Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 5

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31111211h JANUARY 29 1948 Sunnidcxle Corners ay tlilll Mrs Henry Ford and Dublin Lift friends in Radon 31 our Mrs Mac Nitlattley Ala spent Siltlv vl1 friends 21 and Mrs Joint Corbett 1i zpeii the weekend viii lends ill loritv 51 and Mrs villiain hlfNdHJ gun Barrie stunt Stilldrl Mr and Mrs Fr 111k tttNisriii 1lr and M13 Allan Miller Uto zitl Stile Bella lltl Barrie tilt ltLllltril it 1lilx The sympathy of thocununuiilty extended to Stephen Perry and7 in the death of Mrs Perrii Sunday morning The FYPS met 11 the home ofl 11nd Carin Gillen lte1l1 with the Service 1gtItcli Wilfred illicit in charge De exercises were taken bvl iilleii and Douglas ililnod rwere liiltll by Durotiivl tilitl Bob Bates I1TN Time was no mitt It 7e lll nurtney 3115 gruddau Trims Josephine 1c ilt1l ionizers tt rl ll lllizlfl 1ij2l tl1llr ter Furs latn ftlctxan Trinity Vestry Alerting lite annutil Vestry lltrllli of Trinity arch was held 11 Jan ltl Willi Her it lltin Itlllti CCU ta 511 gtllttllt and 11 Syniii paid kill it Rector tex11ilctl hit l1lt his lfaixleii Sansuch aipinnteo were luru Ariistronx Jordon ltantsay l1id Vulier Iti Joseph Wood till ll tliirieti Loy Reprintit Synod Annual lied ross Meeting The tinnuai lied 1115 meeting was held on Wednesday utelllj at the Rectory 511151 toiy rem ts were read Old officers tlt 1c elected and collectors 1npoziiieil tor the Red Cross canipaiztuwinch ne liins March 151 The treastuers re poit iliowed as follows lo1l re ceipts $50487 with til1 on hand of 544 Work tutiwtitr lllril ttl enl to headquarters the lullt ug alghanr ll iirsocks ltl pr lioys stockings pr girls stock pr mitts quilts box ozrkers infants Vlnlr shirt tilaycitcs each CtlllSlSllllchl d117 diapers toweljl wash cloth eltts ll iiighties eiderdowu jac lttl eideidown blanket hornet 2px luioties it sheets 1l1r1 safety Inns you and your girl friend doing home work together by telephone Brit itwdoes tie 111th party line perhaps when someone needs it badly So please dont make it habit run 1111 Hugh ctlIIIlIESI Is ctroiiiiiit Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee that others will do the some foryou la Keep calls brief 2Spoce your calls Give rightofway to emergency calls Ttllriitu TELEPHONE it Finer repairya IllllSllll LLYitllll Valentine ti 30 glircibilist Weaymoutlif Bookstore emprtouetoss Allisltin Mrs West iszspcudingz few weeks in Toronto Mrs Coborn andilaul are visiting Toronto friends for week Mr and Mrs Melbourne Bradford visitcd at Hotenians on Friday Mr Slope is undcr the doetnrs care We hopehc may speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Bauldry and family liave of liavcnshoe were Scotts on Sunday Forty members attended the con grcgatioiral meeting and supper in the basement Thursday night Thirty members of the YlU ska ted in lhornton Wednesday cvcn 1111 Returning they spent social hour at DJaeksons Mrs Andrews and Harold spent Friday in Toronto visidng Miss Betniece Jessop who is in St Josephs Hospital recovering from an appendix operation Tt9VGllill91l3t The at Mr directors of IccWeGwill Jr Farmers met Saturday evening at Mr and Mrs Keith Knccshaws and elected officers as follows last Pres Bob Brown Pres John Fennell Vice Pres Ralph Hough ton Secy Miss Ella Hawley asst Secyiilllrs EJlle Tessop Twit5 Miss Gilroy asst Treas Doug 111s Wilcox Rtlleve childil cold Stimulates chestal1dliacksur faces like warm Ingcomforting pouttice This effectltrespeclal pene tratingstimulating action works for hours during the ought to relieve distress or colds while your little one sleeps Results areSo good often by morning most misery of the cold is relieved Try ltjonlghtl pom 74 LPenetrates deep Into bron lchlal tubes with special soothing medicinal vapors falliikn triage1ysiecronslw leioeryoni WhOlliaPPlialei loveWith 0m you Broiled le squash v7 51th turnips each Beans ll Citron JHHIHIV lurnips Mrs llreedon spent lliurs HM Lubbwv in the tragic tent on iitlziy were uni supply Alon vegetables its ZtI LLixllt tttt ill showed an in of about the six quart ariois were selling at it gtIX ouart basket lleets and litlgtlll$ llt1t11gttl from 401 to 3301 six quart lia leans 11d aiicel from 10111 251 pwlllld Deane the iiicieaw from We to file six quart basket for titilah 171 pound bags remained delivered Arrpics Were unaffected by the rise in prices but onions ad vanctl tout Title to WC basket Maple syrup was Still in supply and selling 1ipidly at $135 quart supply of home baking unwed readily 11 Nearly prices Averqze llllttS were as follows according to sire and ill1lity dozen die to She Dairy butter 731 Spring chickens Boiling fowl Maple Syrup Vegetables Ilht $135 qt llltlt tinting quilts pr pyjama pr iiioiis tiqt Carrots basket Beets basket ltitnttics litt 75lb bag latsnips basket Apples basket illuobard squash to 50c 231 51 to Sc 5010150 151 lOllit in lth ltlc to 201 tlt to lie lllc llllltlitllll Beets qt Home Bakiiiit llread thins 1020c Iltlc THORNTON Oscar Galbraith spent the week end with his sister in Stmttford St Judes WA wiltmeet in the basement of the church up Tues day Feb at 230 pm The United Womens Association will iiieetat Mrs James Socers on Wednesday Feb at 230 Mr and Mrs Gordon Henry were in Toronto on Monday to visit Miss Mildred the formers sister Henry who underwent an opera lion in the Wellesley Hospital last week Visiors Mr and Mrs Nelson oiiterhnrley of Toronto and Doug litiltlelsomofTorontm with Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson Grace Gor don Toronto with her parents Ev erett Cameron NorthBay with his parents Thornton Bonspicl The Thornton Curling Club ap preciate very much theassistzmcc of bOIlSplel held here on January 20 such success Successful Year for Iriniinhtncli The annual meeiing til the United Church was held in the basement bn Feriiy cVenitig With only it fair attendance as the evening was very cold pot lttck supper was served at 630 After all had done justice to the supper short dc votiottal service was led by the pas tor lhetrezisttrer of the WArreported that the association had raised $702 during the year This was fol lowed lby report of the work of the Association given by Mrs Gor don Henry Considerable work had been done at the parsonage and the basement of the church Mrs Campbell govt the treasur ers rporll or the auxiliary of the WMS which organization had sent $145 to Presbyterial Treasurer This was considerably over their tillocation MrsWest reported for the Sun day School lHef report showed in good year financially Norman Thompson reported for the United Church cemetery The Church trcsurers report showed $2336 raised during the year with substantial balance on hand Contributions to the AM fund amountedto $155 The members of theWA moved vote of thanks to the rearetaki if reject mg was being done The oleuk of Session referred to the loss the clurch had sustained oath of Mr Black and also moved vote of thanks to Rev and MlS Doggett for their splendid work The chairman of the Board of Stewards thanked the WA for splendid contributions and asked cooperation ofcall the members in the coming 50th anniversary Lennox moved vote of to the onganist and choir leader and to tithelcholr for their splendid Service Terrence Blackmgs elected Elder in his fatherslce and Francis Cranewowlso elected member ofthe sessioan Alfred Spencer was elected to tha oardof Stewards GRENFELL RI lF Richardson had the hydro power turned on last week The community Club will meet in the Church Frid Jan 30 at frat Znirn Mrs 11 Donnelly couple of weeks wlth her brot George Herris averton Mr and Mr Vernon Mason York Mrlllrs tied last Monday With MrandMirs TW Donrfellyf illfirst Richard Cloughleywas able to return home from the RV Hos tpital Barrie last Thursday and is igietiting alongmicely Farm Federal on Meeting Friday eyeniug Jan 23 at SS No HuntenRvussell and Joseph Leahy provided an Vinterestiuer eventing Motion pictures reels introduced the Entertainment Eskimo LiteScenes A10 St Lawrence River and Beauzti ltheFarmHomc Mr Russell spokeon Community Groups and natives relat ilng what benefits he had seen in the United They tinged the group to Wii olive pa tum of liiltr other vicinities States mi take an blillee Department or griculture in Mrs ll arterjy visiting friencsl 111 Coldwazei MIS lorter lifts moved into Mir New li1iy house on Suntiidnle St llie in play to be given in the near mm lltlttlt le moved Lrecmor STE Miss Margaret Dzire of Kearl uey spent the weekend with her cratidintilter Mrs Henry Xltilliews Sorry 111 report that Herb Speck is on the sick list onfli elicitlie 1111111111 operation We hope for speedy recovery The Womens Association met ill Mrs Mumhersons on Wed iiesday one would Church coiniiiitlees were given MrsfHelb larker Colonies in the West lunch was served by Mrs Paddi 1581 to 401 son Mrs Douglas Day and Staitttoti be at Mrs Alf Palloii all those who helpedho make the liRAllli lllliarge gliRAllE Alllletliitmllllilillg 48 punt noun pnum neurones the WA will inei htMrd Percy Fords Wednesdaypftemoon Feb 15519911 Inge mtnzcng twirloer gt fSllllSor BOASIS commons fwmcamom 1491 int in the vicinity in about at BARRIB 3111212112 ONTARIO carom bed We yttsli heif tll Bd Pearson of weekend at zttsf itirt We extend our dearest sympathy Vi Mr Art Llililllg and family Lisle n1 their recent btlulllllllt if llr1 liter gtptlll where nartirti Friday cte11 Mrs Will has wired in her mopping 231 report is she is 1111111 as weil as can be expeclwl an early Jenkins Miss MaiEerie and Mrs ivul Kteruan weekend 111 lnrotito iiis Kierzians bintiier was 1n laffray of Alliston 31 stroke while do week Lab All wislt her lttl i11 H112 on Finlay I11 wen klm Vtau1mli lll filt Watson second tillljilitlttvlllkfitlLflthtllZ tl ll iiltlili JJV 2VSCC77H llii Weslliike colisolatioii lliatllvird ployeti Beetoii on ltltr lin he score to 7i in l1i of the visitors tlo It tliici hundred spectators were them His Palmer and Mir Lid llt serving coffee lint lU fillll littii ll by ilns ll Mrs lll Lllltl Miss iatbra on 77 llit inn11 11 n1 lit iil Young People are practw 11 ilullt Dav3 new and Mrs into their Duff have house He is in Tor ltoll Tall response What do to redecorato the Reports from various gave short report on bountiful Mrs Next iiterting to Lonmnws sriitcrui rnrsit Edgebrook BrandDost comeer tr mnmws 11mm 10c VITA3 Print of initial court 510 REAl 7H oeuvre col no Canned 3mm ou1cx on xeeuin nu mum uretermum AT 02 OLTM 16c Lomnnnnrmus 2m graft 14 nunrm pm ortitzzc optimum an 17c humans SM roar IlFl STANDARQ NALVES 91$ 1m 37 WORCESIERSMIRE ll Eliot il zrcn iCR LUNA held litzclirolii 1311 January 115 ll Sliillteitl is iii it ll lip ttl 11 lltti Mrs lift ill inlllilll 11iloi1iiie to blind l1iriiv1sllill on Saturday All Barrie iilltl ily r011 caucus cows SIMPLE sons THROAT Ffswrrrs JUNIOR murmur retitmsr 1llttl 111 H111 11331115 mm FOR Hamlin MORETENDER is CAKE AND PASTRIES i1ltl Praise for the loads 33 mummy lJtt 11 pleased at sky 1111 mails are be hwm Wt are ulsti receiving 1151 Kill in 1er lill 11 Mr live11h it p223 ittit luo Overseas larcels Acknowledged Bins lltlt 1l31i1 Stlil two liillttl wetsens liiistinzis time 1ll it enctl xmrd back from each 111 the ism111 tullt expres silk their 1Iltl rrttltttliiii of timer gift gt11tetl that iltl ftivtl tlliltll 1i 11gt limiittl 511 j1ui 11 li time and the 12lier party 1i1l 111y had real ttmtl willful all littullst til lllt twist the n11i 111111 ei than their lritiulsviti tllll THESDA lti 1311 vi litt ll Inuit 1119 914 li L1 lor 112 11d it 31 11 311121 litt Villktl lllttfl ii Chesterfields and Democratr Repaired and Recovered For Free Pickup And Delivery Call low 81 Sons Phonetic tron Estimates sutrrssriiittiirii STANDARD ms mirrors mm emanation aortast moments eminent 15c mclzn cumrs ollllts 15c curwnx unit we 2aljlli1g 27 museum aunt can SOCIIIYEALMON are dental pit ismwnrinnum 43 2401 JAR AMKIILCA titty some ALE um czrom ynus MPOSI MONARCH BABY ROLL CHEESE lb 441 Boneless BQPND ROAST 112531 caravan Sliced 11 31 3lllllE 1111 pout stusrtr tit 1145 111m sum 391com us 32 stitlii AVAILABLE IIIOIIY cnlpsn rec29 tutti253 at at gamma to as who waftas 79 fill do 30 lilBSllN TISSUES $5 206 PETROlEllM JELLY abtpumm Jerrold fie AYLMER BABY FOODS mater on 15s BYLMEB JUNIOIHEDODS rooms 151 Stnmgm 111111115 22121 29 it 31711 19 cntvmnrzmsnnnv soup stilt 9c uwmm mutt cramp 45 JUNKETBENNET ownms 115 EVAPOBMEB Mimi llilltl $27 DURHAM we count smncu at 14 cranium orwuuitr an 2L +OGIHIIEWHEAT HEARTS 112 E3c BEEHWE CGBN SYRUP ROGEBSWNISYRUP tit 27 CLUB HOUSIBICIIEGU zine GBEISSONOLIVE 0H APEX ABSORBENT COTTON CIIBISTIIES HOLLAND RUSKS WESTONS llllllllWIltltlTe BISCUITS ovcgj 33 ll c9 024mlin EAT MORE ORANGES role HEALTHois CALIFORNIA SEElllIISS NAVEI 035N658 HIGH JUICE CONTENT EXCIELLENI ALITY DELICIOUS FOR SALADS AND LUNC ES ANAIUNDANT surfLY ALL status wasuro gnpm Inigo IllITlIItI0ClllllltlTS lllllllllAGAS tiara Wilma ONIONS ursutu traitors No1 on FIGHT carnswit nor fluorine

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