Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 3

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THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1948 cur grant of $50 mil be tmdc The tender of the Barrie The to print the County ztiinutes at Slki Tite report ufthe Moziicrb Al lowance Board for Sinicoc County for lOll showed net decretue of 13 persons and the total receivzng allowances the end of the year nus 223 Lannie SUNDMTIT Cunniy clerk rc lyilllCd that 26 auctioneers had paid the annual license fee of $20 and three poultry buyers bud paid the annual fee of $1 the same as lll 2917 The lllmi aduvled Th isc appointed to the lLLlCaZilit coriizi cc vcie Wind uf Allislozi lituiiis Alin rzs il lcitclanc and bird Kuincar 0i li TATg Warden Middleton and Council hr lcarcy and Lilly were uppln led committee to tidittiiiistci the Simcoc County Home at Becton llxvvardcn George Patterson 01 loi McNicuil tltziaatan ol the health and wellin Committee tit tctdcd the two days of the bcrstun but was taken to his home when he became ill Warden Mid dleton terrortetl that Reeve lattcr son Would be going 10 the hospital doc an operation Crccrnorc Indontainc Port Mc Nicull Singnampton and Stayncr were named places for holding the high school entrance examinations for 1948 Gordon Ruwal principal of Lefroy Continuation School was appointed to the high school cn trance boaid for the Barrie dis trict and the principal of the Law fontainc Continuation School was appointh to the high school en trance board for the leiictting dis trict The county Cdllllcil Voted grant of $1034 to be divided dually ainoling thc llircc local sea cadet corps in the county The agricultural committee of which Wilbur Reed of Orillia Tpr is chairman introduced report recommending that be provided as prizes for weed essay compe tition This committee also recom mended that $400 be provided to Clitlord Lockhart Recvc of ln nisfil and chairman of the refores tation committee appointed mein bcrs Lo tltc special committee as follows Fred Hunter of Tecum icth Ernest Miller of Coldwatcr wards Junior farmer Work in Slim Simcoe Seed Fai George Widdis of Toy and Joseph larkcr of Adjalu This special committee will bring lit report next tutc regarding the advisabil ity ofpassing bylaw to restrict the Clllllllgf woodlots iit Sinicoe County Authorization was gran ted to complete the purchase of Lot 12 Con Flos front ll Fricl for reforestation purposes Important Notice to The Roads and Bridges Coinitiit tcc considered the resolution of Coiiiicilthat the road between the lird and 4th concessions of Plus from Highway N0 27 at Ferguson valc and the 12th concession of Sunnidule to the boundary line bc to each 01 the local pltxwiiieu or 0Ciulul5 OUNCIL ACTIVITIES tween Suiiitidaleand Nottawasaga be assumed as part of the County iltoad System and also the petition Sins Colic iccictot director gutbentsd her report and tbiicd lor giitll of $5700 Th finance ctiiiiiriiltcc inc at brought successful commercial tobacco laskiiw that the Count take over PIOdUCIlon Dommm line Jud from HillsdaTc on High 0f Cumlily Delmrmw iway No 93 to Elmvale on High of Agriculture way No 27 would recommend 1054 ItthEl th the iecieation coin mittec be given than of $2000 no action be taken at the present timc itiiowrim In Canada the selection of an appropriate fertilizer in nearly as important as the choice of aeld for Swifts Blcnn thefamous plant food that has long been the favourite of tobacco cipiisjig now being made for you in Canada especially prepared by Swifts to give you top results in your soil Order Blood from your dealer today Regarding the claim of James Rose Stayncr for an accident on Burns Avenue Notluiwasaga 0n Aiprihlfi he was advised that rep iesanilivc of the Highway insur ance company will visit Mr Rose and endeavour to make satisfac tory settlement lt9 DRIVING HINT 015 hint Start early when planning Plunlfood Djvlslon P30 Box 39 Now Toronto Ontario Plant located on Tho Oueomwoyh ioblcoke Towmhip weather and road conditions Then adjustdriving speed to changing conditions Take time to live long er 11 Slessor LICENSED Airstream HOUSEHOLD Errncgg mwMENTS Pihlno 2577 Barrio lllilIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi winter trip Be sure to check In Alliston March ll Ltn 503d luit be held ilail on litursciby Mam ll to an nllltiitlilllt0ll nude lgiblde Agricultural ft Nztui WL it working uccea about 530 ill available for HT Mcd are urged in get cleaned graded yetd for the lluJ liibits iii izc regulat cia cs such oats1 bailct peas syciii call for oizchalf bushel ii ed special LLllun lm pm litl for nailbuth lots of tiiiziiieititil etk lbltlLd or certified seed draun iiyl the seed inspector friin least 40i bmltcls cleaned graded and bath ued at the cxlubftbrs farm or the local seed cleaning plant It hoped that lltllf exhibzls at the Fair which illicitilly rcpicseii lill ger lots ready for the seed drill will encourage buyers to attend and St be Glow btt fl til soon Stliititt and gtaill rill l5 many sections Growers with seed which is likcltl0ritantzati0n and other groiips In the llnstration above it Heart General Manager arid Chief Engineer of tlic llEiC who expressed the ly to grade commercial No and suitable for the section as outlined above are urged to have it ready for inspection either at the farm or seed plant by February 19 Gmwers intending to show small Seeds are reminded that control saptple certicates are necessary lhesetbc1mrtiabic untmu day to attach to the exhibit Four ounce samples should be sent to 86 Collier St Toronto for testing Just as soon as DOSSlblC Junior Partners are timing 011A couragcd to participate aiida sccv lion open to the four clubs in South Simcoe is being arranged While the Fair is FIXHlSOTCd by the South Simcoc Crop Improve ment Association any growers in the County may compete and are cordially invited to use the hair as means of buying selling or ex hibiting seed Demand For Housing Continuing Strong Demand for houses in Barrie coit tinucs brisk However the num ber of homes availablcvfnr posses sion is limited number of deals recently complctcdthrough the of ficc of Henry and Eliick are Mrs IS Maddocks has disposed ofjvhe large properly on Blake and Kempcnfcldt StrceLs to Spacham of llailcybtiry Pearce is now occupying the house at 111 Owen St which he vpurchascd from Mr and Mrs ll Ciipps Mr and Mrs Lungs have bought the home of Mr and Mrs Smith on John St moved tothe house at Cundlts purchased frotn Miss McKcver Donald Mann haspurohased lot in Tollendal Dark Mrs Scadon hafold hcr Clap perton St house to Black Toronto interests have purchased uthc property at corner of Collier and Clappcrlon Streets from Mrs Simpson tht Jeroux of Toronto andlCainp Borden has bought new house at 18 Holgate Street from Emerson Webb Kendall has bought the property at 183 Bradford St from Patrice Mound Mrs EJoties have invested in the house at Dalton St tMr Atlierloii has disposed of several lots on Drtiry Lallltl Mr Strothcrs dud wobstcr lMi and ers Garveyare now at their home on Dunlop St pur chased from Skinner AlfArmStrong of Minesing has soldhis farm to Crawford of loronitorwho recently England SHANTY BAY arrived from January 30 Mrs Culross and daughter Joan havinoveditiiBaiiio illIr and Mrs Reedy aic now at rtheir home in Shanty Bays Glad to report that Mrs Wm Brooks is at hoineagain and im iprovinig BARR JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BACKING DRIVE TO ONSERVE POWERW public service to the citizens of of Ontario and lo llydro members of no Junior Chamber of Commerce cuic their sprint seed requirul arc ctroperating with their local leiru dllllltlpitlllld in helping to meals so prospective buyers may emphasize the need for ti united ellii illlllC part of all classes of know Yul the substantial quantities consumers in saving electricity In tier of high quality seed available in are not only calling upon consumers but they arc showing special power cuiiservatimt films and addressing appreciation of the Commission to 1h shown explaining some of the present power supply problems With him are Stuart Krantz lltitnilton Junior Chamber of Commerce and servation Speakers of the Young MC lradc Bairic is one of the 22 Ontario THE emu EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA their own communities the people own time these young men nicctiiics of service and womens Junior Chamber of Commerce is ztileli lltSldClll of the Ontario laitis Lyons one of the Con lls Section of the Toronto Board of Barrie Man Reid at Life Underwriters National Meeting field of Bdlllt rZialed With the GinaWe Late ASulit Company has Lb Toronto whole as the iii itcsd ex ie Ltfc Uiidetuilei nuda is IJlllJlLlll aliin UtllligtCd of Lie insurance salesmen The natiuiiuli Swaciattoz it 64 local assuctixttuns en bracing every part of the Der tiiiun from Victoria BC Syd ney Cape Breton liic litltlxne of the Association 15 to improve in very way possible the ethical and educational standards of life iiance saleamen to the cttd that the public may receive the best possible rcrvice in Connection with life insurance Mr Reid stated that at the Tut onto meeting one of the major mat lri an ziileltcv piaiitcd ha gt11 of ili improvement in the SOiOCtlotl edu cation and training of life insur icports presented to the meeting indicated that Ihc majority of lltc life insurance companies were now using well established aptitude texts in the selection of their rep ccllent job in the education and trainingr of their men inc and towns in which members that the confidence of the public rc lets digtcusscd was the still further iiicc saleantcn lie poiiitcd out that rcseiitativcs and were iuilll cx There is every lLitaOll to believe elem ViiTOLLY Febiaai eiis lll ye of Mix it Ate Jl weltaru the donut at his home here or the weekend Cll fzeezen liaruld Morrow uf theHEPC 33 Hope all 1m imple of HQUYAHQ their cars are thawed out after the Jim Gapp of RCAF loft Monday llh on hi5reurn trip back to BALIILLORS NUIE rind Ll lite alone and iiitr czi their 012 ltultl is to at for bachelorgirl to ii place of meal ll smm catzitg properly lr Sniitn River BC Ar Dr Coir ti tilt vil be the lioness iltlatoits should be of credit on lief progress naooau Tit liar Miami the Township of Innislil The Council of Innisfil request your Cooperation with the lnnisfil Road Department by keeping your cars off that portion of the road that the ploughs mtist travel iit order to push back the snow If you must leave your car on the rodd please shovel out place for it If necessary ByLaw will be passed providing for levying charge on the owner when car has to be moved Mr John owan is empowered by the ouncll to deal with this matter and have carx removed from road if owners do not heed this wanting Next Meeting of Council Feb l948at oclock Stroud ALLAN Clerk The Holly WA willinet at me nrch on Feb ii at 230 pm Mrs given Airs and Crafts teacher at lluilj Sclioil who holds c1355 The teacher deserves trfthdttnini7DfCTIITCTUTUDUTVTli gttittwpowcr comer campaign Frank Occomore Collingwd Horticulturist Dies in 85th Year Frank Occomorc Collingwood horticnllurist and business man for nearly 05 years died on Jan 23 at his home after ii lengthy illness lie was in his birth year One of Collingwoods most active arid respected cilizem Mr Occo more was leader in church work and was the first president of the Horticultural Society Born in Salisbury Wiltsltird England iii 1861 he was one of ti lamin of ten When young mail he was employed with the Great Western Railway in England and came to Canada when 18 years of age He first settled in Madoc and in 1881 went to Collingwood to enter the hardware business Over illyears ago Mi0ccomorc was elected the first president of the llorticultural Society and since that time devoted all his spare time to community landscaping and the promotion of flower growing He tool akccn interest in the flower section of the GreatNorthern Ex hibition andiwas chairman of the committee for many years Despite ticsWi Occomorefound time devote great deal ofenergy tohis church and serVCd as superintend ent of the Sunday school for number of yearn He formed an orchestra in the Sunday school and helped promote good music at the Collingwood Collegiate Institute some years ago His wife diedvin l946urviv tag are two sons Albert of Culling wood and Morton of Toronto two daughters Mrs Percy Lawrence of Collingwood and Mrs Seymour Kell Churchill nine grandchildren and six greatgrand children He is also survived by lourfbrotihers and qu sisters HARD ROCK HIITER Art Michaluk who just recently joined the iProvidence Reds dcfcncc coups in the American Hockey JLeague has already established himself as one of the hardest check ing rearguards in the loop Art it gt ih ms cmnmumty acmw cl out SH 10 of the pi lb or Mrs Louise Cook Installed President of Collier Evening Auxiliary ollicr 81 Evening Auxiliary llEc on Jan ill in the recreation room of be Sunday School This being the first meeting of the year the secretaries of thc diflcrcnt dc paitincntsgavc their reports The ticauircrs report showed illcliIUX iliary had exceeded its allocation having given S3311 Rev Lewis installed the till iccrs for 1048 Past Pres Nora Dc Hart Pres Louise Cook Vice lrcs lcan Guodfcllotv Sccy Ro berta lliiiitcr Tron Augusta Cald well Finance and Christian Slew ardship Vera Baldwin Citizenship and loinpcrancc Elttlicr llenry Missionary Monthly and Press Sec Frankie Warren pondingr Sccy and Mitc Boxes Vera Bristow Friendship Secretary lsabel Nionknian Supply Secre tary Audrey Haltyard Missionary and Maintenance RebaScutl Baby Band Secretary Vcliiia Walker lllllllSlS Inger Aarson and ilild ictli Morrcn Aflcr Mr Lewis addressed the meeting giving picture of the achievcmans in history which have taken place in the first half of the 20th century and also point CATHOLIC WOMEN SPONSOR 515111155101 EUCHRE PARTIES euchre p0nsored by the Cath olic Womens League was held on Monday Janf26 in St Josephs High School also known as the St Marys Parish hall Thch seven tables in operation This uohre was one of aseriqs conduct cd during the winter months to raise money to place new tile floor in the hall The first series will come to it close on February Prizes will be given on high score throughout the series and low score second series will start on February 23 Tlteames are held every other Monday night 0llat405060 Man You re Crazy Forget your rich Thousands arc peppy nt 70 Try pegtng up with Ostrcx Contains tonlc for weak run own feeling duo solely to bodys lack of iron builds his powerful muscles and physique with hard offseason work as miner Mr and Mid Anguish armatu ford visited their daughter Mrs estry Meeting of St Thomas Church flhe tannualeestry meetinig of St Richards reCently ThomagrChurch wasrtlield in the church on Monday Jan 26 the Rev Richards presiding The Wardens presented the ancial statement asvdidiitihe other web iialbiiganizutians Itv hadbeen an kaorllhx2ioa T33TSSHURfGMN115 eecinoWERa ShimGAIN 15 5Hog ngowec is made at your gt local iFeedfiSertIice Millrvlrlogothecdeed company has thisau vantage Howdocs local manufacture affect your feed Local manufacture meansthatyou gta FRESH mixed feeds Local manufacture means that lithe 1middlemans 1profit has beencompletely eliminated Local manufacture eliminates the double haul of grainproducts This all adds up to SHURGA1N MansiVSuperior Quality at Lowcstsl Cost SBURGATN 15 11961 GRQW 4W igmadehy at gt Bantu mini mus JELL 1110210 veedfwnich is more APALATABLE tlianccntrally excellent year and 1948 opens with thOd balances in every account The samevWardens wore returned for line ensuing year PROGRESS IN INDIA Labor legislationin India regu lateE hours of workpayment of wages health conditions and safe ity in sures imindustry LlGHTS THAT SHINE uncurhm 116111110115 Welcome landmark to wirtime airmen builtoff the coastof Sussex England Tu owny from the chalk 303 QUALITY AMPS Haveit very day Now get acquainted which many men and women call om Try Ostrox Tonic Tablets for pep younger feeling this size only 500 For sale at all drug stores everywhere BATTERY citiiauiirion LlllllthltTlOll ENERALSMOTORSDealeiclicdttliein iWNDRYMOTOBS21mm HARRISMorewess lhwm Tea members were pros were in Tifc insurtincc wii gt greater than it is today and llitt there is Keener appreciation on the part of the public of thc valu able service which is rcitdercd to the public generally by the well informcd Competent life insurance salesman The Life Underwriters Association believes it can take considerable credit for improvement iii the relationship of the life insurance business to the public which has come about in recent years due iit large mea sure 11 the better selection and more adequate training of life illi urancc representative As contribution toward this improvement the Association has for many years sponsored three year study course for life insur ance salesmen leading to the title and designation Chartered Life lUndcrwritcr tCLUt which is con gtidcrcd as the hallmnrk of compel COIICS ent service in the field of life iii surancc selling will confront the world as we start the second half or the 20m century Esther Henry read paper on lcmpcrance pointing out four clauses which we should follow Mrs Roy Uriy favored with solo Inger Aarson and Jean Goodfellow told thc stories from the Study Book on Burma and In thc great Playfotrds Grocery EGG GRADING STATION Yougr Master BALANCED FEfEDS Au cussrs or routm mu uv smell mi it mum ones TELEPHONE were most interesting dia each taking chapter They closed ing with friendly half ccutive 20 cnt limited Quq PHONE 3451 The meetL 3333333333333333 Moonstone or Elmvcrle FEEDERS wno KEEP REconos rerwALLv BUY MASYE au The Singer Sewinquachin Your Bonded SingerRprsentative will be in Barrie TUESDAYand KIDAY of EACH WEEK REPAIRSIO ALL MAKES or SEWING MACHINES Buttons and Buckles Covered ntity of Electric andTrchle Machines NOW Available or immediate inquiries writer or Phone Singer Sewing Machine Company COLLINGWQQD om iiiiiiiiiibii Zeio weather Just when you most appre ciatc safe Eomfprtablc transportation Thats lwhen thcgcz danger spotsgan cityseyoulots of woe TNLESS you have the forethought to have them chcckedibfor itey givyou troubl Prevntionisx better than cm Sof 33333333333333333 bringyour car in to our Service Departmenth today Thcn awidt everythingfrom battery to windshield wiper in perfect running shape drive with condence through cold andsleetydays ahead EMSHal iii nil nooouo

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