Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 13

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THIS WEEKS VISSUE V7875 Copies Max326 Airman he one arm YearNOV Section 3VPoges l0 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY i2 iPOLICE AMONG45 gun EDGE COMING THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY iREGISTEREDIN isupporting Hospital Fund VTO SCHOOL FOR dill5 VIlg EFIRST AID CLASS With Payroll Deductions gFOOD HNILERS HOUSE or HITS AND THE BANDIT St John Aiiibulciiiec first ardi lwwm Dr if lc of the ohm Depart FIBST WITH THE BEST IN BARHTE Every moment of romance matched by moment yk MW WV mum on Mmde mgi VJohn Mitchmson chairman Int bani no District 3mm VVVVVVVVVV VVV HVVVVMV be in Bum on ii the Barrie Libme hall and isional Hospital Campaign at mllldlt lucsday lllgllt ICpoilngmpcdh ud 17th Mm THUR FRI SAT of dangerous adventure exdtinq as first kiss Tmly great spectacledrama of the old Wont iWPllumls tii5101d Eed that plant canvasses were under wav at Ballvllaning Mill Md to conduct Mimi Continuous Show mod mrillinngayil git Qof tiic lrovmcnil lohce five from inc iciiiol it being sponsored by Vim rum hmm mg from me been contacted and it was exptttitl nitnci action would bl VVVV BVVVM mm 1mm and 3er llarric limiting five from the l0ttcd ill the next few days my bung made by VBrcwers warehouse 13 from Collin Frank TIllllblt campaign manager Sititttl tllzlt tllclUllOW Sharp zLVinitary lil1gt0 to and one from the Bairlc llourVi11g garagvs had agreed to perm payroll deductions to support nr Vaccrb mil be colaniicqu VMills bcvcn registered to take rem Cl tor 1d Hm by all 80 cam mciuiig in the hbniry pciit course to secure higher nualnl Vunpngn 10 dug Vificalions and awards MOlllSUll M01018 and Londry MOEWS garage olllploloes nit oath nights The classes are usually held evtrylwerc beingr contucted and the response was encouraging Illtiitbir lliC Ontario lies six months Candidates are enroli Hal01d Forster Itported that he lmd completed canvass of znnmil Arsocnilion will itcnd and lied to keep up the efficiency oil tnc 31lLtllllt will liitltldorlillleful mm id Wm Several of museVonc block on Dunlop street and the pit lei card had been llb VVV WM VVf mm mum and enrolling have never taken firstlulbuud All CH0 Will be maul L0 Illth 10 bllSlllCSS SCCtIOIl lllk winch will illustrate find pild course beforc Others are inkEcaiivass completed in the next tow lays ihL1 ti Eictcrinl plates ling the repeat courses to lflush upl It was Stated that $127 900 had be contributed 0x pledged All iauiant operators and cm jon what they had previous yleiirii VV rV VV wingerx arc being invited and the jcd lw d3 and the pucemag of CNl litplumes Vdb mmh mgh gentrill public will be welcome to er than It had been one month ago Mrs Monica Gill reported mud clum night and the program will be he There was eight reprcsciithiivcsg Sat At 230 PM Clarke and Clarke and at COpaco Officials of other firms hadi 01 IHIWWH Yvod Vilalldm his era PICTUREOF THE YEAR Instruction is being given by lll floss luriibull and Miss Villa llcitliat the pledges made last year for January and pebmaryi lllcm llltltilSCS have been found tltccsmlry in ordcr to provide ad ditionul revenue to meet the rising rust of food drugs fuel and Sillill llh Council Meet Each Mon Night Barrie 4Marlboros Maple Leaf iurdcns Fell lli Clifford loolc talented young ICzimidiaii pianistV ilVC fine recital 3Iuesday evening at BCI auditorium This was the first of three concerts arranged by the student members for ltlil lllL iiiehl Nttlll 1111 VKenric Dr lurnbulllcciuiCs onlwerc Dem honom on first aid and Miss Mclienzic is inI ab coming in Cgmnly Another Rate Infease was presented at the meeting and these names will be pubi in the end of this period cxzmmi lished in next weeks issue of The Barrie Examiner Thercl Another first aid class will be 11 ll VAN DONNA RICHARD illtltl in the CGE llicle are so many hid imp 13M 11948 Dim drug ergistercd for llle course at the The last class was held in the iclub rooms at the COP and all 0mm mm do da VUlqe You llltllllil at the town council From The Beginnlng Monday night said he wisllcd to VT 1itiVumncr lSFtlllng mm the VV olficiuls had not been courteous lii lozvii oiincil pave llnnl Mon Tue Oil the Vsuuigcstioil of Aid Ayrcs tr1V Mummy wed he editorial wan ltlld by Dcpiiiyliin lulv and Allillll VchVVVVVVVc ofdimVVsVVVVmOVVV list of contributions totalling several thousand iollariso Victoria Hos All No The class will run for six weeks Private Rooms Up to $6 lotions Will be held btfVonC 1W0 01 were contributions from Barrie liespla lnnisfil Oro Essal llHCO 0f 10 106 30010 and VVCSL GwmmlburyV lefitlivc for baticnts entering tlfoi private rooms Will be raised imuiirsm V7 Vii V3113 qu of bpwdllctounCI iiium $350 to so day and forl Vc ass was uallantcc itwn iind threebed semiprivate EveShows6309PM Io Newspaper Editoria IsluchVnts passed the tests ICLIF 0RD POOLE lute exception to an editorial that iC had been published in Tllt Barrie in their trcnllmni 3f fmmrrs wlml worm in bylaw last Mundliv llSl the Barrie Market illiilll plinldllli lrrk llrncht Burton puin llccxt llan llis Worship the Mayor irciillcdjmiah 11 was ruling Hum rhiuon llrirlic Favcro Mcgcri 1303 Mai lbrilos lllll liliiltli lniltv rlltlaughlili Manning ikid ii it cost Tili Mai Wed 230 Eve Shows 9PM STAR FEATURE CRAWFORD DANA ANDREWS HENRY of the BCI Band under the Chi adian Celebrities Series The Leslie 1ch Choir will be here on March 121mdElic Spivak violinist on April review of Mr Pooles recital will be published in nth weeks issue of The Examiner rowN COUNCIL that it was 10 below 7cm oil lllti Mm irplnl each day the bulldozer broke down EilltliISlJ AIL it had been placed hour the doorl were il in of the board of works building iillriiiy 11 would be thc hope it would thaw oul llellhc husiiiori by added that tho board of worksitolccks liadbceil doing craiidVVjob and Aid Malial said he resented the implication llicyioii should have lll after the llzld not bceil fair with the farlllImvolid reading and on motion of lcrs Tllt Mayor said he felt parlAld Marv Laurie and Ald Mer lliClllilllY SUIT 01 TOWN Ellklllttlricl the final reading waspusscd GI Brisco after he road tliciby ii nnijnriiv item The Harrie lixaininrr Is sniallpapcr doing wonderful job bill they can makc mistakes lllCtllllt coui llle pr lrill thr llSClm $100 Bursary Won by cluivlriax Ionian mil EXTRA 4001012 CVARTOON AND NEW CANADA CARRIES ON GRANADA EurcurAiNMENr ONE GIANTPROGRAM THURSDAY FRIDAY SATuRDAv MATINEE SATURDAY 230 PM BRIEFS hitbx Iilcsideiitoftllc WW Vi HWY Pickeringo Son Mayor AllMury Laurie Eiiltl the Mayor Jul HUM lwdm TonALL STAR HITS SHOWING ON passed lfin chairman of the Horticultural Society asked the town council for grant of$200 He said one of the projects VVthc organization would be working on Vthisvyear would be the ap proach to the new agricultural grounds Later when council was in committee the mayor presented motion asking the finance com mittcoto consider grant to the lHorticultural JISociety when mak lingVup the estimates 1th lllOllOllr 71ind shown wuctezsy loHie newsvl paper by lCthlllll the editorials lvollowinglhc remarks of the Hill Wlleiifflbtiig Pickering of AC zun United Church foriilcrly of eniriil Barrie sand of 81 Mayor Aid ldmcs lisliCd if 8113 James Church Stroud has been Person had ever heard of news wardcd Bursurv valued at 3100 paper admitting it had irludc llsplugugh the Oiiiiirio College of Hart thought if rm aucllda lri possible in covert meeting one iil SECOND lElllOl No wore lcnaliyr Harrell lllllll IllllIOl Marlhornsbarber ilimgiclli 24 Marlbriroswilassaivl French Bolloni 1130l BilllltvaUilldiI llVlUlHKzllll 10001 Barn Allcid Kiaricpy Mcgcri 1840 lrnallics iMcucr Favero Imis conducti Lee Gariepv Barber OVERTIMH llalrii Sl licrrc llmlitll iari lfllH ti Niamug in HAllllll 1YEllSaGoalMaycrV defence iariepy Longr cciitrc VV Mr thltll 556 with Honk Daniels Ruth Donnelly RcidjwiiigercgenfavcioralforA iiatcs Etiarda St Pierre in Barrett McNiibiicy Mousseau Arbiter TOROgNlO MARLBOROSGual llarvey defence McLagauJae lCCllLlO Ford wings Timgrcn Barl LionelSfctnder msnowmo ON THE SAME PROGRAM takes Chairman of llic board of worksV Aid Griffin said he was surpris ed and upset when he read the editorial He explained that the bulldozer had beentakcn into the building the previous lhursday Reeve Clark chairman of fin ance asked the various committee lchairmcn if they could have their Aid Grif board of iworks said his report would be presented Feb 23 and Ald Ham ibly chairman of fire and light said his report would be ready ncxt week estimates ready soon Ald Mary Laurie presented rcport frrim the welfare Commit tee recommending payment of $48962 to the Royal Victoria Hos pital for extra services provided indigent patientsjn 1947 com mittee will meet to discuss policy in cennectionwith such additional payments in thefuturcrmi On motionof Reeve Clark and Deputy owchart theftouEil voted to have new rules of pros cedurc prepared and printed to comply with bylaws noww in cf feetWWW not Friday as mentioned in the paper and he said the men had worked on itfrbm am until 1130 phi in an effort to get the machine out before Saturday in order to Show courtesy to the people of Barrie by clearing the streets of snow Mr Griffin took Acxccption lo board of works building had been provided grudgingly He declar ethhat the farmers had had no other place to go and they had been welcomed to the board of works building Illustrating the cooperation pro vided by the board of works staff WithV the farmers Ald Griffin said the telephone in the office had been used 19 times am Sat urday morning by market Vendors and customers said to tative plans had been made for L1 permanent market building and they would be consideicdwheii the board of works estiinatcsuvcrc the allegation that space in thcl Education University of loroiiio The conditions of the aWard tire that the student obtain all aver age of secondclass honors on the Chlisinnis examination papers and Show the promise of becoming Ii successful High School teacher John took his BA degree in Geology at Melfaster Univerrily Hamilton and is specializiiiug in Physical Training at the Ontario College of Education He was re ccntly united in marriage to Miss Betty Fleming of Toronto COMINGEVENTS Valentine bake sale grid tea aus pices of Angus Wkrnchureh bases merit Saturday Feb 14 to 7p Friday Feb 20 at Gilford Hall two plays by ChillyWillles Dance after Lunch counter Admission 50c 71 Wednesday Mar 17 St Patricks Day afternoon bridgevand evening dance Masonic Temple Building Owen St Barrie Augsjccs Bay VIcw Chapter Order of the East ern Star 7b Attention Oddfellowsl The First Degrco Staff of Gcneva ltlflllcllltll6 Bolton Hassardp Pcillfuss Speers French Mcl Larigiilhi McMurray OFFlCIALSchfcrce Bill Marv risrni Oshawa liiicslliaii Maurice WalshVV Toronto Colts llPenelang Pcnctang Cunadiens suffered their first defeat this season when Barrie Coltsgave them an 24 trouncing at Barrie ArenaV last night before 500roaring fans in an OHA Senior match It was rough and tumble wrth referee Pat Patterson handingcuti 20 penalties Barrie accounted for 12 of them Colls win was led be Dull Scott who tallied four timeswhilc Ab Bowen notched three LarryV Loughced Red Jenneit Doc Nesbitt and Bill Eno collectedi singles Jack Toolc and Leo St Amant were responsible for the viVstors counters OHA SENIOR Final Standing Barrie Pcnctang Collingwoo ewmkiife Orillia Gravclihurst tasks1w yccwocl umaaac r3 While riding his bicycle to school ILLIAMWBGYD CtS Hopalng Cassidy in The Devils Playground with Andy Clyde Rand Brooks Elaine Riley MONDAY TUESPAY uEDNESDAY Milli riiioiissii slur till FltiilElll 100 DESPERAIE VMVENANDAGIRI on historys most exciiiiup voyagol VVChairrhggVduijmgggmittemdis being prepde Lodge No 320 Orillia will con at Tdttciihum Vince MCKCVBUWIL 0115510 Launc rws zoo111T ilRlCHABD PVVLUSKUP 10VIHE MINUTE LAST commodoer 8950 PM fV ivioirrurg wisp MaiWed230 PM Amritng HIT FROM with TWarners jPathe News gt VT9SIIOVWS airborne VI iiewei olBraiidenburg he was itdliito Ald Milly was by 913pm letter from manwho said on flea lunch business was referred to the afCommcrce mm letter from the HEPC was re fcrrcd to the property committee of which Ald James is chairman Pcrmissionwas granted for the lemma VQN tag day to be held the first Saturday in June VPrcsenting board of wbrksac counts Aldo Griffin said it had been necessaryzito thaw out sewer on GawainSt between Wi1lt lilianLand Reid He addethhat thVeVlscwcr was tOO flat aridvnot deep enoughiland suggested it should either be lollcred or the road level raised totprovide rnore protection in subzero weather in Other Vitems discussed lat the council meeting are reported elseV where in thisissue VV Aid Hillbillysaid it would 71ml iCold of 25 Below Zero that the Town nu 13 revenue from the mrkn mam $36 year Ald 3Corbettaid the veiidorszil the market still enjoyed the priv ilege V015 peddling without license WathWnthWrUpliQdtht the primary producers were not required toliavegi1iCCIisetriscll tligir produce VV 43 Th Mayor added candi 23 Lowest Recorded Feb 10 and the average to date this year is ti few degrees lower than the alltime average iSix nights last week the mercury wentbelow zero and the coldest was 25 degrees the low on February lt Maximum and minimum temperatures for Vithe past sevendays were High Low Feb 10 vltlbi Feb 20 01 22 8V Fcbftl 20 151 Feb 101 Feb 10 25b LV Iiebll MARYSiARISlI Thursday February 12 at 815pm NEW PARISH HALL MULCASTER STREET PRIZES CHICKENSBASKETS OF GROCERIES ETCV iSubZero Lweather is continuing fcr tiiTiistDbon class Of North Adjila was struck by earl sn ht cm Temple CollierSf tBarrie Tues left leg belowthelmee Hc wasl dcTyeriing relish at pm All takeniosi Michabls Hospital Vrp members are urged to attend 7b lionto rhe LUNQHEousssci DINNEBS ascend Paramount PifltVre itching Auntadd Briannonie VWllllalllBele We at led afI9 EFORE vI reorient lilwalililalllll Esiliei ERNth in AD sun bogs clearly seejn Last Sunday Afternoon Stanley king RR Battlefrcv ports that he saw sun dogs last Sunday for the first time this whi ED Golden siipperst and Reep In ThejDVeVeVpfV Iiisvii tortilla Htilill COMINGQZSTAIRWAYVTQVHEAVENCV Sun dogs ore straight streaks of color each sideof the sunfand some jV0alllerVl0pllclS claim theyi indicate storm or change in the weather One forecaster predicted that the dogs meant real warm weather When John VDllllkWEliElhS beee elected president of Grillla Fain TOWNJSERVIES possible to obtain an allbronze cost of $458 Furiixemnqirics T5 engine for the new fire truck will be made asio the adventugeo ter fIhse sun dogs seeriin the western sky Sunday afternoonl were the finest Weve ever seen CING VV VV VV Pumper the pumpirigVengnicr atpfsuciilanVcngineV VV VV VV VVVVVV STVVVALENTINES DANCE With siecial rizes SalFeb 141 MARY BROOK VVVA VV VV EVEeSHowsSsti 69 PM WED RUSS CREIGHTONdHIS ORCH ALSO CQLQBCA3T00N iiiimmf rMeETIch Royal Victoria Haspital Monday March 830 PM ROOM BARBIE COMMUNITY HOUSE for the purpose ActVrecylngrthgvariousvyhlortguthc election if directors amendment of bylaws and such other business that might come beforthlic Board Bprrie Feb 10 1998 Cameron Secy fAnnuumembershipfees of $100 are Vnow ride Vand payable JUVENILW OWLAF Hackey lep BARBIE ARENAMONFEB16 wchn nanniesmo Roxvlacwem Couples only onScrl

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