North Stmcoe Crop VVVVV Improvement Plans tamarime CHmPBfllj VJ VV VVVVV VV VV VI VV VV VVVVV up IV 39Vmifl ld Cl tsa AV VVVVVV FOR us ER MORE venom VVmll iVVV VVVH AV wic six unload of patpo qd NW SmVW SjVlll Im 5mm fur Nmlywms rs Bilf of BulfJ 11 134 vt shippcd to Liuhd Stanx and thr Vt ed lL 7V if ummV VH HV vista larjot Hm KUle cl ii following ll there ilt it mm friend or raw loads llus 3cm to lulc clgut THURSDAY FEBRUARY ma Tm BARWRIE ONTARIO CANADA Kantzatluu Ht 134 ll lEHo llltlt VVVV UH UAH UV V31 mv tl tll1 win uanj ho iful unfl Mn 1de 1331 mph oft VI VV VVIIIl Mr at Baxter run carloads ll1lVk lmu shutpm lime in the VOVilllLL clttx lin vltllillzl wits of wont Sunday ll llt are UIClVH for topic and +113 lllllhtl under the direction and itlc bill ll illit MclAan littpisburg liolltl live tmirts for Llllulllcl nine can 300 it EoMm dfltl lHlVHL MI pVVI RI 311V cuppa 51ml Presbyterian Elects fltrers gt 1mm 11 The lrtso ltlc Aid loansVmGVg VV ma VI ll ct York ltllllbylxlzlllii and New Jor and said thv Varsotiation had proved lltlltlllllll to llltVl tzttch Serious llrt heckcd 311 lb xi tl hlitl VWM lltu Igucri lxil had LtlHl 11 Sunday Vb IA held their al tacctini Ici til WV II kw gt on lll nazm liltUEt and fty lllc ltllVlI tV crltwl lllv Whig VIN 01111 In Mi ml Al Donald itiqozistlti llt on Liptl mount uxlzttmg lpudinv ltLllltuigt HITIKVIL Ll IV illnl ltfll lil Llllll 3251 11 Mrs llouusouu avc lilft it Vtmmlw ll All hm tor of the past your work Offi the Lie lhuiern 1W3 Asst lLl ccrs for the ensuiiy year Worcqu maria at the Aunuai lctinl IV VV ml1 elected follows Pres Mrs All 5lttitiliiltgtll licld ltiroato Raw 15 Viccan My IV VIVVVVVVHVVV ti and Mus lntt llunar qau Mpg 5ttl VV vl tH Trim 11 Jllv noun intHun If ilw IV fhrlmulm 51M Vvao INS thIV ml 15 lump Mtlml Mi5 JUVVV mum D41 KW mj Tlmlm Vltflfltllllit VtV Will 13 Cld5 Vtgtr for the Mauulmttlrtrs llftflllllly atlcutitxl lllt silver tllllll mxld hill ltn Vt Applications llin non lllllil ll Mm may Vi VV or mm lillViVllltltltl f15315Illa Ntiitm mm md Mrs Iw nunh Burl lll Lot uni tooa for mt Spillltgllam at to its In Vh lL lltll in mid lu lump of or It nw pm lotorl Generalllospilal Siluml 143 ex rIaIH Ii rum tum IIIII Hour laughter ll Varicn tltV tor Norm4 Nursing lgt inVi our Von AV it 14ij my lllllltlV turnr lVHIlll you at as hymnY VVVLVWVKVK Hr MVI MDV Vttl lltl tors Wtrti Vllls l1l ulcu lllllltl thtu olhc luv11min oV oycs SIWIVW 1de IV WW Ln IQIIWHHUWI HIUUvam VII IVd Yawn BVVV mm mm ro trccchtly til London ltliurlgt Milllllllliillllll illllllllll TH EMA Ver VWH VV January It at Shclswclls Mr and Mrsgl mural VtothVthHHl Willltl VilllVV VMwmhx Emlml IVLIVIVIIVI Mr and Mrs otiptr and Den lltllll Sampso lnrouto and iVligtI umv dillHRH HUHW lwltlllu lt5 Mrs Link pcnl ft Iaut day ttlttlV llll ll up oh la 4a Vlt May Hr Ross lltlltV ylsllttl ltlatlJtnx ilil VIVI up up IVIVlu UfIV or gm Urilha uul Toronto itccrvly Haul lou Vlil Sunday with Trir lllilt oi Mr and Mrs ll Lyons allil childl Wild Imequ 31 md Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recpvered For Free Pickup And Delivery Call Lowe Sons Phone 4363 lvrcp Estimates lll loronlo lllt lwnlnaiug of thc M1 Ml Iis 3lh mbm tends in TinUm AllSrl Audity and hour IllLean Slllltrilllludtt NUVWV VII tcck Vllll hzr daughter Florence llflvllltlll lath tllll lll1l1mI ml tILllllJl and Don Rogers at their home VMrsVJ lnlar lCd mud VIVVV IlK llCNllllAl Sympathy is extended to Mrs taIll gI II II Ispcu Friday lll Toronto We are ur at DItkt lltss laraI iiojomnmmnon lltlSlllAl mm wwmwug Hkilllul to ttlttut that Kul was ahch lllitli NtWS at lnr llUIIH Woodstock Ontario hcr lll in ltllulllllrllltllil iHmw Iipl IVIVIth 10 loTavc llu Hal rcum mem Cm BVVOW Tm lop winch was broken omo mouths VA Road Pxamm IESSfMS IllipwclI and Herman llarvcy wcrc SI wd Im II 11 mI atOrangcvillc curling last wcck CMVUIVVVNIVImm In My DDde illltlltll sptut Sunday lam uith lr cud lr lllllllltlll Paul Huh Who CllSDlINd 8m MIL birthday anniversary on Jan LVll MR ml Mm DmmV pVVH CINIIIV MlVMId MVVSNVllen IFVVVVVAVER spout lucsday with their daughter Alla htllbw lifnvntiqlfsnz Mrs ll MtMastcr mmm Will 15 MISv Glilllllh TUIWHU Shem For 5pplicalion papers rritc lllreccc was llnlno mm camp lVlHlIVIVIVVVVlVIleVViVVlVIVlV1Vt VlVlIIInIIcVIVIaClIflI lotdon for few days and Ben trim ll ll llllllt spout Monday and rccce is home front Montreal for VI after the birth ulna son Baby rc mains in the hospital for time Enlertained Husbands The met lhursday night at the home of VMrs Reynolds when husbands were entertained Misses Cora Copland and June llntllllll Gordon Beswelhcrick and l1lsxuo 189$ If it Cod Bm ther Lisle and Mrs Blake llaiuil TILVYVITL1Vll V1VtmVv ton Becton were guests of Mrs 19Vcllql915gnI ill WV Mine Inst wekV Vlands wLVie tliss VaViaiVVS lght ant Hmde mp0 mm MR John blight of ooksanvn and Barker is home front Newmarllc The evening was spent playing bingo and cuchre For cuchrc la dies lst Mrs Sutherland tucu iliuy Dixon lowVc Kncc IVV Shaw and Edgar Kneesha Lunch was served GUTHRIE VsurttltmumtlspnviwuuhttuuaV Mm AVG Mm Federated Farmers met at Gordon Clarks on Jan 21 They had question box and Allan Bmen of DulstoriaJenresentative lot fHVJuorFmrs was the speaker For the next meeting at Wes Caldwells Feb 11 Mr 001 dic is to Speak on pruning and grafting of apple trees and there will be question box Hostesscs are Mrs lMel Hastings Mrs Mcl Jamieson tMrs GeorgeVSinclair and RADIO REPAIRS PROMPTCOURTHOUS EFFLQIENT SERVICEW Barrie ll Eldridge and Mrs CI Vj Helen on Sunday also called on Batcs spent Tuesday in Barrie visi tingr the lattcrs daughter Mrs lal liter Billy Moir returned home on Saturday last from the Wcllcsley limpital Toronto where he under went serious operation All wish for him speedy recovery NEW LOWELL Februpry Misses Mary Mathews and Mar jorieVSwitzer of Toronto spent the weekend at their homcsvltere to armers 300W Don McKay and family of Barrie visited Mrs Thomas Bates and Mr and Mrs Don Du Mr and Mrs Wes Bates and famV ily have the sympathy of the com munity when God called their in fant son home He lived just six shott months with them Jesus said Suffer the little children to come unto Me SHXETY BAY wawu February Weekend visitors included Miss Ruth Marlin and Bob Wray at Mrs Heroward Martins Tom Bell at Wm Brooks Joan Taylor with her parents GRADE EDlll VSlL IX 99 filiill s33 Punrwrroun 37 $125 OF QUALITY CIRCLE BRAND GRADE LARGE 15751 EDVGEBKOOK BRAND doz 47c GRADE LARGE BLIYEBELL BRAND VGVRADEVVA MEDIUM dozf46ci uASlLE BRAND GRADE PULLETSVV doz 45c Minnv coon Vnoorr micron VAUigMEMIMA PLAIN aucxwurn PANCAKE FLOUR IEEHIVE 0R CROWN IRANDv 34c conNsmuraVi WWW 1V 1thWohlenStillsiliLutgusponsoIfd TED OAKS itltellsfliifiifyLwheelfillLy 3h In 44 Essa RdAllqndale PhoneV3609 tlhev lllzllzicelhtclV Bigifill lllcrlrlorigl VV Loblaw Qualety BEEF tLl Repcrs on all it Hls $351310 Commission also HARRY HORNES DQUILE CIIAM mens 50mm lt74w vvi vim Showede750mldVlgApicmmsv Electncal Household Appllances which were very much appreciatch Vand enjoyed by all chum 0F MUSHROOM PURE VOL lhuu WING SlllLlllVll mnnmnmnswn lt LAVINes an cannon tum llN TOMAYO sAucn SIllGlllll gate 13 CLEANING pasr WSTMNLESQDLIMDLCLEANEIL PANTREE VV lbFL VA Vtyv VEGETABLE VVOL Inz3 wy AYEMIR SOIJ cums METMHVMOWOSKUCE VV anmcorsWBen 31c nmnmims xgkfF77L11b51 umr 5t CHOICEOUALITY VV ROAST cturntmoummuk4 wax nmms 20er527 EACH 01 SHOULD MK us 1133643 WAKE PAPER VVV Hm momma 29 Vnta ulcr RIDVIIV mmso wrlll soniuu as VV CK 77 Mle 9011 FRESILSIIOULDEBS soar mum 27 mm Macao it 47 orms 15c VJVAI iIV Vi IV cum or TOMATO 10 PORK BEANS 31 LZPVVIlni 21 SEAROCK STANDARD VV FOR FLAVOUI VV V7 Hi Vi 77 V7 7V7 ngl 29 APPEEFORDS FOOMAVER VMV tlggorrlh zzc FORAHEALTHYIREAKFAST VV TfCkoice PORK CutsV WV IOINS Elm cultsarmors IbiJc Hit outerwear cm cw VV V3 VV JOUAKIR OATS VlV 75 VENT THEmVooo AMY comm V4 MAPLE AF Vnn=rri gitH52 mmetmoe mew If rumour rum son at mm 7mm rlllVAVcllUM PACKED Vml Er ammmmsrowzcs13a ONTAltIQ pox VW Mama VV V6 VV VV SWEVET Juicy SEEnLEssV 1jannmnuqnium mannatural lie19c co unnecmmmcpumo lt swnnnrcxmsvnm Wm Lcn N0 moreldafhing dQW he oratelasr suinuAthuiromlep Moons nossmun GRADE BA nit65c 01 V1133 Vmirlute Nowwith New Fleischmanns Royal VV DOG IV VII COFFEE 155 mum 13 leggmz an 55 ake an Vtime no refrigerationkeeps fresh in the cupboard VV for wekSVValwaysrightVthereVWhenVVymi neeVd in VV VV VV VHV ultws rum lt baking results IFYOUBAKE ATHOMEV wHIrE oWHOLEWHEAT chcltiotwunro order months supplyof IVIew Fleischmanns LOVILVAWV GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED jVoVNrAmS unholy QualityPlus EVcVonomyV VcANAoAjo on on Hi mums gt man Royal Fast Rising DryV Yeast today