Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 8

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lAT FEB fill and Mrs It Gribble lefii last west by motor for visit an Fluitda Mrs Ardagh and iliss 0rd have ltlUlIlctl to Harrie after spendingf several wteks in Toronto ll At$ and Miss Joyce il dr and London spent vli and Mr 2i Si rlis Ililzs the xvicircuit vain Calmion Cul ligt vlctjvl Mtlclirhle and Miss llli irtllli iitllull ltlilllu gtprlrl ittlitlul with the Illziiltis fill Jamil Hayfield St lizrilltl Wlllllrnl loirt left Sunday Mailii tirus it New Orleans and rCiiltll or lilsalola Ilcach Ilor itllt 3llflil last Itiil liirltlgt iilzil Misshlarillu lllrl lrtuimd home to Harrie his ck after initial with rela lives In England for the past three lloltls Mrs Iordotl Damon and two children returned to their home in thrown on Friday Vliyitll from Manon The bad lltfl isltiiil il lluillnps liliilllrl lr if Lay lrlrld Mrs Parsons who leave Saturday for holiday iii the Sunny South will spend the weekend ill St Thomas withAMr and Mr Iichiilnon arllhir lzliroiis will address the would HOME MADE BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAEV 15c LUNCH it iiiirsoirs Ice Cream Candy asenmmnnrnsrj Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1948 it AMVBreaking of Bread PMSunday School and Bible Class PMGospel Meeting Wed PM Prayer Meetin All welcome seats free no col action St Andrews Presbyterian IillV JAMES FERGUSONLIBA Minister Mr Craig Hamilton Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1948 it AMEMORNING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister iMAirDeparimenis of tth Sunday School PMBVENING WORSHIP Preacher The Minister 00llilrrriiversary Services Feb 22 COME TO CHURCH FREIE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Hayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND ministers Vs BRUARY 1948 Fellowship VMeeting 330 PM Evangelistic Service 730 PM 18 PMsEvery Friday night Youth Rally Thurs PM PRAYER MEETING unityAnglican n7WRIHTV0rgVanisr mi AM MORI iRreacheVr BevCanon Rater fsonof Toronto7 aginner51LDepartmeni 911th Sunday School EBRUARY liar tournaments Vision of Christ Corniiuttees illonrted as follows lossrmp spell thi ielurii with rll and lill hilirtlrlll iJi lili llir MRS CHASE lThe Home oti Fr giy Worship WW errm crewWm ELECT ROWE voN COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED MEETING Tue Home of llz VON rutt iitl ilfss Ruth Iiiisselh at the Corn rnumt Hollie on Feb for the Ivgtliill monthly illeettrig Ernest Ilrirtoii presided for LOCAL CHAIRMAN or NAVY LEAGUE of tile Baltic Bratill NM Luigi of Clilril at lltLtllJ fall it offices retiring lliilllll Shift1 Ul Ftilllial Ll iicrtiitiilii of notice tlll nc intuitl Iltlliltf lJlti were ip tlzl lfinl it ti flit lttKY tlrlll ltiii YliaricewConvener Redmond lliill rlsilrr Malcomsoii thiiss illivlc Harold Cusdeii Nurses Adyisilryllrs CF Iiani mozlli Mrs Slutlair Mrs will lilllAiiyrvllN Mrs Seymour lt Vi lieldvVrililis ll lillllllrll Airs Parsons Mrs iiill iirs ll llixilt Gorilla Miss Russell presented her re 3port for lllt month of January as follows The first month of 1948 passed las an average month lwenty five cases were carried from lastl yttii and 39 attiiiittcd To tires 34 lpulltltlS it ill were made chronic 13 lllcdlcal and surgical Ll obstetrical 24 irwlllirii 37 prenatal iii and 33 other health supervision Visits Mrs Frid McConkcy resigned Jail titc to ill health it was decidsd that Ittter otxrppre cizrtloii be sent to Mrs McCtitikey for her faithful assistance Luring the past year The Board adopch resolution that future lllitllllgs would be lltll at the call of the president collimator lrcasitrcr Will be Eric bill should not three months hence till ROWE lit earlier in the reason Mrs Itch mulling of the Kiwanis Club or Sliiitli took over the duties of Mr and rilrs IC Ruwson en secretary from Miss Ethel tertaincd Dr Sydney Smith after land who is retiiiiib is address to the Canadian Club The OXttuiin titllllliillit Will arid also the executive and few Wit451 ill JiltlrzL ii WWW Alli3 friends in honor of Rev II Mtlttl llilllillt MIN liowdeii and Mrs Ilowdcn Mrs Fl U10 Di Slil llowden is irrimediaic past presi iii Jiltillli Mill NW1 Ill Nbl Ill of the Canadian Club Stephen40 The evenings discussion center ed around the plan to build Sea IV VV adet barracks along the water lilt trodes Hillie and Allan front lease has betlistened and spent rillmyycrkcnd visiting friends delivered so that only contractor Vlitil and funds are required to bilild At the present time the schiadcts are stationed ill the forrncriair cadet barracks beside the armourics bill it is hoped that they villhavc their ioss THORNTON St Judes Anglican Congrega tlllnersunnq and meeting bellcld Friday in die as ment of the thitrta at The sea cadet band is once more in operation this time under the baton ofrthur IlarrisV proprietor of the Harris Flower Shop New band instruments have been obtain fVHighgsdhoal Beard lEntertain Teachers Members of the board of the Barrie High School District enter tainedththgazrjchers or social gath crmg in tie ommuullv House Burton Avenue United Tuesday evenmgV VChurCh The guests were received by Mr Re JVLV Garden BVAVV Minister and Mrs Morrison and OrganistVMrV Ray wmiams Mr and Mrs George Johnston teachers were present fromBarrie Collegiate staffand also from the AVMVVMORNING WORSHIP high schools at Mincsing and Thorn tori There were approximately 30 PMEVENING WORSHIP vitczichers and together with thc 2in PMAll Departments of the wives of the schoolboaid riiembers Sluidav School Vandfhe teachers there were 60 per llolly Services til 2PM and PM 50118 Present Iloyd Tufford director of musicY presented short program with CVFnumbeis by Victor Knox Angus gt Ross and Mercer Grace Gospel Hall The gathering was held 0he 37 Mary Street Barrie members of the school board and the teachers to have an opportunity SUNDAY FEBRUARY 31943 toVVVmcht and become acquainted L30 PMBelievers Meeting 01 PMSunday School Meeting All are cordially invited LOW 28 Below Zero RecordedJaVnuory 30 ma On five nights during theqpast Comer week the thermometer Independent REV MITCHELL Mtnlstvr Hall was szua low zero Maximum and minimum tem perittlres recordedcduring the past Ldayswere as follows HIGH LOW 29 18 SUNDAY FEBRUARY roll SUNDAY FEBRUARY i948 ll AMMORNING WORSHIP PM BIBLE Vscnoor HM EVENING WORSHIP Mon It PM Service ed fl PMMidweelcVPrayer Meeting Feb Thurs 745 PM Intermediates Feb WEEK OF SPECIAL MEETINGS Feb FEBRUARY 15 22 With Mr Blake Hunt Christian Service Centers Inc Detroit MichiganV Come to the Church with Message Jan lan 30 Jan 31 Feb Collier St United Church REV ELEWIS MA BD Minister Mr Lloyd Gluttom Organist and TQWn Council CM master me last Monday night Members aszent were Ald ValleyandAld Laurie Chairman furml committee discussionwvas Aid Hambly The Womcnls Hospital Aid of the Royal Victoria Hospital were granted permission to hold aitag Helhn88and duly onfSaturdais Sept 18 SUNDAY FEBRUMIY 1948 ii AMMZOBNINGIWQRSHIP Ve ew or eIdIsa V2 The Necess oi Intolerance mucnuacrrscriooi ii AM Nursery TbejbandinastehfnrtheCiti Bandbwill be paid $100 month again this year but this bos ess will copductedthrough the ug Comttilttee This plan Will alt thetown eligible for provlirtal granton thisexpend ure VV agreed to pay the 1al5 anon fe forllanv membeVVr of the deemmm John gulanqe course to cemmenceXFeb QOIILWR ST SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1948 AMIEOLmESS MEETING BrutalSUNDAY sermon uarrt ad Other matters discussed includ ed garbage VIiown Hall alterations These are deported elsewhere in this issue cannons when members of Timmins ancillleave the distant points on flowc tim tltilltl titllilir it of Willili newbocrackssemenmetiiisyenh ldarrd practicesarcbcing held dropped below zero and the coldest toms ry 30m 28 be ei brigade who collection and the OBITUARY ll vilts HARRY REYNOLDS it Reynolds formerly ll hcl L4 we lL lria Hmpital Bar on JAMLIE ltHll She was ii of Margaret Mom thirst and was but 11de 11 ltd She ab Lllitcd Ctnrrcli Site was lll ed to Harry Rei liq 21 1904 Ht ItlLtklpLd tier January 1946 cit fl urn licr tlilll is bun Wt or lllilst of Toronto llci lithle ozSloud ctll tincid the illilcial service assisted to Rev Ililivlrv James of Tororiai Ei St Jarits United Church lull itair ere scar Iliwmaii loili my IIillli It li Iiiiist Nliltrll Ci Vet1 itillllil rnlil on SUDDEN DEATH Of Kilauea ears he Wm Do ilu izr Illixlxi ONCE PASTOR HERE litr David lliace lliki6 li11titl lliisriii if Kin Fill li Cilllxli Barrie died iely on Liy leii iii 1943 at Binding Out fit his Trill i11 He was former OlllCilil of the lilluliii 131rlziicn of Public Welfare and lt Judge of the fiily court of Winnipeg llc ws the quilltr of ilt wellknown book iIlis Nam Called Iicre Born in Sauna lowilship cldwt fazrrzlv of 10 wins he graduated from Mcklacr University and Illicrcd the Ilaptis ministry lie rcld charges at Barrie and Earlr ozi Mail lb rs the first editor llit Wtxfezii llilillli lilt trillr Cull organ of the Baptist HIIVillr lsl titlf tlltttl Ray Lolitjhccd and lid WILLIAM RUBBHT REID iitilt Ewart tllriesporidenit William Itoheri Reid passed away lilt York County Hospital on lalrlilly 2i tthi born in Augud tle al loriinlii lie was the son field and Rachel iintVy of li He resided at Big Bay Point Co llh Sakltchcwari and on thc Seventh litre of lnmsfil During We rst leltt months he lizid been living in Aurora He attended the Urlilcd Church He issllrvrved by his wife Edlt Ila Qilallll two sons Waller and be more than hlcClzlftcitywho has been active in lillllli iill litllhlcr this robotin Since he came to Harri 10 llilll Also left ll notrrll his tictli are sisterMrs Ross rlll rlet if Ctilikstowii and brother George of Toronto Ilc trod Iitltttflnflhfldt0llf The funeral service was coridtic cd by tile liev SVV Paisley from the lctroy United Church on Janit aly 2i Many bountiful floral tri tiliics were received front friendsI and iclrliVLlt attended the funeral from Toronto Oro Cookstown Gifford and Stroud llbcarers were Fred Morris Bill Johnson Hoytboil Roy Jack litrsscll Dickey and Emerson Cirr tin lntciincnt took place at the Sixth Linc Cemetery Friends WHJJAM IIOYD LYONS Suffering from heart condition inl llillllm803dLylllmXH5dfy at the borne of his daughter Mrs Frank Iligginslin of Angus oilJanu 1l 24 1948 Very active and interested fir church work he was regular at tcrlder of Ivy Presbyterian Church Except for the past five years he spent his years farming at Ivy For five years he had resided in Barrie He was born at Ivy in 1372 the son of Mr and Mrs James Lyons He was active in the Orange Ord er and was Past Master of LOL lt 11 weet4kQnllRCeCEJiCillIl titlll of We crn Canada He later liltclcd social wclfait work gr Victoria aiidWimilpr lie tliufltd the Manitoba Child thifzuc Act set it iic Manitoba lltpaitlricu of Welfare and orI tIl rad tllcV federated budget for rclal work of the Winnipeg ommttnily tltt He drafted the Manitoba Juvenile Delinquency Act and set up the Winnipeg Juvenile oitrt system becoming its first judge In 1925 he joined the Toronto Continuitin Wclfare Council and when unemployment was at its height he assisted in setting up the Ontario Department of Welfare under David Croll serving as diicc tor of lllltll ployllicnt relief for several years He retired in Hill and in 1939 moved to Burlington lie was member of Si Antl rcws Lodge AI AM He is ll vivcd by his widow the former Gladys Sriydcri tr son Dr Elmore Harkness of Wellsvillc NY and three tlrttigiitersMrs Norman Mac Donald of Artntsia Me Mrs George King of Niagara Falls Our and Mrs Illlfll Kliiidson of Deca tur Ga and eight grandchildren Coming to the Barrie church as as young man it was his first charge He was ordained iilto the ministry on Jtrly 41h ll0lVlrid sewed here from 1900 uritil 1903 Duringr his pastorate he lived at ltll IIlizabeyi sireet there being no parsonageVcozlncctcd with ihe church at that time The funeral was held on Tuesday Burlington and the soirvices cotc VVV James Ferguson at the family resi oence 44 High street There were flowers froin many friends and the iollowing organizations pupils of room 2King Emma Schaolstafi of King Edward School friends from Prince of Wales School staff Valid St Andrews Presbyterian Choir Friends and relatives at tended the funeral from Lancaster NY Olean NY Toronto Calling wood iCIeemorc Duntroon and Glen Huron the Canadian Order of Foresters for number of years For three years hc acted as 11 school trustee for Ivy tlyll Lyons was predeceasedby hiswife four years She was for merlyFmma Frances Carruthers He is survived by his five daugh ters Mix FrankHigginson fFrie ta of Angus Mrs Sydney Hill tlsla of Toronto Mrs Ken Hough ton Jean of Barrie iMrs Don Young Clarissa of Barrie Mrs Wib FrenchtBeth of Orillia and one son Thomas on the horne stcad at Ivy The funeral service vascondtic ted by Rev James Ferguson from the Ivy Presbyterian Church Jan ttVary 27 Flowers were received from Ivyaimt Club and Christ Church Utopia Pallbearers were Wes uCochrane Clifford VVVDerviVs James Creighton Ivan Caldwell Heiman Jenncrtt and Ernest GQOdu win Interment took place in the Ivy Cemetery rims ELLEN MpGREQOR Descendant of pioneer family EllenHewson widow ofine late Duncan McGregrVdied Satur day January 30 1948 15a the Royal Victoria Hospital in her 815i year She had been in declining health since last September rIhe last surviving member of geiiamily Mrs McGregor had oeen predeceased by her husband in April 1928 Surviving is longhornMiss Flora McGregor 4V4 High street Barrie Mrs MoGrogor was daughter of Francis and FlairaHewson famV The pallbearers were Edwar Barker Hamilton chv son 1IH00d Leach and Russell Interment was made in Barrie Union Cemetery CHARLES TYMON In Collingwood on Sunday Jan uary 25 1940 there passed away in his 86th year an old and respected citizen in the person of Charles Iymon Born in Collingwood Sept 29 18625011 of Ann and Michael fyV vmon her attended the Town schools Later he sailed the Great Lakes for 28 years being vith the Georgian Bay Transportation Co Great Northern Navigation Co later the Northern Navigation Co as it changed hands He was the last member of the crew of the old SS Atlantic which burned to the waters edge few miles out of Parry Sound 3Afteiiileaving the lakes for 15 erEIA ORANGE CAKEand BUTTER CREAMVVCAKE also WHIBBED CREAM PASTRIES ERG lt brill lti it lit ILicl Def in lt tell ldls uni rlzc hlzislium lodges at dcd lll body holding scrvlu Iililerzzlalllizue lttl ll Baptist in 313 Tynan nulrrmd thci Louisa Ilzzckiicll will prech wed illlil Us lttliii Ltl dtta ill ISHO one lullarrrr Dunn of lilriivalci The lieiiy lllliirc was LtllitLltd by the Ilev lillrit of tilt First tist Church assisch Aliils cl Tllt ltlptl liilll tlVlti Abide Willi lc of Mr lyliiiltls tilt full ltilifl Alliston tuncral iltlillt Will and Clifford lyiiioii cf Cullinuwlrntl Char William Van 72m If Nt willailiet Irileriiicilt was made ill the tin hiti Cemetery Collincwtiod Ntilh illvgttwlnilc klorrison wife of William Mr irisliii former editor died in Montreal on Sunday 25 ltlltl Mrs Morrison is survived by her husband two tlauglircrs Mrs llVirj his Kerr of Montreal aild Mrs Jack Ctrtlilierisozi ltroiilo and two ri ttrs Mrs Day Moiilrt ll rl Mrs llcx Croasdcll WooJamar ltltIicut killed in Burma Born in Cicemorc she was the daughter of the late John iZarlu prominent citizen of that dis trict Mrs Morrison resided in To rorito from the lime of her mar ilage iii lJCll until till When the faintly removed Morrisons sports cditorof the Gazette posi tioIi from which he retired year Fill Mr widely LII ll ifliiTthrrsjVirrT acquainted Ottawa and Toronto through his newspaper work and his crnploy ment as anoflchial at VVVthe race tracks of those cities MRS of Ni and the itllliiifi of Highway iia from Elillvalc THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1948 Later for about to fore ll iLlLrl itll Slilrtji WATCl Next Veek ll Vill Be Here For wnvnnvonn int Lodijc Nth Utl itClx xrf Eritlli lllt ikl lie was ti on luesda reherun dint is gtllliil Gills lie llitl selvrce licid tdm tlic illott Funeral grl litlll by Illv Al lillllll Cd ii at Its fiilitt hylilil Salli Mrs rile loiuiitu iltelrdid Illlfl were tw from allbcaicrs slid five brothers George and John of Hamilton Harry and Charles of lTl Fry Peope lonrio and Major Janie Wilson Enjoyed Toboggan VVPOEIY vlllibi10l Sask The funeral scivice was cliiidiic The Anglican YIU smirisorcd ted by the Rev Ii Ii liowdcn of topogltan party for lilClxlV mem trinity Church at the family rcsi Lcls and friends on February fence Irlcwcrs It were Vrcccivcd four LLral John and Henry illlll lei MORRISON About 14 young people gathered at from cllcr Ltd Itecvcs Jewelersthe lrillity Parish Hall and lllti and the badge Club The pilll lflld from there to the poll bearers were Maurice larli lillllill course Returnian abolin It oclock marit lhiVVv Wills Howard lobb they playful hadiillliton and were llart Simmons and Peter Sinclair served light lriilh After an oil lliltclmcrit was ill the Barrie Union Joyahh evctliiiu the iqrlliili broke ciilcteiy lull about ll llll FINE PORTRAITS VCHILD PHOTOGRAPHY Photographed in Your Own Home BROOKE Phone3127 ihiils tarot Montreal Jail the Alex IlCAl wasl to Montreal appoinunenl er in Mtintrcal It JR Elllzlth OPIONIETIHSIS Funeral services for IVIrs Morriv son were held iii Montreal on Tues day Jail 27 PROFESSIONAL PRECSION MRS ANNIE ELIZABETH JEBB resident of Barrie for most of years Wilson wife of Jobb died at her home her 54 Eva cries GLASSES Annie Elizabeth 79 Mary St last lengthy illness She was daughter of the late limothy and Charlotte Wilsonetnd merit to years other early life in Hamilton and short periods of her married life in Gait and Orillia Surviving are her husband one son Wilson Jebb one daughter Willa Jcbb sisterMrs Hall short time he was town foreman in ily tthatwpioneerd in Nottawasaggi Township Her father after corn pleting his education at Upper Can wastagemoved from Innisfil lb Nottawasaga in 1842 Hawas trezn of the township from 4850 ti Ihe members of the family eleWell known throughout the district and brought lip in this at mosphere Mrs McGregor always maintaineda keeninterest in the welfare of her mantel lity and country She was aCionservative politically and for number cairn Wildcats years was organist of the Anglican ShehadE studiedg music at the onto Conservato to Barrie iii 192 81 MESEWIEVCwHoHLEiborgmucompensatiin mini windfall 83948117 J1Sunday Former teachers officers and scholars will returnfonthisrmemor VV church at Durrtroon Folloyving he marriage Eire became before moving Minlater pupunuun able occasion so coineold and alike to share happy meni not thernutttqemrrthesqndav the leadqreasv theyplan for gr received to Anmflerlng will Depapimentennd Sunday SchaoL REGULAR SEllWJEES at 111 lMi VU Will allllMliI projected use in the Church and 732M eastor Humrh BY urchase piano for the Primary otytpdaraa litflshlp falls School or theturner prtAYEannvtcm INN Price Mmhu Low $690 Per Month XXI ii il ii VV Ml ourrCleamng 1V gt 10W mar sisrm our BROKEN trusts REPLACED PROMPTLY QNNEwa Guaraniml Stocktrusts 1me New line the la 2Exiaela5 VV VVVV up no lurch HomeCleanin batonQumran want antitank medal Theyge Vbothwerksavltng mat up republican iracles and what they do yourclamps witbmsnew Eureka Home creeping theyunvcwmmhaormzeut of your II Im on BMW emIs new mhd for Hi mm egVByVgnd we you on will tlilst=an err cleanengtlmrhllndg in tilifys oi doling xyliplikelritiiefogrgg point axiomatic mm 11 nursing 1101 ller icing attract mandala ll ppm undejlV 353 mt elimle organ the mam f2M

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