liia $6 Vwcekendw lill3 was no ECZEMA OINTMENTV Vii4 ESSECEV pVEpPERVliIINT oz THURSDAYVFVIIBRUARY51948 STROUD Elmer Robins if Siltltcievi 2s OBITUARY RROLL 111 Congratulations to Mr and Lils rzloll Mullen general agent Ihos Wright on the birth of Li fer tlrztalio ihr Americanl In the Barrie Hospital an Satur Crmilt Indemnity Co died ThursGuy Jan 31 am at his lltilllc 83 liiilmmr Servrce will be held at 130 pm limi itllomo He had been as 51 Pauls Church during thc llii the hm balance of the wie Last Wednesday morning about oclock tire of unknown ozlgzu tiiilrpletcly destroyed the large barn of Stephen Wariinkie Craig vale ttorinerly Lcnliox Bl Iaian About tons of Ira liOIStS do and roll chickens were burned Death of Iiin liffiir passed away at his more on the 9illllll on Jail 26 after lily weeks illness The funeral service on Jan 29 was con ducted by Rev Paisley with lrltornicn ill Strollzl cemetery ur dcipesi sympathy goes out to hc suddenly bereaved wife and family To Visit in California Mrs Lowrv and Mrs Fred Mulhollazid of Stroiid left on Sun day Feb for India California to visit lhc formers daughter Mrs ltssie Walker who is undergoing very serious illxlillltill lll hos Angele Hospital lhty intend to lllV two or three months lliey rravellcd bv the Greyhound Hus Line from Toronto and expect to arrive there Ihursday Feb fr Lowry and Fred Mnlhollaud drove them to Toronto of native of Harrie Mr Mullen zs veteran of tile iirst Great War lie enlisted With the 157th Battalion and served in France with lllt Bil Howitzer flattery in active liolaiiari llf was pillll tllill trillresin ill the crippled childrens branch lie was also Iliilliiltl of Slincoe Lodge AF and ARI and St Clements Anglican Church North Toronto stlrvlvlrllz are his wife formerly May Curtis daulzhtnr Miss Molly Mullen and three brothers William and lospli both of lliioiilir and Richard of Suit iV tlltlNVtU PHELPSTON February Mr and Mrs II Ilaiikiii Harrie iiiitll iii Kirtorrs Mr and Mrs Nichols Wind Kor are visiting Kenny tir and rs Doran are visiting trieir sill Frank ill luttcnhain ilrs Muriel Kenny and son Hall of Inn1 liiaiich Visited relatives lltlt Jack Toner Dan and John Sex hill of Toronto were ironic for the zveckeiid Mr and Mrs DczmisV Garvey of Port Severn spent few days with Mrs loiicr Mrs Slitlion has rcitrrileddroln Itunlilvt altcr attending the wedl ding of her niece ill Mimico litf Moore and Miss Joan Vii torla Harbor are renewing ac llallllillltt here Guests at Hotel Ilrelpsloii for the weekend wcrcz Mrs Walker and soils lorolilo Walter Nichols of Windsor lhcrcll hot time in the Little lied bihoolhonse No ti Ihey iiavcput irl insulation and set tip new stove The new black boards are rcportcd to be on the way Syirlpathy is extended to Bill Dean the schOol bus driver on the Th schml cm milqunulhmulstrdQJ ljgymguhemockeymicksJil ii and Mrs lltiil whose itllli MTV Thomlby so kindly presented son Peter was buried here last them 115 winwn The pumms week also Appreciate very much theV Storm Iirtciriipts Train Service lilill9gt 1th domlr The lai UH Wis bianlgii The Progress Club tcndercd train on Thursday and the mail bhnlllvelnll windmilng mm or the was sent Friday but even diclC0111iW00dhofpllillg ploWs couldnt get through SaturJ lay It pays to read the Adlets BRENTWOOI Vj February her parents last week Jim Boyle of Toronto spent few daysntiiome last week tMiss Bernice Seymour Home was borne for the weekend Ed Allen from Alberta is visit ing relatives in Brentwood Mr and Mrs Richard Kelly spent few lays in Toronto last week IMiss Irena Schell Toronto Joe lriien of Toronto spent the week end at their ironies The ladies of the United Church are rehearsing their play again for another presentation Wilfred Home and Harry Brec tion of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Reuben Hor Clifll are greatly Competitive Prices and Personal service DRUG STORES Specials and Remindersfor Thursday idnyrid Slitiirdiiy Tint coir Misty Rich Ice Cream THIS WEEKS SIECIAE FLAVOR BUTTERSCOTC ALSO VANILLA ORANGE MAPLE STRAWBERRY 25c Pint Carton Ayailable Again SPECIALVi POWDER BUFFS Vac2 for15c7 VVVCourtselor Badmani VSCdles Keep WellStocked MEDICINE CHEST Check your Medicine Chest today Be sure tohave safe laboratory tested medical assistance in time of emergency OINTMENTSBorVacic Sulphur reg 25c JEQIEgngpohing the eyes MEDICINEGIasses Special 96 ANTACID Stomach Powder 59c $150 59c HEALTH SALTS IDA 16 ozs Humanuum gnunun BronchidaVcouht mp 50 ms sh Oil ozsreg V250 18c Oil of Eticalypius reg 20c35c L16c 29c Dertoi 53cV$li60 geeghamjs Pills 23c49c Special CLINICAL THEEMOMEIERS hide in England Reg $125 Special 7V9cg HALVIBUTLIVER BORAX 16 ouncesreg 2916cV V3 culprits It ounces reg 39c 5100 s5 589s eregVV25c lc sAIJI PETIng ouncch Vreg 10cVV TIOILET TISSUE regular 32c for rolls NomiIii broken THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Brothers Serve on County Council ICIINIST MILLER who is Reeve of Coldwalcr agaii this war serivcd term Warden of Stuff County in 1940 He thalllnan of tile ruining tlhlllllllt groan Newton Robinson February Mr and Mrs Iioughton arid Ililllili ptiit Monday ill Toronto ill and Mrs Lloyd Council and family Weston visited Mrs Coil neii oil Sunday Mr and frs Inn of littlllt tierts on Sunday ll Coborrr motorcd riid liai loe Palmer wcle at tr lrllliliilil Miss Pallml THWIL Slim Sunday to brim home Mas Coborrilwcck ill the North and Paul who had spent the week end in the city At home for the weekend wcre Misses Mary Scott and thinly lcn iiox of Toronto iwcn Ilalbcrt of Barrie and Lcrlnox liowe ot iiiclplt lccWclwill Meeting The lecWeGwill Jr Institute met at Miss Ci llougiltotls Moll day evening January it with twelve girls present Miss Jackson read the minutes It was decided to hold the meetings the lird Monday and 11th Wednesday of each month Mrs Milligan havedvnnmVVz sornthclpful hints on beinlr well dressed Valid well groomed social hour followed February Mr and Mrs Iilbb Miller Hill ric spent Sunday with the form tr parents Dr and Mrs Jim Miller Miss Velma Simmons Vivian McCuish and John Leudlay lor onto were at their respective homes over the weekend Mr and Mrs Douglas Campbell Churchill have taken up residence inthe George Fildey house town Mr Campbell is employed as mechanic tFVlnkman station Accident at Slights Corner On Saturday afternoon Jail 31 the car owned and operated by Chas Russell with Edward Webb as ptissenger was total wreck when it collided with an automo bilci treading west towards Allis ton at lSIights Corner The occu pants swcre taken to the Alliston lilospltal but were released later when found thzil no bones twcre UTOPIA United Church Officers Installer UtOpia United Church animal Congregational meeting was held at Mrs John Robinsons on Friday evening Jan 23 ltev limit presided and conducted the devotional cxercr scs Mrs Dobson acted as sec retary The years report was given and the financial statement showed verYpood balance 1948 officers were installed by Rev Mr iBunt as follows Recording secy of the An gris charge Bell Session Messrs Dobson Jennett Messrs son and Willard Dobson Organist Doreen Dobson Mr Smith Worn ens Association WA President Mrs Robinson Vice pres Mrs Bell secy treas llVlilS vDobr son Flower Committee Mrs Me Cann and Mrs Beth January 31 lGarficId Jennett has been pa itietrt in at Haspitill the past week Mr and Mrs GemiBridiger and Joan ofToronito3pent last week end in Allrglls at Bushs erS Zimmerman and Mr and Mrs Jas Shaw wererrfloronito Friday attending the Ifuneral of LMrs Hurst Somegof the Angus people were irrElmvaleeohdlluesdaeraneZkat tending neeAgnes Angus Sympathy is extended 10 the Showdamily in the death of their =isterMVrs Wan Hurst Isabella Shwh Jon 21 Opl and Greenlaw formerly of Mrs Ray Gontier illere iiiIbronbrilast week attending the wedding of the Iormers brother Maurice Gautier andlllisSJMlargaret Hill 538v Rabi Lacey of1oron to dormer minister of AngusleniV ted VChurchpificiated February Mrs Allan Bonney is visiting her sister Mrs Geo Smith Bairie for aweekV Midhurst Community lmeetinig Thursday Feb Speaker Walter Lumsden on ernmenlt Midhurst East Forum wag meeit at the lhomeot Mrs useele Feb 91opic What Price Shall We Ask The seniorrrypm Iplltplls are to be congratulated Community NewsweDDnt miss your copy this week ltEitiwiefortheirex poutpundncts aridRDb the rfurieral of Mrs Wright in Toronto on Tuesday on Ithe rst edition Annemarieth BOYI MILLER who is Iieeie of McdotitcV Town ship tll is farming on the fatally firlilltri til lie was elected it serve on the elill county road coirrriittlc tllil year trillion 0N LIVESTOCK lr Marlins It If iiaham Ontario live stock Branch was the speaker in the first series of lectures at Vasey Orillia and IClrnvali last Surlcoc series of veekly afternoon rrlcttriViltsIle gave an overhll picture othhe live stock industry and mentioned that Ontario farmers have received fairly satisfactory rernuireralion for their products for theiipast five years Unfortunately still higher costs often offset the ad vantage ofkfbetter piices Mr Graham very emphatically advised farmers to make every attempt to get their debts paid ill the near future He is of the opinion that inflationary prices will not last in that European corin tries are planning all about agri crilttrral prodtiction arithhat Cait adian farmers because of neces sity having to depend largely on VINNisVrIQVVNVSTES We enter into February with our finech crossedJaniiary did not give us thaw Did the Ground hog see his shadow May Ilctum Home This Week Haivey Flagel who was injured in an auto accident couple of weeks ago is doing well and Will be allowed to return home from hospital the end However he will be in cast and confined to bed for at least three months as he suffered broken pelvis His greatest worry is that he is missing his studies This is case where if our school boards had supervising teacher it might be possible to ariiarigehtirne super vision of his studies Perhaps somearrangements can be made to assist him as he will have plenty of time on his hands He is greatly missed by his hockey comrades Salute We salute ex Flying Officer George Young who will soon enter into the blissful state of Matrim lmiy His veteran comrades cxtcnd to him heartiesl congratulations liimisiil Eartlcmcn to be Host to Ontario Group At meeting of the Ontario Hereford Breeders held in ltiitllilti Ithis week an invitation was ccpted by that organizationVtwll lras membership covering all parts of the province tobc the guests at picnic and show in trliisfi1the hosts beingdhc County Hereford Breeders Club Warnica was reielectfd to board of directors Many Attend Conventions Membt of the various Hog and tar zations were holding meetings chqu the past week lll JIoro It is doubtful if mumcr ality was as well represen ias Innisfil be Township Council meeting was postponeda week in order to permit Councillor Chris Sprottle director of the Swine Breeders Association to attend An Open Meeting on Feb 11th joint meeting of UN the Federation of Agriculturtandr the lnirisfil Cidit Union Will be held in Stroud VKeithV Marshall will speak on COOpeltlllve Insur ance Historic IncidentsvDesrred In order to assist with the pre paration of the History ofslmcoe County anyone who hasVstorics or documents that will assist incorri pifihidllisdor the Township IS asked io contribute or advise the Clerkor any Council member Someone vwlll call antLinierwciVL any person who Can add to this collection IEW GROCERY Come and get ii VPrbime Rib RoastsBtade Roasts Short Rib Roasts Rolled Pot RoastsiVV Porterhouse Roastswmg Roasts and RoundsSteak 8993s The Best VVPORK SAUSAGE intVown 350 We also carry aqfullline of Groceries JACK DYCK VV Proprietor Charlotte St Barrie PHQNEviioee proved stock icies 1===o=o===o ll urns steady in Saturday Iii=ifltl lkutly it News and VIEWS From Barrie Collegiate large iJL thirlcr that it the ltig Ap lurid Llltihtn gown ilil lie natural lliitl was lfc iill of nits iri have out by Moi ltrl these four Brace xiriil lip It is tl licitlu lalll tlt gtlwi it itit gtl ltttilit tllcl My New lad ttli itiiil lill Vliroi of textiles lic Liltl llltir lrgt prices were as follows arid the to 550 ltic to file Cihe to lUt rltl 355 lillb accurdniy to silo =llillty dozen ll butter Splat tiiltlicirs Huddle fowl Ilht ill llii till 3113 ql Vegetables Fruits Etc SUV to title lUt 40c litmus tilt Carrots liasitt Hi vitV basket lwalties litil Tillb tiny lrirpgt basket lilltVVllii$VliLl Hubbard siluash icppcr squash Swttle turnips each lit 2ic to 50c 25c St to he 50 to l5t lllt If 15c ffic to ltlc We to 15c 200 to 25c ltlc italil Citron llllrlips Small cabbag Horseradish littl ill Home Baking Bread lOZOC Burn 30c will soonbe meeting stiffer coni liiltill Mr Graham cautioned farmers not to pay inflationary prices for blttfllllgVSlfxk The buyer should be guided by the probable returns which should at least enable the buyer toget his purchase money back He also warned against buying low grade sites Mr Graham stressed the need of farm ers using utility standard rather than show ring or sales stand ard in their purchasing ofVV ini RgstOres natural Oil Giuliani toucliedwtiiiTsroine 57 the most prevalent disteascs in cattle He was hopeful that calf hood vapcination would be made compulsory by 1950 and was lotid iVthis praichVof artificial insemin ation clubs fordairy cattleii provcmcnt admitting that road conditions would be ahtindicap in sortie areas Artificial insemina tion is still in the cxpernental stages so far as beef cattle are Concerned Walker of the Ontario Livestock Branch took Mr Gran hams place at the Vasey meeting His general theme was mrich the same as that followed by Mr Graham The Vasey group was particularly interested in Mr Walkers discussion of agricultural conditions in Europe much of which he saw when overseas on active service during the last war Mr Walker will be back again to discuss government livestock pol ultraviolet rays Guaranteed to dou Arrlonger now equipped to giveyour VVV suit or garment You can see es Volitained only at This week Feb 345Ceci1Chap pet will lead discussion on Farm Management and Account ing Chas Newton will discuss Livestock Diseases and Sanitation Tuesday at Vasey Wednesday at Orillia arid Thursday at Elmvale rzinwed can work winch the sen Keeps garment luxuriously fresh and neat loolti to cleaning regardless of period between FAG mm The senior girls had sane what Ioughcrght on their hands The score seesawed both mayo Down one perturbing into the last Quarter the final more read 14 Barrie and for their trouble went home Willi three defeats Tiler only will was over the seii for aligns by 2till count The Barrie mys played their usual style and grillml litul usual de liar isally Janigg McCuaig wasliighVV lr hols scraped iiroughlscrrrer with eight points I645 rover the motors They Invnauons arm or semen slat have been circulated around the school this past week wuh the news that the Arts and Letters club were having suppermeeting Admissmn retltiaentcnts were some plaid article of clothing hand one stanza from Hobby Burns EILEEN FINE luis sulllni til lack nails itvtc liuLlUll$ in both IZ jun his put on illV display lake the Estll Ba ilitcliinson palkul tlie lllllo dive 1th all llpo eilurt wi Ethel Mae lilil igtleld guard line dikes in it Three portwar patents combined Into one link 0pm tional procuszor the pmcmtlon of textile fabrics British Potent No 431016V MiamiMali REFIBRiETEX PROCESS to woolen and cotton fibre times Imports new life strength and resiliency to fabrics eiiiifakidiiiaonlsonfor fabiiccbused by perspiration arid sun bie the wear of fabric and to keep garments pressed We have been fortunate to secure the Franchise for Barriqnd Vpistrict andhwg are arments this specialtreatment at charge of 25c per feren Mo is Guaranteed from cleanlnL Ask to have your clothes fieFibreTexed and assuie yourself of these advantag COTTYSWEEEANERS 109VDUNLOPV sr phne 2885 BARBIE Xminster Carpet Rs areBacik we orthe first time in Years again have AxminsterV kan andimportel Pile Rugs in sizes wVs ft x9 to 10 fee in x12 tr PRICEDFBOMWSUP SPECIAL Heavy Grade Axminster Rugsin allover design The ground Color is wine and the pattern with touches of green blue and fsanddmgutiftrlly blended Well built occasionth and chairsithidernVstyleV Upholz steredin5tapestry4 repp and velour in goodVselectipnv of colors readiness VV Size it Chintz coveredchalrsV Mir flouncesfesorne withzarmsg some slipper ctiizurs without arinsAil colors regularfrom il8951ur VV ro esprit AT niliron ie bv dint of determined