Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 14

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rs SAGE mm Personals 31 Out it igtill HILU lilt toxin I1 1i Stunt tftzl Ile ii liaiss lss litLt SH 1121 Iittl Yum liolti lrti attention tt Hilixlftlll lav WALNUT SUNDAE 18c LINCH AT RYSONS Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH ST Fzzm Grace Gospel Hall 37 Mary Street Barrie SlNllAY FEBRUARY 113 151411 130 PMBeiievers Meeting PMSunday School Meeting All are cordially malted Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA tholr Leader Mrs LE Lenovor Organist MR SMITH SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15 1941 11 IA 11 MORNlNG wonsmr Youth Service SpeakerVal VaIIleWall PM EVENING WORSHIP vlheme Flshers of Men Service of Witness Past and IIcsenti CHURCH SCHOOL LI 153 id Mrs Walter Brown of ici1Irs LII In Miss Sitttu Tana tL Ayerst Alli Llil it Blrllliitli 11 it llliil EliSlit i111t Iitt frc ttgt ti Nexuttk tin of an uifttl anal tIr gttStlIl tital Ill liaiizittfldill ttltlJlilltxl lAl Fun 13 She of 811110 titt ort at the II $lil ti t1t 11 and IIittirk rcp StIlille lliit Vliirtitis hi 8111 the Itillrlal lti Itl Hamilton on lri tvl liililtl Church Liti 1t lllttllltlli 13 and In 11d of thc choirgto tlttllllg II tlltl 111s LtIllIIi llt icia at parsonat It rt =IIiiil tIlI lIitla aI to Iiviimiltl 1e Ilw lXiillltlitl tizIssitirds tiilgt It stMIct 11 The Salvation Army no toIIirit Sr llvc Home of lJttlHliy Worship Itdjatant and Airs llf 13 Straehan SUNDAY FEBRUARY 11 1041 11 AMllOLINESS MEETING sptqtltcr Mrs Worthylaltc 230 Mr SUNDAY SCHOOL 70 llM Salvation Meeting slpeaker Mrs Worthylalte Ilivery light at 000 pm Evangelis tic Meetings Friday Feb tilth 300 PM mens lelltl Day of Prayer iitlies lrcsbyttrIaII Church Em Wo SI First Baptist Church lREv llUMPllREYS Pastor Miss Elsie Clonghley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY FEBRUARYIS 1940 11 AM DIVINE WORSHIP PM VSUNDAY SCHOOL 1MAGOSFEL SERVICE lut ittiau AitIQlllullCt NJ Lincle lltiutiartl iBankFStaff Honors Retiring Manager lttvti Ilis KN ts lift gttt1 ILl PARSONS lzihtttc vm pairl to Mr Parsons The 11 atltati lliitik til toiniiicur and to gtplnditl aid Llltll by him to tlll llill mudihtt Il litst years of health votc lXIlllllth tlltllllil tlocl and Hathtour larsotts vtIt iljtll itpli liltIIIIII atItItis tiltlftlllitilltlll lttll than and happiness lItscntalion III to 9111s Painops bag to 111 Ixarlc lluth has in Ietiiicsuay lle tiuu 73 lBhiIhy II THE BARRIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADA 0311111111 ltt Hllll I1 ABERCROMBIE lltt Aircrcronioie lu vztsitip ire died at lllc home Mrs Is 91 Ills lather iicicioinbie came lt1 ti unwed his homt fuztsts of IIuphrasia tup it mic the former lilIiItI flat tlietl III 1914 Stir 12hr tI1 lliittll KIWI iItr Sti tutteld Sask liLllMlll member Iitiiirtln ClitJkll he ths tt tltItnitn ilit EURDUN DAVID HATES lo11111 111111 lints passed away on ltI1 tutti at New Lowell title to bronchitis Till giltttv tiit Pol Rt 41 lililii the service Flouris were receivt rutrid Ittinllllfttluns of Llltltll Church 111 taintII In Staynci cemetery Iltcul Ilt 1ttll from Mans laid lcira Nova and Staynci Deceased was lIIIlII till July 27 tilt at tIceIntlic thc son of MI IIl 311s ltsity lliilts Sumnno relatIvcr arc his MirE tvxo Marntrtl antl brothers Jim and ltItaai 11 It honit at Ncw Lowell non ltvtll 1115 isltlS illtiltli WAIIJis hairdo Ilcs passtu away Jim 11 It the hotnc of his laughteizt Mrs John lritst with heart trouble hdiouintz serious optration twol rears prevaIosly III was born Aprili lti ttititi cldcst soil ofthe late Wm Iplcs and Mary Ann Maison It Ul1li 1hr 11 llltlt arttvtv bank but cttich at ttlillli tgt11tlitllltl till thc lll Willi rt1It pitIMII III tlItII ltllttltltlll date iVll Parsons paid hile lllv lthtc to the loyalty of Hit staffs who served under him VIlcomc to 111 and ill Foster IIctisoi to lll lar sonswas extended by the stall with btst wishes for stictIss aiul Illllrl pleasant associations III 1211 ric liltilJlli ha GARRISON CLU DEFEAT 96 BADMINTON Barrie Garrison Club entertained members of thelortndo lladIIiinton and Racquet Club at the Armour courts on Saturday illlOlllUOllittttl evening Feb III the matches the Barrie badminton players won on points SHE Mens doubles Andcrton and uson BM lost to itIulsotI liulerhc lived and farm tl till ll hie until Point to lin 1itlI1lIIs eldest son in lay Left to iIIouIII arc his wife Sarah 1C John Hit the Mills lcicy of Moonstone al of Victoria Harbor and llert of NIItllantl two lttlllltlgt Mrs Must Mincsinu and Mrs Jonesi Vasty alo two sisters Mrs Fang 1Iic Knight lllclicesptirt la andI Mrs Walker 011 Station Ihei funeral took place from Doolittlesi Funeral Home Orillia on Jan 22 to St Andrews cemetery Orillia There were many floral tributes lIom relatives and friends antli Vascy Six grandsons acted as pallbtxtrcrs Bert Swan Melville Priest Delbert Piest Verle Priest Keith Waplcs and Murray Waples lhe funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends fromOra Metlontc Orillia lay and Ioronto nits WM JAEIEAY Mrs William Jaftray of Essa passed away on Jan 30 1948 fromt heart attack by which she was Henson lcr places Mm Roses are red Hearts are too But colors wont bring Street love to you talentines know And itstbecn felt lhat jtWcllCllllZlkCS cold heart melt Its also said And must be true That jewels make The old love new So itsome heart Youd care to try Weve just the gift That you should buy No lonely hours No time to pine nr gifts will win Your Valentine REEVES JEWELLERS DIAMOND MERCHANTS Iict Lemon of Everett was born in Mitlhlltltl on May ti ltl99 She was twice married in 1917 to the late illtlllill Aldcrson anti In 1012 to Win Jaftray l1rs 1Iftiay was Presbyterian and was actively in ttrcslcd in church vorlt tspccltally III the W018 She is survived by Mr Jatfray one son James Aldcrson of Lisle three ittltlllClS Mrs lilWlll Lowis IMargiIrtti Mrs has loncs thant and Lillian Alderson all of icoruc llohn of Midland Russel and Nor llUlllLlv 103 lukina lor onto and six grandchildren also two halfsisters Mrs John Mills llcarli of venint and Mrs Olive Johnson oi altvillc One sister Mrs Sam Itl Jamieson llilllrl predeceased her ltcv Province and ltev James Dorrian took the funeral ser vice on Monday in St Johns Church and at Alliston Union Cem nttry Those acting as pallbearers were McCague Addis It llawkins llalbert 1i Lud low and Juli Ilood number of lovely flowers were received in cluding those from Burns Church W1lS and lllC Third LincNeigh bors Friends attended fromTriI= onto Lefioy Georgetown and eth ll BALI native of Shanty Bay whcrcshc was born 47 years ago llarry Ball slack llainilton lton Johnston lSIMCOE COUNTY 71 EEO critic Matij 111mm tl 5411c JL toit5 Aciu hiiw Llt it the Iptir ht Il iuatia to like putt III 1hr In tlltgt rst Johnson 1m 100 tec of 16111121 ttlHll or usc lit Iitstruttnizai films ucnt glltllitlttl tut grotued scho I1 lttltlzt llIt cith= tlicralt 11413 lilll bi tioin ti till all 3111 the llIltlLUIlll 111711 tllllll II tllv litil carryvn on vli IIotlI dual and olo lttal IiIeIniItIsliio ltlltlt ovrI ltlil III the lliiiric Winti Iiuiit ili It tudtnts ctually on ttrtiist Fighty have already Niiottl aini Irt avoil oa titcii way It ohtantitiu thtIi private their course THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 1948 Dont Forget Your Sttrcclhcart on Valentincs Day CORSAGES OECIIIDS ROSES CARNAIIONS MINItn nocotIcis plols llLtlll l1ishotltttLaiatititih March 13 tlita II this lll l2l conducted hcie tor llltu pilots with the lllstittllla from Departnitnt tll lransport Ulltllttlllit botn aii and tltlttlttl cvaIniIIatitIIIs lltrct girls aic 1tlltl llin lliss ltaIi liaiiitlttnt Mm Jarqucttih shall and Mr Shitth oppinu AIIIIIIII the male IIilIIIhtrs lilt IItl llalttr Jack llaliiston llcrt Lilith lcil Johnson Zraytlon Knapp Run Lati anville lLIp Lowe laul Mcliclvit oII ltuthvcn lloy Smith llciin loinlinsonrand llill WarntI The regular monthly llittlitlg III the Barrie Wing was held at oiiz IIitIrIlly House on lucstlay vgh large attendance An Nittllzlilllllf program of movies was run by ltl lclcphotic II and cnjoytd by 111 Later lunch was served liurllu cntcrtaIIImont was planned lIII tlIt IIIIIIIctliatc luturc Members are urged to Watch thn column regularly for news of Acro ltih activities Notice is Iziven to all members that IcIuIlar IIIoIIlhly incetinus will he held the last lticsday of each month cOIIIIIItncintt with Feb 21 An cIItcrlaiIImcIIt is planned for this evening and members will he informed by the secretary The chairman announced cord petition amongst members to tie siun crest and insignia for the Club and the prize for the com petition is free half hours flying All entries to be prepared by next meeting Fcb 24 regular door prize of half hours free flyine will be Itivcn at each regular meeting on lucky number basis Edna in Barrie The church at limmins banked with lovely floral tributes was Pt II1IiI is voulderfel Greenhouss rIioNE 1015 aEINE WE DELIVER Rowerman of IInIeiin auction sale eve thoiiyih the merv having sold his farm and having to ttiry lsmdrd 20 below ro zeivt po th had to hold liisl Icccipts over $1000 lttllll PORTRAITS SIECIALIVIING 1N CHILD PHOTOGBAPHY Photographed in Your Own Home HOOKE Phone 3127 BARBIE WEAKJIER CRANKY Then Try This Remarkable Medicine Are you troubled by diatrem of female functional monthly tlinturbanctn Does this make you aulIcr feel no nermus weak tired ut srtchtimm Then do try Lydia lI linkhamn Vegetable Iotnpnuild PM Young Mens Bible Class 230 PMTherGenera15choolv Beginvtlie Week ingotps House my Berna lties PhlWYotith For Christ IWedJB PALPrayer Service Westcott 3R Incson and Norris Barrie lost to Pinkham and Youngl seized immsrn wa lays befoaemiet suddeiily titTIIsTIOme 111mm lvbjs laffray whose maiden name was Gladys May Laking daughter mins Wednesday February 1948 110 was scant Mrs Ball attend in tinilorm Wed week Prayer Service in Collier St United Church FREE METHODIS CHURCH 200 Bayfield St Phone 4372 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1940 Fellowship Meeting 330 PM Evangelistic Service 730 PM 78 PMEvery Friday night Ypth Rally Thurs EM PRAYER MEETING 4A Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA 130 Minister Tufford Organist and Mr Lloyd Cholrmaster SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15 1948 ll AMMORN1NG WORSHIP lhe Scouts Cubs and CGllrvil1 THE CHURCH SCHOOL il AM Nursery Beginners and Primary Dept 230 PMsSENIOR SCHOOL 37 PMADULTBIBLE CLASS PMEVENINO SERVER 18111 The Inter church MidI aridDay Prayeeri in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Fri Feb 13 at PM For God so loved the world that lle gave His only begotten son that lwhosoevcr believcthin Him should no perish but have ever lasting 1110 John 310 St Andrews Presbyterian REV JAMES FERGUSON ABIA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organistand Choirmasterzm SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15 1948 11 AWLMORNING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister I3 PMAll Departments of the Sunday School IM EVENING WORSHIP Preacher The Mingle t99th Anniversary Services Feb 22 The first of the LentenServices will be held in Collier St United Churchon Feb 18111 at pm COME TO CIIURCII Trinitv AnqlicanLhurch CsH WRIGHT Organist First Sunday in Lent 800 AM110LY COMMUNIQN l1100 AM MORNING PRAYER andLitaIIy son rorljentwithsiesusirneirei the service jBurtonAitenueOUnitedL new Carder 3A Minister 4i iCrative friendship Young Peoples fireside following Chdrch Organist Mr RoyWitliams SUNDAvFEBRUAEY151940 11 AM OUR BELIEFS Three The HolySpirit 17 PMA Prophets Message for Today Amos 131230PM1All Departmentsmf the Ilolly seni Sundw ScllmL targeitstftstgufw on 10f It at collieri3treet cant 2PM and 3PM Matthew 1631317 000 AMBegin Department the Sunday School 230 PMBIble Classes 300 PMSUNDA SCHOOL 700 PMEVENING PRAYER Preacher Canon Paterson COME Genesis 71 19 Parkslde Driva SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15 1940 ll AMBreaking of Bread PMSunday School and Bible Class PMrGospel Meeting Wed RM Prayer Meeting All Welcome seats tree nocollectlon cnitrsTIAN SEIWICEVCENTEES INCL neuron gBptlist Church FEBRUARY 15 22 SUNDAYS 11 pm 7pm Man THUR FRI 4515 pm HAPFYHOQBV forlithe Boys and Girlst 551121 THVRLFRI 811111 Meeting 915th t3 Fitaeher Rev Canon JOI Pater Seagram and Minds Home defeated Dugng and Mills 131th Bryson and McKenzie Barrie de feated Mchod and Dave Seagram BR Barrie ll BR Ladies doubles MES McNabb and Mrs Buchanan Barrie lost to Miss Proctor andaMiss McPhchOn B8112 Doris Kearns and Lillian Kearns Barrie lost to Mrs Pink ham and Mrs Mills BR Mrs McKenzie and Rosabel Lay tied Miss Gibson andrMiss HlllllelBR1 Mrs Raikesr and Mrs Rutherford defeated Miss Mason and Mrs Wright BRBR2 Barrie Mixed doubles Barrie names first Robinson and Doris Kearns lost to Westcott and Miss McPher son Anderton and Mrs McNabb lost to Eaton and Miss Pi0CtOI Incson and Lillian Kearns defeated Mr and Mrs Mills Norris and Mrs Buchanandefeutcd McLeod and MITs Pinkhametillsitnd Mrs Mc Kenzie defeated Duggan and Miss Hunter Seagram and Mrs Ruther ford defeated Young and Miss Gib son Bryson and Mrszaikcs 10 STUDENT NURSES Applications are now being re ceived for the Spring Class at the Woodstock General Hospital School 101 Nurses Nursing is an out standing earccr givingI you an as pt Jitxurtm armThe lure Margnz Bradford 51 Emma andth feated Seagram and Miss Masonzi McKenzie and Miss Lay defeated Mr and Mrs Wright Barrie BR Buffet luncheon ivasserved to the visitors with Club 79 cateiingf Afterwardsthe BR players wereI entertained at an informal dance in the Officers Mess 0f theGrey undvSimcoe Foresters with music by Gib Wiley and Wally Petkins team of 12 men and 12 ladies from Barrie GariisonClubvare play ingat Orillia Garrison ub next Monday night in their firs inter club match since 1939 at the Orillia Armoury Matches have also been arranged by the local club with Toronto Stiathgowan and Owen Sound The Salvation Army ANNOUNCES An Evangelistic Campaign 13 Monday Feb 23 riday Feb Stlledftllttle when other positions fail Educational requirement Jun ior Matriculation stranding NI initial cost good monthly allow ance attractive ntiises residence For application papers write Superintendent of Nurses W00 OCK GENERAL Wandstock Tuesday in TEATURING Quiz siraomneumunr wed frhe Missing Chrtsllang pm Film iii Receive 1131953th teat TRBV BobtBqrrSpealting Tit BrucStevngimjinqi Celebrated Boy Soprano Geld Medalish late Francis Henry Ball After attending Barrie Collegiate he was an apprentice at Robertsons Drug Store Following his gradu ation from the College of Pharmacy at Toronto Mr Ball went to Tim mins where he eventually establish ed partnership with Moislcy Mr Ball was active in community affairs at Timmins having served as deputy district governor of the Lions clubs and he was also the commandipg offlcCrI of the sea ea det corps He married Celia Sloan of Tim mins and they have two children Son Murray and laughter Myrna both of whom are attending college Surviving Mr Ball in addition to his wife and two children at Tim mins are his motherand sister EVANGELIST MRSMAJORC WORTHYLAKE Montreal Que Sundays 1100 am and 700 pm Weeknights 800 pm Hear this outstanding preacher of the Word 01 God CI presentsanother Qt W7 WWW 77 TBARRIE Hi Blake HimLingo acc6rdi0ngnmi bod 3ZlSbTOITgllTITBHTTICXIW1G mn fUrThe timer31 siVIcc las Friday as friends and relatives galli cred to paytheir last respects The Rev Bewell conducted at service atthc Lloyd Stccltlcy Funeral Home last Saturday llnter ment was in Barrie Union Ccmv ctcry to rclive such aympttiuls Th 11 recent test it provedvery helpful in women troubled this way You Dice it to voursclf to try it linkhnms Compound is what is known as uterine sedative lt hair soothing cited In one womens most impur tazl organs THESE SPRINGWEAB AND$750 4158 Dunlap St SHOES ARE EXoEPTiONAi vALUEs roe Lydia Pinkhams VEGETABLECOMPOUND For over 70 In thousands of girls and mm utuorttxllazuclitcslust are ifyou too dont report cxtrllcnt maultn Worth trying NOIII you may prefer LYDIA IE IlftlillMSlAlllJZIS will midil iron THAT SELL REGULAR $645 $6795 Am ++Sizes opolitostotttde 1titf1lfTITTINGSINEIICIIIQSTYLE

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