Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 4

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nasepli in oitl this Sllee tiziseiitetl to the and iiitt ittii lltiij Mrs lliijtl Baum211 tiitutltd ii lt lin tlt Thirtymo nurses lliliil it dole zlt lltillill ililtl surm it vii the local gray oa iLi tiz ii 11 lttil ttll ttl in 1i itfe Lilli tiavioisw tti lltj rtltl llt il bigot ici iie nure tiozzi the luriiiitii and were oi fiani if to xllli llll lluntsvlle in ietkiiiit skint For llil liit iii1 Ittualilietl pilots would it tizd they ni uti lcsxfllvtl ilie liitii Sweden ihlizlly cit tiisttizlits it Qltal aois itlltl It was dellitltif liizdue tr txiiieeti by the down inilii 11111 Church in the liali on Wednesday ttill of his lltitltll iii Alhii Era in charge ll the ltgt Allister Ruther tilfltlt lrs liiciiartisoti Lind Mrs lllltl Sharp iLtll conventrs it of lip lltltttl Proceeds were 11 lc nciii hurcli Ap ttti lllt 10 Hull lritie were l2 litidgt lizie thinnerz weir ligt llioiizson Mrs ll arttr Alis Shinhv Sharp lrs Hewitt and Mrs lipl ohitiaii Ilurk draw ptie tlt not 5i ilrs 11 Siiiiili lrs llll iiiii lr ltt 1ltl litll nlihs Organized womens groups iii lii itziiiii llt altered the it iilllllltt of takititpnrl in the litt ler l7irii llotiso Fiviiiiciiiiii spun micd by the eiy loitige and Housing orpoi ion and beintt conducted WttllltllS Branch and Home lZcoiioiiies Scriicc Miss Aura Lewis Director tiftllt Branch in announcing the Ontario contest open to any local group vi ldlltl woitieii already operating unit says purpose is to ttoiirage discussion on how larin house should be plannedand what kind of equipment should be installed to add comfort and case of liviig institute as it its Britain is forming special vol unteer corps women who are They are being oi During and after illness when food must easily digestible and highly nourishing you will find valtine particularly valuable Oinltine is supplementary food specially processed for easy digestion lt supplies in concentrated fortnessential food elements to help you get better faster Ovaltine provides complete proteins for building muscle nervegtnd body cells and high energy foods as vellas important aniotintsol viutiins lit Riboavin 82 Niacin and the Minerals Ialcium Phos phorus and Iron So for speedier recovery from illness try building up with valiiue It is used in thousands ifhospitals throughout the worlds QVAtti as BlllE lllBllll oil li otiic tltlzld as lleit llllt in Ontario through the pm disarm One Year Later tlie first zinc on skus BABY lvv iiitiier of Mr iid Airs Cecil toinntt of Barrie whose isle tll or an irplino tlicttt Feb ttt It ont til12tl that tune lwai isonl weeks old and ne datigciouslv ll lll pneumonia tlll bronchitis It was Illlttlailti hat slit be taken to lflt llosiiitnl tor SitIt tiildieii lort ti illll tillit le1e ni oxyxct were ii iit 111a lilLL$ were llilltlJtl ttnl illlIt ltll lio ltllt liil ill iiiiiirs tidr Willintit Valley lllmll riiticnititlt with Carl Millard pilot il llet Laiattck to ii the liitan and niillter ti loiiihi it one of lhe lltltst da ol the unite and the little plane Dillltlttl about but eoinplcltd lit in 31 iiiititites enre at loroiito the on tiieroud ti lttttl lel now the tine healthy itlll pictured here loan is guanzidaugiiler of Robert Tucker in ollieiiil ot the otirtniiiis his tiiiipiiiv of TM onto and the engraving was loaned iiiiiiier by the leiiiployees lli71iii of the on stiniers ias oiiipiii litiis p11 lllivf Ittl was Filtlll enrolled its members of the Wont tiis Auviliary Air Force Volunteer Reserve Uniform and flying clo thing are supplied without elittf lliosc wlto volunteer to this new corps are required to have Ctilllplel ted at leastyone hundred hours solo flying and to be below 30 They are being enrolled for an initial period of two years It is intended that these trained viinien pilots shall be employed on leiryine and coniiiiuntczttion work itt nonopera tional areas during any period of emergency Recall Last Winier AsFlowers Bloom In Devon This Year While the people in Britain are enjoying 2i mild winter they are ter they had one year ago said llarris who with his daugh tel Marion recently returned to Barrie ltuiii llllCCranllth in Eng land Mr llillllS spent tiiosfwiiftho lime with his mother and father ll South Devon and when he left URKJN iias llll Alter hospital 3mm 5mm ONTARIO CANADA LEARVIEW INSTITUTE lrarvlew ll lciat 17 present il1 tric ilts with hate the shown at one rings Cont Mi ired to pirpurr The lllrtlltig zti cr to the convene pl liesuicn Mrs very the motto 11 iker was that Courage iimi held on Ft me do dcit iiiigzdlit in is Out Unity and on lie lts VilJei tliin gave ver liluilltlt tapei wit the lluionia tvwlJtn lliis was followed iricle Proof is in the Die 4intg ii Jillll liishe1 CBC eoni ritiiitatoz zca=l by Mrs Flynn Nev ltttllll will be in SS 11 and ll hi charge ol theconven et in ltlllllllt and Canadian lii tttw with Ross lltatiie 85 are invited Lunch be served All tiiothets and schoolage ciiildrcii of both sections ri invited sticcesstiil auction sale of dotin ted articles conducted by Mrs ll liuish Lunch as servml aQ Old Home Sunday Held At First Baptist Church Cash Contributions $l00 Old Home Suttdlu iii the First llaptist Sunday School wits decid eii success on Sunday Feb when tornier letithtts officers and sclioll us of the school met and relived former days leaelieis of yeaars ltu found themselves teaching their iornier scholars now teach ing in the school Superintendent Ed who retired after 35 years just two years ago was again iii charge of the schooland it was quite evident thai he enjoyed itl treintiulously special offering was taken to provide new 35min projector fort the Sunday School atid piano for the nursery and beginners depart ment total of oyer $100 twas Armstrong continuous were made for amotuits to be given later raised in cash and some pledges Bank Managers and Wives Give Dinner to Mr and Mrs Parsons On Thursday night Feb local Batik Managers and their wives were hosts and hostesses at tur key dinner served at Bziyslairs Lodge iit honor of Mr andMrs Parsons on the eve of their departure for an extended llOlldillt iii the south after the retirement of Mrl Parsonsiioninii service of theCttntlian Batik ofCommerce The affair was quite informal 11 Nettleton of the Bank of Tor onto next oldest local manager from length of service vas called upon to make few remarks Mi Parsons he said had main tained the traditional highstandard of business ethics and ctroperation 110 would be greatly missed as at prominent future in thebusiness lth of the town Patti Fisher then pre sciitcdlo Mr and Mrs Parsons electric travelling iron After the dinner the party all it ilk lutl lnallS the gift of the groom The hiidesmttld NET there the latter part of January went to the home of Mr and MW lJoztcrs were blooiiiiiijt and it was Nettleton where very 5001 common sight to see people sit bl Um3 W115 Shem 01 the re ttiig out in the sun reading Cr0lt tmmndcr 0f the Welling cuscs could be seen on the lawns and occasionally rose was Still TARDY TABLES Jlottcring YOHHJSterS While iii England Mr Harris be too tmegm nighhgnglzgnigafguip came ttuitc accustomed to the food are tardy at table in me mummy rationing There was no white may be tempted to bolt their brew bread andmost food was either fastsNuumun authoritiguy tint strictly rationed 01 on L1 pomt btl Chum ireihkqbiwo sis While it was common to have mOI meal in restaurant and betold there was iioteven enough milk for cup of collce Mr Harrissaid he felt most of the people accepted the situation without complaint be cztttsc they knew that every child in everyschool iit England was getting glass of milk every day He believed the majority were sat isfied because although some items were scarce every family was get ting its basic rain share of necessi ties An indication of the food value of the English rations was the fact that Mr Harris put on weight for the first time in some years Although becoming accustomed to food in England all the ship pas sengers were amazed when they sat down to4heir firstidiniteiiittetl boardingship for the return voy age While rationing is still in cited in Briuiin the lights are again on the devastation is being cleared up and thereisrrmt thegrim austeri tyof the war years Gasoline is strictly rationed and ever since last November thetei have been few private cars on thel road However the trains and buses provide good service in alll BR7i7 ztpptiteifdli with eat too soon good to gulp down breztltftistv01 any other meal Breakfast should bestif ftciently early however to permit every member of the family to eat slowlyand thoroughly bin Canada It was IMrT Harris fitSFVisitto England since 1938 Hewent to see his mother and father both of whom arein their eighties it was Marions first ocean voyage and she enjoyed the ettperience especially visit toSt James Palacewhere she saw the wedding gifts to Prin cess Elizabeth lMr Harrisand hisdaughterglefti New York last November aboard the Queem Elizabeth the some ship on whtch Prime Minister King sailed tolattendhequel Wed ding They returnedtthe latter patt GABARDINEs of January TO KEEP SALTXDIW To keep salt dry place it in container and leaveiit nearvthe pilot light ofthe gas1 stove over night gt sriiiisicrabs Wl WEDDINGS GARFATJIOLLOWAY ate Wedding took place at Saturday afternoon ii 11 luttl St Andrews ree lvtctootougli when Joseph LtltlAiltltl iartat only son of Dr 111s Karl iaifa of Peltthor tinuh claimed for his bride Miss Julie liclle liollowa RN cid tlgltitgllll of Mr and Mn Hot or Barrie Rev Mr ilin conducted the ceremony tis Doris iatfat sister of the groom was bridesmaid and the trooiiisziian was George Ed Hollo way brother of the bride It was ilotihlerttiit ceremony inch in marriage by her father the lilltl was charmingly gowned lll llcaveii Blue crepe Wllh ttititelt nit leather coronet shoulder veil atid lont blue glovts Her corszitze was of American Beauty rOSis and halns breath iind she wore till iii wore fotgctnionol ltlllt crepe with medium brown accessories and corsiigc of Amer ican Beauty roses quiet reception was held for tllltllelltllt relatives of the bride atid tiltltllll tiller which hlltllll Mrs jailat left on their honeys iiiooii to points West the bride chiltlt itielisiti wool herring hone suit with brown lint coal and iccesSortis They Will reside at titll Aylnier St lcterboimigh The bride formerly was stu tent at Barrie Collegiate institute and isla graduate of the ivic lllospilal letcrbotottgh Collier Street United iWMS Accepts lts Allocation of $900 The WMS 0L Collier StuUnitcd Church met Friday afternoon Feb with Mrs Graham presiding Mrs lelch presented the bud itct for 15118 and the allocation of $900 was accepted by the meeting Mrs Robertson reported three new members who were welcomed into the society Lewisitold of interesting new hooks on the book shelf for metn bers to read illits Clarke took the chairi and called on Mrs Lewis to lead the devotional service stressing hristinn Stewardship Mrs Johnson offered the prayer Mrs thpm St with 20 ladies ptesent 12 1948 Mrs iGoodfellow Speaker Barrie Womens Institute SHEARD DrsSmaking Designing Phone 5145 Barrie 82 MARY STREET Upper Apartment Biscuits that lwcwith the whole family institute Morris The Barrie Womens met at the home of Mrs lli roll naming of their uses call was attswcrcd by Canadian trees and Leitets of thanks were read for parcels tcceitcd all Christmas Mrs Gluidlellow Siruud spoke on her iisit lo Confederated Womens Xectiiigm Mrs Hughes Strottd was also present Mrs Baker conducted very good debate on How to Keep the High osi of Living Down contest was held also jumble ofwords concerning menu Mrs Hughes was the on with the highest points short course of Personality and Dress is to be held on Tuesday Mar Watch paper for further notice very enjoyable lunch was served by the hostess Next meeting to to be held zit Mrs reightons 261 Elizabeth St Magic5 OrangeeRolsin Biscuits Iau Elnour lidm that113 ailment M451 up miiim filling Pourr lbw DRINK nilJ hiltm Ibipns tug mp milk WORLD 1990 IS STILL Sllfllll Based on information received up to midNovember the Food and Agricultural Organization IFAOl reports the World food situation in be as critical as at any time Since the close of World War ll World production of bread grains and rice per person in the 194748 season is lit per cent below the average years 1934418 Though the outlook for the 194849 production year is one or continuing shortage there is some prospect of impmvement if better weather prevails than in the cur rent year Sift dry ingredients together Cut in shortening until well mixed Add rai sins and orange rind Beategg slightly in measuring Cup and add milk to make up Add to rst mixture Roll out aboutineh thickcut with blurred biscuit cutter Place on greased pan site in hot oven i79l about 12 minutes Makes 16 Mrs lleathsanguerxfeclingly ilake My Life and Let Itibe Conse Waited Lotth to Thee The offering was taken by Mrs Stewart and Mrs Vaudcrbcck Miss King took the study book and told most interestingly of the work done for the Massachusetts aiidszikola Titdins and the trans lating of the Bible into their languages by Elliott and Riggs after risingand anywiiy it isnt moons WELL DRESSED AS YOU SINCE rvr IIAD MY OVERALLS CLEANED in NI SERVICE An invitation to Come inspect Our parts of the country and theinconai venience is not asygreat 1th would sv FINETWLSzwoiisrmr ALL VERYVREASQNABBE sunnyinmate writs now 51am UNrtLiWANm Nowfor extrafast bakingits New Fleischmanns Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast Noyneed to keep it in the iceboxit stays fresh in the cupboard for weeksright there when you need it lust dissolve according to directions Then use as fresh yeast IF YOU BAKE AT HOMEyou canalways keep large supply ready for hurryup bakingmote delicious baking results Order FleischmannsRoyal FaStRisingDereast fromyourgmcertoduy t1 and Very Newest New EXciting Ballerina smartest 2mmaoennmngt Dies WOOL Pittes AntoneL it to Eslabslihed 1316

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