ii rtV BARRIE mum mars ONTARIO cums Quota Club ofOrllllu ERaised $12358 Isponsoring Leap get Dance in the Armouries at ri la rai thdi fur me prepOSEd new con WV Me This We which sunWOOL WITH or irt32 VVV SllliilV1 MEL mllYLON lClub Vand all net proceeds from Barn this dance will be turned over to VA Lovesly Hostess Gown lSimcoe Presbyterial Tiaday Jt 27 with VP icgur from Lodgtii England 935m 01 the mnd An ad Ki IIHVIVIVHI of SOWVIIV in to 24 54 demng 0f vertisement on the theatre page IIVLltI mm SUIxxIfineIol this issue Will give full particu wanted yarns with ollrs teiatne the pelt Spit akt Sumi in tltll presided Mu tgt UptHKtl by Mrs KvliV 47 Muttgt1 2k ullt rising Maura known Hut llltlYlilgtliil fttlr 2w ing tho lop tyin lzlttlt ti in up llllill as thtz piululml uh llfnl Vlzlx ftt it Hun cent l$gtllv of luno Magazine Zl Ilcalul tltllltl of llllftl llt urd the lltW presidents lVVV QT Im Ell Sf dGWS WMS it is ntelt tria tics lacs 3112 anywhere from underl Ddlghu Parsons Barrio con BARBIE work re Frances Willard which Ni tripI vamp Sondra IM 1cm tl up seven ottht Mrs Cochrane 126 Hayfield was the theme throughout reports VV Hnmdnmg round NV plan yard are four times as The WMS of St Anderws SIVV opened her Imme for me Feb by pmvmces being taken by may loan Psalm and emphasizing tlu V0 blips Of 5ll1rVLhlrCh held denghml at the ruary meeting of the WCIU Mon present 11 NW NW illtlfll PUThmne Mcxmnon day afternoon Mrs Irwin sang lovely Solo tum Lima Thursmy hum3V Miss King led the Worship ser lhc hostess served nice lunch tintHuts yirc received from ll rm VasxVeved from Vice and gave thoughlful mes assisted by Mrsl Dohan and Mrs llt2l the recording scrimtarE Tm WW 1195 the PDNT Clmk D951lte adverse sage followed with prayer by Mrs Millward Unit ut ltllihll cloths lllllSlvl ther conditions goodly number Mm 39m tinted or prtwessed in the normal were present ll dccidctl that the executivt AerVIerln9x and VVlm Adams 10d Barrie Examiner subscrip Wultltl tollllllllt to Willt letters toj 36$de Ws um me milkl ML AV Mcxmnon and drs In DOmFTmMVd Veplr or 11 37 pyable advume at s1 lrllllllll All ill tl int Vlhltht VV VlVrichththfljnV VvVLhilj Hill IVltruanlVlft the Work from Sumo0 Ctiuntv VtI of decorative fabrics as well as MoCuaig received at the door VV xA Cured no II VV VHIV hiatus and childiens dressesllelelon MES COWJJL Allltll lVl hilt tVVlV tllV allV VVn lilim Vt Vi VVVVVV Vt st thVaaViilt HVLlllglyflgjlllzillwlIm The PWbim 93s by POW VV xll ll ltl ll ll uilvmVmg II Wm hem of ham WV LV Sman MrSV Le Gear cuk shirts and tropical suits andldud Rawson Mrs Vl lainow lt in lll gt tilllll of wr Wm VV VVl VV llllitlltl tropical apparels has Mrs ll McCaw Mrs Camer 40 my man mm on out of HHV SMVHVVVDS NV US impVSSiblo rm Cllll JV cum and Eur8V hr ll give connlcte reiort 21qu whittics had Icvcocdcd thdir alltl ttlull inst Incl it had failed to Am BAD mam rcatll Va and one doubled the allol lnmmdorl mWimr mm and In my ImKImpIHI An old Enghsh saymg has Vtinpiiztaiuc of laying our gifts at llu MVIVVIIH WV arly suitable for use in weav navnlrd lhr lllt iurt llll tu up or was this put the Hit llillig llial llllgttlzml lllt in llll urtt thV VVVHVVVVV IVVVVVIV VVHV hm TVIVVVV SVVV VIVIVVVVVVVVI IVIVVVVHVIVS lht Sou lVlrleZVtr Sulphur tziiu Alfiml liartkzinlum ouidnt Vl ilbl PltStllL chestras llllll1ltr mail to Vint to li psiivr players wlt lVllllllllL illcll in ill gin nu ttl for Violinist all the lll$$lllll1ill$ who had enter thp Ulllgtlllllf Ilmd praytrV after which slt um mmmi Thv which simply nl llHItl ordinar miapu lawn suggested ily llr ol the largest ltaotism class In tuari lllltllllli Ulltlllllt il Tiliulj tlu luuzi Vlltillll on January 17 by llm ll llV llowtlou Ipllm to lltN dormitory tor luionto llu tlillditu Izaptixttt north llll lhc treisurcrs report brmi ht taste or Christmas so many happy 411mg Lu cu All lllLllll Mm Him HWVHI forlh lltlllly 1ppffmscAwlililTlTDIORmeIMclmh vantswhm have 38ti llallon St Ihiuglaa llln lV1 leVm 1h 511358 hm hm it Saturday Jan 24 W48 Dals nm Sound gallon for mslmng mum IIUIIWIVI SI Mm mund liult is slat8 over tho In UnImI Chum parsonagu mosLV unhappy night full of mares llththll rstInt llll lhinlop HV no hmmnd downs where the Rev Pcllcy officiat 01 lHdlgeSton this wlll be giyon to the burlduig funds of the dooth rosulcnce allwm who Vernon ROSS pom03V Upper Apartment cd wasthc scene of very happy n1 ronlrastuig oltu tloSSttl ptll 81 lil1lllull tlilford llonson HS hm lapg ml lillt drupuu to Bdm 15 mgh hm son of Mr and Mrs Forbes VV JVIIVSV VIVIMW Hm VIVVIVIIHIKWV VVVVV VWNHVIVVV ML SHIN in at honour and the hospital atVln was mmm In marriage to Mary 1le Rmha lvullutwtl Sl name oftirli shades no urnlost dm hlSLmU MCClm dilllhlel 0f VIVme gIV yV1I 1pm mm lem Um Vllflyll le mnlmmnf XV Mr William McLean and the late lltllt lltill liuth llflltltlll lrmVHVNVMlmlltnwmon Mrs McLean of rincc Edward its tllutalltul that as many mince pics 83 you lingtsit beauty lll Va hostess gown 151 lm VHHV Vm mhl sparked ttitliiitghI shoulder bows ml lltillllw lIamV at John WE NEWIll our MAN hayiu road the most mission rv WEARING lVWHWS flVleVVMm V51 llltlll snoth lwlyn II rm MIN MrV and VVIVVVVVVt hlaud oidon lmbts brotherof AT NVSIVJHVIVIVHVV lhV Vrciort of all the officer frund of the bride MISS Blanche showed that each one had been ac quIun was bridesmaid live in her own particular spherc Am the Cpmmonv about 20 IVVOSI1 secmmrys Ve relatives and friends gathered of port was particularly interesting homo of me mom where rs crciuc Bullantvuc of lo ulhng of the many and voted it Cumwd weddmg luncheon the groom was groomsman and WV VVHW HVHNWV Mrs llillon Swan woro baptized km Jill 51 Th flll lltltll lltllttll Allan Watson MaV lltl Joanne lohn llonald and Dor wyn David gnui WE ARE THE PEOPLE IE TENT AW TEL4314 NlNG CO irmtifrrVESTRY MEETING HELD Spoils Sleep Tonight Surprisingl fast Vatronol works right Where trouble is to open up your clogged noserelieve stuffy transient conges tion Youll like the way it brings rclicf NOTE Vatronol is also grand for relieving sniffly Vsncczy distress ofhcad colds Follow directions in folder MONDAYV um 26 warmno RECENT TESIPROVED this simply greatVtorelive PERVlODIC routo lcclurtd at lhc Womans As sociution of Central United Church on January 37 llor address was based on group ltlllllt and pro gram suggostions Sho also Vgavo Vi sonic useful cooking hints About 70 ladios utuuied Mrs Arthur Boyd gave reading and Miss Kathlotn Owens providod music v4 The vestry Vuiccting Vof Trinity Anglican Church was held Janu rimW the final official function of Rev llmydcn before departing for Toronto The rectors report was read and it showed Vawicfinitc spiritual ad vance in all departments Mr Howdon concluded his report by bespcaking for hissucccssor the same cooperation and support that he had rcceivcd The statistical report indicated 500 families on the parishlist 1450 calls including sick visits 24889 communions received aver age Sunday attcndaVVntc 320 Col Lcc church warden pre sented his1cpoit which showed that insurancc had been increased by 835000 Thc financial report was read and adopted tivitics of the societies throughout the courtly but showed that the local correspbnding secretary should he more accurate when sending in her report at the end of the year The Presbyterial will be held in ollingwood early in May Afternoon teawas served by the hostess assisted by members of Col licrSt and Burton Ave auxiliaries FOR BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH IAN ACTIVEYEAR The annual congregational meet held in the basement on Jan 27 was well intended The meeting was opeheapynv Carder with short voerVlgp service after which Pughw appointed chairman for the evening Kelcey acting secretary read the mlllllleSOf the last congregat ional meeting and Blair Clerk of the Session gave very fine re port of the work and activities of the church for the past year The church treasurcrs report showed receipts of $420025 and balance of $500 on hand at the end of theVycar ErMcFaddeu gave the reportVfor the Missionary and Maintenance Fund Miss BessieSpcarn reported The grooms gift to thebridc was gold necklace and bracelet set to the bridesmaid pin and carrng spt to the groomsman gold pcn knife and chain to the grooms mother necklace After tthc luncheon the bride Illld groom opened somc very pretty and useful wedding gifts The bride was pretlily dressed in pale blue and for going away lshe chose very pretty brown dress with hat to match and brown muskrat coat Amid showers of confetti and good wishes the couple left on short honeymoon to southern points On their return they will PlCKERINGFLEMING quiet but lovely wedding was solemnized ntthe United Church parsonagcAclon when John Bev erley Pickering BA was united ithhc bonds of holy matrimony to Miss Alberta Betty Fleming Toronto Rev Louis Pickering father Vof the groom officiating The bride was very charmingly attired in white wool gown with long pink gloves pink hat and veil and wore corsage ofpink carnations and orange blossoms She was attended by Miss Shirley Ratcliffe of Toronto former school mate who wore pink gown pink hat with pale blue Your Vhancls speak for you by lack and by p0 low and plaque Which We younger brother Louis Picker The meeting was addressed by vened in September were bou ht mg of Victoria UniversalV T0 With comfortable As lcc Jht ctmsiiwlxerdgmmmug13slciuu9 0m 00 ronto fullness aiidbyi IT Icmliiliinson the rcc greuation md Vitrtaasiar1izom lt7ffitliiweamn supper servV Afton troubled by dislrm of mm torsV warden Lol Lee and Mr of me church ed by Mrs Picketmg mother of these MODS Prepamhon Mom monthly WVMHMI Does Robinson vcrc reclcctcd and Mr The report of the WA ShOWe 19 the groom the bridal party left Jr gt We Is make you 13ch MI 30 WmuSV Warnica was elected deputy wal ceipts of $742 and balance on Immediamy for Toan where muesa cranky weukrrnt Rutll letSV loft and Hawkins was clect mm of $24299 the brides parents held recep 74 for the choir and MVI Pugh exlend Colts the cnvelopc secrcCd vote of thanks tothe chorr for plume andacorsage of piniorosm tary was warmly commended for Inch nveork duringdhe ycar buds andorange blossoms the work as indicated in his rc The very beautiful memorial wm The groom was attended by his latich so keep Vlheir beauty in Vdelicole blpom With CAMluIAuANocVEEAan VV mm uAutacoun too blildings LT and Trail Rangers sh0Wd ac Representatich ofthe following ve and progressiveaepoclsfor the organizations also presented re yemg he reman the sum ports Anglican Advance Appeal Wigollowlnth Hospital LinerrfiWLnt 71W School presentation was Helpers Senior Womens Auxil made to ero faithful memerqf TVFebmary ISll lmy Evening anm Of Auxmary the Staff who have reSlgne Look in Coming Evenls for 1mm Pine Parish VAid Junior Auxiliary Frank Dobson and Mrs AgBell particulars of the ClJzTncclfEGuilleMens Club Jun veryfitting address was read by Grove School ior VGuild Young Peoples As Mrs MaxwellV on behalf of the Miss Norinc Barrett and Miss =bum bleCumpbhndtorclicvesuchsymptoms ElCClOd we 14w mombGFq to the Fund wasread byAVKeICCyV Mr Pickerin 15 student at Innyccanc test it provcdlvory helpful VV Synod Were COI Ice leVl Mrs ErMwen gave an the tario Conee0f Ed VV VVV ct tnwomen trouhlodthm way You ow ll For over 70 years thousandslofgirls and Simpson JV VA HmvkinsV 1th Ian Zlthlelelent report of the womnns and hills parttimegemloxmlnat MOO Mom ltEACHlNE cum Lso nsntiterine dntivclthauusmithing Worlhtrying COL L09 lhrnketl Wright ion exceeded llS objective VYVoVrLge StV eertTl on on immVums mos impur Ntllliltlr you may Inner IAYDIAVE the organist for his work tlllOllgh MrgV Wm Little reported OflVLlle Theybng couple will reiden gtAIDENA con CRAM L75 tunlnrimu llNk llSlAlllPlH WV quIahlldlronr out the year and paid lllblll0 to activmes of the Evening Auxn my VIhe dlsmct of RosedaleV where mun Manon mo way in which hchnrl maintained The 39 Club Mission Bankv CG School lhcntlolry Lydia linkhamachcta Cl vestry clerk WV AV Bens report of the Pension on for the Happy couple Moral HAND0JlVONVlK 125 225 wlllllhhflhtfgflzhrlumliswhatlsknown welsman as an tomato Missionary 50ch Thle organizu Ill waiting Staff of DianaSyveets Davis the sextohleTor his de Marion Jackson gilVe M= pVk th votion to duty and the splendid flirhanciljlsyeport tezihmlg isfavrvntfirtnlegr gm Sofiation War MemorialCommit Sunaaymschggl and Mr5911937 NormaBrigtgsV of Barrie left Barrie John Ambulance Association Girl FGough While four names were John LougheegV and VOrvnlV Flcet tee Trinity Unit of the Red VleVied on behalf Miriam on thir Skis Sunday mOrningViVndV ett Goldes Brownies Wolf Cub Pack added to the Board of Stewards Girls Biblelass Two new membasweArevpdedtg middtsgm mi xylem 77 lders icean spe by wi ormers EA ass aiTlNursmg Diwston St the BoardLE VparemsV ML and Mm Lorne Bar VV WV VV VV First Egnje Scout Troop ChaSV SpearnVVVV Venner rLambert VV VV VV WVV VVV VA VV W1 AUL gWas nominated as trustee ablafrlaithrgghctl cfhgllchurch buildings while the Voccurrence bu probably thelong preSidems 9f organizatmns were here for esttruck hauler poultrywasVmude mmated thercomml recently with the initial shipmeth redecoratmg thechurch Vt dedVVto of 12000 live birds fromJVllanitoultin Avote OftbankSWasxw tlsland out to the NewVEngland Mr and Misheard fl the very states excellent work F9Wigh3f333 Deansv Erhosrsztmrzzzam gt TLYPESTSI K1e Pills to VBaek AiIMEIIlSV dOWS womhddlggtgetsviigahfarl mn rump was mm allhe uniNEEDSI VVVou yV WHEN HE notsm WAlVITTO on row 1V Buckache may be caused by din if yousuerfrom backache Doans 15V mo soonitospeatk of Spring le VV V3 VWWVVE gt 15w Insidney Pills Vingiy b9 helpful to you when snowclouds hapg oenhead ecasofe1r stimulatmgcction There are no rwud binds now to Bah15th natural hulk odd mthelps youkep IVgulathnd ndurinarypussages singki Flam that cumin elimination of wtisteafroin thebody The furclad creatures shivering eastfa dependable and quickacting May sniffVille frosty Vair DoanxbVKidney Pills can used Inuit knowmlg rtoo lat rSVnoth Spring by both young and Vela Buckeye Theyturn to seek llhll lair inllmurmarymima tOO 10 181 of Spring dotailments may be quickly relievdd 1t hme hhilmiprovezrtmtmentfol melQWanm Other Springer It all drug atom can and do remember 400 lM wmmuousm 11an 03 146 Verdun DoansKidny Pillsassistinthe And evmthingrsemgpeadri lVV