Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1948, p. 12

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7A6 EIGHIEEN THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1948 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ECI YOUTHFUL FLYERS in the onequarter 1211301 morass BRITT finals race which drew many 111111 AMONG 12116 comments from the ngmzzers 1121 N111 LEAGUES 111 indulge diffC iii IOUNT N12 in No3ch M1 JIMMY All YolTII form we 1113 sighed us We watched those uprictom young colts the 5k llirrie Ilyers thow aptly lumedtl fool around in pep per gune while they waited for North Bay to get new goalie Saturday high llorry llhe ati Iilinde had jlbl been carved up bit by tile puck and it was necessary for lILirric to supply us with goal and One foul 51m make the haurrle SsoirlS lsk WVle ii fkgitTETd rel 63 mgn 1B Ulli bratabridge rattled in the tilli 1411 lui uuurier ond finally went Rm BARR ixrilii uugwin 10511 1111 field with only minute 10 111 hope luruiLh tied md wmg gym Ayerm bmke 1515 tie with will ie Barrie threepoint lead on jgtiiui as Barrie Juniors defeatd field goal and foul snot BIBN liracebridge basketbullers 1615 in bridge finally brch down the lead Burrie on Jun 30 nd Wont into 1315 tie Rune took an early lead and Ayn5 scored the neither1 liIlAEBRIDGI ended the first quarter 30 in their 011 111 out quince 1o tie the game stone Ioiilultls ihlm Ti 5990 Witrim 119118 glare llr full liot but liltlii bled 11 slow Brucebrldge scored 11 field was tincturefol Amtnn 1112mm iBrccebridge Lose iWhen Ayersl Gets 1Winning Basket Recreation Round ROBINSON Iilm Team Make ltcturns uniting 12 ic removed lZCxlgt Ski MAI httltltlljf lslt ilelrI my 11 to litns o11 nl 111010HA filial d3 Ullli9lltl 1y gt gt lllzSgtE cd llLt1i gt AM ML 11 gt Lt gt If Hive clussji uld 11kt HIIlL IIlALEi lh is 33=LT iiili The North AmecanWay of Life aM tound vhcn 121 liiics for Cut11 11l uh pwntk they cduld Horns and 11 iv nil in 1111 Socind Ir ms91111 11x 11 Sound odor1 11 lstltl puckcd 1s My 1x wounds lthil Willltl luck of 1111 wm 11 111 tcunis 1mm loz 1111 of 251131 11 mm from Kingstou klidluiui Ictqrboru be dcxl 1ii uifd must of tlzci 111s 31 it limit uirls 101112 11l1 111w own lllllt itntlil 111 lic lull llx Link In Sim fillillilh I1t thlliitll Iui 11i nin ziiuii mi lvll v111 neiminder During the delay the llyers sinusrd themselves by putting on stickhandling contest to we who could keep the puck thahngtst lhcy travelled at top speed and werent even lircurhing fast vlicnll1cy re sumed the game up Emms boys have been on skates for so long hes go in to luvr to him on instruc lor to teach them how to walk irlisiizous 111 11 111 Zinuii gt111 upon lfi lit111itI 9111311101wf in July Iislcd gm Iiiiitrtl low Optruling lhy low unis 11 full lli unit gt111liy md 11111131 51111 utuul number it lllll ifcr lt11lllllltlll nni cuniplcicd Him Sulltitlctr tlii1ii111 11 lilt ituiiiiiizttm ilia will im bundling t11iI lsr 11m lill 111 mumslld of Bill CINDERELLAf The ieiep of the laundry mclwy ilcin Lilii illliuuqh 11 11111 bc liilllflilllli slioit liopltl thi luiilzduihiii Illilt 1111 111 ull burly 11121 ll luc 1111 tl1illl mus 1111 rliltliit uic 1111 ill1t1lilill110111 illllt itsnltnls of 1111 ilWH of liiil 1m 11111 1111 their izcs 1ll bclolr Oct 31 111 ilk i11111i vill nivr drluiis plow uiitl limo 11 101 is punilul mi 11111 us tru llu 11111I bu untlci 1V lllllli illl tnuir lcuguc pumps 111110 lill 111 lo lilii illuc11t11 MIDGlTl Nlil tllIlllthSllllS illllllpltlllzillp11l0 hold in 1111 111 lll licilio 211111 uiul 11rc11 during lllt Humor lIoli duys Wu liuvc iccvncd infuruzu illlllllll 111 1111 1y1111lt which vill 111m twu duys nl iiioinuig Llfltl Wulliti Dc nico to see BuIiic 1min Jililu llllliltl 11cm 11 tlult ulcks IiiI 1M crssuly 12m 111 15 be on 1121111 llll Ellillllllli illt dull for 1110 3111 lion tlitit so fur Flllll lt1111 illx llmlll und cvcnin pluyinz As 11 1n llicrc1lgto 11 will bc iictcssury llll spring Skating is more natural to them right now In order to try in keip up with the DLHI set byPllN jun iors the Black llauks had to hinge players faster than diu IIIN on newhorn baby lllllll lIISSlI ESSEX Top Crop 111121 1614 iirsiAui i1iinl iitii Murrow 111 lllil 111111 uiid tlirp lpltw li1 mileitd in both 51 iHtl down 11 skiiva Muv ltill ul llici cd downhill 111 lllil l111ox1111 Linton 11 lciid idilli only lluimtV flil riundm vus Dill lllll In tho lull work of Bill Although 11111 cominjz 11 iliI11 or dounliill ski 11 lulmil 11gtl plucc for the btl 111 lIilllllli linils llil mpiotcd lulultitlilblj quinicllc Fmvcri 11mins 111111111111l lust your i111 11mm 111 islud loucr 11112531 Jonii l111llllirlt lliifulic lluitllLf klt 11 l1l 11 lill lluiim illif 11 71111111 1o1diy lcgtu1rv 11 7253 Tim1 illilllt il lu iliili til 1Ullll 111l1 111 nwits isiitl lii 111 uiidii llu Lltl1lill ui li Vinu lltiit ic 11111 1m ur 111cgti cc1iinsi$1 Vt iliqc lllltici Illillt 311 in liit 1111 11 111v Ulllht is ill indium ic llti lll ill 1illiili1 lI 111 11 tx VAL1 11 l1l lo 1911211 41 1111 Sriuoi tlinilit1 of H111 illtlill lo lIlllllltS llic uSsistulitt When iltitLtsllrll lius bccii zcutlud ull orguiiizulious in lawn illlt us hold in 1110 cvciiiing will be notified of lllliillllull 111 ijill Lim mm Hi flu WON lulion with slruiut ictpud to cm lumcd In Hl Iolzcrilc unit in tins 11111111c1 cliniiil TIME Hm LIVmm imum Hm 110 xlicd ovcr 1m Sulliiduy 1f mung 11 lV cold both days lliul lruig 1lllil us but cvciymii iliul iig injoyuhlc limo letltl ulc in grout lcgicc 111v confusion illll oylivl11pinpuf llic grout 1111111 her of lllttllllj luld in ionic during 11m wintcr Stililill My Full doluils will bc mudv ltnoun lltn 1110 111111 oigunixulim llllriSENfoR lo miike dreams and plum workout for llirifty families in their chosen way The policyowners of North American which brin creative an of life that is our business Life enjoy 11 way of life rewards of their own design through their own etivours and thrift More than hundred and ten thousand families are happier in the security of their North American Life policies which now total $445914125 8811 resultof new business in 1947 of$65669068 The 67th annual report of our stewardship to the policyowners of this Mutual Company and to prospective clients shows that the Company again had good year Here are the 1947 highlights Premiums paid to us by policyOWners $12971392 This Apurtmciit Electric Clothes thslltl operateson AC or DC on 25 or 60 cycle on the Vacuum Principle Safe for finest fabrics K313iif311111333313Jilliiiliii TAKE GAME FROM BRACEBRIDGE 1411 101 1110 local lcuuuc to L101 undci wuy Without uny lcluy inorder lliut un allslur tcum can be rhogtmi ciidsoinc plottimes begun CHAMPIONSHIP At Georgetown ut the end of $13314354 $6854571 $103792069 $6681316 $112984061 Payments by us to policyowners and benecinries Increase in our reserves under policies in force Total liabilities to policyowners Special reserves and surplus funds lotalsssels BookYour lizlvingr llic scriclurics pliant theiri 1orlhcnniingg meetings 1111011 ccn lrnl bureau where they will be no ted and he ililolliiulion 11 the Barrie senior girls won their so ammo uwnnu mid come in us1nuuy starts 15 Itw ill luk ing the up lbs Furniture Electric dry wash SEE IT ll msrrirrrits one wash out of 31 139 Dunlap Street Continues to Clear ll Win if going alLess than Cost Take ad Vantage of these CiveAWay Prices BUY NOW FOR NEXT YEAR 605Pairs left Mens Heavy Pants MackinoWsAiI Force points Scotch Bannockburn and others Former values $650 to1095 DIAL 3721 Agirrniucrmcs $495 Ftbruuiy there will ulso be pluy oils for Iocchs 11nd Bantams In LL11 111t91lt11L111l1111 Championship which will include teams from the their first 1ll3011l1111111 ot the scu IOCICtlllon Councils in tlic Ontuiio 160110 111110 Central und Burric hope 11 huvc entries in both these classes willi the utlicr couipetitoitull coming from the district surrounding Toronto SERVICE After scverul gelitigezhcrs Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Recreation Council hove agreqd udniinislrulion which mm the would mukc this community sery and found 11 vice most cllcctivc hlidlundi BZXRRIE MEETING BUREAU 11101 bershrps to the club were soldhnd iklc during the second hull but was ter Stock ito$695 27 leitfinCroup3 Itlicy ckcd out 11 1411 victory over mle DRAMA CLUB llirwwbridgc 111 hurric on Jun 30 The Buiric Diuiiiu Club oilfiJunicc McCuuig lcd the Barrio Stolllrl um ponds 151111 ut Librury 111111 tomorrow 111211 Illrmlyidgc pink un curly land with twouHLilcl plays lil iWC zind lltlti it until the lust quarter 3111211101 by Allicd und llilhliinully 1111 Clurkc sent Barrie Mlurriuge IrOptisul by Clickuv with Eulicud 111111 11 quick tully by Barrio thc formcr plLSOIXliHL strong con clinched the game The quarter tiiistt loChckuvs fillCC The cllibl tzulcd T1111 Iiiicebridgc leading this yenrxdiscurdcd lllBlllXIiiCyrill3 ol the past scusons whereby nicni Mtzillill Foster vronclicd her 2111 Hybrid Corn and be assured ofa supply BROWN Co Ltd 11y ulmittuncc will be sold 11 the iublc to return th continue play door 1901 unicvcniny of good cn 4114 The next gume will be against tertuinnicnt it will be well worth khlidiuiid on Fiiduy 117 Dunlop St while to spend Friduy night of Phone 2435 Barrie lLibrary 111111 Road Examiner Classmeds OVERCOATS lfyou Want that Winter Coat at lessftlian Whole They Are 301an Fast Cleft Former Pfice $2950$3250 15 lcflin Group $2509 pger $37 50 Clearance LFOrmsPrice $4250 flu$74750 Clearance Price If you wish copy the lull Reportor 1947 plum or write your agent llllfllllAMEllllAlllle DISTRICT MANAGER 22 DUNLOP STREET BARRIE CLI Sale costGet Here Quick Clearance of BUSHiCtiatS Underwear Etc STOCK UPC 221 Mens Brushed Wool linedj WINDBREAKERS $6957 LIMITED A11 si2s 31201015 BOYS vHEAVrswEzirsBs Roll moths necks Crew necks Values up jxspacefto CLEARING 13111053011 ALL BOYS WINTER Goong VMACKKINQAWS IiHEAVYBREECHES SWEATERSL Ir $295 739795 sllmQDllon fyREDUCED 1111 $1185 to toll sizesleft ineoich line VPENMANSSS Comb $335 PENMANS 71 comb $239 PENMANS PREFERRED Combinationsi $295 MENSHEIIVY ALL wooi MsuisiMACK1NAW=surni $1350 LINED Comb 31$239 MENS nos SKIN 511mg ii PLAIDSHIRIS sizes $5650 leue Parkasri Mac HcavyWindbLonETS FF BRO DSAVE ch kinaws V54 istliiv

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