Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 4

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lt2 30 Mrs Worthington lnrrneri ui Burrle is the vaultc iii if sketch in The 82111 MAM111 ttoba army camp 1l11l 111 rem111 tate W1ei lone the article 51V years Mr lorttnnzzui iatl 1111 beunpackett in Vultcritltfl Shesl 1be11 across the liiilllltlll nun coast to ttlllSi and lied 11 21 homes Fllitt i1 llll to ElwinGeneral She exphales the theory our 111 army hie iiWlklll An arzny Wile is tilnitxxldll v1 tjttst like lllllIl 11 UtLlilil wand theres no elastinm Ctllllgxllillills are the iii hedge police of friends tullltt el ll almost everv cztv 11f Xanadu Mrs Worthington and more i11 111nate knowledge of the lotiii111 gtLi know that artatia igt wally iovely countiy wife plays very iinyxirtantt She c1 lll eXi part iii soldiers ltre buck him up no end vs offlcers wzfe dons believe people realize the joii 1li p1y llls always the army firvv iiid our permmlvluzip tzllslwelhiint about is bit rotl1 on ariuy ciii ren thinks Mrs Vqlllillldloll but they adapt tlieiitselvei 11 that way of life 11 the 1li de liiiil they are well lieliavedf Peter and Robin so 1id datum ter of the ottltitiotts are both attending Universiiv of Bi itixh Yol umlia loruiiiohuin Wor by Ruth Parsons ltgt teitluozt Goon as the formula for process11 jp lien is develtvpul he expects in Unity Auxiliary of Collier Street United tliiiigttm with resi litrli llitllux 1r gt ize sixth St thine twiit mover ii 9A Hollywood tire lltZS tailored suits fu Jl clans af dresses for cents and evening gowns for fourbits As designer pre gt be able to drape it better than any 11hr kind ofknow11 mat gal When they get patented llt ltaczories can turn out gowns by stumping them from mould You Il three its for buck cnit for it and till tvein gowns for 11111 was oII 111 tt1 Woman will wear dress once or twice and toss in tlie iIicitier1 tor ccortlinct tn fashion desicnut films lenssen the llll will be sklktllplllii their shapes in llltllddlltltnt clothes 11 imported from l1tllt will LilllLllLllli Jitter lt11 ill Us from the tall timber pzuierlressed dollie can haw more clothes than any lady ill lltt lllltlLit club because they 1111 cheap Miss June lerkins if Harrie was 11 lllll$lllllll at tli1 ttlltll lll ilimotliy Eaton Memorial thurch lloronto last Saturday of Eliza llltflil Anne McNabli to Alexander anipbell flatten Mr and Mrs Walter Perkins were guests Thi reception was at the Granite Club llrlt flatten is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stanley MeNalili of 1lentlanuuishene and Mr llatttu is the son of Mrs llalten and the flate Howard latteii of To grunlo The Wtiltelo lass of entral iUllllIl hurch sponsored white study Wll Dl 38 ni Walter loliiti led in xter ship and Mrs tlutille Campbell Conducted 1111 tlgl mission book ltto pl dliliit lrttl tilttl llli ttlllll iltiSttl v11 cup of tea and social l1tlil1ot1 til solos in School 11111121 111 Janie13 iltl was lillStl and tlie Will en lo llll aid of hockey ltilllh Some of merchants donated exial from their Sicres crssfnl sale There was young pitittlt gathering Ifltt lllt Siilt Mittens January 213 Mr and Mrs Fred laiiic were lvttltillltl till lut1lltgt1livv tlts Wilbert l1 ieit Sunday with Slzntltl it111 lrilick and Betty Maw 111 lotonio Sttttll the weekend 11 their 11111103 new SlitplllCIll of Siincoc Culin ty bunks 15 now in circulation liom Nllllibllij lllt11 See Coming Events for infor ntid R1 sx relatives InTllZUllTfHtttftlttflBYtXSueiitlr lhursday Feb at liiiesing lltKlnstt who has been at itahip llortleii has been posted to Ottawa Mrs McKlnstry and iam 1ly are reziiainintt here for the pre sent Howard lxies was called to De tzoitl on Saturday owing to the death of his isteriiillatv Mrs Shannon Ytlis Shannon was Ire quctit visitor at her sisters home here and had iiiatiy friends 111 tlitiesiritf GILFORD ary 20 social evening at the home of Fails Sinclai Fr utk Kell anti Frank Todd were in charlie of the tleplitint sale in the Sunday Lillyitlietime your baby is four months old play pert is prac tically must pictie of equip ment So if yoiicanr afford to buy one get hubby to build one prelcrably one with raised our1tiatkcctulit yabu drafts indoors and cold ground outdoors play pen will look rifter baby for liours atz1 time while you do your work and it will also enable baby rodcvelop his muscles as he likes and in his well Citizenship Cunvener Wiping Luck iIUses own good time Before putting baby and his toys in the play pen placea thick pad on the floor and over ita rubber sheet and thenan ordinary sheer Dont encourage him to do exercises its best to let him handle the Sltfirt and pullingupbnsrricssiiiliistivuvay about the timeynurmhaby lS ready for play pen hes probably also ready for solit loads Here youll find the 22 0varieties of Heinz Baby Foods are rcalMothers Aid Society in thcmselvcy iarcliilly selected orifmm the clioicesr foods cooked to reruin minerals and vitamins in liiglidegree and strained to smooth even texture Heinz llaby Foods are as to swallowdcasy to digest And when yOttrdocror suggestscoarser textured food for baby the 12 varieties of Heinz Junior Foods de wholesome nourishment and tempting flavour for babys menu jn ough Medicine Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup is quick and pleasiint remedy for coughs colds sore throat spasmodic croup asthmanml bronchial troubled i++0vatriiie TRY THIS touieur Do what thousatids are doing to psmingej1eli morning and is bright all day Drink cupfiil ut Jelitious valiinc before retiring vultine acts in three ways to help ring sparkling morning freshness Iirrf1aken Warm at bedtime it fosters sound refreshing Sllp IlilIlll Irvgt Second it supplieyestnmil morn elements to rebuild vitalitwl cvou sleep lmrl itjalso furnishes rmportant The company was divided into two groups Canada and USA and an amateur Sports Olympic is held The USA came out winners with Furis Sinclair as Captain Cake and coffee were scrde at the close Next meeting will be at Shirley lodds The January meeting of the WI was held at Mrs Geo Nesbitts with record attendance Several new members were enrolled After the regular business M155 Roth chargc of the meeting gave very excellent talk 011 Citi zeuship explaining munyx different requirements that are necessary in the makeup of good Cdltdlitll Citizen Miss Marguerite Bell gave an excellent talk on the new Cantr dlun flag Very little if any head way has been made in the last few years in the making of this flag Letters were read from the Depart ment stating they had no data on the subject Mrs Ernest Bell thanked the speakers for their fine talks Jean Nesbitt played de lightful piano solo $50 was voted to the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Fund committee was formed to meet the Hall committee in regard to making some needed repairs to the hull very liberal collectionthsiggyed for the boxes for Britain that are sent every month Mrs Thos Griffiths gave the current events which proved quite Linteresting After the close of very interesting meeting lunch was served by the hostesses WAVERLEY January25 Mr and Mrs Tom Bridges and daughter visited at Jack Horningjs The WAof United Church quil tcd quilts in the school leIrSprnrngunclrhhsr Toronto visited airJack Hornings to guarantee secl The YPU held very successqu crimes which were much enjoyedl lltifililtllHilIPRIER 1lti Slttititirds of ti ea 11 ill Dot lorunto for day Jan 24 Ruth Adel Hospi liier Caith l1zlt George Al Gordon Edward in Camp Borden gt011 of gtl dge ui Vunuoavcr and ll Miixgeiidge lion lajui Footc and Hon il ll 1lxCltat 081 per ty Mrs J1 Hed Mrs John uven away by Pr the bride lwire uniform of the ItCAAlt 2111 service ind cara med bouquet of pink roses and liouvaidza Sbe was attended o5 Nui Si itetnlticely 11131 in unifui LKWl Mmuquet of yelloitn roses lajorll Barron MC was ereoat iati Ushers were tap Shiplcv and Capt Cotil tixli the home of the bride lzti 111tlierreceived 111 coral Ll own with black accents and or little pink roses and blue hyacinths Mrs Shipp ltttlVUtl for the lilUItlll wearing an ltlllt crepe ensemble with bunches of black and Corsage of coral uses For the weddingi trip illoritieal the bride travelled in 1121y toolrliiss with satin trim black Persian lamb coat and black hat with peacock blue feath ers When the couple were leaving gnur irtl of honor was formed iy ivfliuis if Tmtto lVlilt tary hitsiiital and Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Muulgeridgc are ltltlt in Barrie to INNSRICHARDSON lllltllllllsl Unite hurch was the scene of beautiful double ring wedding ceremony on January it ltlltl at 21itlotk when Marion Ultivelyn May tichardsondaughter uf Mr and Mrs Richardson urst was mired in marriage and Mrs kind of Craighurst llev ll Ylemenlsof Mincsinll officiated The bride given in marriage by her father wore floorleiigtlrdress of ivory satiiivith round lace neck joined togethertwill raised siitiii flowers trimmed with seed pearls ller sleeves were fitted with points over the hands and she had ifull skirt with tight bodice and in train llcr lingertip veil was of illusion not caught with coronet of orange blossoms She carried white bible decked with red roses 111111 white streamers coveredwith irose petals Her pearls were gift lW Votes 850 to llospilalFtutdlUf the groom Mrs Frank Reid of Hamilton sistcr of the groom wusvmatron of honor She wore pale blue chiffon with round neck and full skirt and carried fan of pink mums and Wbiitl0iitttfd warMiss Shirley Culhum 0f Edenvale at niece of thc bride She wore dress 10f pzile pink taffeta with round ncck short sleevcsamd full skirt pink roses The groom was assisted by the brides brother Earl Richardson as groomsmunf Ushers were Ivan Cuirnes Midhtrrst and Mel Culham of Edenvtilc The organist was Mrs the soloist was Miss Bessie Lewis of Cookstown who sang Bless This House and Because duringdhe signing1 of the register The reception was held at the home of the brides parents in Mid hurst The brides mothervworea film and black acessorics and cor sage of red roses Thegrooms moth er wore it black dress with figured 21 corsage of yellow roses During the reception telegramwvas re ceived from the brides brother at RdfihkeGiiests attended from Sask Lawrence Scott of Anten Mills and jersey top rind black accessoriespnd January 26 33 ilvjllhlfi itlxl lvau Cruse patient in the RV Hospital l$1lt its 111iy friends wish for it iitetiy rertyczt 1111 and M28 Hugh Donnelly and tu the forniers daughter R11li iii Neiviuatket Funeral Servic Siewr were teaill The funeral service for Wm Reid olLou Innisfil was conducted hv Ree lieS Paisley in the church lliIt IIZl Siiiiirtlay Diceziscd who very respected citizen was well known in this locality cft to llltlllll are his wife the former li1i111 Jane Quuntz one daughter tlIyelvnl Mrs Walter Cole of Aurozht and two sons Clayton and Walter The sympathy of the coiiziuuiiiy is extended to the he re11l relatives and friends hurch Finances in Good Shape The WMS met in the cnurch oll l1ittll Extreme cold and some llllltfv made the attendance small The onlv business was reelectiut all toinier tifllCOIS Mrs Jean Weeks lr Paisley Miss Rogerson lllt Reed Mzs Clarkson and Mrs Stephens took part in the meeting Following the iiicetiite pot luck supper was provided and goodly 1eprescntation of members and church officials attended and par iook of the supper and attended liiltl to matters of the church vote of thanks was tendered to Miss Canning church secretary for her excellent report The for iiier church otficials were all co11 lllttlfd thfthinnelly giving the treasurers report showcd all iii dehtmmgss Lnjd for the pas year stun neat sum in the batik January 26 The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs Higginsoti in her sudden bereavement by the death of her father Lyons Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and Mr 11nd Mrs Dan McFadden spent the weekend with friends in Toronto The weekly Farm Forum meeting was held at tin and Mrs Gilbert McMastcrs last Moutltiy evening with an attendance of 24 including and Mrs Dick Ellis of Melingo Following an interesting Iisctrssion on international market ing acts as related to the farmers five tables of euchrc and lunch finished an enjoyable evening Visiting After 25 Years Mr and ersztxDick Ellis and 5011 Douglas are holidaying with friends here after an twentyfive years Mr and Mrs JackEllis Mr andiMrs George Ellis and Vlr iiiid Mrsi ItiTilfinT entertained in their honor severtil evenings this week matching hat blue top coat and red accessories and corsagc of red roses After wedding trip to Pet erboro Oshawa and points east Mr January 25 Leigh visited ii wifeaitd 111 tliss llelen Anderson was at her home for the weekend Miss Agnes McMahon spent the weekend with her parents The monthly meeting of the Uni ted Church WA will be held at Mrs Leighs Thursday Feb SURELY TUE LIMlT Sir Oswald Mosley with camp following of few hundreds is al ready talking of the day when he will take over the government of Britain Ecomaniti could go no further oo absence of andMrslunnwilrresidcinVCmig hurst She Carried irftm of blurnums and Imperial Life phlicyholder tell llow ma Toronto Barrie Hamillon und Cookslown As travelling costume the bride wore grayEHbardine suit with lVllSS Joan Wood has returned home aftern few months in Mat vitamins and niinerali in allelicyous more natural way or allround health and vigour So why not try Ovaltine starting mugll for morning freshness and buoyant days Pie nutttiisting siifeuaudlective Dr Woodsg Nbrway PinoSyrup takes hold almost instantly It lielpstoloosen the phlegm and mucus aoofhe the irritated membranes jtimitlate the brouplrittl organ and cleultheair passages Wm which at torturous Vforvneorlysoyears 011 patent all drug counters art nutritionalnimiut Toronto my new nlscoll DriYWoods Norway Piue Syrup has been popularvfamily remd glicause you iisuffer distress troin COMPLAINTS nit Sundays milled bydistm of lemurs monthly disturbances which nuor feel so womanly kaut such times Then do Pinkhams Vegetable Comv such mpwml proved heiptuii too 110191de if you regultl Worth frying iNmErObeI tau prefer LYD TA mwllhv oilyrm excell lOn LouGelitlc on the craokers The LQL and LOBA and their wives and husbands enjoyed ti turkey dinner in theilialil on Wed lMr and Mrs Smith Missionaries from Jamaica are visitors at Htfrry IMays Mr and Wiles Harold Lawwn New Toronto visited at ltlrs 1F Ellttsw Congratulations to Mr aiid Mrs laughter arrival of Mr audit131 Jones haVe the Sympathy ofithe communityain the loss of their baby Mr and Mes Cal speritJhe weekend with theDar lbysitd Harold Johnson Montgomeryr Lemopyfluisclous LrtvinEllll01trvHtoLiFrencha11d Allard Reynolds of New Toronto spent the weekend at their homes Several attended the wedding of Bernice Reynolds and Douglas land While playing hockey at Hillsl dale Bob Stacey receivedJ hurt on the headwhich requird several stitches The YPU had skating party at Hillsdale on Wednesday night then school for soupvand returned to nsday night ti inhuman at mm 0qu rmuo tntsnixi gABOUT THISJOINT IS THAT CANT HAVE MY emotion or NUdBEIW or Marlin in1St Marks Churciitiurd Combine meltedshort cntng and 1c light corn syrup hear in eggs Stftrogether sifted allpurpose flour Amps Magic Baking Powder 14 tsp salt add alternately wlth milkand 11 tap vanilla extract to ratmlxture attrith wcll after each nyldt tloil Bake ln2 gresed layer patio rn 350F oven 2530 mln Coolphalve each layer lengthwise maktng layers illomrilngiwglendrdl than Iourvwltlt water to make smooth paste Add water arid corn syrup Cook stirring commut ly until thick ened Beaten yolkr mdimlly add cooked mlx tute coin Re turn to heat cook min Stir in the lemon rind cJulcoSpreadr betweenhyen and on top of mRBDAY JANUARY 29 1948 to keep II in the ice box Keeps in the cupboardlfor weeks Always right there when you needit Its New Fleischmanns Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast1l1e modern baking discovery mtggives you delicious breads and rolls in quick baking time No dashing oil to the storEanhastminuFustkeep supply of NetvneiSChmanns Royal Fit Yeasrhandy in the cupboard Use it as you need it IF YOU AT HOMEget Fleischmanns Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today At your grocers surem 11 It verylimportnnt pointall of us willgrec And the Slat Annual Report ofTe 7OMEANIJLIANADr the measure of the Companys service MfByithoshfety offers nywivesltnd mothers =During 1947 The Imprial Lifcpaidt policyholdertcnd benecinriegi$8052000 Over the pint fty years JemmmmgpfmmchgveHenmadm Toivotnen inparticulauhc security of the familys life assurance isrof rsiflinporftancp It means not justmoney when neededrbut guarantee that children will be brought up 71 iipliiuned in theWarmth and peace of this borne In safekeepingnovr with The Imperial Life are merit amounting to $146559000 held in trustrfor the future care and protection of over 100000 policyholders andtlteirloved ones These assetline laceriincregned duringthepaat year by $87830001an indicationcuhceo iheld by thousand in the security of The Imperial Life the type of innit who calls onme says the professional nun Qualifiedcornpctntblcervioo is tradititm of Imperial Life coworkers now numbering more than Agenu and ofce stuffs undergo thorough course of training Many representativpsholdthedegree of Chartered Life Underwriter CLU Ottohundredfutl tvrentyfve members have been With theCOmpany quartetgcmm ViiviBy thdprob the Coinjidnyiis matting LA allgiime record of 869553000 ofagsurancefws purchasedahroukh The Inputhm Would you like returnable tiboutidiomurerneml of lmperlal life Slicigurer qubted were taken nun the Annualllgpoftiof ggritpany outgrew ti maplet reportzwill be hunirbcd on torturing rcnkerCltlm gt whklte lclrm omruns Kw lt tut51947 Policyliolderttaliepritlnthefactilhlheiitmtcggbjljn forceiin their ompny$4862790909i3 times the totialyvthat exiited intlta wholiiolciatiirli inc companion the titer The Imperial Life was founded Sityenrragol 1i THURSDAY Luring jtgtttl here it my pa peytkid Quay5 ix ltlllily Joyce evening 12 votional itilh Topics lIvans 11

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