Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1948, p. 12

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PAGE IWELVE TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER Floral NIARIO CANADK COLTS triali WIN OkllLlA CvilliliJCtl Masonic Funeral for William Buchanan if is Ate ii Ideas for Valentine Day loziendsmiiegimi to The Ciiilxndc li urnrt las defended the Gov tllol pulxs Died for Peace CHEC llc lamr our Monty Bull For quick rtlld from itchlnf could by memo Athlete fool urchin pimwuud othultc medicated llq IL Guanine Ind stolen Swims cornfqu and quickl also Intent itching Dont cutter Ask your Jmlll In for Pmcllnlol v4 11 tn it cug brisk it the lliiriic Saturday morning vtlt ll demand anni v4 plentiful supply The cil cleaned of low lic Iltt0 was epiy to it gtcxlltilioll approval by provincial Icuvogxradvc unions passed by the xl liquid of lAllt Curvlklhl oil rf Canhdu and submittul to csiiploy in checking the spiral of Inflatmil Inc Minister pointed out that the policy bcing followed Ls design lnle Minister and the 51 It general Guam U1 Fl of Finance The revolution iculkidlm id 1101 it 10 parllc lccd the Governzmrnt to inukc imm 1LlliLQilC Ur disadvantage of litlfiWll ti lllt pcgtplc the reasons AWMP Wills UHF 011er wny the llrillc if decontml had been pimped and wind alternative All Barrie Examiner subscrip iiilctllmls tne Government pithde ions are payable in advance me Mmme Vi cocaitloru use it mount iiilVittl n1 stcudy plltcr Limit Etlifl if rlxlmdaigc eggs vcre be nt quoted at till cents Daily plo inch scaicc All gtililil laruc display oi liollli nai rig ti on hand Bread sold at Llic loaf Sugarvcoaleti bnis Uli Lille pan and pick 33 each lt xlVtd is Tilau Ciilziti tp lifiii ll 241 BRADFORD sr li DIAL All qutablt unchanng in pi 1c Enrol wcrc cl plctlti ful anti gtOlfl it rile sixqual VV liililtocsV sold ill 50C RV SCRUTON millions bag tillm Average priccs word 15 follov liitritcl Iv lHnw iccoitlinnto site and BUILTINCUPBOARDS Hhiilllifif doicli 45c to but FURNITURE MATCHED CHESTS Oi DRAWERS pm buttc 706 to 711k DESKS BOOKCASES GUN STOCKS Spring chickens 38c to 40 FURNITURE REFIleED ilolliilg fowl All Furniture Mfg from No Kiln Dried Material lt ltilHNlMS 591 gtlXtillJll bakct ind uti with llariic fl and loved gtlitllgt bridal Iii his itoiniii Mohandas Hairim who affection inicri T1iliilini itlrcat his inilmvcrs was ad icspcctcrl by millions not lluiis wztii his min of life liu aiiadian Wilson lalnlilii likelch ill Hii Ixizl i1 lfi un icatii lif landhl unto binoch ti Thist Prime Minister 7311 mg The jiic lvini of anada in limitan brisket placr ii to lrimi Minister lawatpplcs basket continue Nilin of India said ill parl lliilibard siiiil$ll ltftllnllt tulits 1i particularly shocking that Pepper stiiiusli txoubic cicn lint ticvntcri in ihcjswodc turnips cutll 111214117 tanninniv of Iillillti vlllillld liuvclllualis lb ih iniiziulii Ni ii liihc by Jill mt Citron lnliHH Vilmiiips tSnlall cahlniue iiioviiiis inaiti rlzsr lllvilmlhh Ili tilted States llilill innlMi ll ls ncinne tinnl Vhc cllic as many as liltltiti toutsKpF to ttsi rues mircgmciwiiu litci ch 11 he hill Nan s12 Vi Maple syrup $135 13 Vegetables Fruits Etc 50C t0 Silt lllL llltl 40c 5223 40L 25c to 50c 25ci he to lie 1211 ill Lllll lid vi wry iltl lie ls pushup pars uniniwmi banged l1 11 in tl litti llowcn icci trkcr blucliiic Slippttl found the Vi zit the lltCinu rini bu it llliill liql Kuruts basket lltthV llllnlitl lotatots iiqt fads tlt and the Guard Health Growth airil Profits with MASTER ClIICK STARTER Your chicks must eat well to do well right from thc start if you want healthy sturdy flock of steady profitable producers They will relish ilflisgtlj it in icct and 5c to in1 ltle to 15c 20c to 25m file Home Baking Cupids message for Valentines day always demands flowers and romance is still the No One challenge to florists everywhere VV Hm TVo glamorize your sentiment IIIIIIIIIIIIIII we either locally or via flowersby wrrc FTD stylist Alyn Wayne dc signcd this coat corsnge of solid carnations to suit the day lower left For extra heart interest at that Valentine dance advance flicgood cause with stunning hand corsagc like this lower right While roses and steplianotis tulle and ribbon are the iioristry trick For this years Valentine hostess gift or table piece stylist Wayne suggests above this foamy cascade of snapdragons Taxes And The Cost Of Living ll Ci NAN ll Ill If 1l ith lllt fniiici tieitcd clt anqusV amen and Vpompmkset on byVappromiac can of Art you worried about the cost imp mm lonicmly liutlcrllv nancr lace Vi tunic Win isni What then is the remedy llrcad iluiis the palatable specially processed granular texture of Master Lliick Starter lhcy wxll thrive on its Feeds for all our feed to uiremcnt carefully selected properly balanced and blended ingredients We keep complete stock of Master wwlien perfectly natural chalich tiltsluliirkdruids and fears min wliolehtmlc foodand Dr Chases Nerve Food will help to build up physically and no condition of nerves iii mau niva the sliglltcst changi cytltl can keep Niflilll rind happy right tlirough the most trying times so remember at llllllrt Sign of he fidgetsghystrrizi ornervous doubtsstall Vlmilding yourself up with Dr Ilialscs Nerve liood Youll rest better fuel better feel better Keep yoiirscllingood Condition witli this tinieyprmen remedy which has helped thorix VH1 sands of Czinitrlian women The Often it womuii becomes panicky rind gives way to fears and nerves are taking pliicc if her system And tlieiinfortunatc part is that LilllSt nicrvous breakdown Ilrerllcssly llcnty olsleep fresh air your vitality and one up the whole systemso that nerves llozv wtllld ll be if we cut uucIsi MS got down in cases found otltl how much we paid ill taxes to the ilirlci Govcrinncnt in 1038 pre jwn nd 1017 postwar thats the iillnl lzisk lniil national incoliic it factor illlrtlliledill 1938 to $3072 illiun lotzl federal taxes ill lihu ycrn Slood at $517 million 13c foul of every dollar By 1947 fis cal year in both casesl national in Icnmc had risen to $9404 million Federal Govcrmncnt took LL38 million 26c our of every dolv with mentally ir wlicn youre in good shape and hysteria are forglzn Yeti mime Dr Chase4 is yourpassurancc nicims total production will be in are confronted with condition in which plrltltltliVC capacity is insuf ficicnt to supply demand We must increase capacity to produce We siould work longer hours By this creased Taxes on Acoustimiption iliotild iiotbew liediilccd on czipilal iXpUiRtthEcosts may be lower later on What we need above chcrything else is more produc tion from presentequipment If we fail the economy imposes its own sanctions prices will go slill higher lEncounfer Difficulties Shipping Cattle liiictiltics and the ovirtnininzi of liiiicultics Hllfliilii the farmer all the world over and lfilV tun ncr of the globe has its own special brand of llltlilltl to thc izximer in Western Alhilulln for example the worry to the stockinaii is the long lrnil and transport liye milks with particular siiaus looming up at the distant shipping ports ier Sends EuEpe Hybrid Corn Seed One of tho aims of the 1norl and Agricultural Organization FAQ loi the United Nations is the ex vhzmpc willf otlicr nations of tech nical knowledge on agriculture ins part of his ptlVlCLV lirrai Vinents have been madc for Supply in 28 bushels of hybrid corn seed for field tests in Europe lheVsccd will be sent to experimental sta illlllS in Austria Czechoslovakia ggt the lost percentzrgc level ltktiixcs Winn iibptmzhe provinces They iii rV llllchllL stoiy Revenues llrlfhasess NERVE Mutual Life Sales line with CWllSlfllWf the lmcomc Taking thcjirovinces as whole the debt decrccdjduring UV as line war years Foreign helEl ro niiivrrooo ltent repatriated duringr the war pilllilCS The big expenditures na turally were in the federal field Dont find fault with the govern nicnt This country hada part in great hunnm conflict It was the most bitter war in human his tory But the wisdom of States manship consists in timely adjust ment to probabilities Twentysix lcciiis out of every dollarina per ipd vherrnational income is at its highm level becombs thirtyfive iCLlllS on the dollar if the national Iincome slips to $7000 million national lviilcial securities were to some 074 Koblite insurance in 1947 was re Wexe $10900000 id Shipping live cattle lll Wtslcrn Australia is big part of the work of coastal vessels llValizin News says the Aus At the beginning of New Record in 1947 record of $109000000 in sales porte by Louis Lang president and Somerville vicepresi dent and geieral manager at the annual ineetingchhc Mutual Life of Canada held mxyatcrloo On tario Mr Lang stressed the volmof life insurance in combating in at tion The wor1diide need f0 manufactured goods and raw ma terials and our great ability tol help meet that need should mean continued activity in all spheres of Canadian life statedMr Lang Most factories are still behind with There is another form of states manship which needs to be exer cisedthe stutcsmanship of labor IA higher wage rate with lowered inalional income means unemploy lmcnt The wisdom oflabor may help to avoidit The lack of wis idom may bring it about During the war costs of produc tion were rising wage rates were ill0vlng up The forces which caused the rising costs were cumu lztivc the tendencywas for all llCCS to rise Can anything be done about it Yes When you hear of some pro gram for spending find out who feels theVbill It will not be the uslmlly get the benefits the Vtax their orders Scarcity of goods and high demand has helped create high prices Economic conditions call for wise spending on the part of all and strong effort to avoid excessive inflation with its result ing distress and disturbances The Speaker called for patience with the development of the UnitedNations which has madecprOgress toward solution of=6e of its many prob lems and he called an Canadians to 1ememiber that the characterof its people is nations real wealth and hope All Working together under the cherishedsystem of free stations in the Kimberleys in the far northwest the cattle are taken by drovch to 21 western port and driven down gaiigways or races as they tire called in Australia on to the jellies which may be more than mile long slime of the northwest ports the tide drops 30 1040 feet leaving ships on the ocean bed and allow mg passengers to walk around the This means that the cattle must be lllngV down boat alnfost dryshod the gangwray fioinjthe end ofthc rely right down inlo the shipfs hol AS the tide rises sections of the gang eventually 15 the ship appears above the love of the jetty the last of the cattle 11 enter the ship suraiice is not in Vadvzniec ofbut perhaps little behind the general expansion the increase in populu tion the large number of new fam ilies and the rise in thecost of living all create new needs for iii surance protection enterprise with initiative industryV god recognition of spiritual vril adianrrshouldbe able vay are taken off until climb to lollyModalith slzlviii iii time VfOl springmlanting anI 1018 This follows up work be gun li the hybrid corn demonstra FEEDERS WATERERS BROODERS in stock BALANCED ceos if All cussrs or raiimv mu uv STQCI so it no ANIIILS noes Your 33333333333 MASTERFEEDSM E3333333333 Dealer is moommmmumwcwhwlpgwww 52133 1August Corn production in Eur ope in 1047 had decline by 788 million bushels from the previous giyear average of 6777 million Ibushcls Production is principally the Danubian countries and in haly Vi meet and overcome theproblems 33333 VrNVeiirly cisevench of all the life 333 insurance ought in Canada is pur chasedfrom the London Life Thid fact shows how generallyfaoa Vdians7 are using thewfaiqcilitlcs of the IIXIYCIUUCS thilililliing of thc future whether they arise comcs forward When some one eXcept Sat SVunV1 LEAVE BARBIE Siondc1rdIime TofToronlo 655 am V700 pm 105ltm49rlnlirwXlTZ5pm4vy10115prrir 425 am 7330 pm to Gravenhurst TawaenSound 1040 am 410 pm Vb1010pm ar except Sun 235 H01 jTHUlLv BUS 1c foryMontrealjQtlawa and Detroit FARESllItELOWV ROund Trip ljaxVIncludeVd toOriiliaonly St Sun VH01 medium 125 pm rsifrsurgaml V7 Twice increases NNECTICNS that the more we spend the richer we become askl first that he try iton himself LllClL hc maytcllwothcrkLhowitl fleets to make money that vay it would be foolish to refuse to voic money for everything would 750 Dm rii it That is quite true Some cxpenditurcslbringcrriehireturris 1345 mm Ltbpdeeisrmu ply are very simple there they are 11 Will the proposed expendii llllO be worth the cost Penetang Is more better alternativel Va 750 meV use for an equivalentisulm of moncy glom Will the Spendingjbe infla ro North Bay 1040 am 410 pm 410 pm Suu Ho except Sat iionary It will if it does not in crease production What is the other ibigiactor in inereasei in dClllalld the limitation of supply liianr weincrease the laiborLsupv ply ibyadding to the pormal work ing force gill the men and women who arewilling to work When they produce mainly for war dpmv eslic production is restricted but dcunrnd increases We attempt to closethevgap by high taxes igreat illllllbllC loans Ill isVdifllcult to am iply Sufficielltblessre to restrict ATTORONTQVV from disaster or prosperity When leVleWITlg the Companys Balance Sheet Mr Somerville pointedxout thatthe Suiplus earn IIrgSffor the year werc $5432440 Dividends or premidln refunds paid to policyholders in 1947 amounted $4104200 and provision for Jhnuaxmeut of $50900010 1948is made in ipolicyholdcru the Statement The years since the beginning of World War II have seefrscnsteady expansion in most lines of busi ness and life insurance has follows ed this general trend but com parison of total amount paid Vosj premiums in Canada to all life in surance companies withthe total of persoiial income payments iii MIPS Crinuda published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistich shows that the raith decreased from 50 in 1938 to29 in 1945 The hecessdry fi gures are not available far 1946 and 19471but estimats indicate only clivghcrise in this ratio Thusa muchsmallr portiori of the carp lrigs of Canadians is now put into life insurance than was the case before the war Higher income taxesfand the placing ofsavings Vin CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRI MWWW HO LoodokLife iii the vitally Vimporiant uiatterpfpfovidiiigfiiiidif of themselves and 111 Lowcost iiisurm Serviceby liigh caliltglc welltrained repriientatiih Vr inanci strength WV heed factors largele account for the volume Vof life Vinurance being purchased from this Company iIALIrAx $5780 WINNIPEG $4820 QUEBEC z775 REGINA71 5945 sr JOHN 4i85 11 CALGARY 7950 TheRussirms have remedy It is worse ifnanrthe disease The ifarmers of Russia Hornet 3162 ibanks verytfreely They money in chests under lock and government securitiesmayaccount largely for we decrease in sees to indicate however that life in demand during period of full em hployinent But why veantlpiices be con trolled They can er short time then grewing demand escorts istill further pressure it becomes impossible to afield dowIi prlces Rundown FeelingMayleilllen caused Bylorvousfroullii Mummercompany Strained tense nerves are ofteiithecauso of VV VV VV 07W Widerlondonanada key usually hidden in the ground Colliersmaie restless nights Improper rtnight after nightis Wmmifbmwi as minimaw it tired rundown condition fV mm ten 01 ms gave the and Nerve Pills are lilghlybaneiiigl phononElectrariparian farmers limited time to convert they containihelp to improvoatha bloochontoVnt stimulate the nervous the old into the new currency We system and the appetite aid digqitionfthus helplngto promote SlQSP cant do that in anemacratic coun Mbumr Health and New pillage cold at drug Counters everywhere try WbobVwould happen in Can dime goyemmntiirieddhat no mm annulled romaine35 vis+ioisnochorFicE

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