Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 6

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aWwiwuw PAGE TWELVE Bank of out Appointments Aria Announced the ll lreszdtz office change post lllzili H3 5t llri appGUN ltlLl ltI and liti Al ally VANS TONE iof llirunais icszczu Saginajcix Itciii tfzniimc In 19 ill oral Manage Director lo liltiirlzi Hill of Sm lllColfltlll and Saltqtl leducaied in iti I1I CARSON ii the Board 11 Ill CE and cductcl Ill7 Col He started lzan Junzor at rm Nilll tirtrrrrnhr nrsr Ithe Salvation Army IIIIl itli SPROULE ttal liospital Yillli lc tinis iinii Assiiciatiwn and national Idiirctor of the Canadian LIiainbci of Coniiiieice Ilitllltl lciieitil AIJILILLCI III 1943 and llittlo It roii Vausliiie now President Mr Van lli lyloiic Ontario educated In llowiiiaiiville Illllll and high sciiools and entered the banking business as Junior at the For Successful Sale sixteen rm many of Household Furniture Elmer SUPCYW Illlilillgliittll Canada Farm Stock and Implements PHONE STROUD 23rll Ilt QC Jtlltl 11 tlontrcul Iilltl itiieii gtlilli lriiccal Manager loroiito tlil1 Past Eltcsideizt of lnittie Iliad of liadi llltl of the limit of one of years llt was if kcrs MinVanstone at the ing of the Canadian Bankers As socialioii became Senior VicePres ident of the association The new General Manager llilll ard Gillett though born in Car DRI oi lltlf One of Cana das bcs kiitlyyuIDaIrigLngngtd was brought up in ilozi neie he widely anonr is oamang carcer 15 al Uin lie Jutii mu can bulk that It igoof six and tvas iruiis aw in 19 Over the next Lig llLl extensive experi Iiol W0gtll Canada eating Liflotcl iiltfl or before being ap liepecLig Officer 191 he iciiiziicd to 1931 Dccaine Mana Dan foul Lifetl been lortiito fit Assist ilm Bank In yum an of lorxiiizos annual 1c ll Ilzc strongest position in its 92 utr llIStlH with asng of over 3iioououu an alltime peak SEEDELEANING PLANTS READY TO HANDLE BIG RUSHI Appioxiniatcly 10000000 bu Isirls of high quality seed grain will be rumired itiOllldlIlU in the gtgtllliL of this year says John Iacleod Director of the Crops Seeds and Weeds Branch Torontm and present indications are that licre will be shortage of seed lhose who have their own seed can iielp out the situation tll By cleaning their seed early 12 Of lciiitg any surplus for sale t3 Making use of seed cleaning plants lI GILLETI poit made public shows the bank lliosc living in close proximity to seed cleaning plant should take advantage of the facilities it rfters The majority of these plants are equipped with modern iiiaciiiiieiy for scouring cleaning gradingctcsand carrgive 24hour serwcer Farmers requiring seed are ad vised to consult their Agricultural Representative the nearest seed cleaning plant operator or write direct to Branch at lilllitulicltl samettrtUT note of interest to the Citizl mix of Barrie the Boy Scouts Sul yage collections are discontinued during the winter months owing to the heavy snow which makes it on profitable till want thank you for your salvage and ask that youl be good enough to save old magazin cs and newspapers by bundling them and we will be around in the early Spring tocIlcan them all out Now lads as you all well know by now the final list of entries for the Boy Scout Exhibition of Handi crafts is out The date is February The place will be announced next week We urge you all to enter one or as many entries as possible to make this real display of Scout Handicrafts The list of entries and the badges under which you will get any iii formation needed may be had from your Scout Master So corner your Dad and your pals and get your entries on the way The guides as yet havent submitted their program but it will follow along these lines lrizo ribbons are being awarded the three bestiii each class It is with deep regret that the Boy Scouts of Barrie say gooodbye to Rev Mr llowdcn and family He has been spiritual influence to all branches of our organization at camps rallies district meetings and especially to the boys in our troops when he has spoken to them The Boy Scouts of Barrie wish for him better Scouting in his new Parish Good Response by Orillio to SavaPower Orillias first week of electric power restriction has shown that rillians can save power when the UCCGSIOIITICIIIIIIIS and they have been made fully aware of the need for saving The Oiillia Water Light and Power Commission an nounced that electricity would be cut off for three hours each day and industry was asked to make sav ing of tatenty per or suffer the The Orillia Board of Trade circu lath petition and about 90101 cent of the merchants signed it agreeing to reduce their consump tion of power from 25 to 50 per cent as long as they were not cut oil all IOgCl her The commission agreed to this voluntary reduction and it is meeting with results Industrial employees have been told that on their cooperalion both in the factory and in their own ADA Youth For Christ TRAININECOURSB Speaker Planning Return to China lirsi of series of louth RBIIICS was held the Baptist church on Clapperton St Tuesday Jan 27 Appzoximatcly 200 people Wle in attendance to hear Bob Pierce tell of his experiences in China tfr Pierce was born in Los AnI gelo where he became interested ill litangicrrlxork as youngster lie was the iouth for Christ DirecF tor of Seattle Washington before he went to China The purpose of his talk was to render an account of China as he actually saw it He has been given tlllllb101l by Madame Ciiiangl es will roa OFFICERS or SEACADETS An officers tiainazg course for sea cadets is being conducted by Lieut Commander Pearce and Boatswain chfcries of IIMCS York Toronto This course is being held fortl the benefit of of ficers from Barrie Mltlllllitl Col lingwood and Huntsville The first class was held on Sun day Dec 14 1917 second in January the next on Feb ii and another on March Both class he conducted at ARCSCC Kenipenfeldt These classes are enjoyed by the officers as they rcCcive valuable Kaislick to go into the largest uni versities of China this spring and preach Since there is war in China he expects that this will bet his last chance to convert larch numbers of the Chinese people In order that the Iwork may be carried on if he is forced to leave he is attempting to raise $120001 This money will be used to educatel large number of Chinese so that izicy may carry on the work Besides money he is searchiiigl for any who feel that they sliouldl 90 to China and spend their livcsl working there After his impas sioned telling of the horrors exist ing in China today number of people instlle audience presentodl liini wtth cheques to aid Ihim in carryn out his work in China ltcr Mn Humphreys was in of the eveniigs proceed ile was assisted by Adjt Ma on Newby and Even Hcdlcy acco ipanied Mr Pierce and Mrs Newb sang number of solos be fore the showing of Mr Picrces film FRIGID 563213110 ALL NIGHT TRIP TORONTOBARBIE Iivo Barrie inen Mahlon Beach and Tommy OConnor were among passengers who had cold bus trip from Toronto to Barrie iii the below zero weather on Jan 22 party of nine men and six women left Teronto shortly before midnight AtNewmarkctrthebus broke down and most of the pas transfer from summer training which greatly assists them in carrying on their work Iwiil the teenage youths of the town It iSofIspecial value to new of floors who find the work new to thcmwaind they are given oppor tunities of mastering the different methods of instruction This uniform plan of instruction makes it possible for cadet to one corps to an other aiid carry on his training without interruption Another feature of the class is that it gives the officers chance to meet regularly and discuss their various problems suggest future plans arrange for regattas and competitions The most im portant of these events is the camp which takes the cadet away to site in Georgian Bay where theNavy League of Canada have two locations Approval of the new Orillia High School District Boards plans to con struct $625000 addition to the Orillia Collegiate Institute has been received from the Ontario Depart ment of Education which will pay per cent of the cost it was learned front board officials Read Examiner Classifieds oIIIIIROIIIETTE HOME FREEZER BETTER tame Opens new horizons to glori ously Better Living its all yours with Marquette Home Freezer more tempting vitamin packed meals juicy tender meats and fowl luscious fruits and vegetables Enjoy an endless variety of the seasons bestall year iound All Marquette Home Freezers are designed for Fast Freezing as well as Storage TripleScaled doors For Com plete SatisfactionJNSIST on aMaiquette It SMITHV FURNITURE STOVES 1429 Dunlop St TTWFVTW $20 51000 Airsmoo llFE INSURED AT NO EXTRA COST sengers waited in restaurant forI two or three hours group head ing for Bradford hired taxi Eventually another bus was des patciied and the party set out from Newmarket inthe early morning The second bus seized up withiI the Cold near Stroud The male passengers got out and proceeded to push The bus got under way on grade and all the men got iboard but Mr Beach and Mr Without Endorsers Rates under $500 lower Phon4492 mMm uuciaam IINGERTIPS twin Monday guiwaohAs6mliMQNMIUWWWEMHWQ an IgtAL liomes depends the size of their tpai envelopes as arbitrary cuts OConnor They ran more than half mind Allan Ralph member of the lid ERCh had his ears frozen Even Buildings Toronto than Government ceiling mg 35 ll even lowei Crown Life Assets LEAVE DARRIE Standard Ti To Toronto ToNOrlh Boy Loopm c330 paiIIIII to GravenhuISt to Orillia only St Sun H01 To Owen Sound ToJPIenetanq 1040am a1040am d750pm 4I10 pm Ic 125 pm g1010 pm IbIlIIO10 pIimI 410 pm except Sun H01 by Sun Hol except Sat Sun eXcptISat H01 Satsun Hol fBUSIEmNNECTIONS AT TORONTO inIIIIllIontrIeIaIPOtldvvd IndDelroiIt riinzsitaniow RoundTripchixTncluded HALIFAX 535mm WINNIPEG $4820 QUEBECI 2775 1REGINAg ISIT JOHNIs 14485 CALGARY 7950 TICKETS ANDINTOIIIIIITIoN AT BatgieII Terminal cubism months 1145 mm Top $100 Millions Reviewing the 1947 progress at the 47th animal Crown Life Insurance Company held in Toronto Friday Jan 23 II Burns president pointed out that the past year was very lCtiVC one for the life insurance business Our own company he said par ticipated fully Iin the expansion of business The amount of our p014 icies in force increased during the year by $76 millions to total of 3541 millions The assets incrcasJ ed by over7$l1niillions to total of $102 milliohs Both policies Commission reported at manu zfacturers meeting that the coop eration had been very good On the first day of restriction 16500 mECIIHg 0f 10 kilowatt hours had been saved and 11830th Barrie idepolv about on the second day 20300 kilowatt hours As long as all consumers continue to be as careful he was confident that no further restric tions need be imposed The Water Light and Power Commission is considering the pur chase of some additional auxiliary generating equipment The town already has onediesel generator in operation but it is felt that new machine should be added in order to assist the town during periods of low water have nearly doubled irrrrJlbVers will shortly be asked the last five years Crown Life policyholders now ovvii over 200 000 policies in force Referring to the expansion of business in Canada Mr Burns re marked that whiloofficial figures were not yet available there was no doubt that this expansion was in part due to an increase in the national income and production Employment was at record level with million more men and wo men at work than before thewar While 1947 was undoubtedly th most active peacetime year in the history of the country it brought two serious problems to the fore front these being the shortage of US dollars and the rising trend of prices On the question of rising prices MrBurns felt that perhaps one of the reasons for this trend was our penchant forspending too much allJZLJEuLlllgilOO little Thewise further the efficiencyrand veliime mgproduetionandatthsame time spend less in aneffort to in creasevtherate off savinger The oldfashioned virtue of thrift should still be encouraged by ydung and old Noting the nepFETEBDFDDL agement of savingMr Burns went on to point outlhat the life insur ance business is making signi ffcant contribution although it might do even better in the fu lure While therwas substan tial increase oflife insurance sales during war yearsthosesales did not keep pace with the growth of national incomeand it was only in 1946 IaIIid 1947 Military begtln to regain their prewar ratio to national income In times like the present this igatio shbuldbed creased In eonclusion Mr Bdriis said believe that We in Canada bake good reason for confidence in the future Thre are undoubted lydifficult adjustments ahead of us but the fact is that Canadahos been making real progress in up the physical basis her future welfare and also some considerable progress in enlarging the human basegof her economy through immigration and healthy increase in the birth rate More over believe that the outlook for improvament in economic con ditions in Europeis better than it has beenfor some time The Marshall planer theEur opeanDRecovery Program as it is iii lulled is at present before II Unitedijfs Congress In LIIJLSZEELLII constructive development An other great achievement on the road toward better and more or deriywor10 conditions has the Torramjnahigiilyf to authorize an expenditure by the commission of $830000 tobuild the towns third ihydro electric plant at the Mathias location on the South Muskoka River The debcnlt tutesgyvill iberetired ovena period of years from the electrical reven ues ofthe commission and will not be paid for from the general tax rate GOOD MARKET FOR SEED POTATOES Goodin Ifieldmanbf tho ICrops Seeds and Weeds Branch Ontario Department of AlngCUI lure has just returned from attendA ing the annual meeting of the E113 pire State Potatolub held in ew York city The growers present reported excellent results from On tario seed potatoes used during the roast season and said they were in lootfoeealltlialivoan iplied fromiomario iiI 1948 Seed sales from Ontario to the United Statesamounted to value of ap proihnatelyiirmooo in 71947 and during the months seventeen carloadswere ordered The pro tuallythey caught the bus which had broken down again third bus Was sent out from Barrie and the chilled massengers 630 that morning The SOmilc trip required six hours er OConnorya member of the RCMP at Broadview Sask was visiting his parents at Barrie sent price to the grower is $3 per 75pound bag for Katahdin variety of Foundation Grade REGISIRAIIONSM some of the difficultieswliich have Geneva TariffigrsefnsnlMeieuF WPW that 1948 will seereal progress in Overcoming at least bedevilled international economic relationships in the year just 0103 ed FREDESTTMATEs Cilstonillullt Furniture BUILT IN ournorums CARPENTERJonnmo Matiii Supplied it Repairs Refihlhlng =20 Granville St PHONETZBIIT Afternoonsanil Ev nth FIRST FIRST In it No liank type security Terms to suit you Cash in day The vaLsolv BUILDING RD Square Barrie PHONE 2325 Big enough for EXPERIENCE Sula eiiougl for FRIENDIINESS Subsldlcry ol Mutual Acceptnu Cum in PassengrwearfProduction in 019477 accordinglo pu Iis pro uction igures to conclusIVe solos records Total PdssengprluiProduclion burl Sales for I948accbrding to 1931 to Jahudry published gures it hadnucror sengthIrs in Possongor Car soles in l947ciccordiug to Producerouor or Million Cari andTrucks inappslWcirinr 1947 in Cuneida and the United Slatesoccording to publisherIii production figure gt owneri Morons proud 10nd ha form to buyers 0nd prospective buyers ofChevrolel pIproducls 7A oinIiin I94 coffan any Olhfmqlufr inllie induifry just as other maker for the total seventeenyear pod modern period of motor car historyl and we dredejeiminedlb doieverytliing loom poworto continue Itodeserve this preferenco of all our customers whoareIqulaiting deliveries of InevIChevrolets Needlessm soy youboy vilser When you the product of tho IworIIds largest producers clean for that is the way to maximum dollar value Until we can llIyour order fdro new Chevrdlet please let us help to keep your presnIrgar in good Tanning condition by bringing ittoos for skillgdvrvlcei WE your local ClieVrolet Dealersand other Chevrolet liable in Canadaare 9mqu Chevrolet has built dndsbld more cars than any dating from January I931 to Jantmry I948tltt Naturally woos well as GeneroIIMotorsy are proud of this outspoken preference for Chevrolet We iliunkevery persoIri in illiii community for Ibis friendship 9nd goodwillilorioui orgonizationi We one doing our level best tofll iorders foiinow Cheyrolets justsI proiriptlyipsvm canarid we deeply appreciate thepatinco and understanding Tier builtmdsoldmore

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