THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7875 Capies JTHOKllED AS SECOND CLASS IAiL Lo DEPL OIIAIA BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY l2 1948 85m YearNo iNO Water andNo Sewer lF Or Apartment Building 8Burjt6n Ave northll from ill Ontario Depart iiavcl and Publicity to hiinibcr of Commerce Llltllrlllll about ai Section lPoges to lB ehin Aid Mary Lauiic chairman of lhc welfare ctimmittco nvitediilviit of Stanlcy Sharp sanitary nspeclic llziiiit palm to present in report to the reliant council metting Monday lifttrodTittyTa tilt lit 15 it gimp slaw menum ititlllitlll uioiii with others in made 248 visits between Dec 15 tile town and he felt the owner land JUH 31 These included milk WW Md dom WY We piants restauniiits giotcry storestd tttiaiit iiittkc inilllmt it to ibutcher shops and other cstablish lutntr intents plus calls madc to places llic salutary inspcctor added lcuncumg which the had been itiiztl lit Iltltl not reronilnclid Is coinplaints lvltlni lIttiiscs to eight restaur Special MIN 15 rHad on ulitiits tllilli tsrlnin lfqtlllclllclllb llltl housing condition of it btlildiilgiwf behilid 128 Burton Ave The ltillownig the report of the 311111 Ibuiiding faces on liolgatc St and it iiisptctor council discussedl lhas several awfulme is the matter of litcrises and recomg Owned by man living in Phcips Hmvl mi leidlii01 01 to txitllillig 1thcst llctliscs should be Tiic ncarcst watcr supply for 31 thtsc families was 70 yards from LUW Lh my 51 the building and this tap WllSHw Wm WW 1mm frozen on the day the sanitary in 111 lggmd ml shmfld spector called lhe sink pipes ili lf islmmk Nd Will 59 three of the apartments also were mgmwn WI frozen Chemical closets werefrtlldm paymg memo provided bttt thcy were not sails WW Tums fertlnm factory ll Hml Tm mummy inspector also my Aid darligiiootl asked If Jalncs ported on the titiy rooms and win hfd mm me now uf lows and rcfcrrcd to the rcquirc 11 Plukmu will wom Incnls that btdrooms dining fflll Billion moms and living moms Should said Mr Last had llll icpaIrIng haw 80 Square feet wording to tho Iiictcrs out lit was now ill at buiiding code 100 WVNI 5km TELEPHONE 3305 TO REPORT DATES OF siurtor had any work to do The yfsllllhggdllll llllStUJdinuc Icply was that ho was being rc PLANNED EVENTS spec U10 bUildlnlL iver conflich to his littlnf Followingltliis report letter Aid Corbctt said there vasurcad which had been for bc tax collccton Town Councillors Discuss Annual Request of $2500 For Chamberof Commerce president of tlicorgaiiizatitiii Hit was the 12th forced landing for Bosworth and his previous experience helped him to set the plane down without injury to himself or the passciiget Damage to the plane war not cxtcnslvdfiA former flying instructor here Mr Bosworth now lives in Toronto Lyn Bosworth and Russell Londry came down in this Fleet Cantlck in the yard behind the home of Mrs Marjorie Hamilton 62 High St last Sunday morning Soon after taking off from Kempcnfcidt Bay tho motor gave out and the forCod landing was necessary it DBOsworthand Londmryi Land Plano Yard Last Sunday niornnig an air lilttllgtlxl upon Mltlt ht would piano landed lll Ii yard bcliliidtlicibt ahlc to rtzicli fltltl about Itil llOtilt of Mrs Marjory llltilllilOll icct squait liotwccn Mrs Hamil Lil High St Barrio but the land tons home on High iiitt lllt Hm Skiing chr Kcmpenfeldt Bay at 70 miles an hour behind an airplane is Ross Cowan Pilot of the plane is Norman Copping andthc photographer was Bert Johnson of the Cam era Shop All are members of the Barrie Wing of the Simcoe County Aero Club Pilot COp ping says he could tow four skiers each on different rope Exponents of the Sport say it is less dangerous than skiing on hill as one can always icloase the tow rope Its thrilling sport alid there are no hills to climb CAR CRASHES INTO SHOWROOM WINDOW or HARRIS MOTORS Last lliursday night about 11 oclock car without driver rolled into Harris Motors show window and smashed $100 worth of plate glass Following basketball game at the 111 the Midland girls went to Community House for lunch Ruth Rutherford parked her car near Harris Motors garage on slight in cline After the social gathering the girls came out and the first to get into the car was llane Flies 70 Miles Without Algifpilot ll tailictl as tax colloctor but ht also So many favorable replies Show were received to It question naire Community Meeting Registry will be established in Barrie under the sponsorship of the Recreation Council and climb into the cockpit but whcn plane is on skis there is nothng to iioid it back Lakc Siiiicoc was the scene of weird airplane takeoff last Fri day afternoon when an Acronca spcd across the ice without benc Had the runaway plane landed um Young MenS Section of fit ofpiiot and took to the air on the lake or in an open field unchamb of Commerce Stan Fraser of Oshawa the hap it is possible itolildmiiave ma 116dt0 make the service 1055 pilotwho could not reach theia perfect landing useful all organizations are cockpit in time gave chase iii ant paraphrase of poem by Rob being asked to telephone 3305 other plane with Merlin Mackiciert Servicerindicatcs thccxtent of Chamber of Commerce of also of Oshawa the flight last Friday flee andgive information re st lng wris so caicfuiiy donc that no Gospci lililtoii larksittc Drive person was Injured and only This hold was UK MW fcw hundrctl dollars daniagt was mum In so the plum dawn hm dme the lliiio pcily bltt Boswortli VtlCllll of it 113 BOSWOllht former ling previous forced landings putposd structor here and now living in 1y Clipped mi with Toronto3 the PilUl With Rugright wing tip This action spun 50 40113 0f Ballic my had the piano around so that it avoid Fisncl COS Should be 5mm bllmllgf unwed thefarmer to sell surplus seed needs to buyr Campaign Opens Coast of 12th lake that Fraser learned ing alone Coiinnelitilig ot gt liniaiiCopping said there wasal tle was Williams fronihBarrie also went in pursuit of thc ghost plane Pilot Norman Capping and George Cadogan reporter for The Barrie Examiner were iii onc piano and Aid WilliainVally and WallorClmncncc were in thc other The ftting piano circled over the lakc to gain altitude an on headed in southeastern direc tion It passed 4over aBeaverton flow north of Oshawa and ended its flight in swamp few miles Stan Fraser and Merlin Mackie had flown from Oshawa to Lake Simcoeito pick up plane left there few days plevlously They got the engine of the second plane running and Fraser went back to the Aeronca When he spun the propelior the little plane started to mow andl the pilot ducked to avoid the whirling prop He jumped up in time to grasp the tail assembly and he hung on for about 100 feet asrtlicrrplane skimmed over the ice llbwcver the airplane picked upspecd and eventually threw Fraser off and then took to the air Fraser jumped into the other plane with Mackie and together they followcdthc runaway craft Later they were forced to give up the chasewhenv they ran short of fuel The Barrieplanes continued the chase for about an hour cire clingth area where the pilotless plane wasilast reported Eventual 1y Alley landed at Beavertbnand gota first liatidstory from the lucklcss pilot Stall FraScr It was not until three hours af tor the plane took off from the it had crashed lira swamp While the plalicINas almost totally wrecked lIraser was relieved to learn it had any person Sclitiol children who found the crashed plane in the swamgHeould not understand why there was no pilot All they discovered was an empty cockpit and notracks in lilCSDOWfSEVCfll miles from where incljahe had taken off Lake Simcoelightsliave seen queer sights But the strangest tho cvei did see Was thatFcbruary day when plane got away And soared through the air pilotfree IN NORTHSIMCOE MARCH lst IQ Sth MThe directors aftthe Ndithsim coe Crop Improvement Association met at the Community House Barrie on Monday Feb holding in alldtiysession Reports were received on the work of 1947 and plans made for program and pro jects for 1948 Seed displays and crop meetings were arranged for five centres in North Silniioe to be held as fol lows Minesng Orange Hall Mar Vascy0range Hall Mar Orillia YMCA Mar Elmvalc mjish HathMar Midland Town HallMarri Tlic secddiSplay will be open for inspectitm at each ccntrofrom to pm An excellent discus sion program with speakers pro vided by the Crops Branch To ronto has been arranged for from 2lt0 430 pm The seed display provides for exhibiting peck samplc bf Cleaned and graded grainwclover or grass seed lln lieu of prize money the As sociation is offering to defray grading costs on grade samples submitted to thc Ontario Depart mentongrieulture Barrie on or beforejeb l4 34 47 Thcvissociatioli will alsodis play the grain offered for sale at all fivecentres during the week This should be good service for and therman who seed this Spring Two Cars are deung Accidents Last Sunday Two cars were damaged In Whey did UL kllgwrildlmmeen crash last Sundaymorning about ways the danger that if the throt too far open plane would start to move after the pro pellor was spun plane with Wheels has brake which will hold the craft untiivrthe pilot can FMDlllyjfltip SperSOItng subseribed for membershipinning Bass Lake Cobp at meeting held in the CommunityHouSe at Barrie last Thursdayngeb Fifty persons ectors Rev from all parts Of the cbuntyat tended and endoredthe campaign as outlined by the provisionalrdir Morrison WCJ Wood Miss Louise Coliey and Wil liam Carthy of Shelburne out lined history of the project sincethe 80 acres of land was first purchased on BESS Lake Plans for the deilelopment in clude the construction of cabins store $8 ajpavilion tables for pH outdoor stoves bathing beach Imprgvement and the clearing of an area forgem rl park purposes Adamant the Ontario leorest Station lug assistant If Midhurst is int the flight Norl and the other berrLrRogelSOll of opmentl Others whospoke at the meet Tillie oclock One fear was driven by James DrMadiii RR Lisle Alliston Prov Cons Butler and Prov Cons Townsend inVestigat ed Total damage waSbetween $200Iand $300 Read Examiner Classifieds llayout at the prOperty for level ingwer Pageritagricultural representative Hunter Russell of Midhurst George Liskvof Beeton Orville Todd of Churchill and Manford Horne of Orilliau Life inemberShips are being sold at $10 and loan units of $100 are being offered The loan units may be paid in instalments and they will bear interest at three percent TheJnembershlp campaign will first be conducted through the community branches of the Coun ty Federation of Agriculture Speakers will be available in February and March to attend the oommunityi flight class meetings Iii REBaSSfLakepru izaticn of the local cam greetingcards ct Thefieldmen of the Feder Agriculture will assistin gardngtheirseregular meeting schedule and also dates of tended the town council meeting spelalevelitiiimlfliiStNIiftfdynighttoaskagrant sports events and all items of interest to the general public In return for passing on this information the Chamber of Commerce secretary will be pleased to answer queries res IslWelfare Worker In Barrie District Miss Helen Robson has been ap pointed social worker with the Barric branch of the Simcoe Coun ty Childrens Aid Society She came to Barrie last week from Toronto andis now engaged in her new duties native off1 Sarliia MiSS Rob SUH attended schools there and thcntiic family moved to To ronto 7Connected with for several years she was six years superintendent ofr the CradleshipCreche day nursery in Toronto She had also been personnel worker with the Gen eral Engineering Company for three years and latterly wasra Social worker with the Infants Homes of Toronto Miss Robson apractical nurse served in theActive Service can teen on Adelaide Si fer four years during the war She was also lecturer on first aid and home nursing with the St John Ambul ance Brigade and was active in the Red Cross Society Tamblynls StOre Filled Prescription Ordered From Itctly welfare work Wednesday morning last Week Ray Livingston manager OLtlie Barrie blancLQfTamblyns was on Kate Aitkens radioprogram Min Livingston manager of Tamblyns Drug Store at the Five Points Since it was opened herein 1941 answered questitms incon nectiolL with thrstaff OLthe Bar riestore Those oil the rstaffcinclud George McDonald assistant man ager Miss Elma Fullerton in charge of cosmetics also aregis tered drug appieiitic Miss Mar garet Brennan and Ed Potts both registered apprentices who are expecting to footer the College of Pharmacy next failMarvin Fisher with the firm four years who in tends tOjrgister as an apprentice this yearrand Jack McCabe also at the Barrie store jfouryears Miss Beatrice rMcQHade who has been on waitstaff overtwo years is in Chargeiof stationery and gram was the factthata prescripus tion from Italy had been filled some weeks ago The prescription for streptomycin hadr beerrjor warded to patient Who wastin abltoobtain the drug in Italy It is used in cases of pneumonia and tuberculosis Orangevillehigh school was das tmyed by fire Sunday night Feb The iblazi started ontheroof may have beencaused by spaukmfromthe chimney The in teriOr of the building was complet ly ionmed llteplaceinentt estilpated at $325000 Alliston Distriot high school botrdeiitamined several possible sites for their School but Were un dbleitovreadtaldecision cold winterwithout Amongthe incidents related by MI Livingston Son the radio pro of $2500 again this yearu Mr Fisher said that amount of money was required and added that it would be impossible to carry on with fulltime scorer tarymanagcr with less tlian$2500 Leisliman treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce said the directors would like to knOw what action thchouncilm was going to tak to engage manager this week Ald Merrick asked if careful consideration had been given to hiring Barrie man as manager and Mr Fisher replied that one local man was being considered with other applicants Mayor Mayor suggested that the town might save money by giving slightly smaller grant to the Chamber and providing them with an office in the reno vated Town Hall Ald Griffin felt the Chamber of Commerce office should be on the ground floor and said the people would not go to the office if it were on the third floOr He added that the Speed Boat Regatta had brought the Chamber dawn but it might be bringing thousands of dollars to Barrie Aid Ayres suggsted that if the members of the Chamber were not paying enough to support their Waiter Shortage who tl BarrierChambclIofCommerceat IAIscIdEJt SilOtiltlbe paid by those bciicfittilig from it tirtrranrrhzrvingwa double lcvy against the membch and another asscssnicnt against all ratepayers Altl would not appreciate ihc Chamber unless thcy tycrt assessed to sup port it that the orbctt if town said the the pcoplc had strongly sup ported the Tliambcr VOLClellClCC wlien it V21S first organized and added that Chamber was going to get an iiidustryifor Bar rie it would help Mr Clark rcad figures from other municipalities that support ed their Chamber Pcterboro $600 Windsor $125 icipalitySSUO Brantford some stip port Ottawa had made grant as high as $2000 biit not regularly Midland dollar fees collected Othcr municipalities shar ed advertising costs or assisted iii otliEr VISITS The chairman of finance belipv ed the Chamber would eventually slackcn Offits demand for munici pal support Barrie Aid Hambly 511 111 said Kingston for Orillia of Commerce $2000 inamed mun dollar with less than he was in favor of supporting themChamber of Commerce and Aid Lougheed presented motion passed asking the finance commit tee to consider grant of $2500 in the estimates this year which was Causes ASSESSMENT WORK Concern To UtilitieE Tile water Situation was the cause of considerable concern to the local Utilities Commission last week No doubtdue to the hot dry slimmer of1947 and the steady the January thawthe underground supply of water is diminished to the extent that Barrie wells were not supplying sufficient to take Dalice at Baxter Feb 13 1948 Music by Paxtons Orchestra Dancing from 930100 ltfb ed Church Friday Feb 20 Aus picesriGroup of WA 71 Wor1dvDay Of Prayer on Friday the 13th in Lecture Room at St Andrews Church at pm 7b aQDance Ivy Orange Hall Friday Feb 20 Musicby Shroud Moun taineers Dancing 9ttogl15 7b Stroud Easternistat Viileliiipc Tea and Bake sale SaturdaynFeb 14 pm Eastern Star Hall 7b Wednesday Feb 18dancc Or ange Hall Thornton auspices Thornton HockeyClub Music by Paxtons orchestra 7b Everyone invited party at Gouglis Crown Hill Friday Feb 13 Admission 25cmLadies bring lunch Old time modern dance Orange Hali Allandale auspices Local 670 AFL Lunch counter Admission 360 Barrie Cominunity Concert As sociation presents the Columbia Trio in Collier St United Church on Monday Feb 23 at 830 pm 78p Seed Display and Crop Weekl iMinesing40rangevIIall Vasey Orange Hall Mar Drill YMCA Mar HallMarf4 Midland Town Hall Mar 5=1 to 3130 ripmydaily 79b uStuii Baking Sale at Collier St Unit to crokinole Friday Feb 20 789 the care Of the demand aggravate amount of water necessary condition To further the to take careof the towns requirements is increasing steadily ThCiSllOlngC of peculiar to Barrie alone cillors and be water is not would be conducive tori satisfac received Farmers in the district and other municiz palities are having the same diffi VtTurn to page flvp please glass lefty spots Italy didnt knOlV how to drive car and it Was thought she accidentally mov ed the gear shift lliecar started rolling anti did not stop until there was thun derous crash of shattering No person was cut org injured Prov Cons Al Pearce and Pm Hubert Banting investigated FiveerurOld Boy Sleigh RidesUnder Glen Forbes agc 5Dalston iiar rowly escapcdserious injtiry last Saturday afternoon when his sleigh passed under car driven by Donald Wake of Barrie The little boy suffered Slight concus sion and scratches Glen who lives north of Barrie on Highway 93 was sloighriding down the lanciwfrom his home His sleigh darted out of the lane onto the highway and the driver of the car said he hd no chance to stop He had noteliecn abloto see the sleigh approaching on ac dount of the high snowbanks Prov Cons Walter Gateliousc and Prov Cons Patterson investi gated the accident TOWN IS SEEKING ANOTHER MAN FOR Attire towa council meeting Monday night letter was read from Mr Collings Bradford as sessor Saying he would decline to Work on assessing in Barrie qu causc he understood there was some dissension amouiig the coun did not feel this tory job Mr Coliiligs 1in been invited to work with Lloyd Partridge Barrio assessor to gather inform Auto on HighWay 93 iii ed building and cushioned down ft and were gaming altitude when mm four fem 5mBuw4i takcn off from Kempcnfeidt Bay thc motor gave out There was not enough attitude for the plane to head back to the bay so Bostvortli quickly selcctcd FRIDAY FEB 13 IS 67TH BIRTHDAY F035 One of Barries most pupulul citizens Sidney William SticirlockQ will celebrate his iith birthday onl very unique date Friday Feb Despite the superstition that lies about the date Mr Slieiriock Ifeels that he has enjoyed an abun dance of luck Over 32 years ago citizen of Bar rsie he has had periOd of lengthy activity He is Assistant Chief of the Fire Department andis mem ber of the l8lh degree of the Scot fish Rite For 15 years he was manager of the old Mammoth Rink and later managed the present arena for eight seasons Now he is superintendan of the Masonic building Mr and Mrs Sheirlock adopted Ralph and Fred Skinner after their parents died when the children were quite young TWO PRODUCTIONS BYDRAMA CLUB WELLRECEIVED The library llall Lwas crowded for tWo oneact plays presented by the Barrie Drama Club last Friday evening The plays Were the first presentation of the clhb this season and they followed oneweeks drama workshopwwinu which several meiiibcrswf the club had participated Both plays were enthusiastically and Were applaudedy throughout Audrey Miillgan hadtlic lead ing parthili To tlieLovely Mar garet Harold Cusdenpiayed the ation for the new calidwitldex part of Uncle Will Rhoda Young COMING EVETNTS out mn Ladles Auxiliarm Barrie Lions Club presentsa supperbridge at Club 79 Feb 19at815 pm and gentlemen For reservations phone 2591 Valentine skating carnival and blobmbaii tournament Feb 14 Midhurst Rink Good music system good prizes lunch counter committee Tptal receipts for purchase new lights Anspices rink Admission 25c and 15c Valentine euchre Stroud community Hall VFriday Feb13 Music by Stroud Moun taineers counter fund Notice Admission 50c In aid of hallfbuilding 79 Saturday Community new lighting tiib and dance Lunch 67p Iliie Elector and Com munity Memorial and Recreation al Arena will be open for Skating lager Euchre and dance Community 7p vonTuesdayy Thursday and Satur day evenings English mani 47b Craighurst Hail Fiiday Feb 20 Auspices Craighurst Womens In stitute in aid ovaarrie and Dis trict Memorial Hospital Admis sion 40c Lunch ecunter nplds orchestra White time ahd School Rey 78 Elephanti Sale at Trinity Parish Hall Friday Feb 20 at Spcalcerr Sponsored may for rehabilitating teache Europeanscouatriea 78 System of valuating Aid Fraiick suggested the pro per procedure ShOuid beto adver tisefotra man to do this work want it referred back to the fin aiice committee Ald Ayres ask ed whyra local man could notrdo the work Helthought the council Ladies shouldgadvertise for man DelKen Robinson $l00 per person puty Reeve Hart also was in favor ofadverjtising The chairman of finance said there should be unanimity and he presented fa motion asking the county assessor if he could recoma mend anotheraman for thevjob Thisjmotion was passedtby ma jorityof council IaYEAROLD BOY KILLED SATURDAY RIDING BICYCLE Mervyn 13year401dson of and Mrs Joseph Byers RR Victoria Harbor was killed while ridinga bicycle near hishome last Saturday night AbOut one mile south of Victoria Harbbrnhcwas Struck by acar driven by Fred Manley of Toronto The boy died before he reached the hospital at Midland Another boy Ronald Bolt age 11 who vita riding on the Cross bar of the icycle was not scri ously injured Prov VCons Lou Hockridge of Midland vestigated the accident wood raised $14213 tnlMLZ owner Sr was the Sister aiid Miss Milligan was his niece Wallace Kennedy acted the part of student and Jane Hinds was smart young Mrs Kennedy The second presentation The Marriage Proposal was an excit= ing scene in Tchubukovs house the landowner Stepan Tchubukov was entertain Strode By Morris Darby Waverley president North Simcoe Seed PothtoroWers Asmiation as given at the annual meeting pbttito section Ontario Crop glinprovement Association King Edward Hotel Toronto Febru ary production We lliave excellent soil climate geographic position and experien cad potato growers so WEfeel com fident that ourjaspiraltions are not without reason Ouar County is situatth in the Simcoe and Kayvmtha Lakes climat tic mgibn withan altitudexifmm Our aim toiexcei in potato and Loiidry were not own Silitl on liic itliICllllp edges of thc Wings were damaged the propeilol was brokcn and the undercarriage war smashed The motor fuselage and tail assembly wcrc intact fuming out of their home to act lllilt iltoli and licr brother lack Jean aregisterediiursc waslittppy to learn that her professional VlCcSltClj not required but she was disappointed for another rcIi son She had been planning to takca flight that afternoon but following the accident her mother said Not today VJack Hamilton former flying officer with the RCAF had taken several crippled planes back to base but his ex perience was with fourmotored giants He agreed that Boswortti also former RCAFveteran had done good job of setting the two sealer down in such small Space The plane Fleet Canuck is owned jointly by four persons Ti Hap Emms Haroldmfiil of the Bell TIelepitoiijusseli LOIldly and William valley DINNER FOR FOUR RETIRING MEMBERS CEMETERY BOARD On Wednesday Feb the menu bers of the Union Cemetery Board held dinner at the Community Housoin honor of tho f0tlt1etll ing members who had served this many years organizatitin so faithfully for so Thos Nash had beelra Inombgr sincc19147W4 Gilroy sincgi 1923William Rusk since 1025 and Norman Liscumb since 1929 After several members had Coni Ifilgllded them for their untiriiig services and loyalty they replied in Very fitting manner All re tiringyWere present with the exe ceptiou of Mr Nash who was un able to attend Angus iiig Ivan Vassilyevitch Ross who had come to propose to Natalya Stepanovna Allison RHIP somek This hilaTiOu directed by Elsie Rai Assisting in the productions were Rose Dottcettmrhottise Culley piopeitiesjGordon Beswe therick music Angus Ross and staging KennethlRobinson Pro duction manager Wwas Howard Naphtali Loam igmupiwitichds largely relv liiiginorainic soil We are further blessed by having bodies of watlgil on three sides of the county which naturally helps to stabilize proper climatic conditions for actual growing ff 1We lthavetbeelr groWing borne 5000 to6000 acres of potatoesfo many years and while we threw thatLJWO had something cl to ideal conditions we realize much imiprOvement could be complishedi both in yield fly We beyganabout teny with the Wirpratiorro 113 600 to 1000 feetabove SSAlevel meanannuail temperature of 43 clam grates meahlsuuuper temperature orGdegrees average1enttthro rmmgwdaysslaoramraglength charming season 13 lighting Noel Stephenson Reeve Clark said he did not coed The play was directedby costumes Audrey Gray Iriakettp Potato PrOdultction7