Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 18

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 1948 Girls Ta Dances Eno able Evenin 777777777 com Ie Teeners Leap Year Valentine Dance CHURCHILL WYEBRIDGE valentme pal1 Tuesda A1 c1ub 79 1LJ L7 From 0ng an II To get quick Nituillt from and Cislils7tty ltr Ymul Norma Pill 511111 II II 11113 I911 1111 1111111 111111 1111iiiiuuiulal for tl1 hllil 11f 111 1111114 11111111IY 1111415 WIN 131 throats 11111 1111111 l1 11111111 lt rial1111116 111 11 111111 minEmil illllii of tin 1131111 1111 1111irI1 lanm 1111111 1111 111 111 I111111111111111111119 it in wuwis Nimm lim $11111 Hm itll 11 211 11rirv for tr 1111111111111 111 111 mm III1 1111 CI1111111111I1111gt1I1154 l1111lt1111 1111151 111111 1I1 I1 11 11 11111 1111 II EIIIII I1c11 IIW I1II IIIII and soothing 11111111 II III II II 1111 11 Youll lilltl this 1gtl1i1iit tllriltlg 11111111111111 WWI 11 111111111 11 111 111 11A 1111 111 111151111 smurfs cit1 tilmm b1111 111 1111 1yii1I 1111 411111 12 1111 1111 11112111311 31 WW II III I1 IIIIIIM SII VII III II It 11I1II111 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Mann Store II II uuiucd ill but llCl arrived and of remembrance for 1111 loundcrof for tlry1ltlly slxln lussy 139 Dunlop Strtct LI111IL0 1191J 111 II All Off III ZIIlId Cm EJIIIje mfFImg 5101 lIlIC I35 liblol 011113111 Lord Bu 05 09 Iquare link lranqng r11iiii for DIAL 21 1211 15419 if LIIlI 1F ICIL1 P0 mun or normal skin Lp1111111 11101 Is oi 1110 till 1111113411 1111 mas of iiitCiest it all Iioop and II 10 puck 1110911111 nights during 1119 lnqtnlytmhr mtam for 0in Makers of famousBcIavet POWCI 10315 XVIth 0118 power Ce1I to igdwignftguhihhisgliciulhii km tom demonStmllon for the final nth days 01 0111 0011 111181 111111111511113 11111 1112 011 test Date to be announced later 800 thstouowing dem lsundw Fcb 22 the Will b0 church parade to Burton Avenue Choice Cooked Meats oz for OlStthdi Lathh Jig Silwy DH PICSS CHC HSJW Mid United Church in the 111101110011 11 $1 25 Saw and Joint special Remembrance Service 11 PASTRIES each Lord Badcn Powell FRIES DAILY 111 UUUJV 52159 wl1 PROPRIETOR elhngton Hetel BIOCk Dial vary irjory Canning has been un opst Phonen Ispcndhr9 sonic time with friends mvfonumi c1 99 19 1Struihroy were recentgucsts 111 the fornicrs parents here lMisscs Mary Gwen 11nd Sheila with Mr and Mrs Morle Grosc meeting 211 the home 01 Mrs Rcivc spent the weekend in Barrie lhc WIMS will hold their Fob Stc1licns1Wclncsday FEB 18 Mrs Chas Stewart lclt durint 111101311 lcngthy visit here GUMTY MEATS 11131 OR BLUE BRAND 1312112111 Steak or roast 121251 PORTERHOUSE 491 I49c 71711541116111211 Texas grccn NEW CABBAGE 151 Tex Marsh Seedless 965 GBAPEFRUIT 251 130 llxtmFancy Apples 51101100 don liniscv Rinntl17Sticctciicd ORANGE llllCE ltvsc Brand Swootcnetl BLENDED JUICE Quaker 23132 29CORN MES 19 ancv Quality 27 PINK SALMON 229 Oz 7111 230 pm the 100111 loi ltct borne in Kipling Sgt wit 20 02 This 602 Steak or most Tln 5111111111 11 her sisters The sy11111111y011heI communuy Unisot Brantlchotmicd 20 In Domestic Steak or roost II immunities 21 SHtlltTENlltG 3111 mm 111 delimigoretElitiesfiiiiiiiimiiigiy lmm7lurc Orange Dominion Fresh track off 1h 111 1s III II Day of 1213111 in theWMSsel led IIZIItIIoz 33 Inoz 356 Ont 111mb gradeI IIIIII IIIIISII IiiA UcoCtuESEEKiyhsh 7LVmi ValleyStandardQuality THarrisPure aiieies lbI 17 11 om ra Applcs 11122iln113112iiitli its 25c son 1111111111111 25 VEALSHIWLDEBS 35c GREEN 39 13 It is hoped others will find it Mntlcrnmlloney Flavoured Aylmer Green Gage Fresh Tex Marsh SeedlcssRuhy Red 805 Ltliroughsthe banking services and Ihclpful financing of The Canadian llankIOfommerce You too may rm Bin Biscuits 29111111 iisntitrriioiitsm3111111111111111111 my DSL Gool value IAylnIterWith Pectln Jumbo smoked II Sweet Seedless NavelOrangcs HE nc livestock you sec on 9111 2135 lb 2888 mm this farm have beenbuilt up tn Values Effective Until ClosingfISaturtIlax IIneed to purchascfoundation live stock forthe dcyelopment of yam farin orrancln 11 vares II 11 toangjroiz7 Improve the inter mIm1itotitm Fa Farm car 33333211111 ohketwfm szlh fashionable meS Iseqt covers thgf IWill protectyour ttpliolsteIryAOLnd give lasting Weanv To FIT MOST MODELS IIAlsolalarge Selection of floor mats for Chrysler products 71111111111111 11010115 Dodge Dcsoto Dealers ower 81 Tet 2m enkmdgIw cc Investigztte the many advantages you hztve under the Farm Improvement Loon plan Come and discuss ywlr nancial needs with out local Manager CANADIAN 3111111 pr commune LTros1rm Manager 7T1 Llllllm

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