Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 13

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in mm mm 8mm ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY BRUARY 19 From Barrie to SI mud ma Feb 12 the Bu rie Church Lune hum Church league um um be Arum commend yen Muck PM Wm played Wm mi of mm at fawning Chwiom or an MAM 8mm ma Paw divisions THE OHA JUNIOR RACE is gtfllilllllg into bulbCUHICrlcti utfun us tlic top tcunis bcgin to jockey for pluyoff positions =1l scrub less St Georges and Trinity fortunth 111 still gtllllilligz for the sixth and lust 111on iitpe 11ic 111st will hook up in the first lime Dame brings itllilllvz the powcitul Osliuwu iczicrul and flying Windsoi with Allandllc Combines and Spitfires Windsor 111w ciiitiyid very lcngtliy 51 on the top 11111 11 Collier following up At 830 lllt Handing but pruduully 111cm lc1d 11L1lllivtctl down tictcrniiis tfciitral and Trinity will square rd Osliuwu cicw 11nd LIIW both clubs urc lein on thr llCiiti ptitli 111m 11 off form Brewcc title 1110 luddm find 1511111 inll md Slilfoid 111ulcll itlflill ltonx oclock tlie Bantam final he gtllLlCll drch lilill lmvcs 1111 umlccidrd iigt$1iti till the 11211 tweennCentnl und 5t Mays gttlictlulcd 111tics foil illlllh bcluw is the wui itltll 311lliorus 1110 will take place At 945 tho 51 ulliuiiiics lccpccs for lilt lo1 playoff position The Iicpccs no no Midget finals will topsoil with sulfur in thc wut by is slim 1m points cud 11 could wry busily Wll Barrio Combines meeting tho to 1111 luionto tllli liolli clubs flitVt the sumo number of j11111ll to pk CollierSt Marys Combines with St Clillllilllll 111w llu cgt1cr schcdulc llieii 111ml 211118 is lil Proceeds will go towardspro Ymml liihkrisuuu liml muld wry Wtll stttlc the issuv hulpb Biliniore viding banquet so come out and support th1 hockey stunt iiacobi Girls Take on iBauio Hyatt 3Midlood Here Tonight iScoring Statistics lFor First Home Game With Favored Toom struts TO Mm LEAGUE LEADING GENERALS mom Barrie Myers are about to enter into their longest grind of the season that commences with Oshawa lenrmls this Friday and return visit Sat urdxy to the Motor it To date riyers and Generals have split in games each win ning one game on its own ice lfut recently lshiivu have been moving along zit it very rapid pace and their ef fort was rewarded since they caught the highflying Wind sor Spitfires In contmst Flyers have not been going so well losing four of their last five games ler liups the boys ill break into 551 liltlil buzkctball Lzuni skull ruling 511511 of thy oclock fvllilz Midltiliif Jhtubi gil iplu 1111 JLILUfl toliiglii 11 ll hwy laugh with iduimuls 11 BC cyan JiltUiJlgt nun tut iurl puiiaeff 11041 but nudismfiIuNnbm flit5c two rmudr llilliggb 1111 losluu linnic 3113 fot llicin and c1111 111111 pizutuc Lulum would iusily upset the loud Milli1x Fwd IIii yonw Will it pluycd llldkl1521r mics llic 111ll1 lzllls lullS ind 1hr Holzttm PM Ah WHW 5n iiulf uumdudt ll buys 111w mm numb MM WW Mid Jurubis 111w bw1 using the ililltldl 1iills for lih p151 1m ytuis mu 111111 it difficult to iitliipl Illslll lilS lo lic titlih Itgllilllltills In lXilliHllull 11117 111 it inning stud and show the mh mmmm In some fight tluy did on the WH vi YULMMW pm II lust meeting of these tun clubs They beat hilIAhVJ 511 last time Generals visited liar ric but lost 72 in slimu tlic whrvfcn 11 llti sls of first lililf itll llllll IZNIIRY INNOVATION lb llltidtlttl 111 up lgtgttlt lncptm ilatlii 21c 12113 and gt1 BILLY llllNN tus luilll 111 lluiiic 19 yours rcniuiii Willi llllillll111llll1ii lllillltl of otlllllllilli Muillmros or St lllllll BACtARI MIDGET Kills fill 11 111 frilllllrl 111 Flycrs ivc illt lcft llll 1111A iniprcssioii lliul lllL llillniuic Williin o1 litiiic limlici iiidliu hllillllllilf in 11 contests uguinst liuriii llicy 11vl pluycd llicir licuds till iltlltt two Win in four minim 15111811c11 lle douc giund job of molding 111cm 11111 rluuli inuchiiic Mlltt he look thi llic rlinslcfi idle by Ilobby Iluun As for us St Mikcs uiid Younc Vtzuitvtis uio loiiccriicil llicy liuvt rome to llic cud of the line for uiiotiicr scusun St Mikes 01 suiiicwliui liundlcuppcd sincc lilty fuilid 11 liutl Mic liulduvci from tho Mupiis 111 ll triioiich 1111 junior citiuil lust ycur lt wus lllllll blow to lol Printout bul lic niudc lllt host of it uiid lllllt up with bulllinp bunch of luts Wilt liuvc llllltll 111111115 vol iiitcicsting for the iLsl of iilt clubs Young Rani crs just wcicnl upublc of mutcliiiu wits with other cums of 11115 itllglll llicy did conic up with victory lllfll niuy prove to be vciy coslly ll Murllmios sinu il wus fourpoint aiifuir lltid Murllioios iron 1110 would linvo uccn Sillllit sixth It simply means lliut it will ilt more 1111 thrilling from this point in with 11 0154111 tcunis needing tlll win 111m 1111 omitr it is ulinost rvrtuin lliul Windsor and sliuwu will hook 111 iii the first round 111 1110 pluyofls Willi llic licxl lUlllill 1111 from lllllll wlllcd lilitlicr lluiiilj lull ol Slrulloid could scc this picturi W1C 1N llAllllllI ARE VERY lllANKliUl to bc through 1il tliost troublcsonic Guclpli Bills Any doubt us to whcrc tlicy should stunt or 1011 luck of scoring pupcli v1s quickly crowd on 1111 1151 niciiy liiimiiil lltll since llicy pilld in 11 guuls untl Vliy vcry low of 111011 b01111 of tlic uiicurucd nuluic Guelph ilmosl upsct tho Ilycis licic will lluir Sllftll 111111 on Sulurduy coinbiiicd it with some buclzclitckinu illlC pullcd 111 with lil honor of llillltiillt tlic Ilycis their worst leftle this spuson icrliupswvliul vus Iutkim licic wus Ilill Lopon who turned llit litl 11111 15 gtlllllllll this htlirlill on lul 11711 for St licliicls llujoislif 11 0111 quioi scrics llc ius illi Elllldu thuvruls lust scufoii lllllllllll douu bid IlOlll ltiiiic Ilycis llic plcVious lllil on ilt Iiiilylii for Si Mild5 flu 1115 in Junior Ii llu is son ol li uiiil Mrs Dunn lb ullicr Nlt conductor ius 3111le from Alluiidulv to Miniitu illllill yours 21in Ilc is III yophcw of Miss Dunn of flu luiiic iitii Icllplionn lifficc HAGAN tomis UVENILE LIONS SWAMP MIDLAND muli tcil ool und his but 1111 11111ic ldolir ippzirvntly liuvq much lmckcy knmvlcduc for he ILlllltlllilll luvciiilo clubs in his ilklllCl llity hud littlc IUll do in rolling up 172 scmc hero Vlonduy uguinst Mitllaiiitlv11o vcic 1111 ric of tomorrow HOCKEY STANDINGS FUTUth GAMES IIA SENIOR ltnctuni ll 18 11 11 ollintzwood ii Gruwnliiust NlWlIlillktl 1illiu FUTURE GAMES ii But rib il Niwniurkol Fob ll lomu 1111 11 lluriic UMIIA JUVENILE olliiiuwund it ll Icnctung ll Hlm liud bii 11111 vilb lluixic llfwi ut 1111 slzlil of 1111 Milli47 UNA fllllltll StilSDIl 1s on right ll for loil Arthur Wtle End Iiituns now 11 lilt gtunic llllc ittlli lucturi urt loft Wiiigcri liuy Itlhllll lxltgtliuwu iltlili uud lludy Miguy 0x81 Mikcs Mulliis Ulltitftilltti 1n kuguu or l111bilion pluy to dulc 1111 Wcrsl 11111 lliuiiis uic 1ulcd thc snout tgtl junior ltillll in 11 Wcst md futond by muny to liliit Ilic Mlllllillili Cup liuccuri wus scout li by llup IImnis who brought 111111 to Build ulong with Sitw 11111 llul just below lusl icusuii was to ruinniciicc lluccuri uud lllurk ulong with Jim Lund junip tli 1111 loculs to turnpro Wllll 81 Louis Ilycis 111nd und Blth 4111 with St Louis now uttcr yr slusuninu but lluctuii wus itlllistll ulul not his AllA tleli Monday night Ifrb 11 1111 rough and illniilltv Toronto Murlhoros will ho heri for their fin11 uppturnnce of the sclicdule and this club should make things mun interesting than they did on their lust rull At present they are on gugetl in sltli and lust playoff struggli with St utliurinrs Itopccs and are in drspcrulc need of win 11 Wednes duy afternoon 101 11 Burrit will tukc return trip to To into and play in tlic first gum ol duulilelicudir 11 Maple Iii11f kirilcns It is four games in six nights and that is 11 liurilisl routv llu llll$ have had to moit Ilirec out of four wins here would rulmost cinch lliird spot for tho loruls but losses rould very easily platc tluui grimly in fifth or sitli lillll MITCHINSON LEADS NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUES Sponsored by The Junior liumlilr of Commerce llllGlSllMllON lLAYlullh IUll LitMil lab Tues Iicb 111th 415 415 Junior lucs 1111 1111111115 15 5mm 111111 1111 12111 115 445 11 111111 11611 12111 115 5153 11 AT THE IIAltItlII ARENA und yours 10 11nd 11 yours 12 um 13 yours 1A1 und 15 yours ALL AGES AS 01 11151 11147 PLAYERS WlII BIC ADVISED AS TEAM AllAlIl Ac lllllNCEMIuNl 011 LEAGUES Skulls iri not ncccssury on ltcgistrutiou Dzly 11111 if is tillllltt of hull hour of skating tublcs on the first meeting 11111 uiid Siltll uppurcnlly ddnl soc cycto eye with the icsult tliut 11115111 plin his liockcy oni tlu Sidelines 111 Jim Rousloy luclpli liuvc up uiid coming nclmindcr who should llllif his own with 1110 post in company Hc is quick with the lizlndsvunc knows just when to mukc his move on on incoming forwurd The Bill morcdefencc uppeurs to be the weak point Bun Martin who is on Toronto Lents future playing list looked poor 1n the twogumo series Midlund ll Burric Oiilliu Elmvule FUTURE cb 11 Bar 110 111 Elmvnlc Midland Arenai llotl to ho llltil toughcst op uisiluui Lions hour 1illiu llil llvciy foiuvtild lino 11nd ull llucu lufcnccuicn ICillod lui ubuvc 1110 19 Midlund liud to offer The visitors could have 11 smart IUNIOR BCI GIRLS TO 1910 VICTORY lurric Junior girls buskcrbzill lruni uvcrwhclnicd BlllCCbllfllil He took down scvcn minor pcnullios und was next to useless to his 1011111 1011 Spock wus the chief upstzul for Guelph in BlitliCS vin while Eddit 13014111 thc Midlund hard rock vus 1towcr of strength in Guelph 111 listskiitingclub if bundled right licir front trio need 10 10 more mocking und curry the puck often mm dpmcthullymc cmirc bunlc rccmvmgbune iiTivortisisamcriodf uirLAELnLdmwm Bolun hits hurd und bucks up from no out vhichuis 11 credit to him 101 it vus his kindof fight that cuublcd Guclpli to dcfcut Flycrs Suturiluy Upifiont the lintmcn have some of 1110 smoothest and sliiftiest for wurds in lhe circuit Their first line of Yuckm Flynn Glcn Sonmor zinc Taller McClellan pucks terrifiCfunount of scoring punch The passing combination this trio pioVidcd in Guelph would umozb the average fun They constantly flcvv around thoFIyeixdcfence us though it was morel against Windsor among eachjwilhGulph and Marlbords Fans ar be ginning to wonder it his the right action to take Web eve it is After right to meet Oakland H111 gt all if you armorie goaldown and each club is at tullgtrngth the you cast ofthree finals Seco ame 3DiirTrijIthblieaf tuxelliknoiVn toe feted abroken leg recently When Guelph were slioolingsit Mayer Spine routine playoffs post The second line can ulso be dangerous Ron Plumb und Lornt Ferguson provide the gouls with Neil Gordon being the plziymukcr Frank Buthgulo could no great guns with the proper vingnicn but Millci and Ewingdontuwork with him 11 ull Miller is 11 lovely stickliundle while Ewing should take time 0111 for more experience ROBERT BINGLEY ivus used by Hap Emms for his first appearance braborne icesuicclho tilt idledid very well folkH worked hard to get buck and c0vc1his winginun while his rushing vzi nothing short of superb couple of times he pushed bountiful passe out in front of the net only to see them curry on untouched Chick Guiirdmiswiniur mdTpCrfecfcxample of aninvulnerable defence mun 11111191wchUQzcheliouldbeontbpcfor allstar mentiombut 11h type ofa player could play all night and still not be noticcd by the fans They look at the fellow that carries the puck and ihut is something that Guardu very seldom does That is any further than to centre ice line The boy that generally sturts 11 rushin the proper mummyth mu sure that the puck is going on stick Of his own player and not 1111 opposition is the same Guardu But the point that Chic is the art of pokechecking Never bus player been on Bur c1111 handle 11 stick as wcll und us effectively The number Midget breaks up during the course of game is unde makes up for the points he never collects This vouch that he is one of the top rearguards in the agile ON SATURDAY NIGHT the Flyers outs but didnt look that mficli better Sixtecn period und tliertull wus one gdul wl frame with zi profit of four counters but the shots lie hurl to handle wer into show in this series Neilf ull yezir drew his first pc ice that rushes Mr rminedbut 11c cpzirlmcnt would the Billrnores 3310 25 1050 shots come in the third Guelph had 10 in the final dmitledly Beasley was kept busy not nearly as hurdus the drives that cnulties to usually silent players came barrage ordon who hlld not been neur the box ly which is some rccotdlii junior hockey Jerry Reid who had spent but nine minutes the caboose took one iluymvuppczircd on the scene they of slugs fright Alsotheir dc Cncc wus vCuk Thc Poland Hugzin iVIllCDonLlid onibinution continues to spark the ocul drive collecting seven goals lJill Hugnn le high scorer pick lig up lliicecouiileis und helple In four others Wib McArtliui wus good for four goals The only slayer on the entire Barrie lineup Vllt escapedthe score sheet was SOUTH SIMCOE HOCKEY NORTH GROUP RCle Stnvncr Allislon Mlnesing Creomore SOUTH GROUP Blild on Stroud Thornton Bccton Schomberg zefencemun Curl Emms whonev sillicless played standout game 11 the bluelino vinners was icuycguzird Lloyd Peor v11 He r1111 aged to collect two goulsgone which was beautiful 311011 his nullround playing was Airyof trillslur mention Hi ayivc 11 solid check 11nd receive 111 llllC sportsman fushiom He rushes iivcll uiid posscsses terrific olueline shot that will be great isset to the juveniles jwhcn they reach higher grade clubs The closest Midlund came 10 Barrie iiius in the first period when they 111151 the score 111 31 but not or long From 111111 point on the locals innimcrcd in morerubbei than the Vlidlund goalie had seen for some time The Lions extended their cud 10 121 in the second and al owed Midland to open the scoring nilth third before pouring on the slinilavgc of sticks was the lone problem that confronth Couch Cec Cook us near the mid of the gums minor in each contest and Guurdn who is gei rally stronger lo the Lions found themselves borrowing house despite his being dcfeiiceman grabbed in two minors in Guelph willows from youth onllyie sld Then of course thercl is Roy Gariepys 10 minute niisconductnfor arguing 95 and Scraping 111 001s 0f the with Referee Honey Kunlz Ruy hus fumed down somewhuticdmpzued witlLthe pust twoseusons but couldnt hold back any longer HERE ANDITIIERE The article about Kcn Torry 011 sports page second scctyion was clippedfrom The Vancouver Sun and sent to us by brigKetlle formerly of Allundule now located in Chilliwuck BO McARDLE guad Stitzitford Kroehler centre from menu for crooked Wood 13111 Ball was the main offender of this charge breaking no less lhun four slicks To show an example of tire Lions scoring punch in the secondper CHITTICK The Examiners summer sports expert continues to star in goal for McMuster Universityin theIntermediateIntercollege league McMustcr registoiedii64 win over OAC last week FRANK Montreal will be out iodllhey tallied five goals in the space of two minutes which is rapid scoring in any league Cook has done 121 fine job and of OHA Junior play for five weeks with shoulder separation He deserves mm Ed J01 his Work joins loammale JimLoader ou the sidelines Louder has broken ankle With the return of WhltMUUSStl to Barrie Flyers and Wyli and Web gt uclionnowlexce McArdle Loader and Fern Houlc of Windsor out with broken wrist When BARRIE FLYERS were in Timmins star to Golf all the Junior wounded arc back in GaiiepyFavoio St Pierre Aikin and Guiltla welshin the a117v1 sports broadenst interview til the loczilstitionfi7IiLAYING FOR Tim und efforlf From 31 or more play ers at the sturtcf the season to the 18 he now curries he has come through with few that has nod chance of advancing far into the lplaydowris yell is too bad that opposition couldnt be found in this 4mins Porcupine Combines are RogeriMipeault last year with Gall Red diSlTld f0 1939 exhibitions are wings and KQVlCh Who 5131le this season with St Catharines Hie confidence inanef in and when if yersiwerwzinied for Twogame series at Halifax this wee TEMTMS uimbsrlucpia Th puiLwisi 15771 MKSILJH but was released Both Mineaull and Kovich are Timmius boys via TCA nd pow tful St Marys team Monday and Tuesday=then homeavia The guamnlcowus big enoughlocover the trip but the way the Flyers have beengoingEmms decided not to accentbut instead get into practice here again undchncentrate onvmuking therOHA nc heallifor the boys Over lhthavppens cfub is RCTnViImaissy no 030 HOCKEY SEMILFINALS Nsxrwssx Dick St Amanl their lincup hre Sib Brodeur and Ted Brodeur Sib minder is his nephewCoilingwood Shipbuiiders possess the Butters Sandell Grovcnhurst and Newmarket dofnot lb Bowen finally khpclgedtheChip offrm Dl0b1m0fipullingsdui the puckis to be 51101 Cobsiide IT IS INTERESTING to note the number of brothers in the Georgian Bay Senior group this year Onzlhe OiilliaiNarvos theris the4 La lMOYldaYS dOUbleheide 31 combination of Ralph and Robert Red Gordon Both these bays are Guthrie Arena was unofficially the wingmen Our rivals also have Antonia brothers Ioe and lack Penetsng Close of the 0m Hockey League Canadians boast the Stewart brothers Tommy nd Freddy and Leo and Schedule with the remaining games to be played on Thursday merely the signingq for the playoffs Oakland Hillensu1jed their spot qlSOVRbeieandChuckl on thetop rung 71wi an easygsg carry brother set but Wm Weill 110 East Cm Blame C101 OW do since Don Bowen hasdonhedaColt uniform again andiGuthrie sew upllieir second is sparlingthe Colts togoo place prisitiomwith 1103 victory over Shanty Bay1 has been playing in OHA for over20 yEarswhile Tedthe youthful net twosome Clarence Rusty and Georgewchubi THERE HASBEBN much talk around the hockey Corners qver the The semisfinal mundwill getfun minderin theremolding securing gamej denwayhxt Monday night Feb IHQPdr knot me count Hapi3mmshaspuueds the trick no less when Hawkesione and Guthrie than four times and oneach occurrencethe playihasmakfired Twice will play the rst at lim game gozus to count Series foivthej dont stattdmhch of chance forbreak through for score Whereas if 55 011 13de Feb 12 and Six attackers areiiced then it leaves one manuncoverdr It is undoubfedly Hillis the OHIYundfeaied team in knownxthalgthereris no more than two points given for victory whether the Ieaguer butchave been t1ed the game is won by one goalor iiye0courserortheplay to workV twice which gives evidence of ffieoffmusttake place in the opponent send an your centre must aka some rousinigplay0flsin the Guth tlls draw Fromther1on member team is on thedefensivemhs long as He Arena your club can control thcpuck As it hasheeri experienced control on little block 1151 is highly Essential Even then it is hard to find ing in the pileup ofolayersthat willittilie placevthemomenb then Clarence fiRust3tvButtors wen pOihtllYiarufifheoh efenceman is the new coach slrjngclongjw hints stralogyandwhenit pays off every 01 CollingwoodShipbuildersof the mg heir praises butas Dumas if snlt then to most OHA Tlmelte 38rles BU Sgisil yyplayyv lets replacesNormnCadesky and mucussLnnEAngm mm will continuous Midland Jinterniedialewteams so district hockey fans as 11 former he fell on ice near his ndbllly seoretaryftroasurer of No IIos it it tbqrsrenhu and baby isotropin collector the gt NEW COLLlNdWOOD comp 1G Munphy has been appointed Oakland Hill Guthrie Rchlt Monday Nighters llitll only 21 threcpoint wiry ovcr McAulcy Haulage Dominion Auto Wreckers were able to stay in first place Torgls Machinists were held to three points by Clziikc Clarke Harudinc and Close with 695 and 687 more hiin men for Torgis while 713 1300 and Doug Ilcdgcrrwith Slgfor two games were best for Cluikcs Perry Electric put tliomTclvcs buck in the running with sevenpoint win over Carter Body and Fender Sid Woodward b0wlcd766 to stay lin lie for high average with Bob Mullion Through misunder dlaritiling Olympia defaulted their Sliunty Bay East Oro FUTURE GAMESFeb East Oro vs Shanty Bay Hawkestone vsf Oakland Hill Feb IIuwkc stone vsGulliric first of semi finals ST MARYS AND CENTRAL CHURCH LEAGUE LEADERS As the local Church League rapidly draws to close positions seem to remain at standstill with therexception of second and third in the Bantam group which is cori stanlly changing hands between St Georges and Central Last Saturday morning the big gest surprise of the campaign pro uuced itself in the game involving Control and Trinity The lowly Trinity squad came through With 22tie to knock thevfoiling Central EiewoLil of second place and an able St Georges to pull ahead by virtue of the 30 win over Collier St Maryscontinued their unbeaten streak by downing the7ce11iudwel bus Allaile ConbLngsO In the Peewe division the FBC Combines and the second place Trinity club battled 10 11 driiw lrinltyslgoal was scored by Bobby Garner five seconds after the open 111g fageoff but the Combines fought back and were rewarded with counter by Borderr Hurst on pass from Paul Allems The second game was defaulted by Allandale Com bines 10 Central The result gave Central alworpoinl lead over Trin ity for the top standing BANI Ste Marys St Georges Cebu11 Collier lrinity Allundule bf Central Trinity Allandale FBCv Combines Burton AVe contract Icimvcamsfac aanwe wan if EXPERT RMYER Women Les Cunningham oneFof the Lmainstaysuof the Clovelahd Barons theArnerlcan =Hookey League foryeats as player whroheet many scoring records has this season unwed to that coaching franks Cunninghamhoole ovor the leadersbipyof the San Francisco Shamrocksdn the Pam and on iiitest standings 10m ra west league show the team in rst place in the Soudierni Division up our Scoring Statistics pm To Sid ownhacrignp Long Richardson Livingston 11 1rd bonito 11 president of rtife Baltic Plowmens Association Chlllngwood miiamlg Vi WC to 011 teamwith 759 302 game to CGE them three points Bob Mtillion with 762 was best for CGE Dixics took their second consecutive scvenTpoinlor Smiths Dairy being rlhc victim Barrie Tanning won five from McCollFroulcnac Delaire was best for the losers Syyith 695 Due 10 the hockey game next Monday the following arrange menls have been madcThe 715 isdliltfb arc scheduled for 645T0r uis Machinists vs Barrie Tanning Clarke Clarke vs Smiths Dairy Dixies vs CGE The 900 games are cancelled until further notice Dom Auto Wreckers 10 24 Torgis Mdchinists 23 retry blecliic 23 fCF 20 McCallFrontenac 18 Clarke Clarke Dixics BarrieTanning McAulcy Haulage Carter Body Fender Smiths Dairy Olympia Tuesday Nightors cadaquvavi MasseyHarris 11 Balric Tanning CGE Examiner RCAF Bull Planing 11 Post foicc Morrison Motm 21 21 20 19 17 14 12 11 aqdcaacgr worst Clarke Clarke Greer Transport Emms Electric Shell Oil MasseyHm is place Jim Orr was best for the losers with 693 The other three teamm were Sharing the1eadu1mdlhepresentation Was made by ership all took beating Barrie Examiner took Seven from Barrie Tanning Post Office seven from CGETMorrison Motors title from RCAF The onlygopdjcoresn all those ames were Henderson 684 and Shlakzil 696 Barrie Examiner wilb3106 wc 335 with 641 and Harry Rlaning for fiVLintits over Shell Bus Lawrence was best man on the alleys Tuesday night with 7110 including 313 single The big battle of the night Was between Greer Transport and Emms E1ec trier Greer took five to move to 10111 place and push Emms down to 11 JimElliotl was the big man forGreer with 636 and we set that Rube Corbett is still carrying Emms having the highest Scone 566 Total pins were close between these teams 2493 to 2456 SimcoeCounly interglown Bowling League ghas now been definitely do cided that there will be Only three towns competing in the second series of the IntersTown League Eimvale dropping out jlfj The sbhedple opcnedongJan l7 Collingwood at Barrie The locals got off to bad startwwin hing only five points out of 15 011 Jan 24 Barrie played re turn game at Collingwood and diddulitlle better winning seven out of 15 Gord Brown had the best score for the Barrie1No1 Althouh there were no high scoreson No teamthey won five of the seven points On Saturday Orllia leams came to Barrieand Weremip good form four men over the 700 mark Rigiledilo team had tough in losing alLthree games against an Orilliti team which rolled 3311 Barrie No team led by Rivett with 783 and Costello with 732 3301 rolled 3384 triple was good for fivepoints teamcgo 11L ghts Week CollingWood visit rillia Noni weekBarrie play at Oilila will sill won five froml Clarke Clarke to take over firsf the my team to beatr3000 77 623 carried Bull Juniors 15 Burrie look 1910 yic lot from lhl iinrlhcrncrs ill Iluiw 1llll Junuury 30 uib MlltillllSOll und loycc Moi hufwrrtl mosrm of1mr1lclt poinls Mitchinmn Collecting 11 out Mursliull Shirley Diupcr was 111in scorer for 1111 Visitors cob lccting llLil0ll gouls for 11111 points Mitt111113011 vus the slur of the come us she accounted for five of Burrics eight field cools She also slink one foul shot gluing thc first hzilf of the can Mursliuil puch Barrie with 1w icl golds and foul shot 1111 Li Bur rie led 65 Bracebridge seemed to shoot ul most as often 115 Barrie but 1116 could not sink their shots Fltiter iy and Draper were their only players to sink field goals Barb Mitchinson swarmed in over the floor in1heizlgtl lizilf to COllOCl of her points Iincivero collected one field goal Burries powerful guard line led by Louise Vlliliieltllll Ethel Moe Thompson contributed greatly to Bmries victory Barrie scorers were Marshall 6i Mitchinson 11 Pincivero Bruce bridge scorers were Flaterty Draper Nurd Hammond BARBIEForwards Marshall Mitchinson Gill guards CarrulliI crs Walker Thompson alternates lElrick Kerr Bury Chuntlcr P1117 civero BRACEBRLDGEForwaids Flu loiLy Draper Nardf guards Ellis Hammond Roscwurne alternates Kuyc Speedie Gultz OBrien El liott Lecdin Lounge Chair Presented 26 21 ExReeve Andy Climming ArForm Forum queling The FurinrRudio Forum group of Iwhichndrew Cumming is lend er preSenled Mr Cumming wit handsome lounge chair at re cent forumurieeting The neighbors and friends honorgd Mr Cumming onis retirement after 177 years Iserving liisvmunicipulily lii Vespru Township Council Douglas Ferris rcadtthciatldressw Donuld Bell Thirty members 01 the forumgroup attended the mom ling which was held oi the home of Mr and Mrs Cumming RR Barrie Burr Orilliu 1mkr Clurkc Ramblers Cubs Cardinals Rovers cs Indians Beavers High Games Jon ISOSingle for men Clarke 301 three Clarke 782 singlefor women Cuculick 215 three Cuculick for men Costello 337 three Clarke 782 Breda 631 ngh AveragesMen Rivett nglefor WomenM thrvee Cuchled 292 0110 Phriis 217 GBain 206 Skinner 202 PaltersOnlQQ women Cucu 161 CopacoImaguc 20 U26 26 28 29 31 Candlers Provistoner Shippers Gammons Exporters wasmnrob Scmes la single Dr Mulchinock lef11Clfe valdh tit 51 0c CD we HilgAllen5lii Scores to date Mens high sinj 1e Garrity 335 three 593 High Games for SeasonSinglet rslgniy631 verage Staymr Raglan hastoken over mom son the hacker lick 173 MBreda168 Rayncri rummell 710 average Dr Mill wchl ock 205 die ll sin lo ngrhompson rfhriie Milieu Revel in Pink Clover loVQViaEg That fdmous fragrance in beauty accessoriesrocked in ngwrpgckagcs gay as hectic alilossogl Perfume 3757101 1511 loilct atrr 350 Cologne LTS lll liatli lowdrr ffiiluclun 35 51131100 Fucc imvtlei i0llllsilrtll 100 leedi Lejntheric $211 $360 $660 $1200 and $2160 DRUG is

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