Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 25

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RIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 51943 PAGE SIX ma BARRIE EXAMINER BAR STEWART PAGE gators Llisaiiiii ANNUAL REPORT ffleNNUAL REPORT 15qttili and put Breeders Citib arth inning pivjCl Ht rt clubs Years intuitions on fly pruieci ptnrg Culldiilliu ii Crop 11 zgtnali3li seed politio Gilli 50bu lieu club Variety Continued from page one Continued tiritil page the grains10x Vii LiS prevalent mi from one citxl lttl of our utilw iiie adequately and effectively AGRK llllfltjil CON DilloNS Iluzi and Grail ciiiis llillfuacd commllnli pasture ciilisclhitluii 2t junior fallzlti Ls boys nix boys and gin and exhibirg ii chi it strut 1I illl itlvlLCZLLl lflx slml DC lt fans plowing ilialchcs noon llOllliiil yields iicy new cziip Lanzcl Zhligttl with lid cIiVcImil The late cutting llfil or llt cxi In HI wliul llllll gt=llh3l010l ls ii xiii ml Evy Gm TTAAT tt ii gtIiv tt LIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIII IFIU lu nouns ll the iii ll Pipe iiiliircn in care numbered iii Li iLxiitn iis nudity exccl 01111 till ll Hid TU LL Lisl illiti lliiillltllttl ll Ctll lll liliill lllltl tii lll 1941 T110 010 1003 lis Hill Lblu 10 mmf lull slim ff fill unjj IllII1If lit Ilbjplifl5 mflmh 11 stump IIII Ilmf ml 34 JGI 11yIiIII vmmm III llL ltlvnlttl Xtlllrlll 11 l5 lltiililcil solcly for your convclllciicc and comfort liii ltlgtlllf serum for him iips quite Sillisfltltil 111 Si uilitiicr miitilliolis uIilc ttillA cirncii llll lNCOMF lllr inctiiiic of our flrcrlt ucd upward throughout the Iliiltlliii built to unmarried pui unis llillllllllld 1111 in 1939 313 llli litill and 320 in 1947 Adoptions worn lucrcascd from lllin will to ii in 1947 Mr Nilpll lull described this as one of till3 most satisfactory features of illVl work liiggcd fur lliLi plum irnosi iradc on gtlllt li lic totinqco iriwcrs of the New to 2W0 whim so lutil iIcJ iiltltic lltlt acrcs awful Hit of no of lllltvtllltii rriittii mis Iwn turd lriitiliccis an cxccj glad Innr yield 111 il figtiil quality llltl nice all DOLE repiliz prices lllilli stllkc We lizl iililioiliy zz to lrcctcd id drop gtc lion Iiilirill but tlic lict income is certain lit ltxs than 111 1946 This of churn title to The increased Cost II II 10 IiIL labor lillll$ gtCllC5 lllilClllll diiimi llmwal mains gtltlllzc binder twine fCilll WUHHH nix ccli ciiilcclliintcs iced bulld lll 193 there was an office iiii Barric and illrcc social workcrs Brnncliis Wcli optnod ili 1943 iii Midland and Orlllizl By 1917 there tli lllllt social workcisi Sfl Ciniglas lillcsl illlll iicwrsl slolc is llllltgt ill illdlUUlv ll HH Hillilwk IV lxlwm MW mm 1qu iumd blillliLlLii dilllldllklh lidmgnlfl gmumler Purim 101mm mm i1 su so ti iiiliis lIlliil riniii from rm pmplc ha0 llmnmwn hmmmgum handily Owlmlusl few it itii We ilimis list ol llm hi on tho soiltli sliln ol thtlllllmlll bl DuuulRukLlelllaLlUJLAOLlllsLt WA It III 17 lL tidy iiiiiouiicio food II II II iIiIIIlIIII III IlIIII IIIIIIIII mm Gm BximIII lung LAfs iiiIiIoit iliutIcI hplttt RtItt Ioiiic in lillllnt it our stallol highly iii li litliibllill lil lllltlmd PM 01 lll or View Mbolmkd if dmml lllllltl niclrulil iolilcil till olwlionl llf ini was icspollsl or most of II Forum Pmhmnnpouhn lllllif IIl Uilfxnfid Md 0m mm the child ncglpct Mr blapliizilil sympalllctlcally tillircslcll ill the problems oitllc iii to llllllt 111411 loiil iissumticc of ii high iiililllhl gtllllll liltlli would appear however that if IIIlIIillIlIIItliI IlIIlflIIFS3L3IlIlIil liiiiil ll liciiriilg uiiiciii or ii chat about your living mm Im mm l1dICIlIIIII Eu MI II IntII iur inrnicrs arc not content to ac if L1 lfli hmm th fur hmrinu uh ICPHiFSOHicc III III BI Ihf II IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIW II reduced inwmc 1m only Ip IUIuIIIlt IlllIlIIle Ildb IllbIlIhIl IL In ltc ON in mpmpi tu iLlp1Iftn snth the right HI 1c ll NIL Mm more tlfllll is lllClCilSLd voliunoI of II II II or nllllliis 11 tso ltllllllgillls or on II il II insiliil iipiis lil will wild sltdltl llllldUClIOIl Iflllllllrlgt0l voul llltlrlllilpI1nI ll5lIttllttlnd paIvstou bumx mum IImmmm Wm NI Igor mm um Clrcmnslunces ill illiltk If DII niorc profitliccuusc chicks lmucml Imd WWI IIIUm ll llxldllill farms will no doubt James Hart til Birrlt Erinsit You on olillguchwUIht mull Malitlyoucan need less of lllaiclilords might in KIWI medmg dictate which policy isprzlctlcal Mllltl of Colduatcr and llltllII lii blllt oln llicllilly wlcnlilc ma min Wds llll ll Nlllllill 41l5r 1948 ll 5km hem mounting cost MOI when Cumin quid FARM LABOR SITUATION wclfarc work and wanth to know II 9I wath Surplus mm DUMB III mm securing of experienced and if there was any means of getting Our ltlrpionc InuitIr rcnuuhs lic srIIIrwliLglIt 264 II itoimiil subnuiiiiiii lcci zclillblc iariii help is still oneoi the nu5 reduce the 110511 up present economic coll lliilJllr problems and It is likely to pm minus no not likely illlltci1CIIlilllllollullllc Mr Napllu 1W many LlliliI armors and Licttiil At polish veterans are number of cases it was found that than avcrugt 1itlllgtll ibility rlll my enmiuwd in South SimcocI clilldrcInIin carc now were in such knowledge isIrcquiied to earn the iiiajoiily of these are giving 1051110 bltllllSC llllCl lllllll llmlmll Qllwlill ICflfllllllblb gllUd SutlSlilLllOll IOtlIIMsIIOI flIlfI5 hffl befilllanCIRI mm It he number or me Supplied LCIU YR in He uni lulltlilfi the above oililliic of mini western Canada 1011911 mm The IIlIlc Itlllldliil IoIf gtncgleIcIthdiI Foryour Cbnvenience cutil1lmnltlll0 ICiloll lllLiliHUl the harvest was OlIll 20 9f the palm Ll 11 no of iiIr Page IlllClllflLLIl summary of iltlillbLlII of applications received at Clllldlltll Ll CllCflI fQI Illll lllCIlOllOVlllfa lllllltcts and guir our oillcc This was most disap WWI Ollld be l0 IllkCllllOUd other modern wellstuffed AI1II5ILIIFDllIIIllllI IIlOFFIlllIlilICtl millions for 1917 pointing ulldllIlSJlOpCdllILilallllLll999199lll9WQUMl Acouswhmcesm v= faIrm icincd Itchd Will IJlllllolI work IBoyIs illld OiiIlstlan Will be devised next year to blllltt ChlIldrcnI lllIlIOIdlllC fonild that In located In me fOHOWIIIg lughcr dlgcsubdu iIisgiirfIn bettersupulyof these farmI become uni com IIIIIG IIIIIN Lwfa II TI For Sale By branch in Simcoe caliliood vaccilii ur Umce received considerable After the Simcoe County Coun Willi tlieI worlth tiniest lmtliry and the Jones Allenwood llion milk testing service laitzuuassistancc from the Form Sewicc cil passed recommendation lot HAMILTON flarcrlli ll lilllllrIllllS llll Ilmlng grown Co Ltd Barrietxegistration service bacon carcassl Force in filling applications The grant 580000 to the Childrens Aid my inslrumcniis so sinallfsi light so nnnipuci rye radford shoivs hog pizoduccrs organization nuijority of the men placed by that Society they unanimously adoptl 116 ymS Hi pm10ml Clincmll CCmlmmvidwyvll Cunilicar and meetins deinoiistraiiun hog inic ii To or no cx ericncc ed resolution czillin upon thc 33 05 ll 0415 comprom lncnnsplizuomy core productionsalarms bull prcmiumi liriculturtcl Due no dgllbl to provincial gotcriimentlo assumi KITCHENER Umam Cockburn Store pom bacon 10 club potichl the houginir situalio upbm can 30 per cent of the cost of main sec and hour with the New Acoustical Humid Fred webswr CFCillll lllOdUCCl nssociatioil trcs marribcd men iere iiidre eas taming childrens aid societies II 49 King Street East Ionic in for altltllltllllrtlllo or pllmwl MWE Aiihil BI Allan IIIIIIIIIIII kI it one in your own liolnc For more information Oliver Wilson vitamist dint IlLcLliiiiii iiiiispltinolmiiliiies lillflnsljfaliilllxlenltllll Feb 1t Re LONDON lull CO1 N0 Illlllllll 01000 fd 70 lid Immnal 11 re If A3 I5 IV 214 Royal BOHkIBUtldlng II GII MCICanthsh IaiIiCIcpIi iiIIIIsIrc IIIIIIIILIII IIIIIICIIII IIIIIllRIhIriLizlliltgfalgfl bar can IaIpiI f3IZIIIOOSxIOV01 OTTAWA II Harmon Bros MmuId any ducmong Lain OI $201 IM X3 hd do Bell Utopia I10 Inc 09ng VSYIIIIQWI OI lllgwoo SI rOII IV lh CT Room 210 85 Sparks Street will dSt 5pm CW llgllepflhlSWillln89vllllcll iirill Sigtiolilnmly 3323613 OWEN SOUND mom II ii have to be llrivem some attention 833 Piranhm ym FREE book VFW mm wmh II mums hoe Lb findIIhe venue 05f ImIrIIIasIIt OWIAcojntlconlmptnul dolulII In talking ThgLCY to my farm File problem pETERBORO lmd Ml WWW WI LIVESTOCKI 754 sedan Street nm wuy ROLL WIT Plllduollon 0f market h0g5 cat plANT Numo TH CI and lmnbs was well maintained STOKES SEEDS WINDSOR during thciyear When feed Sub 7l0 Ccincido Building fllllVCmv Addmi mites were removed and feed p11 7lllfl CCS allowed to advance there was Wrileiodaylor your FREESiokas llljmWIQfltlrltal decidedincrease in he marke Quality Garden Seeds Caialogue lm lurlllgftldsI of sows This will no do It 100 illustrations II WI II TIP HEADLIGHTb says the Ontario Highways Depart vers and passengers Such oour SPECIALLYDESIGNED ronsiderable reduction in poultry flocks and correspo de crease in Fall egg prod ctiorifmf Our breeders of caI and hogs ciijoycd profitable year in the sale of iplireblcd1iVestock Prices continued to bc ighlysatisfactory despite the fzic they were noton the whole qu ashigh as year ago This was particularly true of prices pai atauction salcs Bice Idcrs of oistciiis are still finding an cxco lent market in the UliitedI reduce the output of hogs in 948 Slim extra cost of feed airydusted ing STOKES SEEDS LIMITED gentleman at the wheel always ment is not mere traffic etiquette teous conduct on the streets and Some naval vessels have tonbe de StICatharines Ontario Canada tips this headlights when Imeetjg Dimming headlightsis an essential highways marks gentleman for signed with narrow enough pass through the Panama caImL aiiother motorist at night This safetyrIule for the good of all dri lady401 life II go number were purmsed limWOllf bTOOdelS by American 777 NW The mshionable blood lines aildtlie highwacurd of peir IlOllllililCC found in most of our Holstein herds continue to attract buyers from other countries Easy to roll Following the albtive summaryof WCUlula mndmonsr Mr LaSh lOYS rePort listed details of the 73 Requires IasIL0cal Representative The person chosen from this district should be rst and Iforembst Imamof integrity With some eXperience in investmentmatters and have thexability fto judgeIIcomparative values in securities IIA wonderful extra reason novII fot serving your Ichildrelitheir favorite cereal And maltyptich honeygolden PostssGiapeNuts Flikes give themIsuch really grgndhouzishmem for school and Thin loan oppbttunity to maintainan active and remunerativev interest lnthe nancial affairs of this countrynow facing the greatest growth in its history Itishould appeal to retired or Efsemipretiredbusiness or professional maa Wishing to preserve his can initiative in the matter of demands ondhis time and energy HeI Would have the supportIahd personal counsel ofIa distiicb representative welltrained in analysis Of investments His play yams for energy protins for mus phosphorusfoi teeth ade bones iron for the bloodignd other accounts of sufcient importance to merit suchIattentionwouldI II menuth elemqu II sewehave benefit of InvestmentMIanagemnt Servrce if sodesiredr Reaayftgie so easy to 3th VEFuu SQtiScalvselVic arqmaintained delicious and nourishing Gt Posts The adveniiier afrm established more thanIZSyears isacoiii GrapeNm 1939 comic books ng fiziftfilshliiiph gzwciimiafig alignta 911 lt7 Ir youngsters at II amemberoftheInyestmentDealers Association of Canadaand the InVestmentBaligrs Association of America All the advantages 70f membershiponThe Toronto Stock Exchange and the Montreal IStoqh Exchange areavailablethrough an afliate organizatiiin rmativo will be treated Replies which should reasonably ifo 45$ Buysovdroiofithucfneoon II EORLAIrlIMHEQDMEQQNU new thivslestyngsat Ijuniussortmontnf comichook he agree Gin III II

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