Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE BARBIE EXAMINER ESlABLlSnED 106 Published IIursdan Hamill by HE BARBIE EXAMINLR LIMITED AlliLAMEN Pillslllthl NL buntIN I021 1i WALLS inc FRESlUlNl AND scams MANAGE THE HARRIS mm BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA mm mURSDAY IEERUARY 12 194 frcpsferrcd hegino tilt communal MEETING REGISTRY 50 in tutti $llithli oi run it its aztattzun lttn NLJIA5 1iltzoii SUBSCRHWMN 510 Gun Hillihtd In effort to eliminate all ptisnlblc confusion and conflictiort of int nuincrous Itlhllfigs held an Barrie the Junior Choinber of Commerce and the Barrie Recreation Councn have CtODETIlled aiznld oi Great Brit4J3 $31K tear Wim BmguH lllllays llilt lt1 Ironi the hits of UNIV we II CK Id 1898 Jitfll wound on Win button xmng Up Lommmm muting mg STEIE Cores BARK ADVANCE Coi minty 11111 Courtall during Arrh Lu Nous tinrizf Lidijs 31 tile Utiico All organizations however small or limited are asked in IIiUk Valle and LLJ oi Min lnlt no Moll ing this Registry practical and advantageous to thc community at bu ffmung 91 We ed laixe by requesting their secretaries or persons in charge to 3111 with Mr VaLl he gmup 11 were mm immediately phone the following infomiation to the Barrie JNl lMLhH post ouqnlv enjoyed bv lle audience chamber of Commerce $3051 of all forthcoming Meetings Puma oiliuis of Bunlei xltitl pclthl the hall hlIC the were puejdem bmqum DEM gm lions and lrogrammcs Organization holding the meeting date nsrk gt to NW PM Don3 mm mute me gmup tune place and informants name us information Will be at the znl bt mild from mouth to month tllfl cur tllltlllllfKd the audian with sew disposal 0f anyone requesting same and in this manner it is hoped The world needs selficliiiit young plop to ties Peter Year 8111 if qultc lOSSlblt ll ldtt 11 puts Jory ltil liuilttilntis Stlikldtrllh hill Verluppmg SUV mWUHgS Wl be limlllaled me who have 21 SlllClH illHm 101 extent of furthering the programmes of organizations both large lnurs Fuel in Ditch tllit 11 othci scttlolls oi Li Sklghmgt yl vi 010 by lhtl llho and sm pa1 lfhpCLlVP OI UK ll ll 01 llh we luau re NuV mlmd Md IIOIIIOJIIWNOWW Norss By Rt Si MEMBIER OI Class Wecltlws iv TuH rv So each lllII llic tcnipcraturc readings us publisllcd 1115 The Barrie Exanliilcr arc tztkcn from lllty sonic tllerinonlrtcr cutll wcck This is til vzvzi TRAINING TO SERVE CANADA only satisfactory way that useful comparisons quj tutu Evorv week When it truck owned by the Ans said prominent world figure wctntly in dis town or ulstiitt tlic Hamilhp i111 mos MW 1me tm cu 104 the ditch Just their schedules to thehlrnblf of tnrnerce BO StOlll tllthlllGllldt lovcinriitsUlllannlllllh mm Show Iillvlllm in broutl and other my Srml 33gt Sillllda All article lll thistdltlon Of the Examiner contains Liliana Arm 10d r01lt hymnins Hank be ilioizmlg it nuts Dellevcd that about further information I11 rrillddil SOIllt 103000 03 1U gulls ml ll in my zero Iitltl Lalltrns of loci oil bcilix laktn ldhg Ml nu1 3b Tun1W known BW cr rccordings do not ncccssarlly llltlll that MAN old dint of lttunlseth 10 ii rtilp AxtIV mt tit Vii ll 11 lillllll mm lis ulntli unturned tool 01 brow Gume Wu 11 Up PM Uh lyimmnttth rl 11fuc flll zit Bceton 12011 gallons ilic il sccucd down mcmbcrs of two movements which arc t1lllllt lltl Indicate lull tlic ilfftltlll llilfllllfl trig young people iii sclfrcliancc with rc wtxn the County agreed to BROCK JAMIESON into the snow and ii is likely tille llztJt bttll tukcn from llltlllltlllltltl plzttttli 71L nu no north centorincr Student and honor matri will find its no down into the spcct for ObIlPlS rctzardlcss iirlllflili or lt lllltlclll lOfilUllR littlous beliefs Linn $3000 Sonic ptiblictulation graduatc 0f Barrio Col 1111140 Mien the snow inelts The to thrill liliti sumo BCl stud icizidlc 1m liccn proiiiotcd from llilkl of the oil truck tliilllltd that That the teachings of Scouting and 1uid N1lll HEALTH writit tiltr lire playing vital role in llll moulding of To lllll cwiyum first mum lttii um hi lic dvaiicc met in il1gtlllll nianagcr of lllt hislttlry ll ldlli l0101195ltllvllltitlmk lit llllI Zltii tntt lliul illlttlt into tillitlitt tllc 1179118 of the Illlllll is icilcctcd in thc to Biaceblidce cscajxwl front tht 100 cooperation is rquested The Registry will thrive if you PHONE 3305 iiltitvt tt IiLl avoid collision The front whcel lll lllc ftcltl if know to tllikt almost daily afterland Lincoln branch in loioiito to rpmlm he mill 1c ltl fl further comment of thc world lcudcr quotco it 134 1tiv nt tituni such disturbance manager of Ford and Monarch dd Id mm lllt oilcillt and people tiiuiicli lll llcigina Sask it was all abovc If we can intpicss upon our youth principles of fricndlinrss and mutual rcspctt llc had to mice to tritu shoulder to llt1ltllltgt5 tilt2c that at times it nounccd Fcb by lloriicc 11 wt shall go long way towards establishing ii littier undrstundingr among the nations of lllt world It is apparcnt that as morc and more of our children bccomc Scouts and lnidcs tlicy will be inspired in do thcir licst to do illtll duty to God and tlicir Country to obcy tlic Scout or Guide Law and to liclp otllcr pcoplc It is well said that Canadian Scouts and Guidcs are Training To Scivc Canada Lct us work togctlicr to makc thcsc programs nvziilubh to inorc lllllvmtilt lllgilfllllll boys and girls HIGHEST POSSIBLE llllltlllll LEVEL 18 THE AIM Roccnt cvcnts would indi atc whole world is on tho march toward thc highest possible level of llcnlth Thc World Health Organizationti crczition of the United Nations has set down as its main obl jcctive to assist all pcoples of the world to attain the highest possible level of health The WorkliMedical Association composed of the national medical associations of 48 nations and to which thc Canadian Medical Association belongs at its first general As ley meeting in Paris in Scptcmbcr 1947 adopted as its two main objcctivcswto assist all peoples of the world to attain the highest possible level of health and to promote world peace The Chairman of the International Medical Conference states that Cdnadus national ant and mortality statistlcsfiailks high in re wlationito the health ofither worldrirand the medical profession of Canad believes its primary duty and indeed its lif long obliga tion is to assist all Canadians to cnjoy the best possible level of health There are other medical bodies in Canada goveri ental land voluntaryvery well quallfl and cdtiippcd to give an analysis of Canadas health by the utilizationloqutatik tics One 1065 not need in this communi jcation to emphasic the point but think my colleagues from Ha ifax to Victoria and from the international bou dary to the Arctic Circle would have mesthat we believe we live in one of the most favored landsof the world and We are glad of theopp0rtunlty to Lplay our part in conserving and mmraining jthe health of the nation ARE THERMOMETERS ACCURATE On particularly cold day it is common occurrente to hear persons arguing ab0ut the temperature Areport of an official re cording does not always settle the matter to thesatlsfation of 2111 Some people believe there isa great vari riFatiDn in thermometers and assert that most vthermometers are unreliable However it is gfmore likely that the explanation lics in the fact that each thermometer is in jarrdifferent location If thereiwere ifour thermometers that thci how lt ttiiic pursuit coilttliittl tmlclv litmus zl ii ltlllztlil tinticrstnntliiii Illd lllillit wt of limitli llvlc tic IVY ttllts Willtll il inllonctl Kalli ttilts thc loiluwcls pltsicl tiltl liltliltl trlllv for lltdllll follow lililllltttl tlltl Avoid dirt piatlsc tlcuiililicss ivolti cuntntt nitll pzisnns known to llt ltfl lt 111 from Contagious tlltiht llltltltlil collis llclltx bcfoic and atlcr taunts Avoid constipation Avoid tltltllll 11 dictiiis is nctcssllry llti oiily llltlt1lllit in strnction of your llltllill ticl ul ltust tllilll hours of slccp llll tlll tlllflllt ftllllt lt suit you tiitl lllt iiicinlicis of your faintly ltt bccn iinlntiiiircd tliltbtit prcveiitablc discascs ts dplnlicrii l1tiitili cututh and smallpox Avoid tlnlls if ovcllicatttl lIxcrcisc inodciatcly in tho ojicn tii physician itlvists illltlt Scc your physician icttularly for Ultllilllt tx uiiiiiilititiils units your Visit your dentist rctztlluily Avoid nnduc intl niiiictcssnry cyc strain WINTER ACTIVITIES 011 February morningtvhcn thrimcr cury drops below zer6rtlrny for one to think of spending holiday in Florida or California But on the other hand thcrc are hundreds of citizens who actually citjoy the winter months with the snow and icc and frosty air It is only natural that haltlly Canadian jcitizcns should appreciate the winter season There are many countries where snow is 1111 known and the inhabitants never have an opportunity to thrill to the sports familiar to those in the northern clime We here in Barrie to be able to have the facilities forso many winter sports right at hand For at least four months this ground is covered with snow which affords week after week of sleigh rid ing for the childrenSOme 0f the older boys and girls spend the occasional afternoon tobogganlng down the long slopes of the surrounding hills For those who wish to travel faster there are ski hills and at nearby MOunt Jimmy ski tow has been installed to facilitate the ascent Kempenfeldt Bay pro vides sport for many more In addition to the little spaces clearedfor skating there are hundreds who set upishanties for winter fishing new thrill for an increasing num ber is flying and several planes equipped with Skis are using thelanding strip near the Government Wharf The Barrie Arena and the Curling Rink provide interest for players and spectators alike From thelittle tots who are just learning to skate tip to the fast moi4 ing Junior hockey players there are hund dswho use the arena while the spectators umbered by the thousands Curling one of Ca das oldest sports is enjoyedby young 1kg day in the woods with shot gun or riflexprovides healthy outing for many As healthqunadian citizens letftts rec ognize that winteromes every year If we Wear clothing suitable to the weather we can enjoy the subzero days nd the invigorating frosty airgPerhaps we cantakean example lic ntilk you itlllk is ilillllllttl law Sm lunmmlnul lln Hart Shanty Bay was mummy mman on Mllltlrlg school honor rollI in lt minus inatmsstblc to do busi Jthtllll Soulcrs one of the ttilitl rcsidcnts in tll East End of 111 mm 11 his Hill your lrllltl no culltclcd for illt Barrie llriilirit of tho Biblc Society illgilll of tht Burton AW public for Jan 1093 showed 227 ltLLlSiLlLd with an average ttcndiricc of 188 and 50 who had not bccn absent or late once in the vi nll Allluldxilc Prcsbyterianl Sunday School reported over 400 llmiltS in its library The annual lcc for intinbcrship in Barrie Publ tlt Librury was fifty ccnts twill himcoc ouiity Briefs tPcctcd to DC District WP of the host Slincoo Division of Sons 01 cinpcrancc Miss Nollie Miller of lizlgnr was chosen DWA ll 11 Sirrttliy QC was president of Snncoo llzlw Assocn Geo Mob crly vicc prcsidcnt Papler QC curator An editorial stats cu that the County was getting back from thc Govt $1136 more that it paid in as compared with $110550 formerly1 David David son 01 lcnctang Liberal candidnu in Ccntic Simcoc was charged edi torially with labored defeiicein ltn cord Wood at $251 cord for liinisclf the contention being that with tcndcrs fairly called vwood conld have becnrbonght at $170 cordA horsc driven by Rubentson Ivy was one of the winners the ice races on Lhe bay tcnling for the first time rcptntcd prevalent at NewtonRob inson lonllinson trying to construct skating rink of An gus The top pupils tlliclass an ctlort to justify laigepaynicnt of appeals tirccnficld itcnctal sales nlilllllgd Ford Motor Company of Canada liniitctl Mr lanlicson is nativv ul Illoiiiloit In his transfcr to Ilcizina branch 1r Jainicson succccds lcrcy Williy who becomes salts ninn attcr of tho Ford and Monarch division for Canada iii Windsor lioinc UfflLL Mr Jainicson was born in Thorn ton 011L in 1902 and aftu liis studios in Barrie llc ratlualtl front McGill University and taught in Kitcllcner and Waterloo Col lcgiate and Vocational School bc torc joining Ford of Canada in 1933 as district salcs nianugcr Io runto branch During the war llc wcnt to Sing apore with the Ford Motor Com pany of Malaya Limited and was officer commanding squad at Central Control Room A1217 headj pr ters tlierc during the Japan siege When Singapore fcll he was interned by the Japanese for three and onehalf years At wars and he became assistant branch manager Toronto Mercury and Lincoln division Mr and Mrs Jainieson have two daughter In rcccntdccision llis llonota Harvie County of Sitnmc uphcld tllc work of the assessor and dismissed each of nuinbcr brought before him from the decisions ofthcCmmnf Revision of the Improvement Dis trict of Wusaga Beach This was the judgment handed down by the County Judgc in the new County llssgssnlctit work carricd out under the supervision of the County Assessor slippcd over into the ditch and the uncle load turned on its side Mr 11m and his crew itik consider aplc time to replace it on the road owing to the hcavy load and the fuct that it Was wcdgcd into the hard drifts One thing noticcd was tlic luck of police pruuction while this was going on as thcrc was iairly frequent traffic both ways and tho roads worn slippcry Illlllltli in the vcck car took into the drifts below Stroud and whcii it was taken out U10 operator of tho tow truck stated that nonc of the occupants was fit to drivc car but fearing to cause quar icl lie was obligcd to llllllClll pixi cccd Had he known the condition they were in before he stattcd he might noghavc ptillcd thcin 0111 The policd patrol did not pass wliilc tllcy wfc around The cuts left along the road where vchiclcs liavc taken into the ditches especially around Strond is to say the least surprising it would be interesting to know the rcasons other than that mentioned in the above liara tzrzroll Cars StilllParkmg On Roads Despite advertisement and verbal tbqucst certain offenders are con LETTERS to thr EDITOR APPRECIATIVE LETTER OF THANKS RECEIVED FROM GREECE Inreply to coatsctit by Miss Jean Wicc Stroud in 1045 Exaplatanos 8148 My Dear MI wish my lcttcr to find you in good health How much we thank you all Grccks for your kindness to help the un happy mcn and cspccially tlic Greeks who so many have suffer cd and now yet Wc thank you for you do not forget us the country from which the politism tinuiiig to use the cleared space on roads for parking vehicles For tuitatcly only few on each line do this but the work of plows is great lv hampered when passing them came to all the world Your prick agc came to poor girl with an lold mother and two brothws of age and without father and ttrcal brother think when our is suffering can to ask from the rich man help if you can ccr tainly and if you can hope this lcttcr arrive to your hands and quickly to have your answer Againjl thank you for your pack age and wish God pay you for this help With lovc and friendship MARY My address is Maria Pantclidou Villagc Exaplatanos Almopias Maccdonia Grecce NEWr RECORD CLAIMED new Dominion rCCord is being claimed at Montreal by the Cana dian National Railways Recreation Association rifle team with per fcct score of 1000 1000 It was made in scheduled match of the Montreal Rifle and Revolver A55 sociation League The perfect score broke all previous records in the city Restore Lost pep order of merit were Allan Knitpip 1le Knupp Willie Ronald and chi lraccy For class Sr they wore Duvid Maw Irene Knuppy George Johnston and Alice Young At Utopia John Bell present cd to Edwin Smith gold watch chain and locket in recognition of liis services as organist for seven years The llouse of Refuge committee prsentcd report on estimates for institution including furnishings which had totalwtfr 23460 WNIONImIlMIOOIIONIONN if gt Feb 1923 Years Ago Barrie Local Notes The County Council cut road es timates by one mill leaving the 71923 figure at $175000 Night classes conducted atth Prince of Fromthe fyles of THE BARRIE EXAMINER WalesySchool in motor mechanics itelegraphy English arithmetic idressmakiiig millinery and home espptiitggn the Barrie rbonspiel Sansons of WITNEhmsc lukon visilcd at Dr Whittakers Cookstown Owing to anhcpiy demic of grippe girdcolds among teachers and students Cookstown school was closed for Week Tenders are out If 600 yards ofI gravel to improve Main St Elm vale Additional charge of $100 on the mist of 1923 auto markersl will take over$6000 out of thel pockets of the car owners of the county FlosvTelephone Co hast 570 subscribers Originavlsubseiib ers were expectihg rdttctiOnin their yearly rateby about $11 pcr phone WHY BE ENTVious it Other iroplcs9 coffee when you can serve Maxwell House Its they WOIItIg loading brand and it iconl rains choice LatinAmcriJ can coffees for extra flavor jnursing Barrie wins two high IMalcomson beating Meredith 1710 in the final St Andrews church reported it good year with 250 families and 453 members rer ceipts for general fund $6981 for missions $2687 for organ fund mim THAI Ncw CHRYSLERBUILTENGI AVAILABLE FROM STOCK Qka wonittitiElttliitr mm IN ANY SIZE TO FIT YOUR can on TRUCK AND GUARANTEED INSTALLED vIN cuspAv IN ouuowuisnops HAROLD HILL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ARGO 551+Elizabelh Si 111V Phone 2427 ORLDSF oL TURE one on each side of abuildlng there could be Laconsidcrable difference in the readings at any particular hour of the day Wimldir tion altitude gut1531 andLQLhBLractors Iundoubtedly aceount for the extensive var 122 lation in thermometers It is usually on par ticularly cold days that the subject is intro Tduccd because residentsof one section like to know how the temperature in their neighbor fhood Compares with that in other locations fromthe children whoweanwarm clothing andiislay in the snow and on theiice just for $12808 County Council decided not to cutwire fence minus from 35c to25c At the last meefin oLthc UFO the relative values of cowandhorse wererjdebated1he Orillia has been notorious forthe wasteof latter winning in Toronto iprcss Electrlmtv says the Orillia Packet and 33ng WM gash l0 Times heShortageqf ower tOday lino geflfgndfmaisnly cresrfonsibllcftrir doubt bringing to the Ortllians realization heriunngonaufs in the runx eldproverb Willful waste bringswoe him for Senior OHA Crown ful want n1 OURTOMORROWSdepend on what happens milq worlds children TODAY Ill ruined around the globe thre arc millionsof them in misery4 scranibling for shreds of foodioii garbagedumpayshivering in rags Onltlie continent of Europe lialftlie children liornsince the war are already dead of malnutrition Thosc Who survive there and clsc where aredespgtely in need of food zftf clothing They need Schmlmgmmionlhcir ttorney Wmatulated for of over 60 years and ne lected on his vigor in his Blithiyear gs Sgas WCHunterClothirig Cooffering gt Lioc mtgrra evilre uiure if they are notisavedlt cl is losilf SimcoelCotinty Bligh fast and exciting game of hockey was tplayedg between Hawkesfone and Dre Station the latter winning 70 Wthdle fam gt 11162151 Ivy Sbgtrifgfglgsu Canadian Appeal for Children is how Conducting Itlanjpal sa iu successful year burntea churches EFmPalgn if me the 9ha116nge 1116813 dcspcrate and immediate needs This it cam patgn the pimple ofCadiithghtinimum objective of $10000000 to provide food clothing gand school applicatorlthebhildrengafegnaid tlte healthlofcxpectantaudnursing mothers in devastated lands around thewqud of responsible Unitchationaoperatingagencies iron naw Youtomia ve in gt donk let allureito acrbe mmnwience AanANIQmII accept your donation Tum gt your sympathy andgood wishes into tangible contribution gowycur bank mand give Whereverpossiblc lilldonationsvwill be used FARMERS ANDMEMBERSI OF C0 f9 Eh of Canadian 899 and the OPERATIVES ankyour locilorganization Inhibition930on will beuntler th direction asrto the hallway to make you contribution had balancexand ellnssessments andallotmentspaidgin itull Capital in Crown Hill Telephone crcasedw to $10000 John resigned his post C0ICIWatli nHPQISWlitimslmwul mm 1921 mtecelpm zmuglctmtumm gt deficit of $507 butspent $1340 on barn Min5 leclumrevmiwmum malarmwirgdmrggwg inf Wotandurfemzilnlmmsin oma ere brilsthuntiiuuglg In Drillia division court 853 suits were entered for total of $31000 10111 Aucolllltallt Auditor 22771Yok9st1 OOMPbEIEMBHin Tilllllllllls limt tantalum Flood long tneasurer dfCreetiior Is rm evil Why andspentvT$1895Al1iston stair mica 15inch siein hometownamour mum mmwem 01de wereil applications up tn$e156 gt Av Tomb12 0m junta clitoraltalisman

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