifliO Crop 1m irovcuicnt Association in 1oronto this week Some of these farmer and farm leaders are participating in the program Monday morning Morris Darby Meaniniie for what tlicy may he ivorlli to doctors dentists iiii lhropologisls and to the general the vanished Hurons are on lis play at lhemuseuni The best items presumably will be retained in the show cases Just what is to be done with lhe remainder is somethingr of problem Kenneth lKidd would like to fake the rest of the bones back to Ossossane and remler liem andfinbcr limits were sold to an Buckley and Tom ONeil who cur the balance of the timber and ther dismantled the inill ON RUMBLES POND Gideon Shorlrced sold thcnther half of his family timber limits in Medonte to William Cook of St Catharines who came to Hillsdalc in 1900 and built millfon the western end of What is now Rum bles pond After twoyears of op eration the mill was burned For few years Mr Cook ran port able mill near the Ingram Road and then sold out to Martin Bros of Hillsdalc gt During the peak of lumbering in Hillsdale Martin built hoop and slave inili and planingmill and operated it from 1900 to 1915 Hoop timberpartly manufactured was shipped by rail from many lumber mills in Simcoe County and manufactured into hoops and staves which found ready market in Ontario andthe United States This mill was finally sold to John Milligan of Orillia where it was rebuilt There for many years it was operated by John Milligan an son ELECTRIC POWERED illlull in 1917 JMartin purchased 400 acres of standing timber onlhe main NR lin mile west of Wta the latter siding was built off liheinain line and saw mill and gcaiiips were constrUcted to carry on this cutting The mill was Operated by electric power one of the first to be so powered in this district By 1922 some million qfvvlumbeilhad beenrtaken off and over 4000 cords of yvood in addi tion to cedar poles tan bark and otihgr wood products This was one of the last stands of virgin timber left in the distiict and was the original grant from the Crown to the Copelands Thgmill was sold public the more important relicsl common of iaverlcy talked of potato prov duitioii Monday afternoon Roy flickling of Barrie grower and Clarence Cumming of Barrie trucker participate in panel dis cussion on marketing ofpolnlocsl Nicol Wilson of Alliston chair Wall of Monday evening session of potato day Stewart Page of Bax He presents report of resolutions coininille uluesday afternoon joint session was planned with the Ontari 11mvmcns Association with Wal flfl Downcy of Mincsing presiding Wiikiiicsday iiioiiiiiiLlI Alfjiislii fey Alliston presented 211lIC1 on Winter Wheat as Field Crop Director of the Ontario Crop Imi provcment Association for this part of Ollidllf is lsaac King of lotlcnvu hum MEAT EXPORTS FROM CANADA IN 1947 Exportsof meat by the Meat Board ofggCanada during the calendar year included 2578f8000 lbwof bacon 6591000 lb of pork offals 52031000 lb of beef carcass basis 1067000113 oxiaiis 31 1000 lb beef oflals 4455000 le mutton and lamb all of which went to the United Kingdom There was also 51598432 lb of canned meat exported of which 15035572 wenli lo theUiiited Kingdom 283394900I to UNRRA and the Canadiani Jewish Congress and the remainder to 11 Europeancountries there established post office and ugrailwny station called Martins The land was later sold to the Standard Chemical C0 ON PENETANG ROAD One of the rst mills built on the Peiictaiig Road was Belldings on lot 47 Concession Medontcv Township miles south of Hills5 dale James Turners mill was built one mile noth offlillsdalc the early eighlegnseVenljcs The Belldings mill was later run by ilVICBeth Bros who afterWards became lumiber dealers in Toronto iAdvance notice ofuevents by which money is raised are not inserted in sLets Chat hs tribute to Illllf The Princess connection with her marriage illlll will be issuedon Monday i7 advancevandais while rrrrr philalclic brown as was at first suggested Dirctor of CLT Writes llev icorgc lorrisou director of the Community Life lraining institute wrote the featurearlicle in recent issue of the Commun ity Courier This is booklet 15gtllcd monthly by the Community Programs branch of the Ontario Department of Education illulllF article Mr Morrison re ferred to the recreation program of Siincoe County at lllCCled by Miss Louise Colley BIG DEMAND FOR NEW STAMP llie specialncenf stamp issued to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh February 16111 is being eagerly scugnt by collectors the World over the Post Office Department reports Never has the Philatelic Division Ottawa received so many mail by the scores of thousands of items has been pouring into the Ottawa Post Office to receive first day cancellation The Post Office Department states that the new stamp will be bright blue in color not reddish The speaker of the evening Dr pziino solo Waltz and Min utc French Chopins as encore Pastors Monologue Wior of the Ontario Hospital staff was introduced by Miss Pitiick Dr Wior talked about the Cfllldl lions and dietary concentration lranee research can in which she in Southe In worked in hearers to realize partially lin had in work The meeting adjoinred with the jsiiigmg of the National Anthem Refreshmean were served by lliiss Pitlick and her staff During an undernourished childin Europe ould be sent to itdilicttfllolllllli or country home and be helped back to normal health at ihceXpendiiurc Qof $15 month Liliar individual donations be sent We fund forthis purpose Mrs Cunningham kindly offered to be had collectedapproxiinaleiy $35 in half an hour If is hoped by in eluding donations of other menu hers not able lobe present at the meeting they might reach $f5 suf flClCllt for three months care of one Child fHospitoI Donation $10 From Junior Institute Of Coulsonls Hill The Junie Institute of Cotilsons Eliill has forwarded donatioiiof orial Hospital Fund Warm Wilgar chairman of local Gibbons treasurer didnot know to whom Isliould make it payable however while we were looking ver llrc Barrie Examiner we saw your name in connection with the canvass no and wifiibe the ism regular red fourcent stamp TAILOREDTOMEASURE Have Your Suit Tailored to Your Individuahguo from SUITS JYOU CAN ORDER EXTRA iner Classifieds and save money TROUSERS 1F YOUKWISH uv STOCK SUITS nEAoY WHILE you WAIT Single and Double Breasted STETSON HATS $8 WILF HTOD THE LA models priced from $3750 50 $1000 others $225 $550 MENS AND BOYS WEAR 55 DUNLOP ST BARRIE save person may be held responsible for accidents happening PLAY TO COVER My emu hwi Wggwlimi ukm mach Emmi TeibwlkWNobmwwwfw about or in the home SAFE Get comprehensive Liability Policy ALL RISKS MALCMSONs 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 3735 Evyw many gmn this half hour Dr Wior told how It was suggested rcsponsible for handling this and $10 to the Barrie and District Mem canvass reecivcd the chequenvilhlwu fhe following note from Florence in 1922 to illfr Maurice andiaken to NorthernOntario and rebuilt SOMSAIAKE OVER After Jasper Martin sold mill slo Shortreed Bros in rldwlihe did nothowevergo out elfthe lumbering business but set up the nextyear shingle and rplaning inill near the railway in Hillsdale and also hadya portable 111111 for Several years iAibotlt1899 fiepurchased the John Hough If milland limits in Medonte and moved the inillgtofLillsdale ad joiningjithe railroad In 1905 he soldlhis entire business to his sons and Jasper Marlin Jr tiiia Bros gt When the CPR Surlbiuy raih Way line was built iterossed the Martin properties for five conees Siollshalidv new sawmill shingle null several private hordes boarding house aiid aschool to ac commodate children of employees Were constructed This mill is sit uatedellmils east of Craighiurst at place now calledlilfartinville The Martin Bros operated this imill un til 1915 turning out large quanti ties of shingles lath piling cedar poles tanbarkhand thousands def cords 0f wood Theplant was la from 1915 to i1922 when if was sold to Copeland of Elmvale The Copeland0VIillingCo who has op eraled it since llVIlaiitin Bros of Hillsdalen also esiahiishedua41umheringeopemoon aitMliiwtins Siding on the main sold the F105 lined the CNR between Utter 9m and Huntsville under the name the Martin Lumber Co 1min would flowers yOu askedjher she say Send me FLOWERS unwind AUTHORIZED c7111 SHOP 107 DuhiopsiBorriefQppouoo slit

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