Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 5

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his derived by lllt nu oi titiitl ALL or mt noucruvogi NONE or me HOME wax THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 1943 SIMCOE AIMS INPOTATOES at other timid seed ic te ilof soil iir dhcase itjioull tl lIxtierainius weir se up iaoacti the the ktIUpflutllii of the tltdliltld ulieli iii tie Ehiiiti ltll til Ellies litl lflc oh in Lents proud crg sub lsluCWJIy and serve is guide proper Mirna3e itch and iziztiiotcf these expo Lds lftltuilln to ne liiEird Sines lltili Jilkl lith leflea eidtl ti lliiltdtl 294 iilt ilie seed growers the con organized pl ii otcrtieii LARGE lllIJAKD Despite the llltttl production each year we are il ini bic t1itl1vi ilitlt irtclzdvd of lereiit itrceii iiiaiitiiJ prider feitiltei ciiili uiix Dlitttlltil itid rates togiunet Utlt variety ttsLs spcti oi liquid and to control dis or and iirccts iiii lll killing tlltllllkil pdiptio 1U pl lhe tsaiits that tiglliitl 1ue llltll rtti gi its litliltbl Lilitl lIW it liilI of illti cod ioc pii utter ttni th uni lt seed plot winch llil iroliitc lll le kn he Umudl lt or ittisoliciei liltll was LUllllilltd by our auricul 111 se iiii v1 tinv Tc be XV IHl le lttlltltl Stewart texiiiesshe their gtiiliclioii ltt tliien shows some trv iii ltlit results they untamed litrili rtt interesting lCSlllls which tiri in llio tllllli ten and Rio beliel hipped from this disti itl llllillt to jtrowzis iii the ne Agrower especially 1ttltllls mV fliillllt Eiliillitltl azi et 1e oi tiill Ull ORGANIZATION bustiefs per icltiiolll tit nerve The increased volume of hih lcld of ri bier seed ptir utialil seed iind increased lllltliljtl liastd llulll NorthaSiniaie in 1941 of growers made it necessary to liis veraj4e trout seed from other attempt some system of more or sources only yielded aii oi terly iiitirkelitizt llitis eiiiipeta taill bushels showing an ltuStllt tyre otgaiiixiition known as the North Sinicoe Seed Potato Grow dust lgttgt lltitill to wit it ilJlI lllil lne iesriits of all these tors are llie seed enter from eiiiottcti more ttiowers to seed IH potato tiioduciniii 193 to 15117 tllt acre we was wield of 100 btblltls per new from the North Silllttle scid wis Association was mined in 15145 We llltlt also received nd which now handles the iviajur oiiipliineiitary report from 111 in iilnthe gttl bcing untried lLl11tW who is in liarge of seed ttililied seed ln11ltl the specittl potato certilicatiiii in New Yoil regislcred name of Norsinieiic State to the ellect that practicnlly llrand Enquiries for seed might all the seed obtained from this dis be directed to ll Cuppage llll triet showed clear lteld ieadiiitts at No Goldwater secretarytreasur the tests zit Ithaca New York lci ol the Association Successful potato growing lllll The foregoing is merely stale cver as you know is dependent on them of who has been done over the tCllyftlt period and as stated at the beginning our real aim is to txrel in potato protlitelioii Van Camps dx A9140 ShogunSIM CANADIAN PEA BEANS HF WIYH CHOICE PORK MOLASSES AND TOMAYO SAUCE We are planning to tolllllllltlllllt work of the past in carrying on such experiments and variety tests as to keep up to date with the titties iii producing more and better seed potatoes and attempt to keep up with the demand Just in few weeks ago we had deputation from potato proweis of Bradford Marsh suggesting that we outlitiea programto grow seed for planting on tlieMarsh annually It is ottr aim to bring intothe county seed from the far north and increase same in order to sup ply this extra demand We plan also to further iiiipixivc our methods of production which can be done by iollowiniz the re sults of the many experiments that have been carried on in conjunc tion with seed production so that growers in the county canmarkct higher percentage 01 their crops 215 seed Noanseo We have been greatly encouraged with our spacing tests in that high er yields of more uniform good type potatoes have been produced by planting Closer together and fer erte for your free copy of agopage oo For the greaternumber of plants to the acre We feel that we have discovered many things of interest to npotato growers and will welcome visits irom anyone interestedto come to the county during the growing sca sen when we will be pleased to arrange tour of our County and show our many experiments and our methods of prodticingseed po tatoes 5123 UTOPIA giving recipes for meats lish poultry casserole dishes salads sauces and vegetables Addims Heinx Company at Canada ltd 420 Dupont St Toronto Ontario February Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellis and family spent Sunday with friends at Aurorzt Mr and Mrs Mason Denny Toronto spent then weekend Hill the formers parents ilarm Forum met at the home oi Reeve Louis Iruztx Monday last with an attendance of twenty Mr and Mrs WllbeltlMCCitllll and Glenn attended the Toronto Normal School graduation dancc Friday night The many friends here of Jack McFadden who died at his home in Alliance Sask Satiirday ex tend sympathy to the bereaved family very successful cucltre party washeld in the school on Feb Donald McMaster won the high score for men and Mrs Coulson gt andltMrs Jas Cole were tied1 or ladies first prize Bruce Aileen and Elwood Mil ler Ivan Speers Doreeniuond Wil 3d Dobson Wesley Robinson and Mrs Gilbert Meltfastenspeni few II large number fromiheccat Teiid the funeral of Mrs Cloughley at Angus Friday after Have YouLSeen It Yet The Wonderful New John Inglis Sterling Washing Machine PERFORMANCE POST WAR DESIGNiV GREATER sitcom MODERN BEAUTY Heivy ditty motor performs like fine watch 1th Rubber MountedSealed in noon Ilhe sympathy of the com 011 formg munity is extended to her only daughter Rita and farm iPhe rmonthly4ommunityimeeting of the Federation offAgriculture will be held in the school Wed Feb 18 with pictures and idem oSimcoe Hismtoptp UseOFPTW Machinery Ewerybody we ome HOMES IMPROVE About 35 per centof the house ibuilt inthe United States in 1947 nadiautomatic heating competed with about 10vper cent before the 1w=ar chtrrwieipntt PH0NEA45 Duiiiigiem meters hardly anotherfoodv so tting so nburishing so quick to andeasyIon the piirseaereinz OvenBaked BeansQt intomatoisauce They contain no mead gtllil at Leer it lappbinx back lain intetlini liit sufficicidl illit ill The amounts to hill ltiipivriiil tit ltiilil lliijiiil iiopid to cart litV Last lill it was decided to lowi er the pump in the well and addi tioiinl sliafttiig was ordered at tutw tune it is hoped that Wllell rllLtllt be lllgtlitlllil ltiitlicr litman in the higher sections of the the day iretl to draw their llielllllllllll lttllllllllltlllS and one consequently iiiconveniciiced The nec ssitr for fire protection was not mission St was filled to the top on Satur lay closed volume of water for fire fighting purposes requires onlv the button at the pttnipint station The eztiWAicR SHORTAGE tcnusas CONCERN THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Cu 11 from page one upplns to write 5ttititiii li lJJri Willi li tirirziqit tpaitltstaciwlai ill itiito mg the tipt1 111 taken out oi l1te llllzluillill puny Sziiniti tin In Watti Supp tieizztitlfcd it and tllges Hull agitated lllt lo loosen Ellltl1 rtct flow pe production gallons iiiuclias had been shinenut is lllt load until cut 111 Wll YWu tt tiller iiattl Itllll to ltltl iiattr lo ii pip llitltthe in izol ti fill litlt twill can lie the available ii but it 15 not yet the production lll intrinsed be Ila else Cot 3rd llt tiijii vere 1llltllll water for but they had been adlti off sttlliilclil for not seriously sit by the Cotit to on James mt tri ttoi tea or it available 41 pressing of 1ft lat tthlfltiiillttl The reservoir iiittlit to ttlllc was then this substantial The retain To make lest tlllllllm ltil water 11 his lha nth bLlt lint lH na ititii ticnl sity really serious iie ioopi ml the lulf luli lulled to produce int llllllltlttlll as can he lllilltlli Penn ary human spcti Died in 515th Yea Itlili if tin t1tlf Zi= l3 Hersh If 111 idfllii tgt lie jtlttti Sunday inii rit 52 ll at $100 Jimpital Fund lti ivltlfltl Itisttutc tie name of li 511i 1n 15 the layuii lllil ru il lullli slot I1 Iiiacoisiii ittltilltl iiinmwioti to tltsci Hill lite lzur hounds iilliililt litt iiiiiii plat to install in tiiii on lllilll1 ALL St Sh liiiiv Izn ill ittnil the it pi lllllli Knuth11 maul tuition oi itlainl twill ii to llil Vl itilil ltil liz Alt lll llJ iloiii Aline it until lltni illll la liq lillt til liitl ili2llll on it incl out liiv lo lit in St at hr li Illigtll lil ptoiili iii ltiiiln llll it Hi retinilitt lillilllt it Illili elCisetl lliil ritll tiiiistliilil lllitlllllltill tli tiili hi 9in lllt lliitili it itl ill iiltl 21 ill ltlt situation tII that the hi itilll iln lllttlll itzitnlioti llit nil llll tiiil ciitc to litllt uniting Ii itntvllii ilul iiitiIiir it itll to lllt tliaui lli ill aliie iil implay lllltis1 to still Ho iidiici their ligthtiiiit ii lllt fill lrtl tint llii iiiiii ilrin nullint that lllt lLtl Established 30 Years ws POLLARD ltcal Estate Broker oases Lots Tobacco General Farms exchanged ILR NO EW LOWELL PHONE 102124 1r Achiil lli Scltrppcr 45r23 Jilitl lll llll llllttltlll lliiiio ll rim uii incl rltlillt ii lll iiitirl liiii liii gtliiio lldlllli lthlHl List Your Properties with us Hb mu 13 it Hit oi It lit ptoli ttiiitit AYLMER soups mi nocr munm OUAlHY GIHN PIA IEIF N009 YONAIO CH 01 lqllAWS BONNYIIGG OAT cnxrs NAN npntcor r1331 canes CONHOIS unremittinsnnctts an OGILVIE win EDITH 1mm talisman woonmns BABY Tout soar Mtnurr Ts until srfatutn sumonaroons YELLOW PREPAIED i77ks wrsthrimt FIYS FRYS COCO com xcmrucr 1m CK IIGULAI QUAKE OATS IODIEXXI nmnnnmsn sriminnmtttcrrloutt oursm 10MATO WIIH cities SPKGHEITI JAYMAX DUI lAIEL morons ll ggwmlamfiain motor soap curpso commit nitn CHEESE unamnsncx stirrer cnntsrmmi Friar tuna BOIOGNH KIJK at your ower mm ml MAPLE aoutmc on Asirittsr 53mm Anitmt RgiiiAiKAiiLE VALUE goings aspirin mews IIICAKE 1K6 IINS we 01 Ll 15 on rm non canes 23 epics 13c macngxci29c inllsrlllmZIusllcs 57 soap cum unite iiioi voltiluun unt 25c 01 15 Lil no 20FL 01 17 BlSWBROTSomn 19c TUNA HS titer PUIIEDWHEAT TOMRTG sou strait BEAN FMKEStmocrs ROLLED OATS BULK tutti SEEDLESS RAISINS rcn TEHESKr JASIEMEBE tum lllPEll WESTQNS SODHS OGILVIE FLO GUI Hill PAR 1401 no or IAG sumuni 1501 rm or 23C turn or SAL lom Mousznom LIIJIN UN corn star rms crux NJL SE ji CMELHS 35 mot smurf STRNMRDP Willi scrim SING NEILSGNS Cocoa cone JUICE with conic LAKES in fs 222 Gquonivnmuk cocoa Mitnsrr mums smiiii with 20 JL ij 1601 Iqm NIL 02 WINS Ivol JAR 13 1601 uihm 33c 136 Billm0 WWW in VBABBITTYSCLEANSIR 21 74 Ill inlaid 3HWESWAX tit MYSTIC no wax iii OLD DUTCH DIME tm PAPER Slim lllEMHNDSYEIST AYLMER CHOICE cummu cuties his 24 mic 23c 19c Tllli 356 mt 28FL oz TIN Plain or 2LB Pimento BOX in 63 soc hitting camera writerr winter nnucnsnmcmm 11 10 he in ti iiiclue and ii chi lll ind litl 196 19 20 216 mew Ajwgk on lttfl Fund 1e LOBLAWiQUALITY BEEP 23c 25c 233 22 27c 25 201 tome iozgc If 21 9s oz All 16 7496 111 45c cm lie tor Barrie Memorial dent the ttXLltl0l Simpson tool the new deeided to 1x District spea PillME tit itiiiiSt inltctttmfrw ctioiwmmmfm sunrises irs Slit fut ilr it EDENVALE to it li tll iil Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered For Free Pickup And Delivery Call ll Lowe llStins llioiie iliiliih ho lirci Estimates ltd rim lIilt smarts nonsrs ittiiitiititiitisr SlllttllltW1Nli Burial35 iitiiiitti L353 CHOICE CUTS SHOULDER 22 FIRST IDEAL FOR BRAISING BBEESTS ROCK ow Bltrtxmstpititorm 45 taliriitt rtti CWKEB SLtcEp LB 79 PORK SAUSAGE CASING fSKlltLESS irritants us 37 iiiinn it D31 D02 Doz LEhST ONE srz Avnninnnn ETJlJICYTEXAS SEEDLESS 0311 Sze GRAPEERUIT new GREENfIMPORTlID ennspcmsr CABBAEE 135 CANADit No1 amour1m amp sisiii cALmonNtn EEDLESS NAVEL rkg APPLES icors no countiesno Gallon cQi snsv

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