THE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASS IAIL mm 85 YeoPNOI 6I BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1948 SectionIIZIjPoges to i2 Congratulations FIVE PAY FINES EMPKE HARDWAR gggcgulgggifggg gNorris and Treadwcll ron SPEEDING lCOUNTY GRANT Pubhc Helth Serves IS Cme Titian wmomweoiiiiigzm IN TOWN LIMITS OF 320 Now Prov1cled in Simcoe OUGH SEED 3fi Dundalk Herald The busuicss known as meke ccvnd Thursday so that the next The December leport preseli II tune Mu be February The deal was completed last week ted by Sm Peel to he Blmc Simcoe county comm passed ludrdklam and owned 11mm had turnout if 10 players Prizes hereby Dundalk dism farmers John Ough since January 1947 Police Commission indicated 12 bill January Sesfion pro New WIrded 10 sew9510 purchased Dundalk Creamery and tramc Cidems gm the Ti VI it V3de fur wugumnon 1354 gagged in 311 the ladies and the gcgntlemeii aloriginll Operate ll 35 COOPerallVE the damage was more than $50 0lme Jimmymullullllexuub U5 are 01m1alenterprise The purchase price One man was new injured the WWW Mm Audrey Tm health unit will include full BUILDlNG FUNDS 1948 lwa $55000 Th creamer was pa Gray county librarian to ilic Siiri This wellestablished hardware llUll Wile us Pm p030 amounted tliiic medical officers of health fu sold by MI Normand m3 son $147 Zia my mnoun mcovcmdtcm 90mm UlllllI time sanitary inspectors and about Simcoe County Council has al 80 Dunlop hire 35 been mIlaw Ken Treadweu of Barrie was $140 Investigations carried The gram of $1000 1qu you 20 PllbllC llehllll llUFSfS med of making ed Bafe for mmy lealslL Foster HOOYEd who bought it last September lt gt out under the crimnmcme we iiiadt lo the work in 194 was The expanded couiityschlceyhat Slam 510mm 19 tm BY Bradford Lions IIfrom Louis Rapp and Harold Bor dian Legion branches in this 58 Liquor Control Act 18 and latched dong dollar by me will be put into effect will take the insky who still operate creamer Highway nk Act 33I Ulnar DepdlvllllClll EdUCleAlv ptuce of some of the services now ount ime Before Coming to Barrie ies at Markdale and Flesherton Eight premises were found tillI$13661ritiiediibxxdhfllIdIntnt being prowded by local mumcxpal thogdrlgIIId cxmgfrap About the me the creamer had locked by tliecoiusttbles on their EIIIC bIIIIIIiI II lines in other cases the new county pen BIradfoid Witness previously Changed hand district nightly rounds During the month service Will augment the localIIser Im mam event of me evenmg farmers had decided meeting The money will be dividch equally among the 16 Legion pasts iii Simcoe and is to be used expressly for building fund purposes The outstanding feature of the year had been the rapid increase Policepmwdgd 11 CONS f0 plyllll thcv number of schools being rolls etc during DcccrnberI wheel This ms been Iible Mu ior public health nurse for Simcoe Under the criminal code there causc 0m budget has Jallowed ICOUHIY llilS plepilred the OllOWlllgI were 21 cases prosecuted Sixteen 10 buy more booksI and because information relating to thIeIprcseIn convictiorw were registered four schoolb0mdsIhavhg seen me SOP Sublif health services which Sic charges were withdrawn and one Vice mum1 or few Cars UN was dlSmiSSEd Thine Persons are bCCUllIlfllg more convincedy that The Elm 31 mumCIpamles were imprisoned and three fines has value for Rho schoolsI ISImICOC County Each munlClPa WILLIAM RUSK totalled $75 lty is requiieIdII byIIlax to hIaveIu that lac niunicia wellknown Allaiidalc citizen for Speedmg the tow mmlS bond Ilvc mowrists cach paid $5 and ity is required by law to HDDOlnl 10 10 TOM th lOWllb another paid 511 One other case medical Ofcer of health There vice Miss Margaret MucLaclilaii sen there were 49 lodgers in the cells atlim weeks meeting of the Brad in the town hall to buy or build ford Lions Club was presenter creamer in DundalkI They hadI pen and mm obtained tions on at least two Lion Tom Foster who leaves Brad propgies ew Feb ua ford mom the The change in ownership Will as manager of the Barrie branch of the Bank of Commerce Pastbecom QHCClWC Feb PresidentHarly Barron formerlydersmnd ll the lmomlm I0 of Barrie who made the presentn handle the Bradlng buSl tion eulogizcd Lion Foster as aims at the Creamery plqpeny bank manager who was decided delSLOOd Ithal lllC Present asset to Bradford not only in hiscreamellililklilll berelalned own vocation but also as citizcnI During their brief term of busi cll establishing the unit in this case the County of Simcoe The board of health for the unit auto matically docs away with the boards of health formcrly appoint ed by the local municipalities The board of health for the unit composed usually of five to mpl b3 mm Wu dismissed One arson Md are 22 medical officers of health of the town Iv his intcies in oca ness in un essrs oIris many decades m5 Observed ms 11 December for gcndiiig tlie as some doctors COVcr more than mmm one representa affairs Lion Bill Eek as repre and Treadwell have mang many III II II iiiiiispliiiiiitliinoiklfilgdiy Jdn 20 parking meter bylaw one district Each muiiiClpallty is ll 10 150 lrom sentzltive of the Marsh IObldenlb friendM ho 111 With them COD tlic ilCl by the Licutcnaiitvi one Lion Barrons re On coriVictions of being drunk requued by lint to dppOlnIlthi buplllel IIOIIIIllllllCIfi 000553 ill ill 85591 Oil that 3iwarriorinGouncihwanwocpu sun in fairly good health rvarr ioui paid 510 font pdld $15 one Sdnldry Minuet Oh II able to enjoy the companionship of was commmed for 10 days one These medical officers of health llhu Wm Ogle heflm lostCl 15 bdnlx Imndgel hdd dl GOOD PRICE FOR STEEE mauve llcndsv he received charge was VlllldrlWll one piid andusanitary inspectors are cm Md membm 8f the b0drdl Wills been of great illSlimCe dI III conwmtuluijS fun an around ll lllllillllllli lllCm IS 1er ill the Marsh residents by his ulidcr Tim any lVOlVleW lSI l6 mmwmvthy um in 1929 Lizitiigikmblzic pointed by the county commit Handing of Iiloigpmblelm undhisfur1ncr received goodsued It wth Clive 00001190055 he 511 for having liquor third charged pendent on the amount of time ilhAIIJll UNIT STAIN 1th J01 OUGH willingness to help in any uoitliy IlmllcrIsIfflIIra Ileagegifgdmaughz IPICFVlbIOd llle lCbulldlng Of The with having was committed for 10 that can be given to this work onllllll IS illlllllllllOId by and flIlllt1lbcrt lumpkc was the ownc1 use IheI vIIIoroncIo IIIIIIIIIeII The sdeeII bxainlncrI plant basement for the days the individual interest in the work llllllbj lllldol DOllld fWilltlor 15I years and mm to that II II hed 151 Ids lwelte autos were involved in not weig pout was installation if our Duplex press and on the salary pide ioiislsts of octois nurstIs Sam tlme it was operate LIIiIlIrgt mu cements in OIIIUIII within IIIIIOld for WI cents per pound and =hh has bee in tcdvu lt some taty inspectors and clerica sta lHubbard and orginaly by cr it ii so ev eveia municipal lCS Iave xd um 511103 form of public health nursing ser Staff recommended for Simcocllyn Hilmbly eek mg $26802 IIHjs activities included start ViCCI County mm medical Ofcers Guam Ough is son or William IWllll lllCI GIT in 1886 in the Bridge BarrieOne public health nurse health legally qualified inedicalioull lllld llllf fallllly Olmled TAILORED To IMEASURE and Bmldlllg Dom Llef he be cmployed by the department of practitioners who hold the diploma ihmdwarc busmcss Aurora ml T1110 ed To Your Individutl came ll contractor and Was in de II leducmmnI who works in the 01c in public imam and employed OHIGOI years John was born andI mand steadilybecause of his tlior the county council last menmry schools only ulpnmc basis our 5alimlylalscIl in Aurora and he attended Size Priced from ough suierlsmn of all work 1on day analnoon Reeve Clifford OrilliaOne public health nurse inspectors rcttuired to hold cer Wm and hghd51hlcllre SUITSINSTOCK READY WHILE YOU WAIT lt anld matellfll bull II Lockhart referred to the remarks employed byI the local board 01 tlficatc in saiiltaiy inspection and ole goml to Goes deal SINGLE DOUBLE BREASTED Sizes 35 to 44 from $3750 Cll am he has been of exWardcn George Barr and health who is supposed to carry mnployed on lulllime basis Wt ODD PANTS all sizes in stock $4 50 $695 $850 $1025 to illOllllllCllt SllllIC ll Ulllulgillllalwll said he wished to make public out program covering the whole 1820 public health nurses WltliiIW1m fame lmldwlC hm or Allandmc Wm Bine wth he prblcst He emphasized that sim AUDREY GRAY population in tlic toWn ccrtificatc iii public health nurs Aum f9 14 yea Ibeforc $1350I alasII IofT the VillagIC ply because the councus were MidlandOne public health inL Clerical staff fog giggcera gfcafhflgarnc SEE US FOR BOYS WEAR 511$1Cbdelldt gevzw councl spcndingLImore money did not The book collection has grown from Ulsev employed bl ll local PROGRAM Educatibn is tlicikiweambs Club ComerSt Ulmed ODDMENS AND BOYS WEAR He wzis X151 ictiv LOL mean thd money was being 4658 at the end of 1946 to 7081 board or heallhvi 11059 119ng keynote of the program The unintchurch and lim plays badminton HI 55 DUNLOP ST BARBIE RIBP 1061 Ind Is IICIIIlhhtIu memI squandered mum end of 1941 covers the whole populatlon mt eImmugh the following activiuCSI gOIf mad IS SkI CIIIIIIISIIISII Ibex 6f Ut Ih Citing his own Township of In At this time last year 81 schools lown is rcsponsibld for the protection Mrs Ough is we former Grace if Ve 11C niSfil as an example Mr ILock were being served Now the nuni Pellolallg and COlllllgWOOdSame hind maintenance of communityDQWSLury of Aurora They havel The Examiner Joins in beauty hart said the mad expenditure big115 137b03idcs the 13 which are asMldland anapcrsonal healthc0mmlllllCItwo children Janetand Johnny C0lglllllllll0l$ 14939wasgigIggoI whereas this being Montrealth by mammin ln September 1944 Isglwol abiedease commiI acute andldmmily make theirwhomer yearr they would ask for an ap Public Library health serVICc was started the chronic spliool health supervisionIon ROSS SL Douglas Boyd Teaching proprigtion of $60800 IIlliis WheiiIthe IggaIII figurel for 1347 ruralt eleigientarIyIIIIcsthgItIiIlfh ICIJIEIIStIlIisc supervisionI0f proschoolj ang N0 mather how careful you are are ill ex lc circ ti 0011 Hi Class Metalcra Elias scentjcswfgdc the vearwill be about 5030 Hill employed by the County were to mite lt1 Infant Ch sUIPDING BRITIM 106 there are many losses that only Manda and Fridq mulcillor Lockhart indicated increasevol 68 per cent over 1946l081ry fl program 0f health du SanitationIiisttion of waterl lReilable repgiiis 0m Gledt be that umcoumv too qu mcmzw Th III III hII cation covering the sch001agelsu es sewaye smagc dis osal ilalll llldlCdle lhdl all uelllpl llllf insurance can PIO ect lilIelvc Del to ing services that werebeing dc sultegt illoiiifSmiigggfivmftrgi Child 0013 Thc work 0f lhls Pm mill liid fooci ctiiitro meagureslliy tgvilmnetdtiutliloeili$ are Low and our Policies Ewe 15 has as wmes 055 tCoverae that He Few 9M blazer fldzilsndbeiciiipiisgibtleagsiriterest th Broades hand on Monday Jan 26 for the aRccve Lawrence unniI Marion Stephellsofl 83 Employed is 055 0f mStaumnts hotel and lprowding higher prices has not met I3 is available imt Class inflnetalcrau at Vicmria dale Sthrtharr had been quoi Slimlilmne ellfritcafllasswtant Ill fangglgrmouli if to 14 Diherl emmgi Places lWith the With complem success In many yWi bChOOI Bar31 mg Iano er ormer reevc l$ my as or girlmt Ital 1055 91305 Hme ill 103365th result has been back lllsllucwr for lhe series ls Doug 1ng the mam when $1000 from lhecounly conned the yedls pmluwd to salcl Wlth ire in the form of heavy sales 0f lag Boyd of mohmo HmI The centI county councus had been same as given in the iLWo previous AlIthN0Imbl 1947 5mm abbatoiis and butcher shops mg snoop to take advantage classeIiI be held ondays and spending money years recommendation to this the County CounCIl voted toestab Mmal health nutritionI dental of improved pnCESI 3735 Fridays for six weeks are being Reeve GeorgeClarlt ofBarrle effect was laterII introduced by the lish County Health Unit in 1948 hygiene union St INSURANQEAGENCY llDOllSrONd by the Community Pro stated fWe all know George Barr finance committee andadopted HEALTH UNIT union of ur The program is carried out by Read Eiiaminer Classuieds grams Branch of the Ontario DeI and we can Italic his Iremarks for Tm county bragtan explained ban and rural municipalities for homvismng work in the schOOISI Panmelll 0f Wlloni and the Whal hey are the new =Pl5cedUle 501 appointing the Purpose Prommmg more clinicsimmunization ctc welli Simcoe County Alrts and Crafts Eliwarden Ernet Miller Reeve membersmtheiboardpfmhe coun efficient community health pro Ibaby comresI sanitary inspectiond II Association of Coldwater Fecalledoa PYEVIOUS ty Library Coop gramcarried out by fulltime use of cducauonai pamphletsI Monday ligm 1355 95 0603510 Whel ad S3 The following were appointed as especially qualified personnel lneWSpapcrs films radio lectures mugm hue malt Copper aluml pressed Views on re oreslatllm membem 0f he board 101 43 The health unit functions under exhibits classes etc WI mm and Silver Wlll be included in and he said mfst of the councu Reeve Fred Hunter of Tecumseth the 10931 authority of the board COSTApproximately $110Ipc1 to later lessons 10 knew Geo gesBarr Pepi Reeve JOhn A1150 or of health There Would be one person per year Mr Lockhait Sflld perhapsfll Lonmgwoxj We Lous Tm board of health for the area cov The government make grant rx Wluu 16 001100110 dld know Geqlge 0f ESISH Gibson 0f Orllltaipred by the unit The board of to County Health Units or 50 Barr but all the ratepayers Itho Stewart IIrPage and IJ El health is appointed by the coun per year ioad the BarrieExamlner didnt MontlaguILeedsofIBairie know George BanI Andrew Tudhope deputy reeve of Orillia said he didnt know Mr Barruntil hemct him at the council but he thoughtci Warden Barr spoke lot of horse sense Mr Tudhope said the coun cil had gone completelywild and were glving away money like Barrie Examiner Ltd Printers and Publishers prosthesis 8St svyggggggsuw These QIIGSlIOS AbOlll CIOUNTYLIRARY Mrs Montagu Leeds 003E has been elected chairman of the board of directors of the Simcoe County Library Cooperative jllhe other members of the board for1l948 are IStewath Page ag ricultural representative Gibson of Orillia public schoolin lMiSS Louise Cone director Simcoe CQunty HOISteins Won recreation for Simcoe County and officials of the Ontario Department wmthnIcamcfn Ciwafdg Ugh of Education went to Woodstock ar an my mi Dominion accounting for total TuesdayJanuary 27 where they IIIIIIII hit of drunken sailors II of five AllCanadian awards Mont 23 33315 p132 3111112 vic Rag Apple Marksman jointly owned by Cerswell Beeton Tifm 0f Wold Icoumy CW and MoCague Alliston rwas Wpanymg Colley were mgdggygmfggggfdyfy31 IS 11 S11 NECESSARY 10 SAVE ELECTRICITY Tett directorof physical fit III mam apeclmypgj Ellieomjmve 0f Te rgsildnzgmoli $103 hg has batsmen named All Canadian esNotne TiTiarlye noughavingrlris yet being made espiecially 1m Romanian II DOTAD NEWSCAST Reafrctiliingwwdrnoms Tru frmm Say diam GetofSire award iris daugh 311 fBeuty Box ax Reeve of Essa and Warden mm iter Glenafton Laurel Maud was home Resuuiforsome QEPQSESCVQEUEISC ld9tlell b3413 II Walter Middleton l5 named AllCanadian threeyearold Beauty salon At the mmmaydwon lunmeon illPiss Audrey Gray the county Members Wunted for heifer and he again combined with PoWeIr supply mt pa for 1895 PeInDds $624 hoIlrs on January 22 delegatibnof six Rotarians from the Meafondi Rotary Club were present to confer an honoron Russ Londry localIGen eral Motors dealer who was charter member of theI Mcamrd his maternal brother Montvic Rag librarian was reappointed secre tarytreasurer F22 INNISFILNOTES Canadian Association of La Vaia Beauty Salon Consumers in Barrie EdwinWilson Osteopathic Physician toppleISoveieign torwin the II IS IT NECESSARY TO SAVE lllY AHERIAIIIIIIWRS reatribullshave taken it Sover Tia Cenmtmamnauah of Coal Coo Olin mers was formed in September eign incidentally was named Re No itvis vital to saveat ALL hours While electricit ca at be store 25 notion co 1310nageggfgmiiftm By RG18 in Ottawa by representatives of servevAllCanadian AigIeIdIgBullI IC II IIndustrialI Acceptance Alberrombiefi MinergHITmen the nationally organized Womens erswells son of Sovereign water that generates mean be stored Thevvz1ItIIeIrstorage Jot the ve IIfmn Ltd all Ck WhitI presented Russ groups across lfmada fgjgalfflgafia If Hydro plants in the Niagara areais provided byflie Great Lakes This Nia am Financ Icothd With an engraved iRotary Cigarette btggudITelephone Its purpose is to develop more uh 1d bun He II iII lighter in recognition of long and Rita Sutherland who has been enlightenedopinion oh economic af two yegfoslsa IIIin assures continuous ow Iof water suicren to enable these Plants to 013A Ererkins Dentist faithful service A1 Miller made president of the Sir udTelcphone fairs and consumer interestsf an II eg 77 thewpresentation Cofor over 33 signs retiredlat to express this opinion ina Yearl and 2301 go all Offfhours day sunthereginot 9th quer I111 48 Other Baffle bet nlhursdiay January 29 the wayIasIIto benefit home community earmg gue II the meeting shiarehgldcrsIIheld showed the ReserveiktlanadlianI Producer of Dam from Little Rock Pabst lOolhnliJha and consisting of Glenafton Comet and Gilenrafton Laurel Colantha owned by Mic CaigueI Another Glenaiton ani anal Glenaon Laurel Sylvia re ceived honorable mention inftlhe umt speaker was Ken Robinson at Stioud last week arrie Recreation Counsellor Ken II ThgGourignijorganized in 1911 gave very comprehensive outlineII was on of he first independent of what had them accomplished Telephone comes iorganlized Since oaiganiZation in law anda1lz Board consisted of IA peekximo the future and somatic SutherlandPresident Good the pmjocts that are in mheoing fellow tAllbeBt vPquvls Carr Ken was thanked bypVicepresi rack and Dr IT ISimIp dentRoss son as secretary Elbe Companycrectegl linesland St Pauls United Church Ovrillia supplied the month part oct the disal$208h53 for all purposes in township with telephone service 947 Rev iBugden the pas hey at theirlast meeting elected 101 WBSI presentedwith Puma two the board two new members gt Wm Young and Wm Cairnpbell Lillie President rep1acinig rm IHydro generatingstations throughout Ontario the water supply must be very closely guardedfifty muchelectricityis demanded one day the next dayspowersupplymustSuffer ThisIoTidition is aggravated and nation It is voluntary in dependent democratic organization completelycontrolled by its women members Commerce IW TI Mitchell Art Studio gt BcirriesIf Leading Business alsslalln grew the by the abnormally low rain fall last Autumn experienCe which the Canadian Wt men had during the war of work jngtogetherto prevent inflatiOn suggested implicationsand oppor tunities for further service For the membership fee members will re ceiveuifcrmationvon matters of con surner interest linden ppportuiiity Ito have questions answered if they concernconSumerIs also of eXChang ingopinions withothers 31935 for fouryearold heifers MUST0MESDOI1E1THE SAVING Not byiahymnsbousiumer must play their fullpIiirt Modied rationingIhas to some utreduced tllIeICOWSllmPtiOPI 0f elsctlidtf iIIn storesanId byIothervcommtCitll Consumers but 1189 but siuilni Wtifittg TheSis on Recreation Commands BarrieII Setup ll gnu luva short llme algo four UniverSi Sutherland rivitl be Irving Robent It aims to Iensure better soles Toronto students who were an II 4I sonI II 01 the childrens shoes fairer preparing mhesis on Fem Ham John Ambulancew Wldelable $681911 W85 glV Drivel Islam milk Visited Barrleto study the program nWTMWM1War0d ower price to the consumer for directed by Kenneth Robinson rst Am cuss bread better distributibn of lumber liesubscribers commencing the rst for houses heIlp toiinprove the ex Stan Barbour orient the stud of the year The rabesvvill con tents nas written letter toilhe lion All slivruolu traditions mm with those ionTuml limes Iop pormarketlng byIdemandIJng that Brindle recreation counsellor from eraibedI by some of the large coni the stamp Canada guarantee high which we print the following sIn Dont leave lights burning in unoccupiedioicesyr Turnldlmgmotots mumrand FEMALE paiiiesuand it Was the general teel qualitygoodsipThe effectiveness of tomes me mu diay we spent bl ii dah mg of we Shareholders mat The the associaoh depends our the with youwias very well spent in Use rangee ements as on time as pass um veranI ffwilkoonimehcexIII silicon rsaagnnirsairao PM Shroud which has successfully operated oInIIa much lower rate she not the top rental a1 lowable MTN The Company ha grass profit members fee and work Those who have notIalready paid their fee and wish qurthezj information shoulddndkMrsJdvattLEaii ridge 22 Frances St Barrie cam deed and the material we came home with was exactly what We Wanted In all my wanderings ahd Mumed letters have yet flosee dotmplike yourshnd assure Iliad allotller lights when notneeded IUse electritaily heatedwaterb II IIIItsparingly Dobt use electric heaters migrates last M33101 $274 but it is an paign chairman Name have heard from mastic ticipated elilatanllitionail costs of 00881 do not mean that yours The CollingWoodrPresbytcrian operating the comingyear Iwill re quire considerably more funds Cxcoihoremas Immunity homejna cutter from hodkey match when the cutter was is 000 different on the contrary Church has membership of 722 think it ismne of the best The treasurer receipts of ow WMIHMLBWLuiW7917 WaneiPreSbylterianptLhurch WWIfrom all organizations mootm year 01 which Mission Band wan mhel View Gums tor missions An assis Avoid Wists fgmw BarrieII inllllllhllllmllwm MtsVMcKuIile nonuniorzaigme We II WilllIlthceivaRegistratioiisdor tholiglbove glass savings are urgently needed II II upsetInyasmwdriIf at harmonitoibediIaverigedttename rlunlster istobe secured for hprherlemesbrokew ThGWAWdtlillov III iII AI II II iI IIIIII