Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 2

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+it PAGE EKG CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by PLOWM ABOARD llll QUEEN MARY Afier the LXkiltdltlll of prepar liy ful tllll iiiakizi nrt out than were in order siillii illttllligt wit id lill iis on board the its liiii Queen Mary all my aiixnas 53 vi the lorontn Urumi lin for Glen Meliullni tic we let for Next YIlii FEW llztitinl unlit Ac tnere rat fiatzit riii Jun viiii iitll lie all clltiiiii ll tlllll the baggage ciit iii ted everywhere called his ids li in is Wi lurking for iil We illlllli Iitl Ill lic itl liimi in will that tici Ant lie Lldiltiilllluui1li tilt ttil lll up the walled ltlleHllnl below in eeriml an incredibly lmrt time he vlgtlllii the liagzn in his hands li inig it the iiiiiiiiiitj lftl CNUINE ASPlllN ismnxro on Mr If to Brilah lllxit naiv llllil il lilitiiii iic 115 ulrll he twildtigt ilil their at he eo Eiotii is bags and been Yiil1gt bile win iaiiicd to rail ii the 1ilii CLARK President ONTARIO ENS ASSOCIATION buys and were interviewed over Ylle radiu itch tfcladdin and John tlilll over Bf Alfred Brunton Ill lime and live CFRB We riiozin of mike but we were told lalLl toa it as good titiatlcasf and the audience was iri icrested in learning about lhr llthillpll iiotisici would like to tell ilfl Something iiihllti thcin llt ttiio lzcy are ia they did ii ll this liip their hobbies and gicctirnplishn ctits champion liiiilllltll are am and they take part in illafcacs iii Wozkiiiliin taiiincilaizd County England and llllltiv Down in Northern lrcland Alfred littiintin will tiii gold nic lilal and John aptou tile silver iiiccll iii the uld iinltlanlic iass for scdrawn printer lntcriiatzuiial llowi livid Hemlock lark near Kingston last Octo llen McFaddiii and Russell llaic were the iinerlt lll the PIN Elhaiiipwris liatfiir lass at the iii itl Alanii As ilianipimr ttiev were awarded the trip and all their expenses aiiii mine coallimanager are Yitll raid iiiiiillv liy imperial Oil Lid and the Salada Tea umpany ml aiiaila Ltd Wi have lllit few hings in Ulltllitlll We are all from Ontario aiui have been plowing1 for num llt of rear All Illunto has been To aluaiy aiid and but the rest of ilt have never travelled outside niwii liliiVlllll You can illi illll then now excited we are at llllllltl eeim the British illil lts vlillll Laploii and Glen lltlclvaddin are the bachelors in the group and we have two siiigerwaussell Hare and Alfred Briuiion Hui let me 3400 BARRIE ONT AEPAIRTNGwTm REARCHINGMn LARGEST STOCK 0F GENUINEREPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQ NORTH PPED SPRING SHOP TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES Russiare tell you something about each of the men in turn ALFRED BRUNION The Salada gild titedalbt was born in Arron towneiiip one riiilc southern of in Angus 12 l9i7 He started plowing he arid has on iuib prizes at local and internaliaiiid plowing contests lie has also been wardedgold and silvermedals testinils for his singing as bari lone Stillbirl He now farms the original Briinton homestead of 100 acres rent an additional 30 for pasture and plans to remain there with his wife and 74year old lather Alf doesnt think he has any rela lives in the Old itllllily but his wife twhiise name was Dalqmno before she was married has rela lltlt iit Aberdeen Sciitland lit the cxcuenienl of meeting new people and seeing newfplacex IAll would like to visit St Pauls atluxlral Vrllllill Abbey and to sea ome Shoilhorn herds of cattlci he still has an impirtaiit duty bring home sprig of heather liiri Is SWTT wife GLEN ALEXANDER VlclAllDlN Winner of the HM Esso liacLor Class gold medal admits that he isi more interested in machinery and mechanics than working with hor ses He loves to tinkci with things and keeps the iiiatliiiiciy do his farm in repair llc atlriliiizeal much of his success at plowin in his lllldlltSS for tinkering and will tell you that there are lillcrent ways of setting plow which can make vast difference in the way it operates Glen is first rate plotviiran and has been farmer allliis life as was his father before him lie was born inMillbank Ont 38 years ago Managing 250acre farm and looking after 00 head of cattle doesnt leave him inttch time for hobbies lie likes to listen to the National Hockey broadcasts him ever and is an active member of Milllmnk United Church JOilN CAPTON JR Who came second in the Salada eventistheyouugcst of the Illl7 champion plowmcn Heiislhc third generation of the Capton family to dislingih himself as an outstand ing plowman member of the Cayuga tribe of the Six Nations lndians he was born at Ohsweken near Brantford0nt on April 10 1927 He was coached by his un BARRIE SPRING SERVICE 12 Bayiield St ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG AND MaoLAREN xA Fitzmaurice Maanlen CA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 17 Owen StretBarrie 21 King Street Toronto mints SPRY ANTSTNDTUDHURS Owen St Barrie 19 Melinda St Toronto IierbertaF Harris CPA Frank Spry 1M BADGLEY ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie MilTelephones4735 INCOME TAX SERVICE WELUH ANDERSON COMPAN Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto SIANtEY Accountamanst Auditor Yonge St Toronto IZ Ont COMPLETE MONTHLY BOOK KEFPING LAND INCOMETAX iSERVICE WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY Accountants and Auditors Ward Mayor CPA 18 Toronto Street Toronto Telephone Elginbll LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers SoTlcltbrs Nutuleo Public Conveyancers Etc MONEY TO LOAN WWW 13 maven St Barrie Branch Olfic Elmvale Ontario 1LBOY8 f0 SEAGRAM GLADSTONE CURE BARRISTERWand SOLICITOR 97 punch StL Barrieione0175 MONEY TO LOAN cownivo cownur Barristers Solicitors Conveyance Notaries Publicetc MoneyWantedMone to Loan 17 OwenjStieet arrie own negate ed Patent Attorney outcome on ice smicim more 3112 arde MONEY TQLOAN mum MuLAuutN on SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Temple BuildingBarg and London Barrio Ont cnmoPnAorong GEO It ELSIE BURNS rm Licensed Drugless Therapist Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 15 Dunlop St Phone 31 TWTAI CORBETT no CHIROPRACTORIAND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3010 28 moonid Barrie BY APPolNTMENT MEDICAL VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSE Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinh ram 230 to 430 oclock every Wed iesday Application of nurses set logic mavrbe made direct or througt factor Telephone MUSTQLESSONS JESSIE It BRYSON BMT TEACHER WGFS PlANO SINGING and THEORY pupiisiprepared for Examinations of the Royal Conser vatory of Music Toronto an giadcsincluding ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate at Torfmto Conservatory of Musk Eng College or Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue connector AGENCY Specialists in Collection of Accounts 24 Dunlop St Barrie7Phone14lll ar IOBT BARBIE F1280 OMOBIIEIRIST Dunlap St Phony mignoniice enchanted Dunlap citepitome out it Hours96dni1 am courtroom rappronmsr Dunlap St Barrie osmonm magmas mango THEWILSON BUILDING Cor Post Office Sq and Simone St Juan Consultation Jame arsgghtmenl H1 JohnCameo Sn vincial champion onmore than one occasion He has two younger brothers who hape they will be table to win plowing contests soon An older brother who was with the RCAF during the war was killed overseas John who is just 20 began his training as iplowman at the age of 13 and has already won mun ber of prizesat intercounty com petitions He took three year in dustrial course at the Brantford Collegiate Institiileand is vice president of the Six Nations Young Peoples Recreation Club He likcs Glen lcFVaddin P101 Canton LIFE INSURANCE IS BEST MEANS TO ACHIEVE SECURITY liie present inflationary period will not continue indenitely for urgent domestic requirements ill process of being Satisfied and liarope will iiit recover its pro ductivity gtll Mr ll Muti iiru VicePresident and Managing Ulltll the Annual Meeting of The GreatVesi Life Assurance Gunman held in Winnipeg lit flaltiitiary prices must be restrained iliill going too far he mutinued 10 the higher they git the more iiioiilt the adj intents when the tllt1ille correction contest The ltltlllltlll of positiinable Spending tillTltliCVSLllllill goods will help maintain production and employ ment lilll when the present iii lltlllullal arm subsideS tutll lllllllllt policyholders are helping to curb iiillplion by iiilllllg thus principle iio practise he continued for their savings iii tesTFZlTh insurance represch the removal Kiri an equivalent amount til plirclizimnu powen from the 1111 ttct With coiiszxincni reduction of the Upward pressure on prices in 1947 new business placed with 1110 lrealWesl Life reached re ciird liguie of $195226000 bringing the total business in force tip to $13073040le including $llll779 Ullfl insurances and 3195051300 dc lcrrcd annuities the largest total iii the rmpanys history This ls striking evidence of the prudence and thrill of tthe people in the face of rising costs of living llt tilllllltlillllg upon another aspect pears today Mr ManningI expres sed the opinion lntlio year ahead of the businer picture as it apl dilional funds if they are to stir lain the current high level of ac tivity and finance expansion pro grams already undertaken or pro jected Last year the GreatWest Life increased its investments by $20000000 and assets reached re ord total in excess of $304000000 Referring to the lreiidof iiitciiet rates Mr Manning said Recently interest rates have hardened and shown fractional increasejlow far this will go we cannot fore cast but we loanlicipate con initiation of the recentlypchonged trend The higher rate further morentav rig vas deterrent to continued inflation 1n concluding his report Mr Manning expressed theicpinionthat life insurance will continue to be italizing force economy and that future growth are very bright The public is increasingly conscious of the benefits the security and the peace ofmind which can be ob tained through life insurance lie thanked the field organization and the Had Oice tati for their loy ally to the policyholders interests which contributed to the comp anyggr success sports of all kinds but is particu larly interested in hockey and cross03 He has friends in England but tihecountryjhe ismost anxious to visit is lreland RllSSEJLL BEAM HARE The Esso Tractor silvermedalist has been winning prizes at pro vincial and international plowing matches since 1928 He was born in Nanticoke near the town of Jarvis0nt on Nov 21 1904 He owns 155acre farm and has ship ped some of hiisypure bred Holsteins directly to South America Russ is pretty much an tallmun fellow Besides farming he takes arrrzrrmmberofmrtgidudf bathhardballrmeckey and poe vaulting He Iovesmusic and while he hs never enteredacoi testyhe hasIdone great dealqol Choral iwork Both he and his wife sing in the choir of Cheapside Bap tist church Hisftliife the former HelentBurnsidS7rrpresent conan esctng in the HamiltOn Sanatorium amdinuss is taking food parcels 0min Some of the nurses at the hospital to friends in England The Hars thave dour childrenLawn ence Victor Robert and Phillip 3A9 fur me well Im presidentot the Ontario Plowmeps Association andmehm on plowmen as their coacipmann was born in Scarboro town 51 yearsiago and haueibeen ti tonne Phyllis Violet Baker have six children ranging in ages irom 15 to 33 During me visit to iEngland hope to see my uncle Writ Kennedy who lives near Liv erpoolandJmy wifes two sisters who are in Manchester That tells quite bit about us and youll understand charm were pretty excited that day in Toronto oSIwe made preparatvioncvfor our We had lunch atthe Granite os guests occur sponsors the Salado TevaCompany of Canada and bipedal Oil Ltd Afterwards medal to th American Consuls1 ofce pfovr visas Mrs amnion and my wife came down to see us Russ of course had said iarewell to his wife in Ham noon 91mm or now YORiK Oncetthe train left the Union and We were on our way We soon settled down for the As daylight broke found ourselvds in strange but inter ecorxzcotnicry mowersth infamy around New awhixwdWeretaiken on or most interesting tour of the city One titthe most impressive incidents wholl We Med across New ofillhe Empire btllldinig Werwere taken up the 102 stories and as itwaaa clear Thoughtd Verde $49 the WhglgfIs tlllfn City LL February Annis was at his home over Sunday Reynolds spent the week at his home here Hastings is visiting his name Mrs Slessor IlVfrst Shelswell is visiting Shelswells Clowes iG BidvlTeTl has purchased fine young team of horses Mrs Gordon Lauder visited in Orillia fora few days last week andMrs Keith Sanderson of Lindsay spencihe weekend at Slessors Mr amLiMrs GametSimpson Toronto spent the weekend at the irmers home here Tihe WIvvill meet onFeb 11 at Mrs Eonneys pricAg riculture and Canadian 1ndustries PaperMrs Hodges Roll Call Valentine verse7lherWiil be debate on Resolved that men hate more leisure time than have womehwLunch by Mc Allister Mrs Best Mrs She Well Sfltllfl by Mae Simpson 38 Below Zero We have been Xplllllltllli the business and industry will need Mk in the national prospects for Alfred Brunttm comm licbrli patently the Jlllll than has lictott fllll 1lt Duuc attended the Xtllltltt Satanic llerberivl its liiesday llalt to cpozt who has been ill for gt iic iizlci better altliuiiuri gt1 tilted to lttl fiilt tum MK lltlll in leliia ml Iii lltll tvirii he apexd and tgt lliitillly iecovc The worklovide lay ll allure Will be lclii tzi liiilil iiiiiciil on Friday Feb lit The Atrlll of the ciiiiiiiitiliity are Llgtltkll in km this date open and plan ml liar jiili iill The Young lulllt Illttliil tlll Lot 10 llllll nude plans lillitl on Fltlirll llicliia Pearson aiue til the next llltlli Yiltlf peiiiilt from leav and up from illln district tile iiivtlcl lo the metling he ltziuiarv xiiietiitzznt lllt IZvc iin vtthlilill of Trinity church itas held Mr John Scum lite llIILllilll was iii charge iil Nil llilll Scott and Phyllis itltllls lunch was served by the limit5s coldest weather for gtVlltil days with Zll tlt iccs below xtio on lri day morning hi Wednesday tu hall real blizzard which lictl tzp pull of Highway 37 iiiiiiilier from here attended the litillll a2 lulloii on Wtdnesday and had ciiii siderable dillictillv in Him home on lhiiidav niiiiiiiiix lhcy urre liiicltl park their ttltlflvttll there and uiiltsli WI and walk home litterSchool Skating Party lit ilcdnerday night tin pupils of the local school were entertain ing the pupils of Allislnn high school to skatingl party with liirtclitilil dancc llllCltlllS The attendance was smaller than tx pcclcii Many the visilork had to remain in the village until liic llXlll and on Thursday evening lltt$lrl7etlr weather the cause keeping at home many who hail intended to attend the carnival liiillllllfl bv the hockey team January 30 Miss Evelyn Arnold teacher at Calcdon visited at the home of her Larents ROM and Mrs Arnold We were sorry to learn of the suddcn illness ofMrs Jim Christian err Sympathy is extended to the fatn ily of the late Mrs Wiiliain Jail lay February with many friends and relatives paying theirlast rc SpeClS leo Margarine vs Butter The Farmers group 32 prong gathered at the home of Allan Coulter Wesley Scott ptesided The Radio Farm forum broadcast was listened towith much interest llzrwas lhcunanim0us opinion that with the present cost of feed and everything else the farmer has 10 procure that butter prices were in keeping and that the importation ofLOleo Margarincwas not in the best interests of anyone game of 500 Was enjoyed Mrs Horsbitrgtthe homcss with her helpers xserved lunch Next It Mr and Mrs Waller Feb Moving Dietiires All neighbors cordially invited to attend EDiENVALE February Miss Alice Miles Toronto spent the dweekendaabhereparcntakhpgicw here 7Tihe YPU held theirregulai Tuesday night meeting in the church lWilh Pauline McNabb Re creation convenei in charge Use The hjfmlnel Classifieds HIL Ai January 31 CmMiilJNotnens Institute is hoidin its monthlymeeting at tMTS illiam Switzers on Eebruary 10 3132 om MottoefIdeas are funnydhinigs they wont do unless you do 011 Call PplbTMlsT Fred Partridge and adults can spend pleasant doors skating in the very heairtof metropolitan New York Adler lunch17wereturncd to our hotel Where Iptsrltatived 01 he Canadian press imamlevied the boys and discussed the triprrom marryrangles That night we had dinner hit the Waldorf Astoria which as japnofwc are concerned upheldits reputation asone of the Worlds nest Willem Later we sawa musical show Angel in the WingS with Coronettheatre revuevvyhigh featu married couple the Bedroom in some very ifuijmy skits This througth to close our in New iYorkwhich am sure every mmberot the partywill mmmber the rest of his life JWe sailedgthe next day andby time you read this Well have been in Britain several 12 We are anxious to learn iftlle ood sit nation is really as xserious os we hear and 160 What the British woman drain to increase to auction We also Want tojsfudy their methodn fMlkultthe and 11 iri British latest Valentine dot lea26 111 rzatz to recirculation hmmw POLICE co ORT aortas ASL EMISSle ul LE to tlllVlllg ic knock anti teic tilmlltil liit iiuk air icalled the din lime and tsitcd in built lzie notify the police ill call to the zitl found that ind not reached them iiji Lllttl the offence lllslliltllANlI tri musing dis liltllhlllll Hotel on igtjiidn was fined iii llrzf Hr $1373 iii the mag AtlallN liiillr llt tl him Kenny stated that the tl cl iiii vliilc intoxiv cacd tih ktillllllulilltll Roy ttfzi similar ic llv nal llltltlttl King to but no icfiised and was hatit lllgtlillll titu tlSttl cciy l1tl la Lttc lrrn Constable llltttl=l of rfliiitili was called and llllllliltl the tlAltllllll Kine will xiti lilll later HNEI $20 ii ulit llil il for carelesxs driv yii tril Al iiiiilitll til lHllllJ wax NWT $21 tilli coda of $373 by Mauirualt Foster hereJan Jtl Ntill the llllllll of John and Bradford Sis he had turned out with liii truck to pass another cliicll and hail collided within car tllllSllltf iiiJiiiies to lady pilSFlI gler aiuplwll claimed that the road vsas very alipiieiy at the lime lirit liiiiy Webb investigated ANGUS AISING lltal lli Jtinary 24 Norman Smith of Mlllllllltl viki lcdliisirnls Mr and Mrs ll Smith last week tMI and Mrs l9 Bllfh are visi ting in fallingwood with their son Kenneth and Mrs Bush Mrs Lorne llaxton is front the Wellesley Hospital onto feeling much belleix WA and W318 Meeting lillt rciuilar meeting of the Ulti tcd Church WA and WMS was held hump lor tlMs Ll Wrights Mrs 7V Mc Mllrltl was in change of the devo tional period installation of oili cers was conducted by theRev Bun Plans were made to do some quilting The next meeting will be at the home of MtSV MC Vlaxlei and wish for her speedy rccov fray The funeral was held Mon it had iT Museum lixlnlnls Supplied by Simone County Womens Instituth Tinmnwa triblsaed by Tat measures we use ll al ing historical stray The late Writ Seventh lane lizi lil set of llnusehsifd ales skindai Wclgh Scales of standards and lllotixllNS have cer been in use long time Josephus the great biblical histor tan asserts that measures and ft in hose in ii xvcignts were invented by ain Ml many your lL terms clip5 nt in re hum fad in their familiar import narrow down our ideas the daily business itaitsaclionsoflife in which respect nowever from the iiiullltude and illllV of these transactions the tibject assumes vast practical importance Bu scope is noncon lincil to the operatinusot the inrt ll beats upon far ltiftier injects and embraces the arts and gtLltll The dimensions of the globe ccs Iwe iiihbit those of the spheres nitric or yllstllitfl used on the null he made butter weighed by these aiirattixi made well ciied for wall Hubth 30 Yeah POLLARD Real Estate Broker Houses Lots Tobacco General Farmscxchangod KR NO NEW LOWELL PHONE 102er Or Millet Dc Schepper 15123 which form part of our solar yslnn their distances and their destiny are all computed by the same general rule by which we measure distances between Barrie and luronlii No sysleiit of mea yure can ever claim to be of uni tcrsal application from which ileu maplucal dunensions are excluded and It is necessary that there be lixed and readily accessible stand it List Your Properties with us unoock aid inteiest itlllllilvit of the the Tl many imidlellow lilithSl ble to estimate the iiiiitls of homo hitter imiixlities ll Brood BITTERS Helps to stimulate the action of the bowels kidneys liver and stomach It aids in the elimination of was and impurities from the holy The result is often sum tlicr clearer akin Bttrdiwk Blood ltitl is sold at all drug counters The Milliiirn 30 Limited Toronto Ont Let Sealrite Insulation blow comfort into your home this winter Save upto one third on your fuel bill WARMER IN WINTER COOLER 1N SIleER Our representative will gladly give you Free Estimates Chas VickersBarrie Phone 4532 Hugh Graham Shanty Bay Phone Oro 1515 Frank Armstrong Stroud lltonc 21R5l All Work FullyGuaranteed Askabdutmir homo 1m proyement Plan 12 Months to Pay SEALRITE INSULATION CO HUTCHINSON ARNOLD FORMERLY 0F ORO HelivnReicl gt istieew 0ANADIAN ronicco gt

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