Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 16

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vim WWW IAIGE SIXTEEN 11111111111 12 9111 TODAYS moss DEMONSTRATION an 11 SONmAt the 11 IV 1111 ABLHCROMHL 1M 1mm of itll Barrte on 7f 1918 ins muslin Henson Hun Bul TMJML or 19 synle are AL we thank the 1eiativgt ROOd SLI EIVISOI Wanted Ed MI Atrium vs ms qumed by mm CWW film mm CICuVJllKll II II III My Bay son CI DJIUY Packer of Ontario LIA Eliti hlijfgi 51333193 AND OTHERS BEN ram 111 1111311 YiclulIlu IIII1IIII BACON nous noon 33 pebI 15 1943 for In the Estate of WILLIAM llospiza Barrie on Erb 91 Hindu tllot Dressed Weight df New SJpcrylsvzI LYONS late of the Township or to Dapper and Mrs belr Vame 1195 ESL in the hum of sumo iiiti amp Bowen daughter II III III II II II State iiildlll Rlllrtd Farm dlllilSld DAVIDSONAt the Royal 11 11e 111 son irniirgu chums 11 111713 Hmpmg Barn ya MI Iitlol IIBall II on II Williuii 31 1933 and MI IIIkkII1lfthUaIliI 131 lucnsok El OLTTS Cler dihl 31 Daridstiri 107 Maple Are 831 IllH vlh Quinn St Barrie daughtr nsilZt 111 7l 191 III er M1 it II II BIn 311 IN tlltssttt Cllll till eidi the 1111 of Mn r18A L1 RM Im lLl Ironic tl1llll Rd To iii Br Fil 1915I Lot tllishtll weight 1945 mini gt 111111 iltllllt 11L gill antimlflrsfm llk lI AFRO MLU ml bl EGGS Iilt Fdwin 11111 1eil1rs of 1111711 17111121 41 A7 111 Boiocri tlullllltl the reeniilles Rut ll Barns 311 1111 BMW mm mm IHII 31 my mmd mm The MOdern Murale FInlSh their many acts of klllllliM them in their and txreavenleni 11011111 Dries In One our Bull express their lllitdg 17 one CoatC0versL1kqug1C IlvlltlS iillt llzlgllbtil ixl 1111611 swim if mm WWI Iii rea ezne Apply KemTone Wllh roller Coater or rus Send for 1th of bun RONA ALFOIR iil iilirii i11d 11111 mother of In 19111 riis new 11 FllCK7At the Royal Victoria Mrs Henry 1111711111111 HIl R0 TYIIER bio sud 311 liospital Barrie on Feb TI 1948 Hamilton lllllltlb 137 vi Barrie 1r my If IIHII II 5615 If to Mr and Mrs Donald Fleck of Detroit IIIm1du I1I imlbu 1210 Elizabeth hi son of 1111111 and Mrs ed 1111111113 inc partis exit ed FORGETAt tile Royal Victoria ll IValieis Icon1 Interment ulCKENS 1311 having regard only til the lllSJIllilI BariIii on 1948 JIIIL117I1I zrlIlL cnielcin Grade claims of which the Executor 511111 to and I1 oigll If i7 Um mm 811113143 11 11 131111 s1 Bar MFA which date the 11gt1111tix will distribute issets of the its lzavrng reggri only to the tlllll$ of which shall that have notice and not be responsible for any 11th DATED at Barrie this 29111 dl 1948 late 1911 Blurman in lbs to lbs 34 hospital Barrie on Feb 1948 113 Iollsiol LLltlllll 11 1111 111111 Mrs rot1111111 IfI3IIIIIIIIISfgwil I77 117 Dunlon 81 llilrllx Ont 337 Binkl SLI ICIIIIERIIIIIIIiIII IIIW FIIII Lndcrwl lbs 30 Solicitor ior the Executor ANN PAGE RUIISTiZDMgGHABIES GRAPEIIIUIT 25 FOXA1 the Royal ctrtalll05 101d Melinda Ann llflin be Fuw pital Barrie on leb 1918 to gowd mm of 1m wmwm 357 of January 19115 bSgl and Mrs Fox Angus Gnome Llnuulile in her 82nd lbs BUYS BOYS Iillllihlgl D1 Interment irenfsl Ceme UN I3 5Tb Soliczlors for Adririnlstra ix lollRlYAt llie Royal Victoria 13133 19 The above dressed oultr nice Hospital Barrie on Feb 11 1918 00110037 5deva si bjcct to killin LItiltC of 5c er Farm Stock lm Iements1 111 11 11111 Mrs odliev llIl81ll11ltt nli CI willow RIHI BI EIIIWIIILII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIV AI ltlt Llltt 111111 on thicl tin and foul dclntied SEEDLESS 96s CALIFORMA NAVEL 3445 DUI CALIFORNIA NAVEL 220 0112 IUIIHIW Sillilll EIICH ll to the lllll Dilr 1n undorsiqud MI rotUiycd llNDAl the Royal Victoria Gordon daughter of the late Mi and um 1e onlv purchased dressed heads instructions tronr IIthllill Barrie on Feb 1948 and Mrs Mackay Gordon House FUIMSIIIHQS to Mr and Mrs llaiitiy dear sister or Milekay and It UHUImHMILdDull Wm bemg and Effects Phelpston daughter Charls of Victoria BC inter comm the present mu Lot Con Essa 31111NA1D1 the Royal Vic merit St Johns Norwav Ccnic triria Ilnspitil Barrie on Feb terv leli QWI lillmbllh 059m TO l1 Miles West of lvvl llL Uiltulblstlld III Ital 11v 11 bliC than I1 1948 to Mr and Mrs Ill L1I1777511111l3nly at her home 111 mm Ill4mm 14 IR instructions roiii MacDonald tlo Peel son lorontoon lan Ell 1918 Edna IM IrlIlI 71 A7 RUSSlIII TUBSdOY February NI1IIl mt 0W1 Perry bclmed wife of William Iszhvn 517 Illllmllll KIWI MEXICAN SWEET Beit for Juice Bag WHITE ORTHERN SPY lbs WHOLE WHEAT 25 II ant for cocking 83 MCNTOSH DO Extra Fancy 100s IMPORTED IEXAS Freah Green Fresh Shredded Vegetables Cello MI Containing Celery Pkg AYLMER CALIFORNIA IEMPEROR No1 lb BOSTON BAKED ONTARIO NO 101115 39c CRACKED WHEAT Victoria rill ror1ow1xt Hospital 13111111 on Feb 1918 I51 and dim sister of Mrs l0 11010131 Weston Feb Bradford SI Borne HORSES Black gelding to Mr and Mrs Ross Reilly Mlle KW formerly 0f uuuuuu to sell by Illbllt Alltllllll 011 1701 lbs bal gelding ll yrs llllll Glliord 5011 Hum Illlil 37 VLZUI IlllCi SotufdayI Febuory r47 lbs 1111111 ulding 1111 171111 RAZIISAYAt 7110 11017111 Vietoria mom Mom How mncterlz Chas HThornton Toronto lrin Ill Tm FOLLOWING Ills Ulltl 111111 Li llospitil Burl on hb lllltl 77ll112 Red rind white cow to Mr and Mrs ill Ramsay MCPIHZE AI Illl IIUIIH 31 W0r57 SIICCC Chcmmcld Hm He time of sale lcd heifer due lnce Gwen Gorrclli 51 Ecclcs Ily 51 Billlll 011 Feb 1948 antrqpe walnut tiring room lillllf tune of sale grei cow due Mar St son illonald RtllllSHVI 795510 MLIIIILH daughter 01 asiifolflufllIIIIIrIi I331IIIIIIITIIE red 11mm 111111 Mar 1m 111117 SMITHAI 1111 11111711 Victoria In LHIUI AlvxumlIir McllichI in AUCTIONEER lite Mair 11 Holstein cow rs Hostal Barrie on Feb 1948 WI Inml 31 twm ham IfllII IIImIIi due Mar red heifer due Feb to Slut and iIIlSJ Smith 91 CIUllillllCtlllcltlVFII fr Punks 0f Simcoc Illttvlzliblsll 11mm rIed Il1Ieieri part lersc due SICZIUlI1EbfglIlluKlISlmzi soIn MEJIIIEIORIIIbilfjfltllIill IIILI HISI cam Experience 11 11m cow ti yrs roan 41 llt loyal I1 LX 07 ILdlaRob Illu UIIImm Sign cow yrs blzlek better With call Victoria Hospital Barrie on Feb Hull 17 Imllv HQWkeStone Eu IUIIHIIIIIP I931 It at loot Durham heifer ltll call 11 1948 to Mr and Mrs Fraser HTISU Mum fIrmTlV IIIONI 1125 0K0 fmI wwn IIIIIUIYILII Isms at for llereiord steers rising Sutherland Slroud son BfllIICI IMIUVttl Wife of the lalcl dQlIllfd 19Imml IOIkI 5152 steer rising yrs flIlTEAAt the Royal Victoria 311 DJNWI Milllil llml ImOLIIm Hui 5mm 2fl Ileifei rising yrs 13 yearlings Hospital Barrie on Feb 1948 mom Mmm Doimc mml beds with spiiiigfllled mattresses thSI to ML and Mm III Whith 61 Terrence Foster Morton Inter for Auction Sales may be SIIIHIgS as IIIUWICIICISI IIIXIIIIID PIGS Yorkshire sow with Ellen St son mm Jumps Clllltcrlvl reversed iiiliiitiiilmgiinpdcolhSlugxllilicinii PIES YOIilSIIIL 50 With 151118 mm JIIIISlIlIy Iv 05505 Summer trunks we 111111s1111c sol 1111 pigs RUSSHI On lrb 1141111 the 1rrslnie so due in March cedar chest dressing table with BORN 0111 bevel plill glassx mirror dressing 19 NATIVE HOT HOUSE GROWN lb Thick Red 13 2t 07 tin Ditd tIi 11l of F1 IlltliIV Vi rie till Feb ll 1948 Elm wagg ti lbs and over lG SI ITIIARINLS ONL ST xl 3m 1r1 oya orri jI 1c We ANION tube with em pate tass mirror II IzINrSI MIIHI bindm 77 CIIIDOI0m chairs I1o1 11ts111 111111111 new Jonesl Wish mount Piece Chesterfield Siilttsirwcbbed for $1495 77 II wall Mll 10 hay rake Peter Saint John NE on Molduy tables chm Win91 WW FURNITURE REPAIRS or ALL KINDS 311 1140011 Deming mower 77i7 of guru 11 hose complete with 1102 bbocuon drag narrows NUCTIOINIESALES SIIWIIPIIIOd CIIUOI and comma furrow Chanmm fanning mm II II II II II II II large Instr sIaIiIlIEIIIIIIIZCI 1III nIau1c spread galng II11I and MW Norm1 HII Cy SI IUtliI sieigirc lO1lll truck ir 1011 ziuui Jr 1aron cm mm 15011 goo II illllllOll 121100 drill 14platc FCb I943 min kIIUILn Labmcti 5rd Finishing and EnumeuingI Free Estmmtcs VIGOROUS WINEY mower pilll 0T snowshoes 73 tcct II II 21 mt couvihnvs 015 store mum Qfurrmv plow wall 1y Hows Sulky riding plow sin chfrcw scales 2000 lbs flat Thurs IZCIMCW IIIUPPv WIIII utensils work bencn b01110 Nil Lot Con 13 lnnisfil one WATCH FOR 0011 MARCH SPECIAL clearrr 1s new wicker scvln rubbcrtimm Iago CC Rnsmmlrw II II II IIIIIIIIIII 3ng box WIUI Sprm D0101 at mp General HOSDWHI Three Day Service I1 11 uI DOW kllllllll 13010 MOW1 rerv little childs iigli chair rum mum Immnahoml 1111 unit pressure COCi01I now antique 74 mm BARR Phone 5048 copper l1 boilers meat chop my ka cutter Scumerr Orks 771I milecast Highway 27 at LittlesI LL41 cmlm WI arm Megan Skim farm Sf II II II 71 10 neuter 11111 55 LIIOCCIIIIIg mm an implamemq sqlc at 1230 tnl5 J3 oocgaaocnoaooeoo tooogogooodicococuo JI SII SI III SLIIVII IONIWI it bacbqnd gigeshiljlpIIoailelIns cash If W81 ll 11 UNI OIltl all 337$ 190 Saturda igLG IL lanrk gt tOoLmcmus I0 mind 1917131adfglld 51 girlie Auc1 rulerw are all 111 III iI1III IImxi gmin tion sale of high class householdI AI El 10 1101 Liltild fin iturc cross flmlmre and CeCIS Sale at dunno 30 pm 771 Dig tIglS thzlbal ildOApihl Shall Terms p985 1111 17 43 EaCEZE 712s B2132iwe Elli 77 HI AI 610ch Imwmnem SEELHIVHL trItgimIIOIfgliIncsI TIIgagymb l7BmCC MCVIIIIOi II Phom 4234 BarnC 337 18 giiifdigibsysllilog cgssulgl W221 OfESIjV 1013 it 1d gigmesiiqtlse Ofsifilengtmlocilninddgbl CARON CHEES re CIVC as lc arm is so Pkg Duncan Auctioneer 57x fggm pOIpHCtQI 15 gwmg Up Wednesday Feb 25Lluyd IJohn1 Terms cash Sale at p111 5011 EH Lot Con 11 Vcspral VANICAMPS ZOIOZI 511331 pamnqu Jcnunat lgillcczilsclitsai oiwiraiiirlinitovclli Tin III ICIfiks It flIlgizlengItxsnsargshhgaIehgtdlz 36 FANCY PINK 90 uncan uc PALMOLlIE Chas Thornton Auct 1ox COOP UNIVERSAL 351 V25 Is Giant rch Wednesday March lOC Tm TI humle PAEMENI son Lot26 Con Mulmcurg StandardlullNose II7 QUICK or REGULAR cake cak Its fact 11 111er135 from to IILislcl Sale of farm stock 5111 17 II II II Large CASHMERE BOUQUET II II11 times as much distance to gimp implcmcnls Sale at 12 oclock ml UPCIKIIUIS Cake Pk II III car Iwhen pavements are Slick Chas Fosten AUCL 7X Pipe line fasI II AUNT JEMIMIAI land slippery So motorists give WHEN AVAILABLE USE Yourself blenty of 11113111 lo7stop NOTICE TO CREDITORS 953001 milks CIlCdn Pkg 31 new Vbm7 AND OTHERS his IIit nccdl 01 FOR DISHES or WO LENS aicdd Take your time in wrinei pk NOTICE Is hereby given that many dawymcn 23 13 all persons having claims against ANN PAGE the Estate of Alexander Willough GRAPEFFIUIT by late of the Village of Angus FANCY 20 19 orer ecease ie on or about the 10m day ofI Decem IONA 0RANGE GRAPEFRUH 7T7n7 ber1947 are requested to send 2402 OWN Particulars 0f their claims 10 the 71 Jar lb 73 51 underSigned on or before the 15th 1691 UNiVERSAL lot pectin Added III day of March 1948 after which SEEDLESS date 771115 administrator will diStii Calf NOSC Short STRAWBERI FxIRASPBERRY 24 1502 bute the assets of the Estate hav Ja Pkg 19 mil ifgiird ifriiynio 11119 claim of Tube Milkcr CAMPBELLS LARGE SIZE 1c en lav no lec JD and SIMPLE HOUSEHOLDEFFECTS amt willnot be spon bl any dummies the use of 23 77 10 ers IIWIIIWI FARM STOCK AND DATED at Barrie this 25111 day long and eSORHHROAT BOYS BOYS of January AD 1943 I7 IMPLEMENTS all 1U Cb iw WW LLB BCIIIO 8b Solictors fgiHdeiiiilsllilglor 77 NQTICE To CREDITORS II in the Estate of WILLIAM rqu II 77All7persons hadinieiiiids against the Estate ofmomas COOPUNIVI3RSAL ggglgeinlaggeOginnoo CallNosc lortablev ar er ecease who led on or an ya awn thewth day at December WP Pill type Sliced 51mm and Dated atIStayner this 2nd dayy II 1947 are hereby notified to send or track tprt full particulars of the same to the undersigned on or beforethe 5111 wlicre oriablcs day of March 19487 after whlcir date the Administrator will dis are Preferred lu tribute theestate having regard 77 17 oInly to claims of which the under signed shall then have notice With corrosion aha nxidationrinhibitor BEAM 77 AUCTIONEER Marl Wm available BEEP II =Staynr70niario 7Whalcvcr that 107 clairmcb increasin numbers 11 ShankICSS IIBb 7SolicitorforAdininistrator yl n1 7g I1 II 17 milk Improved udder health and real savmgs plume II II oIIFebruaWI 19an III coOr 11111111151111 gt the lastercasicr 71111111111111adc ossibi 1001 smash 77 II II If UNIVERSAL CalJ Ware MILKERS means more 77 II II II I7 IIIIIIIIIW II II II 777 71I ricotoa PUNmR SAL Vaqumn Systems Wui electric II IIJ II II II motors orgasohhe cngmeSIIas we asa Wlde hue 01 II Important Prices 00401 Universal Mllkers haveol advanced Since we at 00011soldouriirslmilliers 3m 19394nd t1 Sar than an advancemay II 009 County 10a For psuccessml sale come 500m so jfyou havenlba milkcr it may pay you tOI in 57gallon cans and bulkier economyat of Household Furniture letus quote you on prompttnstallation now or II Farm Stoc 49JVLWELLREGOMMENDED748HIlyrAbul Implemenfs 1110112 1110011 2111 DIAL 2429 MARKET BRANCH 3061 RKETBRANCH 3061

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