Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 17

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WI elitismWW THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 1948 FOR SALE FOR SALE Farms For 31113 on RENT 13 RATES cents word minimum 3h IlAl IlN lull It llrILirIJ unit STOVE while enancl trim III HIf SALE 1r rent arr CHAREg paisbdoreszsenlon Ill brand LL used only lilYlIII Alma 39330 cen war minimum 500 uxclc om will bpflllias to lug 111 214171 111111 5121 11 gt1 1mm My wllll Events for Order is c1111 Cwiipletc with mats POULTRY 113 cm 40C Camera Hm l1ill 11 11 1CD nc lea 1nd Illtlli II II III II 1111 saunas lilodltirli size Vic ticr Shop over Olympia testam WI LN nd daft All CIISSIIIQJ Adleu Mu Be In I353 l377 foscpic 1m 7711 1m 3111 sv ni in ADDITIONAL NSERTIONS SAME RATES IIm IWIIJI ltoi 1111 ailing largr s70 1H3 and grant 11111 Zurizirs 11l II LINI Than WEDNESDAyemrlCHK LINN II EASY gas ulglllt washing 111137 Ill LMMM aiiciistilrieglSImSJISUS II1 1513 II chine 11w lininmliate dclricr II You must include cash stamps or money order with copy ul tractor dues and plows new phone 34 All 71 and L11 ieriwiiu to get low rate IlleIkIliilI elee only New heated sedans for log 111171 p11 Daddy IIIIIIIIIW IIIIIIIIIII II III IAIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II III IIIILIIIIIII ORDERS 11 El PROPERTY onus 11ljrl IlUv WW 17 Mo 111717 m1 10R RLNI 111 v1 71 OF $100 0R OVER SAY YOU SAW 11 HIE XAIINER You SAW It WE Hum gm UIIGIUIHI II ltttl 1p blur Inll ot1s DOXI IASS UP chance to lili auliung Hm have IU IHIdI bun II 4108 I1 11 11 liotfrli SALESMAN for milklAPARIMENI 111 OAK WALL ASIL long by mm km NW to Stars Nceilleiornt front door 17 Itll ilvily limic Rib Rousts Blade mm II MW Imp 10 MW JohhsgunI Thonhw MIN 713 lill Aim show last Phone Iudmb Imam mml 0m bfd db bl Llapperton 5t Phone 5181 will We 77 IIIA rn II II II outstanding strain Two very kindling bawed any It Roasts SliOlQ Rib Roasts 1131113 hillLilliSmilillclffenelsmril olrlcr 11001151 111 ivwl Im mm mm Il5l MW 1u111tllmniillr1lwillflyl tlfmtl It Rolled Pot Roasts 1181111111 with 1111 central public wrth 11111111 light iSiril WARUKUIEE ll rill IIIV 57 3qufffndird pinch beryl mammal Tog plain color Lleniulilti lliilt position pays well 117 yell liiolillis 510m 11gt llt Ilzillic in IIII 9149 lg FXI IWIIIIII PIIIIH SI Bf able energetic 111111 Box 73 BEDROOM for rent central Gen ml 77 7i FARIIS FOR SALF lie Tito llaiiie luxruninsr 71 tlenirln preferred Mi 3601 1511 mm II lilll77l 10 1mm 045 mg II WILlOL not 5111 11910 car reported noun 1m ivlItn 7111 1111 1211111 SHIENDID OPPORIUNITYI Aw HOUSEKEEPINU ROOM Wm ply 2111 lli1iielii St or Ill MEDIA DILIVLRL PAIN1 FOR SALE miles from nsdlv from William Melcouli offI ROAM and Round Seak tat lnntirs Il1 lllllZLI at man to supply more than 230 Fain ll 1111111 Xllll steel iouf 10400 II II later by police in 1111171111 Jimkfj 1le 31 lch Iltkissllics to the people 111 IWO ROOMS heated iirifiiiilisliIOOI 510w Illlllllllb Mll mum Im mm 59 U1 Mimi insul brick in first Class 11 17 191 row mm phone and 010mm llindow lllttltb and Venetian In II whim IIICIIIM med it In house eletricitr lll barn IJIlllkIilllik SIUCIL Ekllzll kltl 35 Hill1e l1ll lltu l1 ll 117 gt1 1i Jlhmo Lumllard mom p019 bllil1ltlllgt and liit QHXIVlIllIidCIplll llIliielilltllI Ink IlIlkl1Llelllll you hAlSAGI Balm PM 551 HPhit lilo Ironschurch s1 Plione til$1 7I11L1 115117111111 1121 im you in town lb 35c and gtllOUl village PO Oil snow Though 1111 iouults ai not re plowed road 20 acreslull wheat TSPNM Mmh Bum mlunl 11111111 WC 11150 Gully 11 III lme lllzNILLE BLDblRLItDS $499 Chum II plowing done 11 mum 19 Illltb0lll St reuular Scull perI IIHII III III WWI of GrOCCHES FaldllhiJnlnpE3333 lifIlcgbubbiug from liiizliwai good well with IUIICILZ How 53a 11150 SIUll lUIdf1111t lllllll on hunts tUllt211i new llllllll house and electric TWO UN 3795 EVLHIIIQ illlwlllld 1d single bed sizes In all pastel 01 mm mm 1111 ilk 11i17 III IN III 3409 CIIcIII Ihcmnc er 1110111 lltlllt 181 ll 1p ti 11d Itli 11 spreads lull l0x100 with COII iiiiiim unplumuh wall hmm Ikmptd HI Km tiasliilA basket design in centre Midhmxtl 80413 71 which won the Board 111 Trade 311III1l3II377 I11 lUHHL Hirinui Propnetor $7911 each Also habitant hand LOST AND FOUND trophy and North 1111 Curling hooked rugs tightly made 18 71111 championship last week Inll 11 th lUI 311 for 54 These articles are wow much more Sm COD plus MOUTON 11111051 on Thursday Formerly 01 Bum Imm lili lltlll lattes and life departs hostage Moncv irnmediatelv re Ivlllllll N02151 notify Miss Raikos INN llkSllllm 0f lllL NONI BUY Yoi llt ltiltHi 111 our hearts 3171 bered liv 11 If II he Plauu lllb 111 lllIIllL IllI IN 1111 11 llllgliflbutollf Eblxrlgllierbrfnolicll I5 lotidcriiaiii llslit Ito II Husband and Daughters WOSL MUHHOMIIIQUOI M7401 Ll IDLIORLD PARle IOsl state that the 1lertise1ncnt untiert II nlIrgoI berviIceI IStation Burtonliis nanie lStwlieic 111 this piibI Aihhlg XIIIKIIII1IXILixsml SUIIMER COTTAGES llioric 2838 IIIP liczilion has been lllllrllll pH drill ll lililtl It SAY vou SAW 11 111 EXAMINER GOLD CL lost with initial maturcli llkmlilli CUllilin IUIHWI lll linger 11r MI Friday nunnoon Find ities yet to be complied llll WANIIIlgD TO BIUI ILOIIJJltc on please phone 3934 17 correct adrertiscinent will be pub 111111 cannot change them its 1946 BUICK SeIdan ILIkl 5IIII WWII pconII Wllished 111 11 111717 date illI trIma 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan eiccsIam rc ace 051 ND VE fur lined xiii7 1111 may come cannot sever MIC 26 EIQIG Ont 01 WlIIO IO lost on Friday Please call 3168 Ilu1 11111111 remembrance olyou IHG PlymIouth Coagh Box 302 Elora 28791 or 19 Iysons 311 177p II 11I1I1Ireineiiiblred by the farm 1942 Pontiac Coach NW AGENTS wANTED mW OF IIFARIS I0 MOII lliIIiland Lake and IllIiIII 1942 ponuac Sedan you SAW my Exmmm day Iaficrnoon in Barrie shoppinr 1941 Oldstblle Sedan 7pb ElcaIn storage two IIwarchouses nus 341mm sung nIIVYMUDI district pi 2341 Reward 1741 Qtlrf In inkIII Illgimml IllIl mm 00 CHtlge lid Sto age 43 P155 size 371 in LIUUIIICOIIIIIIIOII Sti WANTED Reliable man as dealer 14 III II HMS 10 11 ROild P110110 3309 I514Ilbl ltl1Cntre St llllldtll 7i 111 ll 7r1i llld Simc Countv Ex LORI IMWCC LOIIIVS DUIDy WSCASI llilhlll ilil Itb It IEIII 77194 Fmd coupe 0Ul1 MAN years of age dc II7 Si ImI II WNW not Inocom fme oath bus IlltIlllile on Monda Ileai 11t11ei you 11 not folizotten 1940 Buick Sedan IIIIIIIIIIIV sIIIIIoliIIIiI1 IohlilIilllllIlC APARTMENT momsI mmisml GREAT DANE Pups rm Sill mmmunnv to $qu imb Old my small red plasticchangepurseconI ilhnueh on with you are no more 1940 pontiacsedan 10 ldIlIClenlwltWIIglllli Large wardrobe lrigidairc service purebred months old Apply table bugmoss when Rawleighgltlllllllilusllm or 1011031 IIIOHLIfz Guests at the Rotary Club lunrh Still in 11111111111717 you are with us II II hgmmmg bwm 1m fair OI OIIIIHUWS IWI Ilr 3111 Cami 237 lllakc St or phone 2243 777p pmduds hm hm sold mi IVCMSI 01 7I7lItl Reward Iltl on IhuryduyI Feb wormL1 31111 always were before 1909 Fold Sedan II as LOItl buSI Adults ImIVI Box 151ulv misle by 111 Mva all business subletis wnh CHICKS tolize 11 111mi llank 111111 II IIIIIIII 1919Dodc Sedan exception olhoitl1aiid Employed ml mmm Wm IKHNM HANI WM Nm ICIl WIIIC IliWICSII Dept ML lson and Arthur ll Ferguson ol 1938 Buick Sedan er on rubber 7ft tandem disk barrow and 3bottom plow new ltl ltlllt ill for tUlllDICIt details of our tiiric 451531 37pl53m 77ll 74 direct 113111111713s2w 5133 Eggllflillzilfl11 all 1III112 zi11slfl 11 The Best 7713 ENLICSMAN 111 11111111115111111 Ml BEDROOM for 1711111 151317 central TChlllo 111g onlnan offering its shai Gentleman prclcrred lelcilllvlltlLongt WWMMNML Pmmmg Sl llionA 5117 77 7p Ill aflidcuyo basis pl l1pI 111111111 Illllllli t0 datc indiLates an III NITRIC ore body 900 it long with an av IR OM IO RENT with kitchen IIImlII0I IUI SilltlI IIII Huge width of 65 fit and an aver privileges Suitable for married Im7 MHKI 31051115101 3111 value of $900 per ton New SOUPIC Ill FIOICHLO 51 157llht5 m21 mm deep diamond drilling campaign rI IIIIII IIIIII 111511111 oiliixnllr 111 111111 11111111 it leadied Write givmv IIOUSLKLLI iNG ROOM largi to full details to Box 17 Bariif rent until May Adtills only Pri Im 120 nah bdl Examiner ikjb vale entrance Phone 27174 137pI mum Ill31 Bmdrmd 77 ilANs VlnlttOAl 5121 10 11111 P05 TIONS IANTED IURNISHED ROOM mm guitar and womans wrist Willtll floor suitable for two men Pri ou SAW 11 we EXAMINER mm enlranm Phone 4022 IIIIIIIb Apply St VlllUlIl St 71 II Ii III IllbblllAhlull tiotl ll LATI lrll El ALL lllIO lbs mm Smmd 231L311 5011 SERVICE SIAIION fl 111 Ih ltlllIlIlell shotgun box shells snack bar Located 111 llairieAp II runI 13 74 ltlt btioud Z7p Ply Box LION BIIIIIIIII EXIIIIF ll Mun oss incr =1 1571 In irltNllllAI TRUCKING Apply IAI Mlhk 1111111111 condition of hair 1ii and mother Mrs Julone Stu Barrie 14 Ilappcrton St 7Biuee Dentinoff Utoiia Pl 10 CENTRALLY Locmrp 111113 2I 11 MI 2771 bx Im VdIlmI IIILII 101m Ixttpuii iooms II snor ASSISrANrcasincr seeks CL SIULWCOLLIll IUIS from 110ml cattle lLlltlitt 1101 an intelli BOX I7Iv Harm EXIImI FURNITURE STORAGE sale alsorhilds snow suit and lresscs your neighborhotxl Write today ed for rent Abstauiers Phone lI HI 111 mu John Deere row and lrow po mayo 5171 wtekly 111 mm 1151 bulmom 1133 151 mklil IIs ilLIxS good clay loam Cundles 1llgt recovered few 1111sJI 71 Itll IIIIIIWI 015 Big profits Products furnished on mI but tw1tItsI$171 Spcarc Iilli LIIIIC lllBtlltill Montreal 469bW 1111111 nilifllmu MONEY IO LOAN Illinlslll Lelroyl lIl 172 77071 7I81iimqii ROCKS and Sussex Ilml 1011M WANTED I031 lIIUlXIlIt Illlantttl at rumth These birds selected in the chair again and brought lhen all is stilland silent I1936 Plymouth Sedan 1101 31111521111 lone 771 II IMONEY 1011 MORTGAGESThis lv WW mbt 11111111 11m $11 37W HORSESIWANTED for mink cedI ling mortgages Should you wrsli CAR AND TRUCK CHAINS COIIII SHOUdI 107p inlscis time is getting short for cum Alllrltllldlld illll Victoria 531 age WE BUYII IVIIIIS or poultry cu phone Elmvalc 75131I 107p now and be sure of delivery We LandsIalid Forests which showed OIIIIIIII lllIillIl VIyeaIrI ago todalI 19371811le Sedan II II HIS II tI blltc 111 1er no ltl passw 10 1111111 Examiner 241 SEED AND FEED UL 10 mm 11 1934 Pontnc Sedan NATIONAL HOUSING loansbuildI llmmm IM Im Icmlem MAM Dndumn mu SAW EXAMINER current rates mortgages purchased QUANTITY OF HAY or 53ch for their meat and egglaying dc greetings from Montreal Robiin nd ship iois us 111 um 1937 ChevI plckup gm lVlllK PRODUCERS wanlcd openim 3591170111111117111011 mum c711 17111111 111111 lic 1071 Kill UICICW CWNWI Lili=iiilliu let iihlldmll Ma 1933 Panel 47b gwub Office has lllc facilities for hand 20 7D the choice bookin dates 11 George Powell showed lbt Club cut invoil lton boulevard TI any mortgage hLlVILL call or felt 7I 132111120 Midqu Phone phone GOOdeZW CO BoilL 31W ilratlliilril FEW BUSIIELS alfalfa sccd forIChrSIC If 30 TC 15 m0 mms Chmwlm 0m PROPERTY FOR SAIE lt 11 are only selling for orders booked theierrific damage done to Can 3m BO BMW Us WASHIM MMmM LIL was 11I1 SM you SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER ed pulloium tested breeders no and than 111 good Lotltlllloll Mr thoughts are 111 the silent rave llenry Elilck Owen 5L BarI close 10 1mm phone 31112 Bar lJClKIdIJlIIIl not pi 1L0 list now Club 15TLWARlWARNLR floor model II III IIIII mum IIIIW prices Dec PI Ito 51 Phone 2320 24571 pOllCd gobd progress was being mm TllCSO cars all have heat lone 01 9001391STOP 001 IISTFN CI II inachwith plans forgjh skatinui IIII CrsI Stored in heated gar lluntei Stroud 1llionIc 21 11111 not ft r7 Chm5 this yea lan your 0mm pmduccd by the Department of Owcn St B1iii 111 14 4h bl IIIIh NHL WmI Comm Amcn 1van Examiner 349111 IncI will now mom IIAY FOR SALE mixed timothy IIVIC wml for Ill Sl adus forests each yar by careless LWI II II III mm II MI Poll1H3 Farm RTR UGZBRIICK BUNCKLOW new Thompson RR BdlIlL Pont IIIII III or 410809bBIIIIIIII mmnc 276 246I7p campers and smokers LOIIIAIII SIUIV wanted Small Sll good location litilll heated tiled 8411 77til Iv lone The SCCOTKI film lEISOIlL Shot Ih pd Illl illl Ill LOOd condition kitchen 1llll bill 91 Henry SI II 11 Mr Powellwith hisnon 8lll7 77 LmCIV rial n01 SI C7 77777 las Birnie Six Slroud 3m whomI 4151I 167p LlGllT lIURQUOIlIEIE SUIT miVy GIIIIIQINErgln Enllld 32$ Diem nd mum yonmu Onlv Barred Rocks and 11 and 11 ll Crowneds 15 5I TC 773001 fl Crossber Chicks uarc rofitablc tercst around Gravenhurst anddis RCIIEII PIWCII breeds I0 yen LIVEP0UIIRY scrapl mm and CHOICE BUILDING LOT ca SIZES good common PhoneII11L31310503 BESEIOMPIEIIYCIEICVC Neals OI ROIj ppdllIICCCI tridt one of particular interest HOW Id ROP IDCIVISIW 930 VIIIIIIlciln Elude An Id OVCIIlf9I1IgIb33n ICYOI 3P 4603 77p 2114 Ivy 107p breeding and culling for egg pro being scenCSI from the Speed lractcally all last feathering for helillhicrIchicks $LV who amc 3710p pltoadll Hillidv glib f0 Wltlillall CERMAN CAMERA complete with ldgcuon 51733 livability is be Boat Races Manv of thc bouts were 93017 Lililmlll GIIIIiIlIlCC l0 Woe Week WANlEDllzlzu Chrysler nrc me one Pack adaptor vellow filter and CARTIER N0 SEED OATS WIS Gag chm Everyfcgg 5ft 15 reelignizcd as liziving taken part in AI3dl pllllrlm lesCd and Mm 09 Ur Imam fwrvd condition Applywa BRICK HOUSE bedroomsshad rake omi Mier 31 Norway 351le3153333g3956m3 110131011cga11a1151August 920M 197 Burch by Box Stl Barrie Examincr 37p llatlii0011bclosc in Don pavch PIIOYIC 3334 I77lpmsv $4 p01 buq Thcsc are ofiimib momma No increase in The beauty and grandeur of hrI 8H ClllliIlJiiSOIlzilcllCd iIn OIlllI new Robbins Incubator SIICL WI ready M1 le ls north country in Autumn was well eggs SCI DEAth fHORfSES AN CATTL I18 IdCharloth St lekl FRDFPIRIUSON TRACgOR fjqu soiidgoiigrgggdsai daicegglpMargh 13213131 szilltcr CCTRSR 10 presentedin series of scenes from breeders CC 1ng mm wane or ree ic 11 Phone ui elm 164 sac usc years I111 goo con lt lI collect Barrie 3617 pGordpon Y0ungl 11011 Clifford Williams Alliston Old Laurans K011 Alliston BoslHawkestonc Ontario Phone 010 Higth N0 11 which 5110 ed II2 PI 89 21 107 10b 101 mp II III Order your chicks now we are setting to orders only LmI 31r2 143001111131 COTTAGE with mod Phone 465 71781 1010 r19 01 c0 ors wnch was brcath ern convcniin als 11 taking WANTED TO BUY used floor dwelling IlliiZdlthCQI05gSlICn BATHABABE TABLE Vhtc AUTOMOBILES POULTRYMEN LaSt mms Lntly Til of 116 Light Sussexpullels in ROP Show case and Head SOIng mm 9le 110311135th 15 Owen 5L rubbeiI tub duck covering and SAY YOU SAW 1111116 EXAMINER II Chinc Phone 2334 The Hobby D131 2377 1671 Strap Ivory fran good condlllmb awlabe Of 216 Cgts Dell CARTAGE AND MOVING bird entered and eigs averaged SAY you SAW Ir in maixmmzn 37b $81Phone 2256 771 1947 KAISER SEDAN 1946 Ford BUSINESS BLOCK for sale on coupe Phone 15 Everett 137p 36 ounces per dozen Only two II I77i7277 lT BE CO birds in the entry died This ycaliCOOKE CARTAGE andSTORAGE IOIEII Wagon wanted Ball IImaI ISILCI lpslaIuIanI gang NIHEOndmantgtwlab raise flock of chickens backed Local and Long Distance Movers 3410150 lm Sleuths fOl 58167 bumICSS 531070 ma meet 1929 OLDSMOBILE fl 531 cmap by definite breeding program General Carla Co 43 MacDonaldeJtl Barrie Phone Boyd R3111 ESIEIIC BIOkCl 005 calvm Shaw Thom good running condition Phone We Ols Our records arcopcn for your in Essa Road Phone 3359 3245tfb LIMJJI d7pII Dunlpp 5L phom 3281 10471 lhonc Ivy 18121 7D10l8 1371 speak at any timCI Order your II II The following points mean more profit for you Shoppe BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES II chicks 110w and avoid disappoint 77 3035 LAYING pULLETS wanted NEW HOUSEI very attractive A1 WATER DEI IVLRLD by 1100 gal 13 INTERNATIONAL ITRUCK SAY YOU SAW 11 IN THE EXAMINER man Gilmoics Poultry Breed Must be of 100d Ham av landalc rooms 4p1cce bath ldllk l0 fdlmCIb Phone 2907 ZIton $750 Apply Stewart III AII II M1 Wht NI lugFarm 60 PendingSt Bar SM ENEML close to School luroomed housc 6mm mm 18 use CWICU 12109 3711 FEELG 01 since 23ff3IIsmmfI Mw lgflgmge 10I01IzIoodHlocaiiog garage Station Hayfield St 769p III pLYMOUTHI II III PM 2730 24 pingIlIIILISlCCIr13e ogoxilIaIgc FOR YOUR I7 om II l1i Egtale 52 lull 51 allllEITURKEY SADDLES areavailable 1117 condition 35110 sylfei LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Bame Examiner 29711 REAM WANTED for ice cream lPhone 3551 15 Im large or smallquantities atBar 14gw1I 137 SAY 101 51M 11 THE EXAMINER 3315133335igEtIgofgrgedfg zigzag 47p ric Tent Awning Co 34 Bay Cd 118 Sophia St 345fbWELL ILANDSCAPED LOT Iwith field St Phone 4314 771 19 CHRYSLERIfluid drive 1941 17 YOUNG PIGS for sale Apply ROOMS AND BOARD 3311111 Whicd hill 81 as CAR AND TRUCK HEATERS ioultih and several mail 776 Should Camcmn Phone i12r27i5 SMYOU SAW THE EXAMINER order we in an cou rcai econ vc ggggDsplggc 5333i laws vorted ginto COmfortable ydwelling flOSfEl fansx Firestone tires and WARM ATTRACTIVE bedi00m and be marches and band bthhich play Highway 11 Reasonable prjice IUbCS Apply Morrison Motor 1935 FORDICAR1n III1 condition CALF FOR VEALING Apply Board Ioptional Suitrcf1ncd busr II cd Apply Box 49 Barrie Ex Immediate possession Coulis Real Sales 31 Bradford St 77b Can be seen at it iredgnck St Cameron Phone Show 12 ness girl or young man Ecclcs Estate15 Owen 3111101 Dial or phone 4001 1371 ring 711 1911 St 1311011673424 12771 of Cl Good Selection 2377 I1 67p FISH SHlIiNTY well made in six 371 filigriililyjoukgg sziivvmiliigD 111323 FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION complch with good sleigh r$12 Lifeguard Iubcsv heal 9th CHOW DJrlam MV cm Y0 SAW Icathersf horse hair and junk of mom bungaw 00mm caShOPhone 4363mm pm 74X as phone 5220 map Phone WWWAJVDb house some interior work to com II 77 MATERIALS IFOR COTTAGES vllx93kolllllfoggwlgg113322 plctc outside town limits 4100111 CONCRETE TILE1245487 inch l942DODGE COACHrheatcr de CALF FOR VEALING for sale both cedar and1mm couages Fresh Cut hous d7 117 tile and well crooks Orders lakl frostcr radio Private sale only Ernest Harris RR Utopia Phone Bang26933 gated dpiikraggramalcesimer sea on for March and April delivery Phone 207J Camp Borden137b Phone 809r13 77 7W 77111101162389 777357p 777 77 7777 MODEL FORD CAR wanted 30 PIGS up to 10 lbs each or 150 LEDARICICPIIQPC pOICSvI 25 Henry El Ck owcn SL 1641 COAL HEATER in good condi Must bckin good condition Chas will cxchangc fog Icattlc Jack long Wllh and lOPS smaller sectionsdetachablc 1011 storage 1946 DODGE Super Deluxe sedan FOUR CALVES for 5810112 weeks 777 BUILDING TRADISS cral good bulding lots Consult 18331010 StEh9ne 1926 74713 and cabins built time and mater 97b ial also paint jobs for barns etc FLORISTS WASAGA BEACH $5000Good 011sz or ladys Skales SIZC Russell Cookstgwn Telephone Trace 10 Elmvalc 967p gnlt Ixodblivlredicfgpllfliilhuifls Wilgr 77home 1m5and kitchi asdggESOdPEs 64w 13 IZICHUNKS PIGS for sale gAY you SAW THENEXAIHNER t03333egdcgftsbg iifriaeehylgi251iitilinggill133 77757 74676 46 FORD DELUXE SEDAN ac Apply Ewart Jennctt Darrleanni efcchl DWI Wlagrutfsfi TrcasII Vespra Municipal Tch tion for cabins lovbly grounds 355011951 71500 mlesiperfea Shapc lm 24r22 Sthdv 979 no I7 777 77 777 tractor rpIOWS ml Best cash offer Roy Jamieson Greenhouses 74 Blake Slw 01 PM 77 glancsysmmv 5iowen faflrg ottoms1I2furrow tractor plows Hillsdalc 13711 FIVE YOUNG Holstein springer 3915 we are at your Serl Phone 13122 167b 400 bottoms Cockshulle Implc cows for salc awardGoodfellW 007 37 23 Iments Telephone 18W Cooks 19307gtF0RD ROADSIER new Minesini P11 Minesin714 97p II II ACCOMMODATION WANTED BUNCALOWU7 rooms furnace town 7771 gm 01ull1eli $250 or be rlrFARMS WANTED PHONE 4535 DELIVERIES DAILY savIvou SAW 11 1115 EXAMINER 1mm garage nice 10f possession fer Apply Coumont 105Victoria7 Two GOODIEde Holstein cows USE WANTED wIIhIn miles Mar also Gloomed house two UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR for St Alliston 137b wantedl1es11 or due soon but of 100150 ACRES wanted to rent acressmall fruits and accommo 5310323 CU fl months 0M1 Plac accredited herd Perc carscad good buildin and water at barn tlcally l1er v$450 Robinson 1947 STUDEBAKER TRUCK den Bradford 9711 Good land gBetween Alliston and New Lowell Phone Crccmprc ton heavy duty low mileage II Baum Box 154331 32111 1777pPhonI 9033 ptter pm Blake La SEVEN HEAD CATTLE for sale iner 3167pb ROGERS MAJESTIC It mqnts Service Station 1379 72yroldst and ycarlings Ed my CFY7IIIIan Starr Guthri Can be scenati PROPE TY WANTED7 tel radio IOISleQLm Al condition 1940 II FORD ICOACHIIgood ImcI1 Geo Gilchrist Guthrm 97pb You SAW IT IN THE EXAMINER MISCELLANEOIIS complete With good batteries Jas chanlcal condition radio and lieat LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 1100M snipman Camp Borden highway er snow es on rear YORKSHIRE SOWI due April 10 LUNG Rossession any time 0R ROOMED DWE Contact Illow 51 Dunlop wglziiricfrillglamliarigi St 1671 9f Bum Apply Barrie Exam dation for 5007chickens This is lnoi l17X nice propeiy and can be purchas Ml ed ri ht Barrie Exam 73pmth II plume I182I Mm dow cleaning wall washing floor each month Dial 3392 for free dale 7BaIIlO Examiner ll7p PhOIILIHBBII town 76r4ibctwecn 12 and and 71 Eleclldlux CleanclSx Thch will license Perfect shape Bestcsh InnjsLI Pumae 74 furnished unfurnishch IAppy 250 per stoCk7ingIMaiI money with stove $5 single iron bed mattress Motor Sales 30 Bra 0rd St or tawayPeel St Barrie 2059p 5471 ImauedIand custard jc cream ma good tires 1936 Chrysler Sedan and please stateIIp1jice locationI and Hr 13 1chinesI E01 lniormaiion apDIY oodtires clean White Rose Ser the 905595510 may beglven7 APARTMENT WANTED T77 HAVE IYQUR WASHER pug III ILIIIIIIIII7I II II omatic Coal Stoker desire 41117541001111111 unfurnished MAINTENANCE SPeClalISISi Wlnb0 Iimiled VDUmbCr available offer Roy lJamieson Hills 7x Box 151I11Bumc Examinen 117 stockings to Mrs G7A Money 28 and springs $7 Secretary dcskI$5 phone 3178 137b= BURNVIEW YORKSHIRESr WANTED TO PURCHASE com wanted by Mar 10 No children Phone 81641 Barrie 37171 JDhnSlon PI 22 ElmvaleI37I young pigs weeks old Mrs aiibstaincrsrircfercnces Flux14fL ZHKdbpwep mm 77Bates CookstownPhonrooks gargjifgly quegar momedf jA bit7 saw LIoIrne Carruthersu COUNTER FREEZERS frosted 1936 CHEVROLET standard coach unga re Niaara ui menisc 31Beech ti to 7137 BOX 53Bmie Examinel77334b 77 slzluslil11malrisl 7i child 1511011143118 117711 replaced7 chas Lick Telephone LATE 37 DODGE COUPErebui1t brown marc4 years on Well FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 4044 5171 AT LASTImmediate delivery ofI engine clutch new tires battery bmkemM gallium Con IsAvIvou ISAW nIiN THE IEXAMINER WORKING COUPLE no children If SPY APPLES fine quality rcduI 13411 EItonrilonu BULLS Dual FurCd rm Stanley Lehubb Im6pImI clrI7pmiceLetc4Nhen1reLynunee setuLdemonstratioikmAyouHow posecdrandroansfclioiccquar1I tle 1V7 11 cleaning call 3107 1167b h0mc 7691 11946 MERCURY118 wheelbase ity from heavy milking cows ac WANTED turgan by widow coach Ispotlcss appearance IImcv credited herd Wm Walt Mid APPLESSpySI MCIIIIOSII ROIl5 400medI home or apartment RUNS IN silk stockings mended HEA DUTY 2plate electric chamcallysound Ap 1y Morrison burst Phone 801131 9571 Grecnmgs delivered Harry Ol ilhc Sanford SItZ IBarrie 559p hall trcc I$l50 wicker arm chair Id choicelol of young sows bred to SPIY APPLES fine quality reduc II 19lallat10n be made In YOUNG COUPLEwould likeItoi $2 kitchen chairs $1 each 38 IIORD Igetoll truck perfect farrow in May also youngboar ed piice $2 small size Spy $150 day FalrbanksnMorse Stokers rent small unfurnished use in PAPERHANGING rooms slrl Phone 4133 lt 77b condition new snow tires on rear breeding aim of Show calibre bus treerun Pervaukee $150 bus is th 3iil orfhigh pcd painting Sarnplesfrce esti 25 ModelT Ford electric wash udI Stanie am an 21113204743 are Guaranteed for twelve Willi blight Barrio Exam matbs Satisfactory Workmanship NEW WILLIAMS sewingmachine ing machine Fladei Angus PISS sons gig7p Vths men 11571 reasonable prices LHaind242 Just needs new belt sews good Phone 835rl3 137b CHOICE APPLES from cold 5101 POLLED HEREFORD bull thor age tender and juicy1McIntosh Blake St Phone2315 57 $15 davenport bed with new mat APARTMENT WANTED to rent tress $15 blackcoat mink trim 1942 FORD TRUCK 60 cwt ex otighbred unregistered 10 months ISpy ealthy Walt River Baxter For particulars 301 rooms furnished or unturn HAVE SPENCER supportv de wprp onliIIIa few times Muriel cellcnt conditionI Priced rcason 01dSilendid type 8180 Choice Of 111 bushel hampers or halfbushel PHONqum islied married couple Hydro sup Slgtld espectally for you to rc Campbell SIXOUILI Phone34 rmI able Paterson RR Swan some young registered stock bulls cartons Delivered in Barrie crvisor No children Apply Box have that undue faIIiBLte and tired 12 Stroud Bridge Phone Orillia 513M3 Rd and females Innisfil Polled Here phbne 4154 AI comm 2041 58 BarricExamincr 117b aching back by givtngvyou restful verse charges 51371 lords Stroud 941 posture AlsoI getI id of those FOR SALEMens 7111111 youths su FREEA1gtPILEszW haveuonlhand esngthinWwIei trLactnders su1tsslightlyworm goodvalues 9287 MODEL7A77F0RDiforsuler in TAMWORTHPIGS 2sowwl TgreattquantitrofMcIntoshap Canadians urgently require un per ectly Doctors prescri tions barber chair army overcoats good conditmn motor just over hog months 01d eligible for plea iiigood condition but below fumiShed accommoiationi any catemny tilled Iy rem cm radios Vimmlasl WTISI and900ket hEUIeL new uphOISterlhg tires in regislrution also Yorkshire pigs grade on account of size Come II SIIIIII LIIIIIIIIIII PIIIIIII hin lean tenants Watches bbols and Skates 9061 306d Shape Selling at reason months old Appl Harold this Satmday only and bring your IreqlregI IIApply Box 32 BarrieI4306Jor appomtment Friday or ading at low cost The Variety able price or bestI offerLPhone Matchett Lot 12 Con Innisfillown containers GoldifSun 1141811 Shturdayw 77p 4365 1318111 memorial Bradford 94 nidale Robd 720711 vExaminer 54571 0p Collier St

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